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Updated Mar 18
Updated Mar 18

Meet your Posher, Jodi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jodi. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Anthropologie, Free People, Lucky Brand, and more! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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keela_j Welcome to poshmark!
Mar 08Reply
lyricalllama Hi, there, Jodi! Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you have fun! 💍💄👠👗🛍
Mar 08Reply
projectattic Welcome to Poshmark! I wish you the best in finding fashions you love 💕. This is a great platform to both buy and sell your new and gently used clothes and accessories, as well as to find community who love fashion as much as you do. Please feel free to reach out anytime. There’s no PM system on Poshmark, so just post on my Meet the Posher listing to @projectattic. Happy Poshing!!! ✨✨✨
May 06Reply
bepretty1 Welcome to Poshmark. Happy to have you here. Enjoy shopping and selling 💐
May 06Reply
kamikundu Welcome 🙏😀🌺 Nice closet 😘🎁☀️
May 29Reply
laherrere HI THERE!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 29Reply
laherrere HI THERE!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 29Reply
phyxated Hi! Thank you for stopping by my shop! Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. I'm always happy to help! I offer 15% off of bundles with 3 or more items! I also have a deal of 2/$15 on participating items (❤-- please check out my shop for full details!) I guarantee customer satisfaction & offer great deals to returning customers! Reasonable offers are always welcome!
May 29Reply
princess6157_ Hello Jodi! I’m Sarah. Enjoyed browsing your closet! Thank you for browsing mine! Let me know if you see any items of interest and feel free to make an offer or bundle. Happy Poshing! 😊🌹
Jun 03Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞🛍
Nov 09Reply
thegoldenpoppy @poshgarden thank you! So great to meet you too!
Nov 09Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in.  Wooohoo 😂
Nov 10Reply
goodenboyss Hello, welcome to Poshmark. We are Tracy/dad & Tracy/daughter who runs this business for my granddaughter Unique who is 4 years old. We sell a lot of New items and we try to keep our prices reasonable. Our goal is to raise money to send her to college. We appreciate all the help we can get. So if you see something nice in her closet, feel free to bundle it to save extra money. Have a blessed day from the Gooden family.
Nov 18Reply
thegoldenpoppy @becomewinners thank you so much 😊
Nov 27Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by, following and sharing my closet/boutique 😊 I’m happy to do the same for you 🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Jan 22Reply
thegoldenpoppy @bobbett328 you’re very welcome and thank you as well for spreading the posh love 💕
Jan 22Reply
bobbett328 @fabjodi Absolutely my pleasure 😉💕
Jan 22Reply
mmecheripie @fabjodi Great closet! You’re such an inspiration for a newbie like me. I’m slowly building mine 😊. Happy Poshing! 🥰🥰🥰
Jan 29Reply
thegoldenpoppy @mmecheripie you are so sweet thank you! Mine is still a work in progress as well. It takes time. I wish you the best of luck!
Jan 29Reply
stocks67820 Thanks for sharing!!🌺🌺
Jan 30Reply
thegoldenpoppy @stocks67820 you’re welcome 😊
Jan 30Reply
simplyurban Greetings from Seattle Jodi...just stopping by to visit your lovely closet and to wish you many sales on your beautiful items💕Brittany
Feb 05Reply
thegoldenpoppy @simplyurban thank you very much!
Feb 05Reply
mw_online May you be blessed with much success.
Feb 10Reply
thegoldenpoppy @mw_online thank you so much!
Feb 10Reply
mw_online @fabjodi You're welcome. ~ Happy Poshing!
Feb 10Reply
chrissy2529 Thank you for your purchase ❤️ we are shipping this out Tuesday 2/18/20 because of holiday on Monday
Feb 16Reply
thegoldenpoppy @chrissy2529 oh no worries. Thank you for letting me know!
Feb 18Reply
mtz2019 Beautiful closet! 😍
Feb 24Reply
thegoldenpoppy @mtz2019 thank you!! Love yours too! Just shared some things.
