Meet your Posher, Jennifer
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Let me say first off I am so excited to be apart of all you amazing ladies. My passion for sure is fashion however being the mother of 5 means I must be a thrifty shopper. That doesn't mean my wardrobe needs to lack in quality or style so my goal is to pass that along to all of you. I'll be posting all my trendy finds very soon. Hope you find something you like but most of all enjoy browsing my closet.

16 others
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Welcome to posh Jennifer! Let me know if you have any questions :) xo
Jun 29Reply

Lots of luck to you 🐸🐸💚💚💚💚💚💚
Jun 29Reply

Welcome to Postmark, Jennifer!! I'm fairly new to this too so I can definitely help you with any newbie questions you may have:)
Jun 29Reply

Poshmark** sorry about autocorrect ;)
Jun 29Reply

Welcome to posh! I hope you enjoy buying and selling here 😺💞🛍
Jun 29Reply

@lexiz Thanks so much for the warm welcome 😊
Jun 29Reply

@deborahsbird Thanks so much for the warm welcome 😊
Jun 29Reply

@hokiefan2010 Thanks so much for the warm welcome 😊
Jun 29Reply

@ravenkitty1 Thanks so much for the warm welcome 😊
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for the follow!! Feel free to check out my closet and make offers!! Happy Poshing!!
Jun 29Reply

Beautiful picture. I have them growing in my garden💜💙
Jun 29Reply

Welcome to posh happy poshing 🚪🛍📦
Jun 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! :)
Jun 29Reply

Welcome to Posh Jennifer! Thank you for following my closet. So glad you visited!
Jun 30Reply

@vintiquevenus Thank you for the welcome 😊 you have some very pretty items in your closet ❤
Jun 30Reply

@rachaelaislynn thanks a bunch 😊
Jun 30Reply

@deborahsbird Thank you. . . They are my absolute favorite ❤
Jun 30Reply

@rachaelaislynn Thank you so much 😊
Jun 30Reply

Welcome fellow posher 😁🎉🎉🐣😎🤗 i hope you have a lot of fun Poshing!!!
Jun 30Reply

@eli_may_bel Thank you so much 😊 I'm sure I will fall in love ❤
Jun 30Reply

welcome to Poshmark and have fun!!! Best Wishes!🌺🌺🌺🌺
Jun 30Reply

hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jun 30Reply

@mmcleary I will and thank you. You have a lovely closet ❤
Jun 30Reply

Welcome I'm a new comer also @neet62 and look forward to your closet🌺🌹🎁🙋🏽
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Jun 30Reply

Happy to meet you 😊You have your hands full with 5 kids,I was a school bus 🚌 driver for many years loved it! I come from a family of 9 ! God Bless you, happy Poshing😊
Jun 30Reply

Your cocer picture is beautiful! Thanjs for stopping by. Have a blessed day!
Jun 30Reply

@thirftygirl43 Hi, today is my last day :) Any offer will be accepted :)
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Love your photo! Hydrangeas are my favorite-- makes me think of Nantucket 💙🐳
Jun 30Reply

Thanks for looking at my closet! ❤️
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Have fun shopping and selling!!
Jun 30Reply

Welcome! I'm kinda where you are too (minus the 5 kids 😁), just starting here. Looking forward to the journey with Posh.
Jun 30Reply

Hello Jennifer!
Jun 30Reply

@forrest19 Hello Lynne. . . I'm loving all those adorable shoes in your closet ❤
Jun 30Reply

@catchinzs They are my favorite too. I Beautiful 💕
Jun 30Reply

@lekkerbek Me too! ! ! I'll be obsessed in no time 😄
Jun 30Reply

@princessme97 Thanks so much for the welcome 😊
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to PoshMark 💜
Jun 30Reply

@thirftygirl43 Thank you!😊
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I hope you enjoy buying and selling here! Posh is such a warm community :)
Jun 30Reply

@iclemmons Thank you for taking the time to say hello 😊 I am so excited to get started.
Jun 30Reply

@thirftygirl43 I have only been on Poshmark for a few months, but feel free to ask if you have any questions and I will do my best to help out. Good Luck!
Jun 30Reply

@iclemmons Thank you so much 😊 I may just take you up on that.
Jun 30Reply

Welcome to poshmark!! Please ask any questions about how it all works! Happy poshing xoxo
Jul 01Reply

Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. Beautiful picture of hydrangeas!
Jul 01Reply

