Meet your Posher, Joy
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Hi! I'm Joy. One of my favorite brands is J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

40 others
like this

Hello! My name is Janet. Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Happy Poshing! 👠👚

Jul 23Reply

Thanks for your like!💓
Jul 23Reply

Hi Joy! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions as you are looking around on the site. Since today is the last day of Poshmark's closet clear out, I thought I would let you know that I can make a custom bundle of any of the items you have liked to get you reduced shipping and a discount at the same time. 😀 (just providing info, no pressure if you are just "windowshopping") Rachel
Jul 24Reply

❤️❤️❤️Hello and welcome to Poshmark a great sight to buy and sell. I hope you enjoy your experience here as much as I have Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 25Reply

Thanks so much for visiting my closet and loke
Jul 25Reply

Jul 25Reply

Happy to Posh for Christmas in July Deals limited time! This comes with a free extra too! Bundle and offer Christmas in July pricing!
Jul 25Reply

Your package is shipped! Thank you for your order, Joy. 😚 I hope you love the booties! If you are so inclined, a love note would be greatly appreciated! 😃🌷🌹🌷
Jul 25Reply

hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jul 27Reply

Thanks for Liking the Band of Gypsies top and the CasadeI pairing. Appreciate your interest. Have a happy weekend!
Jul 28Reply

Hello JOY💐💜💜💜💐
Big welcome 2 Poshmark! 🍃🍃🌻🍃🍃 Let me know if you have any questions. 💁🏻 I am a Suggested User & Posh Mentor! ✨💗✨💗✨ Hope your experience here will be: safe, happy, positive, and FUN! ✨😎✨👍🏼✨
- Evelyn Wong ✨🌷✨🌷✨
Jul 28Reply

@joyluck1313 Thanks for checking out my closet!❤💕 I submitted an offer on the bundle you made! Feel free to counteroffer, accept or decline. ☺
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet. Welcome to Poshmark 🌹
Jul 28Reply

@joyluck1313 thanks for visiting 🐱 welcome to Poshmark
Jul 28Reply

@joyluck1313 thanks for stopping by my closet 😘😘😘
Jul 28Reply

Hi joy,thanks for checking out my closet and liking ☺ any questions please feel free to ask.😃 happy poshing 💗
Jul 28Reply

Want to purchase the shoes?
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for liking ☺ ☺ offers are welcome 💓
Jul 30Reply

Hi @joyluck1313 welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for the like on my Sole Society Clutch! Are you interested?? Price is negotiable 😊😊😊
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet. Welcome to Poshmark 🌹
Aug 01Reply

Hi Joy, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to like my Umgee Crochet Colorful Skert, so sweet of you! One of my favorite pieces, love the color, cut, and style. Screams summer fun! If you have any questions please ask. Also, I am now following your closet. I follow everyone who visits, my way of saying thank you! Hope you will consider following my closet in return. Again, thank you and if you like this item, so cool, why not make an offer.
Aug 02Reply

Thanks for liking ☺ ☺
Aug 02Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and like on the Steve Madden pump.
Aug 04Reply

💐Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you! You're welcome to follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! I'm a Posh Mentor, so stop by my closet any time if you have any questions! Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Aug 06Reply

Hiya Joy!
I'm sorry to bother, but wanted to ensure you're aware of my secret offer for those Poshers this weekend who have been especially supportive of me.
While I'm generally not accepting offers on bundles because of my current, outstanding 30% bundle discount, for this weekend only I am making an exception for a select few in order to prep for my temp closet closing to move out-of-state & be with my Mom who's battling breast cancer...
Aug 12Reply

Until Sunday at midnight, when you bundle any 2+ pieces in my closet, I will happily accept an offer of 40% off their total price!!!
Just want you to know I am so grateful for your continued interest in my closet & hope you enjoy a beautiful day! 💜
Aug 12Reply

Feel free to check out my closet 💕🌸
Aug 13Reply

Aug 14Reply

Hello Joy! Welcome to Poshmark!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Aug 28Reply

Greetings💕 from the Fla🌴🌴Keys🐳🐬If you 💕Vintage Coach👜 & Vintage Dooney Bags 👜 Then Please Visit🚙💃 my's Purse Heaven👼😇!! I'm a Suggested User😍. Top 10% Seller💰Fast shipper💌
And Retired Grandma👪 to 7 adorable grands👶👶😈👶👶😈👶!!!
Aug 30Reply

I am chiming in to say hello. I am a Poshmark Suggested User. Posh has a wonderful community and amazing deals. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to tag me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Happy Poshing and best wishes, Annie ❤ @globalboutique
Sep 14Reply

I am chiming in to say hello. I am a Poshmark Suggested User. Posh has a wonderful community and amazing deals. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to tag me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Happy Poshing and best wishes, Annie ❤ @globalboutique
Sep 14Reply

I am chiming in to say hello. I am a Poshmark Suggested User. Posh has a wonderful community and amazing deals. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to tag me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Happy Poshing and best wishes, Annie ❤ @globalboutique
Sep 14Reply

