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Updated Mar 27
Updated Mar 27

Meet your Posher, Jennifer

Meet the Posher



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💞Full-Time Mom 💞Mental Health Advocate 💞Posh Ambassador & Affiliate
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annabels_rose Thanks! 😊
Oct 12Reply
katzkoz Hi. & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or... ...visit my closet & Id be happy to help U! More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me
Nov 06Reply
lemonposh Hi Jennifer hope you're enjoying Poshmark 😍
Nov 10Reply
annabels_rose @katzkoz Thank you so much!!! ❤️
Nov 10Reply
annabels_rose @millicentgar Thank you love! 💕
Nov 10Reply
ravensnation310 Hi and thanks for sharing! You have a Beautiful closet! 😊😀
Nov 19Reply
annabels_rose @ravensnation310 You are most certainly welcome and thank you as well!!!! I hope you have some speedy sales doll!!! 😊❤️
Nov 19Reply
ravensnation310 @annabels_rose Aww thanks, you as well! 😊
Nov 19Reply
ravensnation310 Wow u shared alot, ok I'm sharing more of yours!
Nov 19Reply
annabels_rose @ravensnation310 Hahaha! Well thanks! I try! I normally go on big sharing sprees as much as I can!!
Nov 19Reply
mjgonzales Love your closet!
Nov 22Reply
annabels_rose @mjgonzales Thanks doll💕☺️
Nov 22Reply
mjgonzales @annabels_rose you're welcome 😊
Nov 22Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Nov 25Reply
annabels_rose @jassieboo92 Thanks love! 😘
Nov 25Reply
annabels_rose @allisonlea25 No problem!!!!! You are a beautiful closet!😊💐💞
Nov 29Reply
annabels_rose Hahah! You have***** 😂
Nov 29Reply
laurjdufff Hello Fellow Posher 🤗💕 I wanted to let you know that I'm giving away lots of stuff from my closet! Buy 2 Get 1 FREE! OOR if you hit that Like❤ button on any item I'll offer you a discount or possibly more FREE stuff!!🎁🎅😇 Here's to affordable and beautiful clothing!
Dec 22Reply
amelia_bialik Hello :) I don't appreciate you going out of your way for petty besmirching. Please be more considerate to future Poshers. :)
Dec 31Reply
annabels_rose @amelia_bialik I don't appreciate someone offering me a fraction of what an item is listing for. Facts are facts. If I list an item for $30 and you offer me $10, that's offensive. All I did was tell you that it wasn't considerate. Please don't come to my page and act as if I did anything other than respectfully tell you how I would only make $7 off of three brand new items.
Dec 31Reply
kikistore Thanks so much for all the shares !
Jan 01Reply
annabels_rose @kikistore My pleasure! Thanks for returning the favor, doll! ❤
Jan 01Reply
charlil17 @annabels_rose do you have any suggestions as I start getting a little more into selling items on here? I just posted all those boots early this week and am nervous they won't sell.... so I just need to give it more time?? Do you think I have things priced well... do you think stuff is too high? I so appreciate your opinion! You were so sweet when I first discovered posh... I just get a good feeling from you 😘😍
Jan 14Reply
annabels_rose @charlil17 As for pricing...buyers want great deals, but as sellers, we have to take so many things into account, and you should never just take an offer because you are afraid it won't sell. Your prices are on point-sometimes it just takes time for the right person to see it-as this site is all about exposure.
Jan 14Reply
annabels_rose @charlil17 I only have been selling on here for a few months and it's a roller coaster. Some weeks I will sell a lot, some I won't. Other than self sharing your items throughout the day, joining share groups and follow games will really help get your closet out there.
Jan 14Reply
annabels_rose @charlil17 There are a few groups I'm religiously a part of and I will randomly join others depending on how I'm feeling. I can tag you the ones I am a part of if you'd like. All of the ladies are super awesome and they are smaller groups that are perfect to start out in! ❤
Jan 14Reply
annabels_rose @charlil17 Something I did when I first joined (and still do) is go to the "find people" section. The list contains suggested users. I follow them all and share items from their closets. Normally at least 5 to make sure they notice me. Most of them will follow back and return shares, which gets you more followers and exposure of your items at the same time. ☺
Jan 14Reply
charlil17 @annabels_rose your the best! Thanks for your advice!! Yea! I would def. be interested in some of those groups!!!
Jan 14Reply
annabels_rose @charlil17 Ok! I'll tag you on each of the Q & A pages for each so you can check them out and read the rules/times to see if it will work for you! If so, there should be sign up sheets posted and you can tag your name!
Jan 14Reply
seasonsofflavor Thank you so much for all the shares 😘😘😘
Jan 14Reply
annabels_rose @seasonsofflavor My pleasure! Thanks for returning the favor! ❤️💐
Jan 14Reply
moorehair2 Thank you girlfriend! ✌🏽️😜😘
Jan 17Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 My pleasure!! 🤗❤️
Jan 17Reply
moorehair2 Hey girlfriend😘👍🏾
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Hey, doll! How are you doing?!! ❤
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 I'm getting a little discouraged😔💕I have it sold one thing all this great marketing / am I doing something wrong in my closet ?? Only ask one person to inquire about extensions
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 It can take a little time! Some weeks I sell very little or nothing and others will be the complete opposite! It's a rollercoaster and you just have to kept at it! If you have time, I would say take new pictures in a bright setting. You really want to show off your products and things sell better when you use a stock photo (if you can find one) or really clean shots to show off your stuff!!
