Meet your Posher, Jennifer
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Hi! I'm Jennifer I love my profession I've been a high fashion makeup artist for 23 years and love makeup! Chanel, Dior, Guerlain, Charlotte Tilbury, Mac and many others so if your selling pls tag me ... I'm here as a seller but truly am a huge Buyer!!! 😆 pls feel free to ask questions and make offers I will always try my best to give the best price.
I'm also married to a beautiful Brazilian man of 21 years and have 4 children . I am very happy to be here!

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🙋Welcome to Poshmark! 💛 Feel free to tag me @Khattie with any questions you have or listings I can share that you think my followers would enjoy! I love to help new users get started! 😘
In the mean time, make sure you add to your "meet the posher" listing w/ photos and fun info about you. We love to see who we're Poshing with!
Also check out The Posh user forum @official_forum for some great tips! 💁 Don't forget to follow me @Khattie
💕Happy Poshing!!!💕
Jan 24Reply

Thank you so much for leaving me the message and welcoming me. I'm so new to this I'm just trying to maneuver my way around and learn a little bit. Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself and make me feel welcome :)))
Jan 25Reply

Hey girl I shipped out your makeup today! Xoxo hope you enjoy it!
Jan 25Reply

Awesome! Thank you for being so quick cant wait to incorporate that to my 2 hour makeup routine in the morning ;) lol .Cant wait to see more of your items Xo
Jan 25Reply

Hi Jennifer. I seen you was looking at the Lancome Loose Powder. You may want to try E- B a y Shhh ;-) I always look here first. Seems there is a limited amount of Lancome loose powder on Posh. I just purchased the one I always buy at Macys for 38. Lancome Translucence Silky Loose Powder 300 for 28 & free shipping. Just passing it on.
Jan 26Reply

Thank you so much Sweet. I'm looking for that one but in golden ill go head over there now. Such a sweetie for the help Xoxo
Jan 26Reply

Jan 28Reply

@jaso73 Do you ever trade or would you ever? I have never but I would if it were something I really wanted and vice versa!
Jan 30Reply

Sure I would I'm fairly new at this so I don't know how it works but I'm willing to try
Jan 30Reply

Hi it's Leslie Ebert. U bought my sunglasses and case. I wanted to make sure you understand I am away on a trip in Cambodia with limited wi fi. I will return February 20 2016 and will send the sunglasses as soon as I am home. I usually ship right away but because I
am out of the country I can't. Please comment back to let me know u understand. Thanks 😘
Feb 05Reply

Wonderful thank you for reaching out and letting me know :)
Feb 05Reply

Feb 16Reply

@prettynpink209 Hey girl! I love your closet you have awesome little gems for sure!
Feb 16Reply

@jaso73 thank you doll as do you!!! Ever since my attack assult,ive been fully addicted to make up makes me feel better its my addiction lol.but with hubbys cancer ive stopped buying limited edition and sold out items ad much just cant afford to do it as much started swapping here and there and buying a few peices here and there.
Feb 16Reply

@prettynpink209 you are so sweet thank you for taking time to say hello and get to know me a bit.I will pray for your hubby an entire family 4 strength! Stay strong!
Feb 16Reply

@prettynpink209 I lost my 4 year old daughter to cancer she was diagnosed and passed in 5 days so I know what it's like hang in there things will get better. I love love makeup it's my addiction as well! I'm a makeup artist and I've had to stop 4 time after my daughter passed my spirit was just not feeling it but now I'm all in life gets good again:-)
Feb 16Reply

@jaso73 oh sweetheart bless your heart im so sorry i hate cancer its the worst thing ever,and i cant even imagine what your going threw ive had a still born and 14 miscarriages but thats nothing in comparison im so sorry im here if you ever need to talk my heart goes out yo you
Feb 17Reply

Awe thank you so much you are very sweet ! Cancer Sucks! I hate it to. I'm so sorry for all your loses to miscarriages are heart breaking and very real. I had 1 it really hit me hard . But I learned life does go on and I can either die inside or Join the living! I choose Life :) I'm going to keep praying for your hubby and entire family!
Feb 18Reply

@jaso73 Hi, your closet is amazing! check mine out - I love makeup as well :) Do you trade?
Feb 24Reply

@vanjul91 hey girlie I'm actually driving right now and I just peeked into your closet it's awesome! Yeah I haven't traded before but I'm actually getting interested in it if you're interested in possibly trading I'm up for it I'm going to go to work in 5 minutes and then I'll check out your closet
Feb 24Reply

@jaso73 sounds great! let me knowwwww :) I've done two trades and they've been easy enough - let me know if you have questions on that! I'll let you get in first; DRIVE SAFE!
Feb 24Reply

@jaso73 Thanks for the likes! I can bundle both for $35! Let me know if you are interested:)
Mar 16Reply

@jposadas2010 oh thank you you have a beautiful closet I will definitely let you know
Mar 16Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 17Reply

Please feel free to check out my closet, I see that you're interested in makeup & im trying to get rid of mine ASAP! ☺️
Mar 25Reply

Hey so I had the same issue with that stuff we traded, too light. Also, I want the remarcable. I need fuller coverage. And just a heads up, do you have the hautelook app? I saw Kevyn was on it today. I bought his dew drop in the past, which I LOVED, but it was too light. They have an DW08 that might work for you. They also have the skin balm. I'd buy multiples of each if i could but no $$$. I saw you had it in your closet, thought I'd share. Xoxo. Jamie💅🏼👄💄
Apr 04Reply

@nyegal Hi Jami! Thanks so much for all the info.. No I don't have that app but I will by tonight I'm sure of it LOL I hope you enjoy your Chanel it is beautiful! Yea I'm a more golden tone that was such a beautiful foundation just to light :(
Apr 04Reply

