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Updated Sep 25
Updated Sep 25

Meet your Posher, Jessica

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jessica. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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_jtran @dancerzrock1234 welcome to poshmark! 💐
Sep 25Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Jessica, i don't you ever recieved the proper welcome. Lol 🌐Welcome to Poshmark🌐 Best Wishes always. Great closet, Congrats!! Keep up the good work. Happy Poshing!! Have a great day!! Mari 😀
Nov 12Reply
dancerzrock1234 @nanamarie95 thank you!! Happy poshing to you as well! 😊💕
Nov 12Reply
dreamangel123 Thank you for the shares. 😊♥️
Nov 13Reply
dancerzrock1234 @dreamangel123 my pleasure, thank you to you as well! 😊
Nov 13Reply
dancer1a Yes dancers rock!
Nov 13Reply
dpupak Nice to meet you!
Nov 16Reply
dancerzrock1234 @dpupak nice to meet you too!
Nov 16Reply
lulabean21 Hi, I'm Deanna! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 🤗 Please feel free to come visit and let me know if you have any questions at all! Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 29Reply
ricelmara Thank you for sharing😊
Jan 10Reply
dancerzrock1234 @ricelmara my pleasure! 😊
Jan 10Reply
vcribb Hi I love Cincinnati. It is a beautiful amazing City. But thank you for checking out my closet. I'm going to take yours out now as well. Happy New Year and happy
Jan 12Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Jessica. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jan 18Reply
jackieo_8278 Hello Jessica! Thank you 😊 so much for the follow 🎀💐 Wish you lots of sales!
Jan 20Reply
dancerzrock1234 @hmsimon1 you're welcome, they are beautiful! 💖
Jan 20Reply
dancerzrock1234 @jackieo_8278 my pleasure and same to you!! 😊💕
Jan 20Reply
nubianteddie Hi🤗🤗🤗luv💕💗ur CLOSET💖Thank u for following Hope u don't mind but I am going to follow u back.. If u l👀k for vintage peek my closet, but I try to carry a little bit 4 everyone👙👚👛👡👞🎒👒🎩👗 in the household👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 I would love to be a one stop shop JUST OPENED A PLUS SIZE SECTION👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🛍🛍🛍 I ADD items WEEKLY 😄😄😄 BLOWOUT SALES💥💥 Flash sales😏😏 REWARD$$$ FOR EVERY $$ SPENT..... HOPE TO SEE👓👓U SOON
Jan 25Reply
dancerzrock1234 @stephanie3673 aw thank you! 😊
Feb 05Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Feb 07Reply
mosephmoe Hey Jessica! What type is dog is in your cover photo?
Feb 08Reply
dancerzrock1234 @mosephmoe Hey! She's a Norwegian Elkhound. Great breed, she's really smart and sweet 💕🐾
Feb 08Reply
mosephmoe @dancerzrock1234 oh cool. Never seen a pup like that before. Very wolf-like.
Feb 08Reply
dancerzrock1234 @mosephmoe yeah she kind of looks like a mix between a husky and a German Shepherd
Feb 08Reply
bettys_bags Hi Jessica, Thank you for your follow. I followed you in return. Share With Me? I'll share with you! Should you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, Please free to contact me, anytime. Special pricing ongoing to people of interest. Just let me know which bag/s. No additional discounts on items under $15.00, Unless Bundled. Betty
Feb 08Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Feb 14Reply
winstonhernande HI and WELCOME to POSHMARK🌟 It's a great community of individuals. Getting started is easy with the Poshmark FAQs. Feel free to ask questions. I look forward to visiting your closet. HAPPY POSHING😊🌸
Feb 15Reply
emilyjeanne81 Thanks for the share! Dancers do rock! 😊
Feb 17Reply
dancerzrock1234 @emilyjeanne81 Yes! Thank you to you as well 😊
Feb 17Reply
stella_scarves I want to Thank YOU very much for following my closet. I have return your gesture. Now, let us get together and share, share, share each others items. The more we get our items into the eyes of fellow buyers the more that will sell. Let's host a share party. Starting Right Now..... So, what are you waiting for? Share, Share, Share. Do Not Share More Then 20 Per Day
Feb 18Reply
inoucme423 Great closet 😀
Feb 22Reply
dancerzrock1234 @inoucme423 thank you! 😊
Feb 22Reply
sea4emm Beautiful pic. My name is Emily, I'm new to Posh. Please check my closet, thank you⚘
Feb 28Reply
dancerzrock1234 @perazam thank you! Your closet looks great! Just shared some of your items 😊
Feb 28Reply
sea4emm @dancerzrock1234 aww...Thank you. I'm still learning, much to lear... 😊
Feb 28Reply
dancerzrock1234 @perazam yes there is, I'm still learning things too. Just have fun with it! Sharing is really helpful, both with your items and others because most people share back!
