Meet your Posher, Joann
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Hi! I'm Joann. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, BCBG, & Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. ☺️
I rescue dogs all day, it’s my only passion.
Please. #adopt #adoptdontshop #supportyourlocalshelter

40 others
like this

Hi ❤️ welcome to posh ✨ you'll absolutely love it!!! I wish you great success as a seller & as a buyer, finding all the awesome treasures 😉 Feel free to Checkout my closet ✨ Take care 😘
Jul 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕
Jul 03Reply

@mattiemae2012 $20 is lowball for something used with stains
Wow! You go girl!
Aug 17Reply

Hi. Thank you so much for your purchase. I will be putting your legging in the mail on Monday. (We don’t have weekend mail service I my hometown; too small😩). Have a fantastic weekend!!
Aug 19Reply

@jeweleechicks I appreciate you and it’s no hurry. Don’t stress about it. Ship anytime. Enjoy your weekend. Thank You 🙏 ☺️ ❤️
Aug 19Reply

Sorry about the mislabel! I really believed that the leggings were an 8 because that’s what I usually buy in leggings and I had cut off the tag. I did not find a size label when I looked for it. If they don’t fit you, feel free to send them back. Sorry again!
Aug 24Reply

@jeweleechicks it’s no big deal. They still fit, just wanted to let you know the size dot said 6 which is in the back pocket. I love them, thank you. Have a great weekend ❤️❤️
Aug 24Reply

@joannballychase hi! The offer I made is the lowest I can go on the bag. Thanks!
Oct 04Reply

@chloecordelia no worries
Thank You
Oct 04Reply

@briannataylorr no problem
I have them already
Just figured I could have a back up
I’ll send one more ❤️
Oct 05Reply

@joannballychase i understand :)
Oct 05Reply

Thank you for the like!!💕
Oct 06Reply

Hey girl! Thanks for visiting my closet again!! 😊 I noticed you liked one of my items and I just wanted to let you know I’m having a crazy sale right now. Bundle any four items in my entire closet and I will send you an offer for just $25! If you’re interested in any other items please feel free to make a bundle! If you have any questions let me know. Thanks again and have a fabulous night! 💓
Oct 22Reply

@amberdeeeeee Hi Ms. amber
I have over spent today
But if I sell my shirt I can buy again soon
Would you mind sharing it?
I buy way more than I sell so have to try to balance sometimes. 😬❤️
Oct 22Reply

@joannballychase of course girl! Hope my share gives you some luck!!! 😊😊😊 thank you love!
Oct 22Reply

@amberdeeeeee thank you 🙏
Oct 22Reply

@joannballychase my pleasure! Thank you for your shares! 😊
Oct 22Reply

@amberdeeeeee ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 22Reply

Hi! I just shipped your package today! Let me know when you receive it :)
Oct 22Reply

@oiw11 Thank You ❤️
Oct 22Reply

Hey Joan! I just packaged up your jacket! So sorry, I have only sold two Lululemon pants that have already been shipped! If you want to bundle other items, go for it! 😊😊👍🏻
Oct 24Reply

Hi Joan!! Thank you for shopping with me :) I will ship your items tomorrow early morning!.. I also saw you liked the ted baker purse, feel free to make me an offer on it! Thanks again!!! :)
Oct 25Reply

@joannballychase hi! Just wanted to check in on your package and if you received it :)
Oct 26Reply

@oiw11 Hi
I am super behind on today’s and yesterday’s mail
Sorry 😢
Oct 26Reply

Just so you know, I did ship your items! Even checked with the post office, notified Poshmark that they aren’t saying they are scanned! Excited for you to receive them! 😊♥️
Oct 26Reply

@thatgirlonline me tooooo
Thank you so much 🤗😘
Oct 26Reply

@joannballychase it is all good! :)
Oct 26Reply

You want my lululemon hoodie for 50$
Oct 29Reply

Sending it out today :)
Nov 02Reply

Hey lady! Did you get your Lululemons and sweater? ♥️♥️❤️
Nov 05Reply

Thank you so much for your help! I’m new to this and appreciate you looking out 💜
Nov 13Reply

