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Updated Jan 09
Updated Jan 09

Meet your Posher, Jessica

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jessica. Some of my favorite brands are American Eagle Outfitters, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Forever 21. I am willing to negotiate the price on anything in my closet. Just make me an offer and I am sure we can come to an agreement. Thank you for stopping by! :)
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

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tkudshad Welcome to Poshmark! 🌸
Jun 06Reply
jes_2893 @tkudshad Thank you 😊
Jun 06Reply
mwclark63 Hello. Welcome to Poshmark. Hope you have a lot of fun and success. Happy Poshing!
Jun 07Reply
sargebill Jessica hi and thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Jun 17Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet.. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Jun 21Reply
montreasures Thank you for the follow ❤️ as a special thank you, I’d like to offer you my best promotion, buy 1 get 1 free! I accept ALL fair offers 🥳 Feel free to send me an offer at any time ❤️
Aug 09Reply
realbossbabe Thanks for the follow! Followed and shared some items to my followers. 🥰 I appreciate your support!! XOXO, Claudia 💪💋
Aug 13Reply
uneekfinds Welcome to UNEEKFINDS! So happy that you are a follower. Just a few notes while browsing...I LOVE when my shoppers bundle because I can make them my BEST deal... visit regularly because I list new items frequently...and I am always open to reasonable offers... Quick shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 01Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 07Reply
littlepeachxo merry christmas ! ^^ all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Dec 25Reply
rattlers8 Thanks for the shares cutie, have a great weekend.
Dec 31Reply
elizaleyva168 Hello there ☺️ I hope you’re doing well! I’d like to invite you to my shop. I am always posting new earrings so there is an array of different options to choose from. Additionally, I do clip ons and screw earring clips for those that don’t have their ears pierced! Also, I have bundle deals going on for the month of June! 💕 please let me know if you’re interested :) Thank you for your time and happy shopping ❤️
Jun 11Reply
fishingfund Jessica can you explain the host pick thing to me. Im new and dont know that much. Today u congratulated me on a host pick of a denim sherpa jacket i had for sale. Im not sure what that means. I got picked by party thrower? And if you dont mind, how does it help me? What am i suppose to do in return etc?
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hi Mike! Let me apologize now for my long explanation (please see the end if you want the short explanation). I have to split my explanation up into different comments because each comment can only be 500 characters. Each day at 9am, 12pm, 4pm and 7pm (Pacific Standard Time) there is something called a “Posh Party”. A Posh Party is a time where the majority of people who sell on Poshmark, login and share their items.
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 Poshmark sends every single person who uses Poshmark an invite to the Posh Party the day prior. Every Posh Party has a theme and only certain items can be shared to the party, however, every evening at 7pm basically any item can be shared. There are usually around seven to ten sellers who “host” the party. The hosts search all over Poshmark for about a day or so looking for items that fit the theme of the party.
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund They tend to look for items that they think will sell well. They then save the items to a category called “Host Picks”. Whenever the Posh Party starts, many Poshmark buyers click on that category first because it is usually the best of the best items. There is nothing that you have to do in return. Most likely one of the hosts saw your item and added it to the category to help you sell it faster because they saw you are a new Posher and they wanted to help you sell your item.
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund As far as I know there is no way to know which host chose your item unless they comment on it telling you that they did it. Often times, you will get a bunch of congratulatory comments whenever a host chooses your item as a Host Pick (much like the one you got from me). Different sellers on Poshmark do it for different reasons:
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund 1) Poshmark encourages you to be social so the more you comment on another seller’s items, the more people will see your comment on their items and possibly look into your closet as well. 2) Some sellers will congratulate you and say that they are going to share your item with their followers. They do this in hopes that you will then go to their closet and share some of their items with your followers so that their closet will be seen by more people.
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund 3) Then you have people like me who just simply want to congratulate another Poshmark User on their item being chosen by a host 🙂 THE SHORT ANSWER——> another Poshmark user saw your item and put it in a category where more people can see it to help you sell your item faster. You do not have to do anything in return. It is just a way for one established Poshmark seller to help another Poshmark seller.
