Meet your Posher, Jodi
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Hi! I'm Jodi~ I have enjoyed my Poshmark experience more than I could have imagined. It's been such a fun learning journey. I've been blessed with awesome customers and am so greatful for all the support.The great community, and many PFF"s make it a fab platform.
I sell my handmade jewelry including custom orders, Vintage collectible Sterling Jewelry, and a nice selection of good quality pre💜 clothing. I will always give a nice discount on bundles & help. I want your experience to be happy.

94 others
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Welcome to Poshmark
Jul 19Reply

Great posh store !
Jul 19Reply

@saltycwgrl Over here! Would you like for me to tag you in a game that will give you more exposure and possibly get you more followers? All for free, now that's a deal 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻(you can't tell from the emoticons, but I am actually a pretty good dancer (thanks mom for 6 years of ballet!) 🐧 Couldn't find a ballerina, so I went with a penguin, ever seen Happy Feet? Iris Foot loose without the ppl, but w penguins 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sep 12Reply

@saltycwgrl Girl, what r u talking about? Your closet is FANTASTIC! Wayyyyy, better than mine (it's o.k., I will survive 😁). Seriously, are u using a computer program for the colors? Lovely staging too! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 12Reply

@ireland7476 Me & my dancing skeletons would love to play a tag game!!! We R IN 😅😅😅🐴😉
Sep 12Reply

@saltycwgrl Can't possibly dance better than mine... Well then, one never knows 😂😂😁😁
Sep 12Reply

@ireland7476 Too funny !! Computer bobutet banana fanabobutet...mimymomametercomputer!! All I've got is my not so smart phone. NO kidding. Thanks for the ♡♡♡...and the 77 shares!! 😅😅🐴🐴🐴🌻🌼🍹😉💚💌💀😨
Sep 12Reply

@ireland7476 I bet your babe of a mannequin will kick my skeleton'S butt when I get them all gussied up for their first modeling job!! So you are it! 😉😊😆🐴🐴🌼
Sep 12Reply

@saltycwgrl It has to be the next generation smartphones 🤸. That or your phone is wayyyyy smarter than mine (no offense phone, u do a great job 😁) 🤔🤓
Sep 12Reply

@ireland7476 Okay so I'm down for the count but can I come back and play tomorrow??! Paaaaaleeeease?? 🐴 My brain hurts to much to read all the rules right now...but there's always tomorrow for dreams to come true....
Sep 12Reply

@saltycwgrl Tomorrow, tomorrow is only one day awayyyyyy 🎶🎶🎵🎵 Jody, or should I call you Saltycwgrl, I mean, we just met, so up to you (just in case I am Chiara -read like Tiara. but w a K), my everything hurts. I had this idea to enroll in a boot camp, today was the first day. I mean, EVERYTHING hurts. No, we don't play at night (well from time to time there is a Sip and chat, but when wine is involved who cares, as long as it is 5 o'clock somewhere), I play in the a.m.
Sep 12Reply

although some mornings I wake up, and as soon as I realize I am not actually Alice in Wonderland, I just want to stay in bed. Can't. Have to make sure the skeletons stay where they are and not complaining too much 😱😱, sometimes they can be demanding. Hence, tomorrow it is 😀😁😂🤗🦄 👢👡👠👟👞🎒🛍👝👜👛👚👙👘👗👖👕👔🕶👓💤💤💤💤💤💤
Sep 12Reply

@ireland7476 GOOD MORNING ALICE ❣ Did you let your skeleton'S out for a weekend stretch? Just checking in~ you probably thought I was MIA but really it's ADD. 😉😨
I've sold 7 items in the last few days some swell gals so that's been great fun for me ....YAYHOOOOOOEEEEEEE🎉🎊🎉🍭🌼💜
Hope all is well in your neck of the Posh World!
OH & I got my 1st happy sign hung up....i'll send it to you! 🐴
Sep 16Reply

hi Jodi I carry a lot of Lilly Pulitzer, Ralph Lauren, Kate Spade, Chelsea & Violet, and Gianni Bini in my closet all new with tags. My pricing is negotiable-If you see anything you like let me.
Dec 23Reply

Thanks for the update! I appreciate.
Jan 25Reply

Jan 31Reply

@vintage316 😙🐴
Jan 31Reply

Thank you! Your quotes in your closet have inspired me so iv gone back to check twice to be sure I hadn't missed any. ❤️❤️❤️thank you again. Cheers to you and your effective ways!
Feb 09Reply

@tiffanieandco You are so sweet to have taken the time to share your kindness...THANK YOU for that. I'm a huge fan of "Atta Girls/Boys" and try to give them as much as I can...I've always said that there is a huge imbalance in how often we hear what we have done wrong, or not good enough and how much we hear compliments. 😘🌼. I shared my new favorite quote to your closet...I am the Storm!
Feb 09Reply

@saltycwgrl Saltyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! 💟💟💟💟
Feb 18Reply

@ireland7476 Irelaaaaaaaaaaaand. That was one helluva vacation out took your skeleton's on!!! Did you have a big time??🐴
Feb 18Reply

@dvornkahl You betcha' ! Thanks for all your shares❣ Happy Sunday to you as well 👌👍🐴😚
Feb 18Reply

Hey Girl ~ Hape you had a nice long weekend. Looks like you had some good sales! YAHOOOOIEEEEE👍👏👏✌🎉🎊I was going to tease you because you were going to have to get restocked before you run out of stuff to share ❣ 🐴
Feb 20Reply

I love the pictures you take with the added accents. Super cute!!
Feb 22Reply

@sbichell Thank You so much...that's a super nice compliment and I really appreciate you taking the time to pass that on to me❣
Jodi 🐴
Feb 22Reply

@youarepretty Okay Sistah'~ I'm dying to hear your OH so pretty ( Be~YOU~tiful) secrets! I've missed seeing your youareorettyness in my feed lately ❣ Glad your back.
Blue Skies, Jodi 🐴
Feb 24Reply

@mkolkman Hi Megan~ I probably confused you more with all my msgs scattered here and there~ my apologies! So I just sent you a new offer on the bundle of the 4 items. If you want some time but don't want to miss something that might sell, I'm happy to hold something for you...just let me know. Thanks! Jodi 🐴
Mar 01Reply

@smashley1983 Hi Ashley~ I just went ahead and put the UGGs "on hold" for you so if we don't get a chance to visit this morning (it's after 12:00 am here anyway😉) then we can visit later on and nobody will scoop them up in the meantime 🐴 👍 Jodi
Mar 02Reply

@hoover993 Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions I'm happy to help. Everyone is super about answering questions or helping any way they can. The reason I was posting a msg was to tell you how cute the 2 if you are in your picture, and then I saw you are a new Posher so wanted to say "Welcome aboard"! Have a great day~ Jodi 🐴 @saltycwgrl
Mar 05Reply

@lindacortezp Hi Linda~ I sent you a msg about your offer on the swim suit, but in case you didn't get it ...I wanted you to know that I would accept your offer if you will just use the offer button and submit it that way I will be happy to accept it. Thanks much! Jodi🐴
Mar 17Reply

@nellarella808 Hello my friend~ Mahalo for the shares! Hope you have a fantastic and beautiful weekend❣ Jodi 🐴
Mar 17Reply

@saltycwgrl aww absolutely! Just returning your kindness😗. Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of aloha and TONS of sales! 🤙
Mar 17Reply

Mar 18Reply

@vintage316 Back at you Sistah' ✌⭐⭐⭐😘😙😘😙🐴
Mar 18Reply

@tiffanieandco Hi Tiff~ I think using the web pics must be OK because people use them all the time. And I think it's def a plus using photos of our items being modeled wether mannequin or live person. I would bet that clothing etc probably sells better when modeled. I know for me it makes a huge difference. That being said, flat lay pics can look awesome and cohesiveness and a bit of staging....I think.
Mar 23Reply

One thing I have been thinking about is getting a backdrop like a pretty wallpaper wood floor...I found a company that has tons and I think it was only $20 for a piece big enough. I'll get the website link and send it to you. So yeah, I think keeping our listings somewhat cohesive by using the same background helps keep things looking organized and helps the item be where the focus is.
Mar 23Reply

@tiffanieandco And I think using props is great as long as they don't overpower the main subject. You know so many of these Posher's rock it by placing accessories with the item for sale. It really does help to inspire buyer' know by showing how cool something looks with a pair of boots, sunglasses, belts, scarves etc. The main thing is to make sure that items you use to stage don't overpower the item we are trying to showcase.
Mar 23Reply

So Tiff, I have a ton to learn too, but these things I have just picked up from cruising through closets, and reading the Poshmark Blog stuff has been helpful for me.
Hope to catch up with you soon...we are on opposite coastlines and that 3 hour diff prob makes it more challenging but I will try to catch you soon!
Blue Skies ❣ Jodi 🐴
Mar 23Reply

@saltycwgrl good morning Jodi.🌞 not sure if my iPads or app is correct but your up early? I’m in California so technically I’m up late... hehehe. I’m an artist and sometimes~most of the times my creative juices don’t start flowing till 1am 🤔🤪Strange messed up artistic schedule.Yes, let me know about the backdrop site. That would work well. It’s not easy to take pix although it’s creative and fun. And it takes daily time. But I’m so great full for this Posh. And the peeps are special too. ❤️ttyl
Mar 23Reply

@tiffanieandco There's actually lot's of shops on Etsy that sells backdrops in vinyl and fabric. ' Ink and Elm' is one that had a good selection of different wood, brick etc.
Mar 23Reply

