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Updated Jun 08
Updated Jun 08

Meet your Posher, Jennifer

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jennifer. I love shopping for and selling skincare items, makeup, bath and body items and I also have quite a lot of clothing yet to list (some is already listed—I guess I kind of like to shop for everything) Feel free to ask me anything, I’m happy to work with you and if you are looking for something specific in the skincare/makeup/bath and body area and you don’t see it - ask me - I’ve got lots of items yet to list in those categories - there’s never enough hours in the day! If only I could stop sleeping….😂 Thanks for stopping by and please leave me a 💬 so I can check out your closet too ♥️
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wildwaythreads Hi and welcome to Poshmark! I just followed you and look forward to seeing all your items as they post. Feel free to check out my closet!
Jun 22Reply
crown_n_glory By any chance, is POSHMARK turning some of your photos sideways? It was happening to some of mine after I got a different phone, and I found a solution. I noticed your Coach boots and Rebecca Minkoff purse images are sideways. If that was intentional, never mind. If it wasn't, let me know and I'll further explain what I found.
Dec 07Reply
jenniferanne113 @crown_n_glory hi! Thanks for the offer of assistance, I think I turned the phone that way, just not thinking about how it would come up (!) But with my new phone I do have trouble with just pictures turning around when I don’t want them to is there a fix for that? And thanks again for the offer 😊
Dec 07Reply
crown_n_glory @jenniferanne113 LOL...Yes, there's a setting for that. it's something to do with turning on it off auto rotate. I've had to do that before. It's been a while, so I've forgotten. If I run across the setting, I will let you know. 🤔 😄
Dec 07Reply
crown_n_glory @jenniferanne113 On your phone, go to Settings, Display, Advanced, Auto Rotate.
Dec 07Reply
jenniferanne113 @crown_n_glory thank you so much! That was so nice of you to look that up and let me know, thank you for taking the time! 😊
Dec 07Reply
crown_n_glory @jenniferanne113 You're welcome. Hope that worked for you.
Dec 07Reply
zadieblue Thanks for the follow.  Please take a moment to check out my closet. I have a variety of items.  If you see something you want feel free to make an offer. I like to negotiate and I accept all reasonable offers.
Dec 25Reply
shiftthrift Hi Jennifer, I’m sorry for the delay in shipping your bra. I have been sick with COVID 🤒🤢🤯. I disinfected my hands before packaging your item. The bra is in its original never been opened state so it has not been exposed to the virus. If you are feeling uncomfortable opening the package, feel free to spray it with disinfectant. Thank you for shopping with me. I believe full disclosure is the best way to do business. All the best, ShiftThrift
Mar 24Reply
jenniferanne113 @shiftthrift thank you for the update I’m sure it will be fine and hope you feel better 😊
Mar 24Reply
shiftthrift @jenniferanne113 Thank you ☺️
Mar 24Reply
lydiasingleton Thank you for checking out my closet! If you see items you like just create a bundle and I'll send you an offer for 20% off the listing price 😊
May 15Reply
kmmontone Hi Jennifer. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. After my husband passed away I started selling on Poshmark. I have a great wide variety. All from family and friends. No thrift shops or yard sales. So I'm sure of quality and origin. Please stop by and take a look. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks again and have a wonderful day.
May 23Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! I’m a Posh Ambassador and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Jun 11Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Jun 11Reply
aquiredforyou Thank you Jennifer for following and sharing my closet!!! I sent you a discounted price on the dress and didn’t pay attention to your like of the jewelry set. If you would like to bundle them to save on shipping just disregard that and I’ll send you a different offer! If I can be of assistance just let me know😀😀😀
Jun 17Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 26Reply
ntduke Hi 👋 Thank you for the follow! I followed back 💜 My name is Tiffany. Love your closet! I just shared some of your items. If you have the time can you please share some of mine as well? Hopefully we can both make some sales today! Thank you 😊 Happy Poshing 🛍
Jul 01Reply
florenciardzl Thank you for following my closet 😊✨🛍
Jul 02Reply
jackielee255 Hi Jennifer, Thank you for your offer but I am hoping to order more either tonight or tomorrow. I haven't used makeup for several years but I turned 80 this year and need something to cheer me up. Jackie
Oct 13Reply
jenniferanne113 @jackielee255 hello! I totally understand and it’s important to treat yourself well - I find myself skipping things like that sometimes and then when I finally put makeup on I think gosh why didn’t I do that before it does just make you feel better somehow so take your time thank you for your message and if you have any questions let me know ❤️
Oct 13Reply
jackielee255 Hi Jenniferanne, I am a seller also but I was wondering if closet clearout applies to bundles also.. I thought I saw once where it didn't but I can't find it now. Also I see that bundles of five get a discount but will I get any discount ? Jackie
Oct 14Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and we're accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.
Nov 13Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Feb 11Reply
carleeeichel Hi there, I bought some beauty creams and I was wondering if I could do the same thing again? if you have simular or same I'd luv to get some more!! thank you.
Apr 04Reply
jenniferanne113 @carleeeichel hello! I have 4 of the 5, the bubble t bath item was the only one I had in stock at that time but I’ve got the other four (face) items 😊
