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Updated Jun 08
Updated Jun 08

Meet your Posher, Jeanne

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Hi! I'm Jeanne. I am a Posh Ambassador. I love fashion and putting together outfits. I also love getting a great deal and passing on great deals to others. I list almost everyday to keep things fresh. Thanks for stopping by! Come again soon!
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

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the_violet_fox_ Hello!😊Ty for all your shares.🌹Much appreciated.🙏Beautiful closet. I love your pictures & layouts. This is a fun community to buy & sell. Wishes you many happy sales & buys.🎉🛍🎈Happy poshing! Best,-Sandra Posh Ambassador @stcloset🌸
Oct 02Reply
jkgod393441 @cainrita thanks to you too! I was really wanting to sell a bunch this weekend but its still young. Here's hoping. Have a great weekend!
Oct 13Reply
heatherpurpl3 Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I’m very grateful 😁! I hope your sales accelerate! Many thanks, again xx 💖💝💕
Oct 21Reply
jkgod393441 @heatherpurpl3 no problem! I enjoy sharing.😃
Oct 21Reply
babybird2 I love the sweater, thank you! 🌷
Oct 31Reply
jkgod393441 @babybird2 thank you for telling me. I’m so glad you love it.😁
Oct 31Reply
patrickms Hi ! Please visit my cliset when you get a chance and let me know if you find anything ! Happy Poshing !!!
Nov 04Reply
dawnfilipic Thank you so much for the shares!♡
Nov 07Reply
jkgod393441 @dawnfilipic thanks to you too 😊
Nov 07Reply
r10penny4 Thank you for sharing my listing. Really trying to get my first sale!
Nov 07Reply
jkgod393441 @r10penny4 no problem. I like to help out those with only a few listings. Keep liking and sharing. Also go to the find people tab and follow a bunch of new people. It might help.😃
Nov 07Reply
r10penny4 @jkgod393441 Thank you so much for the advice. Means a lot. Been trying really hard to get my first sale. Also I think it is very nice u help people with trying to get their first sale. Thank you again!
Nov 07Reply
kfab333 @jkgod393441 Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Nov 09Reply
121lisamarie Howdy neighbor...well not exactly but close😂😂I’m from Corning NY maybe an hour or so south of you😊Thanks for all the shares and have a great weekend 👋👋
Nov 10Reply
jkgod393441 @121lisamarie yeah you to. Thanks for the shout out and all the shares. I hope you get tons of sales. Mine have been slow today.
Nov 10Reply
121lisamarie @jkgod393441 I think it’s tough this time of year in general with ppl getting their finances in order for the holidays! Fingers crossed it’ll pick up 💕
Nov 10Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 14Reply
jkgod393441 @spreadlove hi Melissa! Thanks for stopping by. I’m happy to share back and forth with you. 😃
Nov 14Reply
jbabygirl09 Thanks for all the shares 😘
Nov 17Reply
jkgod393441 @jbabygirl09 let’s just hope for a lot of sales right. 😁
Nov 17Reply
kashakittie Thank you for sharing my closet!
Nov 24Reply
jkgod393441 @karen7070 I noticed that you like 2 pairs of jeans in my closet. If you bundle them I can make you a good offer. Have an awesome weekend.
Dec 07Reply
wigator1975 Thanks for the shares ❤ I love your cover photo!!
Dec 13Reply
jkgod393441 @wigator1975 anytime! It’s a funny story. He flew into our back yard in the city. He was so beautiful!
Dec 13Reply
jkgod393441 @shopmnstyles hi Brandi. I sent out your jeans this morning but just realized I sent you the wrong ones. Can you please reject the package when it gets to you and I will ship the correct ones to you. I’m so sorry for the mixup.
Dec 15Reply
shopmnstyles @jkgod393441 no biggie! It happens! :) I'll be sure to send them back. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time.
