Meet your Posher, Jennifer
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Hi! I'm Jennifer. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Adidas, Apple Bottoms, Armani Exchange, and Baby Phat. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

8 others
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Hey, I accepted you offer!! Please update your payment so I can ship to you! Thank you so much!!! Your personalized package is being made!
Jul 21Reply

Hi dear - send me the offer again and I'll accept! Thanks
Aug 06Reply

Suggestion.... bundle dear....cheaper shipping 😊
Aug 18Reply

@jgonzales1221 good morning! My deepest apologies. I am not sure how this happened but the bag has a stain on it. I am thinking one my sisters wore it after I saved it to sell. I didn't want to sell u an item that is no longer as described on my post. I am so so sorry about this. Have a great day! 💕
Sep 02Reply

Please try to understand offering less than half my asking price I can't do please understand poshmark takes fees
Sep 03Reply

Sep 03Reply

@jgonzales1221 hello?
Sep 04Reply

What I can do is make a new listing on that item u like it I'll drop price to 25$ u pay less for shipping
Sep 04Reply

Hi I regret having to decline ur offer plz come higher they want $100 dollars of ur offer 😞
Sep 04Reply

@queen_pixie.. I did take off few items so it lowered the price $75.. Wuld new offer work
Sep 04Reply

@jgonzales1221 I can do $50 off bundle price
Sep 04Reply

@queen_pixie.. So u do $$215
Sep 04Reply

@jgonzales1221 ur bundle is 354 and 265 is the lowest I can go
Sep 04Reply

Ur getting a lot of nice clothes...u will love them
Sep 04Reply

If I accepted ur counter offer I wouldn't even get $200 off a 350 bundle posh fees are high
Sep 04Reply

@yianavaldez.. Ok.. If u will do that i ll take it
Sep 04Reply

@jgonzales1221 ok I made a new listing like it and I'll drop the price
Sep 04Reply

@jgonzales1221 pls add a payment method on your profile. Without this your order will not go through
Sep 04Reply

I just again accepted your offer but it's still saying having some issues with the payment from you
Sep 05Reply

@thomasv2.. My apologies.. But i jus fixed it n got payment submitted
Sep 05Reply

Thanks for the purchase I will be shipping out first thing Thursday morning
Sep 05Reply

Girl you is going to love this hoodie just wait till you see the sparkling and rhinestones and it is awesome I never wear it , the colors are beautiful in person ( Good Night)
Sep 05Reply

@jgonzales1221 can you do $15 miss?
Sep 07Reply

@jgonzales1221 I can make you a bundle including the 2 pc bikini for a good price 😀
Sep 07Reply

@iamlei.. Ok.. What price u got in mind
Sep 07Reply

@jgonzales1221 can you do $25? You'll get the short, two long sleeve and the bikini 👙
Sep 07Reply

Now I feel like ur playing on my page accept my counter or I will block u
Sep 09Reply

@queen_pixie.. I apologize.. Im not tryin to play on ur page.. My daughter keeps changing her mind on certain articles of clothing she picked.. This last bundle she put together is her final adjustment..again i apologize for all the changes.. If u wuld look over it and let me know what ud be willing to accept for it pls n i ll get it purchased tonight finally.. Again my apologies n thank u
Sep 09Reply

I want to purchase these items finally as my daughter wont stop bugging me.. U said accept offer but it wont allow me too.. Will u plz allow me to purchase this bundle
Sep 09Reply

Sep 09Reply

@jgonzales1221 please accept your item and rate thx :)
Sep 12Reply

@jgonzales1221 hi please accept your coat
Sep 12Reply

Text me about the pink timberlands
Sep 13Reply

@balenciagaty ..u still have the size 9 s
Sep 13Reply

@jgonzales1221 yes text me(313) 635-9792
Sep 13Reply

Blessings 🌸🌼🐞
Sep 17Reply

Hi Jennifer, welcome to posh. Hope you're having fun with it! Thanks for stopping by and liking that cute denim skirt. Please stop by again sometime. Glad to help with any posh questions if needed.
Sep 17Reply

Hey there! I sincerely appreciate your offer but the lowest I can go on a four item bundle is 25 dollars 😄
Sep 21Reply

@saraspenzie...I thought ifbu bought 3 u got one free tho
Sep 21Reply

@jgonzales1221 the lowest price in your bundle is $9. After the 15% off, your total comes to $32. The lowest price would be $23 I apologize for the math error. If you want to counteroffer $23, then I'll gladly accept it because that price now subtracts the price of your free item from the overall total.
Sep 21Reply

I accepted your offer but it says you need to update your payment method first 😄
Sep 22Reply

Sep 22Reply

@saraspenzie sorry bout that ..I n bout to get it taken care of ..I do apologize again
Sep 22Reply

@jgonzales1221 it's alright 😄😄
Sep 22Reply

are you still interested in the bundle deal?
Sep 26Reply

Hey, I accepted your offer but it said that there is an issue with your payment. Can you check to make sure all your info is correct and up to date?
Feb 24Reply

Were you able to update your payment info?
Mar 02Reply

I am happy to accept your offer one more time, but you must update your payment information first. Please do that and then resubmit your offer, otherwise it will not go through
Mar 02Reply

Hi Jennifer , welcome to Poshmark! Best wishes to you💙🙏🏻
Mar 08Reply

Hi are you interested in my boots?
Mar 14Reply

I see that you like my Apple Bottom purse.. Make me a reasonable offer and I will accept.
Mar 15Reply

Hey, for the LRG tank I can do 2 for $14. Did you still want 1 for $8?
Mar 26Reply