Jun 15Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer them. Good luck on Poshmark 😊
Jun 15Reply
fishingfund @jes_2893 Thank you very much Jessica for taking your time to respond back with a detailed answer. I read your whole response by the way. Ya, I have questions come up here and there and if you dont mind I will hit you up again.
Jun 15Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica. I made a rookie mistake and I could use your help if possible to fix this problem. I sold some rollerblades now and while packing them up to ship I noticed a crack on the toungue. i cant sell these. How embarrassing. I sent a message to the buyer. No response yet. Is there a way I can cancel the order so the buyer does not get charged or gets refunded. i also contacted Posh support but they could take a day or 2 to get back to me. Thanks, Mike
Jun 16Reply
fishingfund Jessica. cancel my help request. I got it figured out. Mike
Jun 16Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hi Mike! 1)Click on your profile in the bottom right corner of the screen (the button that has a picture of a person and says “@fishingfund” below it) 2) Scroll down until you see a tab called “My Sales” then click on the rollerblades listing. 3) Scroll down to the very bottom and click “Problems/Order Inquiry” and click “Cancel Order”.
Jun 16Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Let me know if that helps and, if not, I will see if I can figure out another way to do it.
Jun 16Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund I see you figured it out, awesome!! Poshmark can be difficult to navigate at first, but you will get the hang of it. Let me know if you ever need help again 😊
Jun 16Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica. Hope your having a good day! I keep getting these messages that a person bundled something. Now for example a person hit the bundle on my denim sherpa jacket. But as always there is only one item in their bundle. I dont know what they want me to do?
Jun 17Reply
fishingfund Im already at $35 and $5.95 shipping on it. Am I suppose to somehow discount the shipping or price somehow? Or figure out how to add another item to tbe jacket? I just dont know. At YOUR convenience if you could enlighten me. Thank you, Mike
Jun 17Reply
fishingfund Jessica, You really have a nice and classy closet! Im just starting out and selling things from our house. But uour closet looks so professional. Great job!!
Jun 18Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica, at your convenience, am I able to take someone's like "heart" of one of my items and create a one item bundle to sell to them with my offer price? I didnt see anything like this in Posh FAQ. I hope your day is going well.
Jun 20Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hi Mike, yes you can. Go to your closet and click on the double arrows as if you are going to share your item to your followers, but instead of clicking “My Followers” look for the magnifying glass right below that and search the liker’s user name and click on it. This will create a bundle for them. Then just go to your bundles category and send them your offer. That’s the easiest way I know to do it. Let me know if that works for you, if not I can show you another way.
Jun 21Reply
fishingfund Thank you again Jessica for sharing your knowledge to me. Mike
Jun 21Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund You’re welcome 😊
Jun 21Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica, are you aware if there is a statistic as when is the optimal time to be sharing closet items? Thx Mike
Jun 23Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hi Mike! Generally the best time to share your closet is between 5pm-9pm. Keep in mind that people who use Poshmark are in different time zones from you so even when it is 2pm your time it is 5pm on the Eastern side of US. I have found most of my sales happen on Thursday, Friday and Saturday because that is usually when people get paid.
Jun 23Reply
fishingfund ahhh, good to know. Thank you once again.
Jun 23Reply
fishingfund Hey Jessica ! When a host of a posh party selects one of my items as a host pick, does the item show its a host pick? Or am I suppose to edit the item and write in host pick in the ad? Or i do nothing? etc Your guidance is always appreciated! Thanks, Mike
Jun 25Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hi Mike! When a host chooses your item as a host pick it shows up in the host pick category for the party. As long as people are looking under the host pick tab, they’ll know that it was a host pick. But, if they’re just scrolling through Poshmark and see your item they won’t know it was a host pick unless they read the comments or you edit the covershot photo by writing that it was. Some people like to edit their item and write that it was a host pick, but it is not required.