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 And when you are communicating on your listings, you need to tag those people. If they comment, hit "reply" and it will fill in their name automatically. If they like something, hit "comment" and type in the first letters of their name and a drop box with the people who liked it will pop up. Click their name and it will auto fill. If you don't tag them, they will never see your comments! 😘😘
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 Ok I have to write all this info down it seems soooo complicated right now because it's new but I will get it I promise thank you sooooo much I want to stay in contact with you 😘😘
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 You will get the hang of it! And Yes, we need to stay in contact! It's always great to have new PFF (you will see that a lot and it means Posh friend forever! 😉). I will do whatever I can to help you maximize your sales and experience on here!!😘
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 Thank you so much for all you advice🌺I'm ready to really get this because I really enjoy it and it's great for a home job with a child with autism
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 👍🏾😀
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Absolutely! My husband works and I stay at home. I use this platform as my way to contribute and bring in some extra money. It's nice to be a part of a community of such lovely people!
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 I don't quite understand how to share to each other instead of followers 🙃
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Do you mean share your own listings? I'm not quite sure what you questions meant! 🤔
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose Your question*
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 I was suppose to share 50 items within the group but wasn't sure how very confusing to me
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Oooh! The party group. When the party started at the top of the hour (it was 10pm est for me) we had to go to the closet that signed up below us and share 50 items to the party. When a party pops up, you have the option to click "share to followers" or the top option which is "share to party."
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 I seeeeee thank you sooo much i think it's over now but I know now 😘😘your a sweetheart! Nighty night😘what time do you usually stop working
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 It all depends! My husband does shift work, so I when he's on nights I tend to stay up later. I participated in waaay too many groups today, so I figure I'm gonna take it super easy tomorrow!! When I'm not up for doing a bunch of shares, I just make sure to come on every so often and share sections of my own closet to keep things visible! Have a wonderful night, hun! I'm hitting the hay!! 😴
Jan 19Reply
moorehair2 @annabels_rose @moorehair2 Thank you for sharing my listings 😘😘💋
Jan 22Reply
moorehair2 Please helpppppppp I feel like my store is just being over looked I'm doing everything you guys taught me. Is it just slow in the beginning until I'm in the mi,lions and have a lotttttt of items in my store
Jan 25Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Hey girl!!! You just have to be patient and give it time!!! All closets are different, but the majority of new closets take time to get established. You just have to keep at it. Work on gaining followers, that's a big part of it. You also need to keep added items as much as you can. Larger closets that have a variety of continual inventory get more interest!
Jan 26Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 You want to have as much as you can for people to choose from and also keep them wanting to come back by adding more as you go along!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 26Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Don't get discouraged. I've known established poshers to say that some weeks are super busy while others are super slow.
Jan 26Reply
moorehair2 @annabels_rose this is why I will never give up on this I have always had a dream of owning my own boutique especially years ago when I was making lots of money. But, I also feel like I have gain a bunch of friends😀💋💋Thanks fir everything my friend💕🌺
Jan 26Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 No problem! I love helping! I understand it can be frustrating at times. Having a community of awesome people to support you definitely helps get you through it. Just keeps on trucking along and everything will work out! The longer you are on here, the easier it will become! 😘
Jan 26Reply
moorehair2 @annabels_rose that's what I was thinking before I freaked out but let it loose in my spirit anyway 😬👍🏾💋💋💋💋💋
Jan 26Reply
moorehair2 I can't wait until I can become a boutique/ I have 6 more items to sell and it's soooooo slow now actually I sold 5 but there was a prob with one I'm not sure what happened tho
Jan 26Reply
moorehair2 Hi .......good morning my friend 😘could you give me the name of some good share groups I signed in on one but I do like to do 2 or3
Jan 26Reply
moorehair2 @annabels_rose I also like signing up to the flash sale something about the rush of doing it lol 😬💕
Jan 26Reply
moorehair2 @annabels_rose where are you from?💕
Jan 26Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 I'm from West Virginia. If you go to @official_forum you will find a large catalog of all of the share groups. I think it will be best for you to check them out to see what tailors best to you and your schedule!
Jan 26Reply
360kittykat Welcome to posh ... very much appreciated for sharing my items
Jan 27Reply
annabels_rose @360kittykat My pleasure!!! ❤❤❤
Jan 27Reply
poshsalesgirl @annabels_rose Jenn, you truly are a guardian angel❣ I want to say THANK YOU for all the shares you gave me yesterday while I was sick. It means a lot to me 💕💕 And I have a feeling you played a major role in orchestrating some shares yesterday 🤔 You're the BEST 😘❤️💕❣🌹
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @tereza2000 You are most certainly welcome!! I spent a good portion of my adult life around unkind people. Nobody will really understand how grateful I am to be a part of a community like this. In my small town, actions like this don't exist...if they do, they are few and far between. I was honored to make sure your closet got exposure while you were gone. As for those "extra shares...." I know not what you speak of! 🤐😶🤐😶🤐😶
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @happyactress You too, doll! ❤️❤️
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @happyactress Same to you! Just a piece of advice to help you out....bath products are not Posh compliant. Many poshers will not follow you/unfollow you and not share you items until all non-complainant items are removed! Just keep that in mind going further as you start growing your network! Have an awesome dayB 🎀☺️🌹
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @happyactress Oh no worries! Now I'm a bit confused myself. From my understanding from some other poshers, I thought bath/body wasn't supported. Before you go deleting everything, let me go ask someone who will know the answer really quick!! ☺☺
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @happyactress Ok, you could follow "lush" because it is a clothing brand. Bath and skin care products are a no go. Sorry!! 😕
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @happyactress Yep! You got it! Take that down and all of your available items are good to go, love!! 🎀
Feb 01Reply
annabels_rose @happyactress My pleasure! 🤗
Feb 01Reply
dcgirlfashions Thank you for all the shares! 😊
Feb 02Reply
annabels_rose @dcgirl04 My pleasure! Welcome to Posh, doll! ❤❤
Feb 02Reply
moorehair2 Heyyy I'm excited I'm Boutique status ow I'm following all your advice. I just love doing this more than anything I have ever done❤️❤️💋
Feb 02Reply
moorehair2 I have been looking for your name as I do my share groups// check out all the shares I've accumulated 😬🙏🏾💕thank you for all your support //although I know I have a long way to go in just excited I have reached this far 👍🏾
Feb 02Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 That is so awesome!! I'm so thrilled you have been selling and adding more items! Your closet is coming along nicely!!! Great work on all of those shares!! I have been in limited groups recently. I had to cut back for a minute until I felt like my normal self again.
