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Updated Jan 26
Updated Jan 26

Meet your Posher, Jody

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jody. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, 7 for all Mankind, a.n.a, Abercrombie & Fitch, and aerie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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longforgotten Welcome to posh girl! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your favorite brands, and tag you in any that I find. I do believe I have some Abercrombie in my closet already. please let me know if you have any questions not only about my closet, but posh Mark in General.
Apr 08Reply
fatallyflawless Happy poshing! Check out my closet :)
Apr 19Reply
veblenx @jodyjaney70 I'm so sorry to have to cancel. I can't seem to find this top in my closet. Thank you for your kind understanding
Jun 06Reply
meadow9 Thank you for your purchase! I will send it out Monday. Hope you enjoy!
Jun 11Reply
meadow9 Hey Hun did u receive the jumpsuit?
Jun 18Reply
jodyjaney70 @meadow9 yes, I was just now able to accept it. I love it, thanks
Jun 18Reply
mylovelycloset1 Hi dear. Welcome to check out my closet and let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to make an offer ☺️👍
Aug 06Reply
shop_m Hi @jodyjaney70, you purchased my criss cross bohemian top. I apologize in advance because I was in the process of moving and left some clothes with my parents. I'll be heading over this Sunday and I will ship it out on Monday. Thank you!
Jan 13Reply
jodyjaney70 @shop_m sounds good, I just moved myself. Obviously, as long as it's not longer than that. I've had people claim they "lost" the item I bought or "forgot" they sold it to someone name it...ive heard it. :/ :)
Jan 14Reply
afrodit 🌹
Jan 25Reply
nikitadoggies Thanks so much for the rating and Posh love! So glad you love your item 😊
Apr 09Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it😊 have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply
purplefairylove @oliaposka Thank you for your order. Your shoes are on the way🌼🌈✨
Apr 10Reply
modig ☀🌷☀
Apr 11Reply
modig Thank you Jody, will ship tomorrow!🌷
Apr 12Reply
modig Just thinking of you- hope everything fit and you're enjoying! It's a gorgeous sunny day here- sending one your way too🌷🌷🌷
Apr 19Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig think you. Yes, everything fit. I loved everything. Feeling ok just very tired lately. Hope you're having a great day. ❤🐞🌷🎶
Apr 27Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 hoping you feel better, get some rest 🌷🌷🌷
Apr 28Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig thank you:) I will.
Apr 30Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 sunny and grey day here- heading to a family gathering, hope you have a lovely day Jody🌷
Apr 30Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig you too. I seem to be coming out of my "funk" too. Definitely a plus. :) Thanks for caring.
May 01Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 anytime - we've all been there and it helps to know people care about each other instinctively 🌷
May 02Reply
tiffsthreadz love the nose ring on you!!! 😍 suits you sooo well, it's gorgeous! 💗 I have mine too and I love it!
May 20Reply
modig Just checking in- it's a gorgeous day- hope you're out having fun🌷
May 20Reply
spreadlove "I have been shopping all my life and I still have nothing to wear." - every woman ever Just stopping by to say hello 🙋, have a great weekend!
May 21Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig aww, thank you. Your so thoughtful. ❤️ Hope all is well with you. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
May 27Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 busy, just back from traveling and right into the studio after this! Happy day sent your way😘🌷😘
May 29Reply
kaleyheider Hi, it's nice to meet you!💖
Jun 15Reply
iuliiahayek Welcome to my closet hun 🌹 if you like something just make an offer with price you like and I will accept! Have a wonderful day 🌻🌻🌻
Jun 19Reply
sitpretty Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Jun 21Reply
modig Just popping by to say hello and happy 4th ahead of time- hope it's relaxing and fun for you😘🌷🌷
Jun 29Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addictinmg. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Jul 05Reply
flowerpower9455 Hello!!! Welcome!!!! Please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if you're interested in anything!!! I'll give you a great deal!!!! Happy poshing!!!! 😄🌈😘☮️💐🌸💖🌺
Aug 18Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 hi Jody- took the summer off from here (too busy prepping for a show). Hope your summer was lovely!🌷🌷
Sep 15Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig Hi there. Amazing timing. I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering where you disappeared to. I even checked out your closet looking for new activity or listings. I'm glad you're ok and enjoying what's left of the summer. I'm ok...been a busy summer between the tons of parades and doing a tour of the East coast with my oldest son's Fife and Drum Corps that he's a part of (he plays Fife) and my youngest son's football practices and now games too.
