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Updated Aug 19
Updated Aug 19

Meet your Posher, Jeri

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I enjoy 👀 artsy pieces inside as many closets as possible. I share the things that catch my eye as often as I can- I share here, on Pinterest, Tumblr &Twitter I usually ship same day, but my local Post Office is closed Saturday. Thanks for stopping by.. leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet. You know I will!
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 4+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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teresahemingway Welcome! Poshmark is such a friendly place with fabulous finds, I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I have. 😂To view a boutique's or closet's listings click on their photograph. 😂To ask a question about an item click on the COMMENTS button below the item. 😂To receive photographs of newly listed and price reduced items from a boutique or closet on your feed page, click on the blue FOLLOW button on the top of their page.
Dec 22Reply
Feb 24Reply
mzpitty1 mzpitty1 BOGO SALE Buy One Get One FREE...Not including New Inventory just listed
Feb 24Reply
chat3388 Hi Jeri thanks for checking out my closet and liking the beautiful pill box. I can make you a special deal. Just 20 and discount shipping 🌹bundle and send for offer 💥Kat
Feb 28Reply
flutter_buys Hi Jeri! Welcome to Posh! I’m Karen, nice to meet you! If you have any questions or need help with anything please feel free to tag me. Happy Poshing!! 😁💜
Mar 01Reply
jeriwingo @flutter_buys Thank You Sooo Much!
Mar 01Reply
flutter_buys 👍💜😁
Mar 01Reply
mimi_retail @jeriwingo Hi Jeri, why don’t you cancel the accept and send them as a bundle for $14 plus shipping. And you would only pay shipping once instead of for each item. Thanks 😊
Mar 04Reply
jeriwingo @tylertaj Thank You! How do I cancel an order so I can combine?
Mar 04Reply
jeriwingo @mimi_retail I don't know how. 😢
Mar 04Reply
mimi_retail @jeriwingo when you select the items hit the share button and instead of sharing you select bundle for each item
Mar 04Reply
mimi_retail Girl I’m learning this stuff myself too don’t feel bad 😞
Mar 04Reply
tylertaj Hey..just tell the seller....just cancel...and what you want to do..😍
Mar 04Reply
mimi_retail @jeriwingo does it allow you to cancel the order??
Mar 04Reply
jeriwingo @mimi_retail no because I made an offer
Mar 04Reply
jeriwingo @tylertaj thank you!
Mar 04Reply
mimi_retail @jeriwingo I’m sorry. But now you know to bundle your items. Thanks for the purchase, I’ll have those items sent out on Monday. 🤗
Mar 04Reply
flora9747 Thank you so much dear for sharing my listing with tumblr 🙏🙏😊really appreciate that. Sorry that I’m not doing tumblr or Twitter... so I can return the favor. I can just share your items here 😊✌️❤️
Mar 08Reply
jeriwingo @flora9747 ❤❤❤❤❤
Mar 08Reply
tracygirl922 Hello 👋. Just a quick thank you 🙏 for your like. I always appreciate positive feedback. I hope that you had the opportunity to view all my gowns that are scattered throughout my closet. Thanks again. Happy 😃 Poshing!
Mar 09Reply
jeriwingo @tracygirl922 absolutely dear one!
Mar 09Reply
mandyknudsen You have a very nice closet.
Mar 09Reply
jeriwingo @mandyknudsen awww thanks so much doll!
Mar 10Reply
mimi_retail @jeriwingo thank you Jeri😊
Mar 10Reply
jeriwingo @mimi_retail thank YOU for your patience during this ordeal lol- we made it! Lovez Them!❤
Mar 10Reply
mimi_retail @jeriwingo no problem, we’re both learning. 😊
Mar 10Reply
jeriwingo @cynncyn09 no problem dear one. we can share here.
Mar 13Reply
resolution2019 Hi! You purchased a scarf from me but I had a family emergency last week and I didn't get a chance to ship it yet. I wanted to apologize. It will be mailed first thing tomorrow morning!
Mar 26Reply
jeriwingo @resolution2018 great. no problem.
Mar 26Reply
jeriwingo @resolution2018 no worries doll!