@sydney_stahl Thank You ❤️❤️
Nov 13Reply

@rachel_tefft of course ❤️🙏
Nov 13Reply

@as0307 I purchased fakes?
Nov 16Reply

@as0307 ok I’ll cancel it
Thank You
Nov 16Reply

@as0307 oh yes! Thank you. Totally missed this comment. Lol
Nov 19Reply

Thank you for letting me know about the leggings❤️. Makes me mad people make fakes, but I’m not out to sell anything that isn’t legit. Have a great weekend and thank you again!!
Nov 25Reply

@gapeachposher the tag was a total giveaway those were not authentic
No problem 🙏
Nov 25Reply

@joannballychase and I thought I had found my first pair ever. Lol. I will throw them in the trash to prevent them from ever being listed again.
Nov 25Reply

@gapeachposher or report them to whoever you purchased them from
Nov 25Reply

@joannballychase that’s a great idea as well, but I doubt they will care. I’ll definitely mention it, but these are in the trash as of now. Happy Holidays and again thank you 💞
Nov 25Reply

Do u still have the brave the cold lulu jacket?? I saw your comment on an iso post!
Nov 30Reply

Hi Joann, I received your offer for the shades of blue athletic pants and will accept it today. Before I do, just wanted to let you know I am not sure what brand they are. I do not believe they are lululemon.
Please let me know if you would still like them. Thanks again!
Dec 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Dec 15Reply

Dec 17Reply

Open to offers on the pants just so you know!!
Dec 27Reply

Hi Beauty, I just made you an offer on the Lululemon green shirt, i hope you accept !! @joannballychase
Dec 29Reply

@joannballychase just made you an bundle offer for both Lulumelon shirts, feel free to counter as well
Dec 29Reply

@joannballychase Hi, happy new years eve! if you are interested in the green lulumelon, please make me an offer, i am super open!! xoxox
Jan 01Reply

Hi lovely!❤️ I would love to invite you to my closet for amazing deals for the holidays 🎉 If you have any questions feel free to ask me💕 Happy New Year🎁
Jan 05Reply

Happy Monday! Thank you so much for the like. If you’re interested, I always consider offers, discount bundles, and try to ship next day! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! ❤️🎉👗
Jan 08Reply

If you’re interested about the Lululemon Leggings I can ship it today !!
Jan 09Reply

i love that you’re promoting rescuing!! i have two myself all the way from arkansas (im from boston area) have a great day ❤️❤️
Jan 14Reply

@laurenla28 Thank you so very much for adopting 🐶❤️
Jan 14Reply

Hi! 💓 come check out my closet! Make bundles of items that are 💖2/$15💖, 💫3/$30💫, and some designer items ‼️2/$35‼️ :) Michael kors tops!
Jan 16Reply

@szayed1 hi hun! I wanted to apologize for continuously sending you an offer for the Swarovski Necklace. When I send an offer to a new 💜 apparently it sends it to all that like the item. Pls ignore it or unlike if you prefer not to receive the notifications going forward. I’m sure it becomes a pain.
Happy poshing💕
Jan 17Reply

Hello 🌸 just stopping by to share the love. Be sure to check out my closet for 2 for $30 deals on NWT Nike Adidas and Under Armour items. Wishing you speedy sales and best of luck! ☺️💕
Jan 19Reply

Hi! I'd love for you to check out my closet 💝
Jan 26Reply

Happy Poshing🎉 and if you happen to be looking for lululemon -designer pants/jeans / premium denim brands - please consider taking a peek at my closet
👖💕 @kberg134
Feb 03Reply

Great closet! Happy poshing😚
Feb 06Reply

Hi sorry I don’t mean to keep sending you offers I’m trying to send it to the new liker and it keeps adding you in it! If you don’t want them you could just unlike the photo or if you did want them you could always make an offer.
Feb 07Reply

