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Updated Mar 09
Updated Mar 09

Meet your Posher, Jodisjewelry

Meet the Posher



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Please help @jodisjewelry, and share this! Please help support me in fighting back with the lack of support for sellers on this site! Please write an email to in support of me! I would never sell counterfeit intentionally, and I've always promoted compliance with the rules!
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mrsmadariaga Just followed you here so we can chat and tag each other. 😘
Mar 07Reply
terryjodi @mrsmadariaga love your closet!
Mar 07Reply
terryjodi Thanks for sharing as well as stopping by!
Mar 07Reply
jodisjewelry2 @mrsmadariaga I can't even create new loistinfs on my phn, but it allowed me to change this one. I'm fighting this, it's not right.
Mar 09Reply
jodisjewelry2 @nic39. Will u tag the Share Group so they have my new closet name please
Mar 09Reply
tpmom @jodisjewelry2 So sorry. I guess like is the new forbidden inspired. I am so sorry this is happening to you.
Mar 09Reply
jodisjewelry2 @tpmom I know, right! He said using similar was the same as "inspired by" or faux. I guess faux leather is all counterfeit. I took a screenshot of the definition of similar and sent to them! Lol. It's awful, if they won't reopen me, I'm not sure I will start a new one here. I'm not going to beg to be able to make someone else money, there are a lot of other sites available
Mar 09Reply
hopesparkles ✨ I'm so so sorry! 🙏🏻 for you! ✨
Mar 09Reply
jodisjewelry2 @hopesparkles Thanks dear! How is Florida?
Mar 09Reply
jodisjewelry2 @hopesparkles please tag your friends. I can't think of everyone I want to tag, my rx affects my memory. I'm so upset over this! I wouldn't ever do what they've accused me of, and after that, I went thru my closet but apparently I missed this one. I know it's not, but it feels like a personal attack.
Mar 09Reply
tpmom @jodisjewelry Happening to all the wrong people.
Mar 09Reply
candykissa143 Ugh that sucks babe
Mar 09Reply
nanookmom @jodisjewelry2 I'm sorry this is happening to you 😞. We all know you wouldn't sell anything counterfeit. There are so many people on posh who commit fraud, are non-compliant, sell counterfeit...they should go after them! I hope the situation is corrected soon.
Mar 09Reply
exwolfe I'm on it!! Persevere, right will win!
Mar 09Reply
exwolfe @classygirl41 @savannah_slim, @justice10forme Will you help Jodi? Thanks
Mar 09Reply
kaesbass @jodisjewelry2 Ugh so sorry to hear about your closet Jodi!! My best friend and I were just talking about how we've seen a huge change in customer service. It's amazing to see they take your closet down even after your email yet I've reported someone for harassment and they did nothing. My friend reported someone for fraud and they did nothing. I've seen many Poshers selling unsupported items...and nothing happens.
Mar 09Reply
grace4d That's just crazy! I had a pff same thing happened to & they did reopen her original closet to it took a month please don't give up hope!💖💖💖🌻😚Dee
Mar 09Reply
kaesbass @jodisjewelry2 One even went so far as to have a 'brag' listing saying go ahead report me, Posh is making money so they won't do anything to me.🤦🏼‍♀️ And she had tons of followers so it was def going on for a long time. I LOVE this community, but have been really saddened and let down lately by the way corporate is handling issues. There is no standard little compassion for SU's and people who are really trying to do the right thing and be a good member of the community.