Feb 02Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 Please always come back and let me know how you are doing! I try my best to keep up with my PFF's, but I've been slacking lately and sometimes need a reminder! I will be sharing your closet and can't wait to see your boutique!! ❤️☺️😘
Feb 02Reply
moorehair2 Are you ok😀if you need to talk I'm here always I need it myself lol
Feb 02Reply
annabels_rose @moorehair2 I appreciate the offer! I'm doing fine right now. I will no doubt reach out if I ever need to talk and please do the same if you need to as well!! 😘
Feb 02Reply
ray_chill101 Love love love your closet!!!!!!
Feb 05Reply
annabels_rose @ray_chill101 Thank you so much! That means so much to me!! Happy Poshing, doll! 🌸🎀❤😉
Feb 05Reply
chloejoy15 Super cute closet! Glad I came by in the share group! Welcome to Posh 💗
Feb 09Reply
annabels_rose @chloejoy15 Aw!! Thank you soooo much!!! 💙❤️💙❤️
Feb 09Reply
moorehair2 Thank you 😊 for all your wonderful shares!
Feb 17Reply
the_violet_fox_ Hello!:) Ty for the shares!😊 You have a great closet! Hagd!
Feb 20Reply
tshann11 Hello! I'm excited to have you following my closet and please let me know if you have any questions . Hope to hear from you soon, "Happy Poshing!"
Feb 24Reply
mubaraksiddiq Hey beautiful
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 You are good at this not pushed only want to deal with her. She's got great taste and is a sweet little dove. Thank you so much for helping me we're not done yet. Thank you so much Angie
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 That is so sweet and means so much to me! I just love how I get to meet and help such sweet poshers like yourself! You are such a doll and it has been a pleasure working and chatting with you! 😘😘
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 I feel the same. You just have the kindest most giving patient you should be a nurse or Dr. you sure have made my day. Wanted to tell you it's unpleasant. 3 weeks ago my 42 year old daughter tried to kill me she picked up our 45 and tried to fire it at me no kill me. I'm devastated. I had her arrested. Thank God the safety was on or we wouldn't be talking. Have a restraining order but it won't do much good. I felt I could trust you with this. Sorry if I freaked you out. Angie
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 I'm thrilled I could make someone's day. That story is just horrible! I am so sorry that happened to you. 😢 I couldn't even imagine. It must have been a very scary (and hurtful) situation. I'm sure it was very hard to have your own child arrested, but better that than your own life.
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 Had more to say. Her real dad stole her when she was 1 years old I didn't see her for 20 years. He ran off and your talking 1975 no amber alerts nothing. She was living in Miami and he sent her to SMS Herero go to college she was here for a year before I knew she was here
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 Wow! That's crazy!
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 Do you think I did the right thing? I don't feel like forgiving or trusting. So I don't know where's she's at or I would call the Detective he wants to put her in jail. I'm filing charges. She was on meth xanax and no telling what else. So I guess it's came full circle. Now we won't have a relationship back to full so sorry for laying all this on you but I feel you are so smart wise and know what to say. Angie
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 I can understand why you would question if you did the right thing or not. People on drugs can do things they never would have done or even thought of doing had they been sober. That is still no excuse for such behavior, but I can understand it.
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 It sounds like she needs a good rehab more than jail, but sometimes jail can be the best rehab for some. I wish there was a straight answer I could give you, but there just isn't. I feel that if you are at peace with the outcome, whatever that may be, nothing else matters.
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 Let's get to some fun like spending money. I fear ive freaked you out I don't know why I just blurted all that out. It must be I trust you and your so kind. We shan't talk about it again. Please forgive me This is for clothes and stuff. Like I said I'll be looking through adding things to my bundle okay Angie
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 Haha! Absolutely no worries doll! Sometimes I wish I could just blurt things out, but I keep it to myself. Sometimes you just gotta let it out!! I can't wait to see what items you decide to get! No matter the case, whether it's many things or a few, I hope you love them all!! ❤️ And if it's none, that's okay too!! I've enjoyed talking with you love! ☺️
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 You are a great person I'm glad I got your opinion. I'm still afraid of her. I don't want to. Let's shop. I'll get to looking. Little dove Angie
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 Are you sure you poor little girl. I think all my family is dead and my best girlfriends. Ok I'll get to shopping got a couple chores to do. Then I'll shop thanks little dove Angie
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 I have a pretty small family and circle of people around me. Posh has been a great place to meet new people!!
