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Updated Oct 02
Updated Oct 02

Meet your Posher 💞 Jessica 💞

Meet The Posher

US$999 US$999

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My name is Jessica and I'm a photographer, part time model, makeup artist, business owner (I do consignment & retail) & mother of 2 beautiful little girls. My favorite brands are Free People, Urban Outfitters, Anthropology, and many others. I love the boho free spirit style but also love relaxed and laid back styled as well. Please feel free to check out my closet and shop around! Also feel free to check out my 2nd closet @persuasions
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samipoo24 You have a beautiful family🌹🌹🌹☺
Aug 23Reply
jessica10908 @samipoo24 😊 thank you so much 💞💞😘💨
Aug 23Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r 🌹💕 Hi There, its a pleasure to meet you! 💕🌹
Sep 02Reply
jessica10908 @goodchic thank you and you as well 💞😘💨
Sep 02Reply
lauras_boutique Hi Jessica I saw your lovely pictures in my PFF @aprils2ndcloset, and I wanted to introduce myself and say hello! 💝💐I'm Laura, and it's so nice to meet you!😘I love poshmark, fashion, shopping and meeting other posher's!😍❤️I live in Michigan with an amazing hubby and 4 sweet kitty furry babies that we adore!😍🐱You have a beautiful closet, and I would love to stay in touch!❤️Have a lovely day and happy poshing! Laura💐💝
Sep 03Reply
jessica10908 @lauras_boutique thank you Laura. Lovely to meet you as well. I've actually visited your closet a few times and shared from it. It's very lovely. Thank you for stopping by & introducing yourself. It's always a pleasure to meet any of April's friends. Don't be a stranger. ☺️💞😘💨 Xo
Sep 04Reply
lauras_boutique Thank you so much Jessica you are a sweetie just like April😘💞You have such great style, and I love the boho look too! Your daughters are so adorable too! Have a lovely holiday weekend, and I would love to keep in touch!😘💞xoxo
Sep 04Reply
jessica10908 @lauras_boutique thank you huni!! My girls are my pride and joy☺️☺️ and yeah I love the boho look sooo much. It's definitely one of my favorite styles. Anyway I need to get dinner going for my girls. Have a great night and holiday weekend 🎉👍🏻 Talk soon & keep in touch! Don't be a stranger!! Xoxo
Sep 04Reply
sfconway I can do the feather head band for$25 if you're still interested!
Sep 06Reply
jessica10908 @sfconway do u have another one? I just looked and the listing is sold :(
Sep 07Reply
jessica10908 @sfconway yayyy!! Ok thank you. Let me just do a quick peek around your closet. Maybe I can sneak in another item. 👍🏻 I shouldn't though. I've spent more than I should've. But I was celebrating my birthday (it was on 8-30) and doing some shopping ☺️👍🏻
Sep 07Reply
sfconway @jessica10908 happy birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Sep 07Reply
aprilho @jessica10908 what great pictures and love those girls are gorgeous , hope you are well miss our talks
Sep 20Reply
mabr5299 Gorgeous pic
Nov 06Reply
jessica10908 @mabr5299 awww thank you ☺️ I'm flattered. 😘💨
Nov 06Reply
fashioniztaongo Thanks @jessica10908 for sharing🤗
Nov 19Reply
timberlie Your the model!! Beautiful...and your little ones are precious
Nov 20Reply
jessica10908 @timberlie thank you again. I'm truly flattered ☺️
Nov 20Reply
sierrag99 Hi! My name is Sierra and I'd love if you checked out my closet! I love a good deal and especially love giving them! I'm currently having a buy one get one free Black Friday sale! Happy Holidays and Happy Poshing! 🌻💕
Nov 28Reply
jessica10908 @sierrag99 thank you but I'm only a seller.
Nov 28Reply
medusa36 Your really pretty:)
Nov 30Reply
jessica10908 @medusa36 thank you so much ☺️😘💨
Nov 30Reply
medusa36 Your welcme i love how beatiful u look in your pic , u look like a professional model
Nov 30Reply
jessica10908 @medusa36 thank you again. I'm flattered ☺️ I actually do some modeling on the side as well as photography. I took these photos myself. ☺️ I rather enjoy the creative aspect of it all. I do a bit of modeling exclusively for my dear friend and sister, April @aprils2ndcloset & @aprils3rdcloset and soon enough we'll have new modeling photos up in April's stunning online boutiques here on Poshmark. But anyway thank you again for the compliments. Happy holidays to you. Xo
Nov 30Reply
medusa36 What u doing :)
Dec 01Reply
demarchand13 Hi! my brand is looking for girls like you to do collabs :) email me at Danielle for more info if you're interested!
Dec 01Reply
mrskartercares @jessica10908 hi👋🏼👋🏼your daughters are adorable, thanks for sharing my closet I appreciate it 😊😁
Dec 04Reply
fashionista21 Nice to meet you💞
Dec 06Reply
jessica10908 @mrskartercares thank you huni😊 and I'm happy to share anytime 😀 Xo
Dec 06Reply
agingerstyle @jessica10908 Very nice closet! 💖
Dec 07Reply
demitria @jessica10908 Jessica Thank you for always sharing in my other Poshmark closet. May you're holiday season be filled with love laughter fun and many more happy sales to come. Have a beautiful Posh night 💗Demitria's Treasures💗
Dec 09Reply
stylenu Hi Jessica, I'm Leigh. Nice to meet you! I see where you're daughters get their beauty! Gorgeous pic of you and gorgeous closet. Tag me anytime and I'll share. I'm fairly new to Posh but LOVING it 😍😍😍😍
Dec 10Reply
jessica10908 @cbltrio hi huni!!! Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for such sweet comments about my daughters & I 😊 I hope you enjoy Poshmark and if you ever need help or advice please don't hesitate to ask. ☺️. And of course feel free to stop by and say hello anytime as well!! 💞Xo
Dec 10Reply
clothesnjewlry I love your closet. I noticed your picture- you're the model from April's closet. 😊❤️❤️ Beautiful style and your girls are too cute. Just stopping by to say I love the way you model and love your style. 💜💕
Dec 13Reply
jessica10908 @clothesnjewlry thank you so much Jaime I'm completely flattered 😊 I love modeling for April!! It's a form of artistic & emotional expression for me when I model. It's a complete pleasure for me and I'm so grateful to be able to have the opportunity & privilege to model for @aprils2ndcloset ☺️ I adore April! Thank you again for the compliment. I'm truly flattered 😊 Xo
Dec 13Reply
clothesnjewlry Aww, your welcome ❤️❤️ I love April too 😘💕
Dec 13Reply
thwelshbohemian Love your cover shots, tres chic and your daughters are beautiful. Check out my bio I have a pic of my girl wearing a headpiece I made for her. They made me think of her. Love having a girl 💞
Dec 19Reply
bellaarshia Hi Jessica. Please teach me how to get followers like you did. Its amazing to have so much followers!
Dec 21Reply
jessica10908 @bellaarshia hi huni. The best ways to keep gaining a following is to follow all the Poshmark rules, add new things to your closet as often as possible to keep it fresh and interesting, and of course share, share, share & share some more. Oh and follow & share for people that are into the same brands as you are & share during the parties as well. I've also been on Poshmark for 3 years or so now too. So it took some time. :) hope this helps 😊 xo
Dec 21Reply
bellaarshia @jessica10908 Thanks for your guidance and advice. At least I know I am on the right track.