@tiffanieandco I'm not a commercial artist but do tons of artistic type stuff and I understand what you mean about your schedule. And my different energies and focus is best in the early morning. (Or late night...whichever way you look at it!) . 👌😉🤔
Mar 23Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha! Pehea 'oe ? 😆👍. Hope your weekend is no ka oi ❣🐴 jodi
Mar 24Reply

@saltycwgrl Aloha Jodi! Maika'i no wau, Mahalo (I'm well, thank you) a'o 'oe? (And yourself?) I hope you are having an epic weekend. Btw I totally love your "I am the storm" listing 😀💪... Gave me strength for today😘
Mar 24Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha again ka'u hoaaloha❣ I'm so glad my little storm sign brightened your day....Mahalo for sharing's so sweet to know when we have made a difference ...even in the smallest of ways! Blessings to you and your family~ A Hui hoa 💜👍✌⭐🌻🌼🌸🐴
Mar 24Reply

@saltycwgrl aww blessings to you and yours as well my friend 😘. Me ke aloha pumehana~ Chanel
Mar 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hi there ! 😊 I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark. A great community of people and awesome deals. I am a Posh Top Seller and a Posh Mentor so if you have any questions i will be glad to help 😃 I also invite you to check out my closet for great deals.Happy Poshing 😃
Mar 27Reply

@soriag Hi Gloria~ Nice to meet you! Thanks for the friendly message! I just made it to 'Ambassador' recently and 💜 Poshmark. I'm more of a seller than a buyer at the moment, but I'm a top 10% sharer so I will absolutely come see your closet and share away! Have a fantastic day🌼
Mar 27Reply

@dvornkahl Hey Girl~ it looks like you've been kicking butt in sales👍🎉🎊🎉🎉🍾❣🎡👌🌼😃🤗😎😆. Way to go! That is so fun to know...when you notice because things you've seen/shared are no longer there. YAHOOOOIEEEEE. Have you noticed a spike since you made Ambassador status? I noticed a big increase in followers after I got to Ambassador and had a couple spurts of increase in sales so that was fun. And spring is supposed to be a good time for sales❣👍. Hope you are well! Jodi. 🐴
Mar 27Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha nui loa ka'u houaloha Chanel 💜
Mar 28Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Mar 28Reply

@blkcatfashions Well Thanks so much for that! You have a big beautiful fab week yourself my friend! 🐴
Mar 28Reply

@saltycwgrl Aloha my sweet friend! Sorry for the late response, I had a pretty crazy day in sales and then took the keiki's out to the park since it was such a beautiful day 🌞 I hope your day was a wonderful and profitable one 😘 Sending some aloha your way 🌈🤙
Mar 29Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha Kakahiaka ka' u hoaaloha! Please never worry about replying to my posts right away....when i leave a note it's becouse I am thinking good thought of and for you, but without expectation ka' u hooaloha! We are all living our lives outside of Posh ✌ please don't ever feel bad.
Mar 29Reply

@nellarella808 Hope your time at the park was nui le' ale'a !!
You are a sweety! Have a wonderful day, lot's of sales, tons of hugs from the keiki's in your life, and an abundance of all beautiful things! Aloha for now Chanel...kou hoa Jodi 😚🐴
Mar 29Reply

@saltycwgrl Aww Mahalo nui Jodi🙏 We had such a good day at the park yesterday. The keiki's made a new friend and tested their limits on the playground 🙈 It was definitely a challenge to sit back and let them take their scrapes and get back up, but definitely necessary. And then I had a proud mommy moment when they were snacking on broccoli and carrots🙌 I hope you are enjoying your week as much as we are and wishing you an even more epic weekend😘 much love and aloha to you my friend. A hui hou 🌺
Mar 30Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha Chanel❣ I so enjoyed hearing about you fun day with kiekas ( ?) a good chuckle out of your proud Momma moment! That's HUGE. ..especially the broccoli...your darlings must have an adventurous spirit!
I loved that you said you took them to the park because it was a nice day😉😆 . Isn't it always a nice day in Paradise (HI.)???!! I live in the east coast, Rhode Island and we've had a wicked winter with 3 back to back
Mar 30Reply

@nellarella808 to back Nor'easter's which bring big wind (almost Hurricane winds on 2 of them) and cold & snow...and that was just 2 weeks ago!! 😝. .!! I love the changing seasons though I think I could easily adapt to being able to swim in the ocean all year round! 👍👍.
Mar 30Reply

@nellarella808 I try to have whatever comes my way "all good" mostly! Oe e ai ka'u hoaaloha Chanel❣❣ U A nui hopena pull 😉😄😆! And tons of awesome Aloha spirit!
You hoa, Jodi 🐴 😙😙🤗
Mar 30Reply

@saltycwgrl Aloha Jodi! Oh man, yesterday was another beautiful and HOT day at the park.You are absolutely right my friend it is always nice here, but when you're used to the weather here you take it for granted! A little gray cloud and we're like "nope can't go to the beach, it's too cold!" And it's like 78° outside 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 31Reply

It was 96° yesterday on the westside!🤒 We definitely enjoyed our good Friday though. Drove 25 mins to the complete opposite end of the island to another park just so the keiki's (kids) could ride swings. Totally amazing. You should definitely come down here and soak up the sun and ocean! 😉 Wishing you the most abundant weekend ever and a blessed Easter my friend! 😘💨💋
Mar 31Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha Chanel❣ So tell me ka' u noaaloha how is the humidity? I just moved back to Rhode Island after living in Montana & Wyoming for 25 years and the humidity just kicks my butt😝. I'm super sensitive to it because I got heat stroke some years ago....but out West the air is dry...hardly ever humid. Just curious😆. Of course it makes a huge difference if you're working in it or playing in it. It bothers me mostly when I'm busy working outside with no a/c around...
Mar 31Reply

@nellarella808 Not nearly as tough to deal with when I'm at the beach or out on a boat 👍😆. So it sounds like the Island is pretty small if you drove to the other end for the park? It only takes about 45 minutes to drive from one end of R.I. to the other! Alot diff from Wyo & Montana where it takes you that long to get to the next town 😉. They all have their unique beauty though and I feel blessed to have been able to experience life in all of them. 👍✌
Mar 31Reply

The closest place like HI. I've been to is St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands....and I 💜💜💜 it! An easy place to fall in love with for sure. Well ka' u hoaaloha...Have a blessed
Mar 31Reply

@nellarella808 Easter weekend and tons of awesome Aloha spirit to all of your family. Will chat again soon ❣😙😙😙😙😙😙Jodi 🐴
Mar 31Reply

Good afternoon Jodi. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 01Reply

@hmsimon1 You betcha'! Your creations are beautiful! Thank You for sharing back❣ Have a great day~ Jodi 🐴
Apr 02Reply

@saltycwgrl Aloooooha kakahi'aka (good morning... well it's morning here 🤣) Jodi! I hope your Easter weekend was your most memorable one yet! Ours was filled with great friends, great food and water gun fights!! 🤣🤣🤣 It was overcast yet 96°out😥 The kids had a blast.. Whelp time to feed my little zoo 🤣 May your day be filled with abundance and joy my sweet hoa'aloha 😉 a hui hou🤙
Apr 04Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha Chanel❣
Aloha ahiahi 😉. So glad you had a wonderful Easter Holiday spent with all the people you love! It doesn't get better than that. It was a pretty and sunny day here as well....around 42° for the high....Then Monday we had about 2-3" snow ⛄☃. And today was my
Apr 04Reply

@nellarella808 favorite...a kaumaha loa ka ua day❣ I am a rain person... I 💜 the rain.... walking in it, singing in it, dancing in it ...and the sound of the rain is one of my favorite sounds. Right up there with laughter!! It was great catching up with you~ sending love & blessings your way~ Kou hoa, Jodi 🐴
Apr 04Reply

@tiffanieandco Hey Tiff! The Aretha Franklin lyrics are beautiful! " When my soul was in the lost and found, you helped me claim it".....😉👍😊
Apr 06Reply

@tiffanieandco I'm going to check my email!! 🐴
Apr 06Reply

You are too kind ❤️👌
Apr 07Reply

@golfnut777 Hi Golfnut! I'm just paying it forward my friend...but I do try to be a nice Thanks!! How you are well and having a perfectly wonderful weekend! 👌👍😉😅🐴
Apr 07Reply

@golfnut777 I knew you would like my new "more beach time" sign😊✌
Apr 07Reply

@golfnut777's "Best in Tops" Party and you've got the nicest and best men's tops around! ✊😉😆
Apr 07Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha Chanel~
Ka' u hoaaloha❣ Hope you are having a fabtastic (I made that one up...hahahaaaa😂) day/night! Kou hoa~ Jodi 🐴😚😎
Apr 10Reply

@saltycwgrl Jodi!🤗 Aloha my sweet friend! Yes I'm absolutely having a FABTASTIC afternoon! 😉 Watching cartoons and snacking with the littles whilst sharing my closet... I hope your day has been as relaxing as ours and wishing you a prosperous night. A hui hou my friend 😘
Apr 10Reply

Couldn’t have said it better myself Jodi! Posh addicted! Pay it forward! And givin’ gratitude!! ✌🏻💜😋Cody
Apr 12Reply

@santosmom Cool...glad to meet you! You know what they say... " Brilliant minds think alike" 😆😅😉😂😂Have a fantastic day and Thanks for sharing your appreciation....that's a real compliment! Jodi 🐴
Apr 12Reply

I could literally ❤️ your whole closet!!
Apr 13Reply

@santosmom Awe Cody~What a nice thing to say....Thank You for that great compliment...blush blush. 🐴
Apr 13Reply

