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Updated Sep 03
Updated Sep 03

Meet your Posher, Jodi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jodi. Some of my favorite brands are Valentino, Tori Burch, kate spade, Rebecca Taylor and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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katzkoz So cute! Cute! Hi.Jodie & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have questions ,there's always a Posher to help! Or, visit my closet & I'd be happy to help too! 💥 SHARING is KEY 💥 When U SHARE an item to Ur "FOLLOWERS" they see it in the "FEED". The more Followers U have, the more exposure it gets. So, the more Followers U have, the more POTENTIAL SALES U'll get! More questions? Ask me.
May 08Reply
brookiecooki22 @jjennboymomof4 hi pretty!! I saw u placed an offer for the set of 10 Prada Clothes Hangers... Before i made a counter offer, i was wandering if i dropped the actual listing price from $22 to $17 or $18 that should result in reduced shipping for u, & a few extra bucks for me... Let me know your thoughts. If not, i will just counter through offer button- just figured id see if ud like to do it this way so u hopefully save $ with shipping! Let me know!! Thanks for ur offer!! xo
Aug 11Reply
retrouvailles @jjennboymomof4 Thank you so much for your kind review and I am delighted you love your items!! :) PS - adorable baby!! I (sort of) miss that stage... LOL.
Aug 14Reply
jjennboymomof4 @katzkoz -Hello! Thank you for the crash course! This is great. I feel like I have found my people! .So many great ladies and I could shop for days! Also thank you, he was my 39th birthday surprise! Ill be 41 on Sunday, so that pic is a bit old, as adorable as it is! His brothers are 19, 17 & 14 so, we have a ton of fun with Peyton though ive set any chance of grandparenthood back at least a decade. I'm going to get my closet set up shortly. *fingers crossed*!
Aug 16Reply
jjennboymomof4 @brookiecooki22 I apologize. I'm just seeing this!! Yes, thats fine, its they are still available!
Aug 16Reply
jjennboymomof4 @retrouvailles You're welcome and your dress is going to be my birthday dress Saturday night! I ordered 12 different red dresses! Lol. But yours is perfect! Now, I'll be selling a few red dresses. Haha. Thank you!
Aug 16Reply
katzkoz @jjennboymomof4 Well....hes adorable! Go at Ur own pace when it comes to Ur closet. Just remember, if U need any help, we're all right here! Happy Poshing!
Aug 16Reply
retrouvailles @jjennboymomof4 Ha!! A girl after my own heart❣have a fabulous time, I'm sure you will look amazing!
Aug 16Reply
kdufty lmk if interested in the KS dress!!
Aug 16Reply
july2011 Adorable Baby ☺️
Sep 03Reply
twinflames13 nice of you to think of me :-)
Sep 03Reply
lorhen Good morning. Thank you for purchasing. I have shipped your item yesterday at 10.28 a.m. but somehow it's still not updated in Poshmark's system. Here is the tracking number: 420970609405510899359170911086. I checked it on USPS tracking site and the package is in transit. Thank you again for purchasing and have a great weekend! Larisa
Sep 10Reply
jjennboymomof4 @lorhen Wonderful! Thank you so much! I hope you're enjoying the weekend as well!
Sep 10Reply
lorhen Thank you for the rating! Hope you will enjoy the boots!
Sep 12Reply
wanderousla Hi Jodi, I just realized that it was YOU that put an offer in on those True Religion jeans earlier! Since you're a return customer, I'd be happy to sell them to you for your original offer of $18 if you're still looking. Let me know (or feel free to resubmit the offer if so, and I'll be sure to accept) 😊
Sep 13Reply
califoxx @jjennboymomof4 Your little one is such a cutie pie!! 💞💞💞💞
Sep 14Reply
jjennboymomof4 @califoxx Thank you! He's our little supermodel!💖💖
Sep 14Reply
jjennboymomof4 @wanderousla Wonderful! Thank you!
Sep 14Reply
jjennboymomof4 @wanderousla I just went to buy them and they are gone. 😭😭. I was so excited for those too! Bummer
Sep 16Reply
wanderousla Oh no!! I thought you were no longer interested, otherwise I would've reserved them for you! If I have anything similar I'll be sure to tag you/reserve them! So sorry!
Sep 16Reply
lkotik24 Hi @jjennboymomof4 , thank you for your purchase of my Rebecca Taylor peplum top. The earliest I'm able to drop off the package at USPS is first thing Tuesday morning, I hope that's okay!
Oct 16Reply
rbcobain Good morning. Thank you for purchasing the Rebecca Taylor dress. It truly is beautiful. I will ship it out today. Have a beautiful Sunday🌸 PS Your closet is stunning!
Oct 16Reply
lorianne1 I have a pair of Ferragamo in tan if you are interested in this color check then out I just listed
Oct 16Reply
jjennboymomof4 @lkotik24 Hello, that's totally fine! Thank you!