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 @annabels_rose I'm happy for you. Now you have a new friend. I'm unscrewing my bracelets. They've been on for 6 months and their heavy. Don't mean to presume. I'm your friend. I'm sorry. Sounds like a nice family. Really lucky. Almost done little dove. Angie
Feb 26Reply
annabels_rose @ghostgirl76 That is a long time to have on some bracelets!! I am so hard on jewelry! I had to make sure I had a lifetime warranty on my wedding rings because I knew I would do something to them! 😳
Feb 26Reply
ghostgirl76 @annabels_rose I'm glad your married. Someone to take care my little dove. You didn't mind me saying your my friend? I'm glad for you know I have a big mouth lol Angie
Feb 26Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose Hey girl! Thanks for following me and sharing my items. I truly appreciate it!! Anxious to make that first sell :)
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 Your info says Spencer. Are you referring to WV?
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 And my pleasure! Good luck with your closet! The first posher to buy from your closet gets discounted shipping, so I'm sure someone will come along soon!! ❤
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose Actually it's Indiana. It's about 20 minutes from Bloomington, IU Hoosiers! Lol You're right!! Someone will come along and buy something, I'm just excited to make that first sell for whatever reason. Thanks again!! I appreciate it😚❣
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 I live in WV and we have a Spencer, that's why I asked!! I totally understand your excitement! I still get excited about every sale I make. It gets quite addicting!! 😬
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose Ahh I didn't know WV had a Spencer as well. Is it a really small town? Cause that's how it is here, although we are growing quite a bit, with awesome stores, restaurants and a neat little coffee shop on the square downtown. So it's slowly but surely improving since I was a child. Girl you shared everything in my closet you ROCK & THANK YOU!!!! 😚😚
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 Oh my, yes, very small! The way you described yours is exactly how it is. I had family that lived there. When I was little there was the standard McDonald's and I remember a Pizza Hut. It wasn't until later that a Walmart moved in and some other things. If you do to the "find people" tab, there will be a list of suggested users. I would follow them and try and share a thing or two. They normally always follow and share back.
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 Also, self share your closet more often. That will help keep your items out there! ☺️
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose when I post something new I will share that. Is there a way to share your whole closet?
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 You have to share items in your closet individually, but you do it just like when you share items from someone else's closet. It will then move that item to the top of your closet and send it out to your followers.
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose thanks again for all the tips! I appreciate any tips or suggestions 😚
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose ok that's what I've been doing. I just didn't know if I was missing something. Like being able to share your whole closet, instead of individually.
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 You can share your closet to social media (Pinterest, FB, etc) by clicking the little square with the arrow in the top right hand corner of your closet, but as for sharing within the Posh community, you have to share yourself and rely on others to share.
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose I'm on it love!! Your awesome, useful and full of GREAT information!! 😚😚
Feb 28Reply
annabels_rose @hwebb28 Thanks! Always happy to help! Feel free to come back anytime if you ever need anything doll! 😉
Feb 28Reply
hwebb28 @annabels_rose thank you!! Enjoyed talking to you and ik I'll be back😚
Feb 28Reply
hmsimon1 Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 01Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 😊💕
Mar 04Reply
arkaydez Thank you!
Mar 07Reply
kevmac27 Great picture of u! beautiful!
Mar 08Reply
annabels_rose @kevmac27 Thanks! ☺️
Mar 08Reply
faustoc What ? Lol
Mar 13Reply
ladychn Thanks so much for sharing and liking. We both have good stuff, all my listings are factory sale. They are latest fashion and factory prices. I will update more items frequently with the production of the factory❤️🌹😁
Mar 18Reply
dwoodrum Thanks for the share! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mar 19Reply
rlynmass @annabels_rose Such a pretty furry kitty! 😽
Mar 20Reply
annabels_rose @rlynmass Thanks!! I see you have one as well! 😉
Mar 20Reply
michtol Adorable
Mar 20Reply
annabels_rose @michtol Thank you!! ☺️
Mar 20Reply
michtol Your welcome I couldn't help but notice how pretty your eyes wear God bless you
Mar 20Reply
annabels_rose @michtol Aww! That's sweet of you to say! Thank you so much and have an awesome night!! ☺️
Mar 20Reply
michtol U 2 sweetie
Mar 20Reply
robinc56 Aaand she's a kitteh lover! 😻
Mar 20Reply
annabels_rose @robinc56 Absolutely!!! They are my babies! Super needy, but I love them!
Mar 20Reply
juggernaut0666 I am having a blowout sale this week, I have three types of mystery boxes stuffed with designer clothes jewelry, watches, colognes and perfumes , one box will have a 600 dollar oscar de la Rena men's ring and some with special edition bottles of perfume , I am doing this to make room for my new shipments , I also can do buy one get one half off of anything of equal or lesser value, it's a steal ,,,, also I take offers
Mar 23Reply
jazzycats Thank you for sharing and I love the kitty.
Mar 23Reply
doc_5150 !! !! Need to release those
Mar 25Reply
versace187 Thank you for sharing 🤗
Mar 27Reply
doc_5150 @annabels_rose text me and we can talk 9282990048
Mar 28Reply
lesleymmc Thank you for all the shares! You're awesome! 🤗
Apr 04Reply
dolly1370 Hi beautiful lady! I love your kitty😊 so sweet. I am a big time animal.lover
Apr 05Reply
annabels_rose @dolly1370 Thank you so much! ☺️
Apr 06Reply
arasplayground Thanks for following me 😄🌻
Apr 07Reply
smddamn Thank you for sharing my list, I appreciate it (:
Apr 11Reply
annabels_rose @smddamn No problem! ☺️
Apr 11Reply
jimmyb007 Thanks for the follow!!! Here's to hoping I get my first sale today. 😊
Apr 12Reply
annabels_rose @jimmyb007 Good luck!! 🤞🏻
Apr 12Reply
58longhorn Thanks for the follow, you have a beautiful 🐱 and a great closet 💕😍😍
Apr 14Reply
annabels_rose @58longhorn Thanks! ❤️☺️
Apr 14Reply
croshella Hiiiii! Thank you so much for following me 😍. I will try and share as much as possible! I just got stared on Poshmark and still a baby, learning the ropes lol... Hope you have an awesome week!