Jun 25Reply
fishingfund Jessica, Thanks for answering again. i shared ur items tonight to the posh party now for payment. lol
Jun 26Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Thank you so much! I really appreciate it 😊
Jun 26Reply
fishingfund Jessica, Thanks so much. I followed your directions and I was able to take a buyer liking an item and turning it into a 1 item bundle and sent the person the bundle. Cool trick. Thank you so much!!
Jun 28Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica. looks like all your shoes are 1st in yourcall closet. Does that mean you were in the best shoes posh party this morning?😊 I was and I did not sell my Converse or cowboy boots. Bummer. Hope u doing good and have some good plans for the holiday weekend. Thanks for tutoring me with my questions. Off to share some of your closet for my way of payback.
Jun 30Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hey Mike! I didn’t sell anything in the Best in Shoes Posh Party either, but that happens sometimes. I am glad that my advice worked! Thank you for all of the shares 😊
Jul 01Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 19Reply
2girls2122 Welcome to Poshmark Jessica..Wishing you many sales and buys..We hope you love it here as much as we do..Happy Poshing⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aug 19Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica! Question as usual🤣 On some peoples listing of items they have all their items in their closet list at $999 and then it has a line through it with the listed price at $25, $30 or whatever. No way they bought the original item at $999 so why do they put the original price i think at $999? Thanks for your time as always. Mike
Sep 06Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hey Mike! I hope you are doing well. Most people want you to think you are getting a good deal so they put $999 as the original price. Also, some people do not remember the original price that they paid so they put $999 instead. Personally, I do not see any perk to saying you paid $999 if that’s not what you paid.
Sep 06Reply
fishingfund Hi Jessica!!! I hot a situation over here. LOL. Seriously tho. I have my 1st buyer who put 2 items into a bundle. Both items will not fit in the post office white 2 day express boxes and the items are over 5lbs - about 6.5lbs. Do i just find one big box to put both items in and print out one tag for over 5lbs and that? Or ?? Thanks for your time, Mike
Sep 08Reply
jes_2893 @fishingfund Hi Mike! If a package is greater than 5lbs you have to upgrade the shipping label. Go to your “My Sales” tab, click on the sale that you just made, then click on “Need New Shipping Label”. This will allow you to put in the weight of the package and Poshmark will email you a new label. You can ship it in any “Priority Mail” or any brown box as long as it is not any larger than 108 inches in total.
Sep 08Reply
fishingfund Once again, Thank you Jessica!!
Sep 08Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Nov 13Reply
ivorycloset885 Beautiful closet! I love your dresses!! Thank you for all of your shares! 💕💕
Dec 12Reply
sourapplestore Hi! I love your closet! I'm Danny and I made my closet the Sourapplestore, please swing by and check it out. If you like anything please feel free to share it with your followers! If you are interested in something in my closet please feel free to send me an offer! Happy Poshing! Danny 💜
Mar 05Reply
missamyrogers 🌷🌼Thank You🌼🌷for Sharing my item as a ⭐️Host Pick✅ I am grateful for the opportunity for my item, my closet and Me❗️ Posh On❣️
May 28Reply
cutehosiery @jes_2893 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 21Reply
princess120840 Hi Jessica, I like to thank you for for this I just don’t know what to say, yes lastnight my first time. Going live on poshmark, I was doing silent. & sold. Thank you again. I’m going to share your closet always I always say sharing is caring. Thank you Jess.💕
Jul 08Reply
kqhgo Hello Jessica 😊 thank you so much for the follow, I appreciate you dearly!…new-ish to Posh Mark community and so awesome! I love it … a little too much I think 🤣 Fixing to browse your closet! Have a great evening! 💕🦋🌸😊 @kqhgo
Jul 11Reply
fishingfund Hey Jessica, thanks for the shares and saying hi. Ive been slowly growing followers. I cant believe im at 74k followers, thats pretty wild. Thanks again for always helping me by answering the many questions i had early on as i was learning. Well im still learning all the time.🤷‍♂️
Aug 10Reply
jes_2893 @adoringstyles Thank you for sharing some of my items! I sent some shares back you way, I wish you many sales! Happy Poshing!! 😊
Aug 10Reply
lexxylue Hi, thank you for sharing the host pick.