Thank you for all your shares!! 😘✌🏻☺️
Apr 15Reply

@dvornkahl Hi Debbie~ Thank you friend for the great compliment ❣ I thought I needed to do something different and it has definatly helped. THANK YOU for always being such a great sharer and PFF👍😊😚😚😚 Jodi 🐴
Apr 20Reply

@golfnut777 Holy Cannoli must be worn out with all those peeps your following! Between that and being chased down by your looking large better take 5. Or would that be
Fooooooooooouuuur (golfspeak) 😂😅😂😆😄😉😂😂😂
Apr 23Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha ka' u hoaaloha Chanel❣ I hope your world is bright and beautiful. Having awesome sales too!
Malama pono~ Aloha Jodi🐴
Apr 23Reply

@saltycwgrl that number will go down slowly 😂
Apr 23Reply

@golfnut777 Yeah yeah...that's what Jack Nicklaus used to say!!!😆😄😉😂😂😂😅👌😂🐴
Apr 23Reply

@golfnut777 Maybe Big Jack meant his handicap.....hum....
Apr 23Reply

@saltycwgrl Aloha kakahiaka my sweet hoa'aloha 🤗 my days have indeed been bright and beautiful 🌞⛱ we've been enjoying beautiful sunny weather at the beach with the keiki's and poshmark has been amazing lately 💃 I've never made so many sales!🙌🙌🙌 life has been totally amazing. I'm hoping life is equally as beautiful and abundant for you and your ohana. Sending tons of aloha energy your way my friend. A hui hou 🤙~chanel 😘
Apr 23Reply

@santosmom Hi Cody~ Sorry I didn't respond...I just found your message. Cute cute cute! And thanks for the compliment! If you lived close by I would just end up giving stuff to you which would kind of defeat my purpose 😉😉😚😚 Hope you are well~ Jodi🐴
Apr 25Reply

@patric1950 Hi Patricia~ I posted a custom listing for you to look at. See what you think. If you want something changed I can sure make another pair until we get it right! Thanks so much~ Jodi🐴
Apr 26Reply

👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
Apr 29Reply

@jessyjosh Helloooooo~ Well I cruised over to take a look at your closet and it looks great! Your pictures are nice and clear and clean (no distractions)....and all your shirts look nice and neat. So yahooooooooooooooeeeeeee...good for you. My tips would be to share share share....the more that you share the faster things will get rolling for you as far as sales. And since you have mainly Men's shirts make sure to check out the Men's Style Parties that happen every week.
Apr 29Reply

@jessyjosh A great place to share your listings and get more exposure. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need help with anything. Wishing you all the best! Jodi🐴
Apr 29Reply

Great closet and perfect attitude...yes, community, sharing, and supporting...Hope I can turn this into a retirement career...Are you a farm girl...We are outdoorsy over here!
Apr 29Reply

@lh1363 like my pink tractor don't ya?! 😉😂 Well I guess I could be called "saltyfarmgirl"? Anyway...yes I spent 30 years farming and ranching in Wyoming and Montana. But now I'm on the East Coast enjoying the ocean. But if I ever get back to ranching I want a pink tractor for sure❣
Apr 29Reply

@lh1363 I like your name Thistle and That Farms...cute cute! 🐴
Apr 29Reply

@saltycwgrl Funny...I spent a summer in WY...We live in NH...We have an antique colonial horse farm...also live on a trawler for the warm weather on the Piscataqua River...also ocean people:)...and yes, the pink tractor is the bomb!
Apr 29Reply

@saltycwgrl Thanks...I did lessons, clinics, mommy & me, and summer camps...I also breed Labradors...We make a living landscaping...but trying to get the farm ready to rent rooms to Equestrians and Organic Farmers for between 1-9 months per is in the 3yr plan...heading down the Intracoastal for winter...soon:)...Poshmark is helping me to downsize ...
Apr 29Reply

@lh1363 The best of both worlds I'd say! I love trawlers. They just have great character. A few summers ago an original whale research trawler that had been refitted to be a live aboard came into the harbor I'm on and it was so very cool. I even love the Nordic Tugs. So good for you...sounds like you've got a pretty fun plan ahead. Nice to visit with you! Jodi 🐴
Apr 29Reply

@saltycwgrl Nordic Tugs!!! So beautiful!
Apr 29Reply

@saltycwgrl just noticed where you are from...our youngest went to URI for her first semester...she got on the Dean's list but decided to transfer home to a private school she can commute to...nice area:) you live in...
Apr 29Reply

@lh1363 I went there too but I'm not saying which year it was!! Ha...I actually made it 2 semesters before I decided that if I was going to be a cowgirl ( I grew up riding English~ jumping and dressage stuff) I had better get out West where I could do it right! The list I got on was about 360* different than the Dean's List!! You must be very proud! I doubt you mind having her closer to home either 👌😉. Well I will make sure to keep your closet on my share list and pop in to say hello.
Apr 30Reply

@dvornkahl Hi Debbie~ Just wanted to say Hello and Thank You for being such a fantabulous ( my new word I made up😉😂) PFF❣Have a super Tuesday! 🐴
May 01Reply

@nellarella808 Aloha pehea 'oe Chanel ? Fantabulous I hope. Ka' u mea ehana nui! I had to tell you about a funny comment I got the other day.....I sold a listing to someone in HI., and when I sent a follow-up I wrote Mahalo Kapua...then Aloha when I was saying goodbye. She sent me back a msg..." got some local girl lingo to go with excellent customer service...". I laughed so hard. I told her going to Hawaii was on my "Bucket List" so I was practicing up 😆😉.
May 01Reply

@nellarella808 Thaught you might get a laugh about that. I don't know why but Mahalo has stuck with me ever since I first discovered it from you. It's just such an great way to say Thank just sounds 'right' if that makes any sense? Btw...Mahalo for the nice compliment last time you visited! It's much appreciated and it made my day! Things have been crazy busy on the sale front~ I do agree's been great fun.
May 01Reply

@nellarella808 I hope your keiki's are GREAT and you & yours as well. UA i ka pull mui~
Kou hoa~ Jodi 🐴
May 01Reply

@dvornkahl Mahalo!! (Thank You). That's such a nice compliment my's been fun redoing things and it's made such a positive difference! I love all your new items as well. Wishing you tons of sales all spring long❣ Take care~ Jodi🐴
May 01Reply

@saltycwgrl Good morning Jodi! 😂😂😂 What a great story to start my day with! Of course it feels right, you've definitely got the aloha spirit in you 😉 you are Hawaiian at heart my friend. 💕 Stoked to hear that your sales have been great! This has definitely been my best month in sales on poshmark to date! Stay in alignment my friend... You've got big things coming 😘 Sending warm hugs your way 🤗🤗🤗 a hui hou~ Chanel
May 01Reply

@lyric99 Hello and Happy Day to you! I shared ...well I like it count after 20...items from your closet. No need to share back to me, but you can Pay It Forward to someone👍❣😆😚 Have a fantabulous week~
May 01Reply

@saltycwgrl Thanks Ms Jodi❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 01Reply

It's no wonder why I missed you so much the past week....your messages are like a Big 'Ole Angel kiss and you always put a smile on my face and warm my heart. Mahalo for being that kind of special person that I feel so blessed to have run into! Aloha ka' u hoaaloha...Kou hoa~ xo Jodi😚😚🐴🌈🌠⭐🎉
May 01Reply

@lyric99 You betcha'❣❣👍🐴
May 01Reply

@golfnut777 I don't know how to tell you this but you've been bumped out of my #1 favorites Posh Person Pic by Seal 🐕. I know it's a crusher but I shared him to your closet and I think once you see him you'll understand! (I hope!!?!)
😂😂😂 Hope you are well my friend~ have a most excellent day! 🐴
May 03Reply

@saltycwgrl 😂 😂 😂
Why I must say you are my fav posher and
I truly know why because
You bring a smile to my golfing face stranger.
Had to take a break with the real job taking over #1 spot 😂 and well is my middle name this day
Happy Poshing and I will return the top pic soon
May 03Reply

Have a Blessed week!!!🙌🏻😘 XO, Lynette
May 15Reply

You as well Lynette❣ Jodi🐴
May 15Reply

@sticks_stones Don't tell him that! 😂😂😃😄😅. About the wallet 😉👌😂
May 16Reply

@sticks_stones He's probably already a bit sensitive with all those boxing gloves you've got laying around Sister Emeril (sp?)🐴😂
May 16Reply

Beautiful items in your closet! 🌹🌹👀💯😱
May 17Reply

@lisetteashley Thank You so much for your kind words❣ Such an awesome made my day👍😆 Mahalo~ Jodi 🐴
May 17Reply

@11addie Hi Carrie~ I tagged you in the listing for the smaller hoops, but in case you don't get that I wanted to let you know that I uploaded some examples for you to check out. Let me know what you think 🤔. Thanks! Jodi 🐴
May 21Reply

@11addie I was able to shorten the Sandollars earrings a tiny bit...I hope so much that they aren't too long for you! I also threw in the original hoops you were looking at because they weren't that much bigger and I just didn't like the other ones as well😉. Hopefully you will like them, but if they are too big, you can always "gift" them! Another goodie that I really think you will love. And on the collar necklace, one of the end balls
May 26Reply

@11addieend balls unscrews so that you can exchange charms.Have a wonderful Holiday weekend. Thanks so much again for all your purchases Carrie~ I truly appreciate your business!
Blessings~Jodi 🐴
May 26Reply

⭐️🎉🍾💝Enjoy your day as Queen Fairy💝🍾🎉⭐️ XO, Lynette🌻
May 28Reply

@tiffanieandco Hey Tiff~ did you get my msg about the Eternity knot bracelets? Lmk 👍👌✌💃💃🐴
May 30Reply

