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Updated Nov 30
Updated Nov 30

Meet your Posher, Joan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Joan. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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suebis and 2 others like this
lavidalocatx Hi Joan, thank you for your offer. Unfortunately it would be impossible for me to go there but I will send you back my best. Hope you understand.
Dec 13Reply
widener11 @joanrwesterman hello! i can lower the price a bit and offer you reduced shipping on the skirt if that works? But first you need to like the item
Dec 18Reply
worthyloved @widener11 Thanks! ...what is waist size?
Dec 18Reply
widener11 @joanrwesterman good morning! For some reason what i want to do us not working, so please go ahead and resubmit your initial offer and I will accept. For that reason i will decline the pending offers between us. Thank you!
Dec 18Reply
widener11 @joanrwesterman hello!! are you still interested in the skirt?☺️
Dec 18Reply
widener11 @joanrwesterman glad it worked out! Thank you. I will ship this asap☺️
Dec 19Reply
madilefty Sorry just now saw your offer on my yoga bag please make an offer again :)
Feb 18Reply
march2017 Hi Joan, please elaborate on “item cleanliness”. The pants your purchased for $8 were definitely clean before I mailed them.
Feb 22Reply
worthyloved @march2017 it appeared that they had been beige, gotten dirty, then bleached to off white, which was not what I was expecting.
Feb 22Reply
march2017 @joanrwesterman absolutely not. Those corduroy pants have only been worn a few times and my listing explained that they were a tan/light pink. It’s the material they were never stained or bleach. In the 2nd picture you can see the variation in color.
Feb 22Reply
thrifty_turtle Hi Joanne, you gave me a 1 star because of the size if the yoga mat. I am sorry it doesn't fit but I did include the measurements in the description of the mat. I don't do yoga so I would not have known. The bag was as described in every way so I think it's unfair to give me a one star. Again, I am sorry you don't like it.
Feb 22Reply
merri_graceland Welcome Joan! 🙋🏼‍♀️Please let me know if you need or want any guidance or tips 🤷🏼‍♀️on the Poshmark community. I think you will find everyone very helpful and supportive. 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩 Happy Poshing! 🙇🏼‍♀️
Feb 24Reply
keklin @joanrwesterman Hi Joan! You recently purchased my Swix winter hat. When I prepared the item for mailing I noticed it now has 2 snags in the fabric (it is still functional though does have blemishes). Unfortunately I did not realize until now. Would you still like to purchase the hat? If not, I can cancel the order. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you!
Feb 25Reply
worthyloved @keklin thank you for being honest. I’d prefer to cancel the order. Thank you!
Feb 25Reply
keklin @joanrwesterman Okay, no problem. I'll cancel it now. Thank you for your quick response!
Feb 25Reply
libbypicks Thank you for your LibbyPicks purchase! I will ship your top in the morning. Blessings, Libby
Mar 14Reply
shopkillingmoon @joanrwesterman Hi Joan! Thanks so much for your offer but unfortunately none of my items are available for 80% off like you offered. I do offer 10% off on bundles of 2 or more items though. Thanks anyway❣️
Mar 14Reply
new2udesigns Hi Joan. I appreciate your interest in my cropped North Face pants. I wanted to let you know that I sent you a counter offer again. I have to give Poshmark 20% of the sale price plus I have to cover what I paid for the item. I want you to have the pants but I also need to make a few bucks. ( I do this as a part-time job.) Have a good night.
Mar 14Reply
rebeccacaraveo Joan, I’m canceling the red shoe order. These have been sitting in a box for a long time and they look a little bit darker in some places. I am adding an additional photograph and if you would still like them for the five dollar price, I will honor that.
Mar 22Reply
ashleeenloe I will accept your $25 counteroffer if you still want this really nice designer blazer :) thanks again lovely
Mar 28Reply
mer57 I'm sorry you were unhappy with your purchase of the Brighton croc leather belt. I stated this was leather belt. Croc is the style. Brighton make a very quality product. If this had been crocodile the price would have been much more expensive then $23.00. You never mentioned the thank you letter or wrapping. I put a lot of pride and effort into my shipments. If you check my notes I have very good feedback.
Apr 12Reply
thisisdiff Hi! Thanks for your interest in my listing. Unfortunately, I can’t accept an offer 66% off the listing price. But I do accept reasonable offers and do bigger discounts on bundles and no added shipping cost.✌🏼
Jun 16Reply
dusty692 Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! Happy buying/selling to you my friend. I am a Posh ambassador, so if you have any questions, please let me know ❤️
Jul 28Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed before 2pm CST will ship today 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Aug 02Reply
callmedeedee Hi! Thank you for your purchase. I’ll have it in the mail by Monday afternoon at the latest 😁
Aug 24Reply
paly80 I’m so sorry. I donated the skirt to goodwill : (
Aug 26Reply
nroe2415 Hi Joan, as I was packing the dress for shipping tomorrow, I noticed a few small black spots at the bottom of the dress, on the front. I sincerely apologize as I didn’t see them previously. Would you still like the dress or for me to cancel the order?