Feb 24Reply
mtz2019 @fabjodi thanks so much! I shared some, too! 😄
Feb 24Reply
tbtprep14 I just wanted to let you know that I have had a lot of recent markdowns and a lot of items that are now BOGO. Happy Poshing! Don’t forget when you’re done shopping please feel free to send in your reasonable offer.
Feb 29Reply
glamthreads Thanks for playing my follow game I followed you! Come play my first Follow Game in my closet everyone! ⚘❤🌹
Mar 03Reply
maggiehanson22 Hi there! I’m moving soon so I’m trying to sell everything- that means big deals!! Not only am I accepting ALL reasonable offers but I also have the following sales going on: 📀3 FOR 12$📀 ⭐️2 FOR 15$⭐️ 🦋2 FOR 20$🦋 Check out my closet! Happy poshing! 💕
Mar 04Reply
sja_ Hi let me know if you’re interested in anything NIKE/ADIDAS/ MICHAEL KORS in my closest, looking to get rid of everything ! Willing to comprise/negotiate so feel free to send me a message. Thank you 😊
Mar 07Reply
lilyput13 Hi Jodi! Nice to meet you😃 Happy poshing😁🛍💄
Mar 09Reply
thegoldenpoppy @lilyput13 hi Wendie!! It’s nice to meet you as well. Thanks for the well wishes and I’m wishing you lots of success as well! 😊
Mar 09Reply
lilyput13 @fabjodi 😊 Thank you and much success to you 😊🌺🌸
Mar 09Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😃 make me an reasonable offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Thanks for the shares, Have a blessed night!
Mar 11Reply
summernicolexo I LOVE your haircut it is beautiful 🤗
Mar 11Reply
thegoldenpoppy @summernicolexo aww thank you. It’s long now. That pic is a year or so old. I’ve been thinking about getting it cut short again. Thanks for your sweet compliment! Have a great day!
Mar 11Reply
summernicolexo @fabjodi you are so welcome! I am a hairdresser so the first thing I notice is someone’s hair 😀 have a good day also! ❤️
Mar 11Reply
babsgilbert Jodi, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 14Reply
mindyjean2015 Thanks for Reporting that girl, I asked her how many she had to see if she would be adding more. I sent an email early when I first saw the posts. One woman bought a bottle for her sick mom! It made me so mad!! Thanks for helping make Poshmark a better place.
Mar 14Reply
thegoldenpoppy @mindyjean2015 thank you as well! It is just so wrong! I’m glad that there are some of us wanting to help make Poshmark a great place to sell and shop. I wish you lots of luck in your sales! Thanks for reaching out!
Mar 14Reply
mindyjean2015 @fabjodi you as well, hope she gets closed down. And she is stuck with it all. It breaks my heart seeing it. Best of luck and thank you so much for being a great posher!! 😊
Mar 14Reply
ericaclapton - That last one blocked me but I still reported it
Mar 14Reply
thegoldenpoppy @ericaclapton good! This is getting ridiculous! What is wrong with people?!
Mar 14Reply
ericaclapton @fabjodi - It's only gonna get worse. I'm not gonna spend all day doing this but I've reached out to enough poshers that these will be continually reported even when some of us step back for a time.
Mar 14Reply
thegoldenpoppy @ericaclapton great job. Thanks for doing what your doing!
Mar 14Reply
miss_iss thanks for reporting gougers! $45 for isopropyl alcohol i reported her too
Mar 15Reply
thegoldenpoppy @miss_iss it’s really getting out of hand with these people. So disgusting. Thanks for helping.
Mar 15Reply
ericaclapton - I appreciate the concern, however the sheer volume of reporting these offenses has become far too intrusive. There is just way too much of this out there. I'd actually like to be removed from all of the tags as I can't possibly keep up. The disruption is interfering with my ability to sell and my peace of mind. Thanks for understanding.
Mar 15Reply
thegoldenpoppy @ericaclapton I can absolutely understand! Thanks for all your help! Wishing you lots of luck on your sales! 😊
Mar 15Reply
ericaclapton @fabjodi - Thank you 😘
Mar 15Reply
ladykrc @fabjodi Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and sharing!!!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 15Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Mar 20Reply
e33entials Howdy! Welcome, warm regards, well wishes, & happy Posh'n!