@joannballychase Hey there! Just a bit of information I thought you’d like to know - the Lulu clothes “stamped” with the Hawaiian islands can be ordered very easily. Just call a Lulu store there and for like $15 they will add the “stamp” to an item of your choice. Don’t get scammed into paying anyone 2x/3x the price. ☺️❤️
Feb 16Reply

If u bundle I give u a good price lulu items
Feb 16Reply

If u want the black pants and blue tank - add those to your bundle and I'll discount the entire bundle for u
Feb 16Reply

Hi sorry my kids got a hold of my phone and started pushing buttons and deleted the sale!
Feb 18Reply

Hi! I just started my poshmark account & it looks like we both like similar brands like SoulCycle, Nike, lululemon & Goldsheep. I would love it if you checked out my closet! :)
Feb 21Reply

Thank you for your like on my Lululemon shorts I just added another lot of three if you would like to bundle together
Mar 26Reply

Hi there! I’ll be uploading more lululemon tops! Feel free to bundle :) Everything needs to go!
Mar 26Reply

I’m selling white lululemon Anew 7/8 pants in size 8 if you’re interested! Never been worn!
Apr 08Reply

Thanks for liking the purple green and grey Wunder Under leggings... I just bought them and they don’t fit, feel free to make me an offer if you want them 😣
Apr 09Reply

Hi Joann, Thank you for liking LLL Striped Leggings 4. You may make an offer? Have a good day.
Apr 09Reply

Thank you so much for following me and sharing my closet, I really appreciate it 😊
I will be adding some new items today & tomorrow including a bunch of Victoria Secret, American Eagle, & Lululemon so pls feel free to make a bundle as I offer atleast 20%+ on 3 or more items. Have a wonderful day and here's to much success on Poshmark 💖🛍👠💎💄💫
Apr 09Reply

Hi! Thank you for being my first sale on poshmark, I’m very excited!💕 I will ship your order tomorrow. Please let me know when you receive it if there’s anything wrong with it. I hope not of course but I just want to make sure you’re happy with your order!!:)
Apr 17Reply

Hi Joann:) Read your posher profile and I too, am an animal rescuer... if you want to make me your last offer for the lulu hoodie, I will be happy to sell it to you😻❤️🐶
Apr 23Reply

That seller blocked me for calling her out earlier!
Apr 25Reply

I see that you got the lulu bag can you please accept at your earliest convenience
Apr 26Reply

Hey @joannballychase thanks for your purchase! I just wanted to make sure that you saw there is a small hole I. The front of the sweater are you ok with that?
May 01Reply

@joannballychase hi J🖤🖤 any questions about the lulu jacket??
May 02Reply

Hi there! Did you still want to make an offer on my pink Lululemon Leggings? The previous seller just cancelled. Thank you! Have a good night.
May 16Reply

Wish you would have reached out when you first knew of that i could have helped remedy this..asap. If the time had passed and you noticed after the 3day time frame i could have found a replacement with only shipping cost to you. I have 300+ 5star reviews. Most of which are are the first. And im sorry this happened. I never knew.😬😬😩
May 27Reply

Either that i know of this issue. Feel free to reach out. Pick a pair of your choice on my page and i will drop it down for you with only shipping having to get paid for. Or...pick two for price of one. Or pick one and i will send it out to you from my end. Let me fix it please. I assure you that will not happen again. Just dont spread my closet in bad lighting because i am not that type of person please...i would like to fix.🙏
May 27Reply

Hello! By any chance, did you buy a pair of lululemon (camo) on the fly pants that were listed this morning, and if so, would you be willing to let me know if they don’t work out for you? I’d love to purchase 💕 Thank you!!
May 29Reply

Hi there- thanks for your purchase (Lululemon leggings 5/25)- sorry these are taking long to get to you. I shipped them out yesterday, but I wasn’t aware that I needed to get the USPS personnel to scan in the item (newbie mistake). It’s in USPS’s hands right now, and it’s just awaiting scanning. I’m sorry for the delay!
May 29Reply