Apr 18Reply
novelnotions Just wanted to tell you I've enjoyed browsing your shop! I'm a new posher but I've been having fun with it and already made my first purchase (hopefully first sell coming soon! Haha!) Thank you for responding so promptly about checking inseam measurements for me. :) Short gals like me always have to be sure!
Apr 20Reply
annabels_rose @novelnotions Thank you so much!! I'm sure you will make your first sale in no time!! I'll be sure to share your items to my followers!!! I really should have my measurements posted on all of my listings - but when I started out, I just didn't, and now I'm slowly working on revamping all of my descriptions. I hope you have a wonderful day, I updated the post you inquired about, and I hope you had an awesome experience with your first purchase!! ❤️
Apr 20Reply
gpaja73 Thanks for the follow 💜💜💜
Apr 25Reply
gpaja73 Thanks for sharing my listings 💜💜💜
Apr 25Reply
annabels_rose @mcmmaborder12 Thank you so much and you are welcome! I can most certainly help you out more when I get a chance to learn more about you! I tried to just share what I could that I thought might work! I have so much, so I'm sure there are things I missed! ❤️❤️
Apr 26Reply
annabels_rose @mcmmaborder12 They just made this dressing room update - so I'm trying to work on that and figure it out all of this new stuff!!! The good thing is that all of your things I've shared with stay in the dressing room and saved for you - so you can manage and always see it!
Apr 26Reply
annabels_rose @mcmmaborder12 Absolutely! I'll love to help you out and work out an amazing bundle deal for you! ☺️
Apr 26Reply
nordictall1 Cute kitty darlin
May 15Reply
nikisthill Hey girl!! been a while since we have chatted, just wanted to say Hi:)
May 20Reply
annabels_rose @nikisthill Hey!!!! It has been a minute! I've been so caught up in my dad's closet and FINALLY posting new inventory in mine, I just haven't even had the chance to relax! How have you been doing?? Is your website up and running?
May 20Reply
nikisthill Is your dad enjoying Poshmark? How is the house coming along? Im great, yep my website is up and of course a Facebook page. I am not real computer savy so somehow i created 2 pages when trying to make 1 lol!! FRUSTRATING!! Oh well! You should check it out! Boutique1019. Do you still do any share groups? I decided to check some out today and in the past it seemed like you were always in them
May 20Reply
nikisthill Your numbers are looking real good ! I make sure to check out your follow list a couple times a week lol
May 20Reply
annabels_rose @nikisthill He hasn't fully taken over his closet yet nor have we put a whole lot up. I moved a lot of inventory and needed to take time to work on my closet. We will be working more on his in the next week or so. We had to do a bunch of crap to release the land. We are now just waiting. It's going to take months. We are hoping to get it all done before winter. Total bummer, but we can't make the bank move any quicker.
May 20Reply
nikisthill oh man girl, sorry to hear that! But, hopefully it is worth the wait and all the other emotions lol!
May 20Reply
annabels_rose @nikisthill Wish I would have waited a bit! You have a couple of pieces in your closet that are so my style! I see you've been doing all kinds of stuff! Looks great!!!
May 20Reply
nikisthill is your dad selling his stuff too?
May 20Reply
nikisthill Thanks!! Yes I am slowly getting in pictures from the photographer who took the modeling pictures which turned out great!! Ill hook you up girl! tag me in your dad closet so i can check it out again, I've been trying to search for it but clearly i don't remember his closet name
May 20Reply
annabels_rose @nikisthill I help him pick out things to sell. He's already sold three dresses. There aren't many listings yet. It takes a bit longer bc I have to make sure every single detail is on the description to make it easier for him. He will never understand what all sellers really have to do! Trying to diminish all questions on his page!!
May 20Reply
nikisthill Thats great! all it takes is one sell to get hooked lol
May 20Reply
annabels_rose @nikisthill Yea. We are making his closet more of a nwot to EUC kind of closet so it's different from mine.
May 20Reply
nikisthill cool, well hopefully he enjoys it!
May 20Reply
styledbysamona Thanks for the like and share I'm new on posh so anything that you can do to help is greatly appreciated don't forget to bundle and I'm open to all offers see you soon...
May 26Reply
annabels_rose @sridge1214 Hi there! Welcome to Posh! I love helping new poshers! If you would like to boosts shares and followers - make sure your closet is Posh compliant as many will not follow or share for you if it's not. Posh has a list - but to just name a few categories I noticed in your closet (household and skin care products) aren't to be sold. Removing them will keep people from reporting them and will bring more poshers to your closet to help you share! ❤️
May 26Reply
styledbysamona @annabels_rose I didn't know that.. Thanks I will remove it right now.. I really appreciate all your help
May 26Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found you on posh! Hope you check out my closet and maybe find some things you love! Especially my handmade jewelry ✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 07Reply
beautyshop888 If you love chanel , check out my closet! I think you'll find something you'll like :)
Jun 13Reply
2muchstuff3691 Great closet!!!
