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Updated Jan 05
Updated Jan 05

Meet your Posher, Jc

Meet the Posher

US$7 US$999


Not for sale

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Hi! I'm Jc. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Michael Kors, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jgreenec @letshavefun Ok, no worries. I pray a fast recovery.
Dec 04Reply
blackcatmoon Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Dec 27Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Jc. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jan 01Reply
jgreenec @hmsimon1 thanks for sharing. I’m new and learning
Jan 03Reply
jgreenec @blkcatfashions Thank you! Your closet is awesome!
Jan 03Reply
meili_doll 🙋🏻‍♀️Hey! Thank you so much for your purchase! It has been shipped and is currently on its way! Xoxo meili_doll💕
Jan 04Reply
hollysmurray Hi Jc, thanks for liking the earrings, be happy to work with you if you’re interested in purchasing 🌺🌺🌺Holly
Jan 16Reply
dawnrsmiley Thanks for your purchase! I have mailed your scarf. Have a wonderful evening!!
Jan 16Reply
jgreenec @dawnrsmiley thanks. 😉⚜️
Jan 17Reply
stilsonj Hi there! You ordered some PJs from me and I wanted to let you know they will go out Tuesday. We had some inclement weather on Saturday so I couldn’t get to the post office and Monday is a holiday. Just wanted you to know! Thanks!
Jan 21Reply
jgreenec @stilsonj ok...thanks 😉⚜️
Jan 21Reply
leggsleo Thank you for stopping by and sharing my closet. You have some really nice items. Happy Poshing!
Jan 21Reply
jgreenec @leggsleo Thank you. And so do you! 😉⚜️
Jan 21Reply
jgreenec @leggsleo if you like something please bundle. Today is the day for deals. 😉⚜️
Jan 21Reply
ladykrc @jgreenec Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours😘
Jan 22Reply
jgreenec @ladykrc Thank you! Happy poshing 😉⚜️ Btw...lmk if that works for you if not please feel free to make a counteroffer ⚜️
Jan 22Reply
ladykrc @jgreenec Awww your welcome...And thankyou❤️🙏🏻
Jan 23Reply
preppypoppy @jgreenec yes exactly! Just offer the $25 for the bundle and then I will accept it! :)
Jan 28Reply
preppypoppy @jgreenec Do you see the offer button? Someone else created a bundle with two of the four same items. I haven't accepted their $25 because I I know you haven't done this before. Please let me know if you need any further help
Jan 28Reply
preppypoppy Hi! Just saw your question about the detergent! I use three different ones, I believe it was just regular Tide :) so happy it wasn't too overpowering😆😊
Feb 04Reply
jgreenec @preppypoppy Thanks for responding. I use Tide 🤔. Thanks again
Feb 04Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Feb 08Reply
jgreenec @computershoptx Happy FriYay‼️😉⚜️
Feb 08Reply
storytimeretail Thank you for all of the great shares this week! I can barely keep up! Lol. 😂 thanks a million! ✨✨✨✨
Feb 09Reply
jgreenec @jaxmom2015 💥you’re the best💥 Great closet and I’ll keep returning to check out your new listings. 😉⚜️
Feb 09Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for sharing and like.
Feb 09Reply
redchow Hi, Would you like to add a third item to your Bundle (cashmere sweater & pink neon bag) to receive 15% off? Thank you for your Bundle😊
Feb 10Reply
redchow Hi, Thank you for the Like on my Pelletini bag. Have a great afternoon😊
Feb 10Reply
redchow Hi, Just sent you a Bundle Offer. Thank you!😊
Feb 10Reply
jtposhplane Hi Jc Thank you for the like on the Boden dress! Please visit my closet anytime!😊🌸🌸🌸
Feb 16Reply
sophie_kendall ThAnk you for all the shares!! You have a lot of shoes. Nice selection!!