Thank you for purchasing two items from me today. I packaged them up and dropped them in the mail tonight.
Jun 10Reply

Yayyy, thank you for your purchase, your package will be mailed out first thing tomorrow morning if not today 🤗🤗🤗
Jun 10Reply

Hi there!! 👋🏼 Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I’m having a huge moving out sale with steeply discounted pieces for Lululemon, Free People, Madewell, Urban Outfitters, and so much more! Feel free to stop by, like, bundle, and save!! 🥰🥰
Jun 21Reply

Happy Friday! Im doing a sale of 10% off and Free Shipping :D . I have items like Resellers Mystery boxes with For love & lemons, Alice + Olivia and more in them!
Jun 22Reply

So sorry someone else purchased the Lululemon camo bag before you had a chance to respond. I hope you will keep checking my closet. Maybe something will catch your eye!🌺
Jun 25Reply

i just made you an offer on lululemon capris and i can actually do that offer with free shipping but i clicked the wrong button!
Jun 30Reply

@joannballychase I shipped your order and threw in a lululemon yoga block as an extra gift 🥰
Jul 12Reply

Hi! I saw you were interested in my lululemon plum leggings! They are at a great price and I think you would love them! Let me know if you are interested!
Jul 16Reply

shipping out your order today!
Jul 25Reply

Just curious I hope you were happy with the mac products if you wouldn't mind rating the sale. Thank you.
Oct 08Reply

Hi! Just shipped your Lululemon crops today!
Oct 29Reply

If you like Lululemon, you’ll love the new listing I have. Check it out, and make an offer! ❤️ 💕
Nov 02Reply

30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept. This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Nov 21Reply

Hey so when they email back, asking to take it down, offering extra money and ask for shipping info - all a scam?
Nov 27Reply

please except order when you can.thankyou.
Dec 06Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I hope you love them. You will receive tracking info soon 💌
Dec 08Reply

Joann fabulous..because you bought that if you want the dand g shoes you can have them for 70 also..♡just let me know♡♡
Dec 08Reply

Hey I made you an offer with discounted shipping on the My Lululemon leggings that you liked! Be sure to check it out and feel free to counter 💕 I’m trying to get rid of some stuff before I love and I’m taking offers!
Dec 11Reply

FYI I send everyone same offer. Don't need to decline unless your having a bad day lmao
Dec 31Reply

Hi! I’m sorry for the delay in shipping the Lulu sweatshirt-somehow it acquired a small stain on the front and I wanted to make sure it would come out in the wash. It did! Dropped it at the P.O. this morning.
Jan 17Reply

Hey Joann! Sorry I forgot about the post office being closed today because of the holiday. Your necklaces will be shipped Wednesday.
Jan 20Reply

Rescues Rule
Feb 11Reply

Joann, I am so sorry for the inconvenience with regard to the hearts charm bracelet. I just left a comment on the case you opened. As I stated, this was gift to me many years ago and I never doubted its authenticity. I will happily pay for return shipping. This has never happened to me before and it’s quite embarrassing. Please accept my sincere apologies. 🙏🏼 Iris
Feb 11Reply

I relisted my Tiffany set if your interested
Feb 11Reply

Good morning. I just canceled your order. Please add the items again including your new item in a bundle and I will tell u you the price. You can repurchase! Thanks! I’ll mail items tomorrow unless you do it right away. I’m leaving for final weekend trip to post office in 10 minutes. I have your items already packaged, just need to print label from your new sale. Thank you.
Feb 15Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like. I left an offer for you! Feel free to counter back! I can ship it fast! 💕
Feb 26Reply

Did you receive your package from me?
Mar 01Reply

Don’t forget to accept 😉
Mar 05Reply

I think I may have sent you the wrong package! You purchased the lulu leggings and lulu short sleeve shirt from
Me. Did I send you a lulu coat instead? Another meme we received your package. Please let me know so I can fix all this! I’m so sorry about all of it.
Mar 11Reply

