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Updated Jun 14
Updated Jun 14

Meet your Posher, Jen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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lightupmycloset Hello! I’m Rosie, Welcome to Poshmark. Where you can find great finds,make some cash, and maybe go broke! Lol Remember to always to follow people and share share share! I’ll Start you off an shared an item of yours! Always be nice & social.😊 Let me know if you have any questions or need help. I’ll be more then willing to help out! Happy Poshing! 💝💕
Jul 03Reply
cricketology I need u to accept order please so I can get my $ ASAP thank you!
Aug 06Reply
foreversunny24 @osumom21 I will as soon as I’m able pick it up tomorrow from my post office
Aug 06Reply
cricketology @ryerye77 ok just checking wth you thank u!
Aug 07Reply
tamaranicklas Hi. Did you see my counter offer?
Aug 10Reply
tamaranicklas Are you still interested in the Brighton necklace/bracelet/earrings set?
Aug 10Reply
tamaranicklas Hi. I’ve received another offer for the Brighton necklace/bracelet/earrings. Did you want this? Please let me know and decline if you don’t want it. Thank you @tamaranicklas
Aug 10Reply
doogie69 Hi I noticed that you bought one of my Brighton necklaces can you tell me exactly which one you're interested in there was three of them and they were 40 each
Aug 14Reply
foreversunny24 @doogie69 please cancel I thought it was for 3 like the pictures
Aug 14Reply
doogie69 @ryerye77 it says it in the comment that they're $40 each but it was already cancelled thank you
Aug 14Reply
cricketology Luv ur stuff❣️
Aug 17Reply
lindaasa15 Hi Jen, Are we allowed to text communicate? I’d like to ask you some Poshmark questions cuz you seem to have some experience I could glean off of. Thanks! 805-218-4308
Aug 17Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, thanks so much for your purchase! I’ll get it out to you right away. I appreciate you shopping my closet, have a great weekend! 💕💕💕
Aug 18Reply
mnakawatase Hi Jen: I wanted to acknowledge your bundle request and thank you. Because both items were recently listed at close to 50% of their original prices, i would like to wait and see if I might be able to get an offer closer to the listed prices or at least at the bundle price without a private discount. I appreciate your interest in my closet. Regards, Marsha
Aug 22Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, Hope you loved your jewelry! Thanks again and please stop by again sometime soon, I’m always adding new goodies! 💗💗💗
Aug 24Reply
klavinio Thank you for your order. I have packages your items and it will go in the mail first thing in the morning. Hope you enjoy them.
Sep 19Reply
ltp12 Hi Jen! Thank you so much for your purchase I will ship tomorrow. Just a reminder, because I accepted a lower offer from you than the offer price, the Brighton dustbag is NOT included. Thank you for your purchase! ♥️
Oct 03Reply
jackiekonechne Thank you for your purchase! I will get it in the mail today 😊💖!
Oct 03Reply
foreversunny24 @ltp12 I know it wasn't included and that's totally fine but please not it was missing the ribbons on one side which might make another buyer upset
Oct 04Reply
ltp12 @ryerye77 Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I didn't realize it was missing and will look for it! 😀
Oct 04Reply
tuckersuki Hi- Sorry for the shipment delay. I am away until tomorrow-I will ship the Brighton earnings when I get home. I see from your closet you are a Brighton dealer or enthusiast !!!
Oct 06Reply
foreversunny24 @tuckersuki ok no problem thanks!
Oct 06Reply
estelleanaya Hello fellow posher I see you like Brighton . I do too but I have decided to sell a big chunk of it. Thank you for purchasing one of the nicest pieces in my collection and for the 5 star rating. Stay blesssed
Oct 07Reply
ltp12 Hello Jen! Thanks for your purchase and rating, and for bringing my attention to the missing ribbon on one of my Brighton dust bags. I strive to be 100% accurate in my listings and I appreciate your help. Have a great day.
Oct 08Reply
xpensiv1 Thank you for the 5 🌟 rating!!! I hope you enjoy the jewelry!!
