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Updated Apr 04
Updated Apr 04

Meet your Posher, Jenna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jenna. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jdizzle99 likes this
mbrobst97 Hi there. I see your offer. However, I am out of town right now. And I would not be able to ship until next week. I’m so sorry, I meant to put my vacation hold on my page. If your able to wait until then, I can accept your offer when I return and can ship it out the same day, if your still interested. I can message you when I get back. Just let me know what you would like to do. Thanks so much
Dec 31Reply
queenibejenna @mbrobst97 that sounds great I'll wait for u to ship it put my baby wont be here til March so I got some time. Thanks again.
Dec 31Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna ok great. I’ll message you when I get back and I’ll accept your offer then. Talk to ya soon. Happy New Year 😊😘
Dec 31Reply
queenibejenna @mbrobst97 ok thanks and happy new year to u also.
Dec 31Reply
queenibejenna Do u know when you'll be back in town with the bag. I forgot all about it and spent the money I had put away for it. I donno if u can hold it for a few more days until I can get some more money into the account bc it's my debit card and I dont want it to overdraft my account.
Jan 04Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna I’m back now. I was just getting ready to message you. I’m sorry , I just seen your message from 2 days ago. But I’m ready when u r. Thanks so much
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna @mbrobst97 I'm tring to get ahold of my mom to see if she can transfer the money into my account so I can get it quicker. Does it have the changing pad in it still??
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna And I cant seem to find the post now to send her the pics of it can u send me a few please
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna Nm I found it! But do u have the changing pad in it still??
Jan 06Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna actually there’s no changing pad in it. I used it as an overnight bag. It didn’t come with one when I bought it. I’m sorry.
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna @mbrobst97 well my mom could care less about the baby so I gotta try to figure something else out. I'll let u no as soon as I can get the 20 I get paid Friday at the latest but I'll let u no as soon as I get it . . .I work thru out the week so maybe I'll make it before then.
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna I really appreciate u holding it for me thow helps alot . I'm taking some things back Tom just so I can get to geisinger for an appointmmet.
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna I got 20 into my account so u can except my offer. Shipping is included in the price right. When will u be able to ship it and will u have a tracking number for me?? I've never used this cute before so I'm not exactly sure how all this works.
Jan 06Reply
queenibejenna Found out its 6.95 4 shipping that's fine ..the monies in there . .please send as soon as u can and please let me know the tracking info . ..thanks again
Jan 07Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna hi there. I just seen your messages and offer. For some reason, they didn’t show up in my inbox. Not sure what’s going on with that. But anyways. I accepted the offer and I will ship out tomorrow morning. Once the post office scans it in, the tracking info will post and you will be able to see the info. And all of this info will be under the purchases field on your Poshmark page. Just let me know if you have any more questions. And thank you very much for your purchase 😘
Jan 08Reply
queenibejenna @mbrobst97 thanks so much and yeah I figured it all out. I appreciate everything and cant wait to pack all her things into it so we r hospital ready. I got 2 emails from poshmark today explaining everything, so now I'm just waiting on the tracking number. Thanks again Jenna
Jan 08Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna ok great! Thanks again and it will be on its way tomorrow. 😘
Jan 08Reply
queenibejenna @mbrobst97 awesome sorry again for all the hassel like I said u were my first ever purchase on poshmark so I appreciate all ur help and assistance. I'm a total guess freak so this diaper bag will go perfect with any of my 86 guess bags I already have. So excited!! Just gotta find a changing pad to put in it!!! Thanks again.
Jan 08Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna no worries at all. 😊 that’s what I’m here for. And I know what you mean about the 86 guess bags. Lol. I have so much stuff. Omg!! I’m getting ready to post a lot of stuff , so definitely check my closet again. You may find some more stuff that you can’t live without. Lol 😍 have a great evening! 😘
Jan 08Reply