Mar 09Reply
kaesbass @jodisjewelry2 Shouldn't it be like a business? SU's are higher up than non-SU' a supervisor over a newer worker or one who isn't trying to move up. Shouldn't SU's be looked at more objectively? Especially if they aren't deliberately trying to do something given another chance? Sighhh I'm rooting for you girl! I don't normally rant...ever....but I've really really felt let down by this system lately, and seen many of my fellow Poshers in the same boat.😔
Mar 09Reply
jodisjewelry2 @kaesbass Baby, you rant all you want, it's what we are all feeling. I agree, SU's are veterans and should be more valued members of the community. I thought I was 😢
Mar 09Reply
mollys3 I'm so terribly sorry, Jodi! I'm praying everything works out. We will all be sharing ur new closet! We love you! Molly
Mar 09Reply
sgo709 @jodisjewelry2 Hi Jodi, this totally makes me so darn mad when there are so many other closets out of compliance, selling fake crap and just bad sellers!!!!! I will definitely send an email on your behalf in support of your closet being reopened!! I'm so sorry this happened and hope you can get this rectified!! We miss you and know you are an honest seller💗💕
Mar 09Reply
sweetthrifz @itziebitzie please be careful. See is happening to everyone
Mar 09Reply
classygirl41 @iloveaerobics read this information. I think we just talked about this the other day or something along the lines of this stuff.
Mar 09Reply
thing2and3 Jodi, I will email this morning. You where the one who helped me start and work out the kinks. I was so grateful in answering my questions. Deb
Mar 09Reply
classygirl41 @exwolfe i shared and followed this listing. I personally have emailed him in the past and after he responded to one email he never responded to my other ones so not sure that everyone emailing will help sounds like posh has their mind made up. This doesn't seem fair when you explained to them you were not selling fake make up that it was indeed a brand maybe posh changes rules as they see fit not sure 😊💕❤
Mar 09Reply
unistar @jodisjewelry2 that really sux, sorry that you have to deal with this 😢😡
Mar 09Reply
briannastull @jodisjewelry2 This is nearly a crime! You are awesome and don't you forget it! Unfortunately, I know someone that something similar happened to and she just sold out locally and gave up. I'm glad you're fighting. I will be emailing Posh! Much love and prayers for peace. I know this hurts because that's just who you are! ❤️
Mar 09Reply
wendac @jodisjewelry2 that's terrible. I'm so sorry. Praying they will make this right. I will def. send an email in.
Mar 09Reply
nluciano Jodi I'm with you all the way on this. You don't deserve this and I will b sending my email. I just don't get it. Stay strong we are here as a community to support u. ❤️
Mar 09Reply
aggiegal01 @jodisjewelry2 Jodi I am soooo sorry this has happened to you!!!
Mar 09Reply
blandw Awwwww Jodi, you are THE BEST and so selfless and giving!! I've been a part of your share group for... it must be two years now? 😀 You have never let any of us down. You are the embodiment of what the posh community should be!! Let me see what I can do to help. I'll ask Wendy @wenrella (who was in our group for a while) for her opinion of the direction of Posh. She's been on Posh even longer than me and knows Manish. And I will write to Poshmark on your behalf, of course.
Mar 10Reply
billetking @jodisjewelry2 @nic39 Email has been sent. It's a travesty when someone is punished for no good reason and there are others out there scamming, stealing, selling unsupported items, selling out right fakes and slide by without care. Hang in there Jodi
Mar 10Reply
smegathlin @mrsmadariaga @jodisjewelry2 Jodi and Tiffany, please take me out of the rotation going forward. Just my little act of support for Jodi and her unfair treatment. 😉 Jodi, if you sell somewhere else, keep me posted. You and Tiffany have been the BEST...such good and supportive leaders of our group.
Mar 10Reply
jodisjewelry2 @smegathlin I'm on Merc as Jodi brewer. U have my number, right? I have the biggest news I haven't been able to share with anyone yet... we're getting a new baby tonight!! A choc lab named Brody Jaxson Brewer. 6 wks old. Hopefully I can make a new post with his pics, I deleted the app and restarted bc it still wouldn't allow me to make posts. Thanks for your support sweetie, but I don't want to grp to fall apart!
