Meet your Posher, Jennifer
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Hi! I'm Jennifer. I'm currently a stay at home mom with my twin girls whom i home school. I am a shopaholic! I LOVE Trina Turk and have quite the collection!! When i go on vacations, literally all i pack is my Trina Turk bathing suits and cover ups and dresses!! Shopping on here is like a treasure hunt. Im always looking for certain patterns to complete my collection lol. i also use the site to sell some of my patterns that either no longer fit me or i had to purchase to get a piece of the set someone wasnt willing to im looking to find them a home that will love them as much as i did!
But just like you, I am always looking for a bargain! lol
Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) if you have an ISO please let me know...or if you're looking for something to complete your collection, let me know... I might have it 😀

14 others
like this

Beautiful babies!! 💕
Mar 12Reply

Thank you😘
Mar 12Reply

Hi Jennifer. Sorry for the delay on the necklace something happened with shipping. 🤔 I will be resenting it.
Apr 11Reply

So glad you got the necklace. Not sure why poshmark sent me an email saying the postage was wrong😩. Enjoy☀️
Apr 12Reply

Thank you so much for all your likes 💞💞❤❤❤💞💞
Apr 15Reply

Look at those little loves! 💕 Just wanted to thank you for your interest in the bundle and to let you know I'll be away from the closet for the weekend - I can ship soon if I've got a shipping label today, else it'll be Monday before I'm back on the scene.
Apr 20Reply

@mcelwain30 those are beautiful babies. If they are twins, I'm also an identical twin and shes,my world and my best friend. I love your closet and hope I can get that lucky bathing suit soon
May 10Reply

Awww so precious!!!!!
Jun 15Reply

Hi! Check out my closet, hope something catches ur eye and don't forget to follow tnx
Jun 15Reply

Hi Jennifer...I received your offer...and would totally accept...but I am currently out of state until the 11th. Please resubmit then ☺
Jul 01Reply

Remind me lol :) thanks 😘
Jul 01Reply

Lol will do 😉
Jul 01Reply

Love your closet and what cute babies!
Jul 19Reply

Aww thank you...they are 20 months now! Time flies!!
Jul 19Reply

Hey! 👋🏽 Thanks for liking/visiting my closet! 🛍 I just wanted to let you know I give huge discounts on bundled items, I'm also very fair if you want to make an offer! 🛒 All purchases receives a free gift as well as same day shipping! 📫🎁 Happy Poshing! 💕✨
Aug 07Reply

Good morning Jennifer. Thank you for choosing to like my creation 🌹
Dec 14Reply

I can’t figure out another way to message you other than here so I’m sorry if this is the wrong place for inquiries! I know it has been a while but you were able to help one of my friends out with a certain baby blanket that I am trying VERY hard to find now! Do you have, or know where I can find, the Vera Bradley Tutti Frutti baby blanket?? I appreciate any help you can offer!! :) thank you
Dec 19Reply

@evlucente hi:) all I have left is the bunny blanket. I bought them years ago at the end of season for my twin girls but never used them. It's literally been almost 3 yrs ago. I would try eBay if there are non on poshmark. Maybe do a Google search and see if anything comes up. Sorry they are a rare find. Good luck:)
Dec 19Reply

Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 21Reply

Good Evening. I went to Post Office with other packages and accidentally left your sweater. Sorry. I will be sending tomorrow evening.
Jan 02Reply

Thanks, feel free to make an offer.
Jan 06Reply

@mcelwain30 please check the message I left you under the blazer you purchased from me! There is an issue!
Jan 09Reply

Putting your package in the mail tomorrow! Download ibotta and get 2.5% back on Poshmark purchases. Use my invite code " hiypcrm".
Jan 11Reply

Omg they are so cute. I didn’t realize this was you till I saw the premier jewelry I’ll share a bunch and if you ever have questions let me know 💗💗💗
Feb 01Reply

@mcelwain30 Jennifer send me your address so I can ship your necklace.
Feb 07Reply

@cajunqueen1962 awesome!!
Jennifer Gentilcore
188 fetzner Rd.
Rochester NY 14626
Feb 07Reply

@mcelwain30 thanks, I will try my best to get it in tomorrows mail. Thank you.
Feb 07Reply