@kadler Hi Kim~ I sent you an offer on the two sets of earrings that you bundled. Have a great day! Thanks~
May 30Reply

@golfnut777 How's my favorite Golfnut these days? Vunderbar I hope! I was checking out your newest posh pic...and I know what he's thinking. Oh you would like to know? Ok ...he's thinking...."I'm not very confident in that putt, but maybe my caddie will get back from changing the oil on my electric golf cart and jerk that flag outta the hole and give me a fighting chance"...😄😅😂😂😆
May 30Reply

@saltycwgrl I’m well friend and thanks for the shares. Played yesterday in the rain ☔️
Wasn’t happy about that but joyful 😂 there’s a difference. Happy poshing to the MVP of Poshing ❤️🏌️♀️😎
May 30Reply

@golfnut777 Well you know what they say don't you my favorite Golfnut...." Some people golf in the rain, and some people just get wet" ...I bet you played the game all in?!!! Of course there is a difference if it starts to thunder and lightning when your holding a 9 iron! 😉 I myself la la laooooove the rain, but I'm prone to getting struck by lightening so I ditch the beach walking when it gets loud! Glad you are well my friend and enjoying life❣ Jodi 🐴
May 31Reply

@dvornkahl You betcha' my friend! It's such big fun having one of your listings picked❣ Hope you are well Debbie~ have an awesome weekend👍✌👜👗👜👒👡🌈🎉🎉🎈🎊🎉🎏🎁 Jodi🐴
Jun 01Reply

@dvornkahl WOW!! Your closet looks awesome. ..💜 all your new items. Looks like you've been busy Girl! Way to go❣❣
Jun 01Reply

@dvornkahl Thanks my friend! It sure is a fun journey and it amazes me how it evolves and builds on itself as time goes on. It's neat finding and exploring your own unique style, and watching as it develops. I just <3 exploring all the crazy number of amazing closets out there. And of course the best part is just the positivity and the concept of helping each other to succeed. Very cool❣ I <3 all your new Free People and other great brands you've got! Thanks for being my long time PFF 😚🐴
Jun 01Reply

@tiffanieandco Hey Tiff~ your closet is looking amazing! You've done alot of work~ beautiful. Hope your day is perfectly happy on your terms✌❣ ttfn~ Jodi🐴
Jun 01Reply

@golfnut777 If I were in the market for a personal stylist, YOU would be my first and only pick big guy 😉👌😂
Remember it's not golfnut777 special.... it's golfnut777 IS special! .....
......and a bit of a nut~ that's my favorite thing about you 🐴
Jun 05Reply

@patric1950 Hi Patricia~ I was thinking about you when I made a new pair of fishies earrings so sent them yo your dressing room😆. How have you been? Enjoying our summer weather finally I hope! We've got the big air show this weekend... today is practice day and so I needed to zone out all the noise! A perfect day for my headphones listening to a good audible book and making jewelry !
Take care~ Jodi🐴
Jun 07Reply

@geeks2 Hi Sherrie~ I tagged you in the example listing for 2 bigger sized hoops. See if either is what you had in mind. Thanks, Jodi🐴
Jun 08Reply

OMG I love that pink tractor!! Not to mention your closet! Your so creative
Jun 08Reply

@curlysue001 Isn't that the bomb! 👍 Thank You for the nice compliments~ Have a awesome weekend! Jodi 🐴
Jun 08Reply

Well well, hello there!! I've been loving your closet and happened to notice that you are from RI!!! I was born and raised there, and lived there until we sold our house in 2004 and moved aboard our sailboat and took off into the sunset! I'm Cindy, and feel free to check out some of the beautiful handmade jewelry I have. Have a great, loud weekend!! 💕
Jun 08Reply

Happy weekend salty
Just checking in with my favorite Posherette👌🏼❤️😂
Jun 10Reply

@golfnut777 Well hey big guy! Happy weekend to you as well. Hope you've been soaking in all the good stuff out there....and staying out of bunkers and trees !! 😂's ok to go playing in the sandbox every now and again...helps you appreciate the grass more! 😉. Enjoy the rest of the weekend my friend....over n out~ Salty 🐴
Jun 10Reply

@saltycwgrl thanks friend
Going out tomorrow after ⛪
Wish me well 😝
Jun 10Reply

@greeks2 Hi Sherrie, Are you don't working on your bundle? I'll send you an offer shortly if I don't hear back. Thanks so much! Jodi, 🐮
Jun 16Reply

@pattyjune8 Hi Patricia~ Thank so much for purchasing the 2 item bundle! I will put it in the mail to go out first thing on Monday. Tracking usually updates within a couple hours and then you will know when to expect delivery. The last gal that purchased the twin Starfish really loved it and I hope you do too! Have a super weekend and Thanks again~
Jun 16Reply

Hi Jodi! I’m looking forward to my package! I love the beach as well, l’ve lived in Florida for the last 20 years. Unfortunately, I’m unable to soak up the sun anymore due to Lupus, but just sitting there watching & listening to the ocean is pure bliss & tranquility. Love your closet!!😘👍🏼💕💐💜🦋
Jun 17Reply

@pattyjune8 Hi Patricia~ Thank You for the nice message and compliment! Yes~ the sound of the ocean is one of my very favorites too...there's something about it that is soul soothing. It's wonderful that you still get so much enjoyment from it even if you can't "soak up the sun" because of your Lupus...that's what I call a great attitude❣ Good for you. I will be taking your package in to mail today so hopefully you'll receive on Wednesday...
Jun 18Reply

@pattyjune8 Thanks so much again for your purchases! Have a great day...I hope you are feeling well! Jodi
Jun 18Reply

@saundrasaylor Hi Saundra, I just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer on the bundle you put together. I hope that works for you. Thanks! Jodi
Jul 01Reply

@greeks2 Hi Sherrie, Thanks so much for purchasing the big bundle! I will get that wrapped up and mailed out for you tomorrow. Appreciate your shopping my closet again! Have a great rest of your weekend. Jodi
Jul 01Reply

@saltycwgrl Thank you!
Jul 01Reply

@greeks2 👍👌🎆
Jul 01Reply

Congrats on being featured as a fairy today 🌺💜Jan
Jul 02Reply

@patric1950 Hi Patricia~ Thanks so much for purchasing the cultured sea glass earrings! I will send those out to you later today....once tracking updates I would think that delivery will be Tuesday. (I wish all my orders were so guick/close!😉). I hope you love them. And I hope you've been well....enjoying the summer that finally arrived.
Thanks again Patricia...always appreciate your business! Take care~ Jodi 🐴
Jul 09Reply

@dvornkahl Hi Debbie~ I have been crazy busy moving and haven't been Poshing regularly like usual but I didn't want you to think I had forgotten about you. Just haven't had alot of time for sharing. I miss my Posh time too!! Soon I will be back to it. I hope you are doing well and that sales have been good for you. Hope you are enjoying your summer! Take care and I'll catch up soon. Jodi🐴
Jul 09Reply

@lollygardner Hi Dana~ Thanks so much for the offer and for purchasing the Wrangler Jeans bundle! I will get those wrapped up and I will put them in the mail for you today. Tracking usually updates within a couple hours of when they scan the label, and you'll get a message telling you when to expect delivery. Thanks so much again~ I appreciate your shopping my closet! All the best~ Jodi🐴
Jul 10Reply

@dvornkahl Hi ya Debbie Zuzu my fav PFF❣ Hope you are excited about your change of career paths...and hope it brings awesome new experiences into your life! I am loving your closet these days and think your prices are excellent too! Have a great night...Thanks always for the shares!! Jodi 🐴
Jul 13Reply

@golfnut777 How's my favorite Golfnut these days? Hope your scoring more birdies than bogies while you are vacationing!! And glad your on vacation AGAIN (😉😉😉😂)....Take an extra R & R for me too, k? I've been in the process of moving which is why I have been M.I.A. .....I am definitely going to be overdue for a Happy Dance when I get through...wheweeeee. So I just wanted to pop by and say hello to my favorite Nut, and let you know I'm still kicking.
Jul 13Reply

@golfnut777 Didn't want you to think I got lost! Hope you are awesome and making lots of good memories my friend....chow for now~
Salty 🐴
Jul 13Reply

@saltycwgrl made my day ❤️😂
I am well summer is my busy season
But will get back in the fray in a couple of weeks
When I come back I’m gone let the one and only boss salt know 😂😂😂😂😂❤️#myfavposher
Jul 14Reply

Great closet! Had to share some of your beachy treasures. 😊😉
Jul 16Reply

@tiffanieandco Hi ya Cutie~ long apologies! I will send an email very soon and catch up. I hope you are well my friend...I think of you much more often than you hear from me!! 😉😚 I'm getting finished moving and am going to travel for a bit and Posh from the road. Looking forward to being back at it...this move had my total attention so wasn't on Posh as much as I would have liked. Will catch you soon I hope! Be well~
😚 Jodi 🐴
Jul 21Reply

@vintage316 Hey Girl~ long time! Hope you are well....all your new creations are be~YOU~tiful❣ Enjoy your summer my friend! Jodi🐴
Jul 21Reply

@saltycwgrl Everyone needs a friend like you, you always make me SMILE! ♥️♥️♥️ Thank you, you too! 💋
Jul 21Reply

@saltycwgrl Oh my’ve been BUSY! So many PRETTY Treasures 😍😍😍
Jul 21Reply

@vintage316 Thank You Sweetie❣ Back at you~ 👍👌😚🐴
Jul 21Reply

@hightchgrl83 Hi Kathy~ I sent you an offer on the Old Navy Girls swimsuit...but as a awesome return customer 😉👍I would happily send it to you as a gift if you were interested in purchasing one of your likes! Just an idea~ Have a great rest of your weekend` Jodi🐴
Jul 22Reply