Oct 10Reply
estelleanaya Jen I am so sorry but you are going to receive your Brighton necklaces but I overlooked the Brighton bracelet can I send it to you without you incurring another shipping charge I will Be glad to put in the shipping to you to make up for my error. The item would go out today with the same tracking number as the necklaces. I did contact posh support .
Oct 24Reply
foreversunny24 @estelleanaya Hi. I know that you aren't allowed to reuse shipping labels. Maybe poshmark can send you a new label. Or maybe you could send it with first class mail so it wouldn't cost as much.
Oct 24Reply
estelleanaya @ryerye77 can I just send it to you personally since I have your address and I pay the shipping regular mail
Oct 24Reply
estelleanaya Jen I’m just going to send you the bracelet I will not put the Poshmark label on it it will be sent to you personally from me so sorry . I put something extra in for my boo boo
Oct 24Reply
tjacks529 Hi Jen, I just wanted to let you know I took your package to the Post office Saturday night, not sure why it hasnt scanned yet, but I will call them tomorrow if it still hasnt gone through.
Oct 30Reply
tjacks529 I just got a notice that the package was received, so its on its way! I hope you love it❤
Oct 30Reply
designersnmore Jen I am packing all your orders I am short one Americana necklace. Do you want another necklace in its place or cancel the order? I have the Bless America necklace which is also Red White and Blue. Let me know what to do. Would cancel the bundle if 4 with the Americana if you prefer. Sorry
Nov 26Reply
foreversunny24 @designersnmore How about you swap it for the Americana bracelet. Thanks
Nov 26Reply
designersnmore @ryerye77 ok will ship today.
Nov 26Reply
designersnmore Wow an hour later still working on all these orders. I am short one heart shaped memento necklace. Do you want another square or a round memento?
Nov 26Reply
kenziesplace Thanks so much for your purchase! I will get your package shipped out for you tomorrow! Have a great day😊
Dec 07Reply
kenziesplace Hi☺ I just shipped your package. Have a great weekend!!!☺
Dec 08Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, Hi Jen, so sorry I can’t go lower than my offer, since there’s so much I’ll have to pay extra shipping, otherwise I would, 😊😊😊
Feb 03Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, thanks so much for your purchase Jen! I think you’ll love everything! I’ll wrap it all up really secure for you and send it out first thing Monday! I appreciate you shopping my closet, have a great weekend! 💕💕💕
Feb 03Reply
foreversunny24 @supercute4u Thanks you too :)
Feb 03Reply
zoeyannturner Great closet of Brighton!! I can see that you’re a big fan like I am 😀
Feb 05Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, Hi Jen! Hope you loved all of your goodies! Thank you so much for your repeat business, I truly appreciate it! Have a great evening! 💗💗💗
Feb 08Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, I have a lot more Brighton items I’ll be letting go of, if you’d like me to tag you when I post, I’d be happy to, 😊
Feb 08Reply
foreversunny24 @supercute4u thank you that would be great!
Feb 08Reply
supercute4u @ryerye77, Sure! 😊
Feb 08Reply
pineapple71 @ryerye77 Thanks for your purchase! I'll be dropping these off at the post office this afternoon!
Feb 13Reply
crazy4adeal Did you receive your order? Let me know what you think 🤔
Feb 21Reply
crazy4adeal Did you like the items you purchased from me?
Feb 25Reply
cmwtx00 Thanks for the purchase! I just added some Brighton earrings so take a look and offer if you’re interested. 😊
Mar 03Reply
cmwtx00 Hi! I noticed your package was delivered- if you can accept it, that would be awesome!! Thanks so much again! 🙂
Mar 06Reply
chelseamarlene9 Hey thank you so much for your purchase! Just wanted to let you know I work all day today but will send it out first thing tomorrow morning!!! Thanks for having patience!!!
Mar 07Reply
chelseamarlene9 @ryerye77 I apologize that it is taking me so long to get his package out to you! I will hopefully have it in the mail for tomorrow or Monday at the absolute LATEST! Again I apologize! And wan to make it up to you! So if you see anything else on my closet that you like just let me know and we can either figure out a discount or even something better! Again so sorry! I’m normally much better at this! But just let me know if you would like anything else and we can figure something out!
