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Updated Dec 11
Updated Dec 11

Meet your Posher, Jennifer

Meet the Posher



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My name is Jennifer, and I Posh in New York City. I am currently the self-appointed mentor for student Poshers at Borough of Manhattan Community College. If you are studying at BMCC and need help getting your closet going, get in touch! Unlike most Poshers, low offers don't upset me. I don't always accept, but ask for what you want - you never know! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @aelaleaposh is where I share your listings and spread the word about Posh parties. See you there!
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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echodeco I'm terrified of insects too! Summer is a time of panicky runs from the car to the house for me.
Aug 23Reply
grandmadonna Jennifer, I mailed your package with 2 pairs of shoes that you purchased from me. But I have a feeling that I might have sent the wrong shoes. Please let me know, if I blew it and I'll try to figure out what I did wrong and fix it!
Oct 10Reply
grandmadonna Jennifer, your package has been at the post office for 3 days, waiting for you to pick it up. Yhe post office said that there was no secure place to leave it. But, I DID SEND 1 wrong pair of shoes. For some reason, I sent the Lucky Brands sliippers. Not sure how I did it, but I did! If you want to return them to me, I'll pay to ship them back. Or if you want to keep them instead of the SAS loafers, that will be fine. The slippers were priced higher than the shoes.
Oct 16Reply
aelalea @@grandmadonna Hi - sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you! I have been working non-stop, and I haven't had a chance to go to the post office. I'll go this morning. About the shoes: I do really want the SAS loafers! It seems like a big hassle to process a return and start over, though. Will you hold them for me until I figure out what to do? Thanks!
Oct 17Reply
grandmadonna @aelalea send me your address and I'll get the SAS shoes in the mail to you today! Since it's my fault, just keep the slippers!!!! Again, I apologize for my stupid mistake! Donna
Oct 17Reply
aelalea @grandmadonna That's so kind of you! If you look in your email, you'll be able to find my address on the original shipping label. Before you do that though, let me look around your closet and see if there are other items I might want. If I purchase something else, you could put them together. I'll message you in a minute...
Oct 17Reply
grandmadonna Found your address. I'll wait to hear from you but I'll have them ready to go!!! Thank you for understanding!!
Oct 17Reply
grandmadonna Do you want me to go ahead and ship the shoes today?
Oct 17Reply
aelalea @grandmadonna Yes, please. I feel bad about you paying for shipping, though. If there's anything in my closet you want to trade for, let me know, okay? Thanks!
Oct 17Reply
grandmadonna Not a problem,,,my mistake!! I just listed a few more things, if you want to take a quick gander!
Oct 17Reply
grandmadonna Here is the tracking number: 9405803699300092243293
Oct 17Reply
wenrella LOL, sooo funny 😆😆I'm posting your party on Instagram, I hope I have your information correct? Find me on Instagram, it's easy : @wenrella just like all my social media ( including FB & Tweet. )
Oct 18Reply
janimack7 Hello, Jennifer!👋🏼 My name is Jan! it is really good to meet you!🌹
Oct 27Reply
wenrella I love your posh pix. ( the blue design ) where's it from? It looks familiar? Love from Wenrella ⭕️❌✌🏽️
Oct 29Reply
loopholer I was about to say the same thing. It's sacred geometry, right?
Feb 21Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Congratulations on being in the new boutique section on Poshmark!
Mar 05Reply
aelalea @goodchic Thank you! I was shocked when I scrolled through and saw my closet was there. But very excited, too. 💙
Mar 05Reply
foxievintagela Fabulous closet.
Mar 17Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx nice to meet you
Jun 26Reply
sagebazaar Not annoyed at all! So happy to see another woman trying to help another woman out with her business! I appreciate it so much! Just went in a re read all the rules and guidelines!!! Thanks a million! 💓💓💓
Jul 15Reply
aelalea @loveshayda You are very welcome! Your closet looks great, and you've got momentum. Posh really is a place where everyone wants success for their fellow Poshers. You'll find lots of support here! I'll share your closet this afternoon, too. 💙💙
Jul 15Reply
sagebazaar You rock! Seriously! Awesome and I'll always return shares 😘❤️
Jul 15Reply
maggiemaeloves Your closet is absolutely fantastic. I will be here often to glean from your awesomeness. Oh, and now I am very subconscious of my use of English. 😂 Thank you for the advice and shares. You are a great mentor.