Yeah, I can't wait to get the Chanel. I'm also really into compacts & powder foundations right now, although my diorskin is still my go to. Yeah, that dew drop is $7 on there right now. Buy some of those and sell them for $20 on here, you got yourself a tidy profit! (I I'll buy an dw08 from you if you do buy them!). I'm in love with your closet & im sure we will be longtime pffs!
Apr 04Reply

@nyegal Oh nice I wanted to try the Diorskin powder foundation ! I will definitely buy and sell here . I will tag you when I do. Oh yes I love your closet as well! If your ever interested in trading again just let me know ... PFFS!!!! ;)
Apr 04Reply

@jaso73 Thank you for taking the time to like my Hanes NWT bra. That was really sweet of you. If you have any questions please let me know. I hope you are having a great evening. 💕💕💕💕💕
May 11Reply

@jaso73 Thankyou for offer ,that was my final mark down
May 26Reply

You have an AMAZING closet!!💞💕😍... You have so many items that I want 😵... Will definitely have to come and shop!!! 💐💞💕...Hope the Dior Glasses are are still available at least 😁
Jun 14Reply

@beautifulyesie What a sweetheart thank you so much! That's so nice of you ! If you like I could always put on hold for a bit just let me know :)
Jun 14Reply

@jaso73 You are very welcome💞💕....
Really? Sure, Pls!!!...💞💕I will get paid tomorrow...The price is firm, right?
Jun 14Reply

@beautifulyesie I dropped these from 120 but I will do 55 hopefully that can help with shipping :)))
Jun 14Reply

@jaso73 Once again, thank you!! 💞💐.. I really appreciate it ...💞
I will send you a msg tomorrow morning so that I can purchase them...
Jun 14Reply

I will accept $75!
Jun 20Reply

@mathprincess ok awesome ill be back soon to make the offer thanks so much!
Jun 20Reply

absolutely xo
Jun 20Reply

Thank you for shopping at my closet I will make sure I send you some nice gifts and my best friend is brazilianI speak some Portuguese and I have learned a whole song in Portuguese lol oh yah here in everett Massachusetts we have alot of Brazilians and a nice brazilian bakery across the street that makes the best coxsinhas in the whole world lol thank you a ton I greatly appreciate it
Jul 09Reply

@elma88 your a sweetheart and have a wonderful closet I am certain you will see a ton of me 😊 how did you know I'm Brazilian ? And yum on the bakery!!!! 😘
Jul 09Reply

@jaso73 because you said you were married to a wonderful brazilian man for 21 years my favorite people in the whole world are Brazilians I have never ever met more generous,compassionate,wonderful,respectful,gorgeous,
carrying people in my entire life.....
Jul 09Reply

@elma88 aww your so sweet to have read that!!! I love the Brazilians to such passionate wonderful people! You seem just as wonderful and kind to me 😘
Jul 09Reply

@jaso73 awhhh thank you so so so so so so much if you ever come to Boston let me know I will greet you with a luggage of makeup lol
Jul 09Reply

@elma88 aww!!!! I'm so glad I found your closet it's so nice to find such a good hearted person !!!! 😘
Jul 09Reply

@jaso73 oh thank you so so much you're good person too to me it's not about money because I know not everyone has gazillion dollars to spend on a product so I try to be as cheep as I can to me its more about meeting amazing people like yourself
Jul 09Reply

@elma88 aww now I'm going to go buy more from you ASAP!!!! Lol I agree ! You are by far one of my favorite people I've met here by far!!! What a genuine person 😘 Have a beautiful night sweetheart !!!!
Jul 09Reply

@jaso73 you too my love and thank you for your genuine compliments.... hope you sleep well
Jul 09Reply

@jessieleigh1980 hello Beautiful!!! How sweet of you to say thank you sooo much! Ask away I would love to do my best to help in anyway 😊 and I know my make obsession is over the top I just love it !!!! BTW you are beautiful what stunning hair
Jul 10Reply

@jessieleigh1980 Hi sweetie! BTW may I say I thought you were just out of your teens by your pic! Way to go girl you look amazing! So let me tell you I had the same problem it was awful so of course I bought every concealer thinking it would look smooth and not creapy. Heres my trick and I will use it to the day I die ! Or have surgery lol..
Jul 12Reply

@jessieleigh1980 I use all my serums first then primer Niva Post shave for sensitive . While I have every expensive primer this and the balm porefessionals is by far my fav! Niva seems to control oil and smooth the skin leaving the foundation so smooth. I then go in with my concealer I use bye bye undereye or YSL or Maybelle neutralizer (My Fav) the I immediately go and powder under my eyes with the Miracle....Bye Bye pores powder its incredible ! No creeping no wrinkle its smooth and gorgie!!!
Jul 12Reply

@jessieleigh1980 I am 43 and since 40 was trying everything spending so much money to stop that horrible creapy look because me to without makeup theres no wrinkles.But I watch every youtube makeup guru and they always looked amazing under there eyes it was driving me crazy as to why mine wasn't!
Jul 12Reply

@jessieleigh1980 but the best advise I can give you is to do a nice regimen with skincare it will keep your beautiful youthful skin hydrated and young! I didn't do that until about 42 now my skin looks better from all the sun damage! I started with perricone md and now use clarins I needed to switch it up:)
Jul 12Reply

@jessieleigh1980 yes I use around 3 serums myself lol I also use special lancome under eye Genifque Yeux I love it for under eyes and its hydrating but no oils Trust me I have tried banana powder ,loose powders, I used rice powder, I used mac setting powders, RCMA all of them but nothing is like the Bye Bye pore powder you can it here so much cheaper that's where I get mine now :)
Jul 12Reply

@jessieleigh1980 aww thank you so much!!!!!! I still think I'm 17 lol
Jul 12Reply

