Meet your Posher, John
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I tend to prioritize great texture, color, design and materials more than labels. I also enjoy discovering vintage and other unique items for the bold and creative alchemist who can combine them effectively with other items for a stylish but slightly unexpected, anachronistic, eclectic original look. In addition to my sourcing expeditions, I also enjoy photographing nature. Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to leave me a Comment!

15 others
like this

Hi John 👋WELCOME TO POSHMARK 😎 happy Poshing 👖🌂👟👜👜👚🕶👗👠👘👒🎒👢👝👘😘
Oct 23Reply

Thanks, all!
Nov 03Reply

@sevenbison 🌺 Welcome❣️Feel free to stop by if you ever have any questions🔮I'm a Poshmark ambassador and would be happy to help🎉🐶🐬
Nov 08Reply

@vynyssa Thanks for reaching out! You have a good vibe at your Closet!
Nov 09Reply

@sevenbison 🍁You're welcome and 🌘 Thank you🐾 I'm curious about your Closet name🐃 does it reference anything?
Nov 09Reply

I like to promote a "prairie" aesthetic/appreciation. It's one of my things. :)
Nov 09Reply

I find nature generally/aesthetically inspiring for creative endeavors. The prairie is more unsung than the beach IMHO. I've lived near both and they are both great. So I like giving it props!
Nov 09Reply

Awesome collection! I had so much fun shopping it!!
Jan 01Reply

@blackie99 Thanks for visiting! Best of luck with your Closet as well!
Jan 01Reply

You had me at "hideously ugly Members Only Jacket"
Jan 07Reply

@lilovingistan Welcome aboard! It remains waiting for someone just like you to give it a new home and to wear it and love it and dare to say to the world---"I thought I may get just a little chilly later so I brought a jacket."
Jan 07Reply

Seriously tho, it's a statement kinda jkt I think. :)
Jan 07Reply

Thank you!!! Much appreciated!!!
Jan 09Reply

@ kndrfaye Thank you for visiting and supporting a small business with your no-haggle purchase! Let me know you have any problems, I hope you love the hoodie!
Jan 15Reply

@alykayb @missbtrfly @zingnut @sheryl12chandle @lizbarbosa4 @jamesdablowski @pdthomason @ritamcwilliams @eazyebs @funnyvonne @tarynjacobus @bprairiemama @jyinglingsm
@heathercun @lovemychildren4 @kayla_windsor @sun76
@vanivanilinka @modestmortician @cocoreilly @nsteff
@lmcote13 @amandasagan24 @melissawalls50
Thank you to all my great customers since I opened my Closet!
Jan 15Reply

@sevenbison I love your closet and descriptions! You should be a writer- if you come across another English cloak I’m your girl! I spend a lot of time on the moors...
Jan 18Reply

@ccgraham Thank you for the compliment and interest! Maybe I'll write a risque series about clothing and some sort of heat-driven but ill-advised romance and a lot about their clothes. And even more about the ecosystem of the moors. LOL That cloak had an interesting outcome---a lady IN ENGLAND bought it and it's currently on its way back home, believe it or not!
Jan 18Reply

@sevenbison OMG That is awesome ! Well it’s obvious she knew he real thing! If you don’t write for a living you should definitely consider it - i think you would be very successful 😀
Jan 18Reply

@ccgraham I appreciate that very much. You can do the Foreword and I will offer you a free copy of my first ebook once I decide what it is about and get it completed! :) I think it's going to have something to do with wizardy, hot romance, textiles/design, and paleo eating in a graphic nvel/coloring book format. ;)
Jan 19Reply

@sevenbison And hopefully in that order! Lol
Jan 19Reply

@sevenbison My daughter just published an ebook - it’s for sale on Amazon - and she’s only 21 years old
Jan 19Reply

@ccgraham That's awesome! I did explore it a while back and the options have never been more supportive to first time authors! Godspeed to her!
Jan 19Reply

@ccgraham Instead I guess I decided to just write my stories one clothing listing at a time in serial format. ;)
Jan 19Reply

@sevenbison Thank you!
Jan 19Reply

@sevenbison Well you’re sure good at it!
Jan 19Reply

@ccgraham I'll be listing another presumed vintage wool cloak tonight or tomorrow---similar condition but no tags at all to provide more info. Slightly different style.
Jan 31Reply