Nov 01Reply
lacilb2 Hi sorry to bother you I’m new to poshmark and I’m having trouble excepting payment. you look like a nice honest person who may be able to help me. Is there an email for customer support? I’m looking on my account but I can’t find it.
Nov 28Reply
threetabbycats 👗💃👗Congrats on co-hosting the GIFT SECONDHAND STYLES POSH PARTY! If you’re still looking for🎈💃Host Picks💃🎈, I have a large closet full of gorgeous, up-scale and vintage pieces, including these brands on you party list: AKRIS, ANN DEMEULEMEESTER, CHIARA BONI, DIANE VON FURSTENBERG, DIOR, DOLCE & GABBANA, DONNA KARAN, DRIES VAN NOTEN, ETRO, GIORGIO ARMANI, GIVENCHY, GUCCI, ISABEL MARANT, ISSEY MIYAKE, JIL SANDER, LANVIN, LOEWE, LORO PIANA, MARC JACOBS, MAX MARA, MISSONI, MIU MIU,
Nov 28Reply
threetabbycats NARCISO RODRIGUEZ, NEIMAN MARCUS, OSCAR DE LA RENTA, RALPH LAUREN PURPLE LABEL, RICK OWENS, ROBERTO CAVALLI, ST. JOHN, TOD’S, VERONICA BEARD, YIGAL AZROUEL, & YOHJI YAMAMOTO! I’d be delighted if you’d consider something for a Host Pick. 👗💃👗 I’ll be at the party sharing, too! Wishing you much success and many sales! 💃🎈
Nov 28Reply
jes_2893 @threetabbycats Hey there! You have an awesome closet!! I will definitely be looking through it to find the perfect host pick for tomorrow. Thanks so much for reaching out 😊
Nov 28Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday 🎄season and successful Poshing!😊
Nov 29Reply
jes_2893 @computershoptx Hi Helen! You’re welcome. You have shch a beautiful closet. I hope you get many full priced sales tonight. Happy Poshing!! 😊
Nov 29Reply
computershoptx @jes_2893 Awh, Thank you so much for your sweet comment 🥰! Same back to you! Helen
Nov 29Reply
carguia GM. Please take a look at my closet. Lots of cute items for your 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊 🍺  today. THANKS!!😍🥰😍🤩 @carguia
Nov 29Reply
fifthavefinds Congrats on hosting!! 🥳 I’d love to be considered for a host pick 🥰 I have Badgley Mischka, Chanel, Christian Louboutin, Escada, Givenchy, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, Moncler, Moschino, Prada, and Saint Laurent listings. Thank you! 💕
Nov 29Reply
jes_2893 @carguia Hi Patricia! You have some great items in your closet! I am going to continue to look through it now to find the perfect host pick for today’s party. Thank you for reaching out 😊
Nov 29Reply
jes_2893 @nycthriftscores Hey there! Your closet is amazing! I will definitely find a few items in there for a host pick. Thank you for the suggestion and for reaching out. I’m wishing you many full-prices sales this week. Happy Poshing! 😊
Nov 29Reply
carguia @jes_2893 awwww thank you!!!!!
