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Updated Apr 05
Updated Apr 05

Meet your Posher, Jennifer

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Hi! I'm Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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ghsmermaid Welcome to Poshmark! We are a community full of very helpful people both buyers and sellers. If you ever have any questions feel free to contact me. Best of luck to you!
Apr 19Reply
zuzusconsign Welcome to posh! Thanks for your shares. If u ever have a question drop me a line in my chat listing! 😘 shared back 😘
Apr 25Reply
jennyrg73 @nabernard thank you! I started out with several sales at the beginning but nothing lately. Would love any feedback on my listing.
May 08Reply
spamm1096 Thanks for the shares.
Jul 12Reply
tylertaj WELCOME to POSHMARK!!!❤💞💫🌟💋COME check out my plus SIZED CLOSET!!!❤💞💫💗💥
Jul 31Reply
emilysk Thanks for all the shares! Wishing you speedy sales!! Happy poshing ❤️
Sep 11Reply
spagetti7 Welcome! Please come check out my closet😀
Sep 21Reply
mattietee Welcome to Poshmark! I know that you pwill love it as much as I do. I’ve been on here over 4 years and have worked my way up to ambassador. If you need any help with your Poshing I’m here for you. I tend to buy as much as I sell. Lol. But it’s so much fun!🎉🎉
Sep 27Reply
designerchic03 Good morning! Thank you for the follow ❤❤🛍. Please let me know if you are interested in anything always accepting offers! I also include a gift with every purchase :-) looking fwd. To checking out your closet as well.
Sep 28Reply
sj012106 Thank you for following me! Moving everything must go asap! All tops are buy one get one free and the rest of the closet is buy one get one half off excluding Supreme! Feel free to bundle all you like and i will give you a better price!! Thank you
Oct 04Reply
flygirlcrochet Nice closet 🥂
Oct 05Reply
jennyrg73 @hughescloset1 thank you for all your shares❤️
Oct 06Reply
rosepetals3 Thanks for the follow 💌I followed back! I am looking forward to do business with you🛍 I can’t wait to hear from you🌹
Oct 06Reply
jennyrg73 @rosepetals3 same to you.
Oct 06Reply
notruthaddanne Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing!
Oct 27Reply
lasisterscloset Great closet Jennifer! Just shared 20 items from your closet to my followers. I hope you will check out my closet, too! 👠👟🎒📿👔🧢👖👗👙👞👕💼🧥🧣👓🧤👚👒👛👘🌂
Oct 29Reply
lasisterscloset Jennifer I just shared 10 items from your closet. I hope you will shop and share mine, too! 👞🧢👞🧤🧣👗💰👘👟👓👒👖💼🧥👕🌂👌
Nov 06Reply
drewecoble Thanks for sharing from my closet...🍁
Nov 16Reply
lynnaxel Hi ! You must be a gardener also, I noticed your pansies and your closet !! Merry Christmas !
Dec 27Reply
jennyrg73 @lynnaxel yes love to garden❤️
Dec 27Reply
lynnaxel @jennyrg73 Me too ! Ready for spring !
Dec 28Reply
sallyjoyce605 Hi Jennifer Thanks for the follow I’m Sally and brand new here on Posh. LOVE IT HERE! 🌷🎀🦋💫I am learning every minute but if you need any help please ask...Love the Comminity here on Posh, sorry I waited so long. Check out my Closet not to much at this time but working on it as I transition over from eBay as a Top Rated Seller... Happy Blessed New Year!⭐️💫🎈👠. Aloha Your New Posh friend Sally🌸 SallyonMaui🌷🌸❤️
Jan 02Reply
jennyrg73 @sallyjoyce605 thanks a bunch!
Jan 02Reply
sallyjoyce605 @jennyrg73 Have an Awesome Day! Aloha🌸🎀🌸Thank you!