@sevenbison That is awesome! I’ll keep a look out! Message me when you list it
Jan 31Reply

What a cool surprise...soinds like you're a guy. I'm a photographer too. Lots of wildlife and macros. Gonna check out the rest of your closet now for the unexpected!
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst :)
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst Danke! I do take a lot of naturey photos, yes, altho the ones I use in my Closet for memery tend to not be my own simply out d/t efficiency/expediency. My FB tends to get mine when I get a good capture. I'd love to do the stuff I do with nature with fashion/models too, at some point----appreciating/capturing beauty and creating a narrative with the camera. Great, please do!
Mar 12Reply

@sevenbison danke schoen to you. Officially BEST CLOSET EVER with most interesting ever descriptions. I seem to have created quite the creative bundle for me and some soon-to-be very appreciative friends while sleep-poshing again. I love to wear the unexpected 😈
Mar 12Reply

I totally get your mission of sourcing interesting stuff (obviously) at great prices. That being said, would sure appreciate it if my original pathetic purchase if just ONE item could be cancelled and that item added to the bundle. If you're able to do a bundle discount of some kind, even better😊
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst LOL Thank you very much, I love that you enjoy exploring it and that you appreciate my taste and narratives! Many thanks for the shopping, I do hope that you and your lucky friends love all your items too! :)
Mar 12Reply

Gonna have to track this package closely and hide from my husband who will have a fit. Serves him right for sleeping so soundly all night. Posh is the bane of his existence. He's so missing out.
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst I'm not sure how we can do a re-do on that. I'd say try to contact PM Customer Service and tell them we'd like to get it in the same Bundle---I won't actually Ship it until we find out. Last resort, yes, I'll work something out on the Bundle to offset things.
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst Oh, I see yeah. Just sort your Bundle preferences out today and I'll respond later today with the "Offer" part and we'll get it worked out. Probably easier than trying to undo your other purchase. But let me know if you find out differently and we'll coordinate!
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst The above photo is in fact one of mine tho. OK, I've got catch a few zzz's but will check back in later this afternoon...Thanks gain for shopping and entertaining banter! :)
Mar 12Reply

Gonna try to cancel the original sale now and add to the bundle. If I can't do it, you probably can. Hate to pay posh's high shipping rate twice. Morning the John Deere shirt...
Mar 12Reply

Of course! Go saw some logs...
Mar 12Reply

Just wanted to let you know I cancel the order with Posh 6 hours ago. It says you can cancel within 3 hours of purchasing. As soon as I get confirmation, I'll add that top to the bundle. Again, I'll keep you posted. Now I'm going to try to finally get some sleep. I'm exhausted.
Mar 12Reply

I'm so sorry John but I was forced to reevaluate my bundle after waking up from a nap just now. I'm only purchasing the items that are gifts. We live in FL so several things I bundled make no sense here. I hope that scarf sells in time for st. Patty's Day to someone who can actually use it :-)
Mar 12Reply

Again... I'm really sorry, I just have to be practical. My husband's threatened to throw out half my closet as it is. I just really love the uniqueness of your items. As soon as I hear back from Posh regarding the top that I canceled, I will put it in the bundle and be set to purchase.
Mar 12Reply

Hi again...just wanted you to know that I shared every unsold item in your closet with all my followers just now. I also shared all of your beautiful dresses to the "best of dresses and skirts" party happening now. Really hope one of them at least scores a hostess pick as they're all awesome. Still waiting to hear back from Posh. Can't believe I didn't check out the rest of your closet before making an offer on the green prank top. Oh well...hopefully it'll all work out!
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst Thanks for your passion for my Closet/style, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and shopping enthusiasm! No problem, I'll be happy for whatever items you decide upon and hope you get enjoyment from them!
Mar 12Reply

@sevenbison thanks John! You are so kind. Still nothing back from posh. Hopefully by tomorrow morning. I was hoping to get the stuff for this weekend to give two of the t-shirts to a friend who's coming to visit from out of town.
Mar 12Reply

@cwintergerst Look under your Purchases---is there any Dropdown Menu there that offers a Cancel option? There is for that item under my Sales view. I'd prefer the Customer do it just because I've learned that is a big deal "score-wise" on other platforms. But give it a check. I have not mailed the item so the postage has not been "activated" yet I don't think. Just let me know.
Mar 13Reply

