Meet your Posher, Joe
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Hi! I'm Joe. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Nike, Balmain, Versace, and Ray-Ban. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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I got you bro same price for you to I can't take anything lower
Jul 25Reply

sha718nyc here's the link for the jeans I have as 34..
Jul 31Reply

@sha718nyc that link didnt work
Jul 31Reply

@imau1987 do u have any other colors
Aug 14Reply

@djpadrino please don't make such low offers on the Louis Vuitton backpack they must be reasonable
Aug 17Reply

@jpanah3 1 dollar counter offer is not reasonable either
Aug 17Reply

@jpanah3 il do 200 for the bavk pack and duffle bag matching set today
Aug 17Reply

@djpadrino don't tell me my counter offer is not reasonable it is my decision and your lucky I'm even giving a counter offer
Aug 17Reply

@djpadrino if I do 200 for both that's $110 off I can't do that it's VERY UNREASONABLE 150 is my lowest for each
Aug 17Reply

@jpanah3 im lucky? 😂😂😂 get off your high horse your selling knock offs ok so price them like wbat they are you want higher offers post real pics not google images
Aug 18Reply

@josh122799 new with tags or no?
Aug 23Reply

@josh122799 idk they did fees i can go straight threw p ay p al if that helps
Aug 23Reply

@josh122799 are they good 100% new no rips no flaws i have had 2 return 2 pairs already n got refunds cuz of that
Aug 24Reply

@josh122799 txtd u
Aug 24Reply

Hey feel free to check out my LV Wallets and Belts! Text me if interested
Aug 27Reply

@josh122799 yo u got more pairs
Sep 02Reply

@josh122799 of Balmain
Sep 02Reply

I see you want to buy my bailmains I can do $110 text or call me @3365602969
Sep 04Reply

Hi are you still interested in my mcm bag please text me 7086694227
Sep 07Reply

@kristakash12 i already did
Sep 09Reply

I see you wanted to buy the balmains and poshmark won't take my PayPalll can you text me @3365602969
Sep 22Reply

@babymall i only buy threw posh or p ay p al never other scams
Sep 22Reply

@djpadrino that's y I said text me for paypalll
Sep 22Reply

@babymall i already texted u last month n u refused to send an in voice was trying sone friends n family crap
Sep 22Reply

Are you still interested in the Slides.. I have the pypal now for payment
Sep 29Reply

Check out closet if still interested in MCM
Sep 29Reply

Please accept the purchase so posh can release my payment.
Oct 01Reply

Oct 01Reply

Oct 01Reply

@djpadrino hey man you really want the backpack, make an offer
Oct 06Reply

^paco sells fake bags there reps from Dhgate you can get them there the same with not a jacked price for a fake
Oct 12Reply

Dhgate is a wholesells web pag
Oct 12Reply

@stompstyle nice im checking them out now tho it seems harder to find good quality
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino u couldn’t rate my items n had me wait a full 3 days for my money. U come shop again with me I’m charging full price.
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 not sure what's Dumber the fact that you think your low-quality fakes are worth more money or the fact that you think I'd ever visit your cheap knock-off shop again
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 not to mention waiting almost 5 days for a product that I paid for 2 day shipping for and you couldn't even find a way to make it to the post office for 2 days to put the box in the mail
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 or that the genes themselves had obvious glaring errors in the back side stitching the belt loop and the Fly which show that they were obvious fakes and cheap quality ones
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 but you left those out of the pictures on purpose you're just lucky that I didn't even have time to look at the jeans until after the return. Had expired
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 but then here you are so ignorant as the comment and complain that it took 3 days to get your money and I didn't leave your review kissing your ass and how shity your stuff is
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino u a BUM. FOH. 😂😂😂
Oct 12Reply

Go shop DHGate u bum
Oct 12Reply

U writing whole paragraphs. U be in mad comments starving for jeans wit ya lowball pockets. GTFOH. Don’t come back u BUM
Oct 12Reply

