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Updated Apr 10
Updated Apr 10

Meet your Posher, Jenifer

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Hi! I'm Jenifer. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

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choochoojewelry Welcome and greetings from Chattanooga, TN. I have been on Poshmark for a little over a year. I love buying as well as selling. Please let me know if I can be of any help. Happy Poshing!
Aug 27Reply
eastwestpeople Welcome to Poshmark! Glad to have you here 🙂
Aug 27Reply
fireball101 Hi I’d like to purchase the Tory Burch sienna booties -will you accept my offer? Thanks Cathy
Dec 06Reply
dmben84 Hi there, I made an offer yesterday which expired and another today? Do we have a deal?
Jan 15Reply
lisagdq Hello, I haven’t received my package. Do you have any information on your side?
May 13Reply
jenchem2000 @lisagdq it looks like it is at the post office in San Juan. It arrived May 4th and maybe tried to be delivered and then sent back to post office. I took a screen shot of the tracking info but don’t know how to attach it. My email is Feel free to send me an email and I will send you the screenshot. Hopefully we can get your package to you quickly.
May 13Reply
lisagdq @jenchem2000 got it! Thank you! :)
May 13Reply
cmcevers Hi there: I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️😀 If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount. ❤️Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
May 14Reply
amysthename Thank you so much for your purchase. They will be dropped in the mail by this afternoon 🥰. Also check out my boutique page @stilewarehouse for some amazing pieces. (I’m running a $25 special right now!) 🎉❤️
May 18Reply
vintiqueflair vintiqueflair Thank you for the follow. Likewise is done! Happy Poshing!
May 31Reply
mimibrenda2011 Love your closet!!!! I bought a t shirt bundle from you, great deal and great items!!!
Jun 05Reply
jenchem2000 @mimibrenda2011 thank you so much! I will be adding more items this weekend so be watching and feel free to share my closet.
Jun 05Reply
jenchem2000 Thank you! Feel free to make another offer on the Dooney purse if you are still interested.
Jun 06Reply
princess_fleur Wow! Thank you for all the Posh love!!! I will definitely reciprocate! 🤗💜⚜️
Jul 06Reply
grammytata2012 Hello fellow Posher. Nice to meet you. I invite you for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience in buying and selling. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 13Reply
chante_allday Thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Aug 13Reply
loreer441 Hi Jenifer welcome to my closet thanks for stopping by If you have questions plz let me know I wish you much success on the app and reasonable offers are welcome.
Aug 14Reply
madblk3 💜I will be humbled if you check out and/or follow my closet😘I do not expect tit for tat🙏🏽nor do I mind following and promoting your efforts💐💐🌸In theory, there should be share🌺, care🌸, and respect🥰 for each others closets💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 23Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to Stop By anytime 💃
Aug 27Reply
kbs_closet609 Hey jenifer! Check out my closet Let me know if you see something you like!
Sep 03Reply
jul62187 Hi😃 Thank you for browsing my page! Is there anything you specifically liked or have questions about? You can make me an offer ! I will most definitely offer low prices and % off discounts for all bundles of more than one item sold!
Sep 11Reply
missymobile Super cute closet!!!
Sep 24Reply
mrsmcshirl Greetings from Greeneville Tennessee! Shirley
Oct 03Reply
lakedwellerhb Hey Jennifer, thanks for following me!👍 I'm Jimbo & my wife is G.🤠🙋 We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer arrived yesterday.😎 Soon we can REALLY get to Posh'ing.😉 I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains.📈 Have a great day!☮️n💗
Oct 09Reply
sammie012777 Hello sweetie I'm not sure if you remember me or not Is it possible for you to save this hat for me till Saturday morning? I will have deposited money into my account to cover this hat The price is awesome🌻🦋🐞
Oct 11Reply
jenchem2000 @sammie012777 i sure do’! I have put the hat on hold for you!
Oct 11Reply
sammie012777 @jenchem2000 thank you sweetie so very much You are very wonderful person I'll be in touch with you to buy the hat tomorrow Have a blessed day
Oct 11Reply
jenchem2000 @sammie012777 thank you!! You too!!
Oct 11Reply
