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Updated May 10
Updated May 10

Meet your Posher, Joshua

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Joshua. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, CHANEL, J. Crew, Nike, and lululemon athletica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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qualityfashion3 @give me a break. I don't have money for lawyer im on disability.
Sep 08Reply
qualityfashion3 Can u not report me to Adidas u can keep the shoes and ill refund u. I don't like selling ua I was just trying to help him out. I was trying to get away from that
Sep 08Reply
nehaxoxo do you still have the adidas windbreaker jacket? ill pay the price as listed!
Nov 23Reply
voguesquared @nehaxoxo nope! Sold it yesterday on eBay
Nov 23Reply
nehaxoxo aw man do you happen to have the style name or anything?
Nov 23Reply
voguesquared @nehaxoxo no, it's a vintage jacket sorry!
Nov 23Reply
jdgo can u go a little lower than that? Am ready to buy for a reasonable price.
Dec 07Reply
voguesquared @jdgo $45 is my lowest
Dec 07Reply
jdgo @voguesquared would u trade for burberry polo shirt XL?
Dec 07Reply
voguesquared @jdgo no trades, sorry
Dec 07Reply
jdgo @voguesquared am interested in buying d armani jacket now
Dec 13Reply
barriebailey Hello! Happy holidays! When you get chance, check out my shares and my closet. I have a wide variety of items including women's, men's and kids. I know you'll find something you'll like 😍
Dec 18Reply
voguesquared @barriebailey please don't spam my account, I'm going to report you for this
Dec 18Reply
barriebailey @voguesquared how is this spam? All I was doing was saying "happy Holidays" after I shared some of your stuff. If you don't want to follow me or for me to share your stuff, that's fine. Good luck with poshmark and keeping your New Years resolutions
Dec 18Reply
voguesquared @barriebailey it's against the rules to tell me to check out your closet, that is spam
Dec 18Reply
barriebailey @voguesquared it's against the rules to market yourself on someone else's post of an item. Ie you post a picture of a polo shirt and I message to your users on your item page that mine is lower or to check mine out. You should read the rules and speak to Poshmark before you go on the attack. If you look at the purpose of the "about me" section, it is to post to check out other people's closets and wish them well
Dec 18Reply
voguesquared @barriebailey yeah don't do that
Dec 18Reply
kedakares Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing.
Mar 09Reply
tinabell41 Thank you for sharing my listing. Christina
Mar 31Reply
33_sales Thanks so much for the shares! That's crazy cause I was just watching you on YouTube last night while I was taking pics of clothes! The 1 where you filled in for Nicole State while she was on vacation! And I LOVE the way you say "Hilfiger" 😂😂😂 You're awesome!! And thanks for all the great tips!
Apr 01Reply
tinabell41 Thanks for sharing my listing. Offers always welcomed. Thank you Christina
Apr 02Reply
kristenvanness @voguesquared Hi Josh, I follow you on Insta. Love the hauls. Thanks for all the good info and stated following you because of Nicole and Alex. 🙏🏻
Apr 03Reply
reereescloset Hi josh...glad to finally see your closet...I'm a huge fan of your channel!
Apr 18Reply
heavyrotation Dope page
Apr 23Reply
texansister I just read an article about you on Yahoo and I had to tell you how amazing I think it is that you found this success and congratulations on making a business work in a structure that works for you! ✋️👏👏
May 11Reply
reereescloset @voguesquared lol I think of you every single time I see Tommy Hilfiger!!
Jun 02Reply
islandartist Fun closet.
Jul 21Reply
carlosc0301 Can you do $80 on the tommy hilfiger windbreaker?
Dec 19Reply
voguesquared @carlosc0301 use offer button. Thanks
Dec 19Reply
twbonds Thanks for shopping with me, Josh. I have seen you on Youtube :) So cool you like my Tommy find! Will ship tomorrow. ☺☺
Jan 21Reply
voguesquared @twbonds awesome! Thank you!
Jan 21Reply
twbonds Hi Josh- Thrilled you like the jacket. Thanks so much for the kind rating and happy weekend. -Trish
Jan 26Reply
kazzie1 Hi Josh, is the jacket gone?