Dec 21Reply
grace43202 AWESOME closet and beautiful family. Happy Holidays.
Dec 21Reply
jessica10908 @bellaarshia 👍🏻😊 anytime. I'm happy to help! Happy Holidays 💞😘💨
Dec 21Reply
jessica10908 @grace43202 thank you so much 💞 happy holidays to u as well 😘💨💨💨
Dec 21Reply
stylenu Hi Jessica, I'm Leigh! Fairly new to Posh. It's nice to meet you. Thanks so much for sharing the Posh love. You have a beautiful closet!!!!!! I am going to bookmark it so I can share. Merry Christmas dear!
Dec 21Reply
boston51 So am I committed to buying the bundle? Let me call my gf in the morning and ask her how this bundle thing works so I don't keep bothering you. I feel like a dummy and I'm really not. Lol
Dec 28Reply
nanic281 Hi Jessica. You have a nice eclectic mix in your closet. I admire your sense of style and beauty. It radiates natural design and a quiet comfort. Your girls are glowing blossoms and you should be one beaming momma! Enjoy all your endeavors and embrace each day as God's gift.
Dec 31Reply
jessica10908 @nanic281 thank you so much ☺️ I'm flattered ☺️ and yes I'm a totally proud & beaming mama!! My girls are the light of my life & my reason for going for my dreams as well! I want to show them a woman can accomplish anything she puts her mind to. That's why I'm launching my 2nd NWT retail boutique line closet next month on Poshmark @persuasions I'm so excited about it! Anyway thank you so much for the compliment 🎉 happy New Years to you huni! Xo 😘💨
Dec 31Reply
shop_essentials Hi Jessica! You always said if I had any questions I could ask, so I'm taking you up on your offer 😉 How can you tell what items a person adds to a bundle? Is this something both buyer and seller can view? Still so much to figure out! Many thanks for your help 😘 😘Wishing you a very Happy New Year! 🎉
Dec 31Reply
jessica10908 @shoppermaj hi Melissa. First ~ Happy New Years 🎉🎉 and of course you're always welcome to ask questions 😊 so yes, you can see the items people add to a bundle. It shows on your news feed. You can even select the "comments" part of your news feed and you'll be able to see the items people add. Of course if someone removed an item u can't see that. I'll show u now by adding a couple items from your closet into a bundle. 👍🏻
Dec 31Reply
jessica10908 @shoppermaj you should be able to see the items I added to a bundle from your closet. Does this help?
Dec 31Reply
shop_essentials Thank you, yes! So, the only way to know is through the news feed and of course if someone makes an offer, correct? Many thanks again! 😘
Dec 31Reply
shop_essentials Sorry, guess I am very slow! When you're in your closet, how do you see the bundled items?
Dec 31Reply
jessica10908 @shoppermaj no need to apologize. The only way to see what items people may have added to a bundle is by looking at your newsfeed. If someone makes an offer its only on an individual item not a whole bundle. My news feed can be really busy so I don't really look at who's added anything to a bundle because it doesn't mean they're going to buy. It's almost like adding it to a separate set of likes so to speak.
Dec 31Reply
shop_essentials Got it 😊 thank you so, so much!
Dec 31Reply
kkelley27 Love your closet & your style! Thanks for the shares! 😊
Jan 02Reply
jessica10908 @kkelley27 thank you 😘💨
Jan 02Reply
chiara08 Hi Jessica! Hi Ana!! Thanks a lot for the shares! I noticed that when you share my closet you also follow me. Are you trying to let me know that you are following me? Inviting me to follow you? I'm new to PM so I don't know the full etiquette. I noticed some other poshers with lots of followers do it too. Is this a successful action to get people to follow you? I can use any advice! 😊
Jan 02Reply
jessica10908 @chiara08 hi huni! Sorry for the confusion. It'll probably continue to happen as I am doing to "New Years cleaning" on my followers list. Lol. I've been on Poshmark for a few years and am following a lot of inactive people, closed accounts & people who never share back so it's going to take me a long time to slowly weed through everyone and clean up my list so if you notice that I'm following u and then see it again, that's why. Just cleaning up. Lol. No worries. Xo
Jan 02Reply
chiara08 Lol!!! That makes a lot of sense!! Thank you for the clarification. Have a great weekend! 😊
Jan 02Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 it took me a lot of practice lol. I taught myself. Last year I rented a photography studio and when I do modeling I do all my own photos so I have a stand for my camera & my phone. I recommend the cannon rebel camera. But if you're starting out, you can practice on your cell phone.
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 Using a mannequin (U can get a "dress form" one for about $50 on e b ay) has been extremely helpful as I have soooo many items to list so it's easier for me to use those. if u don't have a studio I recommend photographing your items in natural lighting on a mannequin (or hung nicely) against a plain white or very lightly colored wall. What type of phone do you use or camera?
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 also there's a lot of tutorials on YouTube to help you learn about photography and how to photograph clothing. Try to keep the background white or light. That way the focus is on your item and not on items in the background that can pull the attention away from your item.
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 If you're doing modeling and shoot outside or in your home it's ok as long as you & your clothing are the main focal point. But you're best off buying a stand for your phone so you're not holding the camera and trying to aim it at yourself or in a mirror. I found cheap ones on Amazon. Hope this helps. Xo
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 you're very welcome. I'm happy to help best I can. Yes my camera (cannon rebel) is a fabulous camera and it uploads onto my computer where I can photoshop and edit. I love it. I don't really recommend using the posh camera. 😬 using your own phones camera is better. Then you can research different photography editing apps that best suit your needs and help u express who u are creatively. 👍🏻
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 well I wish u the best of luck huni! I went from being a counselor to stay at home mom/business owner. I am going to be launching my 2nd closet @persuasions on Poshmark later this month which will carry my Pretty Persuasions boutique line. I'm currently working with designers & vendors in NY, LA, and Australia 😊 posh really made my dreams come true. Of course I'll be running my consignment closet (this one) as well too. 😊
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 I send them to my phone. 👍🏻
Jan 04Reply
jessica10908 @jdcox4 I wish you the best of luck huni!! Believe me, it didn't happen over night and I've had many up's and downs. I've been discouraged many times too but I take that discouragement and tell myself to work harder. It's a labor of love and I still have a long way to go. But I'm on my way!! I want to show my 2 little girls women can do anything they put their minds to. Lead by example for them, ya know?! 👍🏻😀 Best wishes to you huni and please keep me posted on your progress 😊
Jan 04Reply
shop_essentials Hi Jessica, sorry to be a bother, but was hoping to ask a question. Why would a buyer delay accepting their item? It was in perfect condition (I took photos before sending) and was definitely delivered yesterday. Have not heard from the buyer (but they were active on posh this AM) or poshmark. Thanks in advance!!