Dec 15Reply
jkgod393441 @shopmnstyles thanks so much for understanding. I only realized it because I was sharing my closet and saw the jeans I shipped out this morning not sold. As soon as I get them back I will ship out the right ones.
Dec 15Reply
jkgod393441 I just got back the jeans. Thanks so much for sending them back so quickly. Are you still interested in buying the other ones. If so let me know I will put the listing back up again. I will be doing it anyway but I will do it right away if you want them. Have a great week.
Dec 25Reply
jkgod393441 @lanalovecloset good evening. I ordered a little pink kitty costume last night and noticed you haven’t shipped it yet. Can you please ship ASAP. I need it for saturday. Thanks
Jan 09Reply
lanalovecloset @jkgod393441 hi! Yes it’s already packaged and I was planning on shipping it out tomorrow morning.
Jan 09Reply
jkgod393441 @lanalovecloset thanks I just wanted to be sure.
Jan 09Reply
arielshawn Love your closet! Feel free to take a look at my listings and shoot me an offer!! 💁‍♀️
Jan 10Reply
lanalovecloset @jkgod393441 hi Jeanne, wondering if you received your package yet?
Jan 11Reply
jkgod393441 @lanalovecloset I got the email that it was here but haven’t checked the mailbox
Jan 11Reply
truesue777 Thanks for the share!
Jan 18Reply
1centwiz Hey girl, Thanks for the shares! 🎉🎊👍🏻🛍 join my PFF list and grow your marketing base with us! Cheers, T😎
Jan 19Reply
jkgod393441 @tsahawk I shipped out your coat today! I just want you to know that I double bagged your item because it’s very wet here with snow and rain and didn’t want your coat to get wet if the box got wet. Thanks
Jan 23Reply
sdoherty20 Thank you for the shares! 👏🏻🙏🏼
Jan 31Reply
mjackman983 @jkgod393441 thanks for following me and sharing the hoodie 😊
Feb 06Reply
jkgod393441 @covintage aww! Thanks so much!
Feb 08Reply
danasdoings 💍 Thank you so much for the follow and share💍
Feb 22Reply
jkgod393441 @aleshakenny you had ordered a blazer from me at the end of January and just received it back in my mail for insufficient address. Can you update your address for me so I can re ship it. Thanks.
Feb 24Reply
aleshakenny @jkgod393441 ok thank you... I don’t know why Poshmark suddenly changed my original address. I used receive packages without a problem and then all of a sudden things started being return with insufficient address and I never changed anything. My address is: 689 86th Street Brooklyn NY 11228. Also, can you remind me of which blazer it is, thanks again
Feb 24Reply
jkgod393441 @aleshakenny it’s a wool Pendleton salmon colored blazer. I will try to reprint your shipping label and see if it matches.
Feb 24Reply
jkgod393441 @aleshakenny you can also look at your purchases it was on 1/24/2019
Feb 24Reply
jkgod393441 @aleshakenny I’m so sorry it didn’t work out. It’s so frustrating when things get messed up. I haven’t gotten an email from poshmark in months. I checked my info and it’s all right but nothing.
Feb 25Reply
aleshakenny @jkgod393441 you sent the blazer?
Feb 27Reply
jkgod393441 @aleshakenny no you cancelled. They never sent me a new shipping label anyway.
Feb 27Reply
amber2286 Congrats on the Deals day Win!! You are now rewarded with posh money in your account. So, I’m running a special for all winners for HALF off my entire closet for the next week. Please just bundle your likes and send me the code word “WINNER” to receive your own special offer ❤️❤️❤️ Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself today! You deserve it!!! Happy Poshing 💗💕💞💗💖❣️💗
Feb 27Reply
jkgod393441 @amber2286 thanks so much! I will be sure to check it out.
Feb 27Reply
lovedbyrach Congratulations on winning "Make A Deal Days"! Feel free to check out my closet anytime 💞😊
Feb 27Reply
jkgod393441 @lovedbyrach thanks so much! I will look!