Jul 17Reply
ginger_nj Hello Jennifer.. Your closet is fabulous! Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listings! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 ლ(╹◡╹ლ)Yesenia
Aug 10Reply
dianem1962 Hi Jennifer, I relisted the Dooney key chains, if your still interested, Thanks, Dianem1962
Aug 13Reply
lcw1011 Thank you for the like :) BTW, awesome photos.
Aug 23Reply
aelalea @lcw1011 Thanks! They are regular pics treated with an app. Just for fun! 💙
Aug 23Reply
lcw1011 Looks like fun!
Aug 23Reply
justpeep @aelalea thank you for the posh love of sharing💞 I will keep on sharing yours! 🌺💐🌸
Sep 02Reply
studioitera @aelalea Fabulous Closet and boutique 💕
Sep 03Reply
aelalea @itera49 Thank you! I'm working on it! 💙
Sep 03Reply
swkipfer Thanks so much for the share!!! 💕😊💜
Sep 07Reply
mksimmonsrt Thanks so much for sharing!!
Oct 09Reply
lott10 love your closet
Oct 15Reply
lynemma I am adding some incredible vintage stuff today, hopefully something will work with your party theme. Congratulations.
Nov 01Reply
funkytown444 i like your style, i select to follow, i do we get notification when you get new stuff?
Nov 04Reply
aelalea @funkytown444 Hi! Thank you for asking. The best way to get notifications is to like my posh party notification. After tomorrow's party, that listing will be used to announce new arrivals! 💙
Nov 04Reply
sofisticata Hi 😊 i was wondering how could I host/ be a part of hosting a party? ... Is it any requirements? Or who we talk to? ... I'm new 😜 thank you!
Nov 05Reply
teachme123 Thank you for all of my listings from my closet if you see something you like feel free to put in an offer and thank you have a great day
Dec 05Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks for following me, Jennifer! Greetings from LI
Jan 03Reply
lorac2015 Hi! Visit my closet for Vintage Dooney Bourke and Coach Bags!!!! Happy Poshing!
Jan 18Reply
onlo_boutique Found you! I was following you already 🙊. I'm in Queens, what borough are you in?
Feb 03Reply
melkraut Hi Jennifer, i just placed an order for a cuff - but i accidentally ordered 2! I cancelled one, but please do send the other one asap! Thanks so much!
Feb 17Reply
aelalea @melkraut I saw that and I figured it was a duplication. Thank you for confirming! I'll send 1 (one!) bracelet to you in tomorrow morning's mail. Thank you for shopping my closet! 💙
Feb 17Reply
melkraut @aelalea thank you!!
Feb 17Reply
ldah @aelalea hi😊 this is the lowest price I can offer you... as you know Poshmark takes 20% on top of the 15% bundle discount I offer.
Feb 20Reply
aelalea @ldah hi - oh I totally understand! I always ask for something lower just in case. I'm not trying to make it difficult or disrespect your closet! I sell too, so I know!
Feb 20Reply
ldah @aelalea oh no worries! I do the same thing! I find it hard to make any profit and feel lucky to break even on the wholesale items. Thanks so much for your purchase!! You will love these beautiful hair accessories! I have one of each color for myself😉I'll ship these out tomorrow😊
Feb 21Reply
aelalea @ldah I made the mistake of getting one Colette Malouf hairpin and now I want ALL of them. They are just so cute. Thank you so much! 💕💕
Feb 21Reply
ldah @aelalea Glad you found the package! Thanks for the *****rating😊
Feb 25Reply
aelalea @ldah our mail carrier drives me crazy! He did find it. Thank heavens! I love these hair pins. I'll be back for more when I can afford them!