Mar 28Reply
joannzk Hi Josh! My son JUSTIN went to MSU JD/MBA & mentioned your success. AWESOME!! I’m JoAnn Kepler @JoAnnZK on PM. I want to invite you... We have a wonderful PFF group - LOOK for MINNIE+MICKEY in my CLOSET & add❤️& COMMENT with your NAME, if you’re interested! You may see other SUPER Poshers you know! @JoAnnZK🙋‍♀️💜
May 11Reply
voguesquared @joannzk oh wow, small world. That’s awesome
May 11Reply
michb77 Hi, I'm interested in buying the Eileen fisher capris. There was a mix up on yours and another offer I had made. I'm not sure if I mistakingly hit a wrong button.
Jun 07Reply
michb77 You don't have to ignore me, yes or no is all I asked
Jun 07Reply
alan93 Best closet evah
Jun 11Reply
beautifulblurs Hello! I just made an offer on a pair of vintage shark swim trunks! They are no longer listed- are they sill available?
Jun 24Reply
kmitch1 Hey i said the pants did not fit i need to return them!
Jun 25Reply
reace28 Just shared a ton of your items please return the favor
Jul 20Reply
antony1010 @voguesquared hi, by any chance are you willing to trade?
Jul 31Reply
antony1010 @voguesquared ok, thank you
Jul 31Reply
wmhlang You’ve got a lot of nice stuff! I’m new here, so I’m not certain how I can bundle an offer
Aug 05Reply
voguesquared @wmhlang hi, you just go to the listings you would like to bundle and there is a button at the bottom that says “add to bundle”
Aug 05Reply
jspivey19 Counter on those jeans?
Aug 13Reply
voguesquared @jspivey19 they’re not available
Aug 13Reply
dlandry0414 Hey Josh, do you still have the Allen Edmonds MacNeil wingtips in Oxblood? I can't find the listing but my husband won't stop asking about them.... thanks
Aug 24Reply
voguesquared @dlandry0414 no sorry they’re sold!
Aug 24Reply
trinitymv Hello!! I’d love it if ya checked out my page ☺️ if you so choose to purchase anything from my closet, I’ll get your goodies shipped within the day!! I’m totally open to offers as well, so ignore the prices & throw me your offer 💓 I hope you have a great day!!
Aug 29Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, French connection, Spanx, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 22Reply
cafedumonde Sorry price firm on the Chaps Ralph Lauren USA Vintage Windbreaker.
Oct 30Reply
rennbart Hey Josh. Did you part ways with the green adidas soccer bomber? I cant find it in your closet anymore
Nov 01Reply
jm1971 Good Morning! I just purchased the Azetc 80s ski jacket for my daughter - she will flip! We head out to Colorado next Tuesday, and I was wondering if you thought the item would arrive in Virginia by then? (I can pay extra for shipping) Or I can give you our address in Colorado. Thank you so much! Jenny
Dec 12Reply
voguesquared @jm1971 hi, it should be there by Saturday. I sent it off to the post office this morning
Dec 12Reply
jm1971 Oh wow that's terrific, thank you so much! Have a wonderful holiday!
Dec 12Reply
paulalynne Hello i hope its ok to ask you about how you store and organize all your listings i see some kind of tracking letters and numbers in some of the listings??
Dec 17Reply
adrifreeman Do you still have the cannondale jersey? I made an offer but don’t see it anymore. I’ll pay the full $40 asking price
Dec 20Reply
shojochef You are the coolest! I am so jealous that you have all that carhartt.
Dec 26Reply
buy4jb Hi I am 68 and started writing this. And shop. Realize that my little story could be wrong. Anyway just skip this by if a bother. I just read you are like an important store. So I am buying for a friend. I met him in senior complex in CA. I live in Vancouver Wa now and he is in MA. He is 60.
Jan 31Reply
buy4jb I am just checking to see if you have a pair of jogging pants you practically would sell for hardly anything. He is a disabled vet. He is in a program now in MA. I have put together t shirts and some shoes and jacket.
Jan 31Reply
buy4jb Oh Jeez I just read the person’s post who upset you, yikes. I need to get a pair of pants like I put in. I thought someone might be able to pick a pair that are just not a too desirable item and see if they could offer them at a really small price. He was very nice and I am just doing this as he needs. I am looking for 1 pair. I already got some T-shirt’s and a pair of shoes. No need to make any offer. I’m just looking . ☮️
Jan 31Reply
vintagemyimage Woah Your Profile is Super inspiring! I Respect the Grind!
Feb 06Reply
olivia_jonas Hi! I just started my poshmark account & it looks like we both like similar brands (SoulCycle, Nike & lululemon). I have a few NWT men’s lululemon x Soulcycle shorts & shirts & would love it if you checked out my closet! Mostly high quality activewear for women, but would be great gifts for the females in your life! :)
Feb 08Reply
ertorbeck 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿
Feb 13Reply
larryjknowles Hey bro did u remove the dior joggers??