Sep 15Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig They started back at school about a week ago. I need to put a stop on time...they are growing up WAY TOO fast. :(
Sep 15Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 oh just coming back into the swing of things - missed these messages and am still trying to catch up - life just marches in and takes over sometimes!🌷💕
Oct 08Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 they do grow up fast don't they!! 💐💐💐
Oct 08Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are lovely closets on Posh but I'd be thankful if you'd check out mine! Either way have a nice day.
Oct 11Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Hi Jody! I don't know if you like more structured jackets but I have a couple new really gorgeous blazers- ones really almost the weight of a coat, and numerous gently used blazers as well in case you're looking😜 Hope fall is positively lovely for you!🍁🍂🍁🌷~Tricia
Oct 18Reply
modig Happy Thanksgiving Jody!! Hope it’s full of fun!☀️🍁☀️🍁🌷🌷🌷~Tricia😘
Nov 23Reply
modig Just checking in, hoping you are well, perhaps enjoying the beginning of winter and the idea of the holidays🌷 thinking of you☀️
Dec 04Reply
modig How are you Jody?! I’ve been thinking about you and there you are!🌷🌷would you like a beauty or jewelry gift with this?
Dec 20Reply
asignoflife Thanks so much for your purchase I will get your pants out to you first thing in the morning luv!
Jan 05Reply
mar112233 Hey Jody! Just wanted to let you know I carry a ton of Free People, Michael Kors, and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. I am also open to reasonable offers! Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful and blessed 2018! 🎉🎊🎉 Meg
Jan 07Reply
sheneisha29 Welcome to poshmark.
Jan 14Reply
pandada Happy poshing Jody. Just stopping by to say hello. Feel free to check mine out when you have a minute k😘🎉💋
Jan 18Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes peeled. 😳Lol. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will try and help. When you have a moment pls check out 👀my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Jan 24Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be thrilled if you would check out my closet as well :) Happy Poshing!
Jan 26Reply
modig New coat of snow on the ground- it looks so pretty!!! Supposed to have 60 degrees this week so I better enjoy both while I can! Hope the start of your year has been lovely!🌷🌷
Feb 18Reply
mcsquared22 Hiii, thank you for the offer on D&G camisole, there are two small holes in the lace on the right under the bust-line seam, it is shown in the last pic posted, I will accept your offer, just wanted to make sure you are aware of this, please let me know if you still want it.💕
Feb 18Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig 😮 I wish I could say it's been lovely. I am just getting over a bout with the flu for the past 7 days. I'm thinking it was the sickest and most physically miserable I ever been. Worst of all, I'm by myself because I insisted that my boys stay with their dad...I didn't want them getting the flu. So, it's made 100x worse when there is no one around to help at all. However,
Feb 18Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig since yesterday afternoon, I seem to be on the mend. So it's looking up.
Feb 18Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 oh did you have a flu? ☹️🌷
Feb 18Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 oh didn’t see this message first - bummer- you need people around when you’re sick! I’ve never had the flu but have benign tumors in my arm that sometimes make me feel like I have the flu so I know it’s no fun, yuk! Sorry you had to handle that on your own- no neighbors nearby to help? I know none of us want to share our illnesses but that’s when we need people! Sending good thoughts your way!!💐💐💐💐💐💐
Feb 18Reply
lovingpurple 😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Feb 20Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 just checking in to say hi and share more news... I have not one, but both of my girls getting married this year! Tried to see if Elli would wait a year or so but her boyfriend is military and finishing up school next December so she wants to be married before deploying. They’re both so young... but then, So was I when I got married😬😂 so I guess there’s no holding onto them and the family expansion has begun!!!🌷 Hope you’re easing towards spring with sunshine in your eyes!💐💐💐~Tricia
Mar 03Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Haven’t popped by in awhile- I’ve been so busy helping to plan my girls weddings!! Hope all is sunny and bright for you! Catch you another night!💐💐💐
Mar 19Reply
modig Happy Easter Jody- hope it’s lovely!🌷🌷🌷
Mar 29Reply