Jan 05Reply
jessica10908 @shoppermaj sometimes people forget. Sometimes they haven't checked their mail. I don't message anyone if they don't accept. They're permitted 3 days. If it's not accepted in 3 days then posh will automatically release the funds to you. It's nothing to stress over. I wouldn't worry about it. 👍🏻 xo
Jan 05Reply
shop_essentials As always, thank you so much!! 😊
Jan 05Reply
glittlex Your closet is so beautiful! I also love the drawing of the girl you have with your items! I just got started here a week ago but am loving it so far. I was wondering if you had any tips on figuring out how best to price your items? I'm struggling to find a balance between offering items at a price people are willing to pay but also not loosing too much from Poshmark fees. Thanks💕
Jan 06Reply
jessica10908 @glittlex hi huni. Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the compliment 😊 the best advice I can offer when it comes to pricing items is to #1 check what similar items in similar condition sold for on posh #2 check what similar items in similar condition are currently listed for. #3 also take into consideration that sometimes it's better to lower the price and move out the item(s) than to let them sit in your closet making you no $. Hope this helps. 💞 Xo
Jan 06Reply
glittlex Thanks so much, that's actually super helpful! I hadn't even thought of checking out similar listings. You're the best!😙🌟
Jan 06Reply
jessica10908 @glittlex glad I could help 😊👍🏻 best of luck to you and selling your items 💞😘💨
Jan 06Reply
shawina22 Hi Jessica, I've been following your closet for a while now thanks for following back 😁😁
Jan 07Reply
sfgirl2015 You have a nice closet! Good luck with your sales!
Jan 10Reply
sgiacom Thanks for the share! I'm new to poshmark and I am still getting the hang of it! :)
Jan 11Reply
jessica10908 @sgiacom you're welcome huni! Anytime 😊
Jan 11Reply
2edgy @jessica10908 your girls are adorable, you look very pretty as well, you need to show that pretty face off of yours in a pic, however! Wonderful closet, supersweet lady with a lot of motivation and a lot going for you! You will do just fine, Even better than fine, on here and with your other businesses! I am so glad our Posh Paths have Crossed 💕
Jan 11Reply
sassymisu You must be a beautiful lady to have such beautiful daughters. Thanks for helping me sharing my stuff👍🏻😀
Jan 16Reply
malikilee @jessica10908 ,Thank you for the share
Jan 17Reply
ln4stylez Hi Jessica, Very nice to meet you🌷You model graciously and your daughters are adorable ❤ Thank you for sharing my black sequence heels HP 🙌 I will be returning the posh love 💕 Have a Beautiful weekend! 🌈
Jan 17Reply
christelrhoades @jessica10908 💟Thank you for the share! Wow your closet is amazing!! #closetcrush!
Jan 21Reply
karenjc223 @jessica10908 Lovely!! 💞
Jan 22Reply
jessica10908 @christelrhoades omg you're too sweet 💞😊 I'm totally flattered and u made my day!! Thank you so much huni!! 😘💨💨
Jan 22Reply
joelyshop Wow! Your closet is so amazing! So many beautiful fun items I NEED!😉 I will enjoy getting lost in your closet. Thanks
Jan 23Reply
jessica10908 @joelyshop ☺️ aww thank you so much 💞😊💞 I'm flattered ☺️💞 I hope u enjoy looking through my closet! Please let me know if I can help with anything 😘💨💨💨
Jan 23Reply
bansera Oh sweetie you have the most beautiful girls God bless you oh and your prices are very reasonable at this time I just can't do much until I'm done with my project but thank you for sharing my things I truly appreciate that.... now go have a good time with those precious beautiful girls
Jan 23Reply
era1280 @jessica10908 thank for sharing my listing 😍
Jan 28Reply
berta456 Hi, Jessica! I just came across your closet, and really enjoyed browsing through it. You have a lot if pretty things!
Feb 03Reply
jessica10908 @berta456 Ty so much. I'm truly flattered 😊 I'm glad u enjoyed browsing through my closet 💕 I hope to see u back again soon 😊😘💕💕
Feb 03Reply
dwinterling72 Thank you for sharing my bag....
Feb 07Reply
shop_essentials Just wanted to thank you again for your shares! There were days I was almost in tears after sharing hundreds without reciprocation, so this means a lot. I am SO appreciative and grateful. Thank you again 😘
Feb 12Reply
jessica10908 @shoppermaj awww, I'm happy to help and will always do my best to return the shares huni☺️ Just hang in there. I'm glad to help best I can. 😊💞 Xo
Feb 12Reply
lchalk Thanks for the share!!!!!
Feb 14Reply
kiwi3317 Nice to meet you! Love your style. Are those your drawings?
Feb 28Reply
jessica10908 @kiwi3317 hi Amy nice to meet u too! Thank you for the lovely compliment. I'm flattered 😊 as for the drawings, a family member of mine is pretty good at drawing. So I lucked out there! 👍🏻😃 anyway, nice to meet u again and don't be a stranger 😘💞 Xo
Feb 28Reply
shopwanderchic @jessica10908 Fab closet!! Happy sales fellow New Englander!! 💞💗💞
Mar 05Reply
seek You have the most beautiful items in your closet iveb seen on poshmark so far!! I hope to be able to purchase something one day! Some things are little to pricey for me but I absolutely love your styles! ♡ ; )
Mar 08Reply
jessica10908 @seek thank you so much 💕😊💕 I am having a BOGO sale right now ~ buy 1 get 1 half off 💕 but in any case, no pressure & I thank you for the lovely comment. I hope to see you back again soon! 🌻😘💕 PS. Don't forget to check out my new boutique here at this link @persuasions Xo 💕😘🌻
Mar 08Reply
shelpen you have an absolutely gorgeous gorgeous closet. I am fairly new and just opened my closet about two weeks ago. I'm still unclear on several things. Can you explain to me what a retail party is? are all the people sharing things from their closet buying everything wholesale then selling retail on posh Mark? when you have time, it just a little confusing to me. thank you. Sondra
Mar 09Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen hi huni. Will explain once this party in hosting is over 👍🏻 xo💞
Mar 09Reply
shelpen no rush at all. I began following you because I saw you were cohosting the party which prompted my question. Anytime the next few days would be absolutely fine
Mar 09Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen I'll answer today! No worries luv! I'm always happy to help 🌻💞🌻
Mar 09Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen hi huni! First I want to apologize as I had every intention of responding after the party I hosted Wednesday, but I ended up forgetting because my girls got home from school and I just, well, I'm a mom. Lol. I didn't forget, I just more the less became delayed & busy. So forget wasn't the right word to explain above!
Mar 11Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen ok so to answer your questions ~ when an item is listed as NWT RETAIL it means the seller has purchased their items directly from a wholesale source and it has never been previously sold, like for example purchased at the mall & then sold on posh. However, I have noticed there's many closet who've listed things as retail that truly are not. But I think that's more due to a lack of understanding between what NWT Retail is -vs- NWT.
Mar 11Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen For example I'm a legal business with a tax ID, DBA & so on. I can & do purchase wholesale items. I have a couple in this closet but this is actually my consignment boutique. I have a 2nd closet/virtual boutique which is ALL retail items here @persuasions So the party I hosted Wednesday was specifically for retail items & to showcase them.
Mar 11Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen However, Poshmark, as u may have noticed, offers a variety of themes suitable for anyone. So, although not everyone can (or in some cases should) share to the retail party, most other parties are open themed and easily shareable into. 😊👍🏻 I hope this helps clarify things for you & if I can help further with anything please don't hesitate to ask. You can always reach me here or in my new closet @persuasions ☺️💞🌻 Xo
Mar 11Reply
shelpen thank you for letting me know that. I'm sure I was just sharing right and left to that retail party the other night and obviously should not have done so. Thank you again for the information.