Oct 07Reply
jacqueline26 Good Morning Joan, I wanted to thank you for taking the time out to leave a review on your purchase. The blouse is beautiful and it gets a lot of wear this fall. Thank you again for shopping my closet. :)
Oct 22Reply
adorablealaskan Hi Joan! Thanks for your offer on my robe.❤️ Unfortunately I cant mark it down 80%, but I can take 30% off and give you discounted shipping, if you’re interested. Have a great day. Thanks for your interest!
Oct 23Reply
goplethora Thanks for your offer, but we can’t do $5 on a single item due to the costs of fees etc. However, that dress is a part of our 💎 clearance. Pick any 5 items with a 💎 in the title (regularly priced at $15 or less) and send me an offer for $25 and I will accept! Larger bundles are welcome too! (Bundles must weigh under 5 lbs)
Oct 26Reply
sandeepeck Hi! I was just packaging up your Biden and skirt and I realized that there was something that I missed on the first inspection. It appears that someone has tried to hem the lining of the skirt with iron on tape, it has made that seam a bit hard. I feel bad that I haven’t noticed this earlier. I also feel bad sending it to you in that condition, I could either cancel the order or you could pick something else in my closet to exchange it with. Again, I’m so sorry that I missed that.
Nov 05Reply
worthyloved @sandeepeck no worries... if it’s just the lining, I can stitch it up myself. Just send it on! Thanks!
Nov 05Reply
sandeepeck @joanrwesterman It’s not that it needs stitching, they used that iron tape to hen it up and it feels stiff. If you don’t mind I will just send it. I didn’t want to do that without telling you of its condition. It is just the lining though.
Nov 05Reply
worthyloved @sandeepeck ok. Thanks! I will untape it and hem the lining with thread if it bothers me. Thanks!
Nov 05Reply
kellyhull976 Hi JW - you made an offer on two of my sweaters. If you add them to a bundle and combine them, Poshmark will only charge you one shipping fee and I can give you a good deal. do you want to do that? thanks! Kelly H.
Dec 03Reply
freddyfinds Hi there, I just saw your rating on the cashmere sweater. I would gladly accept a return if you are unhappy with it.
Dec 07Reply
worthyloved @freddyfinds thank you! It doesn’t fit my older daughter, but I thought I’d see if it fits my younger daughter. If it doesn’t, I will gratefully take you up on your offer. Thank you!
Dec 08Reply
sagittarian_88 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 08Reply
adamsfmly4 thank you for your order, I will mail it first thing in the early morning!
Dec 16Reply
angelmosaics Hi, for all my customers I am having an appreciation sale of 3 items for just $30 which include items that are $25 each . Just look for 3 for $30 💋 .in the title of the item . Please take a look and feel free to add free items to your bundle . Thank you
Feb 01Reply
oneswankyshop Hello, got your offer on the 2 April Cornell Dresses. If you Bundle the 2 and then send an offer it will only charge 1 shipping fee. Thanks!
Apr 10Reply
worthyloved @oneswankyshop thanks, but I have no idea how to do that. Could you help me?
Apr 10Reply
oneswankyshop @worthyloved hello, if you open each Dress, and at the bottom, close to wear you can" like the item"You will see an option to add to bundle. You can do that for each dress and then send an Offer. Let me know if that works
Apr 10Reply
mesmericjasmine Thank you for your purchase 😊 I will have the skirt shipped tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Apr 15Reply
raphaelle312 dear *worthyloved* i am SO sorry about the dress. I had to cancel the sale. I am new to poshmark and this was listed many months ago and when I pulled it out I noticed a snag in it. I realize I should have been more caretaking in closely observing the items beflre I put them up for sale and what a frustrating thing that might be for you. Again I am so very sorry. I will make sure I do more thorough work in the future. God bless you.
Aug 17Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have some beautiful Frye boots I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Oct 21Reply
peachteach Thanks for your purchase! I will get your blouse shipped today!
Dec 04Reply
peachteach Thanks so much for the great rating! Please visit my closet again! Merry Christmas!
Dec 09Reply
trueheartresale Hello, you purchased my Garnet Hill velvet pants. I'm sorry you feel they aren't "burgundy", in my description I labeled them as maroon, which is brown and red mixed together. I understand everyone's eyes see colors differently, but from the pictures it is blatantly obvious they are some form of red, not brown. Many of us do this because we need the income, try to keep that in mind when handing out unjust 1 star reviews like it's nothing, as I can see from previous comments you tend to do.
Dec 13Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm moving in a few weeks so am looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting all offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 29Reply
janemurphyyy hi!! i love your shop & i think you’ll love mine too!! i just posted some new listings & please feel free to offer or bundle anything. i just want people to enjoy my items💘💘
Jan 22Reply
tangerinealley Hi Joan. Thanks for your purchase of the Kuhl pants. I'll ship them in the morning. Thanks for 🛍 small!
Jan 25Reply
beckyschoenfeld Hi, You purchased the April Cornell dress from me. I apologize but I can’t find it anywhere and had to cancel the sale. I’m sorry for any inconvenience/disappointment I have caused. Becky
Feb 28Reply
worthyloved @beckyschoenfeld my daughter will be very disappointed. Please Let Us know if you find it. Thank you.