Hi Jodi, I adjusted my bundle somewhat, so hopefully you can send me an offer on that🤞. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Jul 22Reply

Hey girl! I have a ray ban case you may be interested in! Offers welcome :)
Jul 26Reply

@madzssss101 Hi Madison~ Thank You much for the tip on the Ray Ban Case...very sweet of you and I appreciate it. But, I no longer need it because my Ray Ban listing sold. Have a happy day! Jodi 🐴
Jul 26Reply

@saltycwgrl oh okay! You too :)
Jul 26Reply

@kiacubs44 Hi Jennifer~ Thank You so much for taking the time to rate your purchase and for the super kind comment. I appreciate it very much! I'm so glad that you are happy with your bracelet, and that you liked your gift. Thanks again for shopping my closet.
All the best~ Jodi 🐎
Aug 01Reply

@annieoakley1987 Hi AndreaOakley! Hope you are having a mermaidalicious summer! Thanks for the shares😁 Jodi🐎
Aug 01Reply

Judy it takes time to do the work wrapping and your thank you note and to include the beautiful Earrings was so very kind. You definitely deserved the review. I hope it helps introduce others to your closet!
Aug 01Reply

@kiacubs44 Thanks so much for that sweet msg! Your a doll. Have an awesome day ~ Jodi 🐎🌻
Aug 01Reply

@finickyflair Helloooooo! I don't know how I missed your darling msg.... Thank You so much for the wonderful and appreciated compliment! And Thanks bunches for sharing!! Have a Fab day😁🐎🌻 Jodi
Aug 01Reply

@golfnut777 I'm counting on it Nut! 👍😉😃 . #golfnutisspecialandsometimesonvacation 😃😆😅😅😂😂
Chow for now~ Salty 🐴
Aug 01Reply

@saltycwgrl Alaska and now back
Grinding again 😂
Aug 02Reply

@golfnut777 Alaska Nut?? That is so cool...good for you. I've been to every state except for Alaska, Washington and Hawaii. So it's on my Bucket List! I hope you had a ton of fun and braught home many special memories to get you through the grind my friend! Good to catch up with you. Be well and Golf quietly 😉😃😅😂😂😂. Salty 🐴
Aug 02Reply

@clothesaddict Hi Carolyn~ Thanks so much for purchasing the great catch-all bag! I will wrap it up and put it in the mail for you tomorrow. Tracking usually updates within a couple hours and you'll get a msg telling you when you can expect delivery. I appreciate you shopping my closet and hope you love the bag, it's very pretty and I do love it but have way too many bags ( if that's actually possible??😉). All the best~ Jodi 🐴
Aug 07Reply

@modig 🌸🌺🌻🌼 Back at you! And your closet is much fun! Have a Fab night~ Jodi 🐎
Aug 10Reply

Good afternoon. 🌞 Thanks for the follow!
I am going to do the same by following your closet and share some Posh love!
Have a beautiful day! ❤🐢
Aug 22Reply

@starfire8 Hi Carrie~ I am so sorry about this, but I've been holding the Nicole Miller jacket for someone since earlier this week. I had made it unavailable but just took it off that status so she could add it to her bundle. She is new and was unsure about how to do some things so it took her a little while longer than I expected (or I would have taken it down again). I feel awful for your inconvenience and disappointment!
Aug 25Reply

@starfire8I think it works best if you could cancel the order yourself, if you don't mind. If your not around for awhile I will have to cancel it on my end so I just wanted you to know why. Again, I am so very sorry for the misunderstanding. ( I left the "reserved" in the title so that it would be known but it is my fault for not taking it down until I knew she was ready for sure). Thanks for your understanding. Have a great weekend~ Jodi 🐎 @saltycwgrl
Aug 25Reply

@starfire8 If there is anything else in my closet that you like I would gladly give you a extra good deal to try to make this up to you . I appreciate your understanding! Jodi 🐎
Aug 25Reply

@starfire8 Thank You so much for understanding! And I really do appreciate that you shopped my closet. (Tried to!). Your closet is very cool btw! Be well~ Jodi 🐎
Aug 25Reply

@kiacubs44 Hi Jennifer~ Just wanted to Thank You for you sweet feedback and rating. I appreciate that you took the time to do that. I've been meaning to touch base with you to make sure you were happy with your items. I didn't realize it was delivered to the wrong person as it just said the date it was delivered so I assumed you had gotten it.
Aug 26Reply

@kiacubs44 I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle for you finding out where it was. If I had known I would have tried to help find it as well. Thanks again for everything Jennifer!
Be well~ Jodi 🐎
Aug 26Reply

@doreenduran Hi Doreen~ Thank You for looking through my closet! I see you had put a bundle together and I went ahead and sent you an offer. Hopefully it will work for you. And if you pick some items to like that always helps me when I'm trying to decide what to send as a gift 😉😉. Blessings, Jodi 🐎
Aug 26Reply

@linidiabarreto Hi Sweet Linidia~ I am so happy you loved all your items! And it was my pleasure to send you the shirts... just wanted to show my appreciation for you shopping in my closet! Thank You Linidia for the lovely comment and rating you left me~ it warmed my heart. You were a blessing and I enjoyed working with you very much!
All the best my friend~ Jodi 🐎
Aug 29Reply

It’s my pleasure to shop from your beautiful closet you are a a great jewelry artist too Jody! So talented! GBU Thanks to you!
Aug 29Reply

@linidiabarreto 😉😘😘😘
Aug 29Reply

Great store, Jodi! I grew up in RI and when I visited a few years back, I made a stop in Wickford. Happy Poshing!! I’ll be shopping in your store a lot!
Aug 30Reply

@sipandstyle You are so sweet... Thank You for that great compliment! Your's looks pretty snazzy!! Take care and Thanks for taking the time to say Hi👍😉🌼
Aug 30Reply

@sipandstyle💜 your Post name too😘
Aug 30Reply

That's Posh name 😉
Aug 30Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Sep 10Reply

@saltycwgrl Thank you! Kindness is contagious! You made my day! What extraordinary people I’m meeting on Poshmark!!! ❤️
Sep 12Reply

@kindisbeautiful I agree totally! And the act of being kind takes so little, and gives so much. Kind is the new cool! 😁🌼💜
Sep 12Reply

@platisa Hi Angie~ I just wanted to apologise for taking so long to accept my dress . I was out of town until tonight. I absolutely love the dress! It is perfect... Thank You so much! I left feedback but was in such a hurry to get it all accepted that I didn't say anything about the incredibly fast shipping... I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated that.
Sep 26Reply

@katie_ella Hi Katie~ Your package started tracking and it says you'll receive on Monday. I was hoping you would get it Saturday but.... Thanks so much again Sweetie! Have a super weekend~ Jodi 🐎🌼💜
Sep 27Reply

@saltycwgrl ❤❤❤ Thank you so much. I cannot wait for it to get here.
Sep 27Reply

@trueblu72 Hi ~ Your package started tracking and it says you'll receive on Saturday. Enjoy! Thanks so much again~ Jodi 🐎🌼
Sep 28Reply

@4hufs Hi Carrie~ I tagged you on the listing I posted for your ring. Sometimes those msgs seem to get lost in transit so I just wanted to make sure to let you know that I finished your size 6 ring and you can purchase whenever your ready. Thanks so much! Jodi 🐎💜
Oct 01Reply

@katie_ella Hi Katie~ Thank You so much for the 5⭐ rating and for taking the time to leave such sweet feedback. I am so so happy that you love everything! You are an awesome Posher and I really enjoyed our time interacting. Be well, and lmk when you get your VW 🌼🌻🌺 ✌️ Thanks again~ Jodi 🐎💜
Oct 02Reply

@christinebegley Your puppies are adorable... They look like they are ready to have a showdown, or they are in awe of each other! 😆😂😁
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley Hi Christy~ Thanks so much for purchasing the bundle! I'll pick you out a nice add-on and will wrap those up for you and send them out to you today. Tracking usually updates within a couple of hours and you'll get a msg telling you what day to expect delivery. Thanks again Christy, I appreciate you shopping my closet! Have a super day~ Jodi🐎💜
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley I think you have to set up an account first then it will walk you right through the process. See if that works? If it doesn't work lmk and I'll order some boxes and tell you how I did it! 😉👍 .
P. S. I don't think it's nearly as obvious as it should be... Like maybe they could tell you that you need to set up an account ( basically a username, password and your address). Good luck!! 😁
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley How cute!! I love that you explained the situation for me! I'm a HUGE animal lover and I get such a kick out of their personalities... And as you said, their different ways of communicating. Yeah I just love that pic .. I thought " they are either falling in love or about to get scrappy"! 😉😆😂🤣
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley I just looked back and I have an email from when I first set up my account with USPS, and it has my username. If you can get one or the other, Username or password, you should be able to get them to reset the one you can't remember? Or did you already try that? My phone just automatically saved my sign in info so it just pops up when I order stuff.
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley Also, they send stuff pretty fast, how long ago was the order you made that you don't want to mess up? Depending on how many days it's been, I would think that your info for that order is already processed? I do know that anything online and govt is a pain in the ... these days with all the security they put in place after 9-11. ☹️ I totally understand the frustration! I doubt I helped any, but sometimes I surprise myself! Bwaaahaaaaaaahahaaaa😉😆😅😂🤣
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley Here's the address that they sent my account info from
(If it helps to search for the exact address).
And speaking of them, I can't believe your package hasn't started tracking yet... I watched him scan it. Crazy!
Oct 03Reply