@jessieleigh1980 hi sweetie! That's awesome so glad it's working out for you! Thank you so much for coming on and letting me know that was so sweet XO XO
Jul 24Reply

@jaso73 I love my products SO much, especially the liquid blot paper. Truly life saving in the heat. Amazing products and quality. ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 11Reply

@jaso73 Hi Hun, what shade did you go with?
And how did you know what shade to choose?
I haven't got my samples yet but I'm dying to try this makeup..have a good night💕💚
Sep 07Reply

@jaso73 Hi, just wanted you to know I put your by terry in the mail this morning. You should have tracking by this afternoon sometime. Also
All of these foundations leak some. Dont know why, but I got both of these products from 2 different stores and they both did. So don't freak out. I called and was told that the serum foundation sometimes does that..well then they should fix it!!! Have a great weekend..xoxo😊
Sep 10Reply

@jaso73 Hi Sweetie!! You know what? Now I want that new sisley anti-aging foundation in Linen. Really bad.. its 170$ lol
Sep 20Reply

@dodiefayed LOL I know its amazing rt? I love that foundation! I'm on the hunt for cle de peau and la prairie powder foundation along with tarte powder foundation lol it never ends haha
Sep 20Reply

@jaso73 we need for cosmetic junkie's..
Sep 20Reply

Hey Jennifer! I have a question for you, could you email me at It's sort of important! Nothing bad, just want to ask you something.
Oct 21Reply

@pinacra good morning sweetie unfortunately I can't email you because my email is a secured email through my business and I can't use it for personal use for security reasons if there's anything you need to ask me you can ask me here it's OK :-)
Oct 21Reply

Hey there! Check out my closet 💙 Hopefully you find a thing or two that catches your eye. Let me know if you have any questions!!
Dec 01Reply

@jaso73 Hi, I hope you're having a great time at Poshmark. Check out my closet, I have some accessories I'm sure you'll like 😊
Jan 16Reply

@jaso73 Hi there hun, I got home last night but have been pretty busy. We leave town once a week because my fiancé has cancer and we leave town to get his chemotherapy infusions. So hence being busy literally 24/7 because I am his caregiver also.
Jan 21Reply

@jaso73 I actually LOVE a lot of items in your closet but honestly don't see anything to bundle with the RCMA powder, sorry we couldn't work out a trade at this time. As you know the ABH Glow Kit is a high demand item that is ALWAYS out of stock, and trade value is higher than MY listed price. Maybe if you add some more palettes in the future we might be able to work something out.
Jan 21Reply

@hmalbert oh God Bless him! And you ! I will say a prayer right now! Cancer is horrible I know I lost my daughter to cancer she was 4 years take your time whenever your ready
Jan 21Reply

Oh ok no worries sweetie hopefully in the future
Jan 21Reply

@hmalbert oh no worries sweetie hopefully in the future
Jan 21Reply

@jaso73 Oh my goodness...bless your heart also luv 😢. He's been fighting for a little over 2 years now. I'm terribly sorry if you felt I wasted any of your time as I truly do love your closet, I just don't see anything that would work out at this time with your prices.
Jan 21Reply

@jaso73 I LOVE the Lorac palette but the price isn't quite the same trade value as mine.
Jan 21Reply

@hmalbert no way I don't think yo wasted my time at all I will continue to pray for his Healing and you restored energy it's very hard emotionally on the caregiver your such a sweetie! 😘
Jan 21Reply

@hmalbert oh if you ever decide you want that I will lower the value for you 😘
Jan 21Reply

@jaso73 It is super draining, and I know it isn't nowhere near the same as what you went thru and even now my heart goes out to you. I really appreciate you for that luv!
Jan 21Reply

@hmalbert 😘 thank you so much honey ! If you want to trade the rcma powder and Lorca Pallet for your moonstone and black radiance I would love that just let me know ❤️
Jan 21Reply

@jaso73 Gosh...such a difficult decision lol! I wish you had a few other LE palettes to choose from. It took me a few months to get my hands on the MOONCHILD, but like I said I know it would be going to a good home and actually get used lol. Since I don't own any LORAC palettes yet, I'll say YES, to the trade! 😘
Jan 22Reply

@hmalbert oh yay! 💓
Jan 22Reply

@jaso73 Hi luv, I just wanted to let you know I did make it to the post office...barely before closing time but I made it. I was at the hospital ER with my fiancé since 3 AM, he had severe dehydration from nausea due to his chemo infusions.
Jan 25Reply

@hmalbert Oh sweetheart my god I'm so sad for all you both are going through!No worries whenever you can send is fine its only makeup what you both are going through trumps all. I'm praying rt now for him ! I have my cousin in November 2015 diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in operable and through serious chemo and radiation they were able to operate and now she is Cancer free! So hold onto Hope sweetie !!!!!! XOXO
Jan 25Reply

@jaso73 You are seriously too SWEET! The last thing I want is for you to think I'm scamming you, I would NEVER do that, I've been scammed a couple times and I seriously don't know how grown women go to such lengths for free makeup. Thank you for the prayers, as I'm a firm believer in prayer and Faith! And thank you for your patience luv 😘
Jan 25Reply

@hmalbert oh my gosh I am just seeing this now! I would have never felt you would have scammed me I knew rt away you have a kind heart !!!!! I hope your fiancé is feeling better!
Jan 27Reply

@jaso73 Thank you so much! Today was a little better for's one day at a time and he does his best to find the best in each day even if it's just being grateful for waking up for that day. His will to live, his optimism and positive attitude is what helps me to stay strong for him and he's truly the strongest person I know as he's been fighting this time around for a little over 2 years now. I truly take your kind and sweet words to heart, I appreciate you for that! 😘
Jan 28Reply