Nov 29Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! I’m looking forward to doing it next week! I have 4 Luxury items at the top of my closet, any of which I’d ❤️ to be chosen as a host pick! Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Nov 29Reply
needfulthyngs @jes_2893 Hi Jess! Congratulations on hosting the “Sustainable & Eco-friendly Brands” Posh Party! I have Adidas, Columbia, Levi’s, Nike, and Vera Bradley items and would love it if you considered any of them for Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
Feb 04Reply
jes_2893 @needfulthyngs Hi there! Thank you so much! I will definitely be looking through your closet to find the perfect host pick. Thank you for the suggestion and happy poshing 😊
Feb 04Reply
needfulthyngs @jes_2893 🙏❤️😊
Feb 04Reply
ditooshop @jes_2893 Congratulations on cohosting today's Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
Feb 04Reply
jes_2893 @ditooshop Hi there! Thank you so much! I will definitely be looking through your closet to find the perfect host pick. Thank you for the suggestion and happy poshing 😊
Feb 04Reply
jillianchristia Yay!!! Wanna trade HOST PICKS?? 🥰🥰🥰 Congrats co-hosting this super fun party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? I’ll be sure to return the love when I host Wednesday February 7th! Don’t forget to drop a comment on my host post! Thanks so much and have a great party! 🙏🙏❤️❤️🎉🎉👍👍🥰🥰🍾🍾😍😍🎊🎊🤩🤩
Feb 04Reply
jes_2893 @jillianchristia Sounds like a great plan! Thank you so much! I will definitely be looking through your closet to find the perfect host pick. Thank you for the suggestion and happy poshing 😊
Feb 04Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. My closet includes these qualifying brands: Stella McCartney, Vintage Levi’s, Nike, Adidas, Vera Bradley and North Face. Thanks for considering. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Feb 04Reply
jillianchristia Yay!!! Wanna trade HOST PICKS?? 🥰🥰🥰 Congrats co-hosting this super fun party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? I’ll be sure to return the love when I host Wednesday February 7th! Don’t forget to drop a comment on my host post! Thanks so much and have a great party! 🙏🙏❤️❤️🎉🎉👍👍🥰🥰🍾🍾😍😍🎊🎊🤩🤩
Feb 04Reply
threetabbycats Congratulations on co-hosting the SPRING ARRIVALS POSH PARTY! If you’re still looking for🎉 Host Picks 🎉 I have a large closet full of up-scale and vintage pieces. I’d be delighted if you’d consider something of mine for a🎉Host Pick. 🎉ANYTHING YOU PICK WOULD BE GREAT! 🎉 I’ll be at the party sharing, too, and wish you much success and many sales!
Apr 04Reply
ziznick30 Congrats on hosting Spring Arrivals! I’m ready to party with you 😊🎉🐣🌈
Apr 05Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! Please check out my closet. Thanks
Apr 05Reply
aikl1027 YAY, a huge congrats on the Posh party!!! I’ll be there to celebrate with you 🥰💕🎉 Happy Poshing and have a wonderful rest of your day! ❤️Ana
Apr 05Reply
terri_lynns 💜🌷🛍️🌸🩷🛍️🪻💜 (•_•) Congratulations on < ) )> Your Party. I will be there / \ Celebrating and \(•_•)/ Sharing Host Picks. 📱💰. ) ) Please check out my closet . / \ I can’t wait to Party!! 💲💲💲 (•_•)/ <) ) ~ Together 💌📦📬 / \ We POSH ~
Apr 05Reply
_carries_closet Congrats on Hosting a Party! I would be Honored if you would Consider my Closet for a Host Pick. Thank you! Happy Poshing! 🎉🙂
Apr 05Reply
crp60 ♥️🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Spring Arrivals Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck and have fun. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Apr 06Reply
ditooshop @jes_2893 Congratulations on cohosting today's Spring Arrivals Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet featuring Mens, Womens and Kids for a potential host pick. Thanks
Apr 06Reply