Oct 12Reply

U A BUM 😂😂😂😂
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 I'm a bum but you was begging me to release the payment your thirsty ass couldn't wait 72 hours for your bum ass hundred dollars
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 YouTube um begging for Ratings what is it people buying you $10 knock off Polo sweaters ain't giving you enough Five Stars so you need to come ask me talking about full price what I paid you was more money than anyone has ever paid you on this site look through all your sold items
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 I'll go to dhgate to buy what you are already selling 4 less than your rip-off prices for your trip AAA China store quality
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 sent me like 5 messages begging for that payment to be released you must have really been struggling hard really needed that 150 bad and I won't kick you while you're down I released the payment even though the quality was crap
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 took you 3 days to mail the product in the first place what was it you missed the bus so you couldn't get a ride to the post office
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 you sound so stupid first you cry on my page for payment then you cry on my page for Ratings then when I tell you I never go back to your shop you told me don't come back like who was ever coming back to your scum store in the first place
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 you literally have zero repeat business and all your products are under $100 and you talking about I'm low-balling 90% of what you sell is less than 20 bucks
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 and I don't have to write paragraphs or type out emojis go buy you a phone with a fingerprint scanner and voice-to-text technology and then you can talk and say as much as you want without pecking away at you're probably like 4th generation Android
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino 😂😂
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino you need to learn how to word ya paragraphs first n foremost. How u arguing and ya grammar is all over the place. I asked for my money. Not yours. I can post the offer of u beefing me to come down on the price. Fall back. Nothing in my store is fake. Go ask the people who rated. I sell stuff I don’t need no more. Not shyt for profit. This ain’t my hustle. But if on ya page telling you to release mines then it’s only right.
Oct 12Reply

And u still a bum. Go to DHGATE 😂😂😂
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 I'm not concerned about grammar or paragraph structure at all when talking to an internet Chinese knock-off reseller everything on your page is fake the Versace and Ray Ban shades at the top of the page scream $0.10 plastic
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 I had no idea what dhgate was and the fact that you know exactly what it is proves that they're probably your supplier anyone who knows anything can see your stuff is fake and on top of that the quality is almost the lowest of the low when it comes to fakes
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 the Balmain jeans were Faker than a $3 bill and didn't even have enough quality to properly align the stitching but you knew that
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 the fact that you're on here begging for Ratings proves that this is your hustle or why else would you care about ratings on your page at all you've never sold anything more than $60 hours I am by far the most expensive customer you've ever had and you're talking crap to me about low-balling
Oct 12Reply

You brought jeans 11:00 at night. I ain’t ship next day because I had shyt to do. I shipped the following. U was in my comments going hard. “When u gonna ship”? “Ain’t get a email?” *cry baby voice*. And the shiit was at ya post office u bum.
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 go back to negotiating $3.50 off of a fake Gap $10 hoodie
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 please post anything you want post me calling you out for selling fake stuff and then telling you that you overvalue the price of your knockoffs double post all of that
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 crazy thing is if it was such a lowball offer why'd you even accept it oh that's right because you have no clientele actually coming to buy any of these items so you kind of have to take whatever someone will throw at you but then you'll come back on here after accepting the money and complain that it wasn't enough money but you still took it didn't you
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino ok. I tell u what. Suck on some diick for the rest of the day. U bum.
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino chill. Go suck on something.
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 oh suck on dick for the rest of oh suck on dick for the rest of the day is that what you meant by Poshmark not being your main hustle is sucking dick all day your main hustle and
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 selling cheap knockoffs is your side Hustle well enjoy your main hustle of sucking dick I'll be waiting for the post that never come crawl back under your hole and go load up your shopping cart on dhgate with your next wave of Chinese replica plastic garbage
Oct 12Reply

U a bum. U cant convince nobody but yaself that I got anything knock off. U just a bum hater who don’t give props when they due. It’s kool tho. That’s why u can’t post shit on this page but a pic of a some bullshit. U can’t even post ya face u bum. Fake ass DJ. 😂😂😂
Oct 12Reply