Jun 19Reply
jannies @annabels_rose , Beautiful closet...Tell your Dad, Papaw, that he steered me straight to your closet!! Love that! Miss mine so much ❤️
Jul 11Reply
brianaafleming Check out my closet if you get a chance, if you see anything you like let me know!
Jul 19Reply
clutterbug2022 Hello. Nice closet i been try get mine up going then i tore my muscle cuff so it is hard to get up stairs to get to my closet. I hope this weekend i can if my husband is off work. I'm I asking to much on clothes??
Jul 27Reply
annabels_rose @tori3540 Oh no! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Your closet - your rules! I price my items based on condition, retail price, Posh fees, etc. As sellers, we have so many things to keep in mind when listing. If someone doesn't like your price, they can always make an offer! Then you can decide what you are willing to let it go for! 🙂
Jul 27Reply
clutterbug2022 @annabels_rose what does posh charge?? Most of my clothes is like brand new or some has never been worn. 18 years ago i use to live in parkersburg.
Jul 27Reply
veronicaliz Hi Jennifer! Thank you for following my closet. If you find yourself shopping, I hope you will check it out. I started with Poshmark to support my mom who has Early-Onset Alzheimer's and is no longer able to work. All my profits go to her care and living expenses. Thank you! Have a great day! - Veronica (PS Your closet is fantastic!)
Aug 03Reply
thehoneychild Gurrrrrrrrl! Come on get you something good and click that buy now button!
Aug 11Reply
annabels_rose @jbestebhs 😆 And there is still soooo much not even posted! Haha!! I really appreciate that and I appreciate you!!!! It really was a pleasure working with you and I always strive to give my repeat customers the absolute best deals I possibly can - so come back any time!! ❤️❤️ Happy Poshing and have a wonderful night!! 💋
Aug 15Reply
rubymaeloves Hey sorry this is random, but do you have the warning message under your posh stats about them removing one of your listings?
Aug 15Reply
annabels_rose @mkelley8907 I have had one before. They took down a VS listing because I used a stock photo...🙄. I didn't even realize it happened until I found an email saying what was removed. The warning will go away after 30 days.
Aug 15Reply
rubymaeloves @annabels_rose Well that's what's strange because all of my listings are still there, but Posh did remove that girls post from earlier about the scam. I'm just wondering if everyone she tagged got the same message or if it was because I commented on it or what. I just thought it was crazy so I wanted to check with you and see if I was the only one lol
Aug 15Reply
annabels_rose @mkelley8907 It's so hard to tell with Posh. When my listings got removed - it happened right after I defended PPF after a disgruntled posher was stealing modeling photos of a PFF to use on her own page AND tag a site you can get her items cheaper.
Aug 15Reply
annabels_rose @mkelley8907 I found it so odd that my photos got reported out of nowhere. I wrote to Posh and they claimed it came from the actual business. I can't say that isn't true - but what are the odds?! I just think Posh protects the wrong people at times and I have no clue why they do what they do. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Aug 15Reply
lillianh4412 Thank you for the like & share!!💋💋
Aug 16Reply
annabels_rose @lillianh4412 No problem! I'm finishing up my Poshing for the night - but I went back and grabbed a few more of your listings before I signed off! Best of luck and wishing you many sales! Have a great night! ❤️☺️
Aug 16Reply
lillianh4412 @annabels_rose aww thanks. You have a goodnight as well!
Aug 16Reply
brickellperfume Nice to meet you!!! I love your cat 🐱
Aug 21Reply
annabels_rose @brickellperfume You too! She's a handful, but I love her! ❤️
Aug 21Reply
kevinlinda Love your closet! I hope I can. E as successful as you are on Poshmark! 💞. Have a great day sweetie! Happy Poshing! 👚👠👔👖👗👢👛 🕶👙
Aug 23Reply
annabels_rose @kevinlinda Thank you so much! ❤️ 🌟You are definitely on the right track and have started a beautiful closet! 🌟 Please feel free to tag me if you ever need any help or have a question! 👍🏻👌🏻 Best of luck and Happy Poshing! 🤗
Aug 23Reply
kriley309 Your cat 🐱 is beautiful !!!!
Aug 29Reply
tetullis Hello Jennifer, thanks for following. Everything I make is made with love. I will be posting more items as I make them. Happy poshing.
Aug 29Reply
tetullis Thanks for the like and sharing.
Aug 29Reply
annabels_rose @tetullis My pleasure! Wishing you many sales! Your jewelry is beautiful and I'm sure each piece will find a great home! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 29Reply
cesca56 Good morning Jennifer thanks for following me 😊
Aug 30Reply
mzpitty1 Hi Jennifer My name is Annabelle Lee My mother's name is Rose. I thought the only Annabelle's were little old Brit ladies with Angora cats, and of course Edgar A. Poe.
Sep 05Reply
annabels_rose @mzpitty1 😂😂 I named my closet after my niece! So she's carrying on the name for future generations! Haha
Sep 05Reply
annabels_rose @jbestebhs Aw! I'm so glad they ended up working out! I know they were a gamble for you and it's always nice when it pays off! Love that! You are just too sweet! I will always hook you up if you ever find another piece or bundle you might want! Your compliment made my morning! 😘😘😘
Sep 06Reply
oyisa300 Thank you Annabel for sharing my listing.