Feb 28Reply
sea4emm @dancerzrock1234 Ok. I will👌⚘
Feb 28Reply
eling1 Cool closet! Thanks for the follow!
Mar 19Reply
dancerzrock1234 @eling1 thank you! Your closet looks great!
Mar 19Reply
cle_resale124 Is your counter offer with the discounted shipping?
Mar 28Reply
dancerzrock1234 @clerks Unfortunately no because it doesn't give me the option to offer discounted shipping once you've made a counter offer.
Mar 28Reply
cle_resale124 @dancerzrock1234 Oh that’s right it doesn’t... lol. Then If it works for you,.. I’ll send you another offer to adjust for the shipping. ☺️ Thanks
Mar 28Reply
dancerzrock1234 @clerks 👍thanks! I will have that shipped out by tomorrow ☺
Mar 28Reply
cle_resale124 @dancerzrock1234 awesome thank you!! I’m very excited!! 🤗
Mar 28Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 Hi Jessica! Maybe you could help me with this one! Would you happen by chance, to have any XL, Full-Footed or Transitional "USED", Tights (conditions like runs, pillings, tiny holes, darkened stained feet, etc are not issues at all (but no fishnet types though), that you may want to sell? Would like to purchase by bundles if possible! If you do come across any, please place the "NOT FOR SALE" display and tag me immediately! Thanks Jessica!😊😊😊
Mar 30Reply
pcarn36 Hi Jessica!! I appreciate you following me and sharing my closet items! 😀 You have a great selection!!!!!
Apr 02Reply
dancerzrock1234 @pcarn36 Hi! Thank you and same to you!!
Apr 02Reply
shylastump16 love your closet 😊
Apr 05Reply
dancerzrock1234 @shylastump16 thanks! I love yours too! Just shared a few things😊
Apr 05Reply
shylastump16 @dancerzrock1234 thanks for the feedback!!😊 i’m just really starting to sell things so that’s nice to hear! :)
Apr 05Reply
dancerzrock1234 @phpas Hello! So sorry for the delay in response.. I should have some tights that fit your description. I'd be happy to take pics and post a listing for you. Just let me know if you're still interested!
Apr 10Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 WOW, what a coincidence! I was just about to head out the door for work! No need to apologize Jessica, in fact, I should say, I thank you very much Jessica for even entertaining my request! GREAT, so once you post the tights, please immediately place the NOT FOR SALE display and tag me. Once I get in from work, we'll work on the purchase! How does this sound Miss Jessica? LMK & thank you for considering me!😊😉🌹🌹🌺🌺
Apr 10Reply
dancerzrock1234 @phpas sounds great! I will post them tonight and tag you 😊💗
Apr 10Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 Out the door now! I'll talk to you after work! Have a great rest of the day Jessica!😊😊🌹🌹🌸🌸
Apr 10Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 I'll be impatiently waiting!!😀💐🌹🌸🌺
Apr 10Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Apr 11Reply
dancerzrock1234 @phpas Hey so I definitely owe you an apology now! Things were hectic last night so I didn't get around to posting the tights. But I haven't forgotten about you and I will post them tonight! Again, very sorry hun!!
Apr 11Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 Jessica, you still have nothing to apologize about! I'm the one that should be thankful to you that I even found someone like you to help me with this matter! Not even a handful here can do this! Jessica, please don't stress yourself out with this, just take all the time you need hun! Have a great day at work and I'll talk with you tonight!😉💖😘🌹🌸🌹🌸 CONTINUED BELOW..........
Apr 11Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 Forgot to mention that our time zones are different! When you post tonight, I'll already be at work. So the time I get off work (4pm), it'll be 2am in Ohio! But it's no problem,well both catch each other one way or the other!😊😊😊💟 (PS.....If i had the opportunity, I would take you out to a dinner appreciation celebration, right?! LOL! Take Care!😀 CONTINUED BELOW..........
Apr 11Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 BTW Jessica, when you take the photos can you stretch the tights from waistband down to the toes and place them side-by-side? Finally, take some close-up photos of any darkened stained feet, runs, holes, tears, etc! Thanks Jessica!😚
Apr 11Reply
dancerzrock1234 @phpas You are so sweet! Thanks for understanding. Where are you located? And I will be sure to do that when I am photographing!!