Feb 25Reply
angiefisk Hey Josh just checking to see what happened to the Carolina work-boots that were a size 9? Says they are no longer available.
Mar 05Reply
2muchstuff3691 Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you’ll check out my closet and give me a follow 😘💕❤️
Mar 05Reply
vampirevintage Hi Joshua, you have some great items. I bought a pair of vintage Carolina boots and love them. Where do you find all this vintage new stuff? Any secret? I go thrifting a lot and enjoy it. I find some cool stuff. I’m trying to make this my full time work soon.
Mar 08Reply
voguesquared @vampirevintage a little bit of luck and a couple of people reaching out to me that was going out of business. Keep at it!
Mar 08Reply
alexandreacar WOW you have thee absolute best closet on poshmark seriously I have been lost in your closet for the past 3 hours straight!!!! I will most definitely be back with offers.
Mar 22Reply
morganpoimboeuf Did you just sell the green 90s adidas joggers
Apr 16Reply
freshstewart Hello, did you see my offer on that hat? Thanks.
Apr 26Reply
jalo3554 Yo where did you get your hands on that red wings “we want Stanley” polo?
May 14Reply
mhotty @voguesquared hey, I tried purchasing the yellow Hawaiian shirt but it showed that you canceled it. I was wondering if it is no longer available. I would like to purchase it if it is available. Thanks.
May 23Reply
greytothegrave @voguesquared hi there was wondering if you knew why the bundle I ordered from you was canceled? Did you already sell those items or something?
May 23Reply
opelo Did you block me for a simple mistake?
Jul 14Reply
voguesquared @opelo you aren’t blocked, pants sold
Jul 14Reply
opelo I tried to respond to you and let you know that it was a mistake and that I have had to ask so many listings for the measurements that I was sidetracked and came back and did it by mistake on your listing. I apologize. I tried to tell you that on the listing but it wouldn’t let me.
Jul 14Reply
voguesquared @opelo all good, it was sold so you couldn’t comment on it
Jul 14Reply
opelo @voguesquared ok. Thanks. My bad, man.
Jul 14Reply
austinlad Hey Joshua. I recently placed an offer on that Cure shirt you listed and was denied, so i went to up the offer and can't seem to reconnect. Can you help point me back to it? Thanks man.
Jul 15Reply
voguesquared @austinlad sold out, sorry!
Jul 15Reply
bobbyjones661 Would u do $35 with free shipping? I will buy now if so....
Jul 25Reply
voguesquared @bobbyjones661 no sorry, thanks
Jul 25Reply
puppyluvfashion Hey buddy what an amazing closet!!! I follow you on utube and insta!! You’re a beast!! ❤️💜
Aug 03Reply
xaniladoh Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! My closet is always open to offers so feel free to check out my closet. Happy Poshing! 💖
Aug 06Reply
p_lind would love to buy those pants. let’s come to some agreement?
Aug 19Reply
mariodidino Hey I was wondering if that Columbia crewneck was still available, I think it was black white and blue with stripes on the sleeves
Sep 10Reply
voguesquared @mariodidino Hi, it is sold out, sorry!
Sep 10Reply
massgrailz It's crazy I just watched one of your vids on youtube... an jus ended up on your posh..haha! Cool stuff
Oct 15Reply
jguth7 Did you sell the Wallace tee I just offered on?
Oct 27Reply
clasheen Did the navy adidas soccer bag sell?
Oct 27Reply
lbutti What happened to red jacket
Nov 18Reply
lveltkamp That Five Brother’s Flannel shirt that I just made an offer on has a big ol mark on the front. Won’t you please come down on your price?
Dec 08Reply
voguesquared @lveltkamp it’s sold out
Dec 08Reply
lveltkamp Question. I’m new at this Postmark stuff. Do you sell more stuff here or on EBay or some other venue?
Dec 08Reply
kevkev1234 Hey I wanted to know why my order was canceled
Dec 10Reply
devo3232 Please cancel my order of the Port carhartt beanie, I need the money, sorry for any inconvenience!