@ceejy ..if u will do 2 for 14..yes I 'll get 2 of them then
Mar 27Reply

@jgonzales1221 awesome. I will revise the listing to say 2 right now
Mar 27Reply

@jgonzales1221 it’s available now, 2 for $14
Mar 27Reply

Hi! Thanks for the offer. I have accepted it but it says you have a problem with your payment info. If it goes through by tonight, I'll ship Monday!
Apr 01Reply

Hi I accepted your offer but there is still a payment issue. Please fix the issue so I can ship the items. They are ready to go.
Apr 03Reply

Hello! Ty for your offers, I will accept them, I just wanted to contact you before I did to ask you if you just wanted to do a bundle for those 2 items so you’ll only pay one shipping, if I accept them separately it you will pay 2 shipping costs... let me know please
Apr 03Reply

I have accepted your offer one more time. If the payment issue is not fixed again I will no longer be accepting your offers. Thank you for your interest and hope the problem is resolved this time.
Apr 03Reply

@veneratedairs13 ..yes u can do them as a bundle ..plz ..I apprecaite I ckin wit me first on that
Apr 04Reply

@jgonzales1221 hello, I believe you have to bundle them then do an offer for 12 for both then I accept
Apr 04Reply

Hey there, let me know if you’d like me to hold the pineapple sweatshirt for you while you update your payment info :)
Apr 04Reply

Ill accept ur $30 offer for the bundle but not $25. I accepted 30 yesterday but payment didnt go thru. I did accept the tank offer today and will try to ship tomorrow
Apr 05Reply

@ambermariiie .. yes ma am if u can plz.. i can get it taken care of in the am ..and u will let u know once u do ..thank u..
Apr 06Reply

@jgonzales1221 Ok, sounds good :)
Apr 06Reply

Good Morning! Thank you for the offer! I countered, due to fees this is the best I can do on the COOGI jeans. :) :) :) :)
Apr 14Reply

Hi there’s an issue with payment for your bundle.
Apr 15Reply

@ceejy hi it’s saying there’s a payment issue for your purchase.
Apr 19Reply

@ceejy sorry not you... it’s for jgonzales1221
Apr 19Reply

Success!! I will have them shipped today. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 21Reply

@jgonzales1221 for the 3rd time it has declined your payment.
Apr 21Reply

Hi! I shipped your jeans, but I had to use the drop box. Tomorrow is Sunday so tracking will start on Monday. Thanks again!
Apr 21Reply

Hey lovely add more to your bundle 🤗 I’ll send you and I’ll send you and offer 😘 or you can make me an offer.
Apr 24Reply

Hi! I have been tracking your COOGI jeans and I was hoping they would arrive today, if not definitely tomorrow. I hope you love them. They are really fun!
Apr 25Reply

@goaroundjeanco ..I was hopin for them tdy too but they didn't come in ..but I'm sure they will tomorrow n will definatly let u know ..I'm very excited to see them too!!
Apr 25Reply

Hey!! I’m pretty new to Poshmark so still figuring out the logistics. I see that you bundled 2 items of mine. Please let me know if you’d like to purchase or have any questions !
May 01Reply

@jgonzales1221 interested in the bundle? I made u an offer
May 17Reply

Hello! I just saw your offer on the Roxy Jewelry box. Yes, I can accept your offer. Can you send it again please. It expired !
Jun 04Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a BUNDLE, for 1 shipping cost. We also offer FREE with purchase items throughout our page! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jul 28Reply

So sorry I never seen your offer the first time to accept a few weeks ago. My daughter has been in the hospital recently. I will get it shipped Monday ASAP when everything goes through. 😊
Aug 05Reply

Hi Jennifer ! 🤗 thanknyou for finding my closet and liking the top. I am open to making awesome bundle deals - I have a lot of clothes!! I post more everyday. Feel free to look around and create your personal bundle for a private discount deal. 🎉💕💖
Aug 24Reply

Hey Jennifer! You picked out some cute Victoria’s Secret items. You have great taste. If you want to put them in a bundle I can tell you what I would take them for. I like to offer discounts to people who buy more than one thing. Of course you never have to buy but then you could at least see the offer. 🎉🌴💕
Aug 24Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Feb 21Reply

Hey welcome to poshmark! Hope you make lots of sales and best of luck 🙂. Feel free to make offers or start a bundle for a better deal.
Aug 24Reply

hi there. Most items in my closet have been reduced to $6 due to me needed them gone within the next couple days. if you have any time please check my closet out. will ship within 24 hours of purchase 🙂
Feb 15Reply

Hi I see you just made an offer on one of my tops . Please select two other tops with 🤩 emoji in title . 3 tops for $25
May 13Reply

Hello there! I’m ready to accept your offer! Just make sure you have your purchase info updated and ready! Have a great day! 😁
Jun 18Reply

Hi Hun! I accepted your offer but there’s something wrong with your payment. Please update so the transaction can go through ✨ #Happyposhing @jgonzales1221
Jul 14Reply

Hey! Are you still interested in the romper? I accepted your offer, but there is a payment issue that needs to be resolved. Thanks!
Sep 16Reply

Hi 🙋♀️ thanks for your interest in my roxy tank!! I just wanted to let you know that I’m running a special right now!! 🎉 Buy two items $10 or under, get a third item for FREE 🎉 Just let me know if you’re interested!! If not, I’m happy to accept most reasonable offers!! Hope you have an awesome weekend ✌🏼😎🏝
Apr 02Reply

Hi Jennifer 🙋♀️ I just want to thank you for the like and invite you to check out my closet bc I’m running a special right now!! 🎉🎉 buy any 2 items $10 or less, get a third item for FREE 🎉🎉 check it out and let me know!! If you don’t find anything that sparks your interest, that’s fine too! I happily accept most reasonable offers as well! I hope you have an awesome day and happy Poshing!!
Apr 05Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 08Reply
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