Mar 10Reply
jodisjewelry2 @smegathlin I still can't create a listing, I had to use the meet the posher listing and edit it for this. I'm getting a new tablet tmrw, guess they have my number blocked or something. It's ridiculous. I'm even blocked from buying... who blocks buyers from a website?!? Esp a compulsive shopper like me! Lol
Mar 10Reply
mrsmadariaga Oh @smegathlin We will miss you but I will take you out of rotation next week. Plz let us know if you ever want to rejoin. Wishing you all the best. Thx for supporting @jodisjewelry2 😘
Mar 10Reply
misty0308 @jodisjewelry2 OMG :( So not fair!! Jodi, you are awesome & it's sad some people can't read!! I love your closet & love you!! You have been a blessing & one of my closest PFF's - I will email on your behalf also!! We miss you!! Congrats on the new Choc Lab!!! I have a 4 month old choc lab now & he is a mess!! I have thought about going to Merc someone said the fee is less?? xoxo <3 Misty
Mar 10Reply
smegathlin Ridiculous to be blocked from buying. I don't understand that at all. Hang in there, kiddo!
Mar 10Reply
smegathlin I will be in Georgia the entire months of April and June so it's a good time to take a break. Congratulations on the new exciting. Wish I had a puppy, too. Yes, I have your number programmed in my phone.
Mar 10Reply
nyc_apple Congratulations on the new puppy @jodisjewelry2 Any news from Posh regarding your closet? I can't believe you've been banned. Hoping your closet is returned soon.
Mar 11Reply
jodisjewelry2 @nyc_apple @smegathlin We got him tonight and he snuggled in my lap all the way home. Getti took to him well, Paul carried him inside and they became fast friends. I was worried abt the green eyed monster coming out, and hes tried to keep me from picking up Brody, but he's going to adjust well! Brody is so sweet, prob weighs 10 lbs already at 6-7 wks! I should get my new tablet tmrw, I'll make a listing with pics then!! Thanks for your love!😘
Mar 11Reply
mollys3 Hi there, my friend. Just checking to see how ur doing. I sent out email regarding ur closet and am praying all works out! Thinking about and praying for you!
Mar 11Reply
nyc_apple @jodisjewelry2 Brody sounds adorable. Who could be jealous of this little sweetie? 😊
Mar 11Reply
jodisjewelry2 @mollys3 Rhanks so much! We got a choc lab baby last night - Brody Jaxson! 6-7 wks. Paul is sleeping on the couch n I'm in the den floor, I was awakened by crying a few minutes ago. He seems to want to eat his crate may, so I'm laying here with him in my lap. I'll prob fall asleep like this n not be able to move in the am! Lol @nyc_apple con't
Mar 11Reply
jodisjewelry2 @mollys3 @nyc_apple Getti is 10 n he's our rescue dog, so we weren't sure if he would like him or be jealous. I think a lil of both. I try to pet them both - reassure Getti we still love him, we just got him a brother so he would have a friend! I'm sandwiched between a dog, a recliner, the couch, and the puppy! Cont
Mar 11Reply
jodisjewelry2 @mollys3 @nyc_apple Earlier he took his first 💩 n we were both like -all of that came out of him?!? Paul said we're gonna have to rename him Ramses bc he is a pyramid builder!! (Sorry, TMI!) I'll prob save all of his baby teeth as I did with Cashmere. Not having human kids, we are those crazy dog parents! 😂😂. I think he's asleep, I may try to sneak back into bed for an hour til he awakens again
Mar 11Reply
smegathlin Post a pic or 2 when you get your tablet...I'd love to see the new baby! 💞
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @jodisjewelry2 I temporarily close my closet because Poshmark denied my application for a suggested user because I had a post where I tagged a friend so she could screenshot the picture of an autographed Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl print. They said I could not sell anything on here that isn't on their approved list. But I wasn't selling it I was giving it to a friend
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @jodisjewelry2 regardless of what my intent was I did market as like $10,000 just like everyone does on their posts they got expect to be purchased but whatever. Poshmark takes care of the scammers and punishes the hard-working sellers. I'm so over this site.
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @tpmom you said it perfectly. Poshmark is punishing all of their most loyal people and letting the out right con artist run rampant with no problem.