Good Evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a beautiful evening! Thank you, George
Mar 18Reply

I’m so sorry but as I was packing the lulu tights you just purchased I noticed a tiny hole. I will send a pic. It may be fixable but I wanted to notify you on this. Happy to cancel the transaction
Mar 18Reply

I will post a picture under the last pic in the description
Mar 18Reply

Did you get your Tiffany & co ring yet ? Can you confirm
You got the package so payment is made please
Mar 19Reply

FYI I just reduced both items you liked, by the way I too love dogs, some more than people! I do adopt at one point along with my Standard Poodle, 2.75lb. Pommy, & Bichonpoo we adopted a Chihuahua from the Joplin Missouri tornado, a Chussel (Brussels Griffin/Chihuahua) my son & daughter moved back in from college with a Golden Doodle & Shipoo! That’s why I can never volunteer at a shelter! I’d bring home every “sad sack” thanks for peeking in, be safe & stay well
Mar 24Reply

I just sent you a message about the Lululemon leggings. I can’t upload new images after a purchase. Can I email them to you?
Mar 27Reply

@joannballychase Hi-you put on of my Lulu bottoms in a bundle-if you are interested, please make an offer. Reasonable offers are always considered. Thanks!
Mar 29Reply

if you want , I can ship the leggings by 2 , my mail men will be here by 2...
Apr 20Reply

🦋 Hello ! Happy poshing !
Come check out my closet if you get a chance. I have a killer lululemon define hoodie on sale right now.
Thanks for reading ✌️🙏✌️
Apr 21Reply

Hey girl! I hope you are healthy and safe during this time. I noticed that I’m selling some of your favorite brands like Lululemon and Free People and I’m always still to negotiate so please check out my closet! Have a great day :)
Apr 22Reply

@joannballychase Fyi... that Tiffany set you commented on is not authentic. I've been a collector since the 80's. I do have a similar 100% authentic set in my closet. Happy Poshing to you and stay safe! 🌹
Apr 24Reply

Hi. Thank you so much for your ring purchase. I shipped it right away for you but it seems still in transit by usps. I hope it arrives soon. It’s such a pretty ring. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
May 01Reply

@joannballychase Hi, thanks for checking out our closet and liking our Enamel Sterling SilverTiffany very delicate charm oval on our own Sterling Silver Cable Chain. This item will be shipped with your choice of either a Tiffany Box Or a Tiffany Pouch-Tiffany Card and a Tiffany Gift Bag--You may choose a 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, or 24 inch Sterling Silver Chain-The piece is pristine, and the price is firm. Remember our site whenever you need a gift. Stay healthy and blessed, Deacon Ricky
May 01Reply

Thank you for the like on my Lululemon leggings. I’m accepting offers :) I can ship same or next day too. All bundles receive a special discount with free shipping!! ✨✨
May 09Reply

Hey Joann! Just wanted to say hello & hope you're having a great Friday evening :) Sincerely, Julia xx ♥️
May 15Reply

Hi! I have some items you may be interested in! Feel free to check out my closet!
Jun 05Reply

Hey there! I saw you liked a few of my items and you have considered buying from me before! If you ever were interested in doing a sale off of posh let me know. I can cover shipping costs and we could negotiate prices 🤷🏽♀️
Jun 05Reply

Hi there! I noticed you liked a pair of APL sneakers in size 7.5. I have a similar pair of new APLs listed for much less than the pair you liked. Just an FYI in case you are interested! Happy poshing 🙂💐💕
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for the like on my APL sneakers! Just an FYI that I am closing my closet for the summer on Saturday(6/20), so if you'd like to purchase this, please do so before then! Happy Poshing!
Jun 16Reply