Mar 26Reply
washi_jessi If you want make another offer for $10 I'll accept if not thanks anyway. Have a great day
Apr 09Reply
kaplana60 Hi. You have a beautiful closet with so many unique items. Thanks for all the shares. Just want to mention that you have some items that aren't Posh compliant. I am an ambassador and supposed to share information too. I listed some things Posh doesn't allow when I started and someone told me, so I am doing the same.
Apr 11Reply
jeriwingo @kaplana60 thank you! please tell me what so I can remove them...
Apr 11Reply
kaplana60 @jeriwingo What I noticed was electronic. We aren't allowed to sell anything electronic, including hair dryers, curlers, or anything using a battery or plugging in.
Apr 11Reply
jeriwingo @kaplana60 thanks doll!
Apr 11Reply
kaplana60 @jeriwingo You are welcome.
Apr 11Reply
jeriwingo @kaplana60 deleted. I appreciate you telling me. I missed that.
Apr 11Reply
felicityshoppe Thank you very much, @jeriwingo, for your great rating!! Happy weekend!! 😊
Apr 28Reply
jeriwingo @felicityshoppe thank you! I wore my shoes today😀
Apr 28Reply
felicityshoppe @jeriwingo, 👍💖😊
Apr 28Reply
thriftkeepsell Hi there, I wanted to let you know how sorry I am I have not shipped yet. My printer died, and then I lost power for 30 hours. I finally have my new printer and its up and I can finally print labels again! I am going to drop your package off this evening at the post office.
May 08Reply
jeriwingo @indra4152017 that is okay. no pressure. Thanks for telling me. 👜👗
May 08Reply
thriftkeepsell @jeriwingo thanks for being so understanding! Have a great evening!
May 08Reply
kellym1105 So sorry I missed your offer... I just put it back to you if you still want it 🙂
May 28Reply
glitteratiwear Hi mama! Sending your package out first thing in the morning tomorrow. :)
May 29Reply
jeriwingo @glitteratiwear fantastic doll!
May 29Reply
fortysecondplac Thank you so much for liking/sharing my listings!
Jun 04Reply
jeriwingo @2xaboutique you have a niiice closet! glad to share. 🌸💃🌸
Jun 04Reply
jeriwingo @kellym1105 I'll be back
Jun 04Reply
fortysecondplac @jeriwingo Thank you, hard work, but worth it!
Jun 04Reply
glitteratiwear @jeriwingo so glad you love it! 👍🏽👍🏽
Jun 04Reply
haertfelt1 Hi. I am out of pocket and am not near the cold shoulder dress. I can hold on reserve for you at the 30$ if you like.
Jun 06Reply
jeriwingo @haertfelt1 when will you be near it?
Jun 06Reply
jeriwingo @brittanyr1987 you have cute stuff!
Jun 08Reply
jmbt Thanks for the like on pill box
Jul 30Reply
jeriwingo @cgfoster8 awww thanks doll! us posh girls must stick together! 💃❤🎁😘all love over here, sis!❤❤❤
Aug 18Reply
shea_monieux Heya @jeriwingo Thanks for sharing the love! I got your back. <3
Sep 13Reply
kkaytay @jeriwingo Thank you for checking out my closet and the numerous shares!🎉🎉
Oct 24Reply
jeriwingo @kkaytay for sure! that is what Posh sisterhood is all about!❤👡👗👓👜👙💰
Oct 24Reply
kkaytay @jeriwingo Absolutely...wishing you much success with many more sales!💕
Oct 24Reply
jeriwingo @kkaytay ❤❤❤🎉🎈
Oct 24Reply
jeriwingo @kkaytay backatcha doll!! 💃💰💃💰💃💰💃💰💃💰
Oct 24Reply
jeriwingo @hrhfashion posh sisters must stick together. backatcha doll!
Oct 24Reply
kaitlynem97 Thank you for the shares!!
Oct 26Reply
jeriwingo @kaitlynem97 you're sooo welcome, doll!! I want us all to be successful!!💃❤💃
Oct 26Reply
iloveherstyle Hi Luv you liked my Francesco Croc bag. This is a Last chance purchase notice. If you want it I can sell for $1000 today only. Otherwise It will be sold to the current bidder by end of day. Gone for good! Thanks for liking 💞 God bless!