Apr 11Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 OMG Jessica, thank you so much, you are such a sweetheart!💞 Argh...running late again! Out the door for work and will definitely work on our purchase tonight! Have a great day Jessica!😉🌷🌹🌺
Apr 11Reply
dancerzrock1234 @phpas Well I failed again lol I was just about to get the tights to take some pics before bed and I remembered my father in law is visiting and of course he's sleeping in the bedroom where my tights are 🤦‍♀️ I promise they do exist and I will get them posted for you soon!! Sorry for the delays!
Apr 12Reply
phpas @dancerzrock1234 LOL😄.....No worries I believe you Jessica! Take all the time you need! Once ready, post the tights.....immediately place the NOT FOR SALE display.....then tag me to setup the purchase! Thanks again!😊😊😊
Apr 12Reply
dashfashion @dancerzrock1234 hi jess.. just wanted to say thank you for sharing the posh love.. wishing you many sales and a beautiful blessed day....
Apr 20Reply
dancerzrock1234 @dashfashion Aw, thank you. My pleasure and same to you!
Apr 20Reply
xrileypaigex Omg I love your style. I'm mtf and would love for you to style me
Apr 23Reply
dancerzrock1234 @xrileypaigex Aw thank you! If you give me your sizes and tell me what types of items you're looking for I would be happy to make some suggestions! 😊
Apr 23Reply
xrileypaigex @dancerzrock1234 12-14 pants large in tops. 10in shoes. I love your style so along those lines.
Apr 23Reply
dancerzrock1234 @xrileypaigex Okay just request styling by going to my closet and tapping the hanger icon in the upper right corner then click on the button that says "style me". That way I can add items to your dressing room!
Apr 23Reply
lavishloftgirl Super cute 🐕 on your banner!
Apr 24Reply
cuellarm1989 Hello pretty
May 28Reply
bruceysprucey Thanks for the follow! 🤩❤
Jun 06Reply
keekee1st Hi jess, ur a very striking woman
Jun 07Reply
causey403 Hi I'm cee! Thank for the follow! I try to post new listings everyday and I accept reasonable offers!😊😊😊
Jun 30Reply
jv71 Hi sweetie.... thank you for the follow!!!!
Jul 23Reply
seliz23 Thank you for following my closet! Have a fantastic week at school! 📙📔🌸
Sep 17Reply
dominicdonato Thank you for following me. I will be following you as well. I'm really trying to get my name. I would greatly appreciate if you can help me out. Thank you.
Oct 11Reply
dominicdonato Thank you. Let me know if you know anybody that's interested.
Oct 12Reply
emboodie Hey i see you followed me🤗 Im following back! I’m having BUY 1 GET 1 FREE for lesser value, in my entire closet!!! No one gives away good free items on this site please come and TAKE ADVANTAGE
Nov 29Reply
gleonardjr You Rock Girl 🤩🤩🤩🤩🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥
Dec 24Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow
Dec 24Reply
cch1971 What kind of beautiful puppy is that? Australian Shepherd, Catahoula, blue heeler? Any of the above listed? Whatever that baby is? OM gosh it’s precious!
Dec 30Reply
dancerzrock1234 @cch1971 Aw thank you! She is a Norwegian Elkhound actually. Full grown now but still adorable 😊
Dec 30Reply
cch1971 @dancerzrock1234 wow!!!! A big dog! Never would have figured that out! I figured the hound though lol
Dec 30Reply
bezosboutique Hi 👋❣️ Thank you for all of your shares, follows, purchases, and the Posh Love❣️💐💐💐 Wishing You a Happy & a Prosperous 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣❣️🍾🥂🍸🍾🎉🎊🥂
Jan 01Reply
janfast Hi Jessica! Thanks for following my closet! Happy New Year!🍾🎉🎈
Jan 02Reply
vivian5278 Welcome to Poshmark! Have fun buying and selling 💖💗💓💞💘
Jan 04Reply
yqwoods Hello. Just wanted to say thank you for following my posh page. Happy buying & selling. Have a good one
Jan 24Reply
captainfun Captain Fun thinks Dancerz do rock! Thanks for the follow happy hunting. 😃
Feb 02Reply
holbrooksusan Beautiful fur baby! Thanks for following me and mine!
Mar 26Reply
dancerzrock1234 @holbrooksusan aw thank you, same to you!!