Hi there! I just wanted to make sure you received your order since you haven’t accepted yet. Enjoy your evening!
Jun 17Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like. I left an offer for you! Feel free to counter. I can ship fast! 🙂
Jun 20Reply

hi! i saw you liked my listing for lululemon leggings, i’d be happy to lower the price if you’re interested! just let me know, thank you so much!
Jun 21Reply

Hi did you receive the Tiffany ring? The status still says shipped?
Jul 30Reply

@joannballychase Hello fellow Posher! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Sep 13Reply

Hi! I saw you were interested in a Tiffany & Co. Heart Tag Charm Link Bracelet. I have one in my closet if you would like to take a look 😊 Have a great day!
Nov 11Reply

🙋♀️Hi! ⭐️Hope you are Having fun shopping 🛒 and selling🛍.
Jan 10Reply

Hey come check out my closet
Feb 05Reply

Hi! Please check out my closet. I hope you may like some of the items I have to offer :) I accept reasonable offers and if you bundle, you'll save $$! Happy poshing! 💖
Feb 18Reply

Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Feb 20Reply

Good morning. I was wondering if you received your leggings from me? Still showing “awaiting acceptance”. Hope all went well with the shipping, I’m pretty new at posh and still trying to figure it out.
Mar 01Reply

Hey, I saw you were interested in one of the items in my closet! Feel free to bundle for free shipping! Also, I ship same day and accept all offers :)!
Mar 15Reply

Hey! i’m trying to do a closet clear out I’m accepting reasonable offers🦋😃
Mar 25Reply

Hi there, thanks for visiting my closet. I have a promo going on plZ look for this sign ( 🌺 Buy 3 for $25) bundle or like then I can send you an offer. Happy poshing
Apr 05Reply

@joannballychase Hi, & welcome to my closet. bundle with other items from my closet and save. 25% OFF any 3 or more listings, & listings $10 & under are 4 for only $20. let me know if you have any questions. I wrap with care and ship fast. smoke free home
Apr 17Reply

Hey Joann I lowered this to liners before you to 10 so just offer the 10 and that’s the new price thanks
Apr 19Reply

Wow I fat fingered that text create a bundle of what you like and I’ll give you a great deal thanks Joann
Apr 19Reply

Hey Joann hope all is well with you!! You offered me $35 for the Swarovski cube earrings a day ago, but I countered back a little to high. My bad!!! Some items are selling and I’m doing a post office run in the morning. If you are willing to offer $45 I will accept and ship them out to you with a little gift for you included!!! ❌⭕️ Rachael
Apr 20Reply

Joann I would love to work with you on a great price the hat is brand new and the watches are used but rarely I could go 15 as the lowest let me know or if you bundle the shirt you like send me another offer with all three and let’s see what we can do thanks so much
Apr 21Reply

Your funny ok ok let’s do this I’ll do 20 for all 3 of your bundle the hat watch and shirt you could get a whole new outfit with accessories for 20 bucks what a deal
Apr 21Reply

Hi there thanks for visiting my closet. I see you liked 2 of the jewelry (Swarovski) from my closet and I got your offer for both ( 3 piece Swarovski set & cube earrings ) $30 and I send you a counter offer .
I just want to check and make sure that was your offer $30 was for the earrings? Or fir both Swarovski set & earring?
Apr 22Reply

Hey girl! Thanks for liking my listing! Make me an offer on that cute hat and it’s yours!😉
Apr 23Reply

Joann I put more nice things on the closet with more to come check it out and let me know what you think
Apr 26Reply

I will mail the Lululemon’s out tomorrow. Thank you. Amy
Apr 30Reply

Hi Lovely!! Happy Mother’s Day!!❤️Thank you SO much for visiting my closet! I would LOVE to make that ❤️yours!! My sales help me accomplish my life’s mission of spreading love to our hurting communities and helping kids feel loved and know they matter! Plus I get to give great clothes new life🥰
May 10Reply

I love your closet! Thanks for checking out mine and for liking my listing!
May 10Reply

Joann that shirt is calling for you and I just lowered the cost it’s an absolute steal
May 15Reply