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @kaesbass it's funny that you said that because I was just talking with someone this morning about the exact same thing. Does anyone know why this is happening? I mean did they have a turnover in staff? Maybe we should all just blame the Mandela effect ha ha (if you don't know what that is look it up on YouTube I promise you will laugh at my comment)
Mar 11Reply
tpmom @hillaryshouston Look at the we're hiring page.
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @kaesbass I have never had one single noncompliant item in my closet never broken a rule and into years I have been The poster child for team Poshmark. I just got a very rude letter from Poshmark saying that I needed to read the rules because I am not what Poshmark is looking for in an ambassador. Seriously please look at my closet and tell me if you can see anything I'm doing that is wrong please y'all I would like some feedback on this
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @jodisjewelry2 you know I love you babe you have my phone number if you need anything OK I just started my own store on bigcommerce it's like Shopify but they have a free 15 day trial so I'm checking it out that's just one Avenue if you're interested you should look into it. I just can't stand the way Poshmark has become. I shouldn't have to pay them to treat me like crap, they wanted that I could just go visit my in-laws ha ha
Mar 11Reply
hillaryshouston @tpmom where do I find it on the blog? Thank you XO XO
Mar 11Reply
tpmom Bottom of page
Mar 11Reply
janimack7 @jodisjewelry2 Jodi, I am so sorry! It sounds like there is someone that has difficulty working WITH people. When they advertised for "sellers" they weren't expecting "people"! You have been nothing but a role model and a positive influence on POSH. I will write an email in support of you and your lovely closet! It feels too harsh, too black and white and too depersonalized. Not to listen to your explanation and work with you, seems inexcusable. That person needs retraining.
Mar 13Reply
jodisjewelry2 @hillaryshouston I love your closet and I would've said something if I had noticed something out of compliance. I'm just like that, ya know! Lol. Me with my non compliant closet n all. lol 😂 I am so sorry Hun, I'm thinking perhaps when they acquired totspot, maybe they grew too quickly and didn't have the support staff in place to handle things. I can not imagine your closet being flatly turned down.
Mar 13Reply
jodisjewelry2 @hillaryshouston Usually they say well, you need to fix this or that first and then we will reconsider it. I've never heard of a flat out denial! I've also never heard of what they did to me either, so apparently I'm not the expert! Hey, can u tag me where ur number is? We have a new choc lab puppy n I'm a proud momma with the pics! I'd love to send you his sweet face! Brodythechoclab is his Instagram page!
Mar 13Reply
jodisjewelry2 @hillaryshouston I know right?!? I could call my mom in law to find out everything that is wrong with me also, but even she wouldn't stoop so low as to accuse me of selling counterfeit stuff!
Mar 13Reply
jodisjewelry2 @janimack7 I think you hit the target! My educ is business mgmt & HR. A company's largest assets are their Human Resources! Basically we are independent contractors working for this company, they may think their money is made from the buyers, but where would they be without us, the sellers? This is the most often heard complaint I've noticed about Posh, their lack of support for sellers.
Mar 13Reply
jodisjewelry2 @janimack7 They may be the top internet retailer for the moment, but if they don't correct this aspect, they won't be a company within 5-10 years. I hope Manish will listen, he seems like a nice guy but I wonder if perhaps they didn't have the support system in place when they acquired tot spot. To just not listen, and shut down a top 10% sellers closet, that seems counterintuitive to a business minded person.
Mar 13Reply
bestbuycloset Hi.. I'm Cindy! 😊 Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🛒📦💌💓😀 feel free to reach out wBeautiful colorful
Mar 14Reply
smegathlin Brody is sooooo darn cute! Enjoyed the Instagram posts.
Mar 14Reply
jodisjewelry2 Billing (billetkibg) emailed me her email in abt this, she was great with her play on words n using similar. She said something like she wanted a new car and was looking for something similar to a Lexus, but not that brand, it was well written and funny from my perspective. I just hope he reads this.