mbrobst97 @queenibejenna good morning. Just wanted to let you know that I just dropped ur package off at the post office. So it’s on its way. Just keep checking for the tracking info. It should update soon. Thanks and have a blessed day 😘
Jan 08Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna Hi Jenna, if you want the diaper bag, I decreased, made you an offer and free shipping, if that works for you. Free gift too 🦋🦋
Feb 17Reply
queenibejenna @iheart1290 this will be my third one just like it I appreciate the offer but I got both my others for 20 bucks. If u can get me there its sold and one was new w tags the other was in perfect condition and I need the insulated pockets for my pumped milk so still debating if this one is even right for me. Can u post a pic of the ripped pocket for me to see it better
Feb 17Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna I thought the pic was listed, let me check and I’ll add you a pic of it, I can get close to 20, someone else has it in their bundle and is also interested.
Feb 17Reply
queenibejenna @iheart1290 I understand totally if u can get more out of it then do that if not I'm here
Feb 17Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna 1/2 Jenna I added another picture, the foil on the bag side is intact, it’s torn like 25 -30% missing torn on the outer part of pockets on each side, the insulation is still intact not torn, it’s just the foil covering, of the pockets it that makes sense.
Feb 17Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna 2/2 I hope you can see the pic, it’s not as light as the others, it’s pretty dark and rainy today, lighting not so good. Let me check with my other buyer and see if she’s going to buy, if not and you want it, I’ll sell it to you for 20. thanks, Edie
Feb 17Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna ok Jenna, the other buyer says go ahead and sell it, so I will reduce it for you if you want it. If you want to just send me an offer for $20 I’ll accept, do you have a baby or one on the way? And the Gender? I’ll send you a free gift too if you decide to take it, just let me know. Edie 🦋
Feb 17Reply
queenibejenna @iheart1290 I cant get it til Friday when I get paid so hold off til then and yes my 2nd is on the way shes female and her name is gonna be Miela Maree . .shes due March 7th. So excited I have an 11 yr old boy rn named Cannon. So w her I got my million dollar family. And I want the free shipping and 20 for the bag of we can work that for Friday.
Feb 17Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna 1/2 Congratulations Jenna, that’s awesome I have 3 boys (all grown now, but I’m raising 2 of my grandsons) I always wanted a little girl. Later I had a step daughter which was a blessing. Granddaughters too, so got my girls, lol. About the diaper bag I can do reduced shipping 4.99 . Free shipping (as the seller has to pay) will bring it down to making less than $10 (it isn’t mine so she wanted at least 15 for it) Poshmark fees kill us.
Feb 18Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna 2/2 can hold for you till Friday and I’ll add you something else I think you will like to make up for the shipping. I will temporarily raise the price so if you want it just let me know and I’ll lower it back down when you get ready Friday. Will that work for you?
Feb 18Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna not sure if you saw, but I also have a brand new one listed. It’s not a big brand, just wanted you to know though.
Feb 18Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna and on the new one I can do 20 with FREE shipping.
Feb 18Reply
queenibejenna @iheart1290 nope guess is all I carry thanks thow
Feb 18Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna yes they are made well. Did you want me to hold it for you till Friday? let me know and I’ll put it not for sale til you get ready.
Feb 18Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna Jenna, did you want the Guess bag today? I’ll hold if you need me too.
Feb 22Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna you baby and your sons names are so awesome. I just love the name Cannon for a boy too. I haven’t heard that anywhere before, I like unique names.
Feb 22Reply
queenibejenna @iheart1290 me also and I figured Miela (me la) went perfect with it . .out shopping today so I'll check in on the offer afterwards.
Feb 22Reply
iheart1290 @queenibejenna I sent you a message on your bundle, let me know what you think?
Feb 24Reply
banafashion Hi 👋 I hope you are well and enjoying the poshmark experience!!😍😘🥰❤️🌸just wanted to invite you check out my closet ! I believe I have some items you might be interested in !!! Have a great day 😻💃🥳
Dec 25Reply

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Last Active: Jan 25

Williamsport, PA
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Last Active: Jan 25

Williamsport, PA
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