I think I'll start sending you messages on this one if that's okay? Just in case someone wants to buy that product. Lol
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo lol. You got it yeah I'll be on my product of my listings saying don't use this this is terrible LOL I don't think that'll be good for my sales😜
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo I just added a pic for you here next to my picture of the witch hazel something to look for
Feb 08Reply

Jennifer I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter!!! I just met you tonight but my heart goes out to you! Couldn't even imagine!
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo oh you are such a doll! Thank you so so so much I have three other children and to be honest with you I know exactly what you mean because I could never imagine it ever happening again as well !! you're such a sweet sweet sweet person😘
Feb 08Reply

Awesome!! Does it help with large pores? Since I've got the oil the lovely pores I have too!! Lol
Yes ball in this Oklahoma humid/heat is horrible for my oily skin & disorder! I just keep in moving 😉
She's also in competitive hip hop too!
Feb 08Reply

That's awesome! I'm bet your 3 keep you busy busy!! Your gonna be my go to girl now!! If you get things you think I'll like for my skin PLEASE let me know 😍
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo girl this is like one of the cheapest items it's about seven dollars and it is a godsend yes it helps with pours cleans your skin leaves it feeling soft allows make up to apply gorgeous really really really great product for holding oil at day! Definitely invest in this one! That's awesome I love hip-hop how old is your daughter
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo I absolutely will I will always have you in the back of my mind when I list of product or I see a new product that I think will work for you! Luckily my kids are getting older my oldest son is 20 my daughter is going to be 16 and she keeps me busy cause she's very active and my little guy is 12 I love them more than life
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo it was so nice meeting you sweetheart made my night! Definitely keep in touch it's very nice talking to you! I'm going to head to bed I got to get up at five in the morning for work LOL have an awesome night and thank you so much for being such for chatting 😘
Feb 08Reply

@jaso73 I will hunt it down tomorrow for sure!!! Shes 13 & my only. Girl has some talent! Not just saying that cause she's my kiddo 😂
She's going to Dallas in march to a big competition & will be meeting all kinds of dance instructors! Pretty cool.
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo amazing!!! Lucky mama! She sounds incredible God bless
Feb 08Reply

@jaso73 you sound pretty lucky too! Yes please keep me in the back of your head! Lol. Loved chatting with you as well! Keep in touch for sure!! Night
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo actually don't buy that I'll give you mine I'll send it with whatever you purchase on Friday :-) it's full I just used it a few times and he just scored it on a cotton
Feb 08Reply

@jaso73 omg really??? Thanks girl 😘!! Now get to bed!!!! Lol
Feb 08Reply

@ccvirgo you got it!!!! lol I'm off 😊
Feb 08Reply

So I'm a little nervous! I posted 5 shirts to sale & hope I know how to do this 😬
Feb 09Reply

@ccvirgo looks perfect! Now when somebody purchases it all you have to do is go into the purchase download the shipping label printed put it on a box and send it out very good
Feb 09Reply

@jaso73 okay 😬 LOL
Feb 09Reply

Hey there! Sorry to bother you but what does it mean when something of mine was added to a bundle?? Idk how to look @ anything 😂😂😂
Feb 10Reply

@ccvirgo Hello! It means someone added your item to a bundle to see how much it would come to and possibly purchase some people do that and then never come back and some will make a offer on the bundle or just hit buy now . You will see when they add a little pic of what they added in the far rt of your screen
Feb 10Reply

@ccvirgo you can click on where it says added to bundle
Feb 10Reply

😩 I don't see where it says added to bundle 😩. I mean will it show in the "news" area if something has been purchased?
Feb 10Reply

And I just love your pic❣️❣️❣️
Feb 10Reply

Hey luv! I'm ready to order my 3 things ❤️
Feb 10Reply

@ccvirgo you got it honey just remind me what they were
Feb 10Reply

@ccvirgo aww!!!!! ❤️
Feb 10Reply

@jaso73 that serum, primer, translucent powder...
Feb 10Reply

@ccvirgo I just listed them back for sale all you have to do is hit to bundle and then purchase bundle
Feb 10Reply

@jaso73 I purchased it. I forgot to or order the toner. Was it on there? Lol
Feb 10Reply

@ccvirgo hi sweetie! Thank you so much no I am giving that to you just to say thank you !
Feb 10Reply

@jaso73 your the best 😘
Feb 10Reply

I'm so excited for the stuff!! Hehe 🤗
Feb 11Reply

@ccvirgo yay! Me either I can't wait to you get it I shipped it after work so it should show scanning probably in the morning or afternoon my post office is slow LOL
Feb 11Reply

Awesome!!!! YAY❣️❣️❣️
Feb 11Reply

Hey girl!! Do they sake the Givenchy puffer thing anywhere??
Feb 16Reply

Hey! So glad I found you on posh! Make sure to check out my handmade jewelry! ⭐Always accepting offers/bundle offers⭐New items added weekly so make sure to follow me! Happy poshing 😀
Feb 16Reply

Just wanted to drop in & say hi!
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for liking my Primer from The Ordinary. Let me know what I can do to make it yours. :)
Feb 17Reply

@jaso73 hi just wanted to let you know that my schedule is preventing me to get to post office in time today but your item will be shipped first thing in the morning.
Feb 22Reply

@love0917 oh that's excellent no problem thank you so much for letting me know!
Feb 22Reply

@jaso73 hi girlie!! Just wanted to say hello! Lol
Feb 24Reply

I'm so so sorry to hear about your mom!! Stay strong! I know it's very hard hard. I lost my dad 8 years ago & I've never met my mom! Stay strong & keep your head up.
Yes so far so good 😌
Feb 26Reply

@ccvirgo you so much sweetheart! I am so sad about your father and not knowing your mother you are very strong and sweet woman! If you ever list any skin care please tag me I am a sucker LOL
Feb 26Reply

