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Updated Jul 20
Updated Jul 20

Meet your Posher, Joanna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Joanna. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, Coach, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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mdcope2 Why don't I adjust both shirts to 12 and make my bundle of 2 discount 10% off then you only pay shipping once?
Jul 20Reply
loveto_shop1234 Deal! Thanks!
Jul 20Reply
kristenvanness @loveto_shop1234 hi. Thank you for the purchase. I will ship this tomorrow. You are going to love it! Enjoy
Aug 11Reply
voguebeautiful Welcome to poshmark! I hope you're loving it here so far ✨
Aug 19Reply
mlcooper26 Wasn't sure how to contact you as I'm new at this. Anyway, you purchased Silpada earring from me and they should have shipped last week. So so sorry had a death in the family so that delayed things, but they will ship today . If you want to cancel I understand. Have a good day.
Nov 14Reply
loveto_shop1234 That's no problem at all. Yes, I'm still interested so you can still ship. Thanks for letting me know. Joanna
Nov 14Reply
melanieannecole Hey @loveto_shop1234! So sorry- I don’t have my notifications on and I didn’t see your offer! Feel free to put it in again and I can get the sweater out tomorrow if you still want it!
Feb 15Reply
jc11900 Hi Joanna! I’m Johana! 😂 Thanks for your purchase and I hope you love your pieces! I will get the earrings out to you ASAP. Have a great weekend! 😊🤗
Jun 08Reply
loveto_shop1234 Hi Johana, I can't wait to get the earrings...they are very original!!
Jun 08Reply
trendsavvy 🌷Hi, Welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you having a great experience using Poshmark. Best of luck with your new closet! Happy poshing 🌷🛍
Aug 25Reply
brammacinny Welcome to Poshmark. My name is Cindy and if you have any questions Poshmark plwase tag me @brammacinny and I would be glad to help. Happy Poshing and Good Luck. 😀🛍👖👗👠.
Aug 25Reply
krd2222 @loveto_shop1234 please respond to my offer on bracelet. Thanks!!
Oct 29Reply
shaina_bell13 Hi! I recently purchased an item from you and still haven’t received it and can’t get any updates with UPS from the tracking number they gave :(
Jul 23Reply
loveto_shop1234 @shaina_bell13 I just tracked the USPS number that I got from Poshmark and it is still in delivery. 9405 5102 0206 1190 4824 90. I’ll keep my eye on the tracking too. Hopefully it’s delivered soon. I sent it out shortly after you purchased it.
Jul 23Reply
loveto_shop1234 @stephieluv85 which item is this? When I open up the question, it doesn’t take me to the item. I will discount the shipping.
Feb 21Reply
kassmartin I ordered Lululemon pants and the metal detector is still connected. Can you explain this?
Feb 25Reply
loveto_shop1234 @kassmartin I received them in the mail and have the receipt. They must have mailed them to me like that. I recommend you ask poshmark to have them returned to me and I will send them back.
Feb 25Reply
loveto_shop1234 @kassmartin can you also send me a picture because I didn’t see that when I mailed them to you
Feb 25Reply
kassmartin @loveto_shop1234 how do I send you a pic?
Feb 26Reply
mrsl132 Hi! Looking forward to the items- I updated my shipping address right after purchase and want to make sure you have the correct one. It should be the one that shows in my account. Thanks!!!
Mar 18Reply
loveto_shop1234 @mrsl132 hi - yes I saw the update and I printed the label after I got that notification so we should be good 😊
Mar 18Reply
mrsl132 @loveto_shop1234 can’t figure out how to send a message another way, apologies!
Mar 18Reply
mrsl132 @loveto_shop1234 awesome thank you so very much!!
Mar 18Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely closet :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 22Reply
gtkwok @loveto_shop1234 I bought something from you last night but have the wrong address for shipping. I forgot to update the address to my current address. The order # is 62f1f9533d6092b52b18cd64
Aug 09Reply
loveto_shop1234 @gtkwok I got your message and will mail the bag tomorrow so I will have the correct address. Thank you 😊
Aug 09Reply
gtkwok @loveto_shop1234 Thank goodness!!!! I was more than half asleep when I bought the tote for my wife, and then when I tried to go into today to change the address, I total spaced out on the username/password and had to set up a new account... >.<
Aug 09Reply
gtkwok @loveto_shop1234 Lemme know if you need confirmation on the mailing address. I can provide the old address as well to prove that it's me
Aug 09Reply
loveto_shop1234 @gtkwok The label is just printed says 1198 Hillvale Ave, Oakdale, MN
Aug 09Reply
gtkwok @loveto_shop1234 that's my previous address. I moved in April. The new address is 8665 Seasons Pkwy, Woodbury, MN 55125
Aug 09Reply
loveto_shop1234 @gtkwok I requested a new label and the same address I had for Oakdale was on it...did you change your address on Poshmark? I need you to do that so I can get a new label printed.
Aug 09Reply
gtkwok @loveto_shop1234 I can't access the account I made the purchase on. I had to create a new account, which is this one. Any chance you can cancel the original order and I order it on this account?
Aug 09Reply
gtkwok If you let me know right away, I'll get right on it.
Aug 09Reply
gtkwok Yay! I got the cancellation and I re-purchased it on the account with the correct address! I'm so sorry for the hassle. Thanks for being so patient!
Aug 09Reply
loveto_shop1234 @gtkwok thank you 😊
Aug 09Reply
ashleycutler642 You have such cute stuff! I’m following and liked a bunch of stuff to watch! Glad I found you!
Sep 17Reply
trexironmama Hello! I saw your Peloton instructor cards. I would love to purchase all Cody Rigsby cards. Thank you, Tanya
Aug 15Reply
cutehosiery @loveto_shop1234 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 16Reply
topbooger684 I just ordered gloves it says peloton lululemon I don’t see the lulu emblem
Dec 02Reply
missnewyork10 Hello! Can you cancel the order so I can make a bundled offer please? Ty!
Feb 13Reply
missnewyork10 @loveto_shop1234 Thank you! I need towels!!
Feb 13Reply

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