Mar 10Reply
chelseamarlene9 @ryerye77 hi there! Just another update I promise I’m normally not this scattered brain. I just don’t have a working printer at my house so I’ve been trying to find time between my job to I somewhere and get the shipping label printed off! It WILL be in the mail tomorrow morning!!! Again I’m so sorry! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you! Thanks for being so patient with me!
Mar 13Reply
chelseamarlene9 @ryerye77 just dropped it off at the UPS store! Again sorry about the wait.
Mar 13Reply
barrerabailey Hi! thank you so much for your brighton bundle purchase! I'm currently at work but I will have them ready and shipped out by my lunch time. I will keep you posted :)
May 29Reply
niiikkkkkkiii Hi! I’m nikki and I am selling Brighton! My grandma is Linda (you’ve bought tons of Brighton from her on Posh) and she lists a lot of Brighton as well, but she is having me do it on my account now so just giving you a heads up! I hope you see some stuff you like. :)
Jul 03Reply
m_trumble Hi! Thank you for your purchase. I’ll will mail out your package in the morning. Thanks again!
Sep 16Reply
susanharkema @ryerye77 Hi Jen: Thanks for your purchase and 5 star rating. I hope you enjoy the beads!
Feb 22Reply
susanharkema Hi Jen: I just posted 5 Brighton charms. Thought you might be interested. Thanks!
Feb 26Reply
stephanie3161 Hi! I have a Brighton necklace on my page feel free to take a look!
Apr 19Reply
pjgile This is ok I sold you the large Brighton Heart necklace and it was delivered 11:30 yesterday at you p.o. box. I would appreciate it if you could accept a d rate the order to release my money so I can buy something I've had my eye on in Poshmark. I'm sure you'll love it, such a statement piece. Tks and watch my closet since I add pieces all the time. Thanks again for accepting your offer! pj
Jun 11Reply
chanelrydel hi! i just wanted to let you know that i dropped your order off at the post office yesterday! i’m not sure why it hasn’t started tracking by now, but i thought i should let you know just in case!
Jul 03Reply
pineapple71 Good Morning! I have some Brighton Bags and 1 Tin available for purchase. You had purchased some from me earlier in the year. Wanted to see if you were interested in more. Thanks!
Aug 24Reply
pineapple71 Oops! That would have been February 2019. ;)
Aug 24Reply
foreversunny24 @pineapple71 yes I am interested. Thanks
Aug 24Reply
pineapple71 @ryerye77 Cool. Only through Posh? I’m open.
Aug 24Reply
foreversunny24 @pineapple71 how many do u have?
Aug 24Reply
pineapple71 @ryerye77 7 bags, 1 tin
Aug 24Reply
foreversunny24 @pineapple71 I think I’m gonna pass but thanks for letting me know
Aug 24Reply
marypjan Thanks for your purchase. I’ll be sure to mail out the Brighton pouches this morning. If you need more let me know. I have plenty more that I plan to post today. Happy Holidays!
Dec 01Reply
foreversunny24 @marypjan please let me know when you list them
Dec 01Reply
marypjan @ryerye77 how many do you need?
Dec 01Reply
marypjan @ryerye77 I’m out running errands now, when I get home later I’ll post more. How many do you need?
Dec 01Reply
foreversunny24 @marypjan I’m not sure lol. I would probably buy all you have if you make a listing for me that would be great. Thanks
Dec 01Reply
marypjan @ryerye77 I just posted 30 Brighton Pouches
Dec 02Reply
marypjan I have 2 more groups I’ll be posting in Poshmark. Total of 20 more
Dec 02Reply
kakapusta @ryerye77 hi! Message me back when you can :)
Jan 23Reply
judishopping Hi Jen.... I just wanted to check in and see if my package to you was delivered yesterday? I hope you enjoy the Beautiful Brighton jewelry! ❤️ ~Judi
Mar 23Reply
judishopping Hi Jen....:) Thank you so much for the 5 Star rating!❤️ I really appreciate that, and hope you enjoy the beautiful Brighton pieces. Stop by my closet again soon!😊
Mar 23Reply
guerrillagirls Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Mar 14Reply

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