Apr 02Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig aww thank you! Happy Easter to you as well. I hope you had a great day and weekend. ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
msdbela @jodyjaney70 Hi there! Please check out my closet moving sale! 💎💜💎
Apr 05Reply
reylynn7844 Thanks for your purchase I’ll get them out today😎
Apr 24Reply
kamikundu Blow Out Sale Today Only 🎁 It could go fast
Apr 30Reply
bookworm28 Thanks so much for your sweet note - totally made my day! I'm so glad you love your top! ☺️💕
May 01Reply
beauprem Yay! I’m glad you love the jacket!! Thank you again 😊
May 01Reply
mjbp @mjbp🌹🌹🌹welcome 🌹to Poshmark 🌹
May 17Reply
reylynn7844 Hi you recently purchased the Sam Edelman wedges from me. I think I might have accidentally mailed you another package did you receive it? It says that it was delivered Saturday
May 25Reply
butterflybaby16 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️ FLYING BY TO SAY HELLO & HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS WEEKEND 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️
May 26Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 perfect timing Jody - we’re heading out Wednesday so I’ll be sure to pack these lovelies up- you read the pendant doesn’t come with the silver necklace (?) but I’ll include something for it to hang on- the blue vest Fp top is going to be gorgeous with your light hair!... as well as the dress!!!🌷😘
Jun 17Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 I’m busy baking and freezing cookies- it’s a three day wedding so we’re prepping a lot!! Wish you were closer to try some of these yum chic chippers😂 have a great night!!🌙
Jun 17Reply
globalboutique @jodyjaney70 I am chiming in to say hello and Namaste. 🙏 Thank you for visiting my Closet. Poshmark has a wonderful community and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and Party Host. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Best regards, Annie 💜
Jun 19Reply
atouchofjane Thank you for your purchase! Just dropped your top off at post office 😊
Jul 05Reply
opalandwood Hello fellow Poshmark queen! 👸 When you get the time take a peek at my closet, I think you’d like it. I have reasonable prices on ladies clothing, shoes, bags and accessories. I can also give you an extra discount if you bundle more than one item. Thank you Jody! 💕🌼
Jul 24Reply
originalsbyliss Hi Jody ,just stopping by to say hello and i may have brands you like but feel free to browse my closet I give great bundle deals and ship same or next day happy poshing 🤩🤩
Aug 09Reply
fashionmaggy Thank you for purchasing the shoes and for your awesome review ❤️❤️
Aug 21Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Hi Jody- just thinking of you and hoping your summer was spectacular with your travels- I’m back to working many hours between teaching and studio and I imagine things are busy in prep for school at your house looks too! Sending 🌷🌷🌷
Aug 24Reply
leili24 Hi there, I added lots of new items please visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Sep 25Reply
skullsanddaises Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark 💃🏻 I hope you're doing okay & already getting the hang of using this app. Feel free to follow back & check out my closet too! Reasonable offers are welcome. Have a lovely day! 🙂
Oct 17Reply
urselamay Cheers 🎉 to connecting over fashion on Poshmark! @urselamay
Oct 19Reply
bellanblue Hi I’m Jen! So nice to meet you! Hope you are enjoying poshing! So much to learn! Pls stop in if you have any questions! I’m happy to help! Happy Poshing! Jen
Feb 03Reply
llathleticwear Hi!! Visit my closet for fashionable and cozy winter items ⛄️ jeans, dresses, fun accessories and athletic wear 🧘‍♀️ I love offers and fast shipping, always 😁
Feb 04Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 10Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Happy Valentines Jody- hope it’s filled with fun!🌷💞🌷❤️🌹💕🌷💕
Feb 14Reply
ladykrc @jodyjaney70 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Mar 01Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Jody! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Mar 24Reply
modig Hi Jody- have been so busy at work, haven’t been in as much but sending you hopes for a lovely spring into summer🌷
Apr 26Reply
nanazfinds Good morning! Sorry for the problem with your order, I have placed your necklace on hold, if your are still interested in purchasing it, please comment me back and I will take off of hold for you! Have a wonderful day!
May 10Reply
jodyjaney70 @nanazfinds yes, I would still like to have the necklace.
May 12Reply
nanazfinds Okay put it in your bundle and I will change your price for you!
May 12Reply
jodyjaney70 @nanazfinds I can't find it now in order to re-purchase it. I don't know where to find it. It keeps saying it's not available.