@mcelwain30 9400109699939682294964 THIS THE TRACKING #
Feb 07Reply

@cajunqueen1962 Awesome...thanks 😘
Feb 08Reply

Thank you so much for the
⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating and sweet love note! I’m happy you’re happy with your purchase! 🤗 Have a great rest of your week 💕💕
Mar 07Reply

hey Jennifer SWOON what beautiful babies!!! God’s gift!!!! Thanks for the like on the vibrant Vera Bradley organizer. If interested my pricing is negotiable & will ship same day. No pressure just checking in.
Mar 12Reply

Hi Jennifer! Thanks so much for purchasing from my closet! I just wanted to stop by and let you know I just dropped your goodies off at the post office and you should be receiving those shortly!
Mar 14Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! I am moving soon, so I need to clear my closet out! HELP ME! Please bundle everything you ❤❤❤ and I will give you a HUGE DISCOUNT for helping make my move a little lighter! #BlackPicketFence 👑
Ps! OMG this pic of your babies is absolutely adorable!!!! What are thier names?
Apr 12Reply

Hi there! I can do $30.00 for both jackets. The price is almost at cost now. They are very cute. My daughter has one. Thanks for checking my closet out.
Apr 28Reply

Hello and thanks for the likes! I am having a "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" on all kids items + my 15% seller discount on top of it. Just add the items to a bundle and I will send you a private, no pressure offer. Happy Poshing!
Apr 28Reply

Beautiful girls, by the way. I am also a twin :)
Apr 28Reply

@sparklingviolet would you be interested in a trade? Feel free to take a look at my closet and let me know :)
Apr 28Reply

Hi there! This is Teresa. Do u have twins? I do to! A boy and girl 20 months old. I looked thru and my daughters foot is already an 8 so your shoes are to small. I do trades. I looked at the things u like and add up to $47.00 I think. U get a discount and I can bundle those items for $38.00.
Apr 29Reply

Can I edit the existing listing for the items to trade or do I have to create a new listing ? Sorry for the confusion
Jun 15Reply

@cindyk1974 because you've already sent me an offer I don't think it will let me buy it for $3...I would just create the sperate listing...I open the individual listings for the items and then a pic of one of the pics...then when I'm creating the new listing I can click on all the pics and they upload all together
Jun 15Reply

I *Take a pic* of each individual item with my screenshot on my phone
Jun 15Reply

@mcelwain30 I just created the listing 😊
Jun 15Reply

@mcelwain30 I’ll ship tomorrow (hopefully). I just moved and have to gather all the items. Please just bear with me ☺️
Jun 15Reply

@cindyk1974 no prob ❣️😘❣️😘
Jun 15Reply

I looked everywhere at my house and can’t find that bra. My best guess is that it is in storage and I can barely get in to my unit there is so much stuff. Ugh 😑. I’m so sorry. Best I can say is if I find it I will mail it. I totally understand if you want to cancel the transaction. I’m really sorry. I literally just moved. And I have stuff in 3 different locations.
Jun 15Reply

@cindyk1974 no worries 😘 I know how moving can be!! Totally understand ❣️😘hmm there was that heart necklace that was $ cool with you trying to find it and mailing it later... or if you wanted to throw in that necklace and I could throw in 2 more of the Jamberry nails and we could call it a deal? Up to you ...let me know❣️
Jun 15Reply

@mcelwain30 which necklace ?
Jun 15Reply

@cindyk1974 I'll put it in the Bundle so you can see 🤩
Jun 15Reply

I know that is in my jewelry box and I have no idea where that is. Ugh. I’m so sorry. I can absolutely mail you the bra as soon as I find it. My storage unit is packed full. I will check at my parents this weekend.
Jun 15Reply

@cindyk1974 no worries lol which ever works better for you❣️🤩I'll mail you're package tomorrow ❣️🤩😘
Jun 15Reply

Ok, first those are the cutest babies ever. Great pic! Now... I wanted to tell you, thanks for stopping in my closet. I see you’ve put a bundle together. The combo pick is the same as the separates. Some people just asked if I’d sell the separately so I listed it as such. Let me know if you have any questions. Also...I accept reasonable offers. Happy Poshing!
Jun 20Reply

Hi! Saw you liked the jean jacket in my closet! Are you interested in it?
Jul 05Reply