Hey! If you love anything from Aeropostale to Rue 21, check out my closet! (Mostly) Everything is either $5 or $10! Trying to get rid of everything 🍁💕✨
Oct 15Reply

Thanks for the like on the free people's top. Feel free to make an offer.
Oct 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! You are going to LOVE shopping in my fabulous boutique! These fabulous finds sell very quickly... So if see something you love ... grab it right away or shoot me an offer! 😉Please let me know if you have questions as you are shopping! Custom Bundles save you money 💸 & shipping 📦! I'm always adding new goodies… So shop again soon and often! 😉 Happy Poshing! 💗
Oct 25Reply

Hi, my name is Emily
Thank you for 💜 it. 🥀
Mar 02Reply

Hi Joy! Thank you for sharing my handcrafted necklace! I appreciate it very much! Elle♡
Mar 03Reply

Hello 💕 Please let me know when you’re done with your bundle so that I can adjust price / shipping for you ✨
Mar 26Reply

Please feel free to make an offer :) if you bundle I can give you a better rate and lower shipping 💕
Mar 26Reply

Hey girl! Check out my closet! I’ve got some of the things that you’re looking for!💕😘🎁
Apr 02Reply

Posted pants 💕
Apr 04Reply

hi Joy! lovely to meet you :)
Apr 11Reply

Thank you for liking my Boutique jewelry and following me!!! If I can help you with anything I'm here for you and I'm happy you joined Poshmark and I hope you have many wonderful experiences here. Your new Poshmark friend,Jennifer @castamore
Apr 13Reply

Thank you for liking my Dilba boots! Bundle and we can negotiate an offer that works for both of us. Is there another items that interest you. Again I’m open to negotiates. It’s painless. 💕😀
Apr 14Reply

Apr 16Reply

Hi I'm not sure if I actually responded to your question regarding splitting the necklace and bracelet set up I tried to but I'm new to this. Yes I will let me know if you are still interested thank you
Apr 21Reply

Thanks for the 💜🙌🏻
Apr 26Reply

@joyluck1313 hi see you liked my listing for the purse. Brand new. If interested I can offer at $20. Let me know. I normally ship next day. Thanks Geri
May 02Reply

Want the back
pack ?
May 17Reply

🎉Welcome to Postmark
May 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😍🤩 Please reach out if you have any questions! This community is AMAZING & full of love & support 🤗💓 The best advice I have is to get at least 10 listings to increase your chances of sales (since buyers are more likely to buy more than 1 item from 1 person) 🤩 Don’t forget to add a free gift 🎁 if possible with all your shipments! I always do & it seems like all my buyers appreciate it ❤️ Plus share other listings to spread the love!!! HAPPY POSHING 🎀🛍
May 27Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE Brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a bundle, if it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
May 31Reply

hey my printers out of ink right now so i can’t print the shipping label but i will ship the shoes as soon as i can!
Jun 05Reply

@hannahcr01 thank you
Jun 05Reply

@joyluck1313 Hi Hun. The Boho top you are loving is on sale from $40 and has reduced shipping. CHECK in your offers and you will see the deal. The sale is for the next few hrs only. Our items rarely go on sale.
Jun 07Reply

@joyluck1313 ADD TO BUNDLE and I will send you a private offer with my absolute best.
Jun 07Reply

@iambohogirl that would be great
Jun 08Reply

Hi Hun, Perfect, If you go to your "Offers" You will see that I sent you an offer of $36 with 4.99 shipping. To accept this fabulous deal, you can use the "accept button" I can ship in the morning :) Thank you so much!
Jun 08Reply

Jun 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for liking my camisole.
Jun 16Reply

Hey Joy, thanks for liking. I sold the Dakine. Rasher vest but I can bundle the two marmot jackets and the shirt all for $90
Jun 16Reply

Jun 20Reply

Hi joy, bundle items from my closet for great deal.
Jun 23Reply

hello free belt with purchase today just add any belt in my closet you like to you bundle and its FREE !!!!! thank you
Jun 24Reply

Hi joy, if u bundle items from my closet i will give u a great deal. I always take that shipping into consideration
Jun 25Reply

hello feel free to bundle your likes Today I am giving a free belt with purchase on top of bundle discount !!! have a great day
Jun 29Reply

For the romper i have been told that the large fits a 12. It is stretchy tho.
Jun 29Reply

Hi there! 👋 I hope you’re enjoying the poshmark app, I know I am! Right now I’m offering a 10% discount for new customers, if you have time check out my closet, hopefully you’ll see something you like!
Sep 02Reply

Hi Joy! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute! Have a fabulous day ✨
💝 Carol
Sep 04Reply

I shipped your LOGO hoodie, it’s so cute, hope you love it!!
Sep 11Reply

Welcome 😘🌺
Everything On Sale 😮
SAVE 80% Today Only 💰
All Offers Considered ❤️
Make An Offer 🎁
Sep 17Reply

