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Updated Jan 15
Updated Jan 15

Meet your Posher, Jenna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jenna. I recently moved from LA to San Francisco, so you’ll see a lot of things from stores here. Thanks for stopping by!
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shopaholicsss hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Feb 26Reply
shannonkfelton Hi @Jenna684 I bought the green wrap dress. Any chance you can stick it in the mail this week? I need it for a St Patrick's Day event next week. Thanks!
Mar 09Reply
jenna684 @shannonkfelton hi Shannon! Ugh I am so sorry but I am out of town. I can mail it Monday morning- I think it should be there by Thursday. If you want to cancel the order I can do that, too. I am so so sorry! ❤️❤️
Mar 09Reply
shannonkfelton @jenna684 No problem! Thank you!
Mar 14Reply
barriebailey Hello and happy February ☃ I hope you enjoy your Poshmark experience as much as I have 🛍💸🎁 If you have any questions regarding my closet or Posh in general, let me know 👍
Feb 04Reply
aries_boutique Hi Jenna, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to share my listing, so sweet of you! I’ve returned your kindness by following your closet and sharing some of your things with my followers. I love to share! Hope you will do me the courtesy of following my closet in return. Thank you and have a great day!
Nov 20Reply
fleursdenice I have to say hello & compliment! You look like a goddess in that dress! Absolutely Devine❣️✨
Jan 10Reply
fleursdenice Gorgeous closet and covers too! 😍💕✨
Jan 10Reply
purplesky03 Hi! You have a great closet. ❤️your dresses!
Feb 12Reply
lesabennett Hi! Oh my gosh... your photos are so beautiful 🌸🌸💐💐💕 Also love your closet! Happy Poshing😊😊
Mar 13Reply
rondas823 Have to tell you your closet is absolutely gorgeous. I was browsing because my daughter is having my first granddaughter and I was looking for something to wear that was pink.
Apr 03Reply
jenna684 @rondas823 @rondas823 Hi Ronda! Thank you so much! I’m pretty into clothes 🙈 That’s so exciting about your grand daughter- Congratulations! I love the things you liked in my closet- the blush pink lace dress is stunning and would look beautiful. I sent you a better offer price for the 4 items. I can also ship today. If not, no worries and I will tag you if I see something that may work for your pink dress! Xo
Apr 03Reply
rosepetals3 Hey, thank you for the follow✨ I followed you back, since I love your style👠 Wishing you speedy sales and great finds 🛍 Happy Poshing🎉🦄💝🌹
Apr 10Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi! It’s very nice to meet you!!! 💕🤗 I totally love your closet!!! It’s AMAZING! I wish I could buy everything!!! 😂 I will, definitely, be back to shop & share! Thank you for the shares!!!🌸🌺 Sending lots of posh love your way, my friend! God bless! 💖😘
Jul 06Reply
jenna684 @fashionsavy1ny thanks doll! Yes please come back and buy ALL OF IT! 😂 I’m always listing new things, so hope to hear from you again! Love your bags- gorgeous!!
Jul 06Reply
fashionsavy1ny @jenna684 Thank you, my sweet!!! 💕🤗💖😘
Jul 06Reply
roguebanana Beautiful closet!! 💕
Feb 05Reply
fashionsavy1ny Hi, PFF!!! 💕 So nice to hear from you, Jenna! 🤗 I hope you are well!!! 💖😘
Mar 02Reply
jenna684 @fashionsavy1ny Hi Carla! I’m hosting a posh party next week and was looking through your beautiful closet again- excited to select one of your items as a host pick!! 🥰❤️❤️
Mar 02Reply
fashionsavy1ny @jenna684 Oh, wow!!! 🎉💕🎊✨Congratulations on hosting your Posh Party!!!🎉💕🎊✨You will do AMAZING!!!! 💕💕💕💕 Thank you for thinking of me, Jenna!!! 💕🤗 You are the BEST!!!!! 🌸🌺 When is the Posh Party?