@christinebegley Hi Christy~ Thanks so much for the 5⭐ rating and nice comment! I'm so glad you love your jewelry. Your closet is looking fantastic btw, keep up the good work... You'll do great! Lmk if you need any help along the way~
Oct 06Reply

@christinebegley Hey Girl~ I am so impressed with how great your closet is coming along! You are getting stuff listed so fast. And you have great stuff, your closet will be a hit for sure. I'm so glad you love your jewelry... That's the best compliment there is! Your such a sweety and so kind! Hope your having a super nice long weekend. If you need any help with anything lmk~ Jodi🐎💜
Oct 08Reply

@chloe2709 Hi Carrie~ Just wanted to let you know that your package has started tracking, and will be delivered Monday. Have a fab weekend! Thanks again` Jodi💜
Oct 13Reply

@doahappydance 💜💜💜 your Closet name!! 💃💃🕺🕺🕺👯👯💃🤸
Oct 14Reply

@christinebegley Hi Christy~ Wow... Good question! One I don't have an exact answer for. Did you go into your "bundle tab"... The picture of the box on the upper right side if your closet? I think if you go there under the "buy" section you should find your bundle with a purchase button. Lmk if that works. Also, generally a seller will send you an "offer" price for that bundle, which will have a purchase/buy option. Hope that helps Sweetie! Jodi 💜
Oct 16Reply

@christinebegley Hey Girl~ Look at you go with all those sales! I'm so excited for you! YAY! Great job! Did you get the bundle thing figured out? Hope so! Have a super day & congratulations on your sales!! Jodi 💜
Oct 18Reply

@christinebegley Hi ~ I don't think you can make a bundle for a buyer, they have to put them together themselves. Does that make sense? 😉😘
Oct 18Reply

@christinebegley Hi Christy~
Glad I could help! That's crazy that you have cousins here in little R. I. I live in Wickford, down on the coast, not the city but it only takes an hour to drive from one end to the other. I've been back here for 5 years after spending many years in Montana and Wyoming. My first cross country road trip was to California when I was 17!
Have a great selling weekend!!
Oct 19Reply

@sarahanna123 Hi Sarah~ Your package started tracking and says it will be delivered Monday. (I was hoping you'd receive it tomorrow since it's just going from R. I. to N. H. 🤔)
Thanks again! Enjoy your werkend~ Jodi 💜
Oct 19Reply

Your my hero ! ❤️
Oct 19Reply

@golfnut777 Why that's awfully nice of you Nut !!
p. s. Your mine! 👍 😉😅😂🤣
Oct 19Reply

@sarahanna123 Yay! I can't wait for you to get them 👍😉
Oct 20Reply

You are very talented! Creatives unite!
Oct 22Reply

@saltycwgrl checking in friend ❤️🌹🏌️♀️💤
Oct 23Reply

@aleighdev Hi Alice~ I posted a picture of the shortened version of earrings the other night, but I think sometimes when we tag people in listings the messages don't always get conveyed. So I just wanted to touch base I n case you didn't see it. Just lmk what you think when you have time. Thanks! Have a fab day~ Jodi🐎
Oct 24Reply

@kcdd909 Hi Katherine~ You are such a peach! Thank You so much for the 5🌟 rating and for the lovely comment you left! I'm so happy that you loved everything. It's a huge compliment that I take to heart!
My appreciation for your loyalty as a return customer go without saying. Have a fab rest of you weekend. Thanks again~
Oct 28Reply

@christinebegley 😆😅🤣 I have my jammies on for sure!
You got it! Good thing we have 2 days for this! Ok I'm going to make a quick listing for us to use to chit chat on so that it's not so confusing having all of our msgs under different listings etc. That way we can visit in one spot. Brain fog brain smog I can't ever remember what we were talking about after awhile! 🤣 I'll tag you when I have it up in one sec...
Oct 31Reply

@christinebegley I'm answering you under my new chit chat listing (Hope>fear)
Oct 31Reply

@mckimmis Hi Kim~ Your first package started tracking and says you will receive on Saturday. As soon as my order comes in I'm going to try to get your other bracelet done and in the mail by P. O. closing... not sure if that plan will come together but if not it will ship first thing tomorrow. Thanks again Kim for all your purchases! Take care~ Jodi 💜
Nov 01Reply

@findingdoc1 Hi Lynette~ So nice to see you! Funny too ( not funny ha ha but funny how people appear when we've just been thinking about them!) because I had just been thinking about you a couple days ago. Your closet is looking fabulous! Love all your new stuff... very nice. And great job!
Hope you are well my friend. You are in my thoughts~
Nov 02Reply

@saltycwgrl Hello my Beautiful friend. I am very well! I Love the new poem❤️ My heart must have felt your thoughts. Thank you for the compliment, on my closet. I hope life is treating you well also😘💝 XOXO, ~Lynette~☮️🌻
Nov 02Reply

Nov 02Reply

@saltycwgrl thank you so much salty
You remain my number 1 strange salty
But you’re no stranger. You are my friend
Thanks again for helping me for what I don’t know
😂 😜 🤣🤣😆😇🤪🥂🏀⛳️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 03Reply

@golfnut777 You betcha' nutty Nut! 😆 is mise mo charaid.... That's "You are my friend" in Scots Gaelic. 😉 I was glad to help. I'm always here if you have a question about something. It's a crapshoot if I will know the answer, but you just never know! Have a fantabulous weekend mo charaid Nut! ⛳🥜🌰🥜
Nov 03Reply

@mckimmis Hi Kim~ Thank You so very much for your 5🌟 rating and lovely comment! I'm so glad you love your items and I appreciate your patience with the wait. I would give you a , 5🌟 rating as an awesome buyer if I could!! 😉😘. It was great working with you. Take care~
Jodi 💜
Nov 09Reply

Thank you for everything. Love all the pieces I’ve purchased. You are a sweetheart. Love you and your inspirational citations when viewing your closet and all of the handmade pieces. Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your kindness. 💗🍀😊✨🎏🎐
Nov 10Reply

@mckimmis Aaw~ that's so sweet! I 💜 you too! Thanks for the fantabulous compliments and for being such a wonderful and fun customer! 😘😘😘
Nov 12Reply

@solis2042 Hi Laurie~ What a nice surprise to see your message! Thank You so much for your sweet words, they made MY day! And I'm sending back my heartfelt wishes for your Thanksgiving to be a wonderful one filled with the gift of family & friends! And Thank You for the lovely words about your jewelry... A huge compliment that is so appreciated. You are a peach! Blessings, Jodi 💜
Nov 22Reply

@solis2042 Thanks so much!! 😘
Nov 22Reply

Thank you so much for following 😁
Dec 05Reply

@kcdd909 Yes you must have missed it. I was getting ready to touch base with you to see what you thought😉 I tagged you and sent them under a new listing I made up for you that has pictures of some beads and some questions. (Sometimes I think msgs get lost in the abyss!) I'll move that listing back up to the top of my closet so you can find it and Ill see d you another msg from there. I am waiting on an order that has some more greens too, so no worries if you don't like any of the ones I posted!
Dec 07Reply

@dvornkahl Hi Debbie~ I hope you are well! Wanted to wish you the Merriest of Christmas and a New Year filled with wonderful fun things. I hope you have much success as we go forward! Be well my PFF 😘 As always, Thank You for all your shares. Jodi🐎💜
Dec 22Reply

congrats on winning the love or list challenge! feel free to check out my closet and and anything you like to a bundle. I will send you my lowest offer plus either discounted or free shipping! if you purchase today I will ship tomorrow
Dec 27Reply

Congrats on the deals days win! It’s so exciting! I’m running a winners special and HALF off my ENTIRE closet for the next 24 hours!!! Send me offer and please bundle so I can offer the winners discount to you only. Thank you!
Be sure to spoil yourself today and happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 27Reply

🎊🎈🎉congratulations 🍾 on winning the Love it or list challenge!! Have fun spending $100 on Poshmark, check out my closet I have a 30% off sale going on right now on bundles 🛍 your PFF... Karla 🌺💃🌺
Dec 27Reply

Congrats on winning Love it or List it!:) Have a great time shopping and spending your $100 if you find anything in my closet add your likes to a bundle and send me an offer:) Have a happy new year!
Dec 28Reply

hey gorgeous! congratulations on winning the love or list challenge ♥ you deserve it! Feel free to visit my closet anytime :)
Dec 28Reply

Congratulations on being a Love or List Challenge winner 🎶🌟🎉🎈
Dec 29Reply

Congratulations on your love it or list it win🎉
Dec 30Reply

Jodi, your closet just makes me happy! Your jewelry is amazing and your positive and uplifting commentary throughout is such a pick me up! I too am a positive person, but you make me look downright grumpy in comparison! LOL! I am gonna have to up my game! Thanks for the good vibes and gorgeous stuff! I totally resonate with you and your creativity! You inspire me!! 💜
Jan 19Reply

@angelkissed Hi Cheryl~ I cannot tell how big my heart swelled when I read your lovely message! Thank You so much for taking the time to share your kind thoughts. I'm a huge believer in giving kudos... I think people get to hear about their faults far to often, and about their awesomeness far too little. You inspired me as well Cheryl! I love giving compliments at random... You know when you see something that is neat etc. (more to come I'm about to get cut off 😉)
Jan 20Reply

@angelkissed I just think we can always be kinder better people.... and reading your msg was such a great example for me to really see the impact that a few kind words from a stranger can have!
To hear that you enjoyed my closet and my little motivational quotes is a huge compliment, one I cherish and appreciate very much! Thank You for taking the time to make my day great! Your a sweetheart! Have a fab rest of your long holiday weekend~ Jodi
Jan 20Reply