Mar 26Reply
trosegold Hi Jessica, thanks a lot for the follow. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers-Tim
Apr 01Reply
bayley_wallace Hi Jessica thanks for the follow I’m having a Huge Mary Kay sale save up to 70% off today new products
Apr 06Reply
moonsroost Hi Jessica, thank you for following 🌸
Apr 07Reply
greenbaypackers HI Jessica. Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too:) Will check out your closet. FYI...if ever interested in anything in mine, I am open to offers & take 20% off a bundle of 2 items or more. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday & Happy Poshing!!! And love the pics. you have posted. Everyone looks very happy & the dog is soon cute:) Our fur babies are the best:)
Apr 25Reply
tdannunz Your pup is so adorable! What kind of dog is it?
Jun 23Reply
dancerzrock1234 @tdannunz thank you! ☺️ She's a Norwegian Elkhound
Jun 24Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jun 25Reply
alexanderarg527 So beautiful
Jul 24Reply
dancerzrock1234 @janewarnerhill Hi Jane, thank you for your purchase! I found a page on their support center that discusses this issue. It says you can change the address on an existing order. Here are the steps they give: 1. Go to your Account tab 2. Select My Purchases 3. Select the unshipped order that you want to update your address on 4. Select the edit button next to your Shipping Address information 5. Enter your new shipping address and Submit. Let me know if this works or if you have any issues!
Jul 28Reply
dancerzrock1234 @janewarnerhill No problem ☺️ I got the new label so I'll drop it off at the post office tomorrow!
Jul 29Reply
chante_allday Thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Aug 10Reply
denisking I apologize if my earlier question was too personal to ask on the Item page. Thanks for putting up with a Newbie like me. Appreciate it!!
Aug 10Reply
lellowandpink Thank you for the follow! Hope you have a great weekend! 🌟💫⭐️
Aug 17Reply
dancerzrock1234 @lellowandpink Thank you and same to you!
Aug 17Reply
moonlitmansion Happy to share your fab closet! Congrats on being a chosen Real Posh Wife of the OC today by @simplysteffy ! 😘💗
Aug 18Reply
dancerzrock1234 @moonlitmansion Thank you much!! 🥰
Aug 18Reply
echristesen Wow baby
Aug 21Reply
dancer201913 Hi thank you for following me :) I am a Wheelchair Ballroom Dancer.
Aug 22Reply
rileyjones25 God bless you today and thank you for the follow😊
Sep 18Reply
hollyjou A fellow 513 posher?? Nice! Well I’m 859 but close enough 😉
Oct 01Reply
dancerzrock1234 @hollyjou Nice! Hi neighbor 👋🙂
Oct 01Reply
rosemastellone Hi Jessica, Thanks for following my closet and I have shared some of your great items. Wishing you lots of success and great deals on PM and at your convenience, please browse my closet as it is appreciated. Best of luck selling/buying and having fun and happy New Year.
Jan 05Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 19Reply
brandisstyle7 Good morning feel free to check out my closet! 4th of July sale of 30% off when you make a bundle
Jul 01Reply
caninowbe hello My name is Katherine Vandall thank you for checking out my closet.. I am always buying for my reborns. I am selling some of the outfits soi can some stuff we need now. you have a wonderful day or night.. thanks again..
Jul 03Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹!
Jul 03Reply
mncohen Hi!Thanks for following me!Shared 6 of your listings. I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎
Jul 04Reply
alfieandlulu 🌸 you for the follow 💃🏽 🎁 with purchase 🛍 lots of new items being added daily 👑💕💐
Jul 14Reply
nergis73 thanks for following up my closet. have a magical Summer 😎 🦄⛱
Jul 17Reply
mazyodc Hi, Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Jul 23Reply
stevenb712 Hello and happy poshing.....
Aug 03Reply
dancerzrock1234 @stevenb712 Thank you and same to you!
Aug 03Reply
class72 I live your pictures. Thanks for the follow. ❤
Aug 13Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing
Sep 04Reply
robertkenned475 Hello Jessica. I'm Robert from Pittsburgh. Pleased to meet you. 🌹💯💓😘🏖🛥📲😇🙏🛍😎❤️🥰
Sep 04Reply
raythompson1971 NiCe! ♡
Oct 07Reply
jlas69 Hi, Thank you for following me!
Oct 18Reply
laruelabelle Thanks so much for the follow 😊! We appreciate it and are happy to follow back and share 😀.
Oct 27Reply
donsoileau appreciate the follow
Apr 07Reply

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Last Active: Mar 13

Cincinnati, OH
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Last Active: Mar 13

Cincinnati, OH
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