Feb 22Reply
jgreenec @sophie_kendall Thank you. Your closet rocks‼️
Feb 22Reply
maidmarian Thank you! I’m so glad 🥰marian
Feb 22Reply
fleursdenice Thank you for your rating and comment!! I’m happy you’re happy!!! Wishing you a fabulous Sunday! 💐
Mar 03Reply
gregshon Hello There A Hottie You are Come join me in Hawaii I’ll teach you to surf You Teach Me How you Ride Me!!
Mar 06Reply
angiejewelry Still want the TB double T studs? I will accept your offer. Please send again.
Mar 06Reply
jojomall Hello doll, thank you for following me, its an honor. Please pop in and check out my closet, I have many items I think you would love🥰 If you bundle one or more items, I will send you a nice, no obligation, discounted offer. Feel confident in your interactions with me because I am top rated Seller and Posh Ambassador. I also have children's, maternity & men's clothing‼️ Happy Poshing🌈
Mar 08Reply
eclecticplace @jgreenec thank you for liking my rhinestone studded belt🥰
Mar 08Reply
frillyfarm1 Love your closet absolutely beautiful!
Mar 12Reply
jgreenec @angiejewelry thanks for accepting my offer. Love them. And really appreciate you reaching out me again. 😉⚜️
Mar 12Reply
jgreenec @jaybar3 ok thanks. 😉⚜️
Mar 12Reply
jgreenec @frillyfarm1 thanks 😉⚜️
Mar 12Reply
angiejewelry @jgreenec You are welcome. Hope to deal with you again:)
Mar 12Reply
susanah9521 Hi! Feel free to bundle the items you like from my closet. I do consider offers. 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Mar 23Reply
kims_mart The heels are great I’ll take a picture of them.
Mar 24Reply
kims_mart There’s a scrape on the right heel, sorry I can’t sell them like that but I’ be adding more heel and clothes to my closet. Thanks for liking and sharing my closet. Quick question how can list my closet in upcoming parties?
Mar 24Reply
leesposhcloset Jc, so pleased you like the Paris shirt. Hope you wear it in many happy times.😎
Mar 26Reply
nkassie Thanks for sharing! :)
Apr 02Reply
mcbendit Thanks for the follow and shares! 💕
Apr 04Reply
minnie200074 Thank you for the welcome and the offer. Happy poshing!
Apr 05Reply
elliegreen84 Thank you very much as well for stopping by my closet and all your sharing! Happy Poshing and Spring 💐🌷😊
Apr 10Reply
michellemcco265 Hi I see that you have like the Saint John 2 piece skirt set and pink Cashmere sweater and coach tennis shoes I can do all 3 for 375 if you'd like
Apr 12Reply
midoa Thank u JC for the shares! Everything is 20% off today, I sent u an offer and a discounted shipping on the top that u liked. Feel free to add more items all in one shipping if you’re interested. Happy poshing 🤗🤗
Apr 14Reply
cngcloset So many pretty dresses in your closet! It’s fabulous!😍
Apr 16Reply
jgreenec @cngcloset Thanks and backatcha 😉⚜️❣️
Apr 16Reply
pattycakes732 Hi You said to ask any questions as a new poster. I'm a bit confused. When someone says they have 1 thing in their bundle. What do you do? I thought a bundle was more than 1 thing and then you offer a discount. But what do you do if only 1 thing is in the bundle? Thanks for the help
Apr 18Reply
qwilly Thanks for the welcome and offer for assistance. Please tell me what app you use to make your memes. Is it hard to do? Please help me with this. Thanks!
Apr 18Reply
jgreenec @qwilly Hi. Are you referring to my profile pic or something else 🤔
Apr 18Reply
jgreen0722 Hello Jc, l just posted two new pics of the earrings next to and on a quarter. Hope that helps. Thanks !