Dec 12Reply
meepiesfinds Hi Josh, Thank you for making an offer on my Lululemon shorts. I have already had multiple offers $19-$22 that were declined my best price is $24 if you love them and purchase at $24 I can ship your way in the morning I ship everyday 😊
Dec 14Reply
robershehan5 hello my name is Rob I been looking at that Vietnam vest for last two days I got on to buy it now I can't find it hit me up I really wanna get it for my dad as it fits him to a T looks kind like his old one and I just gotta get it hit me up please thank you brother.....
Jan 13Reply
sprfshlppeacock Was the Nike Full Button Outdoor Jacket Shirt already sold on another platform?
Jan 20Reply
voguesquared @sprfshlppeacock it’s been sold yeah
Jan 20Reply
sprfshlppeacock @voguesquared o do you have any similar listings?
Jan 20Reply
ernesto31 Sent you an offer for the nike pants
Jan 22Reply
ernesto31 Let me know thanks
Jan 22Reply
kianakap Is the university Sorbonne Paris sweatshirt still available?
Jan 27Reply
mccrawford1107 Dude! I wanted those Bonobos jeans!
Jan 28Reply
litaevf hey, why was my order cancelled for the mamma mia sweatshirt?
Feb 02Reply
farome84 Do you no longer have the red with green “L” Lacoste hat??
Mar 26Reply
woquinn28 Are you still selling the Kansas Jayhawks basketball shorts?
Mar 31Reply
cole12930 Yo do u still have the 90s Mens Large Michigan Wolverines Denim Shirt
Apr 02Reply
chicnation @voguesquared hi !! Hope your staying healthy you enjoying your day ?
Apr 08Reply
voguesquared @chicnation yeah, did you have a question?
Apr 08Reply
itsmookielyd @voguesquared Your selection is on point! Thank you! 🔥🔥🔥
May 17Reply
jay1will Trying to find out if your still selling items? Made offer and got no response
May 19Reply
doyo1drea1 yo. what happened to the bugs hat. I was gonna buy it from you
Jun 03Reply
raydiazrod Hi did you sell the cannondale shorts?
Jul 04Reply
brothergraham92 Hey are those pair of adidas shorts still avail! They disappeared? Would do $65!
Jul 14Reply
poshdez Hey Josh... just seeing if u got my bid on the marlboro shoulder bag? :)
Aug 06Reply
hecchips hi i have a question did the fc barcelona vintage M shorts sold?
Sep 14Reply
sinsofcyn 💃Hi Joshua...🌅Good Morning 🌅      Allow yourself some RELAXING LEISURE🍷 TIME, Further STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDS      Watch for YOUR PERSONAL REQUESTS.........COMING SOON 🌲🌲Cynthia
Sep 23Reply
erockdance Hey did someone buy the adidas vintage shorts? They disappeared after my offer!
Sep 28Reply
eblato2 Hi Josh I made an offer on a vintage blue kokatat paddle jacket yesterday and it was declined no is no longer available and willing to pay full price do you still have it I also contacted you on eBay cuz I couldn't figure out how to do this
Oct 03Reply
vince839 Where did you find the Adidas Schumacher GK jersey? I loved those as a kid, maybe they have XL / XXL?
Oct 19Reply
ayala70 Hello. Im still waiting for my order. I purchased a pair of vintage 505 levi shorts and I havent recieved it yet. I got a message from poshmark saying that it was delayed. Do you have a status?? Thank you
Oct 19Reply
ayala70 As soon as you have an update please notify me. Thanks 🙏
Oct 19Reply
ayala70 @voguesquared I don't want to cancel my purchase. Im sure you're very busy with other sales. All I need is a status on the shipment of the shorts I purchased from you. Thank you.
Oct 19Reply
stevenbarnes303 Love the content! Will be buying more, good variety
Nov 11Reply
bennythecat JCrew Anorak? Sold?
Nov 11Reply
brayjayzdaddy I like your closet, man! If I had more time I would have tried to share it all. I would appreciate it if you took a moment to check mine out. I wish we could have a brief conversation somehow, I have a few questions that I know you could help me with, after looking at your closet. Thanks! -Matthew
Nov 18Reply
tonybush777 your prices are steep AF bro
Nov 28Reply
westley169 hello Josh I'm really interested in the phantom 3 Adidas but I cannot see you to get in through the credit card app
Dec 01Reply
aaronfalto Hello I recently just purchased the maroon columbia half zip and it was cancelled and I would like to know why or if I can still purchase it.
Dec 03Reply
theroguecaptain wow man. if you didn't like my offer on the sweater you could have countered. you didn't have to take the whole listing down guy. Merry Christmas.