Don't forget to bundle! I noticed you liked my 18k gold Necklace...when you have 3+ items get an additional 10% off and 4+ an even greater bonus!
🌻 Enjoy the day 🌻
Sep 23Reply

Hi I’m Brandy😊Nice to meet you!! Come check out my entire closet! I’m certain that you will find something you like and even more certain that I can give you the best deal!! HAPPY POSHING!!
Sep 25Reply

Thank you for the like. So glad to meet you!
Sep 29Reply

Thanks for the like. I can ship Monday morning if you accept my offer dear 🤗❣️
Sep 30Reply

Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet @maismo50 are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount.
Oct 04Reply

Thanks for taking interest in my closet, if there's anything extra you wish to see prior to purchasing an item let me know and i'd be happy to get you whatever you need! Thanks!
Oct 21Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Oct 23Reply

Hi! My name is Nicole. Please feel free to go through my closet and make an offer on any item you like. Happy Poshing! <3
Oct 24Reply

Hi the lowest i can go would 25 on the hoodie
Nov 03Reply

Hi Joy 👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Kappa, Umbro, Puma & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 🤗
Nov 09Reply

Thanks for liking 🙂
Nov 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!👋🏻👋🏻You will LOVE it here. I am a ❤️🌹POSH AMBASSADOR ❤️ 🌹If you need any help please reach out. It would be my pleasure to help you. WELCOME. ❤️ Hint: At Poshmark follow others, share your items and also theirs if you want to buy an item like it and you will probably get a better offer on that item from the seller, but please be considerate and DO NOT be a low baller. Welcome wishing you many sales and great deals😘😘🌹😍❤️😍🌹
Jan 05Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Kate Spade, Nike, Michael Kors, Victoria’s Secret, Honey Dew Intimates, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer!
XoXo, B.
Jan 28Reply

Hi! Welcome to posh mark! I hope your day is going well! I just wanted to let you know I am trying to clear out my closet & im having a 3 for $20(or less) on certain items! feel free to check it out! Tip: share others listings so they share yours!! I'm open to offers, bundles & shares!! Happy poshing❤️❤️❤️
Jan 29Reply

Hi there!! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Feb 04Reply

Happy Poshing 🛍💕
Feb 12Reply

Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I have some nice Tommy Bahama items in my closet in case you'd like to take a peek :) Many are NWT and I offer a 15% discount fro bundling 3 or more items. Thank you, and have a great day! :)
Mar 14Reply

Hello 👋, I invite you to see my closet👚👖👠👗🧥I will be accepting "all reasonable offers"👌 Go ahead send me your best offer..... And please do not forget to follow me🙏🙏🙏.Thanks😁
Jul 15Reply

Hey I would love if you checked out my closet! Especially the vintage high rise mom jeans I just listed! 👖🌻Thanks so much
Jul 16Reply

Hi! feel free to checkout my closet if you have a minute, I think you may like :)
May 02Reply

Hey there :) I just wanted to let you know I’m selling a pair of black combat booties super similar to the ones you liked in the same size! Mine also cost less! I’m also accepting offers, so if you send me any offer at all I’ll immediately accept and can ship super quickly ❣️
May 05Reply

Hey Joy! Just wanted to say good morning and Happy Memorial Day weekend :) Sincerely, Julia xx 😊
May 24Reply

Hi 🙂 pls check out our closet , we have different things which you may like for wholesale prices , real topaz stones, diamonds, handmade enamel butterfly silver jewelry which will bring luck 😀, Charm gifts etc.. Tnx 🦋
Dec 08Reply

Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Jan 30Reply

Hi thanks for visiting my closet if your interested you can make me an offer thanks H Posh Ambassador
Feb 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet. Thank you!
Mar 15Reply

hello 👋 im Kay (Posh Ambassador & Party Host)... i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet 4 gorgeous items at reasonable prices. i carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, WHBM, and Banana Republic. im always flexible on pricing and a super fast shipper so if u like sumthin... Make me an Offer 😄 happy poshing!
Jun 06Reply

let me know if you have any questions on this item if you are still interested in buying.
Sep 20Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Oct 18Reply

Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Nov 14Reply

Hello Gorgeous! Just dropping by to say hi. Please give my closet a browse and a follow. I list a variety of items including Coach and Betsey Johnson. I also send a 💝FREE Gift💝 with every order! Happy poshing! 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 28Reply

hey I got a black leather jacket from John varavtos artistian collection of you are intrested
Aug 23Reply

Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️
Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More!
I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. If you need additional information please always ask me!
Please follow my closet @Missmoly.
If you like TORRID, I have lots listed and so much to list! ❤️
Sep 16Reply

Do you love TV Home Shopping brand clothing? @nu2ufashion our closet is FULL of brands such as Susan Graver, Belle by Kim Gravel. LOGO by Lori Goldstein, Denim & Co. & more with new items added daily! LOW prices, FREE SHIPPING on EVERYTHING EVERY DAY (no more $7 Poshmark Shipping) and 10% off all bundles! Come visit our closet and feel free to add your favorites to a bundle for extra savings!
Dec 10Reply
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