Apr 19Reply
jgreen0722 HiJc, just got a new pic done on the earrings. Hope that helps. 🙏🌸
Apr 19Reply
debbiesilva31 Hi Jc Thank you so much for all your shares 🥰 You my friend have a fabulous fashionable closet. 🛍 I am fairly new to Poshmark and I am ❤️ing it. Have a blessed weekend and again thank you 😍 Cheers to us & Poshmark 🥂🥂🥂 Debbie
Apr 19Reply
jgreen0722 Hello, just wanted to let you know the Sam B Hoops are about the same weight as any Serling hoop. The internal liner is very then and light weight.. The liner is soldered in after the earring is cast,so it needs to be light weight to go in and be soldered. I have made sterling jewelry they may have a different procedure in mass production. But how l was taught to make it was to cut or stamp it out of a thin plate of silver that has to bend into earring. Then soldered in place.Thanks JG
Apr 19Reply
tris1957 Hi the infinity cross is sold...i thought i had another
Apr 22Reply
tris1957 Hi jc, i sold out this weekend...i may have more in the bank box in m8ch..we are in daughters sending me stuff, a bit at a time, ive got a fractured back..n youngest is getting married memorial day weekend!..ughhh...but if u really want 1..put this 1 in a bundle with a note!..that way i can remember who asked for
Apr 22Reply
tris1957 Ps...that is the sell/like it price 99.00
Apr 22Reply
curatedcolexion Hi there! Thank you for browsing my collection! I noticed you liked one of my favorite listings! I slipped you a delicious offer on it. Feel free to throw more of your likes in a bundle and save even more! If you have any questions, I am happy to help answer them so shoot me a message! Happy Poshing! 💕 Sue
Apr 25Reply
leitiques Welcome to my Poshmark closet and if you find items you like make a bundle and get a discount on shipping and the items. Wait for me to send you an offer for shipping. Thank you for the positive comment on my closet.
Apr 30Reply
flossieland Thank you for the shares!
May 02Reply
jgreenec @1llmatic Thanks for the Posh ♥️‼️. No problem...😉⚜️
May 03Reply
cmcevers Hi there: I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET sale that ends tonight at midnight. 🌸 If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount. ❤️Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
May 05Reply
luisanyc826 Hi, you were one of the few Poshers that welcomed me and said if I had any questions , feel free to ask :). I just want to know when you started selling in the beginning was it hard to make sales ?
May 06Reply
luisanyc826 @jgreenec thank you :)
May 06Reply
luisanyc826 You have gorgeous items as well!!
May 06Reply
moesig 💚Hi! Thanks so much for the posh love!!💜 Please feel free to check out my closet and make an offer on any likes and bundle to save even more! Take advantage of my spring cleaning sales 2/$$ deals!! Thanks for stopping by! If u have any questions let me know and I'll do my best to help!Thanks wish u many sales💚
May 07Reply
jgreenec @alfredascott Thanks ❣️
May 07Reply
mrsgordon2u Thanks for the love. I see that you like a few items in my closet. I give discounts on bundles.
May 07Reply
tchaz2002 Hi Jc and thanks so much for the shares and Happy Poshing! 🌿🌸🌿
May 09Reply
crpumpkin02 Thank Yo for the Welcome my name is Carol, I will be checking out your closet
May 12Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 13Reply
sebrinas_spot Hello. Thankyou for the like on the pink vest. Great piece for spring. It's so cute. 💕
May 13Reply
nermsthekitty Thanks for all the shares💗👛👠🌸🛍
May 18Reply
jgreenec @connie_posh Thanks. Blessings ❣️. I share share share. Much posh 💕
May 23Reply
denimmunkies @jgreenec hey ty so much for checking out our closet. i have 100+ lba & raised a few fashionista's so our closet is more 6 in one! We list wkly 3/4 x's offer only the very best NWT New & Laundered & lightly worn with care items We ship same day Offer Combined Shipping for more then one item! Offer 15%off bundling Offer a private discount on top of that For bund of 3+ Jewelry & Swim are Fixed Price 27$ are as marked FINAL MARKDOWNS Offer sent on you liked item Always w/🎁
May 25Reply
karaskloset1 Thanks for the shares! Yay!
May 28Reply
kims_mart Hi JC, I need help I bought a new phone and now I can't see my listing. What do I need to do?