Dec 09Reply
voguesquared @epkilbride it was sold out.
Dec 09Reply
lpretendseagle Hello, I have EXACTLY $25.00 to buy my husband a Christmas present. He's a volunteer firefighter and a veteran. I know he would love these t shirts so if you please would please consider the FDNY shirt for 20 so I can afford the shipping? You would be our Santa this year... if not, I understand and thank you for your time MERRY CHRISTMAS To you and yours.
Dec 15Reply
sz5061 @voguesquared Hi I'm new to Poshmark so I have no idea what I'm doing, but my order got cancelled cause someone else bought it, let me know if the buyer returns the white varsity sweater with blue and gold stripes, I am 100% still interested
Dec 17Reply
helenbeacher If still have Dalmac jersey- would pay $50. Thank You! Helen
Dec 21Reply
daredevil30 it's not letting me buy that Adidas jersey for $40. can you help me with that dude?
Dec 22Reply
clownhearse hi did the garfield prisoner of love shirt sell? i was willing to increase my offer :(
Dec 26Reply
testimoney29 hi I bought the stain wash white blue new order cargo jeans from you 60.00 just now hope u can ship them soon. message me back
Jan 03Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 12Reply
antmorris1983 was trying to offer 80 for cons
Jan 20Reply
vanwagwest Why did you pull the "Vintage Arctic Cat Snowmobile Spell Out Jacket XL" I was bidding on????.
Jan 23Reply
purplewater84 Josh You canceled my order for the nike retro indoor soccer shoes and broke my sons heart. $145.00 full price i didn't even do an offer and buy now. con me into a bundle? shame on you make it right and email me now I want the shoes now or you tell my kid why it went through only to cancel to freed on a v bundle scam. I'm in Flint and u represent our State terribly if u don't make this right now Mr. Stebbins hurry up Josh I'm very disappointed
Jan 24Reply
voguesquared @purplewater84 sorry, they were unavailable. I apologize for the inconvenience
Jan 24Reply
purplewater84 @voguesquared why did it waste my time and most importantly go through to checkout and debating my cc for $145 if its unavailable in the first place?? what kind of scam you running young man. now my $ is held up for God knows how long. so you don't have the size 9 nike retro indoor soccer shoes yet it said you have them in stock?? get on the ph and make this right.
Jan 24Reply
purplewater84 Josh do you have the shoes or not? I might just take u to court for this illegal transaction seriously I'm pissed. get on the ph & I won't be. man to man explain yourself & I'll hopefully understand
Jan 24Reply
Feb 13Reply
nutmegthrift Hii :) I am super interested in the Champion Sweatpants that were in my Bundle I noticed you Declined my Offer... I am willing to pay Full Price for them, but I noticed you Deleted the Listing... Are they are still available?? :)
Mar 05Reply
nisreensheikha My order of the vintage orange subaru hoodie was cancelled and i’m not sure why since i’m new to poshmark. I’m not mad about it but i would really like to know why and tried contacting you on multiple platforms. I understand with your shop you must be super busy but whenever you have a chance I would like to understand why my order was cancelled. Thanks
Mar 07Reply
willowb2001 Hey, did you block me from that Cabelas hoodie? I really do want it, I didn't mean to lowball it that far but would you be willing to go $50 instead of the $60? please, let me know.
Apr 04Reply
willowb2001 @nutmegthrift He did the same shit to me too...
Apr 04Reply
megrombout Hey! If the Donald Duck "Duck" tank is still available I would like to purchase still. Thanks
Apr 27Reply
jcd6444 @voguesquared Still have the vintage GAP flat front cotton shorts?
May 20Reply
jcd6444 @voguesquared I’d pay in full for the Vintage Streetwear Stone Wash Denim Jean Shorts 31
May 27Reply
amberkaci221 Thanks for not taking offer but if you want to have more of those I found for 15.99
May 28Reply
ncordua Can you overnight ship the 90s Men’s medium stripped blue stripped jogger pants? My son needs then for a trip no later than Monday?
Jul 04Reply
tigerbuster bro why do u keep closing my offers !
Jul 11Reply
khoover7 Hello, why was my order for the Olympic basketball shirt cancelled?
Jul 18Reply
manuelsereno Hey please tell me you still have that izod multicolored sweater!!