Mar 11Reply
jessica10908 @shelpen no huni!! Don't think that!! 😱 you're totally fine. Trust me! If it wasn't marked "NWT retail" & you tried to share it to the party posh would've automatically notified u right away on the app that it can't be shared to the party. 👍🏻 believe me, it's all good. Besides u said u just joined, what, 2 weeks ago? You're still learning. This is a very user friendly app & I promise you'll get the hang of things luv! U can always contact me if u have questions! I'm more than happy to help 😘💞
Mar 11Reply
shopbkstone Thanks so much for the shares 💞
Mar 12Reply
unityblend @jessica10908 thank you for your shares today! I appreciate it and invite you to my cliset anytime. I look forward to peeking in your closet often!
Mar 19Reply
tchouseofstyle @jessica10908 thank you for sharing my closet 💕💕you closet is beautiful. Thanks again
Mar 24Reply
ashb_marie Thanks for sharing! Best of luck in take $2 off everything in our jewelry box!
Apr 05Reply
tchouseofstyle @jessica10908 I just want to say Thankyou for sharing my closet 💕💕your closet is beautiful
Apr 05Reply
heavensparadise @jessica10908 Thank you so much for all the shares. I have been traveling with my sister Pat starting her bucket list so I have had my closet closed. I will reopen either tomorrow or the next day. I promise to share back soon!! 🌹🌹
Apr 19Reply
mrs_hewson Thank you for sharing my listing ❤
Apr 21Reply
chloebleu @jessica10908 thank you for all the shares💕💕😀
Apr 23Reply
ginger_nj Jessica thank you for sharing my listing! Beautiful clothes 👗👠👛👜👙👒
Apr 24Reply
curlysshop Hi Jessica❣ beautiful family and great closet.. Thank you for your shares, I am trying to keep up, I appreciate each and every one 😊
Apr 27Reply
stylishfigures @jessica10908 Hello. I'm Evelyn! Thank you for the shares! I'm new to Poshmark and so far I love what I see! I love your closet! May I ask what app you use to display your items? I see various people with different silhouettes, I love the look it gives your closet! I look forward to poshing with you! Your girls are adorable!
Apr 29Reply
jessica10908 @stylishfigures hi huni! Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for the lovely compliments! 😊 my intern drew the sketches for the logos in both my closets (this one & my virtual boutique @persuasions ) then I uploaded them onto my computer & designed a frame to input with my cover shots for both closets. I took different styles with each closet but I think the outcome was good. :) anyway Ty again & if I can help with anything please feel free to ask 😘💕💕
Apr 29Reply
jessica10908 @aswartzer thank you ☺️ I'm glad you've enjoyed browsing my closet 💞😘 hope to see u back again soon. 🌻💞😘 Xo
May 01Reply
eroa74 @jessica10908 Thanks for following. Have a great day!😀
May 04Reply
akafangz Luv your closet☺️
May 04Reply
akafangz Luv your closet☺️
May 04Reply
jessica10908 @akafangz thank you Jessica 😊🌻💞 much appreciated 😘💞
May 04Reply
savychicone Thank you for sharing❤️
May 13Reply
dizzyval Thank you for sharing my items. I like the style of your closet and have added it to my SHARE list
May 15Reply
jessica10908 @dizzyval thank you for the compliment ☺️ We will always do our best to return the shares as well ❤️ Please feel free to follow our boutique as well @persuasions Xo, Pretty Persuasions
May 15Reply
kstill15 Hey girl. Okay, need some help. I have time so no rush. We are taking a cruise to Alaska for our honeymoon..... I need help outfit wise. I'll check back since we have until May 6, 2017 - I just would like to start buying things here and there until packing day. 😍 just keep me in mind when you post winter clothing. 😘 please.
May 16Reply
jessica10908 @ksw078 so exciting 😀💞 yes I absolutely will keep u in mind. Keep an eye on my new boutique as well @persuasions because I'm sure as the summer starts to come to an end I'll be bringing in winter clothing 😊👍🏻 anyway I miss chatting with u & am glad things are well! Hope to catch up soon!! Wish I could see u walk down the isle! I'm so happy for u!! ☺️💞 Xo
May 16Reply
passionboutique @jessica10908 LUV your closet, I keep coming back to share, but If I keep pushing these buttons I will find myself buying, I love everything in your closet LOL. Your family is beauty and so are you...
May 18Reply
jessica10908 @dogpacksports thank you Sandy! I appreciate the compliment ☺️ Please feel free to check out our virtual retail boutique at - @persuasions We hope you enjoy! Xo
Jun 06Reply
relovedresale Hey there from a fellow MA consignment-er! I'd love to chat with you some time to share notes if you'd indulge me 😄.
Oct 03Reply
pulchritude Happy Poshing!
Nov 06Reply
fit_posh_tiff @jessica10908 Thank you so much for all the shares! Lovely closet :) you are gorgeous and I definitely appreciate the mom hustle 😍😘❤️
Nov 17Reply
shaynola Love how you trademark yourself with the sketch of the girl with the hobo bag and hat! Did you sketch it yourself?
Feb 15Reply
karenjc223 @jessica10908 I've been l👀king for you ~ this closet!! Yay! There you are! I've been following and sharing and loving your other closet and couldn't find this one! 🌷 blessings!!! ~ karen 💋
Feb 15Reply
jessica10908 @shaynola thank you huni. My father sketched it for my boutique 👍🏻 We are considering removing it though. We've had it a long time now. Lol. 😊💞
Feb 15Reply
jessica10908 @karenjc223 yayyyyy glad u found us!! 😊🎉🎉🎉🎉😘💕
Feb 15Reply
shaynola @jessica10908 lol... new to me! 😜Are planning on going with a different trademark?
Feb 15Reply
jessica10908 @shaynola I'm not sure completely yet. We have some option we are exploring. We use to use one in our boutique closet too but we are slowly getting rid of it. We are still debating on what to do with this closet. We need to do a major overhaul on it. 😬 Complete redo soon. Unfortunately there's not enough time in one day & not enough employees at the moment either. 😬
Feb 15Reply
shaynola Gotcha. I'll just have to check back from time to time. 😜 I love the creative part of this experience with Poshmark!
Feb 15Reply
jessica10908 @shaynola yes the creativity is something I truly enjoy about poshmark. I have found it's a strong suit of mine. I do need to redo this entire closet however from top to bottom because it's just not looking how I'd like it to anymore. 😬 But we've been so busy with @persuasions we haven't had the time 😬
Feb 16Reply
enocharden Thanks for sharing 😊💕
Feb 18Reply
bethfarnstrom Hey lady! I'm having a BOGO sale in my closet, if you can find 2 items, the second is half off! Saves on shipping too. Thanks for taking a peek at my stuff...
Feb 21Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad you found me on posh! Make sure to check out my handmade jewelry! 🍭LOVE OFFERS🍭New items added weekly so make sure to follow me! Happy poshing 😀
Feb 22Reply
bartho12 Thank you for share!