Mar 02Reply
jenna684 @fashionsavy1ny aww thank you! It’s next Wed at 12pm- dresses and skirts! 👗👗👗 it’s my first one! 🥰
Mar 02Reply
fashionsavy1ny @jenna684 Yay!!! 💕🎉 So happy for you!!!! 🤗😘Will definitely be there to cheer you on, PFF!!!!!! 💕👗
Mar 02Reply
rainydayparade Oh my goodness, your hair is amazing!!😍 I've always tried to do long hair like that, just never worked. Happy Poshing😊😊
Mar 06Reply
snicolet 🎀💗🥂🍾CONGRATULATIONS on hosting tomorrow's party for Wardrobe Goals. 💖That's exciting!!!!💖 I would love if you would consider an item from my closet as one of your host picks. Please feel free to browse and shop!! HAPPY POSHING!!!🎀💗🥂🍾
Apr 09Reply
savvynycshopper totally obsessed with your style! and your closet!!!
Apr 09Reply
trendyfashions Hi there, been a compliant Posh closet since 2013. Work my butt off. Poshmark Ambassador, 5⭐️ seller. Still no love on a host pick. How do I get a host pick? What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Apr 09Reply
alphonso13 Very nice here.. Beautiful pic s! Wishing you best success here at PM!
Apr 11Reply
4bargainthreads Congrats on hosting! I would be honored if you would consider my compliant closet for a Host Pick! As a party host myself I know it’s a lot of work involved to prepare- so I want to thank you! We all appreciate the time you are spending to do this for us. Thanks and have fun! 🥳
Feb 04Reply
Feb 04Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Look Book Style Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Feb 04Reply
krede715 Gorgeous pictures! You’re so lucky to live in San Francisco! My sister lives there and we love to visit her! Stop by my closet if you need any host picks! I’ve got lots of beautiful items at great prices! Take care and stay well! 🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊🌸🎉🛍🎊
Feb 04Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Feb 04Reply
nicolezafrany Congrats on hosting The Look Book Party! I would love to have you consider an item from my closet as a pick for the Party✨
Feb 04Reply
utreasures @jenna684 Hello Jenna and Congrats to the max on hosting! I would love for your to check out my closet if you get a chance! I have some pretty unique items that you may like for the party tomorrow. Thank you so much!
Feb 04Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s style party! Drop by and check out my look book style!
Feb 05Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Dear Jenna, congratulations on hosting a Look Book Style Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Feb 05Reply
glitznglam8888 Congrats on hosting the Look Book Style party!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Feb 05Reply
flamingo_road Congratulations on hosting the book-style Posh party. I just cohosted my first one and it was a lot of fun. 🎉
Feb 05Reply
luluslatenight Congratulations 🍾on cohosting the Look Book Style Posh Party🥳Can’t wait to party with you. I’m following you🏃🏻‍♀️ (not in a creepy stalker kind of way🤣)and left you some💜share love💜 Please 💜share the love💜 with my PFFs they have awesome closets too.Thanks for considering us for a host pick. @theposhypeacock @ohheyitsray @cuti1959 @missharleyangel @808dragonheart Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I have NEW LISTINGS
Feb 05Reply
ditooshop @jenna684 Congratulations on cohosting today's Look Book party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Feb 05Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳
Feb 05Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Look Book Style Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy New Year!
Feb 05Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Feb 05Reply
michele1084461 @jenna684 🎉Congratulations on co-hosting tonight’s party. If you are still scouting closets for some glamorous shoes, I would love for you to check out my (Posh Compliant) closet for a potential ✨Host Pick✨ Thank You! 😘 @michele1084461
Feb 05Reply
cjnwa Congrats on hosting tonight's Look Book party! Would appreciate if you swing by my closet to check out an potential HPs. Thanks... see you at the party : )
Feb 06Reply
clothes4cancer Hey, Jenna! So glad I came across your closet! I just started an Instagram for mine & am wondering if you have an Insta, too? No worries at all- I just love your closet and figured it couldn’t hurt to ask!