ivonneth 🙏🏻🩷🥳🩷🔥Congratulations on organizing an elegant party!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🎉❤️ You have an amazing closet🌟🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩If you have some time, 🩷🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️I'd love for you to go through my closet for a possible choice of host. Thank you and congratulations again!! 💕 many blessings wishes many sales I will be sharing your closet I hope you enjoy your party🎊🎊🥳🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎉❤️🥰🥰🥰🥳
Apr 06Reply
jillianchristia Congrats hosting tonight’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! 🎊🎊🥰🥰🎉🎉💙💙😍😍🥳🥳👍👍🙏🙏😀😀❤️❤️
Apr 06Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳Yay! Congratulations on hosting the 🌸🌱🌼🌿🌺SPRING ARRIVALS PARTY!🌸🌱🌼🌿🌺I'm glad to support you & appreciate the time you're spending sharing our items. I have more just-listed items that you might love...I hope you’ll check me out for 🏆host picks. Have fun! See you in the p.a.r.t.y.! ~Tricia🥰
Apr 06Reply
dolphinlight Hi Jessica ~ Congratulations on hosting the Jewelry Party 🎉💜🌺🍃🎉🎉 If you’re looking for host picks, I have gorgeous vibrant new 💚✨Mignonne Gavigan, Kendra Scott, Deepa Gurnani, Cult Gaia, and Anthropologie✨💜 and I’d be honored if you’d choose a host pick from my closet 🎉🍃🌺🥰🌺🍃🎉 Best wishes for a fabulous party and many sales, and many blessings of abundance and joy in the year ahead 🎉💖🍃🌷🌸💚🩵🎉💜🧡🦋🎊💖🍃🌷🌸🩵🎊🌟
May 04Reply
needfulthyngs @jes_2893 Hi Jessica! Congratulations on hosting the “Best in Jewelry & Accessories” Posh Party! I have jewelry and accessories in Women’s, Men’s, & Kids, and would love it if you considered any of them for Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
May 04Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! Please check out my closet. I am hosting tomorrow night. Please bundle your host picks. Thanks -Karin
May 04Reply
crp60 🎉💎Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Jewelry & Accessories Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Looking forward to the event.♥️💍
May 04Reply
May 04Reply
ditooshop @jes_2893 Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Jewelry and Accessories Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
May 04Reply
inspiredmmvibes 🌅Hi and congratulations on your BEST IN JEWELRY AND ACCESSORIES POSH PARTY !🧡❤️🧡🌟 Wish you the best of times in this party and speedy sales💫💫💫if you have time to look at my closet and consider a Host Pick from it, I will be so grateful ❣️Thanks and have fun !!!🌈🎉🤗🎉 @inspiredmmvibes
May 04Reply
breahs4you Thank you for selecting my red-polka dot floppy hat for HOSTESS PICK!♡♡ Sweet of you... ♡
May 05Reply
shellynroxy33 @jes_2893 hi I'm new to this but I'm interested in that minion shirt the nirvana one. Is that size 3x or 4x ?
Jul 24Reply
ditooshop @jes_2893 Congratulations on cohosting today's Men's Style Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks
Aug 30Reply
lynnbeckylynn Thanks for the follow and for visiting our closet. We wish you Posh success 😍 We've cut our prices to clear some stock, so take a look if you get a chance. We're also accepting reasonable offers. Happy poshing!
Sep 05Reply
texas_mimi Whoop Whoop 🎉CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 on hosting “LAYERED LOOKS POSH PARTY” 🎉 🎉I will be participating, sharing and following along with YOU!!! Wishing everyone many many sales 💵💴💰💸 I have several items that would make fabulous HOST PICKS!❤️ Thank you in advance for your consideration! @texas_Mimi
Sep 19Reply
jenn5430 Thank you for selecting my item. I am so thankful and exited. Happy Poshing🎉🎈🎊
Sep 19Reply
threetabbycats Congratulations on co-hosting the PREPPY POSH PARTY! If you’re still looking for🎉 Host Picks 🎉 I have a large closet full of up-scale and pieces including these brands: BROOKS BROTHERS, J. CREW, LAUREN RALPH LAUREN, LILLY PULITZER, POLO by RALPH LAUREN, & TORY BURCH.! I’d be delighted if you’d consider something of mine for a🎉Host Pick. 🎉ANYTHING YOU PICK WOULD BE GREAT! Wishing you much success!
Oct 03Reply
toughluck00 Congratulations on hosting the BEST IN SHOES Posh Party🎉🎉🎉
Oct 12Reply

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Clermont, FL
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