Nov 04Reply
anniesherman50 HI.Thanks again for your purchase, happy that you're pleased with your purchase, please stop by again 😍😍💕💕
Nov 09Reply
bubblesnbeen Thank you for all the shares, Jeri! You have a lovely closet, wishing you lots of speedy sales! 🤗☺️
Jan 25Reply
maryspon Are you available for a question
Feb 09Reply
maryspon I’m trying to change my email I put in the wrong email this email I have doesn’t exist and some reason I can’t change it I’ve contacted posh and I keep getting no want to contact me back because I don’t have the right email and I don’t know what to do
Feb 09Reply
maryspon So I can’t get paid
Feb 09Reply
maryspon Thank you God bless you for your time
Feb 09Reply
maryspon Do they have a phone number at all
Feb 09Reply
jeriwingo @maryspon I do not have the phone number. Write an email to using the correct email. It may take a minute- maybe until Wednesday.
Feb 09Reply
maryspon I did
Feb 09Reply
aasare Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
Feb 10Reply
jeriwingo @aasare hi Anthony! I'm Jeri. I just saw your beautiful pieces! I will keep sharing and telling my friends about you. Thanks for stopping by!❤
Feb 10Reply
aasare @jeriwingo Hi Jeri. Thanks for the kind comments. You also have a lot of beautiful items and I will also share them.
Feb 10Reply
507anitalane Hi there loved your closet. thanks for all your shares. I'm trying to add more to my closet keep checking back
Feb 18Reply
jeriwingo @507anitalane thank you sooo much, doll! I feel you. I have so many things that I need to post as well. sheesh!😵😁😆😁❤thanks for the nice visit!!🌸
Feb 20Reply
ccabernet82 Thanks for the shared friend! I’ve only been a posher for a month so I appreciate the love❤️
Feb 20Reply
jeriwingo @ccabernet82 you're so welcome, doll! I always try to share things that catch my eye- it actually grows your network. Thanks for the kind visit!🌸❤🌸
Feb 20Reply
jacksonthedog Thank you for being so awesome and sharing my closet.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ really appreciate it.🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Feb 21Reply
jeriwingo @jacksonthedog you're so welcome! we have to stick together!💪it's all love❤
Feb 21Reply
jacksonthedog @jeriwingo Yes it is💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Feb 21Reply
sashaposha1 @jeriwingo hi & thank you for all the shares you’re so sweet really appreciate last few days hav been super tough 4 me😔so even these kind deeds mean alot💞👏🏼😱🌸🌺☺️🙏🏼🦋💜
Feb 21Reply
jeriwingo @sashaposha1 fantastic! press on! we must lift one another up. Keep Going💪❤❤❤😁
Feb 21Reply
sashaposha1 @jeriwingo thank you!! Yes lift each other up vry true!!😊
Feb 21Reply
daizyk33 @jeriwingo I can do $14 and add a nice gift for the dress
Mar 10Reply
jeriwingo @daizyk33 which dress?
Mar 11Reply
heavensgirl70 Hello there thanks for all the posh love. Really appreciate that. :)
Apr 24Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 05Reply
jeriwingo @schracl me too!✋👗🎆👠🎁and thanks for visiting, doll!❤
Jun 05Reply
fashnminx Hi!! Your purchase is in its way. There is a very small gift included to thank you for visiting my closet and making a purchase. I hope you will be very happy with your item. G🤗
Jun 07Reply
jeriwingo @fashnminx fantastic! I'm excited about my purchase and cannot wait. Thanks Doll!❤
Jun 07Reply
noonelikespam Hello! You ordered a sleeve from me 6 days ago, and I am just seeing this now. I am so sorry, have been an awful posher lately, as a friend is barely surviving. I went to grab the sleeve, and realized I only have beige left in that size. Am wondering if I can throw in an extra one (will send 2 ) if Beige is ok, or if you prefer I refund the transaction since I do not have the color you requested (and it is so late). I am really sorry for being such a pain
Jun 17Reply
jeriwingo @noonelikespam hi! thanks for responding! 😬 I will take the beige, thanks doll!
Jun 17Reply
jeriwingo @noonelikespam did you change your mind?