@mshay56 Thanks so much. . . They're my favorite 😊
Jul 01Reply

@lillylife Hey Trish. . . Thank you so much for taking the time to welcome me. I browsed your closet and I must say you have lovely taste. I also appreciated your post about the shipping fees. I'll be listing soon and didn't feel it would be fair to me to add shipping price while deciding what to charge for my items. You hit the nail on the head 😊
Jul 01Reply

Welcome to posh and happy 😊 poshin
Jul 01Reply

@guilluca Thanks so much 💕
Jul 01Reply

@lillylife So true. I'm in the process of buying cute thank you cards and ribbons and such so the packages are just as special as the goody's inside. Can't wait to get started. Thank you again for all the great advice and have a wonderful 4th of July weekend ❤
Jul 01Reply

😊Hello Jennifer and welcome to Posh, I am sure you will love it😊please let me know if you have questions 💖HAPPY POSHING💖
Jul 01Reply

@sfpatterson Thank you you. . . I'm so excited to get started 😊💕
Jul 01Reply

@lillylife Wow. You've thought of everything. Sounds like I need beef up my supplies 😄 I really do want to thrive in this community and I can't thank you enough for all the great tips.
Jul 01Reply

@lillylife Thank you, thank you so much 😊 You are awesome! ! ! !
Jul 01Reply

@thirftygirl43 it is really lots of fun 💖
Jul 01Reply

Welcome to POSHMARK!!! 🌻
Jul 02Reply

@rdthings Thank you so much 😊
Jul 02Reply

Hey Jennifer! Welcome to posh! Have a great weekend!
Jul 02Reply

@lavetaj Hey there. . . Thanks for the welcome and I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend 😊
Jul 02Reply

Welcome!! Sending posh love by sharing this post. Newbie here as well but I'm getting the hang of it! Have fun :)
Jul 02Reply

@thirftygirl43 Hi 👋 and welcome to Poshmark. Feel free to check out my closet 🌺🌷
Jul 02Reply

Welcome, Jennifer! I'm only a few months ahead of you, but I've had a great experience selling and buying! Everyone has been so helpful and friendly. I hope you enjoy your experience!
And I love your hydrangea picture! 😊🌈🌸 (couldn't find a blue or purple flower emoji)
Kind regards,
Jul 02Reply

Hi welcome to the poshmark family! I hope you are having a good time checking out the variety of closets! Please feel free to visit me anytime 🤗. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing 😘
Jul 02Reply

🌸🌸Welcome ,happy poshing :)
Jul 04Reply

welcome to poshmark! hope your weekand 4th has been good have agreat weekend!
Jul 06Reply

thankyou for the shares sweetie my sisters have 6& 7 kids ! i only have two i cant wait to have more!
Jul 06Reply

@countrygamer30 thanks so much for taking time to say hello 😊 I had great 4th and I hope you did too!
Jul 06Reply

@countrygamer30 Love big families ❤
Jul 06Reply

@thirftygirl43 yeah i hope i get the joy of having a big family like my sisters! myoldestsister has 7daughters my sister brittany has 4daughters and 2boys. i have a daughter and a babyboy2
Jul 06Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Wow, love your personal bio and very impressed at the amount of followers you already have! Great job! I have 4 little ones and being a mother is a joy. Having something on the side to invest into as well can be "grown up fun"!! Lol! I started with Poshmark in April and have learned a lot! Let me know if there's any questions I can help you with! Welcome again!!
Jul 06Reply

@posh_n_class thank you so so much for all the kind words 💕 This is for sure just the thing for some side money and I love finding beautiful clothes at a great price 😊 it's my favorite hobby. . . Hehe. . . And now being able to share them with others and and shop for cute things to wrap and ship them in. . . oh my I can't wait. Hope you have a great rest of the week.
Jul 06Reply

@countrygamer30 Wow. . . I bet getting together with family is a blast 😄 I have 4 boys and 1 daughter . Love being a mom 💜
Jul 06Reply

@thirftygirl43 lol! I know just what you mean! I think I was trained in this as a little girl and on!!! 😊 It's nice to fine other like-minded ladies!!! Have a great week as well!!!
Jul 06Reply

@thirftygirl43 me too love being a mom i pray everynight that the lord will bless us with a bigfamily i see lauren she has the 7kids lives in ms but not mysister brittany who has 6kids cause shelives in virgina and my dad stepmom live in ms too
Jul 06Reply

@countrygamer30 Well then my hope and prayer for you is that your home is filled with beating healthy babies. I hope you have a wonderful evening 💕
Jul 06Reply