May 30Reply
sheliafinn01 THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL RATING...and feel free to tell your friends about me......for more great items and more great deals😊😊😊
May 31Reply
jgreenec @sheliafinn01 definitely and please Reciprocate ❣️
May 31Reply
merri895 Hi thanks for following & the shares much appreciated 💕😊
Jun 02Reply
terrelllinley Thank ya for the sharing 💃🏾 Blessings to ya poshing🕺🏽
Jun 12Reply
jgreenec @terrelllinley No... thank you! I like your closet. You are a snazzy dresser. Thanks for the Posh ❤️
Jun 12Reply
terrelllinley @jgreenec . Awwwwh! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. Much Respect. Inspiring 🙌🏾
Jun 12Reply
acespm4me Hi JC! Thank you for visiting my closet and for all of the Shares from my closet. I truly appreciate it. Have a great day!!
Jun 13Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Jun 14Reply
cngcloset Hey there. Make me a counter offer in the M Kors dress😉.
Jun 17Reply
bethyyye hi i saw youre a poshmark ambassador! I’m new to poshmark. any advice on gaining followers? I’m really hoping to make my first sale soon but I’ve been struggling to get any interest on my items for sale!
Jul 02Reply
bethyyye wow thank you so much for all the shares💕💕
Jul 02Reply
annual315 Thank you for the shares!
Jul 02Reply
templevation Hi! I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your business and to give you first dibs on my merchandise! I’m having a 1/2 Off sale when you bundle 2or more items! It’s 50% Off the total PRICE 🥳Plus message me and let me know you’re a repeat😉 I’ll be adding the rest of the week too! Happy 4th🎉
Jul 04Reply
katacow Just stopping by to show your closet some love! Good luck with your sales and have a great weekend!
Jul 05Reply
denimmunkies @jgreenec 👗👠💋Hey ty so much for checking out our trendy 7n1 closet! We never turn any fair offer away (Fair to my poshers & our kiddo's) Miss Me Rock Revival's ALL SIZE'S American Eagle Torrid Abercrombie & Fitch Maurices 7FAM Hudsons Big Star Lane Bryant Size 00-Plus Size 28W We offer only the best NWT/NWOT/ lightly worn Pro Laundered Jewelery & Swim/Fixed Price 28$ Clearance/Final Markdown Combine ship Same Day Ship Special 🎁 Incl
Jul 08Reply
4betterguds @jgreenec Hi JC, thank you for the likes! I do appreciate it. You have a beautiful closet. I wish for your success to continue to grow. 🤞💵💛 Nicole
Jul 10Reply
jgreenec @4betterguds Thanks ❣️and back at ya‼️😉
Jul 10Reply
4betterguds @jgreenec appreciate it 💗
Jul 10Reply
artistinspired Hi Jc - Thanks for your welcome! I appreciate it and your offer to help!🧡😊
Jul 17Reply
artistinspired Hi Jc - Thanks for sharing my listings! 🌷🌺
Jul 17Reply
kmac2026 Thank you so very much for sharing my listings this evening.❤️😇Bless You for your kindness! I’m new on PoshMark
Jul 22Reply
jgreenec @kmac2026 Beautiful closet ‼️. Enjoy this addictive place.
Jul 22Reply
kmac2026 @jgreenec Thank You! It is addictive & I love sharing other peoples items & seeing them sell. I pray that I will do well! This is a new journey for me.🙏😇❤️
Jul 22Reply
tris1957 Hi girl..this tiffany cross was sold...running a sale, have 1 cross left right now
Aug 12Reply
bertads Hello welcome to poshmark 👚👙👕👞👛👖👜👠👔
Aug 15Reply
cben17 Hope you have a great day! 🙂☀️
Aug 15Reply
jgreenec @cben17 thanks. You too‼️😊
Aug 15Reply
bertads @jgreenec thanks you too 🌺😘
Aug 16Reply
oscarsgirl @jgreenec Thank you for your purchase!!