Mar 14Reply
jodisjewelry2 I'm going to also tag all of my customers to this bc they've all sent in the sweetest love notes. I told him, most love notes are like nice shoes, great fit, but while mine are abt the items, almost all of mine are also personal, how much they love me, I'm a great seller, I was so sweet to send a hand written card wth her name on calligraphy on the envelope, I was thoughtful to enclose a Christmas card, I remembered to ask abt someone's elderly parents n stuff like that.
Mar 14Reply
jodisjewelry2 Not that I'm blowing my own horn, but my notes should speak for themselves as to the type of person / seller I am, that I go the extra mile, I wrap for birthday presents n gift wrapped Christmas presents, etc., bc that's what they tell us to do. That should show that I am a compliant person.
Mar 14Reply
jodisjewelry2 I explained why they thought the makeup was fake, urban decay changed their pkg, no longer incl free samples n that was one way to tell the fake bc they didn't have the sample, so since this they automatically thought mine were fake. Then there is a problem with the N3 pallet. Some have a color that is blackheadt. Some say dark heart. The website has dark heart, the older palettes have black heart.
Mar 14Reply
jodisjewelry2 It was a mess up on the printing with their molds (another mfg prob!) and instead of recalling all with the new colors, would cost the co too much $, so they have both names on diff palettes but they're both correct. This info is on google. But will they listen? I asked for photos when they said it was fake n if they had just told me why the ppl thought that, I could've explained to them the diff anomalies with the mfg. apparently support is too busy to listen to reason tho
Mar 14Reply
jodisjewelry2 @smegathlin Above 3-4 posts for you. I'm horrible to text, I'm always sending the wrong thing to the wrong person, @nic39 knows this all too well! Lol. I meant to put this on ur pg, so I didn't tag u. Just realized I put it on the wrong listing. Sorry!
Mar 14Reply
dotgallo So sorry you're going through this 😣😣 I will share this post. Good luck 🍀🍀🍀🍀
Mar 15Reply
smegathlin Jodi, how is the new puppy doing? Thinking of you today! 🌸
Mar 15Reply
dimndgrl OH wow Jodi, this is a tough battle . I'm so sorry you're going through this, definitely doesn't seem fair. I've tried to argue rules with Posh before and got nowhere. They don't seem to budge when it comes to that. Hopefully you can get somewhere with Manish?
Mar 16Reply
toryshop @jodisjewelry2 Sweet friend, I had heard nothing more on this matter but have an outline of a letter, I will complete it/ask U2C what U think & B glad 2 forward. I pray it will help! I have been off/on 4 health reasons/& some other issues! But I want 2 help! There is so much worse going on! Than this, simple misunderstanding, & 2 wreck yrs of work, 2 me is so over the top? I ? reason? Everyone makes mistakes! This is an easy fix! Not something 2 wreck someone's year or more work 4? @toryshop💕
Mar 16Reply
dramaless @jodisjewelry2 What in the world is going on??😳
Mar 16Reply
jodisjewelry2 @toryshop pls let me read n send. He hasn't answered. I searched "similar" n found over 500 listings. Someone is discriminating against me, and it's cost me 3 yrs of work and I'm not taking this lying down. I will fight this til it is right.
Mar 16Reply
kaesbass @hillaryshouston Hey girl...sorry for the late reply. Death in the fam this last week and work is ridiculous. I haven't had time to hardly answer texts.🤦🏼‍♀️ I think your closet looks great! I think Poshmark became very popular quickly, and they've grown beyond the capacity of what they can handle. At least with respect to taking time to dig into issues, etc. Unfortunately when a business grows beyond it's excellent customer service capabilities, business and customers suffer...😔👎🏻
Mar 17Reply
jodisjewelry2 @mrsmadariaga Manish is going to reopen my closet! Yay! Prob Monday before they get to it
Mar 18Reply
jodisjewelry2 @tpmom hey, heard u had some fun today! Thanks for having my back, I will always have yours! Manish is going to reopen, they sent me ans email last week but I missed it, he resent today. It was this afternoon when I replied so prob Monday before I'm back. Thanks for being an awesome friend! 😘
Mar 18Reply
mrsmadariaga @jodisjewelry2 yay!!!!!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 We can keep the group in my closet one more week until you're up and running again. So happy they listened!!!