Sounds good! What do you like? Right now I only have MK stuff on there but have other stuff I haven't listed yet! Lol
Feb 26Reply

@ccvirgo I love anything with vitamin C I also love masks hydrating and lifting because Lord knows I'm trying to preserve youth! LOL
Feb 26Reply

Girl please!! You look fine! So pretty!!
Feb 26Reply

@ccvirgo awwww 😘
Feb 26Reply

LOVE LOVE LOVE MY STUFF!!! The hazel is OMG!!!
Mar 01Reply

Hey sweetie I just wanted to give u a heads up because u asked me first someone is asking about the UD makeup bundle and I wasn't sure if u wanted it or not so if u do want it I'll tell them no I just need to know as soon as ya can k and their also asking to trade as well just keeping u posted k
Mar 29Reply

@1984brandee oh thank you ! Well if you see anything you would like to trade in my closet just let me know :-)
Mar 29Reply

@jaso73 ok ty :-) yes I do I just looked again and u have so much that I love I'd have no idea where to start I'm going to have to look for a min and I'm going to go aheaf and let the other girls know that u had asked me first since u did and honestly I really love your closet so I'm glad u did ;-) well figure something out.... but yea I'm going to hold the 3 brushes and the UD bundle for you to trade sound ok?
Mar 29Reply

@1984brandee that sounds wonderful and thank you ! Yes just take ur time and let me know 😊
Mar 29Reply

Ok hopefully your still on lol?
Mar 29Reply

Anyways I made sure no one could buy my bundle or brush set I had forgot an just had an offer and declined it and just went and changed it to not for sale then appoligized to the person. That made the offer I felt so bad I forgot to do that :-(.....
Mar 29Reply

but whenever u get the chance just please let me know about the trade k hun :-) also I'm kinda new to posh n I'm trying to figure out how to make my screen name the same as my google do u know how to change a screen name? I wanted to change it to brandeedavis5 but I can't figure out how to do it?
Mar 29Reply

Hey hun I never herd back from u?
Mar 30Reply

Hey I saw that you started to bundle 2 items in my closet! Just wanted to let you know that you will get 15% off with a bundle of 2 or 3 items!❤️
Apr 11Reply

@jaso73 Hey Jen! Thank You so much for the 5 Star Rating & Sweet Love Note! Come & see me again :)
Apr 12Reply

Hi gorgeous would love to trade!
Apr 18Reply

"Monday- nothing a little shopping can't fix!" - Lol Just stopping by to say hello and wish you a wonderful week!
May 22Reply

@jaso73 ..hi..I would love for you to check out my closet for potential trading...I have traded approximately 50+X on here and have perfect trade feedback from my end...thanks🙂
May 25Reply

Thank you so much for the rating ..Enjoy your weekend
Jun 30Reply

Good afternoon and thank you for the likes I noticed you add It a few Items to your Bundle one of the Items said Not for sale but If you are Interested In paying the full prices on that sterling silver cross I can take out the Not for sale ..let me know ..have a great day
Aug 07Reply

Hello I c u added my 3 bras to a bundle... I wanted to.let you know they have sold already..sometimes things don't show up as sold on Poshmark...I'm not sure why...
Thx for checking out my closet though...
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for the like. Please let me know if I can be any assistance
Oct 27Reply

Hi Jennifer
I’ve been meaning to say hello!!!!
Happy Saturday 🎊🎊Just launched my SPRING COLLECTION! Hopefully I’ll see you soon
Feb 04Reply

You're a make up artist?! Omgosh!!! Amazing! You're beautiful!! You look really young to be married for 21 years...whoa, and have 4 kids?! Dannnng!! Good for you! We're probably close to the same age... I might be older.
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv awww! Thank you ! Trust me it’s the filter lol now I’m married 23 Year’s my oldest is almost 22 whawwww lol yes I’ve been a makeup artist since I’m 17 but now with YouTube everyone a make up artist! 😂 Ha! Your so sweet is that you in your profile pic ? If so you look amazing!!
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv I’m 45 ughhh
Aug 05Reply

@jaso73 I'm 45 too!!! And yes that's me... Lol!
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv Wow! You look incredible! Swear I thought maybe 25 ! Are you using any secret fountain of youth? If so Share!!! Lol
Aug 05Reply

@jaso73 OMGosh, no. Just good genes. My mother is Vietnamese, and she looks amazing at 70 (she looks like she's in her 50's). But it's hilarious when I get carded.. you should talk! Is that you and your daughter in the other picture? Both stunning!!
Aug 05Reply

If you need more it cosmetic brands let me know I have a subscription with them. 😉
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv wow! That’s wonderful god bless you mom as well! Yes that’s my daughter she’s 17 and me . Thank you ❤️
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv thank you I love there line so much! Soon I’ll try the new cc foundation! It’s so nice to have met such a sweetie! 💕 and I’m dying you still get carded!!!!!! Lucky lol
Aug 05Reply

@jaso73 oh, I have their bye bye foundation, but my sister and my niece took the last 2 I had and I sold the other 3. Well I'm keeping your address on file just in case I get it as a sample. 😉 It was very nice meeting you on here as well. I hope we keep in touch! And if you're ever near Chicago, let me know. I'll include my business card in your package. 😘 Much mahalo and aloha! - Jacqueline
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv This has been one of my favorite trades! Products are just Products... but making a new friend is priceless! I have never been to Chicago but would love to let you know if I do ❤️ and thank you about the foundation if you ever get tan I will buy ! Many Blessings to you and your family !
Aug 05Reply

@jacqv -Jennifer 😊
Aug 05Reply

@jaso73 God bless you and your family as well! I couldn't agree with you more w/ your sentiment, I don't have many here since I've moved here from Phoenix, most of my besties are there or in Huntington Beach, my family is in San Diego & Hawaii, and my sister still lives in Florida... But I have my husband. It's truly a delight to have a connection with someone, like yourself. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Aug 05Reply

