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Updated Dec 03
Updated Dec 03

Meet your Posher, Jean

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jeannie. I enjoy helping others to find fashions they love at affordable prices. My closet is stocked with many brand new items, and other items in like-new pre-owned condition. I am particular about what I wear, and therefore make sure everything in my closet is in excellent shape! Some of my favorite brands are Chico’s, Ann Taylor, Dennis Basso, Isaac Mizrahi, and Jones New York. I hope you enjoy browsing my closet. I’d love your comments and want to visit your closet, too!
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designerbeb Hi and welcome to Poshmark... thanks for stopping by my closet and taking a look.. 🌺
Nov 08Reply
maier40 Can’t wait to see your closet Thanks for visiting me
Nov 09Reply
princessgammy Jean. I can't tell you how happy I am about that Blazer. Its so needs some love. I'll have it on its way to you tomorrow. Many thanks. Cindy 💙⚘💙⚘💙
Nov 09Reply
topaz_treasures @princessgammy it’s really lovely. I’m hoping I’ll get some wear out of it. Who knows, maybe it will become a signature piece! ( I know what it’s like to be in LOVE with a jacket and buy it, only to have it decorate your closet untouched for several years! LOL. )
Nov 09Reply
princessgammy @jj343 it is the only thing in my whole life I've ever had made for me .... happy it will get some love
Nov 09Reply
princessgammy @jj343 I'm so happy you're happy. And I hope I have redeemed myself. Thank you so much. Cindy💙🌼💙
Nov 17Reply
heartsdesirejms Thank you for following my closet. I am sharing some of your listings now. Have a great evening.
Sep 29Reply
topaz_treasures @heartsdesirejms Thanks for the shares. I truly appreciate it. I try to return all shares ASAP, usually within a couple hours. Please share anytime! Thanks for following my closet.
Sep 29Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet 💜🤟🏻❤️. Happy weekend and poshing 💜🤟🏻❤️
Sep 30Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😚💕💗💕💔💔💔💕💞💗💕💖💖💗💕💔💔💔💕💕💔💕💟💖
Oct 02Reply
topaz_treasures @debsdesigndealz Thank you so much. I’m really excited to be growing my Poshmark business and making contact with some lovely women. 🌸🌸🌸
Oct 02Reply
topaz_treasures @showme_chic I was waiting for you to receive this order. I realized this morning that I made mixed up (reverses) the labels on two boxes. I am so very sorry and feel terrible about it. I have already contacted customer service and I am waiting for their response. If you’re ok sitting tight until I hear back from them, I will know better how to proceed.
Oct 04Reply
nanavic185 I just received another email saying they cannot respond to the problem because they are busy with PoshFest.
Oct 07Reply
sallydoll88 Hi! Thank you for sharing! 😊🌸
Oct 10Reply
topaz_treasures @just1closet Wow, that is so kind of you. I really appreciate you taking a moment to let me know that you like my closet! Visit again. I add new items daily. 🌼🌸🌼🌺
Oct 17Reply
topaz_treasures @just1closet So very much appreciate the mentions in FB and Instagram!!!
Oct 17Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in. Its the best time of the year to Posh in your Pjs. Stay Warm and Cozy ❤
Nov 08Reply
nanavic185 Thanks for all of the shares😊 Hope you have a great week & stay warm😊
Nov 12Reply
topaz_treasures @nanavic185 oh, you are very welcome. Hope you make some good sales this week. We had our first good snow, and more on the way. Ugh!
Nov 12Reply
moonstruck8275 Hi Jeannie! I'm back home for a bit. We spent nearly a month in NY with our kids, 2 yr old grandson and little brother who is now a month old. Going back in 3 weeks for the birth of our granddaughter! Noticed you visited my closet. Nice to see a familiar face and name! I need to "winterize" some of my listings. Change out sandals for boots! How have you been?
Nov 15Reply
topaz_treasures @moonstruck8275 Diane, So nice to get your note! What a blessing to get to spend time with your family and have another grandchild on the way in a couple weeks!!! I’m very happy for you, my friend. I just started Poshing with some degree of seriousness in September. My daughter and son-in-law live in Germany, so I’m working on my travel money. I only have 2 grandchildren (4 and 6) and they live sooooo far away. 🙁 I’m hoping to travel to see them in the spring.
Nov 15Reply
topaz_treasures Please keep in touch!
Nov 15Reply