Feb 22Reply
bartho12 Thank you for the share!
Feb 23Reply
feliciana1 Hey luv. Thank u for sharing my closet. If u see something u r interested in let me know😉 Bundle and Save BIG!
Feb 25Reply
sincerelysusan @jessica10908 Beautiful girls, beautiful momma! Another fabulous closet! Will be sharing a lot! 😊😊
Feb 25Reply
bartho12 Thank you for the shares!!
Feb 26Reply
carearings Hi sweetie I am Carrie of Carearings, I LOVE LOVE YOUR Closet, but unfortunately I have a Family emergency and have to leave Buffalo to Florida unexpectedly on Wednesday am. Well when I get back I have a couple questions about a couple items. I will be Back sometime after the 8th of to you then =)
Feb 27Reply
jessica10908 @carearings we hope everything is ok huni & look forward to hearing back from you upon your return home 👍🏻😘💞
Feb 27Reply
justmom6 your closet and you have a beautiful family. I'm from Granville, Ma which I believe is up the mountain from you I still have family there. Happy poshing
Feb 27Reply
dixiebella64 @jessica10908 Hi Jessica! My name is Gina and it's so nice to meet you. You have an awesome closet and it's obvious that you dedicate a lot of time doing your pics because they are beautiful. Your two little girls are beautiful as well as their Mommy. 😊 I hope you have a great week!
Mar 01Reply
jessica10908 @dixiebella64 thank you for the lovely compliment huni 😊💕 it's much appreciated 😊😊 And it's lovely to meet you! Don't be a stranger 👍🏻😀 Xo💋
Mar 01Reply
kitabita223 Very lovely closet.Thank you for sharing!
Mar 17Reply
charmaineb17 Thanks for sharing the love!
Mar 22Reply
pkarina My apologies didn't mean to share this listing! 🌹💋 ✌ wishing you all the blessings in your beautiful closet 😍
Mar 23Reply
jzdesigns Thanks so much for your shares!! 😍😍
Mar 24Reply
jessica10908 @g1962 hi huni. Sorry for the late reply. Could you please clarify what you're referring to? We aren't sure what you meant by saying "thanks this is sold" under this meet the posher listing of ours or the next comment saying "thanks this free people necklace can trade with you" ... sorry, we're unsure what you're talking about.
Mar 28Reply
ajaofoh Nice job on modeling your closet JESSICA!!😍
Mar 30Reply
niknak810 Thank you for sharing really appreciate it. ✨
Mar 31Reply
niknak810 Thank you for sharing my closet helps so much. ✨
Apr 01Reply
katiah94 😊💞 Thanks for sharing! 💞😊
Apr 02Reply
maplebear Hi Jessica, Thanks for the shares. Please come play the game at the top of my closet. It's a lot of fun and you're guaranteed to win! 😊
Apr 03Reply
maplebear Hi Jessica, Thanks for the shares. Please come play the game at the top of my closet. It's a lot of fun and you're guaranteed to win! 😊
Apr 03Reply
metrostyle Thanks for the shares👍🏽😀💁🏻
Apr 29Reply
cheriselynne Hi Jessica! I love the beautiful things that you shared for my closet- I am looking for a cold shoulder top for my Mom for Mother's day- size large, not too expensive ( because I am on disability) but something beautiful and summery- she doesn't like to show her arms too much and not too short or long and loves Boho and Hippie styles as I do <3 Thank you so much sweetie, Much love!
Apr 29Reply
jessica10908 @cheriselynne hi huni! Thank you for having a look! We recommend visiting our full poshmark boutique line by clicking this link: @persuasions We only carry a few of our boutique items in our consignment boutique on posh (this closet). We have many Boho/Hippie styled pieces there as well. 😀 Please let us know if we can help further. Xo 😘
Apr 29Reply
cheriselynne Thank you so much! You have such an amazing closet and I just love your things<3 Have a beautiful day and I am sure I will be visiting often <3 Much love <3
Apr 29Reply
16mara @jessica10908 thank you for all the shares!
May 01Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Jessica. Thanks for sharing and I invite you to follow my creations 🌹
May 03Reply
pinkydear Thanks for the share, Carla! 🌷
Jun 05Reply
pinkydear I mean Jessica! ☺🌺🌺
Jun 05Reply
dressmi Hi Jessica! Thank you for the share ❣
Jun 06Reply
enjoyhats @jessica10908 neat closet! Love the app w/split screen your using! Thx for visiting my closet and for the shares!
Jun 10Reply
kikis3127 Hi @jessica10908 thanks so much for the follow and share. I am new to poshMark and already loving it here. You have beautiful daughters !!
Jun 11Reply
arasplayground Thanks for the share...your kids are sooo pretty..😃😄
Jun 12Reply
msleslied1 I too of course Love ♥️ your question, if I may, your shares to followers is so low. What is your trick to get that many followers without sharing like a maniac...seen in a couple other closets too...i share my brains out and would love to know another way? Thank you for your time, Leslie.
Jun 16Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 hi huni. My boss, Jessica, would be able to answer that best. She is off today but believe me, one of my jobs, along with her other staff is sharing, sharing, sharing & more sharing. Plus she's been on poshmark since about a year after it was created. So a lot of time, energy & effort is put in. Jessica is an extremely hard worker I can tell u that. Thank you for the compliment as well. Xo 💋
Jun 16Reply
msleslied1 @jessica10908 wow just went back and realized i read numbers wrong..your share ARE 3 times your followers! I feel so much better...i thought u had a private secret...and u guys r just doing what the rest of us are...SHARING SHARING SHARING.....thank u again for your time....I'm hitting some likes to make a decision on a new summer dress!! Cant wait...u probably ship same day?
Jun 16Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 wow so sorry we missed this last comment of yours. Yes we ship same or next day (depending on time of purchase). So glad u found some pieces you like. Did u get our msg about the one dress u purchased? I'm training 2 new employees so I think that may be why it wasn't updated yesterday when it sold out. That never happens so I do apologize. Anyway we look forward to hearing back from u. We have it in2 other colors as mentioned before. Talk soon. Xo 😘
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 @jessica10908 NO MSGS. what sold out? What dont u have?
Jun 17Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 oh my goodness u didn't get my msgs? Ok let me tag u in the listing I left u the msg in 👍🏻 That explains everything.
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 Please cancel my order..should i write to posh or can u please cancel? I dont want other colors..i dont even know which u are talking about. Could someone handle this that can let me know what u r talking about. PLS DO NOT SUBSTITUTE anything. I would like to start over once i figure out what is what
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 Pls cancel my order. Pls cancel evrything..i have no msgs
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 Pls be SURE u dont send me anything i didnt order and pls find a way to communicate w me. I still dont know what u r talking about
Jun 17Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 it's ok huni. Did u get the message I tagged u in under your sold listing?
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 PLS. WHAT DRESSES...???? I cant tell
Jun 17Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 please click on comments in your news tab and you will see we messaged you under one of the dresses you purchased. No one is going to send you anything you didn't order huni. We tagged u 3 times under the sold listing of one of the dresses u purchased.
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 @jessica10908 Do u see msgs use words like "other colors". What colors would b so much more helpful
Jun 17Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 the listings for those dresses do in fact state what other colors are available and show a photo of them. We are very clear about that. Unfortunately one color sold out yesterday evening at our store front and one of our new employees did not update the listing here to reflect that. Again we apologize. This has never happened before. Sorry.
