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Updated Jan 09
Updated Jan 09

Meet your Posher, Joan

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Hi! I'm Joan. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kelyeskloset 💠Hi Joan! Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Kelley, a Posh Mentor, as well as a buyer and seller. You will love Poshmark, whether you are a buyer, seller or both. You will hear from other Poshers that they become addicted!😊 I suggest you read everything written by Poshmark and then take a look at my closet. If you have any questions, just post me @kelyemd in any "comment" section. I will get back with you ASAP. Happy Poshing!👠👗💄
Jan 09Reply
joaniepb @kelyemd Thank you! I was watching Good Morning America one day and they had mentioned Poshmark and I looked at my closet thinking - I really need to clear out some stuff. It's only been a few weeks and I've already sold a few items! 😊 I am officially hooked!! I've heard that sharing is caring on here so I may have shared some non-compliant items (oops). I'm still getting the hang of all the ins and outs and it can be overwhelming at times but it's so much fun!!
Jan 20Reply
kelyeskloset I so happy you are liking it. Your closet looks great!
Jan 20Reply
joaniepb @kelyemd Thank you! Yours does too! 😊
Jan 20Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Feb 03Reply
joaniepb Thank you @callie5510 😊
Feb 03Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 This is where you will find a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher & be eligible for those wonderful 🎉 host picks 🎉 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet 💯 2️⃣ share share share 👠👗👙 3️⃣ follow follow follow 👣👣👣 4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔 And check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum for great info
Feb 04Reply
foreverfortyone Greeting from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers. I have several $5.00 items in my closet.
Feb 04Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Feb 15Reply
joaniepb @vickyss and @jassieboo92 thank you!! 😊😊 Posh 💕 to you both 😊
Feb 16Reply
karebear51 @joaniepb 💖Hi Joanie, I'm Karen (also from Lodi😃). Is your picture taken at a mission by chance? Looks familiar💖
Feb 16Reply
joaniepb @karebear51 Hi Karen! It's a small world! 😊 Yes, that picture was taken at the Mission a few years ago. 😉
Feb 17Reply
karebear51 @joaniepb 😃We home school our daughter and she was studying missions last year so we drove to 5 of them in the area. It was SO much fun. Yes, it is a small world! So nice to meet you💖.
Feb 17Reply
joaniepb @karebear51 The Carmel mission has so much history and the gardens are gorgeous. 🌹🌸😊 It's so nice to meet you too!! (I was a Tokay Tiger 😉)
Feb 17Reply
karebear51 @joaniepb 🐅I started as a Tiger and ended up as a Flame because they changed the school boundaries. I ran Cross Country for both, lol. Look me up on FB under Karen Shinn Williams. PS: Carmel was my favorite Mission..beautiful!
Feb 17Reply
joaniepb What a coinkydink! I ran x-country too! I'm hardly on FB anymore...been too busy, but when I do go on there, I will look you up =)
Feb 18Reply
joaniepb @karebear51 sorry, I forgot to tag you in the above comment =)
Feb 18Reply
karebear51 @joaniepb 😮No way!! That's amazing!! I doubt we ran the same years though, you are probably much younger. I graduated in 83, lol. Maybe one of these days we can get a Posh Meet and Greet together for our area..maybe Central Valley Poshers? It would be fun to meet in person and maybe establish a share group.
Feb 18Reply
joaniepb @karebear51 yes way! I was class of '95 😊 Not much younger 😉 Your idea sounds awesome!!! 👍🏼 Life is kind of hectic at the moment, but if a group were to organize something, count me in!!
Feb 19Reply
bohoreef @joaniepb Great Closet!!
Mar 25Reply
joaniepb @hkucharski thank you! 😊 Yours is as well! Inspiring! 😉
Mar 26Reply
joaniepb @zeldamc Hi Kate! Wow! It really is a small world! But I'm sorry I don't know them. Lodi has grown and is still growing. Chico's not too far away...I've had a couple of co-workers who went to Chico state. 😊
Apr 15Reply
obxy4u @joaniepb Your closet is definitely share worthy over and over again💖 Gorgeous is all I have to say. You can definitely tell that you take pride in what you are selling!!! Love and Peace😊
Apr 16Reply
joaniepb @obxy4u Likewise! Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words! 😊😍 I am inspired by all the wonderful ladies on here! So helpful, friendly and kind! 😊🌸
Apr 17Reply
jannies @joaniepb , Hi Joanie! Nice to meet you. Love your closet ❤️. I'm Janet and thanks so much for the follow 😘🎈
Oct 27Reply
dodatdoubletake Hi there I hope your holiday went well. Are you going to Poshmark’s Birthday party in San Fran?
Nov 25Reply
joaniepb @dodatdoubletake Hi there, thank you and hope yours went well too. Unfortunately I will not be attending.
Nov 26Reply
sandras_styles Hi Joan! Thanks so much for the shares! Shared back your beautiful closet, wishing you a wonderful weekend and many sales! 💖💝~Sandra
Jun 14Reply
sourcedforyou Hello! We hope you’re having a great time here! We have such a large variety of items in our closet & we add more almost everyday if you’d like to check us out! We look forward to checking out your closet too!🎉
Aug 04Reply

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Last Active: Mar 15

Lodi, CA
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Last Active: Mar 15

Lodi, CA
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