Hey girl! I see that you like makeup! I have a few Lancôme foundation sticks and a lipstick in my closet:) check it out!!
Aug 22Reply

@jaso73 such a beauty!!! I adore you!! 💕😍
Aug 24Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Sep 01Reply

Your a makeup artist! That’s badass! I’ve always been into makeup I watch YouTube videos lol for tips and tricks.
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 aww thank you! I love it! To be honest I actually prefer theatrical more graphic artistic make up but love glamorous well! YouTube has blown up and now gives the best tricks ever so it’s so easy to learn and pick up on all of the the tricks it’s amazing
Sep 16Reply

@jaso73 do you have tutorials on YouTube?
I would love to see some of your work!! I love that kind of makeup as well but I’m a nurse so showing up to work with my fave done up like that would be something! Lol
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 oh no I never took to YouTube as far as making tutorials but I do have some pictures I can post them to show you the kind of funky LOL I think being a nurse is amazing! God bless you I believe nurses do the most profound service work on this earth!!!!
Sep 16Reply

@jaso73 you should totally do tutorials! I never see the theatrical makeup ones I mean I’m sure they’re out there. But yes please post pics!
And thank you so much! It’s actually humbling to be a nurse
Sep 16Reply

@jaso73 I’m an Oncology to have these patients who don’t know me trust me in creating their plan of care and making medical decisions for them is the ultimate compliment
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 aww. You’re the third person to say that to me who is a nurse on this site in the last two weeks that’s amazing! Trust me I have had way too many encounters with nurses in my lifetime and every single one of them at least everyone maybe there’s two that didn’t have made such an impact on my life the caring never goes unnoticed
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 awwww Incredible! Your changing lives everyday there is nothing better in my eyes! My four-year-old daughter passed from brain cancer within five days those nurses are forever in my heart and prayers!
Sep 16Reply

@jaso73 OMGAH girl I had to read that twice. I’m so sad for you and your family!! She was diagnosed and within 5 days of her diagnosis she passed? That’s insane! 😢😭 I couldn’t work pediatric oncology there is just no way
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 thank you! yeah five days cried on a Saturday with pain in her head I had to go back to the hospital on Monday was transferred to chop and Philadelphia had open heart surgery on Tuesday found that she had the worst cancer they’ve ever seen was growing visually developed five tumors in her head by Wednesday and passed on Thursday
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 I will tell you five years after her passing because it took that long for me to learn how to live again I’m grateful and feel blessed and I felt honored and I feel so grateful to God because through her death I found LIFE! and I feel everyone has a purpose in their life and when our purpose is for filled we go home! I smile everyday and try and make people in pain smile to
Sep 16Reply

@megz31 I think she love the make up as much is me and I feel so grateful because I was able to prepare her for her Viewing I did her hair I did her nails I did her make up and I was able to dress her and put her in her coffin and that was the most amazing gift I was able to give her because she loved when I did her make up and I just wanted her so beautiful makeup meaning lipgloss and blush lol
Sep 16Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Oct 25Reply

Hey girl.. I see you got your package... Yay. I really hope you love everything it has been such a pleasure trading with you...hope to trade many more times in the future!!!:)
Oct 26Reply

@brummett62 Hi dear!Yes I cant wait im at work until 5 I cant wait to open!!!!!!!!! Its been a pleasure as well trading with you and look forward to so many more ! XO
Oct 26Reply

@spreadlove HI Melissa! Im Jennifer its a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for taking the time to come say hi! I love new posh friends as well! Have a blessed day !
Oct 26Reply

God bless you girl you have a lot of children a beautiful closet that you’re on top of it off keep up the good work love you closet closet
Oct 30Reply

@julieannevirga Awww That's so sweet thank you for taking the time to say that!!! GOD BLESS YOU As well!!!!!!!!!! XO
Oct 30Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Dec 20Reply

Hi!! 👋🏼You’re cordially invited to visit my closet! 💕
Jan 20Reply

hey girl on my end it shows your pckg was delivered today🥳I hope you love it, when you get a chance could you please accept your pckg and rate me, so posh can release my earnings thank you so much 😉😉💋💋
Jan 24Reply

@beautyobsessed0 of course!!! I can’t wait! I’m at work until 5 as soon as I get home I’m I will accept and rate ❤️
Jan 24Reply

@jaso73 no problem!!😘😘
Jan 24Reply

Do you, by chance have Mac “O”?
Feb 23Reply

@memestout hello what’s Mac O? Lol I’m so bad with names
Feb 23Reply

@jaso73 it’s a shade that I haven’t bought lately , but love it. It’s just called “O”.
Thanks for the quick response !!❤️❤️
Feb 23Reply

@memestout Oh ok I don’t think I have that one I will double check for you if o find it I’ll tag you 😊
Feb 23Reply

@jaso73 thanks so much. 👍👍
Feb 23Reply

Hey girl...hope your doing well!!!:) I just wanted to warn you about a major scammer on here who got me so bad:( her name is @harryooo please be aware and do NOT trade your nice things with her she has all cheep counterfeit fake stuff....
Feb 24Reply

Hey girl!! Got another order in of the it cosmetic translucent powder! 😘
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for the like on my beautiful boots! Would love to sell so send me your best
Feb 28Reply

@jacqv hello sweetheart!!!!! I have missed you it’s been so long! I hope your doing great!!! Thank you for letting me know about the translucent powder that’s my everyday I need for sure❤️
Feb 28Reply