Jun 19Reply
noonelikespam @jeriwingo nope. I am sorry I hadn’t responded quickly. Your note was so sweetly worded. I put 3 in the mail yesterday or the day before priority.
Jun 21Reply
jeriwingo @noonelikespam OMG I'm so excited!!
Jun 21Reply
noonelikespam @jeriwingo I am thankful you have been so kind💕
Jun 21Reply
jeriwingo @noonelikespam Thanks for Your Generosity❤❤❤
Jun 25Reply
clj99 Hi I wanted to offer you $35 with discounted shipping if that works let me know and I submit the offer to you. Thx for your interest
Nov 23Reply
jeriwingo @clj99 I can do that
Nov 25Reply
grojivxatu Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have another designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 07Reply
lianavillar83 thank you , for your lovely rating i hope you enjoy your beauty tools ! 💕
Jan 26Reply
jeriwingo @lianavillar83 I already am 😄😉😄
Jan 26Reply
jeriwingo @serenityceo how sweet! thanks doll! much posh prosperity to you too!
Jan 30Reply
kitkroon Hello hello lovely lady!! Thank you so much for your purchase!!! I just got back from a trip from California!! So I’m packaging up your purchase as we speak and sending it out to you first thing in the a.m. ♥️ Thank you for your patience
Mar 11Reply
jeriwingo @kitkroon thanks doll!
Mar 12Reply
kitkroon @jeriwingo appreciate ya.
Mar 12Reply
hellathreads Hey there ~ Thanks for stopping by and liking an item! I just posted 20 new listings to my closet that you might not have seen yet, and a bunch will be marked 2/$25 through the end of this month. Stop by and take a peek! If you see something you like, don't be afraid to make an offer :) Be well!
Mar 16Reply
traceylanes Hi dear... thanks so much For your purchase of the silk black kaftan from me... I apologize about the delay in shipping out to you. I’m out of town but- I’m arranging for my friend to get it and send to you. Should be able to sort it out and it will be shipped on Saturday... thanks so much for your patience and I hope you have a wonderful day...
May 06Reply
jeriwingo @traceylanes absolutely fantastic! I'm patient. I will wait. I really want it!💃and a huge thanks for the update, doll!!
May 06Reply
bopsmom1 Thanks for the like on my vintage salt and pepper shakers. Feel free to make an offer if you are interested.
May 06Reply
sinsofcyn 🌻Thinking of You Today,  Jeri........I truly appreciate YOU visiting Again 🌻 😷Quarantine Living is Similar to ...🐻🐻🐻🐻😷🐻 HIBERNATION ... Jeri, whenever YOU need to take a Relaxing Break and Get Away......Please come visit my CUPBOARDS & CLOSET Often and I Welcome your Requests, 🙏Patience please in response time, I leave every few days & stay with Mom❤ 🛍🛍 Be safe, stay HEALTHY, Stay Home (if possible )😍   Cynthia
May 08Reply
jeriwingo @sinsofcyn how sweet! I'll keep coming! 👛👠💍💃👡🌺 lovez to shop!!
May 08Reply
sweet1957 Thank you for all the share ❤️❤️❤️ It is greatly appreciated 🥰😍
May 08Reply
jeriwingo @sweet1957 you're so welcome, doll! 🎀👠👘👙💼👗👖👚👜👒👛🌂wonderful closet!!!
May 08Reply
sweet1957 @jeriwingo thank you so much !!! I love your closet as well. If only we had endless money to spend , lol❤️ Have a great day !
May 08Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
May 08Reply
loraworster Thanks for the likes on the patterns! If you bundle 2 or more patterns from my closet you'd get them for only $5 each, thanks Lora
May 14Reply
traceylanes Hi Jeri, hope you’re doing well. You had offered to buy the 2 items in my closet—- black midi dress and the sequins kimono for $200. I wouldn’t have sold it at that price for another client because it’s silk and the other is an expensive velvet sequin fabric but realized you had bought the black kaftan from me before and been so gracious so I will accept your offer as my way of saying thank you for repurchase and liking my designs. You can resend your bundle I will accept your $200 offer😊
May 24Reply
jeriwingo @traceylanes cool! I have to wait until next weekend, but I definitely want them! I've already worn the one I got from you and got so many compliments! thanks doll!👘 I'll get back to you!