moonstruck8275 Just heading to watch some of my favorite shows... but before I do.......Germany! Oh, wow! So NYC sounds close doesn't it? All things are relative I guess. When we "gave our children wings" little did we know..... I can certainly relate to your situation and I hope you have many sales for travel money. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. My sales were at a standstill before we left. Maybe things will pick up before we leave again. We will talk later.....
Nov 15Reply
jweezi24 Thanks for sharing my host pick tonight! I hope you check out the rest of my Closet💕🛍
Nov 17Reply
topaz_treasures @jgeyer0612 My pleasure! Stop by my closet, too. Hope you make some sales tonight! Jeannie 🌸
Nov 17Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to Stop By me. 🎀
Nov 27Reply
chicha78 @topaz_treasures Thank you so much for the shares💝
Dec 06Reply
chicha78 @highfashnz Merry Christmas! God bless you❤
Dec 06Reply
topaz_treasures @chicha78 Hi Marty. I enjoyed sharing from your lovely closet, and will do so again soon. 🌺 I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas Season as well.
Dec 06Reply
chicha78 @topaz_treasures Thank you so much again! Yes lets keep sharing and making a difference🎁Merry Christmas and may you have a very prosperous New Year in every area of your life to you and yours💕Marty💝
Dec 06Reply
sparklessoboutq thanks for the shares! have a good night! 💕
Dec 08Reply
topaz_treasures @sparklessoboutq Thank you as well. What a lovely closet you have. I’ll definitely visit again. My only two grandchildren live in Europe and I’m currently saving for a trip to see them. It’s hard to have discipline and not shop, shop, shop! LOL. So many great items! Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend. Happy Holidays.
Dec 08Reply
more_and_more Hi Jeannie. I marked some items as “Likes”. I will go back tomorrow and bundle. ❤️
Dec 14Reply
topaz_treasures @more_and_more Have a restful night!
Dec 14Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Wishing you a very Happy Happy New Year 🤶 very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Posh Love ❄ Get in your it's cold outside. A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. Any items LESS than $15 are 3 for $20.Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Holiday Season filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄⛄Sale ends 1/5/2020
Jan 02Reply
more_and_more I love your closet! There are so many pretty clothes, necklaces, etc. I always find something new when I stop by and visit. ❤️😘
Jan 17Reply
debbieheim71 Cute closet. Shared 15 for u🥰
Jan 25Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet ! I hope you have a great afternoon and successful Poshing!😊
Jan 26Reply
cutt3470 Thanks for following me
Feb 20Reply
nanavic185 Hi - I’m glad you’re back. Posh didn’t seem right without you! Praying you & your family are well🌸
Mar 17Reply
topaz_treasures @nanavic185 Thank you. Just returned from visiting my parents in Phoenix. My dad is recovering from pneumonia. Crazy what is going on right now. Didn’t really want to fly yesterday, but didn’t want to get stuck there either. I’m going to stay put now and pray life returns to normal quickly. I hope you and your family are well.
Mar 18Reply
nanavic185 @topaz_treasures Sorry to hear about your father’s pneumonia. I’m sure you have been worried about him & then flying with all of the COVID 19 issues. Hope you can rest up & take care of yourself now that you are back home. I’ll be praying for you & your family🙏❤️
Mar 18Reply
more_and_more You have a beautiful closet and the prices are awesome! I don’t know how you can price your items so low with the 20% Poshmark fee. Well, I’m glad you can. I’ve purchased from you and I hope more buyers will head your way, visit your closet, and make purchases too!!! ❤️🥰😘
Mar 27Reply
topaz_treasures @more_and_more Hi Jocelyn. Sorry I haven’t shared for a while. Had been on a couple days f trips planned before this virus thing really blew up. My dad had been ill with pneumonia, and I stayed with him for a week. Since then, I haven’t been on Posh much. Doesn’t seem like many people are shopping due to the economic uncertainty and stress. I am preoccupied as well.
Mar 27Reply
topaz_treasures @more_and_more Thanks for your encouraging comments about my closet. I have to rethink some things going forward. Having low prices does not necessarily translate to more sales. Seems like the people flourishing on Posh have a large social media network. I don’t, and not really interested in that. Any ideas from your perspective? Hope you and your loved ones are all well. Jeannie
Mar 27Reply