Aug 21Reply
letsmakeadeal80 Good evening 🌆, Thanks for stopping by my page 🤩 Please bundle your likes so we can make a deal.
Aug 22Reply
letsmakeadeal80 Thank you for your help I appreciate it 😃
Aug 23Reply
chloeandsam Hi JC. Thank you for your help offer. I have someone that made an offer and she bundled the items and I made her an offer. She then added a third item and the only way I can make a new offer is to cancel the offer on the two and start over but I can’t find the way to cancel that offer. No cancel offer anywhere. Can you help with that?? Thanks so much!
Aug 23Reply
tris1957 Hi jc, u r shopping in the sold section of my closet...i just sold my last daughters sending me more tiffany...but i never kno what...comes from 30 yrs of sell on M...snd i pass the sav8ng on as they only chg me 10%
Aug 30Reply
gloriadelc123 JC: Thanks for sharing some of the listings from my closet. Let me know if you like something. G
Oct 06Reply
nacardesigns Grateful ! It's nice to know that you can count on someone to help you with any questions that arise along the way. Nice day !!!
Oct 19Reply
jgreenec @nacardesigns as much as I can. Thanks 😊
Oct 19Reply
researched Hi, thanks for the welcome! I have a question. If a posher makes a bundle from my closet, how does that work?
Nov 01Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Nov 02Reply
classy2lady Thank you for following and reaching out!! Much appreciated! Will definitely stay tuned to your closet as I love many of the same brands. Happy Poshing!
Nov 02Reply
jgreenec @classy2lady thanks 😊
Nov 02Reply
blessedbargin Check out my boutique for luxury handbags and more!! Thank you so much:)
Nov 14Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Jc, Thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋 We hope you have many sales and find tons of bargains!📈 Happy Posh'ing!🌹 Have a blessed day & peace be with you! 🙏☮️❤️
Nov 14Reply
jgreenec @lakedwellerhb Thanks and back at ya‼️😉⚜️
Nov 14Reply
amyj619 You've got a beautiful closet, you should be very proud.
Nov 16Reply
jgreenec @amyj619 thanks 😉⚜️
Nov 16Reply
aquiredforyou Thank you for all the shares!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day & a happy & blessed Thanksgiving 😁😁😁😁
Nov 26Reply
bluridge52 hi jc i wanted to thankyou for sharing a couple of my items and also to tell you i love your logo. how the hell did u do that very kool
Nov 28Reply
jgreenec @bluridge52 thanks 😊
Nov 28Reply
josephineskinne Hi and thank you for making an offer on a blouse in my closet. I hope you’re okay with my counter. Have a lovely day and happy holidays. 🌷🥰
Dec 02Reply
josephineskinne Hi there Jc the crinkle button down blouse has been mailed to you. Thank you for your order and have a lovely day 🌷
Dec 03Reply
fredafashion Thanks for sharing my closet!
Dec 04Reply
7chakraalchemy Thanks for the warm welcome and also sharing my closet.
Dec 06Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great Holiday! Thank you, George
Dec 25Reply
digitalsandy Hi Jc, love, love your high-end Closet. Just shared some hand-picked listings to my 41K followers and hope someone's sincere interest presents itself. BTW, I see you like the fab faux fur Leopard coat in my closet. If truly interested, I will be happy to come to terms on it. Sending Posh Love❣
Dec 27Reply
aquiredforyou Hi!!! Thanks for visiting my closet!!!!! If I can help you with anything just let me lnow😁. I love to give discounts on bundles❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 06Reply
healingbeauty Hello🌷 Thank you so much for your shares and your like 💜💚💙
Jan 11Reply
healingbeauty I'm raising money to pay for healthcare that I need 💚🌿 All support, love, blessings, and kind purchases are deeply appreciated 🙌🏽 Thank you so much for visiting!! Wishing you a New Year filled with Promise and Beauty katheryn
Jan 11Reply
blingbling474 Please accept your kate spade blazer. Hope you love it
Jan 17Reply
blreibman1948 Hi~ Please see two new photos of jade earrings next to a dime. They are smaller than a dime but a substantial size to be noticeable.!