Hi Jennifer- amazing pics🌟🌺 I’m Susan & I have new beautiful items in many sizes & budgets- great designers- BCBG, The Limited, Valentino, Coach, Marc Jacobs, Dooney & Bourke, jewelry, & furs! AND coats, size 12👠, blouses from ESCADA, luxury pantyhose from France, Belgium and Italy and more- all from my own smoke free closet 🦋I’m a 5 Star Rated Seller 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 & a Posh Ambassador 😊If you have any questions, or would like to make an offer or bundle- please reach out😊
Mar 19Reply

Good morning. When orders are placed this early in the morning l normally ship the same day. However, l am having a dental procedure later this morning that will take a bit of time to complete. I will do my best to ship today. I thought the shirt was the only item in the bundle hence the low price. Have not had my morning coffee yet! Anyway, all is good and l do appreciate your purchase. Will ship as soon as possible. Have garest day!
Mar 27Reply

@biloxigirl13 Oh thank you so much for reaching out! And best of luck today! No worries at all you take your time! You will probably need some resting time! I was heeding and hawing and then I saw your amazing price I had to jump on it. The shirt is so pretty and that brow product is all I use so Im excited!!!!! Thank you again XO
Mar 27Reply

@jaso73 Thank,you,for your kind words and your understanding. I am dreading what the dentist has to do today but l am in so much pain that it will be a relief to have it done. I am happy that l had the Iconic Eyebrow Cushion available so you could get it. The shirt is in great condition because l literally had to force my daughter to wear it on a few occasions where it was necessary to dress up a little. Off to the dentist now. Hope your day is better than mine!
Mar 27Reply

Good morning, Jennifer. I apologize that I did not ship your items yesterday. It is a first for me not to ship the same or next day and l am sorry that you were the one that this happened to. Last night l was preparing to package your items and l looked all over the shirt to double check that all was well. I noticed a small thread on the collar and l snipped it off with a small pair of scissors. I should have had my glasses on because in doing so l accidentally made a small cut on the collar.
Mar 29Reply

I am so sorry that l did this. I want to make it up to you in any way possible. If you desire a refund l will still send the Iconic or feel free to choose anything from my closet. Once again l am so sorry because l know you really liked the shirt.
Mar 29Reply

I thought l had and could post a picture but since it is sold it will not let me do it. I will post the picture on the red Banana Republic shirt.
Mar 29Reply

@biloxigirl13 Oh my don't even worry! Im just hoping your not in anymore pain and your dental procedure went very well! I know teeth pain and I felt so bad for you knowing you had such pain! As for the shirt its fine I don't mind it very tiny cut ! My hair will probably cover it completely :)))) No worries one bit and thank you for letting me know and being so honest!
Mar 29Reply

@jaso73 Thank you so much for understanding. I am going to go package your items now and take them to the post office. Thank you as well for your concern. I still have more dental work to be done. On a 10 point scale my pain has dropped from a 9 to about a four or five. I am trying to save a molar but when the pain hits l just want to call the dentist and tell him to just pull out the darn thing!
Mar 29Reply

Your welcome! I bet! My poor daughter just had to be put to sleep 2 Fridays ago to remove her molar she had a route canal done a few years back and it didn't survive so it had to be removed what a shame after all the work we did previously to save it. So she had to have a implant put in with bone graft . I myself had implants and the pain from teeth is just so overwhelming and constant its horrible! !!!
Mar 29Reply

@biloxigirl13 look up I for got to tag you lol
Mar 29Reply

You my dear are beautiful
May 14Reply

@jaso73 Hello Jennifer when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items. I have all different sizes in many different colors and choices. . Today sale: Bundle your items and take an additional 50% off excluding anything marked with a 🍁. Please come back often as I love to shop to bring fresh product to my closet all the time Thanks in advance for looking 🥰❤
Oct 31Reply

Hello, your order has been shipped please let me know of any questions, comments, or concerns. Please remember I accept all returns! Thank you ☺️
Nov 19Reply

@kramirezric that’s wonderful! Thank you so much so excited 😊
Nov 19Reply

Feel free to make an offer on the eve lom, I’m negotiable 😊
Nov 24Reply

@jaso73 did you sell the hunter boots?
Jan 05Reply

@jaso73 Hi! Currently running a sale for any items that have the star emoji are 3/$10! All you have to do is like the item or items you like and that’s it!
Mar 01Reply

Hi! ☺️ Just wanted to stop by and show some posh love!💕 Hope you can check out my closet too. Have a beautiful day 🌈
Mar 09Reply

hey hun, feel free to check out my closet, I add new things regularly and am always willing to discuss deals!
Jun 13Reply

Hi! I’m having a 3 for $25 Sale going on this weekend! Bundle 3 items from my closet with this symbol 🌺3 for $25🌺 offer $25 and I will accept. Happy Poshing!! 💕💕
Aug 08Reply

Hi there! 😊 Welcome to check out my closet. Most items are come with a free sample/gift~ Let me know if any items you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing and all the best for you!! ❤️
Dec 15Reply

hello you bought for me before and you were very happy I am on vacation right now but take a look at my closet and post market or bookmark it so that you can look later have a great day also Merry Christmas
Dec 24Reply

hello I am in Chicago visiting my children now but when I get back I have the pro foundation from lancome the big bottles if you're interested I will post them after January 5th I will tag you in those so you can see you bought for me before a while back and was very happy that I sent you many many surprise gifts I think you remember when your daughter or someone said that maybe the Bible is in there remember me
Dec 24Reply

Hi! Stop by and check out my closet- sending out lots of discounts! Wishing you a wonderful day ⛄️
Dec 27Reply

Thanks so much for the great rating snd kind comment!
Feb 12Reply

@maiamaiamoo your so welcome !!!! Your closet is beautiful I will definitely be shopping it again !!!! ❤️
Feb 12Reply

Hi:) everything in my closet is $2 off! If you bundle its even more off😍 I ship same or next day!! Stay safe!
Feb 20Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 25Reply