Jan 02Reply
texanlady Hi! Jennifer 🙋‍♀️ I love your violets, they're so pretty💕 Welcome and Happy poshing 👋😄
Jan 09Reply
jennyrg73 @texanlady thanks I should probably change it up as we may get snow here in Ky this weekend
Jan 09Reply
ldydi124 Hi 👋 Jennifer! Thank you so much for sharing my items! I happily returned the favor. Have a fantastic selling day!! 😘
Jan 10Reply
s117 Thank you for sharing. It’s much appreciated! ❣️
Jan 15Reply
jennyrg73 @s117 same to you. Happy selling!
Jan 15Reply
janfast Hi Jennifer! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jan 16Reply
jennyrg73 @janfast I shared some items for you😊
Jan 16Reply
janfast Thanks for all the shares!👍💕
Jan 16Reply
sova10 Thank you for accepting my offer!
Jan 25Reply
jennyrg73 @sova10 you are very welcome. It will be sent out today😊
Jan 25Reply
sova10 😍 Thanks again!
Jan 25Reply
bemonsalve Hi! I enjoyed looking through your closet and all the cool things you have for sale! This site is a dangerous place for my wallet! lol I'm still new to the game, so please feel free to leave me a comment with tips or anything where I can learn more about this awesome community!
Jan 28Reply
jennyrg73 @bemonsalve thank you! Anytime you have any questions I will be happy to help.
Jan 28Reply
villajwv New posher here! Love your closet! 🤩
Jan 29Reply
jennyrg73 @villajwv welcome! If you ever have any questions let me know. Happy Poshing❤️
Jan 29Reply
leblogdejanet Hi Jennifer 🌺 Check out my closet. If you need any help, let me know. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Feb 01Reply
cristadoll Welcome
Feb 03Reply
justine_steph You have such a gorgeous closet and I’ve loved sharing from it today!! I hope you’ve enjoyed your day of being featured with lots of shares 😊 And I saw you shared back (which is sweet, thank you), but remember the shares are a gift 🎁
Feb 07Reply
sexynmonterey Sending you love❤️ Wishing you a blessed & Prosperous 2019❤️ Best Wishes~👠 Have fun Poshing🌹 🛍& Happy Shopping God bless you in all your endeavors~💃 Sexy N Monterey💋 ❤️
Feb 08Reply
jennyrg73 @sexynmonterey thank you! I shared items from your closet. Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 08Reply
jennyrg73 @justine_steph thank you so much! You have a beautiful closet and I really appreciate the shares. Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 08Reply
jennyrg73 @villajwv thank you! I shared some items for you. If you ever have any questions let me know. Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 08Reply
jennyrg73 @bemonsalve hello! Anytime I can help let me know. Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 08Reply
mcbendit Thank you so much for sharing my closet!
Feb 15Reply
thetrendera Thank you for sharing my items❣❣
Feb 23Reply
barbirene2 Shared a few items to the party tonight 😉❣️🧚🎁
Feb 23Reply
jennyrg73 @barbirene thank you!!
Feb 23Reply
ohusoneedthis Hi I’m Julie. Just got through visiting your closet. U have some great stuff. I love Athleta and JCrew! Please feel free to drop by my closet when u get the chance! It’s kinda bare bones right now but I still have bunches to list! I don’t understand how people can list so many items so quick!👗👠👜😀💕☮️
Feb 23Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 23Reply
vpl1116 thanks so much for sharing!! If you like anything, please let me know, I’ll be happy to make a special private offer as a way to say thanks! ❤️
Feb 24Reply
nuvochic4you Glad you stopped by and checked out My Closet. . Shared a few of your listings. Happy Poshing!
Mar 01Reply
whatsnewagain Thanks for the Shares!
Mar 21Reply
pcgrogan Thank you for following me 😊. I offer a 15% discount on bundles of two items or more 🎉
Mar 27Reply
lilpathfinder Thank you for my new Pendelton sweater! I had it dry cleaned and it came out beautiful! I will definately visit your closet again! Thanks again 🤗
Mar 30Reply
jennyrg73 @lilpathfinder so glad you like it😊
Mar 30Reply
rlbrown45 Thanks for following me. I look forward to checking out your page
Apr 14Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for your sharing too! Happy poshing 🤗😘
Apr 14Reply
preppy2you Thanks for all the shares!
