Meet your Posher, Jessica
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Hi! I'm Jessica. Some of my favorite brands are Forever 21, Colourpop and Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

Thanks for your purchase! Hope you love them.
Aug 10Reply

Hi there jessica. Im so sorry i see u offered on the purple swim cover. My internet was down. If u want to reoffer ill glady accept
Aug 26Reply

@nikler I also bought a cream colored sweater from you a week ago and it hasn’t shipped. Poshmark is telling me to cancel if I want because that shipping is for expedited shipping and you haven’t shipped it yet.
Aug 26Reply

@jwm14 yes i .meaaaged u last night on the sweater. In all honesty this isnt your fault this was on my end if anything as my internet was down i couldnt even print my shipping labels i had tried everything i could think of. I tried messaging my customers but everytime id get on here id get knocked off. Im truly sorry. Ill tell ya what tho if u want to cancel the sweater i already had it packaged up last week already ill just add to this current order for free then
Aug 26Reply

@nikler It’s ok. Stuff happens I understand. What is it you’re wanting to do? I’ve already paid for the sweater you want to throw the purple cover up in for free? Is that what you mean?
Aug 26Reply

@jwm14 either way. I was actually saying just cancel the sweater and id add it to the purple cover up box. Because as soon as u cancel it refunds u right away. But if u rather do the other way its fine too. Do u want to also choose another sweater? I did msg right away after u ourchased the sweater telling u i have a buy1 get1 going on right now w sweaters and shirts so u could also choose another top or sweater
Aug 26Reply

@nikler ok so cancel the sweater? You’ll send it to me anyway? Whatever is easiest for you, just let me know. I don’t shop on here that much so I’m not sure of how deals work and all that stuff.
Aug 26Reply

@jwm14 okay so i was thinking since u didnt purchase the purple cover up yet it may be easier to just add that to your order for free instead. Ill make sure poshmark knows im still shipping sweater. Dont cancel im sorry for confusing u. Ill add the purple swim cover to your sweater order for free. So im gna mark the purple cover as not for sale rite now
Aug 26Reply

Also plz choose another item for 10 or under also. It doesnt have to be another sweater or top it can be anything. Okay(: i am sorry for delays in msgs today im busy putting orders together but i didnt want u to think i was avoiding u
Aug 26Reply

@nikler how do I do that without it coming directly out of the way I pay?
Aug 26Reply

@nikler I like the color block shirt from American Eagle.
Aug 26Reply

@jwm14 sure no prob!! Sorry had to run to do a job for someone wuick i wasnt ignoring u. Ill take it off sale now then and add to your pkg(:
Aug 26Reply

@jwm14 u dont have to pay anything else im just gna add it to your pkg. U already paid for the sweater u are all done on your end. Just when u receive your pkg if u can rate me and the sweater once u receive it id appreciate it. We dont get funds released to us until the customer(you) rate us
Aug 26Reply

@nikler Thank you so much!!!! I always rate stuff as soon as I get it, I’ve only ordered a few things, but I know to do that!!! You’ve been very helpful. 5 stars from me!!! :)
Aug 27Reply

Hey Jessica! I see the bathing suit you ordered was delivered. If it meets your approval, could you please “accept” it? Thanks, and feel free to check out my closet for new listings!
Mar 14Reply
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