May 12Reply
nanazfinds Okay, try decling the offer, and start over!
May 12Reply
jodyjaney70 @nanazfinds I don't have any active offers to decline. You cancelled the entire order. I don't know how else to re-purchase this. You will have to post it for sale again. I think. Right now you have it marked as "not for sale"
May 12Reply
nanazfinds I did repost for you! It's the third pic on my site! Try again! If not I will have call customer service on this matter.
May 12Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 just thinking of you- hope all is well! We begin a patio project tomorrow with ivory pavers and a pattern for seating area that reminds me of our travels- hope it goes well with no scrapes etc,... luckily my husband is good with things like this!🌷 take time to enjoy the sunshine!☀️
Jul 26Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig hi there! Hope you had a nice trip. This summer has been a super busy one for me. Between family members graduating from high school, my own high school reunion, a couple of mini trips to a nearby amusement park with my own boys (Cedar Point in Ohio) and now I'm gearing up for my third tour with my eldest sons Fife and Drum Corps.
Jul 30Reply
jodyjaney70 This year we will be in the D.C. area with performances at Mt. Vernon, Monticello, and a wreath laying ceremony in Arlington at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Jul 30Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig This year we will be in the D.C. area with performances at Mt. Vernon, Monticello, and a wreath laying ceremony in Arlington at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Jul 30Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig I will have to bring Kleenex with me for this one...I always get really emotional at things like this) plus a few other key places. We will be gone from early August till Mid August only to then, just a few days later, I am taking my boys to Chicago for the Chicago Air and Water Show for that entire weekend and then,
Jul 30Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig the following week, they will ALREADY be back in school. Honestly, my summers are always so much more hectic than the rest of the year. This is why you haven't seen me much online this summer.
Jul 30Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig I hope your project turns out to be a beautiful spot for you to enjoy. How was your overseas trip anyway? So good to hear from you.
Jul 30Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 sounds like you’ve had your hands full and keeping your boys equally busy! So terrific you can take them to Chicago- it’s a great age for memory making! We have had a crazy busy summer as well with many family members staying with us for a few weeks both on their own and for my nephew’s wedding... also getting ready for my sons wedding in September!🌷
Jul 31Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 our project has taken over our lives since visitors have left but it it is coming along so nicely- will post when everything is done! Have a wonderful time with your family!🌷😘🌷
Jul 31Reply
princessthriftz hello lovely! ✨ just wanted to stop in and say I would love if you stopped by my closet to check out my listings! let me know if you have any questions beautiful💘 happy poshing!
Aug 09Reply
luvmee40 It's my 1 year anniversary selling on Poshmark. First sale Sept 25th. I was obsessed! I want you to see what a 64 year old woman managed to create. I think my closet is incredible. Over 1,500 listings of gorgeous items. I celebrate and hope to motivate and inspire others. The possibilities are endless. Reach out if you have questions or need help. 30% off already reduced prices. Luxury goods too! Hit like on the item you love and I will do the rest. You can also send in an offer! 
Nov 04Reply
ethereal_closet Welcome to poshmark!! Congrats on starting your closet. 😊😊If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!! I’d be happy to share your listings so they get exposure. I wish you much success on future sales💵💰
Nov 11Reply
wrosegold Hi Jody, I hope you’re keeping warm in Michigan! I’d love it if you stopped by my closet sometime — can’t believe we’re about to enter a new decade! 🥂 —Warmly, Rose
Nov 14Reply
stylesbyniya Happy poshing 💕be sure to check out my closet
Dec 02Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Off Poshmark later today - wishing you and yours wonderful Holidays Jody and a delight-filled new year!🌲🌷🌲~Tricia
Dec 21Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig Thanks for the holiday wishes. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holiday as well. I can't believe it's New Year's already. These holidays come in like a slow building storm and then are here and gone like a tornado. No wonder they can leave so many people in a state of exhaustion with the worst case of what I like to call "nostalgic melancholy".
Dec 30Reply
jodyjaney70 @modig But, at the same time, it's a wonderful time of the year and, for me, it's the only good part of the colder months. Do you have big plans for for New Year's Eve? Anymore, I'm more of a stay at home and watch the ball drop type of person. But, I definitely can appreciate a desire to go to a party or some sort of sponsored event that includes dinner and dancing. Either way, I hope you have a great evening tomorrow night and a very Happy New Year!