sammie012777 Good morning sweetie just want you to know that I'm going to still buy the hot I'm headed to the bank to make sure the money is there then I'll contact you and you can take it off of reserve for me Thank you again so very much You are the best🤔🦋🐞
Oct 12Reply
jenchem2000 @sammie012777 no problem at all
Oct 12Reply
sammie012777 @jenchem2000 okay sweetie finally through Thank you for everything Looking forward to receiving my fedora🐞🦋🤗
Oct 13Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @jenchem2000 ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Oct 14Reply
sbashley3 Welcome 🙏To posh a great 👍🏿 community 2 become a part of. If you ❤️ Love fashion 👠👗U R in the right place. So let’s go just start clicking through all the beautiful closets. Lots of “oohs 😵"aah's" Yes fascinating remember your in an awesome community ask questions, & be sure 2 share 👏 help 👮‍♂️is always plentiful. A new beginning of meeting neww people 👩‍🦳👨‍🦱 a world of networking & Learning👨🏽‍🎓🎓amoung new friends. So #POSH on👔👞don't forget 2 enjoy the journey LIVE 🌸LAUGH 😃& ENJOY🙏
Oct 15Reply
blessedbargin Thanks for checking out my boutique for luxury handbags and more!! I am open to offers! Have a great day!! 🥰
Nov 16Reply
ekt07 Hey Jennifer, thank you for stopping by and the follow. 😊
Apr 14Reply
merlekb Hello Jenifer, thank you for following my closet. I had a chance to browse and share your closet too. Do hope I get a few shares back. Stay safe and have a great week!
Apr 15Reply
cesmcgill hi there! thanks so much for the follow, i love your closet! i'd love if you checked out my items, i have some great things listed for both men and women. all prices are negotiable, just make an offer! happy poshing :)
May 21Reply
styledbylp Hi! Hope you enjoy sharing your closet and finding new things as well. 💁‍♀️🛍👏
Jun 15Reply
ppp03 Hey there your shoes were sent out this morning due to Thanksgiving things were a little backed up.😊
Nov 30Reply
jenchem2000 @ppp03 No worries at all.....I completely understand.
Nov 30Reply
ppp03 @jenchem2000 thanks they should be to you by Wednesday/ Thursday at the latest. Hope you have a great week.
Nov 30Reply
shopaholic100 @jenchem2000 Hello! Thank you for the follow! TODAY I started in my “It’s a New Year, Let’s Celebrate!” SALE! Every single item is being discounted FOR ALL LIKERS and I’m offering HUGE Bundle Discounts! 💸 🍾 Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🛍 I have some beautiful Tiffany, 💎 Louis Vuitton, 👜 Tory Burch, D’Or Skincare, 💆🏼‍♀️ Jimmy Choo Shoes 👠, Victoria Secret items and much more! 👙 😃
Jan 03Reply
sargebill hey there,thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha
Mar 24Reply
usmcconrads It’s not very often that I find a Jenifer spelled the same way I spell mine. 😎😊. You have a fabulous closet by the way.
Mar 24Reply
jenchem2000 @usmcconrads Thank you! My mom wanted to be different. A very common name with an uncommon spelling is not fun....instead of Jenifer, I feel like my name is J-e-n-i-f-er because I always have to spell it. 😩
Mar 24Reply
usmcconrads @jenchem2000 I hear ya. I always tell people my name is Jen-ifer not Jen-nifer lol. My parents even made my common middle name spelled differently. It’s Nicol. No H or E.
Mar 25Reply
jenchem2000 @usmcconrads me too!!!! Le’ least I know there are other crazy parents out there.
Mar 25Reply
montreasures Quick question, I noticed we both have a little star next to our profile name. I’ve never noticed that before, do you know what it means? I can’t seem to find the answer anywhere. Thanks 🙏
Jul 06Reply
jenchem2000 @montreasures the star means you are a posh ambassador 😎. If you got to your account page and look at your posh stats it will give you the list of what you accomplished to get that status.
Jul 06Reply
jenchem2000 @montreasures so I am changing my initial answer because you’re question made me research it further……I do think it is related to posher stats but honestly am not sure now🤦‍♀️….sorry I couldn’t be more help.
Jul 11Reply
montreasures @jenchem2000 it is for Posh Ambassadors 😄
Jul 11Reply
cutehosiery @jenchem2000 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 07Reply
clothingnmore_ Good afternoon Jenifer🌞 l'm Laura, hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet. If you like something, simply click the "❤" or make an Offer! Bundles of 2 items or more receive 25% off! ☺ Thank you in Advance and Happy Poshing ⚘
Nov 12Reply

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Last Active: Feb 14

Mount Juliet, TN
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Last Active: Feb 14

Mount Juliet, TN
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