Sep 06Reply
sdcomm @voguesquared Hi, I am interested in your vintage LL Bean "Indiana Jones" hat. Can you give me the measurements of the head opening front to back, side to side, and overall diameter? Thanks for your time
Sep 07Reply
cdub445 Ey interested in that acid wash lions shirt. Will do 35 lmk
Sep 15Reply
johnhindmon Hey brother. I messaged wanted to see if you still have the Vintage Oakley blazer.
Oct 02Reply
johnhindmon @voguesquared Hey man, Ive been trying to contact you about a vintage Oakley blazer you have listed, but I can't seem to reach anyone. If anyone sees this please message me.
Oct 05Reply
ashlie10 Do you still have a half a zip teal Columbia jacket willing to pay full price??
Oct 07Reply
stefanschutzer Hey did that 80s Discus black hoodie Size S sell? I can pay full price but can’t find the listing anymore. Thanks!
Oct 28Reply
kevinmalone5 Hey Joshua. I just purchased a sweater from you using the “Buy It Now” option and it says you canceled my order. I’m brand new to Poshmark and still figuring out how it all works. So, I’m just wondering if you can explain what happened? Thanks.
Oct 31Reply
nadineochoa99 Hi! My order was canceled And I was so excited about it. If I were to bundled, i would’ve gotten my purchase? I’m confused!
Nov 02Reply
shahid_akbar @tigerbuster oh i thought it was just me. Reading these comments like WOW
Nov 16Reply
nostunketan Hey man, I tried to buy the Statler and Waldorf shirt yesterday but the order got cancelled right away and I’m not sure why.
Nov 23Reply
thetripimon Hi Joshua, I purchased a vintage allover cat t-shirt from you on e b a y and I see the exact same listing with the same photos on Poshmark. In fact you just sent me an offer on the same item I already have. What's up with that?
Nov 25Reply
thetripimon The item is J635
Nov 25Reply
roxyramos56 Hello I just order the Nike vintage sweater and it says I was refunded. I’m confused as to why that happened.
Nov 29Reply
rthornburg1 @voguesquared hi, there! I purchased a vintage eddie bauer corduroy hat for my husband and it said my order was cancelled. Is the item no longer available?
Dec 31Reply
tkg521 @voguesquared Hi I just purchased the blue cardigan but my order was canceled can you help me figure out why that is
Jan 08Reply
nicholepruitt73 HI THERE.. take a look around my closet and I will give you a AWESOME DEAL u simply can't refuse. BUY 1 GET 2 FREE THAT RIGHT BUY 1 AT REGULAR PRICE GET 2 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE ABSOLUTELY FREE
Jan 24Reply
domenicod2000 Hey man. Two days ago I tried purchasing your Brooklyn starter jersey. Just saw the notification today that it was no longer available and refunded. Still shows on my bank account though that the $ was taken for the order itself.
Feb 09Reply
rhiannonday95 Hi! Just wondering when you will be shipping out the Volcano Joes shirt? it’s been almost a week.
Feb 23Reply
voguesquared @rhiannonday95 went out today. Sunday and Monday PO is closed
Feb 23Reply
blaineburke Hey Josh, any idea where that Texas A&M team issued pullover went? I’m unable to find it?
Feb 27Reply
700728 👋 Hi Just thought I would ask about the jacket asking price of $26.00. I made an offer of $20 yesterday and I never heard anything back. Please let me know of the outcome ? Thank you Bob
Mar 10Reply
hellsbellsak You are my motivation!!! Wow, your closet & sheer number of listings are so amazing!
Mar 28Reply
blondieslpp Hey Josh, I asked a question about the Red Sox cycling shirt for my hubby. Is it new? Ty🌸
Apr 24Reply
minsjog Hi, i was trying to purchase a pair of rocky dress shoes from you, and the order was cancelled. And it says “bundle with other order” for the reason for cancellation. Does that mean the product has already been sold?
Apr 27Reply
sell_happiness Hey! I had purchased a pair of black adidas pants with the red stripe around the knee and noticed the order was cancelled. Are these no longer available?
May 09Reply
monarch99 Hi - I want to buy this striped robe for a movie I’m working on. The order got cancelled. How can I buy it? I used one of my coworkers American Exp card to buy it. Thanks Valerie
May 09Reply
sjl2725 I was just about to buy those future Cat 11.5’s for your asking price… are they gone? Says listing not available.
May 23Reply
ninalarosaa What happened to the eastern swimming sweatshirt I just committed there to swim and that was such a perfect piece for me 🥲
Jul 12Reply
kennethgrim4 hey Joshua , do u still have the (Grey authentic Michigan baseball ⚾️ jersey)??