Feb 25Reply
curlyfry10 @aelalea thank you for sharing one of my items I posted
Feb 25Reply
dressedbygeri Hi Jennifer, it's Geri from IG. What a gorgeous closet you have!! 😍 Thanks again for the Posh love 😁. It's great to meet you 💐
Mar 03Reply
aelalea @posh_geri Love your closet! I post things I love on IG - you are very welcome. 💕💕💕
Mar 03Reply
tlo80 Oh my I didn't do that on purpose my granddaughter was playing with my phone had your page open didn't mean to insult she's pretty smart at what grandma does I'm still looking sooo sorry
Mar 10Reply
aelalea @tlo80 no worries! I'm not offended by low offers, so if you are interested in something, please let me know and I'll give you my best possible price. I have great bundle discounts, too! 💕
Mar 10Reply
krhorer4 I got the purse today and I love it!! Inside was a bracelet of yours. Would you like me to ship it back to you? It is silver with a bunch of ruby red jewels.
Mar 14Reply
aelalea @krhorer4 oh my! That was a gift with purchase - I meant to wrap it in tissue for you. Sorry that was so carelessly done. It was for you! 💕
Mar 14Reply
krhorer4 Awe:) That was sweet!! Thank you!😊
Mar 14Reply
rosieismypuppy 💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. I am Wendy, I would love n opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcomed, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.💝💝
Apr 13Reply
ldah Thank you for your purchase and for being a repeat customer😊 I appreciate that! I can ship this on Monday 🐥🐰🐣💐
Apr 15Reply
aelalea @ldah Thank you! Take your time. I know how busy things can be! 💕💕
Apr 15Reply
aelalea @chula5818 No one ever reads comments over here, either! You can message me here if you would prefer. I am sure you saw someone else is looking at the backpack, but you were the first to inquire about it. I'm curious, what school? 💕
Jun 05Reply
aelalea @chula5818 no problem - take your time! 💕
Jun 05Reply
aelalea @chula5818 It's pretty common for banks to hold up purchases when a person joins Posh. For one thing, the unexpected activity raises a flag - and they get worried about liability. If you call them and explain, it will work out. I had a lady last week with the exact same issue... you aren't the only one! 💕💕
Jun 05Reply
marchild_ja Hi Jennifer, I'm Judy and I just wanted to Thank you for visiting my closet and liking that beautiful pink travel bag from Dooney & Bourke. I'm letting everyone know who liked this bag, that I am dropping the price tomorrow @ 5pm est. If you have any questions about it or anything in my closet please don't hesitate to ask 😍
Aug 11Reply
chellekunes Hey Jen, I got that stuff paid for. Just wanted to let you know. Is there a way to contact you privately? Reason I ask is so that you can help me build my closet. Thanks for any help you can give. I am going to try and figure out how to fave you, cause you have decent stuff!!
Aug 19Reply
aelalea @chellekunes thank you! I will mail your package tomorrow. Find me on Facebook! My username is Jennifer Aelalea Poshmark. I'm happy to help you get started. 💕💕
Aug 19Reply
poshgalkat You found me . 😊
Sep 03Reply
poshgalkat I replied 😊
Sep 05Reply
dymha Hey there doll...called my bank and there has been some suspicious activity so my cards are shut down. I should be up again Monday at the latest. I do want this jacket but with my funds delayed should i cancel the order and then redo the offer Monday? So sorry
Oct 26Reply
aelalea @dymha don’t worry! The sale did not go through, so just resubmit your offer when you are ready. 💕💕
Oct 26Reply
srguerra07 If you don’t mind me asking, how has starting a boutique been for you?
Nov 18Reply
aelalea @srguerra07 I don’t mind! It wasn’t too difficult. I started out buying inventory from the wholesale portal. Then when I started to do well with those items, I got my resale license and started hunting for inventory. It has been fun!
Nov 18Reply
srguerra07 @aelalea well thank you for replying! 😊 I’m going to be starting up my boutique soon and I’m super excited! 💖
Nov 18Reply
hotterfire Thank you for the listing 👍
Feb 01Reply
kiki_g22 Thanks for the closet love! You have great items, love your style :) I'll be sharing your closet quite often!!