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 @jessica10908 You just did it color sold outt WHAT COLOR would be a better communication
Jun 17Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 I guess we are having miscommunication all together because we have tried to explain numerous times the answer to your question ~ we have available the green/white combo color you purchased, we have a blue/white combo and we have one other we have not yet listed on poshmark but just photographed on our mannequin so we can list it & show you. All available in small. Hope this clarifies things.
Jun 17Reply
jessica10908 @msleslied1 the color that sold out we also tagged you under and told you that it sold out. It was our very first message to you.
Jun 17Reply
msleslied1 @jessica10908 i really am so over this...for me, the first msgs i got spoke of other colors and required me to do the research...and kept writing and kept getting words, other colors...there is one msg after the fact that actually states what color u have instead on f me doing the research.....maybe in future u should STATE WHAT. U r out of and or have, so buyers dont have to go search what colors u r referring to.....thank u so much....
Jun 17Reply
sboop Thanks for sharing!! Love your closet!!
Jun 21Reply
tlo80 I buy from you❤️💯💕you buy from me lol mines a lot cheaper 💕🎉❤️🎊
Jun 22Reply
giftsgalore51 Yur beautiful hon!!!
Jun 29Reply
loreenny @rldreher this closet is so you!!
Jun 29Reply
dnwhitbland @jessica10908 Thanks so much for the share!!😊
Jul 08Reply
larklie143 Thanks for sharing
Jul 18Reply
fashnminx Hey there. I also love Boho style. San Francisco early 70's! Thank you so much for the share. I really appreciate it‼️‼️Gayle
Jul 28Reply
mcjayne @jessica10908 omg I have tears, absolutely bloody BEAUTIFUL family honey! I love this! ❤️🌹
Aug 03Reply
metrostyle Thanks for the shares, I appreciate it:)..
Aug 04Reply
jessica10908 @mcjayne aww thank you 😊 I just love my girls. They're growing up so fast! I wish I could hit pause. Heck even rewind because I miss them being babies. Especially my older one because she's 11 and starting that whole hormonal moody stuff 😬 Not sure I'm going to survive the teen years!!! 😭😭😭 lol
Aug 04Reply
jessica10908 @metrostyle you're very welcome huni 💋
Aug 04Reply
cwood008 I enjoyed your closet! You have a really cool style! I hope you like Poshmark as much as I do! ✨☺️✨☺️
Aug 10Reply
ycbear22 Hi thank you for the share and you do have beautiful little girls 💕
Aug 10Reply
whitebeaches Thx for the share!! What beautiful hair you have....gorgeous!! 😉
Aug 13Reply
kdtlove @jessica10908 thank you so much for sharing❤️
Aug 14Reply
aligirl1213 Hi Jessica!! Thanks for the share!! Returned some Posh love 💕💕
Aug 15Reply
irisheyesbtq I saw you mentioned being a tax paying business, I'm new to posh, of three months and wasn't sure if I would have to pay taxes on my sales and if it could be claimed as a business. I have started boutique items. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Aug 17Reply
jessica10908 @brickey495 hi huni. We are a legal tax paying business and have government paperwork and so on that had to be filed to do so. We have 2 businesses on posh & off posh w/store front boutiques. But you don't have to pay taxes unless you are actually buying & selling real wholesale where you need to provide a federal tax id # to even access the merchandise and designers. If you're doing that then yes you must pay taxes.
Aug 17Reply
irisheyesbtq I've been ordering online from LA and the UK. but haven't been asked for a ID #
Aug 17Reply
jessica10908 @brickey495 then it's probably companies that buy wholesale items with their tax id that are on sale in bulk then sell it online for a profit as wholesale lots. You're probably paying more than what the original vendor sold it for, or more often than not that's the case. But when u don't pay taxes & have a tax id your options are more limited. Best wishes to you huni!! Happy Poshing 😘💕💕💕
Aug 17Reply
irisheyesbtq I don't buy from wholesalers on posh as they are too pricey, no money to be made there
Aug 18Reply
jessica10908 @brickey495 thank goodness u said that. It's so true!! Wish more women were aware of what a rip off it actually is. :(
Aug 18Reply
irisheyesbtq @jessica10908 I did it when I first started and learned quickly! Can barely sell for what you paid for it. It's a real rip off. Glad I didn't purchase too much. I see some closets taking a loss on it just to clear it out. I'm surprised they can get away with it. They are making money ( the wholesaler) but nobody else is. It's sad really
Aug 18Reply
jessica10908 @brickey495 yeah I totally agree. I don't get it either. I think a lot of newbies get sucked in because they don't know better and posh advertises a lot about starting a boutique for as low as $20 when that's so not even true. It's much more costly than that. * sighs *
Aug 18Reply
irisheyesbtq @jessica10908 the real kicker is, posh gets 20% of that sale and then.. Again when the second person sells it. 🤔😕
Aug 18Reply
loyaltyclothing Hi, wow im so impressed by your closet, you seem to be one of the most successful poshers ive come across yet. 1m shares!? Incredible. Im only about 5 or so months into posh but im having a wonderful experience thus far. Im hooked you could say. Any tips/advice for a fellow seller who would like to find a fraction of the success you have found on Poshmark? nice to see a fellow MA seller too
Aug 19Reply
jessica10908 @zackbradygoat wow I never meet others from Massachusetts. Lol. Nice to meet you! This is my first closet. My 2nd is @persuasions which is my other business on posh. The best advice I can offer is to take awesome cover photos w/additional detailed photos. Write clear, accurate descriptions and share like crazy. Not just your own items but others as well. Hope this helps!! XoXo
Aug 19Reply
loyaltyclothing @jessica10908 thanks, advice taken. Ive never connected with anyone from posh before, and I also rarely see other mass people on here surprisingly. I have a wholesale connection that im able to obtain many brand name items from at a fraction of retail. Im hoping to create a small business through posh. Im a small business grad, and I work full time in marketing for a worldwide company so this is certainly up my ally. Most importantly i love clothes/shoes.
Aug 19Reply
jessica10908 @zackbradygoat too bad you live in Boston. We'd probably be a great team and could build an empire together! *sighs* I never meet anyone near me, in western Massachusetts. Uhg. I have a photography studio, a second office for my wholesale inventory and I have a professional model (who's from Boston actually) who I hired a year ago. She's absolutely fabulous. I always thought if I had a partner it'd be so much better. 😀
Aug 19Reply
jessica10908 @zackbradygoat but just so u know your closet looks great! You're cover photos are perfect. Doesn't look like you need advice from me! I just bust my bunz. Posh is my full time job now. I left my career to do this & I love it.
Aug 19Reply
loyaltyclothing @jessica10908 I chose Boston as hosts location for the name recognition to the rest of the nation. My house is actually in worcester. My full time work often brings me to Sturbridge ma. I have family in amerst ma and deerfield ma as well. So the pioneer vally is no stranger to me, its definitely a beautiful part of New England. We should meet up sometime.