Dec 30Reply
lesurfboutique Hi Jody! If you can check out my closet I have lots of Urban Outfitters at great prices 🌸
Jan 12Reply
laurablank Happy Poshing🤩
Jan 29Reply
ivette_castello ✨Check out my closet✨ I’m having a closet clean out!! I’m accepting any offers🤩Bundle 3 or more items for 20% off 💗💕
Feb 04Reply
ak4252 Hi, hope you are having a great day! Please come check out my closet for lots of women’s new with tag items including LOTS of Free People. You will also find Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Becca swim, Nike And lots more. I’m sure you will find something you will love! Happy Poshing!
Feb 27Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Mar 04Reply
1111thrift hey honey!! 🍯🍯 I just visited your closet, and it is fabulous!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! 💗💗 happy poshing 🛍💛
Mar 15Reply
modig Happy Spring Jody- hope you are remaining safe and not feeling cabin fever too much! Devan is home for the rent of this and next semester (I’m happy to have him here even if he’s a bit bummed to be away from friends 😬😜) Be well!
Apr 20Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Happy Mama’s Day Jody!🌷🌷🌷Enjoy!🌈
May 10Reply
kenlanboutique Hi there! I’m Tara, a Poshmark Ambassador and top rated seller. I invite you to visit my closet. Many beautiful new items were recently added that may interest you. I welcome all offers. Happy Poshing! 💕🛍
May 31Reply
martinez_margie Hi 👋, I'm selling beautiful jewelry. Stop by. Reasonable offer accepted. 🇱🇷❤🇱🇷 HAPPY POSHING 🇱🇷❤🇱🇷
May 31Reply
modig Happy 4th of July weekend Jody- hope you and yours are well! My son and his girlfriend are home with me since March, managing their college courses on line... so lots of family time in my end💕
Jul 03Reply
cheyanne_79 😊 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. I am having jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail care system, bags, baby stuffs, stamps, beautiful coral jade, home decor and accessories etc.! Let me know if you are interest, I can provide you a good discount! 😉 ❤️
Aug 27Reply
modig @jodyjaney70 Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely! Keep well!!🌷💕🌷
Nov 30Reply
honeytag Hi there! 😄Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think youre gonna love ❤ 🖤🖤🖤Happy Poshing🖤🖤🖤!
Jan 11Reply
nickeeclothing hello I am oot until Friday. I will try to get it shipped out before that.
Feb 01Reply
nickeeclothing hello I return home tomorrow. sorry for the delay. if your still interest. these can ship sat. morning.
Feb 04Reply
modig Was just scrolling through my images of Spain and came across your comment- made me think of you- hope you’ve had your Covid shot and you and your family are well! - we have 1 to go- have had my children over for dinner every Friday since last April ( finding the silver lining) Happy Spring!🌷
Apr 23Reply
sammysjams88 Hey lovely! Just wishing you a healthy wealthy week. Feel free if you’d like stop on by and if there’s anything you like shoot me an offer and we can go from there! Also if you’d decide to share anything of mine I’ll be happy to return the favor! Stay healthy and have a good one!
Sep 27Reply
modig Happy Holidays Jody- I hope they’re filled with joy! 🎄🌷🌷🎄
Dec 09Reply
thrifty_cowgirl Thank you for the five 🌟 review. I truly appreciate it! Take 25% off of your next purchase with me.
Jan 19Reply
sarrah Hi Jody. I’m Sarah & it’s nice to meet you here on Poshmark! I’d love to invite you to visit my boutique and closet. If you have any questions please let me know, I’m happy to help. Have a beautiful day and happy poshing ♥️☀️
May 13Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 22Reply
julissazelaya Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift! 🎁🍸 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Nov 15Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade jewelry my husband and I make and beautiful affordable boutique jewelry, headbands and handbags. We have lots of gemstone jewelry and some sea glass pieces as well. Happy New Year!
Jan 07Reply
coinjewelry Hello Welcome. Poshmark is the best place to be went shopping for unique gifts. 🎁 Visit my closet if you want to see uniques pieces of jewelry made with silver coins.🤗 Happy poshing..
May 12Reply
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Last Active: Jan 08

Westland, MI
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About the seller



Last Active: Jan 08

Westland, MI
View Closet




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