@angelkissed Your jewelry is lovely as well!! 👍😘
Jan 20Reply

Your site is amazing and so inspirational! I LOVE the pink tractor 😃!
Jan 21Reply

@cathy2946 Thank You so much for the huge awesome compliment!! It made my day and I appreciate that you took the time to spread your kindness my way! Have a fab rest of this holiday weekend~
Blessings! Jodi🐎💜
Jan 21Reply

Checking in on you??
Happy poshing!
The Nutt
Feb 22Reply

@golfnut777 Hello my favorite Nut! You are so sweet to check in on me... Thanks for missing me 🙄😁😉! ... You did miss me right??? 😂 Aaah... I should have had you help me set up my vacation mode since you have used that resource a time or two... My attempt was a big fat fail and I didn't realize it until I got back around.
Mar 02Reply

@golfnut777 Yikes... Talk about digging out from the Storm !! Flying monkeys I thought I'd never catch up! Whew... I'll never make that mistake again. Anyway... I missed Poshing and almost had withdrawal symptoms the first few days. 🤯.
Well my friend, I hope this finds you well. I have to scoot a boot but I will catch up with you soon! Salty🐎
Mar 02Reply

@golfnut777 I have to discuss my big news when we see each other again... 🤣. I'm Co~ Hosting a Posh Party on March 11 @ 12 PST. .. that's when I get to pick a couple of your items as my Host Picks!! Wahhhhoooooeeeeeee🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃🤸🤸🤸🤸
Your invited if you are available for a visit! Chat soon Nut
Mar 02Reply

Very True✔️! Happy Poshing🛍😃
Mar 03Reply

@bebegirl Back at you! 😉✌️💜
Mar 03Reply

@saltycwgrl welcome back salty!!! Thought maybe you left us 😝 😆 😂 ❤️😜
Mar 03Reply

@golfnut777 What's happening my friend? I have an odd facination with bizarre words. I came across shankopotomus and thought about you. Not that you resemble one while on the fairway of course!! 😉😄😂🤣.
Thanks for all the shares yesterday Nut! I will repay the favor as soon as I post this.
And once I get my sign made to spread the joy about co~hosting the party, I'll make sure to send you a copy!!
Be well and be Nutty! Salty 😘😊🐎🕺🤺🏌️⛹️⛳🎉
Mar 03Reply

@saltycwgrl don’t your dare use that word 😝
That’s a cuss word ha ha
It’s the worse feeling for a golfer other than “The Yipps”
Mar 04Reply

@golfnut777 I take it back, I take it back!! I definitely don't want to jinx you 😉😲😷. No more "S" word!
Speaking of S words, we got 9". 🌨️☃️. A conundrum 😂🤣
Hope you are well my friend!
Mar 04Reply

🎉 Greetings! Thank you so much for your time visiting my closet gem & shares. Wishing you more sales & success in this amazing community. Happy Poshing! 🎉
Mar 06Reply

Jodi......everything looks AMAZING!!!!! Keep up the great world, love!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Mar 09Reply

@vintage316 Thank You for the kind words my PFF! I was thinking the same thing about your closet/shop. Your creations have always been something special and I truly see how you have grown over time.... It's fantabulous! You are Out Standing in your field/pasture 😉😂! Blessings 💜
Mar 09Reply

@saltycwgrl You’re the BEST! Cheers to growing together 🥂
Mar 09Reply

@vintage316 Roger that! 🍾🎉 Grey Poupon? 🤣
Mar 09Reply

@saltycwgrl Yes....straight out of the bottle!
Mar 09Reply

@vintage316 YIKES.... oh I mean yummy!! 🤣
Mar 09Reply

@vintage316 ps Atta' Girl!! 😉
Mar 09Reply

Howdy neighbor I work in NK RI. You have an amazing closet love your bead bracelets. I was hoping you would check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks for hosting and the invite. Looking forward to the 🎉 wishing you much success. See you at Dave’s market sometime 👋
Mar 10Reply

@kenneyfam5 I'm so happy that you loved all your earrings! Thank You so much for the great rating and feedback... it's much appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Jodi🐎
Mar 10Reply

Yaaay! Posh host! Feels good doesn’t it!? Let’s start the benefits of being a posh host by sharing your closet!
Mar 11Reply

Congratulations to your party! If you are looking for an host pick, please don’t hesitate to visit our closet!🤗☺️🥳🍭@guppyt @orangemom76
Thank you!!!!
Mar 11Reply

🤩🤩🤩thanks a million! never got a Hot Pick before! Your a doll! Much thanks😘😘😘
Mar 11Reply

@vickisueellison You are more than welcome ! ( 😉Host Pick). Many sales to you! Jodi🐎
Mar 11Reply

Thank you for the shares.😊
Mar 14Reply

@dvornkahl 😘😘😘
Mar 16Reply

@dvornkahl You as well!! ✌️😘
Mar 16Reply

@mckimmis Hi Kim~ Thank You so much for the great rating and for taking the time to leave such nice feedback.
I appreciate it very much. And always appreciate your loyalty and repeat business! You are a 10 🌟 in my book! Take care and Thanks again Kim! 😘🍀
Mar 27Reply

@redoyoudesigner Hi Tamar~ I'm so sorry I am just getting back in town today so I had the Post Office hold my mail. I will get to the Post Office asap today when I get back to get my package! My apologies for the wait, I didn't think I'd be gone as long as I was. I'm sooooooo excited to get it! 😉
Mar 27Reply

@marymom Hi ~ I sent you a msg under the bracelet listing that you ordered but haven't heard back from you. Sometimes the messaging gets confusing, so I'm just trying to touch base to see which one of the Inspirational bracelets you would like? Just send me a quick msg when you can, and I'll send it out for you. Thanks so much! Jodi 💜
Apr 09Reply

Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you very much & Happy Poshing!😁😘 XO Aireen
Apr 15Reply

@designsbyteri Hi Teri~ I sent you a counteroffer on the Cowgirl Tuff jeans. I really can't go down any more right now because I just listed them today.☹️ I appreciate your interest and offer! Jodi🐎
Apr 18Reply

Oh my goodness!! It is Christmas here at my house today!!🎄 I loved opening your package!! 🎁Those earrings!! 😍The chocolate!! Yum!! Your note made me tear up!! The world needs more people like you!!🥰 we're leaving for Europe tomorrow and I won't be able to use my phone for two weeks unless I want to pay an exorbitant daily fee, so I'm bookmarking some stuff in your Posh store for when I get back! 😉
May 09Reply

@demarcoscloset Hi Vieginia~
Thank You so much my friend for the great rating and feedback! I appreciate your kind words do much. And Thanks for taking the time to msg me as well. You are a peach and I am so glad you enjoyed your package and love your necklace! It truly means the world to me.
I hope you have the most wonderful time in Europe!! I hope every moment is magical.
Thanks again Virginia! 😘😘😘 Jodi 🐎💜
May 09Reply

hi @saltycwgrl congrats on hosting! I'm still pretty new here at Poshmark, I just started selling late in January, and I LOVE it!!! I hope you will check out my posh compliant closet for a HP. I have lots of great items in my closet. Thanks, and good luck XO ❤️
May 19Reply

❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕
I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕
- [ ]
May 19Reply

I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
May 19Reply

Hi! Congrats on your party! I’m a fairly new posher and would love to be considered for a host pick! Thank you! 🤗
May 20Reply

Hi! Congrats on party host! Please consider my clothing and listings for host picks! I would appreciate it 🤗
May 20Reply

Hi! I am @hannadiz I see you’re top rated seller!!! I am trying to declutter my closets...feel free to make bundles & offers that make sense for you to restock your inventory...everything is on HUGE discounts everything must go. HURRY visit my closet. Shipping discounts on bundles and ships out fast. HAPPY 😊 POSHING!!!!!
May 20Reply

Hi 👋 I have never been chosen to be a Hosts Pick. I would love if you looked at my closet for tonight’s party if you have a moment. Thank you 😊
May 21Reply

Your PM story is really inspiring to someone who just joined the PM world last Monday 😂🤦🏼♀️ newbie here! Thanks for hosting a party tonight! Happy poshing (I’m still learning the lingo) 😂
May 21Reply

Congrats on tonight’s party!!!! My vintage and new Timeless Treasures will be there with “gems” on sharing and shopping away!!! 📿
May 21Reply

@dvornkahl You are sooooooo welcome! It was my pleasure! I wish you tons and tons of speedy sales my friend 💜💜🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
May 21Reply

Thank you for picking my top for a host pick! I've not been online much because we are in Europe traveling and international phone use has a hefty fee! Eek!!! 🤗
May 22Reply

Hi, Jodi! Well you have outstanding reviews. Your buyer are very happy with you. You aim to please!!!🎇
May 24Reply

@connie_posh Hi Connie~ Thank You so much for the thoughtful and kind message.
I'm late replying because I've been gone for a few days but wanted you to know that I appreciated you stopping by and saying Hello! 😘
Blessings back to you on this wonderfully beautiful Holiday weekend! Jodi. 💜
May 24Reply

@jfischetti112 I'm so sorry I missed your msg. ☹️ Keep working at it though and your bound to be chosen before you know it.
Also a tip for you 😉 ... whenever I want to make sure my msgs are seen, instead of just hitting "comment", I always type the @closetname (@ and then the person's closet name)
because they get a direct notification. It took me awhile to figure out this one out, but it's helped me a bunch.
Tons and tons of luck to you. Jodi 🐎💜
May 24Reply

@demarcoscloset Your welcome my friend! It was my pleasure. Hope your trip is epic and that you guys are having the time of your life! 😘 Jodi 🐎
May 24Reply