Mar 01Reply
beckyschoenfeld @worthyloved thank you for understanding. I will keep looking and be sure to let you know if I find them.
Mar 01Reply
meganellis001 Hello! While I am glad your item arrived, I'm Sad it was only worth 3 stars, All items are Washed and/or Dry Cleaned before shipment! I'm sorry it wasn't a 5 star purchase!
Mar 01Reply
thestylehustle Joan, a $53 dollar offer on a vintage Jean Paul Gaultier mesh dress in excellent condition is laughable and offensive. Not only that but I see you regularly give people 1 and 3 star ratings for no reason at all. I won’t enable poor Poshmark behavior when we all work very hard on this app. You are now blocked. Good luck in the future
Mar 03Reply
jsj40 Hi Joan! Thx again for your interest in my JOIE waist measurements-I posted two new pics with this info. Hope that helps-Please let me know if you need ANYthing else;) Thx so much, Jill
Mar 21Reply
jsj40 And btw, loved your profile flower logo… But just read what it says inside… Which is the cutest/most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Beautifully beautifully said! I’m sending to my own mom right now;)
Mar 21Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Hello Joan thank you for your purchase it is going out first thing in the morning. Just wanted you to know. 🌹🌞😊
Apr 22Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved OmGoodness did I send the wrong pj.s out?
Apr 24Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved The one's you should have gotten it the almost new PJ's so sorry for the mix up. If you would like I will send you out the correct ones. Joan I am very sorry do not know where my brain has been lately.
Apr 24Reply
worthyloved @ladyjeta please! What should I do with these?
Apr 24Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Just give them away or you can sell them if you want and use my pictures to repost. Do you still want the other PJ's they are the ones you should have got. My apologies. and would understand if you don't. But have them right here.
Apr 24Reply
worthyloved @ladyjeta yes please send them. They are for my daughter!
Apr 25Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Hi Joan I am waiting for posh to let me mark them available for sale again. 💗
Apr 26Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Hello Joan, I have tried to work with posh to get these Pj's your wanted for your daughter. They are not putting them up for sale so if you want I can sell you the ones that you have. And of course you just keep them and I will send the other one instead. Or we can continue to wait. up to you
May 01Reply
worthyloved @ladyjeta I don’t care so long as she gets the PJs I bid on and you accepted my bid for.
May 01Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved ok I will❤
May 01Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Joan I see you got your Pj's hope all is good. thank you again
May 05Reply
worthyloved @ladyjeta Yep! Thanks!
May 06Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Hi Joan, did they send you a return Label for the other pj's? Because it has been canceled and you will need to send back so that you and I get credited back.
May 10Reply
worthyloved @ladyjeta no, they did not...perhaps because I paid for them and you told me to keep them
May 10Reply
ladyjeta @worthyloved Well, I know I told you to keep them and now they have canceled the order. That was paying both of us. You should have been credited. But I was not paid for that order. So let me get back in touch with them. Did you want to keep them? 🌷
May 10Reply
worthyloved @ladyjeta if I did not pay for them, I don’t mind returning them if I don’t have to pay shipping.
May 10Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Aug 03Reply
galatians221 Thank you!!!
Nov 23Reply
dejavuboutique 🙋‍♀️Hello Joan, Welcome to Poshmark! I'm😊happy to be among those who🌈Welcome you to Poshmark. It's fun🤹‍♀️& addicting.💞 🎊Congratulations !🎉 I accepted your offer. I will pack it up well for you and will take it to the post office today. Hopefully you'll receive it in 2 to 3 days. 🚚💨 Again, Thank you for shopping my Deja Vu boutique. 🧜‍♀️Ann💌
Dec 11Reply
happygomall Joan, Thank you for your purchase. I will get it in the mail to you tomorrow! Rachel
Jun 12Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi Joan! 🙋‍♀️ My name is Patti, I am a Posh Ambassador and I would love to invite you to check out my closet! 🌻🤗 I have some items I think you may like at great prices. Such as: jeans and tops👚 from brands that include: J. CREW, GAP, BANANA REPUBLIC and more!. 👍 Feel free to send an offer or 'Like' your favorites and I'll send you a great deal! 💥💥💥 Happy Poshing! 🏃‍♀️~ Patti
Aug 28Reply
suebis Hi there so sorry for the misunderstanding… I had to Re list the gown it’s there waiting for you to accept so I can print out the new shipping label and send out today
Feb 08Reply
suebis @thestylehustle sorry i don’t know how you got this I was giving my buyer a thumbs up but it ended up going to you lol 😂
Feb 09Reply
legacyvintage53 What a sweet note to Nana 🙏🏼 Grandchildren, the best
Jun 21Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. This is a large closet so use the filter button. Bundle a few items and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Aug 01Reply
tickkids Hi there, just wondering if you are going to purchase the sweater, I offered you back your offer of $20. Please let me know, I would really appreciate it. Thank you Tickkids Sherry
Oct 08Reply

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