May 24Reply
jeriwingo @traceylanes love your designs! I'd also like to know if you are doing any wholesale- I'm interested.
May 24Reply
traceylanes @jeriwingo wonderful... I’m sooo happy to hear that. I’m delighted to design other new pieces for you... so exciting 💃🏼💃🏼
May 29Reply
traceylanes @jeriwingo oh wow about wholesale... happy to discuss that with you! please tell me what you have in mind for that- the same style you ordered before? What quantity per style?
May 29Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
May 29Reply
jeriwingo @grojivxatu thank you! I saw one but will look again when I have more time.
May 29Reply
jeriwingo @traceylanes probably the fancy kimono/robe with wide sleeves. I'm not quite ready yet but hoping to open a store.
May 29Reply
traceylanes @jeriwingo oh wow that sounds amazing! Congratulations in advance!! I would be delighted to design lovely garments you can stock. If you already have people complimenting your outfits that you want to sell to in the meantime we can do smaller runs as well. When you order the sequin robe and midi dress I’ll include my contact details with your shipment and we can discuss further 😊
May 30Reply
jeriwingo @traceylanes sounds great!
May 30Reply
audrinafla Hey Jeri.. thanks for purchasing the kimono/caftan thing LOL. If you look through my posts I periodically put some freebies and they’re free with purchase so take a look and see if you saw anything that you might like and I’ll include it with your order! I always like to throw in a little something… anyway I’m heading back from Seattle today so I probably won’t get that out till tomorrow just want to keep you posted OK have a great and safe day😊
Jun 02Reply
jeriwingo @audrinafla hi Doll! cool! I can't tell if the Rolling Stones T-Shirt 👚is still available, but I like it or the Star Wars belt. Thanks So Much, Doll!
Jun 02Reply
audrinafla Hey girl...Do you mean the Rolling Stone shirt the one that I have posted with the Beatles shirt? I do have both of them and I don’t mind breaking up the set if you want the Rolling Stone shirt I think it’s a size medium
Jun 03Reply
jeriwingo @audrinafla yes please!
Jun 03Reply
audrinafla Me again. This move is kicking my A**. Lol. There is so much going on anyway so the Rolling Stones T-shirt is a size small though I wear a large and I tried it on and I think it fits like a medium so what do you think would that work for you or do you want to try something else
Jun 03Reply
audrinafla Yeah I just looked at the posting of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones shirts and the Beatles is a size medium anc the Stones is a small it’s in the picture but I spaced that out myself....
Jun 03Reply
jeriwingo @audrinafla I still want the Rolling Stones, doll 😍❤😍
Jun 03Reply
audrinafla 👍😊💕
Jun 03Reply
jeriwingo @audrinafla 😘😍😘
Jun 03Reply
jeriwingo @audrinafla what happened to the Rolling Stones?
Jun 10Reply
audrinafla Whattt??? Are you kidding?!😳
Jun 10Reply
audrinafla Hi Jeri. Omg. Things have been so crazy these last few weeks I actually sent two wrong orders to two wrong people which I’ve never done before😤😖But no one said they got the Rolling Stone shirt so I still want to get something extra out to you
Jun 24Reply
jeriwingo @audrinafla I understand. I love the caftan though!❤👘❤
Jun 24Reply
audrinafla It disappeared into outer space. Keep checking my stuff. Next time we’ll do a good deal and the mail will go thru correctly
Jun 25Reply
sun_flower05 Thank you for the 5 stars ! So glad you like the hat....enjoy !
Jun 26Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Jeri:) Thanks so much for shopping my closet & making an offer on the Fiesta plates. I happily accepted for you. I know you will love them. Will get them wrapped up & out in the mail to you today. FYI following you now too. Excited to check out your closet & will get some shares out there for you. Hope you have a blessed Thursday & a wonderful 4th weekend, stay healthy & safe in CA., and Keep Poshing!!!
Jul 02Reply
jeriwingo @greenbaypackers woop woop! I'm getting my red plates! thanks sooo much! 🌺I'm having a fiesta!!