Mar 25Reply
aelalea @helloimkristin Love your closet too! Thanks for the Posh love! 💕
Mar 25Reply
rebeccaacross If u would like more pics before I mail please let me know I will be happy to do it. I’m a purse fanatic. I appreciate quality and real materials. This purse is beautiful and honestly looks brand new. The leather is pristine and soft not stiff. My fiancé is making me downsize my purse collection. If I haven’t used it in a year it’s gotta go. I appreciate your business. Rebecca
Apr 15Reply
aelalea @rebeccaacross thanks for offering! I don’t think I need more pics because the comments cover any concerns I might have had. I love this bag and I am so excited to have found it! Thank you! 💕💕
Apr 16Reply
rebeccaacross im excited for you its really a nice peice. I just never use so my loss is your gain. I have it ready to go I will drop it off at the post office on my way to school in the morning. Also just curious how close are you to westchester county in NY?
Apr 16Reply
vintagevibes11 Hi Jennifer! I have a bundle with you that is awaiting shipment. Do you know when you will be able to get it out to me? Thank you :)
Aug 28Reply
aelalea @vintagevibes11 hi! I’m sorry it is taking so long! I had everything ready, but when I checked everything over I saw that the black lace cardigan had a place where the seam was uneven looking. I called my supply guy (who is normally lightning fast) but I don’t have the replacement yet. I’ll let you know the minute I get the new one! 💕
Aug 28Reply
vintagevibes11 @aelalea any updates yet?
Aug 30Reply
aelalea @vintagevibes11 yes! Finally the item will be here tomorrow. I’ll mail your bundle immediately with some FAB extras. Thanks for waiting — you’ve been so understanding. 💕💕💕
Aug 31Reply
vintagevibes11 @aelalea woo hoo, can't wait! Thanks so much! Not a problem :)
Aug 31Reply
aelalea @vintagevibes11 it’s on the way! Thank you so much for being patient! 💕💙🦄💙💕
Sep 01Reply
vintagevibes11 @aelalea Awesome, can't wait!!!
Sep 01Reply
vintagevibes11 @aelalea Hi. I Just received my order after waiting quite awhile. And I'm very disappointed with the cream and black lace kimonos. They look nothing like the pictures, they are way too small, too short and of very low quality. I figured that before I rate this purchase, I was hoping that u would allow a return and refund. The Jean's and velvet coat are great.
Sep 04Reply
aelalea @vintagevibes11 Hi, I’m sorry you don’t like them! I want to make it as easy for you as possible. Keep them regardless - I can send you something (or things) from my closet if you see anything their place. I have two pair of 7FAM jeans in size 30 and a pair of Page jeans in 28 that aren’t listed yet. Or I can send you a money order... thoughts?
Sep 04Reply
vintagevibes11 @aelalea that's nice of you. I'm not a size 30 yet, it's my I'm hoping to fit into those by the end of fall. Let me look around and see if I can find something in your closet for the same price. I appreciate your assistance.
Sep 04Reply
springtime103 Thank you for all your shares 🌸😀🌼
Oct 28Reply
dianeb62 Could you please go ahead and ship my arm warmers? It’s cold here and I need them. It’s been 3 days.... thx!!
Dec 09Reply
gullprint Effin Awesome closet! Love the vibes! Happy poshing
Jan 08Reply
rothacher Good morning I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about being a Poshmark seller
Jan 22Reply
aelalea @rothacher sure! Go ahead!
Jan 22Reply
rothacher @aelalea How long before you started being able to sell your items and about how many items a week are you able to sell and about many hours a day do you work on this sight also is there any tips to be able to sell more items
Jan 22Reply
aelalea @rothacher It is slow going for everyone in the beginning. It will feel like you are working hard and getting nowhere. Once you make your first sale, though, it gets easier. Suggestions: follow people. Self share your items 5 times a day. Finally, shop for yourself, even if you don’t buy.
Jan 22Reply
aelalea @rothacher Once you gain more followers, sales get easier and easier. If I am self sharing, I am selling items every day. If I’m not, it gets slow. But I have a lot of followers... work on self sharing and gaining followers. You asked how many hours a week it takes. Answer: today, hardly any. In the beginning, many! You just have to get followers and self share. I hope that helps!