Hey. I found the bra and my jewelry. 😊
Jul 10Reply

Hi @mcelwain30 ✨ Thank you for checking out my closet and sharing my items!! I truly appreciate it. If you have any questions for me or just want to say hi, please just comment on any of my listings and I will get back to you! All the best to you! Thanks again and happy Poshing! 💫💕✨
Jul 14Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jul 17Reply

Hi Jennifer, I saw you started a bundle from my closet. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for checking out my closet! Beautiful babies btw❤️ Happy poshing!😊🌟
Aug 11Reply

Thank you for liking my item. We are having a sale. Kid items are 5 for $25. Make yourself at home and have a look around my closet!
Sep 10Reply

Sorry I’m new to Poshmark and don’t understand bundles. My fur scarf and a bundle, what does that mean? Thanks so much. A learning curve here.
By the way, you have a great closet!
Oct 18Reply

@blondeberry bundles are where buyers can put multiple items in together so you can offer one price for everything in the bundle and pay one price for shipping...also bundles are a way for sellers to show you a few items in their closet that are for sale❣️
Oct 18Reply

If you want to trade with someone make sure you see they have good reviews from other poshers as posh doesn't back up the purchases...I trade items for $3 and shipping...that way whatever we agree on we both pay $3 and it's tracked with posh's shipping...❣️
Oct 18Reply

If you want to trade I do $3 trade as well as shipping cost through posh so it's tracked...just make sure the person you're trading with has good reviews as there are some scammers out there. I usually create a new listing for whatever items I'm trading that person for or up date the listing to show purchase only for and their name.. hope that helps
Oct 18Reply

@blondeberry hi :) me again ❣️just wondered if there was anything you wanted from my closet to trade😘I just love that scarf lol I'm waiting for some of my sales to be accepted so I can use my sale to purchase the scarf...could you do me a gigantic favor and hold the scarf a few days for me??? Pretty please❣️❣️❣️
Oct 19Reply

@blondeberry you would just go into the listing and change it to not for sale.. then I can message you when I'm ready and purchase is from you if that works for you ❣️😘❣️😘 that is if there's nothing you just have to have in my closet 😘 ❣️
Oct 19Reply

Let’s wait and see what happens. I’m thinking you’ll get it. By the way, darling babies!!! How old now?
Oct 19Reply

@mcelwain30 Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Oct 20Reply

I really appreciate your offer but am standing firm on my price. My next step is EBay, where I saw the exact same scarf for 199. Not hard to believe since my store in NJ sold these for 300. Thanks!
Question: where do you get all the things you sell? Are you part of their boutique program, where you buy from them? Just curious, I have so much to learn.
Oct 20Reply

@blondeberry hello there I believe you sent this to the wrong person 😬 it happens to me all the time - good luck with your buyer! I hope it sells
Oct 20Reply

@kfab333 soooo sorry, one day I’ll learn this!
Oct 20Reply

No worries I gave you an offer of your counter offer. ❣️😘 Everything in my closet are items I have bought throughout the years ..I actually am not familiar with the boutique 😇
Oct 20Reply

Hi Jennifer!
Not sure if you're in the market for a new jacket but I just listed a very pretty Soia & Kyo wool Pea Coat. Willing to negotiate on price a bit and help with shipping. Just thought you might be interested. Happy New Year!! 🎉
Jan 05Reply

Hello, are you asking to pay $20 for the filler and serum only? If I accept it ..I want to make sure we are in the same page.
Jan 10Reply

Hi Jennifer! Adorable pics! your wedding dress is stunning- and the twins-my heart is bursting! I have a Trina Turk dress in my closet that I would like to offer you with a discount price and free shipping, you’ll love it!
Feb 17Reply

I’m so happy you loved your rings!!
May 10Reply

@obindee they are beautiful!!! Now I have to win the lottery so I can buy the other items lol
May 10Reply

@mcelwain30 😃😘
May 10Reply

I was going to take you offer but I can’t find item cuz I just moved to new house . I will let you know if I find them . Thank you
May 15Reply

Hi there Thank you for liking several of my fine jewelry items in my closet. If you would like a quote to consider to evaluate discount offer on one or any particular item, just let me know which one or ones, and will offer no obligation seller bundle to u. I like your closet very much also. Thanks for visiting. Nite. Lori
Jun 13Reply