@thirftygirl43 thanks you too
Jul 06Reply

Welcome to poshmark hunn! Ur gonna love it here! Everybody is very nice and friendly and informative. Any questions feel free to ask. I'm a top 5⭐ rated seller, speedy shipper, posh mentor and recruiter. Come check out my closet. Items $10 and under are firm. I offer 15% off bundles of 3+ items. U can also bundle ur likes and I'll send u an offer! Happy poshing doll 😊😘💖
Jul 06Reply

Welcome to poshmark hunn! Ur gonna love it here! Everybody is very nice and friendly and informative. Any questions feel free to ask. I'm a top 5⭐ rated seller, speedy shipper, posh mentor and recruiter. Come check out my closet. Items $10 and under are firm. I offer 15% off bundles of 3+ items. U can also bundle ur likes and I'll send u an offer! Happy poshing doll 😊😘💖
Jul 06Reply

@thirftygirl43 Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for visiting my closet and following me. If you need any assistance with anything, let me know. I offer discounts on bundled items and I accept reasonable offers. Please visit again as I update my closet weekly. Happy Poshing!
Jul 10Reply

Welcome Jennifer! I'm pretty new myself so I know we can use all the help we can get from others. I'm lucky my daughter has been very successful in the last 3 years and gives me all her tips and advice. I have 4 grown kids myself and I remember how time consuming they can be and I've been a preschool teacher for over 30 years so I experience 5 or more kids on a daily basis😳❣Can't wait to see how your closet turns out and will posting for you regularly! Have a great day and enjoy.
Jul 10Reply

@thirftygirl43 Thanks for the share 🎉
Jul 10Reply

@thirftygirl43 Thanks for the follow and welcome to Poshmark! ☺ I'm still sort of a newbie as well. I've learned a lot, but not everything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you. You'll love it here - everyone I've interacted with has been kind and helpful ❤
Jul 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Jul 10Reply

💐WELCOME TO POSHMARK💐 I'm happy to help if you have any questions getting started💐 Happy POSHing💐
Jul 11Reply

@tammyejones Thank you so much 😊
Jul 11Reply

@thirftygirl43 Welcome to Poshmark:)
Jul 12Reply

Hi Jennifer! So nice to meet you here on my Posh I am also a mother of 2 boys and can relate to thrifty shopping! I am pretty new to Posh as well but I must say my experience so far has been amazing everyone is so friendly and helpful it really is a great community to be a part of! Wishing you much success in selling and shopping! Thank you for the follow! @Thriftylocus 🤗🎉💕
Jul 12Reply

@thriftylocus Thank you so much for taking time to say hello 😊 I haven't even started posting my items yet and have already been very touched by all the warm welcomes. Hope my shares help you make a sale 💕
Jul 12Reply

@sapp12 Thanks for taking time to say hello 😊
Jul 12Reply

Welcome to posh Enjoy your posh experiences 👠💄👗👜👔also check out my original closet @jennymcnicol
Jul 19Reply

Hi Jennifer, Welcome to Poshmark. You'll live it!😉
Jul 23Reply

@marchild_ja Thank you so much for saying hello 😊 I can't wait to get started.
Jul 24Reply

@willbakeforshoes please let me know you received this message. I've been trying to find your closet because I love the way you model your items ❤
Aug 16Reply

You have an awesome closet!!!
Sep 26Reply

@kdmcdivit123 thanks so much Kristi 😊 I'm diggin on your closet as well 💕
Sep 26Reply

Thank you for sharing a few of my listings!
Sep 27Reply

Thank you for following my closet! I am moving and HIGHLY motivated to get rid of anything I can. Until 10/8 anything in my closet for $8 or less you can bundle 4/$15! 💕
Oct 07Reply

Hi Jennifer, I'm Deb, nice to meet you! Thank you so much for the follow! :) Hope you have a great afternoon and Happy Poshing! :)
Oct 16Reply

Good evening Jennifer. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Oct 16Reply

@deb_bromley hey Deb. Thanks for taking time to say hello 😊 your closet is beautiful ❤ hope you have a great evening.
Oct 16Reply

@hmsimon1 Hey Hank. Thanks for taking time to say hello 😊 Your pieces are truly stunning! Hope you have a great evening.
Oct 16Reply

@thirftygirl43 Thank you Jennifer! 🤗💖🛍️🍁🍂
Oct 16Reply

@thirftygirl43 👍💐😁🙏
Oct 17Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 01Reply

Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Nov 02Reply
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