Mar 21Reply
bayriver3 Hi Jodi, Thanks for stopping by. Please check out my surf oriented closet. Offers considered. Thanks, Jim
Apr 01Reply
glambamthanku @fabjodi you have the best smile! hope you have a great day!
Apr 17Reply
roblaw36 Thank you for following me. You have a blessed day and be safe!
Apr 20Reply
thegoldenpoppy @glambamthanku aww thank you so much. Your so sweet. 😊
Apr 20Reply
thegoldenpoppy @roblaw36 you’re welcome and you stay safe as well.
Apr 20Reply
janfast Hi Jodi! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 23Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! I love your closet! I am having a Name Your Price Sale in my closet if you are interested. I will accept your offer on anything in my closet or counter with my lowest price if I’m losing money. Have a great day!
May 01Reply
stylesbysam728 Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Brandy Melville, Aritizia, Free People Lululemon, etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day and accept most offers. if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount :)
May 18Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Sep 07Reply
thelillyjoyce Hi! All of my items are $2 off! If you bundle its another 10% off !! I ship same or next day! Stay safe🤗
Jan 12Reply
shopaholic100 @fabjodi Hello! Thank you for the follow! I started my “It’s a New Year, Let’s Celebrate!” SALE! Every single item is being discounted FOR ALL LIKERS and I’m offering HUGE Bundle Discounts! 💸 🍾 Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🛍 I have some beautiful Tiffany, 💎 Louis Vuitton, 👜 Tory Burch, D’Or Skincare, 💆🏼‍♀️ Jimmy Choo Shoes 👠, Victoria Secret items and much more! 👙
Jan 12Reply
meljane66 Hi Jodi! I just wanted to say you have some beautiful pieces in your closet! With a little pocket money, I could have lots of fun buying everything I love! Thanks for following💝🛍😊🎉Melissa...meljane66
Jan 16Reply
thegoldenpoppy @meljane66 thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you. Feel free to make an offer any time! Happy poshing!
Jan 16Reply
stylingmaven Thank you, Jodi, for visiting my closet! Wishing you all the best in the new year!🎈🎉
Jan 16Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Feb 01Reply
lauracieslak Hey if you have a chance I’d love it if you could check out my closet! Thanks and happy Poshing!!
Mar 28Reply
mrreid33566 Hi there.  Love your closet. Hope you find some goodies in my closet too.  I'm a fast shipper, have only 5 star reviews, and offer 20% off any bundle of 3. Happy Poshing! -Marie 🌺
Apr 28Reply
thegoldenpoppy @glennlowney it was my pleasure. Thank you as well. 😊
Jun 22Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Jun 30Reply
bdgsavannah GREAT closet! I enjoyed looking through it and shared many items! Hope all is well in the great state of CA. It's where we honeymooned :):)
Oct 19Reply
thegoldenpoppy @bdgsavannah you are so sweet! Thank you for sharing my closet. I’m going to return the favor. CA is a nice place to live but it is so expensive here. I wish I could move out of CA but I’ve lived here my whole life. They say once you leave, it’s hard to come back. Have a wonderful day! I’m off to share your closet now. Thanks again!
Oct 19Reply
thegoldenpoppy @beautifynails thank you! I appreciate the shares. I will return the favor!
Nov 08Reply
littlemarjorie I can’t post over there so trying here. ☹️
Nov 04Reply
omgitsmarytza hey mama can you tag me on the kids share group u added me while ago know any other ones
Jan 16Reply
thegoldenpoppy @omgitsmarytza I will try to tagged you. I’ve been barely catching the share group. I only know of the one we’re in.
Jan 16Reply
omgitsmarytza @thegoldenpoppy okie ty i made one check mines on my posh
Jan 16Reply
thegoldenpoppy @omgitsmarytza ok thank you. I will definitely check your group out.
Jan 16Reply

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