Meet your Posher, Jenny
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Hi! I'm Jenny. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Sinful, Affliction, Crash and burn, and Vocal.. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

4 others
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🌸🌸 Welcome to POSHMARK, it will become your new addiction😊
May 21Reply

Thank you!! Now if I can only figure out what I'm doing! 😁
May 21Reply

Welcome to poshmark 😀😀😀
May 21Reply

@liznak thank you!
May 21Reply

Hi!Welcome to Poshmark😊
It's nice to meet you Jenny! My name's Alissa&i've been here since '14.
🌼Hope you're enjoying PM so far!
LMK if you need anything! Tag me @BehindTheCloth or leave a comment at my closet. I'm happy to help you share new items, answer any questions, show some of my favorite closets or introduce you to friends who've been wonderful help to me here.
There's many friendly people here willing to help, i highly recommend taking up those offers--PM is more fun with friends💕
May 23Reply

@behindthecloth thank you so much!! I'm definitely having fun with this! Any suggestions are welcome, and ill keep sharing! 😊
May 23Reply

@nanajenny4 You've done excellent already getting over 100 items listed! It took me a long time to get there when i began. And the prices are beyond fair :)
May 23Reply

Have you looked over the listing guidelines yet? You've got it almost to a T. Only concern would be the body spray, which seems like it would be allowed but can actually cause problems with the postal service. Perfumes, (i think..this next one i'd have to double check) lotions, nail polishes, and cleansers are surprising beauty products that can't be shipped.
May 23Reply

Thanks for all the shares, by the way! I appreciate it :)
Be sure to also take the time every once in a while to share your own. Getting shares from others extends your reach to other people's followers, but sharing your own stuff sends it to the top of relevant lists people look at to shop (like search, the item's category page such as "Dresses", and parties if you've shared them to any). Both ways of sharing are powerful for getting more potential buyers!
May 23Reply

@behindthecloth thank you thank you thank you. You are AMAZING. 😊💙💖😚
May 23Reply

Have you ever traded, or would consider?
May 28Reply

@gaffneygirl I have, and I would, it just depends on a mutual agreement! 😁
May 28Reply

@nanajenny4 totally. I've only traded twice. One time I gave the girl my number and we communicated that way. Giving each other our addresses. Another one I made transaction for as cheap as it would go. I still trade and talk to the first one. We have become close.. I will trade however. Check out my closet and let me know...
May 28Reply

@gaffneygirl sounds good, you do the same!
May 28Reply

So you'll be getting your package today so excited for you.. ENJOY and have an amazing day As you😊😊💕
Jun 03Reply

@jj05 I am so excited! I'm hoping you get yours today or monday... let me know when you get it! I was just checking out your closet again lol I LOVE your closet 😁😁😁
Jun 03Reply

@nanajenny4 I will and I was early this morning in yours.. you closet rocks too
Jun 03Reply

@jj05 I'll be buying soon! 😄
Jun 03Reply

@nanajenny4 lol ok and same
Jun 03Reply

Hello my friend your package got mailed today just wanted you to know
Jun 08Reply

@jj05 Hi there ill be mailing yours off tomorrow, i have to get some cash tonight! I'm sorry! Always broke that's me lol 😁😘
Jun 08Reply

@nanajenny4 no worries and I know the feeling lol😂😂💙
Jun 08Reply

@nanajenny4 I lost your address can you send it to me again please
Jun 08Reply

@jj05 sure its 3550 S. Delaware St. Apt. 201
Englewood, CO 80110
I need yours too! 😊
Jun 09Reply

@nanajenny4 514 S Indian Hill Blvd #205 Claremont Calif.. 91711
Jun 09Reply

@jj05 I think you and I should open our own thrift store!! Lol 😊😊😊
Jun 09Reply

@nanajenny4 I agree would kill it lol
Jun 09Reply

@nanajenny4 then maybe not we would try everything on and then trade lol😂😂
Jun 09Reply

@jj05 I'd spend all my money at work lol. I'm a retail manager and its soooo hard not to spend all my money on payday haha! 👵😂
Jun 09Reply

@jj05 Hi!!!! I hope you're not upset with me, but I haven't yet been able to send off your package, but IT WILL BE SHIPPED on Monday morning!! I'm so so sorry, my job has been tough, but ill come through with an extra goodie or two for you my buddy!! 💖😚😁
Jun 11Reply

@nanajenny4 no problem yours didn't go out until today money has been tight so sorry not upset at all my friend 😊😲💚
Jun 11Reply

@jj05 YES exactly! I'm just really tired of working my booty off to be broke 😣
Jun 11Reply

@nanajenny4 amen sister lol💙so tired of it
Jun 11Reply

Hey mama just for my package today!!! I love it your amazing and the items rock.. I'm so glad to have met you💙 have you recieved your package yet??? Thank you so much 💜💙
Jun 17Reply

@jj05 hi I'm sorry I got mine last night, and I'm back at work but I LOVE EVERYTHING THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Jun 17Reply

@nanajenny4 I'm so glad enjoy so
Glad we met and we should open our own thrift store love my items thank you love
Jun 17Reply

@jj05 oh me too!!! It was meant to be!! 😚😁
Jun 18Reply

@marietara89 I was just gonna tell you the same thing! ! Love your stuff!
Jun 19Reply

Thank you!
Jul 14Reply

Hi Jenny! I hope your enjoying you bag and other items. Check out my "share partner" listing when you can, (it's a big care bear) would live to have you join the share team ❤🙋😀
Jul 23Reply

@mrsjp3 Hi there!! I would love to, I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond, work has been nuts and my phone gets terrible reception there. But i will share like crazy on my days off!! Thanks for the 💛💜💙!!
Jul 26Reply

@nanajenny4 love love the pictures!! Redhead gorgeous!! They all are ❤️
Aug 28Reply

@susanvee13 thank you!! ❤❤❤
Sep 04Reply

@nanajenny4 Good Morning Jenny!! Wow thanks a million for such a great pkg!!! I love getting a little extra in an order and you sure gave me that! I love everything and everything fits perfectly! I'm so thankful for my newest closet I love and sellers like you are what it's all about ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 06Reply

@susanvee13 I'm so glad you like it!! Yes this is my favorite thing. Its up to us girls to lift each other up! ❤
Sep 06Reply

Hi Jenny I'm desig from Poshmark I haven't been on for a few days due to a hospital stay I wanted to see if you were still interested in the sinful sweater I wanted to offer you a price of $15 if your ok with that if not thank you 😊
Sep 13Reply

Aww lovely family you have! Nice to meet you on posh- hope you are loving it! 💕
Feb 06Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Feb 23Reply

⭐️⭐️hello Jenny welcome to poshmark enjoy poshing ⭐️⭐️
Oct 22Reply

Beautiful 😍
Dec 02Reply
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