Feb 27Reply
littlebithad12 Hi! What an amazingly beautiful peacock!
Mar 07Reply
jkgod393441 @littlebithad12 thanks! It’s not a peacock. It’s a wild pheasant. He ended up in my backyard one day. You should see the golden peacock. It’s like god put gold leaf all over him.
Mar 07Reply
littlebithad12 @jkgod393441. That's amazing! I've never seen one like him and I've never seen a golden peacock, either. I want peacocks, but my neighbor has dogs he lets run. They killed all 21 of my chickens one day and until the fence is up, I'm afraid to get any more!
Mar 07Reply
jkgod393441 @littlebithad12 sorry golden pheasant. I know I thought he was exotic. Someone’s pet. I even posted it on Facebook in case. I guess he is the peacock of North America.
Mar 07Reply
jkgod393441 @littlebithad12 good call on the fence. If it’s not dogs it’s foxes or hawks or bears. My sister in law has chickens.
Mar 07Reply
littlebithad12 @jkgod393441. I never really had any problem with the hawks, the eagle, or bear...skunks and racoons at night, yes, but I'd always locked them up. My nice neighbors had exotic chickens and the dogs got in their yard and killed them, too!
Mar 07Reply
jkgod393441 @littlebithad12 that’s so frustrating! People just don’t take responsibility for their animals anymore.
Mar 07Reply
littlebithad12 @jkgod393441. True. We cut back the blackberries and opened a path into the property and of course three days later, another one of their dogs showed up! After he growled at my renter, I called animal control.
Mar 07Reply
jkgod393441 @littlebithad12 you know what they say about fences and neighbors. There is a reason they say that.
Mar 07Reply
littlebithad12 @jkgod393441. Sad, but true!
Mar 07Reply
sedimentarybear @jkgod393441 Thank you so much for all the shares! 🎉 I wish you success and quick sales!💰💵
Mar 08Reply
jkgod393441 @scientistcindy thanks so much for your purchase! I will ship out your boots tomorrow.
Mar 08Reply
jkgod393441 @rafaelorta I am sorry you were not 100% satisfied with your order. Can you please let me know how I can improve?
Mar 08Reply
rafaelorta @jkgod393441 xl fit like a medium/large .. Other then that great looking shirt
Mar 09Reply
jkgod393441 @rafaelorta ok thanks for letting me know.
Mar 09Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Jeanne! Nice to meet you. I’m Kim. Thanks for following me😘😘Happy Poshing🥰
Mar 10Reply
cbednarek22 Very cute closet!!
Mar 12Reply
jkgod393441 @cbednarek22 thanks you too!
Mar 12Reply
rj1391 Thanks for the shares.
Mar 15Reply
jkgod393441 @beachtera I am so embarrassed about those boots. I pulled them out of my own closet because I haven’t worn them at all this winter and forgot that my daughter filled them with rocks and stuff the winter before. I was able to get most of it out then but meant to vacuum them out and forgot all about it. I want to offer you 50% off any purchase in my closet even bundles. Please accept my apologies. Thank you.
Mar 17Reply
beachtera @jkgod393441 I am glad that you explained it to me. I went to try them on and that’s when I found them full of rocks and I think something else. No biggie thanks for the apology. I appreciate you offering me that discount too.
Mar 18Reply
jkgod393441 @beachtera thanks for understanding. If you find something you like bundle it and remind me of my offer and I will honor it. Have a good night.
Mar 18Reply
beachtera @jkgod393441 thank you and good night! Xo
Mar 18Reply
jkgod393441 @dsg15 Hi Debra. I’m sorry that the pants I sold you were not as you had hoped. I didn’t realize that they had any issue with cleanliness. Again I am so sorry.
Apr 12Reply
dsg15 Covered in glitter and lint
Apr 13Reply
jkgod393441 @dsg15 I’m sorry!😐 I did lint roll it before I sent it out and maybe those glitter thank you cards weren’t such a good idea. Thanks for the feedback. Have an awesome day!