Aug 19Reply
jessica10908 @zackbradygoat oh ok. So you're familiar with westfield too then I assume (or springfield which isn't far outside westfield or maybe Holyoke which I live right on the line of). I use to know Worcester pretty well. I lived there for a few months years ago then I lived in Framingham and Webster as well to name a few places I've lived. I'm interested to hear more about your work and so on. I wish sometimes they had private messaging here but I get why they don't.
Aug 19Reply
loyaltyclothing @jessica10908 yes I agree. Well we i can give you a call and take it from there. I just listed a yeti cooler in the men's accessories section of my closet. Im gona put my cell number in the comments rn for you to get it, text me once you have it so i can delete the listing and relist.
Aug 19Reply
jessica10908 @zackbradygoat ok will go look now
Aug 19Reply
jmbt Come check out my closet
Sep 06Reply
jmbt I see u shared cosmetic bag if u like $6
Sep 06Reply
jessica10908 @jmbt just sharing. Thank you though.
Sep 06Reply
whiskeyneatbtq Hi, Jessica- I appreciate the shares. I've been on Posh for a few months now and I'm interested in going down the Boutique/Wholesale path. I've been reviewing the different wholesalers and I keep coming back to your site. Are you available for questions prior to purchasing? I also left my full-time career to do this full-time. I look forward to hearing from you. Your girls are adorable. Reminds me of my little one that is now 22! 💕🌸 Thank you! GM
Sep 07Reply
jessica10908 @gm2017 good morning huni 😊 I'm happy to help answer any questions you may have. 😊👍🏻 Talk soon. XoXo
Sep 07Reply
wendym198 Good morning! Can I ask you if there is a secret to getting so many followers? I'm fairly new ( May of this year) and I'm really into this. I'm on sharing all the time- both my own and others, but it seems so slow of a process for followers to add up!!
Sep 07Reply
jessica10908 @wendym198 hi huni. I opened my closet years ago so that's a big part of the reason I have so many followers. Also I've been a suggested user for years and back when I first became a suggested user there weren't nearly as many so I was consistently on the SU cycle but now SU status doesn't seem to help with followers anymore because sooooooooo many people are SU's now that I hardly get on the SU list. But you are doing the right things. Share & follow people. It will continue to grow in time.
Sep 07Reply
wendym198 Thanks for your advice! I'm on my phone 24/7 it seems- I'm obsessed with Posh! My goal was to clear out my closet but people have so many great things for sale it's hard not to look! Now my closet is even more full than when I started! With all those followers, how many sales in average per week do u get? It seems like people buy different things- like makeup or sneakers, but not too much on the cloths!
Sep 07Reply
justsayinsigns Great Closet!
Sep 09Reply
ninel22 Thank you for sharing my item!
Sep 11Reply
rtarg7 thank u for visiting my closet! :)
Sep 12Reply
jessica10908 @swayzejess you're very welcome huni 💕
Sep 12Reply
1curatedcloset @jessica10908 😍 Awesome Closet! Shared shared &shared! 😘 Thanks for following my closet. I'd welcome your thoughts on my Posh compliant closet, Tips, advice on best practices that you have found increasing your followers / sales. Very impressed with the number of poshers following you! Did you use share groups? Any you recommend? Thanks so much for your time!💕
Sep 13Reply
1curatedcloset Cute profile photos! 😄
Sep 13Reply
jessica10908 @1curatedcloset thank you so much for the lovely compliment and shares! Much appreciated. As for the amount of followers I have, it's partly based on having been on posh since the first year they launched. I think also having sold & still sell numerous styles & brands attracts all different people as well. I think the best advice I can offer is take AWESOME photos & write good descriptions. Then share a lot!
Sep 13Reply
jessica10908 @1curatedcloset I wish I had more to offer advice wise but it's been a labor of love for me. I took this from just being a shopper to adding a few things to test the waters to eventually turning this into my full time job & I couldn't be happier. 😊
Sep 13Reply
jessica10908 @1curatedcloset oh & lastly don't forget to follow my boutique @persuasions as well!! XoXo
Sep 13Reply
whiskeyneatbtq Wow! 😱 I just saw your share boo. Jessica! 💕🌸🍭🍬Thank you so much! 🤗 I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner! I'm so behind on my feed this week! The debacle with app crashing every few minutes caused havoc on my iPhone and iPad. I really appreciate it! Have an awesome weekend! 🍭🌸🍬GM
Sep 24Reply
jessica10908 @gm2017 no worries we had the same problem with the app constantly crashing too so we switched to the computer now & then when needed and at least we didn't have the crashing on the computers we use. But anyway thank you and lovely to see you stopping by!! XoXo 💋
Sep 24Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Posher Friend!! Congrats on your closet, nice things. Have a awesome Day, Take care. ☺ Mari
Sep 24Reply
hollysmurray Hi Jess,, thanks for the share, you have so many lovely dresses in your closet.🌺🌺🌺🌺Holly
Sep 27Reply
unclaimed Wishing you much success with your closet. Thanks for your support. Beautiful family pictures pictures
Oct 01Reply
seconds2love Thanks for the love, feel free to check out my IG @Seconds2Love. I show my followers much Posh Love. Wishing you many sales. Have a good one!
Oct 02Reply
mgrady2posh I love the way your closet looks! So professional and cool! Great job with it.
Oct 03Reply
born_againbtq Beautiful closet and beautiful family!! I'm amazed at the amount of followers!! I wanted to ask you a question but feel free to tell me if it's too personal. I do this full time and have for 14 months now and this month has been crazy busy and I'm wondering if it's just the time of year or as someone with as many followers as you is it always this busy for you?
Oct 13Reply
born_againbtq In other words, after you got over 150,000 followers, are you consistently getting enough orders to support yourself? I'm asking because my husband thinks I'm waisting my time and that it won't be any different when my followers double because it's just the time of year.
Oct 13Reply
deb_bromley Hi Jessica, I'm Deb, nice to meet you!😊 Thank you for the share! ❤️ Have a great day today and Happy Poshing! 😄🛍️🍂🍁
Oct 18Reply
lindalewis1230 Thanks for the share😃
Oct 19Reply
jessica10908 @meekastar awww thank you so much for the lovely compliments 😊💕 truly appreciated 😘💕
Oct 25Reply
jessica10908 @ocmicheley thank you for offering to share to our dressing room but at the moment we are not shopping, only selling. Much appreciated though. Happy Shopping and Happy Poshing🎉 XoXo 💋
Oct 26Reply
assemlage What a fabulous closet! I had a fun time touring it😊💕💕
Dec 04Reply
jinkerbelle Omg! Love your closet! Your girls and photos are beautiful! 😍😘😊
Dec 13Reply
claireleslie07 Hi Jessica! Thanks for the shares!