Apr 17Reply
treasure1981 Hi Jennifier how are you, Just letting you know we are currently looking to sell all are all our listed items as soon as possible as we’re in the process of moving. If you are interested in any item we are open to lower price offers? Cheers Edward 👌🙌
May 19Reply
clearout368 @jennyrg73 💐Thank you so much for sharing from my closet. Happy Poshing! 🛍
May 20Reply
roses_formillie Hope you find something you love in my closet
Aug 12Reply
faith0555 Hi, thanks so much for following & sharing 🌺
Aug 27Reply
upstairs_attic Hi Jennifer, Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet, I appreciate that. I'm fairly new to Poshmark and still adding to my closet, while making new Posh friends 🌼
Oct 23Reply
gayle_wade @ghsmermaid yes hello! I’m wondering where people are buying all the new things at such a discount. I’ve been all over my Internet trying to figure this out and I’m having no luck.
Nov 22Reply
jennyrg73 @gayle_wade I don’t buy online most of what I sell that is new with tags are from family members
Nov 22Reply
gayle_wade @jennyrg73 oh I see. I know there’s probably several people that are purchasing it because there’s too many new items, especially in Chanel. Thanks for answering me by the way, it was really nice.
Nov 22Reply
gayle_wade @jennyrg73 when I open your page, you have 2 outstanding pictures of the scarf and coAt. Then when you open the others, it goes straight to boots and shoes and I think they need a background that has a little punch to it. The shoes look a Little flat. I hope I’m or offending you as I’m definitely no expert!!!
Nov 22Reply
jennyrg73 @gayle_wade I like to display my items on a plain background so the focus is on the item and not competing with a busy background. Th aks for your comment though
Nov 22Reply
gayle_wade @jennyrg73 oh I totally understand.
Nov 22Reply
ghsmermaid @gayle_wade Many of my new items are things that have been given to me or family/friends that they never liked or used. Sometimes I purchase something and miss the return time frame so I'm stuck with it.
Nov 24Reply
desylulu99 Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Nov 25Reply
desylulu99 Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Nov 25Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania!🎪You will make new friends to answer questions & help You succeed.🛍✔️At the heart of POSH is sharing 📂listings and followers. Here’s How: Touch the list of people that “liked” someone’s closet.💃 Touch the names, one by one. Now, they are YOUR new Contacts!🤗 Goto the list of Closet(s) near the bottom of a Posher’s ‘About’ page. Touch ea. blue Ⓜ️ follow. Now, those are closets YOU follow:👣 a large % will follow you back!☺️ Please ✔️ *My Closet. ❣️Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Dec 08Reply
digitalsandy Jennifer, my Closet backgrounds are not embellished very much. I think the majority have backgrounds that are plain, for the reasons you mentioned. Sending Posh Love❣.
Dec 08Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 so very sorry I’ve been sick this past week and had some help with shipping. I’m so sorry for the confusion. Poshmark should send you a label to return. Sorry again and let me know when the release a shipping label
Jan 12Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 it appears two packages we’re mislabeled and someone got your package so as soon as I get in touch with them and have them send it back yes you will get your item
Jan 12Reply
jennyrg73 The customer who received your item is shipping it this am so as soon as I get notification the incorrect item that was sent to you starts tracking I will get your item out. Thanks for understanding
Jan 13Reply
jennyrg73 Hello! I received your item back from the customer who incorrectly received it. Wondering if you have shipped the shirt back yet? As soon as I receive the shirt I will send out the swim top. Just let me know. Thanks Jennifer
Jan 17Reply
steph31189 Hey! I sent the shirt back I was wondering if you received it yet! Thank you!