Oct 17Reply
jjennboymomof4 @rbcobain Wonderful! Your closet is going to get me into trouble...😄 Do you offer bundle discounts? I'd like the Prada skirt, See by Chloe dress and Free People cream, green and red dress.
Oct 17Reply
jjennboymomof4 @lorianne1 Great! I'll go check them out!
Oct 17Reply
rbcobain @jjennboymomof4 Wow! I will absolutely give you a 10% bundle discount. I will go on and change it right now. Thank you so very much. I shipped you Rebecca Taylor dress today and will ship these other items tonight. 💕💕
Oct 17Reply
rbcobain Do you want me to create a bundle or do you want to bundle them?
Oct 18Reply
jjennboymomof4 @rbcobain -Sorry! Yes! I was thinking about adding the Valentino Red dress. Would you do a 15% bundle discount, if I add that? I meant to ask yesterday, but i went down the rabbit hole that is Poshmark and forgot! Lol.
Oct 18Reply
rbcobain So sorry. I teach late today and have kiddos before bed. I can't do 15% or I lose money because of the PM fee (I try to make $3-$5 per item). I don't offer bundle discounts, but will do 10% for you and you still get a great deal on some really beautiful items. Let me know and I will set it up. If not, I understand. I'm so sorry I cannot go lower. I do PM for fun and to be a shopaholic so I can't afford to lose money (boo!).
Oct 19Reply
jjennboymomof4 @rbcobain - I totally understand the shopaholic thing! 10% is fine. Let's go with the first 3 items. I don't need the Valentino. I just got that gorgeous Rebecca Taylor from you and have 2 others brown dresses. Lol. ⬅That's me trying to talk myself out of it! Haha.
Oct 19Reply
rbcobain You are funny! It's all ready. I just added a seller discount so you can go at it and then I will remove the discount thingy when you are done. Thank you again. You made some great purchases and will be more than pleased. 💕💕
Oct 19Reply
rbcobain Glad you love the dress! Let me know on the other items so I can go in and remove the 10% off a bundle on my closet listings. 😍
Oct 19Reply
megiemeggie Welcome to posh! Check out my closet. I will discount on bundles :)
Oct 25Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come visit sometime. Happy poshing! What a cute adorable!
Oct 27Reply
kaleyheider nice to meet you!!💓
Oct 28Reply
flordelisa Hi there..I saw you liked some Polo Ralph Lauren listings and I just wanted to let you know I have a few listings with the brand so feel free to check out my closer. I usually ship the next day. Discount is added if purchased 2 or more listings. Reasonable offers are welcome. Any questions, pls don't hesitate to ask.
Nov 22Reply
varnyp @jjennboymomof4 🌹Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so glad that you liked the loafers! Btw, I love the pink and brown LV that you are selling!💖Would consider a trade if you see any items in my closet that would be of interest.✌🏼️
Nov 24Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 Hi and Dec on what you may want ? I don't know why I'm in such a rush thr isn't any mail on Monday lol
Jan 15Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 lol! These 3 days weekends really literally ruining my life! I'm on it now. That Blugirl jacket is definitely on my list after this storm!
Jan 15Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 That jacket s so cute you would look amazing stick in the snow wearing that
Jan 15Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 That's what I'm thinking and since it looks like I'll be living the tundra for awhile, I may as well make the best of it and look like I own this ice covered hell hole! I mean the beautiful state of Oregon! lol. So, I like the jacket and Jill Stuart dress..but I also like that Ralph Lauren cardigan. Why must life be so difficult? !?
Jan 15Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 lol I know life can be hard . .. well it's been raining so hard and 30 mile an hour winds that's super fun for looking cute and having nice hair besides s ponytail
Jan 15Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 yuck! Well, i was going to offer to deliver this bag, and enjoy sunny So-Cal, but scratch that. Lol. We expect miserable, depressing fall/winters because we make up for it with our awesome spring and summers. But we aren't prepared for this. The entire city is shut down! I've skied my whole life, so I'm more used to it than many but it's the many that causes problems. Portland is full of abandoned cars! It's a mess.
Jan 15Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 Oh no what s mess
Jan 15Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 It's worse tonight. We have about 6 inches of packed snow covered in a lovely layer of ice! So, I think I've decided...Can we do the jacket and Jill Stuart dress? I really need you to get some size 8.5-9 shoes. Haha. You have so many adorable pair but they are way too small! Those YSL's.... I can ship it tomorrow/today if you agree.