Mar 18Reply
nyc_apple Your closet is reopening??!!!!? Hooray! When?!!? Tag me and I will share the heck out it for you! How's the pup?
Mar 19Reply
jodisjewelry2 @nyc_apple hey! It's open now, I just checked. Manish sent the email a week ago n somehow I missed it, so they resent it Friday n I had to say I agree to abide by Posh's rules n regs. It was late when I sent it in, so I figured it would be this morning.
Mar 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @nyc_apple He has an Instagram page brodythechoclab. I have a video of him chewing Getti's tail and some other cute pics. He's gotten 500 followers in a week, I don't think I have that many n I've been on there 2 yrs! Heeheehee. Thanks for asking Kelly!!
Mar 20Reply
mysticbelle Oh wow!!! I didn't know about this!!! I'm so sorry sweetie. ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Jul 10Reply
coffeeplzzzzz How many closet do you have??? Don't worry, I don't be shopping with you.
Sep 04Reply
coffeeplzzzzz Wholesale junk.
Sep 04Reply
alluck1210 Something similar happened to both @starbabyonline and @restlessangel. It's not ok. I'm so sorry Jodi
Oct 12Reply
restlessangel Oh my God I am so sorry to hear that! The same thing happened to me with all of my Michael Kors. The crazy thing though in all of these listings as I had the serial number pulled out of the bag! I am brokenhearted for you to hear of this. Luckily I was able to write them a letter and send them a video of
Oct 12Reply
restlessangel myself in tears. (Lol, yes I did. I was so upset! ) and I was able to give them proof and closer pictures and all of that I sent them like so many pics of each item. Broke my heart. God bless you
Oct 12Reply
restlessangel I am so happy your closet is reopening oh my god that is great news I scrolled up!
Oct 12Reply
restlessangel This is becoming a serious problem and I think we all must be vigilant and write about this because, I am just blown away that people that do not know what they are doing I have worked so hard and I support a family of eight and this is just cruel to do to somebody I think, has worked so hard for their stats here , like you like me like others. We have always kept squeaky clean reputations and this is just
Oct 12Reply
restlessangel terrible. You must been together and get rid of this terrible thing. They need to make people take a class like a long one before they start letting him make decisions on stuff. People don't even know if they should put Mis Tagged or replica either , which is pretty sad.
Oct 12Reply
starbabyonline Jodi, sorry to hear about all this. There is too much crap going on in the ranks at Posh. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. School has been insane this past week and found out this morning that my brother died.
Oct 12Reply
starbabyonline @jodisjewelry Oh, I misunderstood. Thought this just happened. I'm not thinking straight this morning, sorry.
Oct 12Reply
blandw @jodisjewelry2 Hi Jodi, are you okay?
Jul 25Reply
lynda721 @jodisjewelry2 I’m so sorry to hear about all this my friend! ~Lynda 😩😢😕
Aug 20Reply
aliciainbagland @starbabyonline Debbie... Your brother died? My condolences. I will follow you. God bless you Darling. My name is Alicia.
Sep 01Reply
starbabyonline @aliciainbagland almost a year ago. Thank you. ❤
Sep 02Reply
aliciainbagland @starbabyonline Oh ok. Have a nice weekend!🤗
Sep 02Reply
gainfollowers Whoa! What happened to your acct? I was just doing the morning share & noticed that your items were gone & I knew I shared them yesterday only to find your whole acct missing. Be sure to tag oneinamillionjj when u respond so I'm sure to see it. 😌what the heck?