Apr 14Reply
mariva931 @jkgod393441 Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 😘😘 Have a great and blessed week.
Apr 23Reply
jkgod393441 @angieoggsmith Hi Angie. I’m so sorry we couldn’t come to an agreement about the Jeans. I had your offer and another at the same time and meant to accept yours and counter theirs and got mixed up. If you want to offer $20 again I will accept it. If not I understand.
Apr 29Reply
fanniepackboi Going through your closet with you would be so much fun... the dresses are too cute.
May 01Reply
jkgod393441 @fanniepackboi thanks so much! I love dresses but people don’t wear them much. I have a bunch more to list just been out of routine.
May 01Reply
fanniepackboi @jkgod393441 dresses can make anyone feel good about themselves... tight, short, and some high heels💁🙌🙌
May 01Reply
jkgod393441 @fanniepackboi they are so feminine and easy. If you are interested in any of them make me an offer! I also love a great scarf.
May 01Reply
fanniepackboi @jkgod393441 more skin showing not less lol
May 01Reply
jkgod393441 @fanniepackboi right! You don’t have to show everything to feel beautiful and sexy. People miss making their inner person beautiful and focus on makeup and clothes.
May 01Reply
fanniepackboi @jkgod393441 agreed, but nothing wrong with a nice view.
May 01Reply
jkgod393441 @fanniepackboi yes but I think we should leave something to the imagination too.😂
May 01Reply
nancyeeg Hi And Welcome To Poshmark ⭐ Feel free to check out my closet as there are many deals you may be interested in! Other than that enjoy your day 😎
May 11Reply
ladykrc @jkgod393441 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 18Reply
jadayposhmark Thanks for the offer. My daughter has grown so much I think it won't fit. Super cute though.
May 22Reply
jkgod393441 @jadayposhmark thanks so much for the interest in my closet! Little kids clothes are so cute!
May 22Reply
somanyclosets Thank you! Got you rt back!! Sending you good wishes!! Happy to share more...
May 23Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💖💕💕💔💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💔💔
May 25Reply
jkgod393441 @grovers I am so sorry you aren’t happy with your shoes. I went back and checked my messages and don’t see anything from you. Is there something wrong with them?
May 30Reply
grovers Yeah, I know I’m an 81/2 and they say they are, but wow, they are tight! B
May 31Reply
jkgod393441 @grovers that’s very frustrating 😕 I’m so sorry the don’t fit. I can’t give you a return you have to open a case through Poshmark. That’s their policy. Unfortunately they don’t authorize returns for fit issues. I think the only thing you can do is resell them and get your money back that way. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
May 31Reply
reniebye Thank you for sharing my closet!!
Jun 05Reply
vintage_country @jkgod393441 Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the shares. 💃💞
Jul 01Reply
jkgod393441 @craftyscrpbkr thanks so much for taking the time. Have a great selling week!
Jul 01Reply
jkgod393441 @cdsteph86 hi! I noticed you haven’t shipped the ugg boots yet. I would like them and wanted to let you know that the packaging doesn’t have to be fancy or anything. I don’t much care if the packaging is over the top as long as the item is what it’s supposed to be. Thanks soo much! Have a great day!
Jul 29Reply
cdsteph86 @jkgod393441 I’m so sorry I haven’t shipped those boots yet. My father in law is very sick so I’ve not had a chance to ship them. I will ship them tomorrow and I’m so sorry for the delay.
Aug 06Reply
jkgod393441 @cdsteph86 it’s ok. I don’t mind. Thanks for reaching out.
Aug 06Reply
sevastieshala Hi there! I am new user 🥳 so glad we were able to connect on posh!just wanted to stop by say hi so you can check out my closet 💞💞
Aug 19Reply
gigi11155 I’m having a BOGO FREE SALE on items $12.00 $ below!! Come check it out!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Aug 19Reply
ackermad53 @jkgod393441 Thank you,Jeanne, for your purchase! It is boxed and will be put in the mail tomorrow! 👍🏻🤩✌🏻Denise
Aug 29Reply
jkgod393441 @ackermad53 thanks so much!