Apr 04Reply
carleeeichel @jenniferanne113 awsome could you set it up for me, no worries about the other. lol.
Apr 04Reply
carleeeichel @jenniferanne113 thank you, sounds perfect I really appreciate it. Thrilled with my order from you.
Apr 04Reply
jenniferanne113 @carleeeichel I can’t tell you how happy that makes me! You made my day 😊♥️
Apr 04Reply
carleeeichel @jenniferanne113 I only tell the truth! and I was born and raised on ohio, went to Akron U!! let me know when you have it ready and I will purchase/ make offer/ however lmk
Apr 04Reply
jenniferanne113 @carleeeichel that’s amazing!!! I just posted your four items in one listing, if you go to where you can see my items for sale click on the search eyeglass thing near the top and type in Touch in Sol, your listing will come up I named all four items in the title 😊 and please let me know if you have ? Or need anything? And thank you again - you really did make my day!
Apr 04Reply
carleeeichel @jenniferanne113 bought it thank you so very much!!! and let me know if you have any good body creams with tint for summer. glad to make your day as you made mine!!!
Apr 04Reply
carleeeichel @jenniferanne113 and I'm so excited you had them all, as I will definitely be a return buyer!!! check out my closet, im a clothing purse shoe ect nut. lol
Apr 04Reply
jenniferanne113 @carleeeichel I will check it out for sure!!
Apr 04Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉
Apr 19Reply
wendyp69 Hi, I left you several messages over the course of 8 hours about my purchased bundle. Can you please get back to me before I cancel the order? I would really appreciate it. You keep sending me more offers so I’m assuming you’re getting my messages?
May 12Reply
missink3383 🥰🏖️Happy🌞Summer⛱️🥰 Hi Darling 😊 Such a Unique & Fun Closet ✨🫶✨ 🌠Wishing u many speedy $ales🌠 🌧️☀️🌈🌱🌼🦋 💟🥰 Thank u for Follow 💕 5⭐Miss-Ink's cordially invites u to🛍️ Shop w/Confidence Posh Ambas/ 2➕Posh Mentor 💌Bundle 2+ $ave on shipping📬 📏 Many brands & sizes to choose from.💝 Giving unbeatable deals~ 🪷Thank you🪷💕 🪷SerahLyn🪷
Jul 19Reply
crystal_martone Hi Jennifer. Do you have a store in Akron, OH? Your pics look taken in a store. I would love to shop in person if you do.
Aug 09Reply
jenniferanne113 @crystal_martone hi! I do not have a store but if you are local I’d be happy to have you over to look if you wanted to do that, I’ve got everything organized and in clear bins so you could virtually look at everything I have - almost all items I have more than one in stock so if it’s a fave you could grab more than one - or we could figure something out (?) I’ve thought about renting space at a local place but just haven’t done it yet - if you’re here you’ll know where I mean most likely 😊
Aug 09Reply
crystal_martone I would love to talk business with you. You have the products I’m looking for. I have a crippling arthritis that prevents me from doing “normal” work so I am opening this boutique. It’s my goal to be able to work and feel some what normal
Aug 10Reply
jenniferanne113 @crystal_martone I think you may have me mixed up with someone else I don’t believe I have anything for arthritis but I wish you luck on your quest and in your new endeavors
Aug 11Reply
sandmpd I just accepte your offer. I would like auburn please
Aug 30Reply
brandauthentic Thanks for following!!💛🙌 Welcome to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing! ✨
Nov 04Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello , Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝 Stop By and Shop🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
Feb 23Reply
cristina1128 can you please put the eye pallete on hold til tomorrow thank you
Mar 22Reply
cristina1128 hello just wondering when you will be sending my eyeshadow pallet out? so I can look out for it thank you
Mar 23Reply
cathefer Hi there! I sent you a bundle offer a few minutes ago. Thanks for considering :)
Apr 18Reply
claudinet57 Hello, have a great week. I love PTR's stuff.
Jun 03Reply
regit1 I’m new at this posh stuff lol but I saw you commented that you had taffy frost but I can’t find the comment now. How much is it?
Jul 26Reply
regit1 Hi! How much for 2 urban decay stay naked foundation color 51wy please?
Jul 28Reply
regit1 I saw my offer! Thank you! Can you do 2 of them for that?
Jul 28Reply
regit1 Each I meant
Jul 28Reply
kindra_66 love your closet with six granddaughters and two daughters ❤️ 💕 this is perfect
Sep 27Reply
jenniferanne113 @kindra_66 wow that’s a lot of girls 😁 I love it I’ll give you a great deal ❤️
Sep 28Reply
sydneyrh4 hi this is Sydney I bought a mystery bundle from u which I loved i noticed in the picture u have the jeffree star psychedelic circus palette thats the palette im looking everywhere for and can't find would u sell me that palette? I wouldl even buy another box just to get it thx again
Oct 12Reply
janlong481 I would like a price for two of the bottles of half oz CE Ferulic
Nov 11Reply
bluevelvetee @jenniferanne113 really bummed you sent me the wrong product — like I said when I reached out I’m leaving Tuesday for 2 months and wanted what I had ordered to arrive on time—how can we fix this? I won’t be in the states.
Feb 06Reply
pamelahutchison @jenniferanne113 I've been trying to ask questions about availability of items for a couple days now I would love to place a order but I have questions that need answered before doing so please.
Feb 07Reply
jenniferanne113 @pamelahutchison I’ll go thru the comments and get you I apologize I’ve been listing and shipping and did not get to questions yesterday I’ll look right now
Feb 07Reply
darlinblk Hi! Could u tell me how many of the Ellis candles u have and how many of the scent raven? Would u create me a bundle? Thanks love!
Feb 15Reply

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Akron, OH
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Last Active: this hour

Akron, OH
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