more_and_more @topaz_treasures I agree. The economy is uncertain (not a lot of sales on my end) and we don’t know when our “current” norm will go back to our “normal” norm. Our current norm has a lot of people feeling anxious. I know my anxiety level has increased during all of this. I’m sorry that your dad was sick. I hope he’s feeling better. Are you preoccupied because you can’t see your dad and you can’t travel to Germany to see your daughter?
Mar 27Reply
more_and_more @topaz_treasures I have to rethink my strategy as well. I don’t do social media. I don’t even have a Facebook account, but I might have to start one. My family has been trying to get me to start a business page (I don’t know what it’s really called) on Facebook since I started on Poshmark last year. I might have to do that. It just seems so overwhelming. I told my husband I just need someone to set up Facebook for me, show me what to do, and I’ll take it over from there.
Mar 27Reply
more_and_more @topaz_treasures Please stay safe! ❤️
Mar 27Reply
topaz_treasures @more_and_more I’m preoccupied watching the news, cleaning more than usual, figuring out meals from what I already have at home and trying not to go out. My state is on “lockdown” and I have been self-isolating because I flew through airports in Detroit, Phoenix, LA, Minneapolis, and Kalamazoo within the last couple weeks. I’m done with that next Tuesday. Haven’t been out of the house since the 17h of March!
Mar 27Reply
topaz_treasures @more_and_more It’s just day to day. Somehow working my Poshmark business doesn’t seem so important right now. I’m sure that will end up to my detriment. I need to get back on it!!!
Mar 27Reply
more_and_more @topaz_treasures Yes you do!!! If you can’t do anything else, at least share items from your closet to your followers (self share). I will share your closet too. Please no share backs. Take care! 💕
Mar 27Reply
bellabellamia Hi I’m Interested in a few of your items. Please get back to me if you’re interested in selling them.
Apr 16Reply
lucy13closet Hi Jeannie, thank you so much for rating me a 5⭐and for your sweet note, im happy you loved everythig i sent you! Have a bless day!👜💄
Apr 26Reply
damiangonzal471 @topaz_treasures you are absolutely gorgeous 😍😍😊
Apr 10Reply
topaz_treasures @damiangonzal471 LOL, Have a fun and Posh weekend, friend!
Apr 10Reply
damiangonzal471 @topaz_treasures I wanna talk to you though :(
Apr 10Reply
topaz_treasures @damiangonzal471 Posh is not a chat room, but I wish you well.
Apr 10Reply
damiangonzal471 @topaz_treasures you could give me your number or something 🙂
Apr 10Reply
frockhocker Hi Jeannie! Shipped your jacket today! Wanted to let you know Houndstooth alert! There’s a cute one in various sizes over at @belanblue. I think I got her name right. Looks very nice. 🌺🌸
Apr 13Reply
frockhocker Here is the houndstooth purveyor 💃
Apr 13Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Sep 18Reply
atl14420 @topaz_treasures BUY 1 GET 1 FREE SALE🎈🎈⭐️Items UNDER $10 🎈⭐️🎈15% Off 2+ items⭐️🎈⭐️🎈Offers Accepted❤️🤩🎈🤩Stop by and Save🌸😊🤩 Sending you Much Posh Love 🥳🎈❤️ ❤️
Feb 27Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷
Apr 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Apr 23Reply
moscow26 You can have for $15 😉
Jan 31Reply
moscow26 Hi. Saw your LIKES! Make me an offer and we will work something out ❤️
Jan 31Reply
topaz_treasures @moscow26 I would rather have you propose something. I don’t presume to know your cost basis for these items, and I truly don’t expect you to lose money on them. Maybe we could just consider the sweater and split on shipping, depending how much you can offer it for. I don’t think I can send you photos of the jacket without opening a case, but wish you could see it.
Jan 31Reply
moscow26 @topaz_treasures I have no issue either way!! Either open a case and return BOTH or make an offer on something you like and I will either accept or counter😊LMk
Jan 31Reply
mothermaria @topaz_treasures hi. I am going to purchase something. Want to make sure that you are available to ship. Your posh shoes inactivity for 5 days. I am currently locked in a sale with another seller who has not been on since May 4 and my money and item is tied up. Thanks
May 13Reply
mothermaria @topaz_treasures hi. I purchased your black cold shoulder top yesterday. Hoping that you will be able to ship it reasonably soon. Thanks very much
May 14Reply

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Last Active: Mar 21

Plainwell, MI
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Last Active: Mar 21

Plainwell, MI
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