@the_tearoom Thanks so much for the well wishes. My apologies for not getting your msg in time. I wish you the very best on your new adventure in Posh Land! It's more fun than you'll ever imagine. The people are super and you can always ask someone if you don't know the answer to something. I'm happy to offer any help if you need it. Have a fab Holiday weekend! Jodi 🐎💜
May 24Reply

@saltycwgrl you are so kind to get back to me!!! Thank you for the tip I will definitely do that going forward!!
May 24Reply

Jodi just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 02Reply

Keep smiling it always makes me smile when I get to this.😘😃
Jul 15Reply

@findingdoc1 That is so cool! Thank You Lynette✌️💜☮️
You made my day once already... Now you just made it fabulous for the second time.
God heard my prayer when I asked for only kind and thoughtful people to bless me with their presence today!! Thanks for being right up there in the #1 spot. 😘😘😘
Jul 15Reply

Hi! Your beautiful inside and out 💕
7 must be ur number☝🏼
Aug 25Reply

@wendyannmy You are so sweet... Thank You for such a nice compliment! Yes 7 is my number... It's a great number 😉.
You have an absolutely fantabulous week! Thanks again for your kindness~
Jodi 🐎💜
Aug 26Reply

@tav35758 You betcha'! And Thank You back 😁😉.
Have a fantabulous day! 🐎
Sep 18Reply

Oct 31Reply

🌺Thank you for the shares🌸 You have a fabulous closet👗👠👚👜 I look forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet👔👢👙👞Happy Poshing!🌈☀️
Nov 13Reply

@nitahudson Thanks so much! Have a fantabulous day! Jodi 🐎💜😘
Nov 13Reply

Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Nov 14Reply

@jinxy231 You are so welcome! I'm sending you happy sale vibes! 😘
Nov 14Reply

@saltycwgrl Thank you and you too 😊
Nov 14Reply

Thank you for following my 🚱. I greatly appreciate it. I've Followed you back and Shared some of yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet. I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family. Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity. Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in. Wooohoo 😂
Nov 15Reply

Nov 25Reply

@sunshine8606 ✌️😘🐎😉😆💜
Nov 25Reply

Cool closet!!!!!🥇
Dec 11Reply

@azat Thank You so so much! I appreciate that you took the time to pass that on! Have a fab day~
Jodi 💜🐎
Dec 11Reply

Happy New Year, Jodi! Not sure if you saw the Christmas present I left for you in my closet! Hope all is well and that this New Year is filled with happiness, good health and lots of Posh sales for you!
Jan 01Reply

@saltycwgrl Hi Jodi! Just want to say that I absolutely love your poem!! What a wonderful vibe you have!! Hope your holidays were filled with joy!!❤ Stay warm! -your New England neighbor in NH, Eva
Jan 02Reply

@jammie819 @jammie819 Happy HAPPY Ho Ho Ho... Barbera my PFF I hope 2020 is a year filled with abundance and all good things for you and yours! Sending you Blessings and love~ Jodi 😘🎉🎊🎄🎊🎉
Jan 02Reply

@funkylobe Funkylobe you are a bundle of light, Thanks for such a nice compliment! And Thank You for all your gazillion shares... looks like you got my whole closet girl!
Wishing you abundance and blessings in the New Year! Hope you are enjoying some beautiful snow up North.. ( ours keeps turning to rain :(). All the best~
Jodi 🐎💜
Jan 02Reply

@saltycwgrl You're so wonderfully sweet!! Was an absolute pleasure sharing your closet!! The snow we got here would've been nice if rain wasn't mixed in making an awful sleety mess!!! Hopefully we're given a break for a bit but you know New England weather erratic as can be!! lol....
Jan 02Reply

Hi there! Thanks for your purchase. I’m just getting home from out of town and I’ll get your package out tomorrow.
Jan 03Reply

@02cats Hi~ Thanks~ no worries on the shipping, Monday would be fine too. Have a fabulous weekend~ Jodi 🐎
Jan 03Reply

Thank you my doll for your lovely comments. You made my day. Wish you were closer. I sent a polishing cloth w the bracelet. I hope you can find a stone... it shouldn’t be too hard. All the best for 2020. ❣️❣️❣️ Keep in touch.
Jan 11Reply

@02cats Hi Cynthia~ You are so welcome! And you are too kind. The bracelet is truly beautiful. My Dad had given me one when I was a teenager that looked so much like it, but that because I was young & dumb & 😅 didn't understand what I had. The one he gave me was Zuni made from Nevada. Cont~
Jan 11Reply

@02cats I just ordered some Sleeping Beauty & Kingman nuggets and am hoping I can work & tumble a small piece down small enough to fit in that little bezel. If not I'll find someone who can. Thank You for the cloth, that was too sweet. I meant to Thank You also for the awesome note you sent! Have a fab weekend Cynthia~
Blessings back~ Jodi 🐎
Jan 11Reply

@saltycwgrl wow! This thread is wayyy too long for me. You have my email hopefully. You’re one of like 3 to have purchased something from my closet straight out.... no negs!!! Incredible. I live in Tucson and I’ll have to chain myself to five kinds of heavy furniture so as to not attend any of the gem show end of the month. It’s total blissful insanity ❣️❣️❣️. Keep in touch ok? Also following you on T. were not dumb and young.... always learning the lessons, yes?
Jan 14Reply

@02cats You can always drop a line under one of my handsome men listings or funnies. 😉 Yes indeed I can imagine you would need an army to keep you away. isn't that one in Tucson the biggest and bestest anywhere? My folks lived south of Tucson and I used to love to hang out in Tubac for jewelry and art shopping! You are surrounded by such a beautiful culture ... the mountains are right up there too!
Jan 15Reply

@02cats I know what you mean... it is so nice when someone just purchases an item because they love it and appreciate it! I would have never insulted you by offering less, your price was crazy reasonable.! Be well my friend! I'll let you know how my stone setting adventure goes😉. Jodi 🐎
Jan 15Reply

Hi, Jodi! I love your upbeat & grateful attitude! You have an amazing closet full of cowgirl clothing! I sell Western wear too. If you have a chance please stop by my closet @marshastyle19 & check it out. Thanks so much!
Feb 13Reply

@marshastyle19 Hi Marsha~ Thanks so much for the great message... I appreciate your kind words! I stopped by your closet and shared. 😉 Much success and many sales to you. Have a fab weekend! Jodi 🐎
Feb 14Reply

Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#poshmark @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Feb 17Reply

Aloha. I am trying to contact you about an order placed on 2/15 and is still awaiting shipment. 😕I have tried several times, as has Poshmark and yet to receive any reply. Please contact me KauaiCindy , you can message me from my sale . Please. I would rather receive this purchase than to get a refund. Thank u.
Mar 01Reply

Hello from North Carolina! Fabulous shop! I love vintage Native American pieces! Following! ☀️🌼🌻🌼☀️
Mar 30Reply

Hi Jody are u selling your bangles i love a few of them if so could u put them in a picture for me to choose from. I have enough cuffs. i love the twisted one n a bunch of others!!
Apr 03Reply

@meisch1234 Hi! Yes I will make a " not for sale" listing to show you what I have out of storage right now. I'll tag you later today when I have it uploaded. 👍😉
Apr 03Reply

guess what i found on someone posh page i know you would love i will get u connection but it was a twisted cuff bracelet with horse's for caps
Apr 09Reply

look at nagibb02
Apr 09Reply

for the bracelet with gorgeous caps as breathtakingly beautiful horses
Apr 09Reply

Hi Jodi, I’m still waiting on a bracelet that you accepted an offer on ten days ago! You thanked me for the purchase and said you’d get it shipped first thing. You haven’t shipped it yet and I’m wondering why? I’d still like to have this bracelet!
Apr 29Reply

Hi there, hope all is well with your family and friends in this time of crisis!?
Im writing to you because I'm having a hard time being patience with an offer I put in about 20 hours ago, and I know we still have 4 to go. But I'm really wanting these three idems like really, really BAD!!!
And I'm thinking I might have under bidded too much!!!😱 So if you can PLEASE give me some kind of amount I would be very grateful!!! Again I hope all is well!!!😷😎😄
Jun 16Reply

Hi there, I was just checking on you, hoping you are healthy. But I was also checking on my order?😳 well I hope all is good!!!
Jul 01Reply

Hi there, I'm kinda woundering what I should do at this point? I had bought 3 idems on June 16 and now its July 3, theres no sign of them? I'm really wanting to buy an other bundle?
Jul 03Reply

Saw ur comments about trump on Ms Begleys closet, especially liked trump rallies every weekend causing illness 😂
Dec 12Reply

Hi, Check out my closet. I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, woman's, kids and maternity. I also add new weekly. Bundle to save! Thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 21Reply

Hello Ms. Greer, I purchased the light blue size 26 true religion joey jeans from you a couple days ago, & would just like to know when you will be shipping them? Thank You, & May GOD BLESS YOU
Feb 25Reply

hello dear check my offer please.
Jul 21Reply

Salty ? it’s ⛳️🥜. 🤓
May 23Reply

@retadurham 🙏😘 Thanks so much! You made my day. It's been a fun journey. 💜
Jun 17Reply

Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 12Reply

@saltycwgrl Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 28Reply

How are you ? Long time. I still wear the bracelets you made for me. I absolutely love them
Sep 21Reply

Uh hello !?
Jul 22Reply

love your funky store! I am a jeweler as well,, ang looks like we have similar tastes! just buying a bracelet today, check you later!
Nov 18Reply

Your jewelry is incredible!
Dec 11Reply

@robinmgh Thanks so much! That's such a nice compliment and you made my day. I appreciate that you took the time to leave that comment for me. I hope you have a fabulous day! 💜
Dec 11Reply
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