I’d trade but don’t know how your sizes fit???
May 20Reply

Everything is not for sale I’m interested in..,.. any other ideas
May 21Reply

Hi Joann. I packaging your purchase of the kate spade Ador-Able earrings and I noticed I don’t have the original backs. Please let me know if you still want them? If not, I will cancel the order. Sorry for the misrepresentation in my posting and any inconvenience.
May 24Reply

hey! i’m alesia!! ❤️ i hope u love this community as much as i do! feel free to check out my closet n make offers, i have some pretty fun stuff, and i’m a posh ambassador so you can shop w 100% confidence! have a wonderful day, and happy poshing! hope ya treat yourself to something nice!🥰
May 26Reply

Thank you for ❤liking the Keds x Kate Spade sneakers, Joann! Feel free to make an offer 🙂.
May 30Reply

Thank you for your like on my David yurman bracelet. I have two listed. Make me an offer.
Jun 02Reply

Hi! Please take a look at my Tiffany items. You may like my Tiffany bracelet. Thanks.
Jun 04Reply

@joannballychase thank you for the like on the adorable no show Kate spade socks. These are so adorable. I have another design listed and if you were interested in both then bundle up and I would make you a good bundle price and also include a free gift with purchase. 🎁
Thank you for stopping by.
Jun 17Reply

Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection. While the item that you Like is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers including Low Offers. Happy 4th of July 🍉💎🥳
Jun 27Reply

@joannballychase hi I noticed that you liked the Kate Spade earrings just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Jul 22Reply

@joannballychase hi I noticed that you liked a couple things just wanted to let you know that I give 20% off two or more things in a bundle and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Jul 22Reply

@joannballychase hi I can give you everything you liked for 45 with 4.99 shipping if interested
Jul 22Reply

Thanks for stopping by 👍
Jul 22Reply

@joannballychase hi just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount on the bundle I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Jul 27Reply

@joannballychase hi let me know if you just want the Lauren Ralph Lauren black flats or you want the Threshold fabric cube storage bin because I sent you an offer with a shipping discount just on the flats
Jul 27Reply

Hi Joanne that’s great that you rescue 🐶 dogs! I love my fur babies which one did come from a shelter and my previous kitties 🐱 that passed away did as well. I agree that there are so many homeless dogs and cats there really is no reason to not adopt if you are ready for a new family member!
I think I may have given you another offer of the same amount on the jimmy choo. If you are interested in it make me an offer of what you would want to pay. Have a great night 😴
Jul 29Reply

@joannballychase hi If still interested I can give you the bundle for 10 with 4.99 shipping if interested let me know 😊
Jul 29Reply

Thanks for interest in my boutique ❤️🙏
Aug 26Reply

Let me know if anything catches your eye in my boutique tonight. We can find a price that makes us both happy. 🥰❤️
Sep 06Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Sep 19Reply

See anything? I can get you a discount hun🥰
Oct 03Reply

@joannballychase hi I noticed that you liked the Kendra Scott earrings just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Nov 19Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 28Reply

Hi Hon!!! Thank you for liking my beautiful KS earrings and please make an offer as having a closet CLEAROUT! Sally posh ambassador
Mar 08Reply

hello, i saw you were interested in Lululemon. i have two lulu items in my closet size 10 and size 12 if you wanna take a look:) thank you, have a nice day!
Mar 16Reply

Hey girl! I sent the Steve Madden slip ons out today. Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation. Anyway, after looking them over I think 10 might be too much. Send me your contact info after you get them and I’ll refund you $5. Sorry about that!
Mar 22Reply

Hi Adorable!!! Thank you and please make an offer on the beautiful KS earrings you liked in bubble gum color!!! Can give you the best deal I can!!! Sally posh ambassador
Mar 31Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Apr 06Reply

Hey I have an excellent condition Mickey Swarovski bracelet in my closet at a really great price. Feel free to check out my closet. Happy poshing ⭐️
Apr 07Reply