Jan 22Reply
lostlily Super cute closet!! 🌸
Jan 22Reply
aelalea @lostlily thank you!!! 😍😍😍💕💕💕
Jan 22Reply
rothacher @aelalea thank you for your information 😊
Jan 22Reply
rothacher @lostlily thank you very much there is more to come
Jan 22Reply
cweb2015 Hey!! I’m having a sale buy one get one free. All men’s and women’s sweaters. Shirts. Jackets. Visit my closet!! 😘
Jan 29Reply
zimmerlady Hi Jennifer! I guess you like pearls. I hope you are enjoying the bracelet and necklace. If you like anything in my closet, let me know and I will give you as good a deal as I can. I know you are in school and probably working as well. I just retired from teaching high school English and I also do college guidance so I know it’s not easy. Your closet is great! Enjoy Poshing! Michele
Mar 02Reply
nicolepost3 Hi Jennifer! Can you come up a little for the bracelet?
Apr 06Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💓
Oct 31Reply
luxurythreads Hi Jennifer! Thanks for shopping my closet! I’ll get your ring shipped out this week—you’re going to love it—it’s beautiful! Thanks again! 😊❤️
Nov 03Reply
okiegal58 Hi Jennifer, I finally got to work and printed your label (no computer at home) and I am a little confused. Your info says NY and the label is showing NC?? Did they send me the wrong shipping label for the J.R. enhancer?
Dec 16Reply
aelalea @okiegal58 hi! Thanks for checking. I changed the shipping address to the NC address because that’s where I’m going to be for the next two weeks. Does that make sense?
Dec 16Reply
okiegal58 @aelalea Yes - perfect sense!! Thank you..
Dec 16Reply
okiegal58 I just got a little worried since it wasn't your name either...
Dec 16Reply
aelalea @okiegal58 just my sister’s name so as not to confuse the post office. Plus, she doesn’t know this, but it’s part of her Christmas present. Thank you!
Dec 16Reply
okiegal58 @aelalea Aww you are a great sister! Hope she likes it, but unfortunately I made the card out to you lol... Wishing you a safe journey.
Dec 16Reply
okiegal58 I was wondering when you might accept the order?
Dec 22Reply
aelalea @okiegal58 within the hour! Sorry - we were out of town overnight. We are just a few minutes away from home now and will accept as soon as we get there. Thank you! 💙
Dec 22Reply
bitsys_closetxx Hi Jennifer, thank you so much for stopping by my closet again. I noticed you have a number saved favorites from my Judith Ripka jewelry collection. Feel free to bundle when you’re ready to make a purchase and I can send you an offer. Thank you so much, Bitsy🌸🌺🌸
Jul 18Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon Good evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a Silversmith and many of my items one of the kinds of exclusive Artisan Finds. Also, I have handmade items from other designers as well. Everything in my closet is real and authentic. You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Sep 28Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon Good evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my closet. I'm a Silversmith and many of my items one of the kinds of exclusive Artisan Finds. Also, I have handmade items from other designers as well. Everything in my closet is real and authentic. You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
Sep 28Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 05Reply
idesellenrof Hey there.... so, this is weird, I received an item from you that I didn't order. It's a pair of jeans. I'm not sure how this happened because I checked my account and I have no record of ever ordering them, but here they are. Is there some way I can get these back to you so they can get to the right person?
Jun 29Reply
aelalea @idesellenrof I cannot believe I did this! You ordered the April Spirit top from me, right? I mixed up the packages. I’m so sorry. I’ll contact Posh. They have a procedure for fixing this kind of error. I am very sorry! I’ll get back to you in a few minutes! 💙
Jun 29Reply
cutehosiery @aelalea Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 10Reply
jcjones46 Hello, and thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success, and fun. May the joys of Spring lift your spirit and brighten your day, and may you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart, giving you strength, and bringing you and your family hope, health and happiness every day of the year. Stay safe and God bless. 🙏🌷🌻🌺🌼
May 23Reply
bigfootshoes12 Hi, you made an offer on rings…..make it again and I will accept… missed it
Mar 15Reply

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New York, NY
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Last Active: 13 hours ago

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