Jul 02Reply
greenbaypackers @jeriwingo Hi Jeri. FYI that I just missed the post office for you. I'm so sorry. Will get them out when the post office opens at 9am tomorrow. I wasn't home earlier & had to wrap late & it takes a long time to do that to ensure they are packaged well. And I couldn't get through traffic to make it there before they locked the door (and they are very punctual about locking the door here & usually do it early), so tomorrow it is. Yesterday I was in the post office when they locked someone out.
Jul 02Reply
jeriwingo @greenbaypackers no pressure. tomorrow is fine.
Jul 02Reply
greenbaypackers @jeriwingo Thanks!!!! Have a great night!!!
Jul 02Reply
greenbaypackers Hi 👋 Jeri!!! Dropped your package 📦 off at the post office. Should have it in no time!!! Hope you have a great 4th Weekend!!!!🇺🇸🎇💥🎉
Jul 03Reply
jeriwingo @greenbaypackers yay!!! how exciting! enjoy your holiday!!
Jul 03Reply
danger_lady Thank you for visiting my closet! I’ll work out a great deal with you if you wanted several doggie accessories 🥰🐶 just create a bundle.
Jul 06Reply
chefnorma they're on the way with a little thank you 🎁
Jul 08Reply
jeriwingo @chefnorma thanks doll!❤👛❤
Jul 08Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Jeri:) Thanks for the great rating & review!!!! Have a wonderful afternoon.
Jul 09Reply
jeriwingo @greenbaypackers best wrapping ever! ❤🌺❤
Jul 10Reply
greenbaypackers @jeriwingo I try. I never want anything to break.
Jul 10Reply
jeriwingo @greenbaypackers I'm very happy with them! ❤👛❤great value!
Jul 10Reply
toto7 🌺Thank you so much for your purchase. !! Have a wonderful day. !!🤗💐🌸
Aug 09Reply
jeriwingo @toto7 you're sooo welcome, doll!
Aug 09Reply
toto7 🌸Thank you for Shopping!!! I just ship Your Purchase. You will get the Tracking number. Thank you so much!!! ☀️☀️☀️ Have a wonderful day !!🤗💐
Aug 10Reply
a1023renee Hi Im sending a message to all my previous customers & those who have sent me likes on a item or items. I will be closing my closet & accepting any and all reasonable offers. Just hit the offer button & Im happy to give you a great deal, ship quickly & send a free gift 🎁. Have a great day, Renee’
Aug 13Reply
toto7 🌺 thank you so much for your order. !! I'm so glad you like your purchase!! Also thank you for lovely Comment 💓💓💓 and Excellent feedback. appreciate it. Have a Wonderful day. !!🌈☀️🌈🤗
Aug 14Reply
surreala Oh no! I am sorry to hear there was a problem with the sexy red swim cover up. I contacted Poshmark support on your behalf for a refund. Please let me know what else I can do to make it right.
Aug 17Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁 If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 22Reply
trendylynns @jeriwingo I appreciate you accepting my offer on the dress and thank you so much for your purchase. I’ll mail tomorrow. Hope you have a great night and thank you again for shopping with me!
Mar 16Reply
jeriwingo @trendylynns fantastic doll❣
Mar 16Reply
bettyleslie34 @jeriwingo hello are you interested in buying my vibrams
Oct 12Reply
jeriwingo @bettyleslie34 I just made an offer
Oct 12Reply
bettyleslie34 @jeriwingo I counter because both are brand new
Oct 12Reply
bettyleslie34 @jeriwingo I'll only make what I paid for one pair
Oct 12Reply
bettyleslie34 @jeriwingo hey did you buy the vibrams in my closet. I got s message saying you did but it doesn't show them as sold in my closet
Oct 14Reply
jeriwingo @bettyleslie34 I did. they show up in my purchases as awaiting shipment.
Oct 14Reply
cutehosiery @jeriwingo Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 01Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, I’m just stopping by to check out your closet. Please visit my closet when you have a moment. We have the best fashions for vacations, holidays, celebrations, special events, and more. If you see something you like, please send me an offer on any item(s) for the best price. Thanks, Grace.
Apr 04Reply

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Last Active: Sep 22 2023

Los Angeles, CA
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Last Active: Sep 22 2023

Los Angeles, CA
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