Sep 10Reply
annabels_rose @oyisa300 My pleasure! Best of luck on your closet! Xoxo Jennifer
Sep 10Reply
prosper82 😘beautiful🔥🔥
Oct 03Reply
closetrehab @annabels_rose Thanks for following me, Jennifer! I appreciate it more than you know. Your closet is lovely. I started out purely shopping (and I still am an addict), but now I've got the Poshbug both ways! Stop by my closet soon. I am adding more and more great items slowly, but surely. Happy Poshing! 🙏🏽🤗💖
Oct 16Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me🌸
Oct 28Reply
tannyaustin wAy tO gO 💥SP💥 😍🤐shhhhhh🤐😍
Nov 02Reply
annabels_rose @magconto1 My pleasure! ❤️❤️
Nov 10Reply
riggle1024 @annabels_rose thanks for following and checking out my closet
Nov 10Reply
annabels_rose @riggle1024 You are welcome! Wishing you many sales! 👍🏻
Nov 10Reply
yesitsavailable Thanks for all the shares pretty lady 😀Have a GREAT weekend!!!!
Nov 11Reply
annabels_rose @jbestebhs No problem! I’ve been trying to keep new things added - so hopefully you find more things you love and I can hook you up with a great deal! I’ll get back to you on that top shortly! I must go try on and investigate! 😏
Nov 12Reply
annabels_rose @jbestebhs So here is what I’m thinking and would be willing to do for you - because I really want these pieces to go to someone that will get use out of them - especially the necklace set... I can come down to $165 and offer you $4.99 shipping to keep you under $170. You would have to cancel out what we are doing now so I could submit that to you.
Nov 12Reply
annabels_rose @jbestebhs I totally will understand and respect whatever decision you make! I wish I could go even lower - but I haven’t even entertained offers on the boutique pieces - and would only do so for someone that has been so awesome to me.
Nov 12Reply
annabels_rose @jbestebhs THANK YOU GIRL! It’s people like YOU that make me forget about any negative experiences that occur on here! You will never know what that means to me. I love to Posh, but not everyone can make the experiences pleasant - no matter how nice you are to them!
Nov 12Reply
modista316 Oh my goodness! Thank you for sharing my lunch listings!! Have a positively posh day!! 🌺😘🌺😘🌺
Nov 14Reply
annabels_rose @modista316 Anytime! Enjoy your evening as well!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 14Reply
annasposhalley TY very very much. I am a brand new posher & really appreciate your kindness. Have an awesome day :)
Nov 20Reply
annabels_rose @steveanna29 Welcome to Posh! Wishing you much success on your journey! ❤️
Nov 21Reply
cherieito Sorry hun, i accidentally touch something, I'm just trying to clean out my closet😕Sorry
Dec 11Reply
annabels_rose @cherieito Haha! No problem! ❤️
Dec 11Reply
anna3358 Beautiful kitty cat....😻
Dec 29Reply
annabels_rose @anna3358 Thank you! ❤️
Dec 29Reply
anna3358 @annabels_rose...yvw...😊
Dec 29Reply
gallo830 😊
Jan 01Reply
sarahravioli83 My daughter's name is Annabelle Rose :)
Jan 02Reply
annabels_rose @sarahravioli83 Aww! ❤️ That is the name of my niece! I named my closet after her! ☺️
Jan 02Reply
sarahravioli83 @annabels_rose :) I fell in love with the name and decided years before we had her to name a girl that :)
Jan 02Reply
annabels_rose @sarahravioli83 Lucky you! That’s one less stressful thing to worry about! I think I will be deciding up until the last minute! Hahha! 😖
Jan 02Reply
rileema 🌸Love your closet🌷
Jan 08Reply
tacticool Thanks for the follow !!! 😘😘
Jan 11Reply
annabels_rose @tacticool Your are welcome! Good luck with your sales! 🙂
Jan 11Reply
tacticool @annabels_rose well thanks you that’s sweet you to !
Jan 11Reply
jaymc79 Hello stop by my closet, any questions just ask.
Jan 14Reply
lindy228 Hi Jennifer! I’m a new Posher and just made my first sale! Actually 4 sales, same buyer! She didn’t bundle so I have 4 separate shipping labels. I offered a bundle for 3 or more. I wanted to give her a 15% discount. Suggestions? I’m hoping to drop this at the PO in the morning. I’m just wondering if I have to mail 4 separate boxes. I appreciate any help! It looks like you have a lot of great experience! All ears over here! 😁
Jan 20Reply
annabels_rose @lindy228 Hi! This is a bit tricky. Some poshers don’t know how to use the “bundle” feature. The problem is - sometimes they buy and ghost. So this is going to be up to you. I normally tag that person to see if they even respond before I accept the offers. If you have already accepted - I’d probably go ahead and ship. You do need to use the label provided with each piece and ship them separately. You can still tag her and cancel and redo everything - it can just turn into a nightmare.
Jan 20Reply
lindy228 Thank you! That was very helpful. I know I have a lot to learn. I really appreciate the info and your prompt response! 😁💕
Jan 20Reply
annabels_rose @lindy228 Anytime! My goal is to do whatever I can to help buyers - but that problem is such a catch 22. I’ve literally spent hours trying to reach out, educate, make a special bundle,’s can get super frustrating (especially if you go through all of that - then lose out on the sale bc you were just trying to save them $). The next best thing we can do as sellers is tag them or add a note in their package educating them for the next time they might purchase from you or someone else. ☺️
Jan 20Reply
lindy228 @annabels_rose Hi again! I was just reading through some of your comments and I would like to join some of the groups you mentioned. I understand if they only want a limited number to keep the group small but I would love to get connected with some of you experienced Poshers if it’s ok! I am discovering how much I love styling and photographing my pieces to list. Maybe I’ve found my nichè!