Aug 29Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to stop by me 💃
Sep 19Reply
sandycupcake Thank you for visiting my closet. Noticed you liked an item. I am offering likers a buy one get one free on all items under $10. Just bundle your likes and I will send you an offer (there is then an option to accept, counter or decline). Happy Poshing and Happy Holidays, Sandy Offer good till 12/31/19
Dec 12Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE Your closest!! So glad I found you on! Hope you will check out my (3) closets and give them a follow 💕⭐️🛍 🧡@luckijewelsla 🧡@rls3691 (My other 2 closets)
Feb 19Reply
jkgod393441 @schracl you are really busy! I hope you have a great week. I will look at both of them.
Feb 19Reply
darlingem Hey! 👋🏻 I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I hope you will see something you like and if you do just know I take all offers into consideration! Thanks, have a beautiful day. ☀️😁
Mar 18Reply
rolypolystudio Hi! Are you looking for places to source online at thrift store prices? I’m having a huge closet Clearout where over 130 items marked 📦 are 3/$9 or 5/$15, both with reduced shipping! This amounts to ~$4/item! Stay safe and happy Poshing! ♥️
Apr 21Reply
chickyparm1972 Thank you for the follow and shares! I am new here and inspired by Posh Ambassadors like you! 🌸🛍🌞 Happy Poshing!! ~Karen
Jul 19Reply
martinez_margie Hi there, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 💚🌷💚 HAPPY POSHING 💚🌷💚
Jul 21Reply
lightpinkpepper Thank you for the share. ✌❤
Jul 24Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings! 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 02Reply
jkgod393441 @nichailajacques thanks I appreciate it!
Aug 02Reply
vintagewear36 Hi, I hope you are doing. I am just stopping by to let you know that I am having a 50% off sale on selected items in my closet until Sunday 8/16/2020. I am looking to clear out some inventory to add new items so feel free to browse around and if there is something on Sale you would like to purchase just send me the offer with the 50% discount and I will accept. Have a wonderful weekend.🙂
Aug 15Reply
2sandrabe1964 Hello there dear Sis Jeanne, This is Sandra from Southern California, I saw your message to linjess123 on her page and paused for a minute and assumed both of you were JW, I am too! So nice to meet you, I shared a lot of your postings, not that you need the help. Anyways, I thought I'de give you a Hello here..... <3 Agape <3
Feb 19Reply
jkgod393441 @2sandrabe1964 hi! We have friends in SD Cal. It always fun to meet sisters from afar. I hope you and your family are well. These days.
Feb 19Reply
2sandrabe1964 @jkgod393441 We are all fine, we are in the Riverside county, Please, take good care of yourselves also. <3 Sending My Love <3
Feb 19Reply
2sandrabe1964 @jkgod393441 You’re Very Welcome Sweetheart ❤️🤗❤️🌹❤️Agape❤️
Feb 19Reply
onegirlforever Hey Jeanne!
Mar 18Reply
jkgod393441 @onegirlforever hi! Thanks so much for all the shares
Mar 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 23Reply
stanrick_emktpl Super cute closet!
Apr 04Reply
jkgod393441 @stanrick_emktpl thanks so much! I used to sell clothes but I love the history of vintage items and learning new things not just what’s in style today
Apr 04Reply
watsonlilmommy @jkgod393441 Hello how are you check out my page all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set as well
Jul 15Reply
truebluetexan I noticed there are lots of your items saying not for sale, but I clicked on one anyway and it showed a price?
Oct 30Reply
jkgod393441 @truebluetexan that’s weird! I keep all of my items for sale at the top always. Thanks for letting me know.
Oct 30Reply

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Last Active: Mar 03

Canandaigua, NY
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Last Active: Mar 03

Canandaigua, NY
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