@sevenbison that's the 1st thing I checked. The only thing I can do under Purchases is go to problems/ order inquiry. There I chose accidental purchase and that's what they should have gotten. I took a screenshot of that screen in case there's a problem. I can send it to them tomorrow. Please don't hurt your score! I'll straighten it out in the a.m. if I haven't heard from them. Gonna try to get some sleep now. Finally :-)
Mar 13Reply

@cwintergerst I Cancelled the Order on my end---you are good to go! Thanks---let me know when your Bundle is complete!
Mar 13Reply

@cwintergerst (Posh confirmed that this is the approach they would recommend to resolve your issue, so we're on our way---I created a new replacement listing)
Mar 13Reply

Just read their email that they cancelled the original order. Will take a look at the bundle now and make sure there's nothing I want to add :)
Mar 13Reply

I added the green top and offered $2 less than the bundle price. I know this isn't your problem but pretty sure the 2 t-shirts I ordered for a friend won't fit...the XXL will be too big and the L too small :-( I keep doing this on posh...ordering things that I know won't fit!) Even the top with the leopard detail, which is for me, is going to be too tight but I want it anyway. I'll be back in your closet again...I'm hooked!
Mar 13Reply

@cwintergerst I will Decline your Offer of 42. Recreate the Bundle and I will Offer you 35 (comp you the leopard tee as part of my promo). It wont let me Offer you less as currently stands. :)
Mar 13Reply

@sevenbison you don't have to comp me anything John! You're the nice guy... If you really are a guy 😲🤣😂
Mar 13Reply

*And if you know stuff wont work for you just wait until you find something that will. I'll be happy if/when you do! Thanks for your passion for my Closet!
Mar 13Reply

It's the promo I have listed, I stand by it. :)
Mar 13Reply

cwintergerst1 you can see, I changed by bundle again just to keep things interesting and make them more complicated:) I removed the leopard thing because it just won't fit. I re-added the speedway tee because I love the colors and appreciate it's uniqueness. I also added the wool sweater back in. If you want to send me a new offer...I'm now really sure about everything! Thanks again, John!!
Mar 13Reply

well...I just added the scarf back in. Seeing a friend from PA for the first time in 22 years on Sat. (St. Paddy's Day) Yesterday was her birthday. Gonna wrap it around her neck here in hot FL as a gift!!
Mar 13Reply

@cwintergerst I hope she loves it and you have a great time!
Mar 14Reply

@sevenbison thanks John... I'm sure she will. I'm going to come up behind her in the restaurant, blindfold her with it and yell surprise :-)
Mar 14Reply

So glad this is finally DONE! Looking forward to our next transaction!
Mar 14Reply

Oh yeah... If there's any way you can get it out tomorrow so I'll have the order/scarf by Saturday and can surprise her at dinner that night, that would be great!
Mar 14Reply

@cwintergerst It will go out tomorrow for sure unless there is an alien invasion or something along that line. Already boxed up! Thank you again for your nice purchase, take care!
Mar 14Reply

@sevenbison thank you John! It was fun and such a pleasure to do business with you :-) I'm kind of hoping for an alien invasion... Could be fun and imagine the endless possibilities for you to creatively write about it :-)
Mar 14Reply

Hey have to check out the Retrolicious listings. There's an item ""mod cloth ticket pinup dress retro vintage" the description of which sounds like it was written by you! The posher is missionboutique. And OMG, the ice cream cone skater skirt, same brand. Too cool! xoxo
Mar 16Reply

@cwintergerst I will check them out---there really are lots of interesting and beautiful Closets for sure.
Mar 16Reply

Hey... Almost gave the blouse you threw in with my purchase to my friend for whom I bought the tees from your closet. It looked way too big for me and not quite my style. At the last minute, thought I'd try it on before gifting it and it's really beautiful on. I then checked the tag and noticed it's Michael Kors. So kind and generous of you. Thanks again!
Mar 18Reply

@cwintergerst You're very welcome, it was a worthy win-win purchase! I hope you get some use out of it and feel free to gift it forward if you can't.
Mar 18Reply

Cool closet! Thanks for the follow!
Mar 23Reply

@eling1 Thanks! Likewise!
Mar 24Reply

I would not be able to sleep knowing someone else could possibly buy the most ugliest jacket in the universe out from under me! Can't wait to get it 😆
Apr 20Reply

I'm in the same boat. Dealing with my mom who has severe dementia. Have caregivers with her now but spending lots of time with her. I'll share your stuff as much as I can... I love your closet!
May 18Reply