Sep 19Reply
gainfollowers @trail_raven I have no clue? Doesn't she have a partner that runs it with her? I thought that I remember she did. I guess I would check with that person. I haven't a clue what their name is though. Jodi has/had a Super Pups Follow Game which was part of our team, that's why I thought I'd check in here bcuz as soon as she realizes her main acct is gone, I'm sure she'll log in here to contact ppl ..?? Sry I can't be of more help. Jillian
Sep 19Reply
oneinamillionjj @trail_raven OK so I asked someone else on the Super Posher team & they said Jodi is on a suspension from selling due to her not being able to ship out some orders. So good news is she will be back .. I just don't know when.
Sep 19Reply
houndstooth @jodisjewelry2 That’s so unfair! I’m sorry you are having to go through this! Writing Posh to support you right now! 😘
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @trail_raven go to @nic39 and she has it there
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @houndstooth hi hun, this happened awhile back but I forgot the password n email to this acct so can’t change it. Back in the day before they had vacay mode, I had both parents in hospital at Christmas, had like 50 orders I didn’t ship bc I wasn’t checking posh, I had a sign in closet I was closed bc that’s all you could do back then.⬇️⬇️ @gainfollowers @oneinamillionjj
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @houndstooth So they have my acct flagged, n when we had the deaths in the family, I had to hurry n straighten the guest room n my Ofc n I put this pair of earrings somewhere n for the life of my I can’t find them. She cancelled the order n they suspended my acct, which I knew they prob would n I warned the girls I’m mentoring n was gonna warm you but they got to me first. Lol @missymb ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @houndstooth @oneinamillionjj @gainfollowers ⬆️⬆️⬆️ @missymb. It usually takes them a day or two n they reinstate it, I just hate going thru all this. I was so bored yest bc I couldn’t get into this acct n then found somewhere along the way I have this one. Lol. I’m hoping they’ll have me restored today or tmrw. Sorry I didn’t get to you in time to let you know! 😘💕😘💕
Sep 20Reply
emc_2rd @jodisjewelry2 thank you!!! I didn’t know for sure but I saw a comment you had made thinking that it may happen.
Sep 20Reply
emc_2rd @jodisjewelry2 everyone was worried about you!! I tried to let everyone know.
Sep 20Reply
oneinamillionjj @jodisjewelry2 Hey there thanks for the update! Just glad to know its something that will get rectified. I hear ya on being bored .. I couldn't even imagine since I'm basically on posh most of the day between gainfollowers & my acct. I'm glad Erin had known what happened bcuz I thought PM was going on a rampage against us! 1st your whole acct was gone & then immediately after Erin updated her game yesterday her listing was gone! I was just waiting for gainfollowers to disappear. Lol.
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @missymb thanks! You are just the absolute sweetest person I know!!! Love you to the moon n back!! I’m hoping they have me back up today!
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @oneinamillionjj that’s too funny!! A friend just said I was back up, I was helping a friend yesterday n today I’ve been clicking away blues on this acct. i had a good pain day yest n was like man I could be listing stuff, that figures! Lol. Right now I’m a puppy pillow, he’s snoring and laying all over me with his 75 lbs!! 🤣🤣
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @missymb I’m back up if you want to do the super pups today. I can’t thank you enough for your help, maybe by this weekend I can take it back.
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @oneinamillionjj I’m back! I saw a new pain de last week n he upped my fent to 25 n still 2 Percocet for breakthru. I’m going the next 2 was for nerve blocks so I pray I can get thru posh fest! I’m excited since it’s so close n wasn’t going to go but Darla had a room n she helped me find a ticket.
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @oneinamillionjj I personally think $200 is too much to charge considering how many they have n this one sold out quickly, I think bc Dallas is so central that it’s easier to get to than LA. By the time you buy the tickets to everything n with the hotel one is looking at least $500, then if you have to fly in, add another $500 or so to LA. Dallas is easy for so many to drive to, hopefully they’ll have it there more often.