Feb 06Reply
sandycupcake Hey Jenna, big congrats on the Posh Party gig tonight. Hope you get tons of support and sales. I just listed cute Tommy Bahama and a Love Stitch sun dresses, if you are still searching for Host picks.
Feb 06Reply
blissfuldays Hi, congrats on hosting the party! My friend @freebreadfriday is new to Posh and has never had a host pick before! I would be so happy if you considered him. Best of luck tonight and lots of posh love❤️
Feb 06Reply
thatnycloset Congrats on hosting a party 🥳 If you have a chance would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much.
Feb 06Reply
wishuponastyle CONGRATULATIONS on your party‼️🥳💞🎉🎈🌸🤩💖 💫💐🎊❣️🤗 I would greatly appreciate if you would consider featuring my closet @ms_ari for a 💖Host Pick!💖 Sending you lots of love 💓and wishing you a Successful and Spectacular party full of Sales!! 🎉💗🛍💐💚🌼💜🥰🌸✨❣️🛍🌈🌹💙💥🤗🧡💕
Feb 06Reply
czeiss04 Hello there! Good luck on the posh party tonight! 🌸🌼🌺
Feb 06Reply
heyallisonn congratulations on hosting 🦋 can’t wait to party with you. I’d be so honored if you considered my closet for a potential host pick! Have fun 🌸
Feb 06Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Feb 06Reply
acelestialsoul Jenna! 🥳🏆🙏💋❤️Congrats on hosting the Look 👀 Book 📚 party! 🍾🥂😁🌹🏆🤩Please pop on over to my closet and check me out for host 🏆 picks! TYSM 💋👙👕 SEE 💄👗 👠 YOU 👛👖👒 THERE! 🩳🕶 👔👜 Tricia
Feb 06Reply
jsj40 CONGRATS on hosting!! Excited about party tonight🤗💃. If you have time, would you kindly check out my closet as I’d GREATLY appreciate some P😍SH L❤️VE THX so much for your consideration, jill @jsj40
Feb 06Reply
kuffa Congrats on hosting today! Please consider checking out my closet for some vintage Posh Host picks! Cheers
Feb 06Reply
moudgil62 Congrats on hosting tonight! Please consider my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Feb 06Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 ITEMS MUST BE Listed $40 OR LESS;))) Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$ Accepting All Offers Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;))) SALE ENDS Feb 28 2021
Feb 06Reply
cscape9 Thank you and congratulations on hosting tonight‘s party. Please feel free to check out my closet. Again thank you and have a great night
Feb 06Reply
thedealmama woohoo! Congrats on hosting a party! If you are looking for host picks by color, I have nails in every color of the rainbow (and actual rainbows too) 💋
May 17Reply
serori 💚💛💚💛💚💛CONGRATS ON HOSTING!💚💛💚💛💚💛It would be an honor if you have time to check out my closet for a potential host pick.💚💛💚💛💚💛Wishing you lots of luck, speedy sales, and a ton of shares!💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛 Love @serori
May 17Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
May 18Reply
needfulthyngs Hi Jenna! 🎉Congratulations on hosting the Best in Beauty Care & Grooming Posh Party!🎉 I have a few interesting items in the Women’s Bath & Body category and would be grateful if you could consider any of them for a Host Pick. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
May 18Reply
eriicanazzaro congrats on your co host! I hope you have a chance to check out my closet for a potential pick 🙂 thank you!
May 18Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
May 18Reply
nicolereydel1 hi there I'd love to be considered as a host pick up today's party thanks in advance for your consideration congratulations on your party
May 18Reply
anchor75 Hi Jenna, love your closet! Go ‘Noles 😉!! I’d appreciate any shares, thanks! 🙏⚓️
Jul 16Reply

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San Francisco, CA
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Last Active: 8 hours ago

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