Jan 20Reply
bruceysprucey Thanks for the follow! 🤩❤
Jun 01Reply
scrappycavie You have such a beautiful closet❤️❤️❤️
Jul 08Reply
kings_ransom Your cat is beautiful:)
Jul 30Reply
annabels_rose @agz1979 Yea - I have two long haired cats. :)
Feb 14Reply
annabels_rose @agz1979 My older cat is pretty spiteful. I think she would really sock it to me if I took her hair! Lol
Feb 14Reply
annabels_rose @agz1979 She’s already attached to my hip! She is not one for change - and I am not one to make an attempt with her!! Haha Nice to meet you as well. 🙂
Feb 14Reply
annabels_rose @agz1979 haha! Well, my oldest used to hate everyone but myself. Now she’s super bitter towards me. Recently had a baby that is stealing my attention. She isn’t happy at all.
Feb 14Reply
annabels_rose @agz1979 Haha! Well, my daughter must have good instincts. She’s only attempted to grab the “chill” cat. I think her and the other have some kind of understanding to stay away from each other at the moment! 🙃
Feb 14Reply
onemoretime_ @annabels_rose Beautiful closet!! 👋💕💕💕
Feb 21Reply
annabels_rose @onemoretime_ Thank you! ❤️
Feb 22Reply
malkianista Hi Annabel , love you closet. I went ahead and shared several items from your closet, please share mine. 💍👑👗👙👠
Feb 25Reply
jocole96 Love the cat , Welcome!!
Mar 19Reply
voutique Happy Poshing!!
Apr 15Reply
chellier Thanks for following
Jul 03Reply
Oct 29Reply
annabels_rose @chaig28 Thank you! 🙌🏻
Oct 29Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your Make Deal Days win! It’s so exciting! I have won in the past and be sure to check your email and read the rules. This free money does expire, just FYI. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount. Please visit my closet for great stuff and look my great reviews!! Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Oct 29Reply
sourpoi Congrats on your WIN! Enjoy your mini shopping spree! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing!
Oct 29Reply
lovedbyrach Congratulations on winning "Make A Deal Days"! You deserve it 🎉 Feel free to check my closet anytime 💞😊
Oct 30Reply
jweezi24 Congrats 🎉 on winning today!! I hope you check out my closet for really cute items! The mystery boxes are a great deal, and what better way to try it out than with poshmark cash??🛍💕
Oct 30Reply
bathreadz 👯👯👯🛍💰Congrats on winning the Deals Day Challenge!!👯👯👯🛍💰 👯👯👯 Free money is always fun! Enjoy splurging on yourself!! Your closet is filled with great items so I went ahead & shared some of your listings to boost sales!💲💲💲 Feel free to stop by my closet follow me & share too! Happy Poshing!!! 😉 Wishing much success!!!
Oct 30Reply
ksfashionfinds 🌷🥰🌟Hi I seen your name on the winners list! Congratulations on winning the $100 shopping credit🎉🎊if you haven’t yet go to the news feed find the poshmark congratulations you won $100 notification click it and there’s a bell click it to accept the prize and look under your sales balance should show $100 credit right away🤗🌷have fun shopping and if you see anything in my closet I’m giving offers and discounts to winners! Enjoy shopping🥰
Oct 30Reply
juicypu88 Could you do $10 on the dress with $4.99 shipping
Nov 13Reply
annabels_rose @lovelypink1988 Sure. I’ll need to repost it and drop the price for you. I’ll tag you in a moment in the new listing.
Nov 13Reply
mdnna Hi! I bought the WVU cropped sweatshirt. I love it, but the fabric looks like it is dyed a purplish blue. I thought it was blue. Did it come like that? Did you buy it second hand or is that the way it was supposed to be? The fabric on the inside of the sleeve is the blue I thought it was. Thanks!
Nov 16Reply
annabels_rose @bpalmer9 Yes, it came like that! I bought it and never even wore it - that’s why I was selling. I’m really sorry about any color confusion that has happened. 😕
Nov 16Reply
davidclark873 Happy poshing! I love your closet’s aesthetic! 🤗
Dec 18Reply
allegrajewel Hi do you still have the 2 a&f cardigans for sale?
Jan 19Reply
annabels_rose @allegrajewel Sorry! I crosspost and They were sold.
Jan 19Reply
allegrajewel @annabels_rose aw ok, thanks for getting back to me
Jan 19Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 14Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. You have an absolutely adorable baby. That picture of the two of you is precious. Looks like she has tons of personality. Stay safe and God bless.
Aug 26Reply
salced2525 🌻Hi Beautiful don't miss my sale! Buy 3 items and get 30% off🌻
Nov 24Reply
zardiva1 Hey! 😃 I just wanna say: WV, represennnnnt! ✋😃🤚(Haha 😄) My parents and grandparents were all born and raised there (in the Kimball/Welch area) 👍🙂
Dec 07Reply
butterfly4122 Hi please do not bundle items 4 me. size wrong and I do not like someone else shopping for me! thanks
Dec 26Reply
annabels_rose @butterfly4122 I didn’t - but you should turn off the feature if you don’t like it. Thanks.
Dec 26Reply
_lo97 Thank you for the follow! Check out my shop, you might find something you like 💛
Mar 29Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on any items I’m selling!
Apr 01Reply
msneverending1 Jennifer I was just cruising through the closets today and I discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. My name is Carol & I love your closet, when you have time please stop by and take a look at my closet treasures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Apr 08Reply
uneekfinds Thanks so much for the follow! I thoroughly enjoyed browsing your closet and sharing along the way! Happy Poshing!
Jan 02Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 25Reply

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