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @oneinamillionjj I have family I can stay with if I get down there n get stuck with my back going out. I have a dr spot ties the 10th, but if he does the injection on the 3rd I’m going to ask if I can get my rx then with the later fill date n maybe leave Monday to go down n visit a few days before the event. Idk, I’ll have to ask him next week. No sense paying that office visit if I don’t have to. Lol
Sep 20Reply
jodisjewelry2 @oneinamillionjj This new dr wants to do nerve blocks n if they help he wants to burn the nerves in my back. I’m not sure about that, 😜. I’m gonna have to research it bc I’ve heard a lot of good things but also some drawbacks. Ok time to stop talking n go list some stuff. Lol
Sep 20Reply
emc_2rd @jodisjewelry2 no prob!!! 😁
Sep 20Reply
oneinamillionjj Well that's good. Wow wouldn't that be crazy & just amazing if you did have the procedure & all went well & you could feel "almost" like you did before everything? I suppose that's naive wishful thinking on my part bcuz I don't know a whole lot about all that type of stuff & if something like that is even possible. Oh yeah Pfest is only a cpl wks away. It just so happens that it lands on my bday wknd each year. Lol
Sep 20Reply
oneinamillionjj I should've went this ur & done things up big since I'm turning 40 Oct 11 .. But ehh .. I'm not necessarily looking fwd to it. Ha. I'm gonna try & nap. My daughters allergies are so bad this season that we both got little to no sleep last night cuz her nose & head were stuffed, so she's home from school today. Just 2wks in & she's already missing days. Smh. Glad your acct is back! Ttfn!
Sep 20Reply
itsrefabulous I am sorry to hear this Jodi 😞 you have done so much for me and I see how much do for others as well- this is awful.
Sep 26Reply
sleighanne1 Good morning wanted to stop by and tell you welcome to Posh😁
Sep 26Reply
sidhe1972 My gosh! I am so sorry to hear this hun. I think it's a travesty that you are going through all of this and you definitely have my support. I think we all have our love-hate relationship with the resale sites. I hope things get back on track for you very soon. It has to warm your heart that you've got so many people who care about you and are supportive so at least you got something out of this mess. I know it doesn't make up for it but it is really great to see so many women come together
Sep 26Reply
aliciainbagland Just saw this. I’m soo sorry this is happening to you. You have my support. There are soo many people here selling PERFUME, which is a 🚫 Prohibited Item. I try to explain to those, but last one got mad at me. I was trying to tell her it is and to read the Poshmark Rules. Why is the STAFF not doing this? I finally reported item and user. Nothing was done. I put a “Like” so I can see if it’s still on and it is!
Sep 29Reply
aliciainbagland I believe overall EVERYBODY should be given an OPPORTUNITY to fix whatever the mistake it is. After someone doesn’t simply delete ONE item, than I can see further action needed. EVERYBODY deserves ONE chance. Warning sufficient. Too many people OTHERS posting Prohibited 🚫 Items! Sharing your post. Hope you get your account back Sweetie!
Sep 29Reply
croweart ok ma....where the heck is your closet!!!!!!????!!!! I see you're hosting a posh bday party!!!! what link should i use for you?
Nov 12Reply
gamer_princess @jodisjewelry2 when did this happen?
Dec 08Reply
modmeover I had a different yet similar experience when I first started and I know of a few other people. It has been my experience that they take extreme actions first before even looking into it or even letting you know. NOT OK!!!! But it will blow over & be a thing of the past b4 you know it😘
Dec 09Reply
lvsmoothjzz Hey Jodi, I just wanted to stop in and check in on you. Are you okay?
Jul 14Reply
lvsmoothjzz Dang, I just read your notice in your closet after I sent you a quick message. I can’t believe this has happened to you. Hang in there girl. I will do what I can to help you out. 😘🌷
Jul 14Reply
lvsmoothjzz LOL is that notice from before? I thought this was happening yet again. Wow I am a doo doo brain today. Maybe I need to go back to bed and start over again.
Jul 14Reply
readysetriches So sorry!!!
Mar 26Reply

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