Dec 25Reply
kloset_konnect 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 🎀HAPPY🎀 POSHING🎀 DOLL🎀 CONTINUE 🎀WITH🎀 MUCH🎀 SUCCESS 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Jun 20Reply
memoryayers Hey Jessica. I bought something from you a couple of days ago. I’m leaving town and was hoping to receive it b4 I go. I asked in the comment section b4 I purchased and never received an answer. Nor has my item been shipped. Could u please update me on this as soon as you can. I would appreciate it. Take Care, Memory
Jul 27Reply
jessica10908 @memoryayers hi huni. Apologies for the delayed reply. I severely broke my left arm & wrist recently. You purchased this on July 25th and I did ship it personally on July 26th (within 24 hours of purchase). So I’m unsure why you’re not receiving notification of shipment, but I absolutely did ship it the very next day. Again I apologize for the late verbal reply. I’ve been in tremendous pain. Please let me know when you have received shipping confirmation. Thank you. XoXo
Jul 28Reply
bethfarnstrom Hi Jessica! Thought i's stop by your closet as well, i see you are also a big free people fan! Thanks for the like! always open to offers, and i go deep with discounts in the bundle area, on top of my auto discount--which is just 2 items minimum and a big ol 20% at that! i also am always down to get chatty about my closet, pricing, etc, in the bundle chat area...Let me know, too, if you have any questions about my clothes! Have a great week! xoxo, Beth :)
Jan 15Reply
itsaposhaffair Love your closet! 😍 your pictures look great and your girls are adorable
Jan 28Reply
businesshome Thanks for stopping by my closet and sharing. Let me know if you’re interested in anything and I will give you a discount. BTW you have a great closet. Happy Poshing 😊
Aug 12Reply
carolann3 @jessica10908 thanks for the shares and right back at ya! Happy Poshing! xo Carol-Ann 💜
Aug 12Reply
hayzeeweiner Thank you. I shared one of your listings too. ❤🎊
Aug 19Reply
wwillow1 Thanks for the share! Feel free to come by, I can make you a deal on items you like😁
Jan 03Reply
frankiescloset_ Heyyy 👋 Thank you for the shares! I’m loving your closet! If you have any questions about any items my closet let me know. Wishing you many sales! Happy Poshing 😋💕
Jan 13Reply
tbtprep14 I just made a bunch of price adjustments and BOGO offers. Feel free to shop around and submit an offer when you’re done! Happy Poshing!
Feb 29Reply
peggiekent Hi Jessica did you receive the sweater I sent if so can you except it please in order to release your payment.
Mar 10Reply
jessica10908 @peggiekent Hi. The package did not arrive yesterday. I’m not home right now. When I’m home I will check the mail to see if it has arrived. Then I will reply privately where we have been chatting all along to let you know. Thank you. Talk when I get home this later evening.
Mar 11Reply
peggiekent @jessica10908 Hey Jessica well the tracking system said the package was delivered to your house March 9 that was two days ago.
Mar 11Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Jessica on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. gorgeous posher pictures 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
May 19Reply
jessica10908 @05teddy11 thank you for the lovely compliment ❤️😊 and you’re very welcome huni! It’s my pleasure ❤️
May 20Reply
lakelandsisk @jessica10908 hi I saw you shared some of my listing! are you interested in any of them? If you are I am willing to lower prices!!
May 27Reply
jessica10908 @lakelandsisk Hi huni. I’m just spreading the posh love and sharing. Thank you though. Happy Poshing ❤️
May 27Reply
cliffordbbailey 💜 LOVE YOUR CLOSET SO MUCH THAT 👔👕👖🧥🧦👗🩱🩳👚👜👞🥾💄💍👡👢 💚💚I shared a few items 💚💚             "Sharing is Caring " I also FOLLOWED you thanks Cliff 💞
Sep 26Reply
tcofoc I love your style!
Oct 08Reply
stephaniebal124 Hello beautiful posher, thank you for the follow. I will be sure to ✔ out your closet and share like crazy❤!
Oct 13Reply
meisch1234 Hi Jessica What ap is the one you use with the 3 pics. I love your closet.
Oct 13Reply
jessica10908 @meisch1234 Hi huni. Thank you kindly for the compliment. 😊 I honestly have no idea what I used to make that. It’s been a while & I use so many different photo editing programs on my computer and sometimes on my phone to. If I remember I’ll gladly msg you back. 😊
Oct 13Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Jessica on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Oct 26Reply
francesca1313 Thankyou Jessica for all the posh shares! Your closet is pretty amazing too💃🏼
Nov 15Reply
jessica10908 @francesca1313 you’re very welcome & thank you for the lovely compliment ☺️❤️
Nov 15Reply
kellyh213 So I was just doing my daily likes and follows....when I open your “about me” And see that you are from Westfield! I had to look twice! I was born and raised there till I graduated high school in 2006 and moved out west. My entire family is still there. I am sure you must know some of them!! Small world
Dec 15Reply
sylvie2 Hello! How do you work consignment please? Thank you! 💗💗💗
Jan 08Reply
redmermaid_cove ❤🧜‍♀️Awesome closet ❤❤
Jan 09Reply
gogogiglio YOU ARE AMAZING!! I have NEVER seen 1.2M shares.....KUDOS Top 10%er! I appreciate your love 💗 shares. Christie ❤️🐾
Mar 25Reply
danamariecre8 Love your style!! We have a lot in common🍒🌹❤️I’ll continue checking yours. Check mine whenever you can! -Sincerely Dana xoxoxoxo
Apr 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 26Reply
londonschells8 Hi Jessica! Thank you for following me! I peeked in your closet and look forward to getting back to peruse it further! Hope you’re having a FANTABULOUS WEEKEND! Happy Poshing! 🤗💜
Jun 13Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌞 Happy Poshing 🌴!
Aug 19Reply
valladares83 Hello, Hope you are having a great time shopping come checkout my closet🦋✨
Sep 24Reply
lilit_melkonyan Hi! Today is Closet Clearout Day and if you're interested in any item, I'll offer a lower price and discount shipping!!! Let me know if you are interested
Aug 26Reply
mayorfab Thank you for sharing my listing! Currently having a sale right now if you’re interested! Lovely girls by the way 🖤
Sep 04Reply
cutehosiery @jessica10908 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 06Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Nov 21Reply
devonalison1 Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for sharing my listings! Sorry it took a few days to share back! I have a lot going on! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening, & ave a great week with lots of sales! Alison.
Dec 11Reply
Jul 29Reply
rmsilvey Aloha Jessica! Beautiful pics!!!! Welcome to my Closet! I used to work in television and needed lots of great clothes..:I love to bargain shop..however…:now I own a Pilates studio and only wear leggings!!! But…I still love to bargain shop and love fashion. So…let’s SHOP SAVE AND SHARE!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 03Reply
gardnerhou Thank you for the follow and the shares tonight! Blessings, Jillayne
Jul 05Reply
smksignalz your profile pics in your costume jewelry are 🔥
Aug 06Reply
845collections What a beautifully curated closet 💕
Sep 12Reply
jessica10908 @845collections thank you so very much 🙏🏻❤️ that means a lot!! So glad you’ve enjoyed stopping by!! Don’t be a stranger. Happy Shopping 🛍️ & Happy Poshing 🤩
Sep 12Reply
reddog17 Thanks for sharing
Sep 27Reply
myweedbag ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for the shares my Posher Friend 💃 I appreciate you ☀️❤️ Doing the same 👍 Sharing is caring! We are here to support each other 🎉 Have an amazing Posh day in the Posh Universe ☀️💃❤️ Fifi
Oct 16Reply
jessica10908 @myweedbag you’re very welcome! Love your user name! 😂
Oct 16Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy Almost New Year’s 🥳!! My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until January 1st 2025. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Dec 31Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great 2025 and successful Poshing!🎊😊
Jan 18Reply

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