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Updated Nov 19
Updated Nov 19

Meet your Posher, Jessica

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Hi! I'm Jessica. I’m a single mom looking for cheap deals for me and kiddos!
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 3+ Bundle

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sassandpassion Welcome 🤗! Feel free to browse my closet. Happy Poshing!🛒🛍
Aug 24Reply
shegunmed @chloebryce2006 Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jun 28Reply
cmorgan105 Hi! I apologize for missing your offer but if you’re still interested I can accept it now! :-)
Aug 11Reply
lindalooo Hi There!! Thank you for liking my north face jacket if you are interested I’m open to offers:)
Aug 15Reply
rachelmoa22 Hi, welcome! Let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to help. Check out my closet and see if there's anything you like. As always bundle your likes together to save. Or you can send me an offer on anything in my closet. Happy poshing 💚💚🙂
Aug 17Reply
amohameddd offer my sweats for $10 again. ill give them to u
Aug 17Reply
kyli2005 Hi ❤️ welcome to posh ❤️ you'll absolutely love it 😉 Feel free to Checkout my Victoria's Secret PINK Closet and other brand name clothing 😊 you'll find many treasures ✨ take care and best of luck as a buyer and seller 😘 bundle up your lisings to save more 🙆 🙅 💁 and don't forget to share people's closets ✨ ✨ Posh Ambassador Monique 💋
Sep 13Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Sep 13Reply
angeesue Hi! I created the listing for you! Elf Pets Reinedeer & Book
Oct 07Reply
3greatkidz Hi Jessica :) If you are interested in anything from my closet feel free to make an offer; I completely understand everything you said in your other listings & if I can help in any way let me know. <3 I will also keep my eyes open & let you know if I see any cheap shakeology for sale. <3
Oct 14Reply
chloebryce2006 @3greatkidz I was looking at those DFT patches do they really work? I been trying to get my weight under control.
Oct 14Reply
3greatkidz @chloebryce2006 yes they are amazing! They help control my cravings & have helped maintain my weight which is really helpful for me. :)
Oct 14Reply
3greatkidz @chloebryce2006 & the shakes are nice to help lose weight! I was replacing my breakfast for awhile with a shake & I would add a banana, peanut butter, & Greek yogurt to the shake & make it a tasty healthy meal replacement. :)
Oct 14Reply
chloebryce2006 @3greatkidz Donhave then often or is that your last box? I don’t have enough money right now to buy them maybe next week. 🙂 thank you for being so caring a lot of people seem to not be anymore
Oct 14Reply
3greatkidz @chloebryce2006 I have a good amount so I’m sure I’ll have some next week. :) And you’re so welcome. <3 I agree, we need more human kindness these days. I’m always trying to spread the love & positivity. :)
Oct 14Reply
chloebryce2006 @3greatkidz ok great I will see what I have next week for extra money and may be able to buy some. I would like to try them 🙂
Oct 14Reply
georgianlibra Hi Jessica, thank you for checking out my closet🙏 I appreciate your interest and the offers. Unfortunately with the fees I need to cover, I have already gone as low as I could in the listed price. Please let me know if you are still interested and have a Poshtastic day 💜💕💜
Oct 18Reply
kgustafson781 I’m sorry were you interested in buying itouch watch?
Oct 25Reply
jakohler Thanks for the awesome rating, I'm glad you loved it.
Nov 13Reply
chloebryce2006 @jakohler Your welcome! 🙂
Nov 13Reply
meshieone Hello, I just offered a bundle on my kids PJ’s. Happy Poshing.
Dec 12Reply
dabdo If you’re interested about the utensils canister I can ship it today!
Mar 22Reply
princessthriftz hello lovely! ✨ just wanted to stop in and say id love if you stopped by my closet to check out my listings! let me know if you have any questions beautiful! 💘🌻 happy poshing! 🖤💋
Aug 16Reply
bobbisattic Hi Jessica! I saw your bundled old Navy Classic blouses..Thank You For Your Likes! Just in case you might have been interested , I sent you a negotiable 20percent off total bundle cost with a shipping discount (-$2.12//as you know shipping costs went up today to $7.11) . Let me know what you think ! Have a great day ! Bobbi
Feb 06Reply
chloebryce2006 @bobbisattic just realized that shipping went up. Let me see if I can do what you sent. If I can I will accept. Thank you for reaching out to me 🙂
Feb 06Reply