Hi Joann! Thank you for checking out my closet! I saw you made offer 2x and cancelled it. I’m happy to accept offer. If interested or if you have any questions please let me know! In the meantime have a great day. ☀️🌞🙋🏻♀️😎Dina
Apr 24Reply

Me again, looks like the Kendra scott necklace just sold, if interested in the other make offer for $10 and I’ll accept 🥰
Apr 24Reply

Hello, are you cancelling both items? No worries I don’t take it personally/ I can never decide on buying one thing. I just want it all. just clarifying. Thanks
May 06Reply

iIm so sorry I’m posting more earings now and tomorrow so take a look!
May 07Reply

Hello I just want to let you know so did ship the lulu leggings out. It says shipped but the info isn’t in there. i’ll put it in manually if it allows me to. Or go to the post office tomorrow. I appreciate the patience on your part. Thank you!
May 15Reply

Hi, I just wanted to know if you got the lulu leggings? It just says shipped and no other information. I’ve never seen that before. I wrote to Poshmark where you choose that option for shipping issue. Just curious. I’ll ask the post office to help me if you still haven’t received them yet. Thanks for being patient! Lisa
May 19Reply

@lisanielson38 Hi Joan! Welcome to my Poshmark Closet!🎉👏❤️ Thank you for liking Kate Spade NY Socks!🤝, if you interested in this item, make me an offer and we can chat about.😊 Happy Poshing!😃🎀❤️🛍
Jul 17Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile well over 2900 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Oct 06Reply

Hi Joann! If you’re still interested in Kate Spade Socks of my closet,! I can price to 15 and you’d get the reduced shipping notification too, just let me know! Thank you!💕
Dec 02Reply

Hi thx for Liking my Kendra earrings. I posted more pics 🙂
Jan 12Reply

hi joan!!! thank you for liking my beautiful KS necklace and please see that I lowered price and shipping costs for ya!!! downsizing and moving to Florida!! freebies INCLUDED!!! God BLESS!!! Sally posh ambassador
Apr 12Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jul 08Reply

Hi!! If you are still looking, I have a Suede Envelope Clutch and Lululemon items in my closet! Thank You!
Aug 29Reply

Aloha Joanne,
I sent you an offer on my earrings. Let me know if you have any questions… thanks, Andrea
Oct 23Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for your offer on the bracelet. Each charm alone retails for $99. It’s a steal at $50 :)
Dec 15Reply

Hello Joann😄Just sent u a great offer on Kendra Scott rise gold and pinkish/ purple crystal pendant. ⭐️❤️Gorgeous! Can send out ASAP! I’m a 5 star rated posh ambassador/ top 10% seller. Please follow my boutique for all your favorites. Hope this offer works for you. Thanks!👡👚👠👖
Jan 12Reply

Hi Joann! I see you added my Swarovski Earrings to you bundle! I will send you an offer when you add another item to your bundle !
Happy Poshing ☺️😊
Feb 27Reply

Thanks for the like on the Lululemon sneakers, fair offers are always welcome 😊
Mar 26Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet JoAnn🥳🎉
Oct 20Reply

Hi, this is Linda. I see you like several things out of my closet. If you want to bundle up your favorites, between now and end of month, I will honor a 40% off your entire purchase for 2 or more items. Happy shopping.
Oct 22Reply

Hey Joanna! I hope you’re doing well. I’ve reached my limit for sending offers for your bundle (shoes), but feel free to send me yours directly! I’d love to approve it if it’s fair for both of us. Thanks so much! 😊
Oct 28Reply

I would love your business so you are welcome to send a reasonable offer for me to consider! Happy Poshing!
Nov 23Reply

@joannballychase hi I see u created a bundle from my closet for the headbands , for some reason its not letting me send an offer, I’m not ignoring you. Thank u for rescuing dogs. I’ve had 4 rescues and used to foster
Jan 10Reply

👋 Hellow fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Something for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. Happy shopping 🛍
Mar 02Reply
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