Hello. I’m Dana, and I’m a mom to an adorable 3 year old boy❤️💕I also love shopping on posh and I’m a posh ambassador. Really hope you can check out my closet. I’m selling a variety of different items..💕Wishing you speedy sales and lots of success💕💕All the best, Dana ❤️
Sep 19Reply

@jaso73 Hi I see u have alot of followers that's awesome. i also saw u had left a trade review for another seller brummett 62 it was a good review, have u traded more then the one time with that seller? I ask because I'm actually in the middle of trade with her and unfortunately it's looking as if shes going to try to screw me out of more thn $600 in inventory and ur review and a couple others of ur experiences with that seller being so great were the only reason I had agreed to trade her.
Sep 22Reply

@jaso73 normally or rather currently I'm not accepting any new Trades but i saw the good reviews and then saw that they were from other sellers who had good sized following so I agreed. now I've been contacted by 2 other sellers with pretty much the same stories as mine. I'm wondering how the experiences between her and u and her and I or her and them could be so different and I meen polar opposite different.
Sep 22Reply

@reduenitlegit hello! Oh geez I hope everything goes well! I did many many trades with her always was fine. I know that she is going through a lot right now I also know there was a situation with two other people I believe that did not get their stuff so I’m not sure but I can only talk from my experience and it’s always been great! Did you already send your stuff and how long have you been waiting to get yours? An issue returning your messages
Sep 22Reply

oh i sent my package to her like 2 weeks ago and she recieved but i havent recieved anything at all from her. not even my stuff returned. idk i guess i'm just a bit frustrated, she did pretty much clear my mens out minus a few things but i guess i will just wait and see what happens, another seller, one of the ones who had contacted me, went today and filed all kinds of reports and opened all kinds of investigations with usps and with both local authorities in both jurisdictions, all bad....
Sep 23Reply

@jaso73 im hoping maybe she will just have a change of heart and sends my stuff back fingers crossed i really wouldn't even get worked up about it but financially things arent to hott right now and no matter how hard i try to convince the power company they most definitely do not take anything on trade in exchange for payment, lol i've most definitely tried lol
Sep 23Reply

Jennifer I was just cruising through the closets today and I discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. When you have time please stop by and take a look at my closet treasures. I hope you have an amazing day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Dec 13Reply

wow. everytime i see that picture of you im like dam shes so beautiful🥰☺️ just wanted 2 personally let you know im gonna be selling everything in my closet for whatever amounts i can get so if theres anything u want there now is the time also i will be listing alot more stuff as well! k. look forward to talking 2 ya. ty
Dec 14Reply

@jaso73. i have a couple diffrent lancome powders including the absolute just fyi. listed in my closet.
Dec 14Reply

@brummett62 hello sweetheart! Wow oh my God thank you so much that is the sweetest thing I absolutely do not feel that way as I am getting old LOL but thank you that has made me smile and warms my heart for you to say such a sweetheart thing.
Dec 14Reply

@brummett62 I have to tell you I think of you often and I pray for you for the peace to come be be placed on your heart I know you suffer and I just pray that you can find some joy and happiness especially in this holiday season you are always in my prayers honey! Thank you so much I will definitely look through all your items I know what it’s like to wanna sell everything I’m at that point as well
Dec 14Reply

@brummett62 Oh it looks like the absolute sold
Dec 15Reply

@jaso73. i still have 1 that i was gonna use in shade peach
Dec 15Reply

@jaso73. i have just given up. havent got any better pain just gets worse everyday. nothing is the same everything i look at just reminds me of him even makeup it just reminds me of all the times he would come set by me in my makeup room and that i dont need it theres nowhere to go without gonna pretend the holidays r just another sad lonely misrable day..
Dec 15Reply

@brummett62 Oh sweetheart! Girl nobody truly understands the impact of a loss I can completely empathize with you and I know exactly what you’re feeling and it is so hard! I’m going to pray for you because through prayer miracles happen and you need joy to fill your heart again and you need to know that your husband is still alive and so very well in heaven he is with you always and he wants you to stop all your tears
Dec 15Reply

@jaso73. i am trying i swear i am. its impossible. i cant go 15 mins without tears flowing. i am telling you its getting worse i cant stop replaying that night in my head over and over what could i have done differently. im so sorry to keep bothering you with this 😭
Dec 16Reply

hello beautiful!! your closet is just as gorgeous as you!
Mar 06Reply

@msjacksonville1 wow! Omg that was so sweet!!! Thank you so very much !❤️
Mar 07Reply

You are gorgeous and your closet is stunning!💕
Jun 14Reply

@jaso73 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 05Reply

hello, please check out my closet and let me know when you see something you like. I accept reasonable offers so don't hesitate to make one ;)
Aug 11Reply

Hi there Jennifer! Thanks for creating a bundle! I have 4 stretch tanks that I’d love to sell you, but the colors are black, navy, camel and olive green. I’ve uploaded the correct picture in my closet. The brands are Benetton, Banana Republic and Muji. The good news is these have never been worn- the others were used- so I will honor my price (but if you do not buy I am likely to repost and raise!) it appears I had two of the same pictures in my closet and the Benetton /Sisley bundle sold.
Oct 04Reply

Hi Jennifer. Thanks for visiting my closet. You liked the set of antique wooden bowls. Earn a discount by bundling any 2 or more items into the same order. Or—use the buy button and they are yours! Have fun shopping. ❤️🙂
Nov 22Reply

Hi Jennifer
Thank you for liking my handmade feather fan 💝🪶🪶🪶
Hand Crafted by me 🌿
Happy to answer any questions you may have,
Mar 05Reply

@jaso73 Thank you for accepting your order so quickly! I truly appreciate your kind words and 5 ⭐️ rating as well. Made my day!🥰 Hope you’re having an amazing weekend!
Aug 12Reply

Hi🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 08Reply
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