Go swallow a bowl of DNA
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 am I posting on your page trying to convince anyone of anything no cuz clearly I don't care about you or your cheap Goods or your little short Change money you're on my page posting weeks after I ever bought anything from you clearly you're still obsessed
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 why would I post pictures of myself on a site that has nothing to do with anything except buying stuff
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 what pictures do you have on your page cheap 50 Cent graphic of a dollar sign or a screenshotted image off your Android phone of the Wolf of Wall Street of are either of those of you or supposed to impress me
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 anyone with a brain knows that when they see $1,500 retail price jeans in your shop for a hundred sixty bucks that they're fake as Santa Claus I don't need to convince anyone of anything anyone who goes to your shop knows that they're there to buy fake stuff it's just people might not know that you're like the lowest quality of the fake stuff
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino ok. Go suck on that thing n enjoy ya day.
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 go pretend to be a gangster somewhere else you're from the deepest suburb in Maryland you're a total white teenage pussy you listen to 21 Savage once on YouTube and then you think you're some kind of what I don't even know
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 talk about broke you live in a cheap ass apartment community you bum you're living in like $1,000 townhouse look up my address my house is valued at over half a million dollars I sit on over 3 acres of property I have four bedrooms you don't even have four rooms in your cheap-ass home
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 who are you talking to like I will come and slap the boat shoes right back on to you and you'll be talking just as proper as if you never discovered 21 Savage in your life like seriously I will show up and your mom will be terrified and say why are you acting like this on the internet
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 Brian J Dandy like are you serious your name is a joke you sound like the biggest Dandy that there is you're not tough you're not a plug you're not a gangster you're from the deep suburbs and you're broke so you're like really white trash living in $1,000 townhouse in a crappy State like Maryland go check reality next time you're at the mailbox shipping out another $5 pair of sunglasses
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 sad part is as big a bum as you are your parents are probably even bigger bums and failures and the fact that that's where you're living very sad is that why you're obsessed with calling other people bums you couldn't even afford a package to send the pants in you like tied up a trash bag and slap the shipping label on it you're too broke for a one-size-fits-all UPS box
Oct 12Reply

@djpadrino lol u got no idea. But we good! Go attend to that thing n suck on it. Enjoy boy.
Oct 12Reply

Anytime u wanna pop up u can do so. I promise I’ll let u slap me. On god I will. 😎
Oct 12Reply

@issaplug01 sure thing Maryland's most wanted 😂😂😂
Oct 13Reply

@djpadrino hey man you still want the wallet
Oct 24Reply

@paco1204 yea i want both backpack and wallet but your price to high
Oct 25Reply

@paco1204 give me a deal n il buy both today
Oct 25Reply

@djpadrino 400 for both
Oct 25Reply

@paco1204 best I can do is 200 for both you have the price too high that's why they've been sitting on your page for 2 months not selling I have cash ready to go
Oct 25Reply

@djpadrino hey man someone just told me that they will give me 300 for the backpack
Oct 25Reply

i gove you the wallet for 100
Oct 25Reply

Oct 25Reply

@paco1204 180 is the lowest I can go I’ve got a buyer that suppose to buy Friday
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 this money 100% ready now dont wait til friday for a maybe
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 plus its missing the long strap thats supposed to go over your shoulder
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 il give u 150 for LV duffle in your background pic
Mar 06Reply

@djpadrino I’m go have more duffle bags soon , plus I’m cool like I said I’ve already got a sale for it but you can get it for 180 it’s go sell its self
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 u dont got a sale if u dont got the money u just got words, promises from another broke posh BSer
Mar 06Reply

@djpadrino lol it will sell it self I promise I’m not taking no less than 180 I guaranteed it will be gone before Sunday
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 first it was Friday now it's Sunday I have cash ready now I can pay you direct through P ayP al after Posh takes its 20% out of your 180 you'll only be looking at about $140 not to mention the bag is missing a strap and the threads are already frayed
Mar 06Reply

@djpadrino not in a hurry I can wait I made the offer for 180 barbecue or mildew
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 well i need the bag to travel on a flight so by friday or sunday when no one buys it then itll b too late for me so u missing out
Mar 06Reply

@djpadrino I understand so take the 180 counter offer
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 it aint worth 180 its fake its missing a strap and its already showing wear n tear best il do is 125
Mar 06Reply

@djpadrino I’m cool man the bag never be worn never ever ever be worn and now you calling it fake I’m cool the offer been made and the bag will sell man regardless if you don’t think so then keep watching
Mar 06Reply

@jarvis1988 in your own picture you can see loose threads on the bag so that means the quality is very low of the stitching the fact that it's also missing the main strap what is the point of having a duffle bag that cannot even go over your shoulder you're missing the shoulder strap so it's basically a gigantic handbag and then you're acting like it's in Mint Condition it's ridiculous I guess you don't want money
Mar 06Reply
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