Aug 09Reply
voguesquared @kennethgrim4 I don’t, sorry!
Aug 09Reply
kennethgrim4 damn, aw well, I'll keep looking in yer closet, hey any thing new from. pistons or Michigan? and when is the pistons garage sale?
Aug 09Reply
voguesquared @kennethgrim4 everything is on my e b a y actually same store name. Pistons sale was in October of 2019 when they moved over to LCA
Aug 09Reply
fredanzaldua7 you drive a hard bargain. and if I see it I want it I buy it I own it all I do is collect girbauds so we gone continue to do busy ness. fredsaid 100%
Aug 09Reply
spacecosette Hi, my order was canceled and the reason was "bundle with other order." What can I do about this?
Aug 10Reply
constancio_m just a question i bought a shirt last night but wasn’t sure if you had sold it on another site if you did no worries.
Aug 16Reply
mlamy1 @voguesquared Hi, just placed an order and hoping it can be shipped asap. Much appreciated!!
Aug 18Reply
raeknockonwood Just placed an order for Nike straps but it was canceled. Any idea what happened? Really wanted those. 😔
Aug 21Reply
jordanchrisann @voguesquared hi, I was trying to make an offer on the North American wildlife sweatshirt and you kept declining. I will pay full price but when I click on it, it says it won’t load.
Aug 30Reply
cutehosiery @voguesquared Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 07Reply
coopscloset2 Not sure why the RL jackets disappeared when i was going to take at the bundle price? Help me out!! Thx!
Oct 12Reply
catherine01666 Saw you went to MI state and I went to UM and grew up partly in Ann Arbor haha go blue 😎🤓
Oct 17Reply
mollym86 Hi! I tried to purchase the vintage starter Michigan state sweatshirt this morning and the order got cancelled - wondering if it is still available? I would like the sweatshirt for this weekend 😊
Oct 25Reply
katesize8 Hey Joshua, Kate here. I was hoping you would accept my offer, but in the case you didn't, I would like to purchase for your asking price. Is this possible? Thanks. K
Oct 29Reply
cabuto33 Hi, I accepted your offer and bought the Chiefs Starter jacket yesterday morning. I was very excited about my purchase. Can you please tell me why you later canceled my order? It's hard for me to find a jacket that would've fit, and this was it. Please tell me what happened, I'm very confused since this has never happened to me on Poshmark before. Honestly I'm crushed. Thank you for your time.
Nov 14Reply
whit7773 Hey if you relist the wool sleeping bag and send your original offer of 48 dollars and 4.99 shipping ill buy it I just didn't see the original offer sorry ...thanks John
Nov 19Reply
jenniferr003 I DMd on Instagram if you could get back to me!
Nov 22Reply
warnauckas do you just sell shirts and pants
Dec 14Reply
mintabutterfly Hey are the vintage Eddie Bauer black sweatpants not available anymire? Willing to pay full. Thanks
Dec 31Reply
jujuvaldez i bought something and he just cancelled twice for no reason. and when asked why bro just messaged back “stop”
Jan 09Reply
sally313 I saw your offer but need to know if those red Guess shorts are heavy denim or light cotton fabric. Kindly advise, thanks.
Jan 26Reply
kennethgrim4 Hey Josh, I'm only turning down some of your generous offers because I'm at the finish line on a car loan that's been holding me down for two years since covid!! when that's paid....look out hommie, I'll buy a few things from yah!! thanks for thinking of me!! I work at busches grocery on main. st. behind pioneer hollaway field there man,!
Feb 08Reply
kennethgrim4 At the turn to goto Briarwood mall!! I'm in the deli, stop in say hi man!! much love hommie!! I'll be in touch!! I just got a fire Xmas present, the air jordan 1's louis Vuitton sneakers with collectors case, it's fire! well talk to u soon always, white chocolate, the crook with the hook shot! Kenny! 🏀
Feb 08Reply
jaedan_lopez Is that purple Nike vintage pull over still available?
Mar 08Reply
shivooo Hey. I bought a red hoodie from you at asking price and you took the order. Then refunded me and didn’t tell me why?! Can you please communicate the reason for cancellation of a buy now item? Thank you.
May 30Reply
ed_2020 Can I purchase the New Joe's Jeans 3/4 Raglan Henley Shirt Mens M? Thanks
Jun 17Reply
dtopkat Why didn't you counter my offers on the Detroit jacket? Now the listing is "not found"? Not very nice.