Thanks for the shares...really appreciate it. I have a hard time selling stuff because I don't have many followers yet. I closed my closet down a couple mos after creating it. Most of the stuff is in another location so just adding a few things for now. Love them all but bought them all too small. Surprise. They should sell easily if the right person sees them.
May 19Reply

@cwintergerst You're welcome---good luck with your sales!
May 19Reply

Thanks... Same to you. No luck so far but I keep hoping! And my new stuff is so great, too!
May 19Reply

How did you get so many followers, John? Will share some of your stuff again tomorrow when hopefully lots of Poshers are taking the day off to make it a 4-day weekend!
May 24Reply

@cwintergerst You get them by doing a substantial amount of Following and Sharing and a few other things. Thank you for the Shares, I realize I have a lot more listings than yourself. Have a great weekend!
May 24Reply

Thanks, too. Unfortunately I have limited time for Posh so usually end up doing it in the middle of the night when I'm supposed to be sleeping. I feel like sharing and following is all I do. I can't believe how many people follow without sharing. 99.9% So selfish.
May 24Reply

Was wondering if you guys who have a gazillion followers share with social media like Facebook. I assume that my Facebook followers would then get my stuff and don't really want to plague my friends with my Posh listings. Or maybe I don't understand how sharing with social media really works. Sigh...
May 24Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet John, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 25Reply

@kathskloset5 Thanks for visiting and viewing!
Jul 01Reply

Thanks for your generosity in sharing my little closet! I started reading more of your listings..,keep up the funny bc it really catches the eye and makes you memorable! 😊
Aug 09Reply

@adele_gb You're very welcome! Thanks a bunch, appreciate your appreciation! :)
Aug 10Reply

ello! Thank you for following my closet. I appreciate it very much. You have some wonderful items as well! Im always posting new items including some more vintage wear! Please feel free to make an offer on anything you like :) have a great day
Sep 26Reply

Thanks for the follow! If you haven’t already, please check out my closet I’m sure you will find something you love! Pick one or bundle and save even more ✨ Thanks for your time I hope we can work together and make a deal!
Nov 02Reply

@thelakersstar Thanks for visiting/viewing!
Nov 02Reply

@designerchic03 Thanks for stopping by!
Nov 02Reply

@peaceluvandcats Thank you!
Nov 02Reply

Love your closet🛍
Nov 21Reply

Hey John ~ I’m in Northern California, but have spent the majority of my life thus far in the north shore burbs of Chicago. Please DO NOT go outside to drive and thus measure for me. I will wait very patiently, and totally understand weather related delays. BE SAFE above all else! I have pumped gas in -23 F and a windchill of -47 🌡 Just sayin 💨🥶 Monica
Jan 30Reply

John ~ Can you mark the feather edged vest SOLD to hold it for me please? I don’t buy much on PM, and don’t have a lot of money, but this I will make an exception for 🤓 Monica
Jan 30Reply

@treasures2luv Will mark as HOLD. I may need to be going by it's location yet tonight but not certain yet. TY
Jan 30Reply

@treasures2luv Yes, you know the weather here then! I've lived in both Norcal and SocAl too and thus can say I know how much I miss reasonable weather! :)
Jan 30Reply

If you don’t mind saying here, where do you live (general area)?
Jan 30Reply

@treasures2luv Midwest prairie but worked in CA long enough to consider it home too.
Jan 30Reply

@sevenbison thx 🌷
Jan 30Reply

The reason I haven’t accepted the shipment is I only now tracked it, to find that it has been at the local post office since 2/4/19. I’ll swing by tomorrow morning, open my package and accept then. Thank you for understanding. 📦🎁
Feb 06Reply

@treasures2luv No worries, thnx for the update!
Feb 06Reply

@connie_posh Thank you for visiting and viewing---godspeed to you as well!
Mar 11Reply

@sevenbison Just checking, are you still active on here? I just to make sure for my order. Thank you! You have a nice closet!
Jan 12Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 27Reply

@jadehowler Hi---you did get the wool britches, right?
Feb 19Reply

@sevenbison Hello, yes I did! Thank you. I emailed Poshmark about it confused since it was a cancelled order but they said you were reimbursed for them and to accept them for inconvenience. Hopefully that was fine?
Feb 19Reply

Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 16Reply
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