warheadclothing Thank you for liking my item
Feb 13Reply
gomezkimberly59 ty for your purchase🖤 just wanted to let you know your order will ship first thing 2/25/20 :)
Feb 23Reply
chloebryce2006 @gomezkimberly59 great thank you 😊
Feb 24Reply
lumavintage Feel free to check out my closet✨And you can send an offer on any items you like!!!
Apr 09Reply
blingnthings Hi Jessica! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of fun items for everyone and I'm open to reasonable offers. Have a great day and stay healthy ✨ 💝 Carol
Apr 30Reply
kd010 welcome to poshmark! 😁🎊🎉 Feel free to check out my closet! I am open to offers!😁🎊🎉
Jun 29Reply
turk99 Hey! I saw that you liked my listing comment any questions!!!
Jul 02Reply
antonio44290 I’m sorry but I could not except you’re offer. Let me know if you will still buy it for it’s original price
Sep 05Reply
antonio44290 Just let me know
Sep 05Reply
antonio44290 I’m willing to go for $7
Sep 05Reply
thehotmess Hi! Your Easter Mugs were shipped. The USPS just hasn’t scanned it yet.
Sep 10Reply
sarahllehman Did you receive the adidas leggings already?
Mar 03Reply
sarahllehman If you receive a flowered package please return to sender.
Mar 03Reply
chloebryce2006 @sarahllehman I have not received a package yet. Isn’t that what I purchased?
Mar 03Reply
sarahllehman @chloebryce2006 yes the leggings but I might have sent a sweatshirt to you too
Mar 03Reply
chloebryce2006 @sarahllehman it says it will be here on Saturday.
Mar 04Reply
sarahllehman Here’s the lane for the sweatshirt I may have sent to you if you would forward it.
Mar 04Reply
sarahllehman Did you receive anything yet?
Mar 06Reply
chloebryce2006 @sarahllehman last I looked it was in TN
Mar 06Reply
chloebryce2006 @sarahllehman it’s out for delivery I will let you know what it is. 🙂
Mar 08Reply
faithandhope24 We’re you notified that your purchase from me (hydro flask) was not completed?
Mar 18Reply
chloebryce2006 @faithandhope24 No. It’s not popping up that I purchased it.
Mar 18Reply
faithandhope24 Thank you for your 5 star rating on the Hydro Flask - very much appreciated. I’m pleased that you are happy with your purchase. Please come back.....remind me that you are a previous buyer and I will give you an extra discount.
Mar 22Reply
heirloomhollys Chloe I am so sorry, but I can not locate the pants you had purchased. If there is anything else you would like from my closet, I can give you a discount for your trouble. I will cancel the order. Again, I am so sorry!
Jun 16Reply
heirloomhollys So sorry just saw you are Jessica.
Jun 16Reply
chloebryce2006 @bribray2 it’s ok. It happens 🙂
Jun 16Reply
heirloomhollys @chloebryce2006 thanks for understanding! If I find them I can let you know.
Jun 16Reply
whatwasithinkin Hi! You just purchased a red hoodie from me and I realizes the size was listed incorrectly. Please let me know if you want to cancel the purchase. It should have been listed as a youth large. I am so very sorry.
Sep 03Reply
chloebryce2006 @whatwasithinkin yes could you please I don’t think it would fit him. Thank you for letting me know 🙂
Sep 03Reply
whatwasithinkin I am truly sorry!! I will see about how to cancel the sale.
Sep 03Reply
petrovice Maybe it’s good for you next time buy new product from store looks like you like different brand not Abercrombie and Under ARMOUR maybe Target or Walmart it’s your store!!!
Sep 24Reply
petrovice And don’t try to lower the price for brand name T-Shirt !!
Sep 24Reply
2blackfashion Yes. This new. Never out of the box
Oct 13Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Feb 03Reply
its_crystal28 @chloebryce2006 Hi Jessica🌹🌹hope ur doing great, by the way if you have time I would love to invite you to pls come and check my simple closet , something might catch your eye and remember im always welcome to any offers. Have a great day🌸God bless and Happy Poshing 👗😉
Apr 05Reply
avina1974 (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Hi 🖐 welcome to the closets of all Poshmark 🛍, if you see 👀 something flirtatious before your eyes let me know from my closet, happy day.
May 01Reply
sonnyj34 Good morning Jessica- your son’s adorable- how are you doing This rainy day. ? So I noticed you liked the the dye Crocs. If so make me an offer,as goes with anything else in my closet. I also offer free gifts with purchases. . Have fun shopping.So you have a great day and nice meeting you!!!
Sep 22Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Nov 30Reply

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