Meet your Posher, Jenn
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Buy 5 or more items and I'll give you a 25% discount because I'm looking at get rid of my beautiful pre baby clothes (and other items). I have come to terms that I will not be this size again and want it to go to a loving home. ❤️

🎉Welcome to Poshmark! I’m a Poshmark Ambassador & I’m here to help you! Whether you are here to sell 📦 or just to shop 🛍 some great deals, I’m sure you will love it just as much as I do! If you have any questions now or further along your way, please tag me here, or just stop by my closet & leave a message on any of my listings! I offer 20% off 2+ item bundles! Welcome to the Posh family! ~Jeni
May 22Reply

Hi I sent you have a bundle in your closet. It’s more than five items want to send me an offer?
May 09Reply
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