OH MY GOODNESS ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️Look at all that CUTEEENESS......🤩😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰Enjoy those sweet babies like there’s no tomorrow!!!! It goes by way to fast😢❣️
Jul 16Reply

@onestepahead4 it does!! I blinked and now they are 3 and 1/2 already!! 💕💕💕
Jul 17Reply

@mcelwain30 😱Noooo❣️ They are??? Oh good gosh..” the days CAN BE VERY LONG....BUT THE YEARS ARE REALLLLLY SHORT!!!” U probably hear this a lot? Don’t forget what this posh women will tell u. “Make memories NOT SHOWS. When ever u video ur sweet toots ( focus mostly on them, they r really the only 2 u want to look back at!😬I promise though 😅
Jul 17Reply

Good morning. Thank you for liking the Silpada jewelry in my closet. Please feel free to make an offer if you’re interested in purchasing. Have a wonderful day!
Dec 12Reply

Good morning. Thank you for liking the Silpada jewelry in my closet. Please feel free to make an offer if you’re interested in purchasing. Have a wonderful day!
Dec 12Reply

Thanks for adding the Silpada pins and earrings to a bundle. Are you interested in purchasing at this time?
Dec 18Reply

Hi ! George here ))) If you like some items from my closet, just bundle, and send me your offer. It's a Christmas time and all of us deserve a little "break", GIFTS and LOVE.! Thank you and Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Dec 19Reply

Take a look at the Trina Turk but I’m only getting to do it for a limited time ❤️
Jan 04Reply

Thank you so much for the 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating!!!
I hope you enjoy your Trina Turk board shorts sweet lady ❤️
Jan 10Reply

Hello Jennifer. I have sent you a counter offer for the four items you picked out yesterday. Thanks for visiting my closet! New items added daily
Jan 31Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%! I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Feb 03Reply

Precious angels!❤️. Thank you for shopping my closet and all the ❤️ ‘s!!!
Feb 19Reply

@mcelwain30 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 06Reply

Look at those gorgeous babies!!! Jennifer....want to cancel the pants and bundle this tank? I’ll add it in for an additional 14 hun. I don’t was going to pick through some things to find a shirt I haven’t posted yet to throw in but if you really want this tank, cancel pants and bundle and I’ll offer $34 for both. Xo
May 05Reply

Hi there! Thanks for checking out my closet and liking the beautiful Trina Turk dress. Feel free to make an offer if interested. I’d love to ship to you in the morning. 💕🛍
Jun 11Reply

Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Beautiful babies!!
Jul 29Reply

Hello! I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark so far! Happy to have you here. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I sell mostly kid’s clothes. If you have time, I would love it if you would check out my closet! Thank you.😊
Oct 15Reply

Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you Like is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting ALL offers. Happy Valentine’s Day 😍
Jan 24Reply

Aww beautiful babies!
I have 3 Trina Turk dresses listed that you might like. Happy poshing 💝
Jan 25Reply

Hi Jennifer, thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Apr 02Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1000 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 10Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 22Reply

Dear Jennifer,
That is an enchanting beautiful picture of your twin girls!
Welcome to Poshmark!🤗🌷💜
I'm Jenny a Poshmark Ambassador .
You have joined a wonderful and interesting community!
Please explore my closet, I have Fabulous CHILDRENS (AND adult) Treasures 🎁🎁ask any questions and send offers on things you love💜💜💜
Have a lovely week
Apr 14Reply

Hi, I’ve added many new designer listings including Joie tops, Trina Turk bathing suits and much more. Check it out!
Jun 19Reply

Hi Jennifer! The babies are so cute! Thank you for your purchase 😊
Jun 23Reply

@traci80 awww thank you...they are 6 now! time Flys when you're having fun!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 23Reply

@mcelwain30 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 19Reply

Hi Jennifer just saying hello and hoping you and your family are doing great. I was at tri county when we met just so you remember who I am lol. Have a great day❤️
Mar 12Reply

@truemann aww hi!! all is well :) life is so busy but we are having a blast!! how are you?
Mar 22Reply

@mcelwain30 hi ❤️❤️❤️ I’m doing ok I’m at Dr durkin office now and he’s so great!! I miss seeing your beautiful face😘
Mar 22Reply
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