Jul 14Reply
nikkirobinson19 Would you be willing to hold the blue USA shorts til August 1st for $28? I get paid on that day and can buy them then. I have been wanting them forever now but couldn't afford $40!
Jul 16Reply
rbella_mp Hey, how are you? Sorry to bother you. I have a question. I definitely want to buy the Randy Orton shirt but I cant until next week when I get paid. Is there anyway you can hold it for me and make me the same offer? Just thought I'd ask cause I do want it. Please. Thank you.
Aug 02Reply
nikkirobinson19 Would you be willing to accept my offer!??
Aug 04Reply
jenncole11 hey so what is the deal. do you not counteroffer or anything?? thanks so much
Sep 20Reply
seidel54 Hey I purchased the vintage Adidas response tr shoes last night and this morning the order was cancelled and my money returned because I didn't bundle the order? What's that about?
Oct 24Reply
seidel54 @voguesquared I purchased the vintage Adidas response tr shoes last night and this morning the order was cancelled and my money returned because I didn't bundle the order? It's disappointing because I've been looking for a pair of these shoes for about a year and was so pumped to find these, only to have the order cancelled.... I'd just love to know what the deal is.
Oct 25Reply
luckycatash Hey! Would u ship to Canada?
Dec 15Reply
shawn0295 Do you still have the Nike shorts with the big check ?
Apr 29Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing❤️
May 12Reply
muthaluvvintage Great closet I'm downsizing and have sooo much to list. accepting absurd offers I wholesale too Alicia ✌️🐾✌️🐾🌏
Jul 12Reply
reaguilar05 @voguesquared do you still have the McGregor teal hoodie?
Oct 07Reply
alonsojordan Hi did that floral sweater sell? I was really interested in it!
Nov 01Reply
angels1941 I’m interested in the shirt I made offer which was declined and I was going to purchase it for full price but now it’s not letting me , wondering if it’s still available wanted to purchase for my 13 year old son for Christmas Please let me know Thank you He has his hopes up on getting it for Christmas
Nov 04Reply
voguesquared @angels1941 it’s sold out
Nov 04Reply
angels1941 Aww man that really sucks He had this on his list I had thrown a offer out didn’t think it would sell out in 5 minutes of my offer. He’s gonna be so bummed I’ll pay more if you decide to sell it . He really had his heart set on it I feel bad that I should of just bought today instead of the offer 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nov 04Reply
angels1941 I’ll pay 200 for it
Nov 04Reply
voguesquared @angels1941 it’s sold out. I have an orange one though
Nov 04Reply
angels1941 Thank you but he had his heart set on the blue one , he wanted the hat to match and I could only do one at a time If you still have I’d pay u $200 for it Or $225 I feel so bad as a mom as he sent the link to me for part of his Christmas list Man I’m a bad mom I should of bought that 1st I guess that’s just part of life You win some you lose some Can’t have everything you want He’s a good kid Hopefully he can find another one some day
Nov 04Reply
angels1941 You seem like a real cool guy/ I’m not trying to annoy you I just feel bad for him I hope he can find something similar in that color before Christmas. Thank you though for letting me know about the orange one
Nov 04Reply
stephanpa I hate how this site doesn't do more private of messaging!! lol
Nov 08Reply
samoanwarrior79 Is the Detroit lions shirt still available by chance
Dec 08Reply
samoanwarrior79 Do u have the lions shirt still I’ll pay the price it was listed at need for a Christmas present
Dec 08Reply
tlgreen26 hi! I had made an offer on a bomber jacket and now the listing is completely gone - did it sell? thank you!
Dec 28Reply
charlie_ambris Hey is your Nike Cortez size 9 still available?
Jan 24Reply
gamerstrats99 Hey I made a couple offers on a 2xl hoodie and after the first you deleted it and relisted with a higher price, and after I made better offers on the second listing, the listing just outright disappeared, did it sell?
Feb 27Reply
gamerstrats99 It was originally $60 and I offered 45, and you raised it to 80, I'd be willing to pay the originally asked $60, I really would to get this hoodie, but 80s out of my range. Please consider selling it for $60.
Feb 27Reply
gamerstrats99 The specific hoodie has genuine sentimental value so if you'd be willing to sell it for $60 I'd appreciate it a lot
Feb 27Reply
gamerstrats99 It was the genki ghost 2xl black hoodie
Feb 27Reply
gamerstrats99 Is it still available?
Feb 28Reply

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