Jan 15Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 Oh geez that crazy weather it's cold here like tonight it's 34 that cold not fun .. ok so the lv is the 35? That makes me so happy ok so the bluemarine coat and the Jill Stuart dress done I know you like the Ralph Lauren cardi do you want too swap that fur the cute colored gucci bag ? I mean since we are trading may as well make the Llosa of it lol and I will ship Tuesday morning since no mail today or Tomw bc of the holiday
Jan 15Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 ya, I was just informed that I'm a day off! I'm all screwed up from this mess and being stuck home! Oh and it's been in the teens and 20's. That's probably like 34 is to you! Too freaking cold for my delicate self. Lol. Yes! The cardigan for the Gucci bag works for me! It's super cute, you'll like it! Yay! Way to be a problem solver! Lol
Jan 15Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 Great and yes way to cold for me too.. perfect you like the tiered Jill Stuart dress rtnot the yellow maxi dress .. and when yr ready I will change a listing when yr ready and o know yr crazy for Valentino bags I would love to see s few . Window shop lol
Jan 15Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 Hello Just checking in to see if you were able to mail
Jan 22Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 Sorry! The wee one turns 2 tomorrow so I was in Children's Museum He*l.... Yes, I was but I got there too late to give it to the actual mail clerks. I had to give it to the people in back so you likely won't see it scanned until the a.m. The little jerk mailman didn't bother to come up to my porch to pick up my packages Saturday or it would be halfway there by now... I need to leave him cash again. Lol. It does wonders for his work ethic!
Jan 23Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 lol that's so funny that's what my mom does . She had a cranky mail person that if maybe the red ex man was thr she would say they were in her way and not drop anything off lol but then at Christmas my parents gave cash as a treats and she miss sweets pie
Jan 23Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 Your mom is smart! I gave this guy 20.00 one time just for dealing with my shopping problem. All of my packages were left I'm a Post Office tub with a note that said to just leave it on porch sometime and he'll grab it then. My postage due's he would cover and get it when he saw me..
Jan 23Reply
jjennboymomof4 @fashionjack34 Then, Christmas happened and the Arctic Blast hit and one day last week when they actually were delivering I got nothing. I'm sure he was thinking these won't all fit in her mailbox and there is no way I'm getting out of this truck and stiffed me! Lol
Jan 23Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey!!! Would love for you to check out my closet! I have a huge selection of handmade jewelry and most of my items are NWT or NWOT! If you want to send me a bundle offer I am flexible and work with my buyers on a fair price!
Jan 27Reply
barriebailey Hello and Happy February ☃ I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience as much as I am 🛍💸🎁 If you have any questions regarding my closet (I have women's men's & kids) or talk about Poshmark in general, let me know 😍
Feb 06Reply
chelcfit Thanks for your purchase❤ will be shipped asap. Saw the rest of your bundle items, I will also offer you a buy 1 get 1 half off deal. If you are interested, simply message me your favorite items and I can create a personal listing for you. Happy poshing❗️ 🎉🙌🏼
Feb 14Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 Hi hope all well ❤️
Jun 29Reply
vancityjess @jjennboymomof4 hi, any chance you still have the pink manolos that you bought from prettypants back in January?
Oct 27Reply
julesbposhing Jodi, I saw that you liked two of my items...the DFW dress (EUC) and the Rebecca Taylor skirt (NWT, pristine) that I just added on Friday. If you want to start a bundle, I can work my best offer with shipping discount. Also, FYI, I'm going to be adding 5 more designer items (NWT or EUC) this afternoon when you take a peek. Of course, happy to answer questions on any of my pieces. Hugs, Jules
Feb 20Reply
annaoneill Hey there! I noticed you're a fan of Rebecca Taylor...I have several pieces in my closet that I think you'd love. Feel free to check it out. I am open to offers.. Cheers! :)
Feb 28Reply
yankwoksui GI. WELCOME ! Thanks for ur offer Update ur payment asap pls ! thanks. Nice day !
May 17Reply
yankwoksui HI. WELCOME ! Thanks very much for ur purchase I " ll ship them asap Nice Sunday !
May 17Reply
lesmarques Hey, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Suits Liquidation sale. Beautiful collection of tessuto Zegna, vitale barberis and Loro Piana. In addition we have Versace and Armani collezioni Ties that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
May 27Reply
glamboutique19 5/$25 sale in my closet ‼️
May 29Reply
denden001 Hi! Thanks for your purchase. The Nike sets will ship tomorrow.
Apr 18Reply
cynfuls_closet hello - I accepted your offer on my Chloe bathing suit bit it seems your payment method changed. can you please update it.? thank you
May 07Reply
cynfuls_closet terrible that you make an offer based on not having proper payment once accepted. courtesy obviously does not work in your world of buying and selling on PM. shameful practice.
May 08Reply
tumbleforyou Hi Jodi! I accepted your offer on these amazing Kate Spade sheets. There was a payment issue that needs to be corrected. I’ll have these out to you in the morning:)
Apr 10Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
May 30Reply
fashionjack34 @jjennboymomof4 would love to trade again if you like something in my closet ❤️❤️
Jul 07Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Jul 07Reply
cutehosiery @jjennboymomof4 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 10Reply
adiel1949 Thank you so much for stopping by and liking an items from my closet. Hope you find other items to bundle with those two short sets. I’ve two new button down shirts size 8 selling as well. If you bundle I’ll give you a discount on total purchase plus discount on shipping charges. Please visit again as I’m listing different items everyday. Blessings to you and your family! May God keep you all safe.
May 13Reply

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Last Active: 28 hours ago

Troutdale, OR
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Last Active: 28 hours ago

Troutdale, OR
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