Jan 18Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 oh thank you! No havent received it yet. Did you still want the swim top? If so I believe Poshmark issues you a refund so I will re-post it so you can purchase and this time we will make sure you receive the correct item.
Jan 18Reply
steph31189 @jennyrg73 Yes please ! Thank you!! :)
Jan 18Reply
steph31189 @jennyrg73 Hey! So I sent the order back and poshmark sent me confirmation it was on its way to you but it was returned back to me ugh! So I will send it again today
Jan 20Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 that’s strange you just never know With the postal service
Jan 20Reply
steph31189 @jennyrg73 hey! Did you get it yet??
Jan 23Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 not yet did you get a tracking number?
Jan 23Reply
crashrb Hi Jenny, thank you for all the wonderful shares! I hope you have a successful Posh 2020!
Jan 24Reply
steph31189 @jennyrg73 Will the bathing suit top be back up for sale ?
Jan 24Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 yes just got home from work will list in the am and will let you know
Jan 25Reply
jennyrg73 @steph31189 sorry for the delay the swim top is back up. Thanks for your patience!!
Jan 25Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow and shares. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 05Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 12Reply
jennyrg73 @polka5dots thanks as well. Happy Sales!!
Feb 12Reply
hipchicks Bought your danskos! Love love them! thanks
Mar 19Reply
jennyrg73 @hipchicks so happy you like them❤️
Mar 19Reply
slaggers Thank you for following my closet! I’m running a 50% off sale starting today until next Sunday April 5. Make an offer or bundle items and I can send you an offer! 👍🏼❤️✅ please, stay safe and healthy. Next day shipping!
Mar 29Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow ❤
Apr 15Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 04Reply
trendycouple Great closet! Wishing you much success!😊
Jun 03Reply
jennyrg73 @trendycouple thank you so much!!
Jun 03Reply
shop_with_susie Hey, hey hey! Thanks for the like/follow! Heres the awesome pricing breakdown in my closet! Buy a la carte or look for these symbols for awesome deals! 👇 🚨 gets 5/$20, 🔥gets 2/$20 🎁 gets 3/$50,⚡gets 2/$100 $50 or more gets FREE SHIPPING 😁
Jun 11Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my items send an offer or create a bundle! Happy Holidays😊☃️❄️
Dec 02Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Happy holidays to you and yours.....Dorothy
Dec 31Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 17Reply
michilatoya Hey! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet! I have lots of items kids, mens, and women’s too! Im aways open to reasonable offers too! And love to make bundle deals I hope you have a blessed day! Romans 15:13
Mar 20Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Mar 31Reply
i_heart_shop Thanks for connecting with me! I wanted to invite you to my closet for a spring sale! SPRING CLEAN OUT • -all bundles of 3 or more items will receive an offer of 60% off! -ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS until April 4th TONS OF ITEMS ALREADY UNDER $10 Nerf darts are buy 100 for $12 get 100 free!
Apr 03Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my closet and sharing 💗
May 29Reply
kcrago82 @jennyrg73 thanks for stopping by and sharing items from Artie’s Attic 💜
Oct 05Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing! I
Oct 30Reply
_sophistique_ No need for rude, snide comments. Anthropologie sells Faribault blankets. They put the brand on the map for younger target audiences. If I listed it under Faribault no one would 1) see it, and 2) make the connection that it’s a highly sought brand that yes, is sold by Anthropologie.
Oct 31Reply
jennyrg73 @_sophistique_ Im not being rude just asking because I have a Vintage Faribo throw and didn’t realize they were sold at Anthropologie. You learn something new everyday. Thanks for responding. Have a great day!
Oct 31Reply
oldesires Hello👋 THANK YOU for your interest, (Like, Follow or Share). Please feel welcome to visit, browse, ask??’s or make an offer. Wishing your Posh adventure to be fun & successful. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 .
Mar 10Reply
misserin7 Nice closet :) Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
May 23Reply
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Last Active: hours ago

Louisville, KY
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Last Active: hours ago

Louisville, KY
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