Jan 24Reply
weavinggems TYVM for sharing and following my closet. Best of wishes to you. 😊
Feb 06Reply
helenlarsono9 hi JC.I was wondering if you could help me with something.I bought a gym top from a seller that was listed as a women's large.She informed me ut was a men's small,which I really appreciate. I checked the comparison and men's small is a women's medium,which I told her.She was extremely nice but told me to cancel the order because she can't on her end.I really don't know how to do that as I have been pushing for only a few months.I tryed and can't seem to find info on this.😬
Feb 07Reply
rucare Thank you, thank you for sharing my closet and for following me. Thanks again, and happy Poshing!
Feb 13Reply
aysha_h Hey girl! I’m selling a super similar pair of cognac chelsea boots to the ones you liked except mine cost less! I’m also going to make you an offer: if you send me any offer on these boots I will immediately accept and ship them out same day! Have a great day ❣️
May 07Reply
rocgreenovation Hi JC ~ Thank you so much for visiting our P💚SH closet of unique treasures and all the continuous shares, we really appreciate your support! We like bundling and reasonable offers too! Love that we can browse so many unique closets and help each other at the same time. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and REL💚E
May 30Reply
luluslatenight Hi! I love Michael Kors too. I’ve shared a few. I’m growing my closet this weekend so some share love would be greatly appreciated. 💜💜💜🥰
Oct 09Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Nov 02Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 22Reply
bella335 Hey there! You are an ambassador? I’m literally just getting started again. I have a lot to learn! Hopefully I can get guidance from you and others. Is this how to message you for advice? Thanks so much!
Feb 28Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 04Reply
thillbill I have a extra large long black jacket and a bracelet set with the same Saint symbol that your using
Mar 04Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 21Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Apr 18Reply
nereichek I just got a message from Poshmark saying the dress might be delivered a little late due to the mail! I hope he gets there today or tomorrow. I’m so sorry for this delay. I hope you understand. Once again thank you so much for shopping with me. Nancy
Jun 18Reply
nereichek Your dress has been delivered. I hope it’s perfect! Please except and please enjoy. Thank you so much for shopping with me. Nancy
Jun 21Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jul 10Reply
kristinlekki Thx for the shares sweetie an Posh Love ❤️
Jul 16Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Jul 23Reply
brash_fash 🖤🖤 THX FOR SHARING 😍😍
Dec 10Reply
jgreenec @alyrak_com thanks ☺️
Dec 11Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊   I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry   Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 09Reply
1taylorgordon Hi JC. I don’t quite know how I stumbled across your profile, but I’m so glad 😀 I did. It’s kismet! I live to love ❤️, inspire 🌟 and empower 🦾 others. I am absolutely thrilled 🥰 to come across someone who appears to want the same things. I’m fairly new & in 🇨🇦, so can’t get into your closet; only your profile. Sending you TONS of positive vibes! May the Goddesses bless & protect you. ♥️🤗🥰💋. Cheers 🥂, Taylor
Feb 15Reply
jgreenec @1taylorgordon Wow! ☺️ Thanks for the beautiful words‼️ Welcome and much success as a new Posher❣️
Feb 15Reply
1taylorgordon @jgreenec Back atcha!!! ♥️🤗🥰💋. Taylor
Feb 16Reply
cutehosiery @jgreenec Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 11Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 15Reply
rwbmom Feel free to bundle the 2 pair of earrings you liked and I can lower the price. Thanks for looking. I really want to pass items along to those who will use them.
Aug 16Reply
aquiredforyou Hi!!! Thank you for visiting my closet!!! And for following too!!! If you would like to bundle the blankets I will send you a discounted price 😁😁😁. Hope you have a blessed and restful night!!!
Oct 04Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 
Dec 16Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy New Year 🥳!! May 2025 be your best year yet! 💎
Jan 14Reply

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Last Active: Mar 28

Hilton Head Island, SC
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Last Active: Mar 28

Hilton Head Island, SC
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