Meet your Posher, Joy
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Hi! My name is Joy! Thanks for stopping by.

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Hi gorgeous! Welcome to Posh!!✨ Check out my closet and feel free to send me offers on anything that catches your eye! Wish you the best of luck with selling!!💕
Jul 12Reply

thanks @keisha_lenee ! will surely check out your closet.
Jul 12Reply

🌸 Welcome to the Poshmark Community!! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out any time! I wish you all the best!
Jul 14Reply

@kabeetoyzz thanks much! This likes fun!!!
Jul 14Reply

@joys_closet13 it’s SO much fun!! (And a little addicting) LOL 💕
Jul 14Reply

@kabeetoyzz I kinda feel that 🤣
Jul 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. You have a beautiful closet. Happy Poshing!!
Jul 22Reply

@joys_closet13 Hi. Do you understand how to play this POSHER GAMES ?? You are tagging people multiple times on listings. Are you confused ? I can help you. Poshers are thinking you are doing this on purpose. Are you or do you need help ?
Jul 28Reply

@bell1971 I am new to Poshmark. I thought I was doing it right. I didn’t make it on purpose. Sorry if I made you confused. My apologies. And yes I am quite perplexed on this game. Maybe I shouldn’t join. Again, my apologies.
Jul 28Reply

@sherihecocks Thank you so much. Need to post some more when we get back from this out of town trip.
Jul 28Reply

It looks like they blocked me already coz my message can’t get through. 😕
Jul 28Reply

@joys_closet13 I am trying to help you !!! Yes these people are blocking you !!! I want to help !!!
Jul 28Reply

@bell1971 I just wanted to say my apologies but since they blocked me I can’t extend it to them. Maybe I shouldn’t join the game until I fully understand how it goes. I am new to Posh and I have no intentions of doing it in purpose. It’s just ignorance. This is embarrassing. 😓☹️
Jul 28Reply

@joys_closet13 I will extend the apologizes for you !!! I’m going to fix this !!! Then I will help you play the games ♥️😀♥️. Just hang in. Until I get this 👍😍
Jul 28Reply

@bell1971 I really thought I was doing it right. I feel stupid now 😣 But, thank you so much for helping me. . You are so kind.
Jul 28Reply

@joys_closet13 Please go to my LIPPIE POSHER GAME. I’m going to tag you. Please read right above where I tag you. AGAIN THIS IS TO HELP YOU 💋
Jul 31Reply

@bell1971 Hi Bell! Ok, does it mean that I need to lower my price?
Jul 31Reply

@joys_closet13 Oh no hon. You
Don’t do anything but share from the FEATURED CLOSETS IF THE DAY. 5-10 items and follow their followers that ARE BLUE BUTTONS. Plus sign up to play. Read me slides and the comments I just put. Oh yes and always the post of the posher game.
Jul 31Reply

Jul 31Reply

@bell1971 I’m still recovering from breast cancer and still having chemo brain. Maybe I should join when I have all my marbles.
Jul 31Reply

@joys_closet13 Awwww. I’m so sorry to hear this 😞 Please just let me know when you want to try. I’m sorry everyone thought accused you of spamming the games !! I just want to let them you know you were not !! God Bless ❤️
Jul 31Reply

@bell1971 yes Thank you so much. kindly please just extend my apologies to them. I don’t know how I can tell them. It is really embarrassing. 😢
Jul 31Reply

@joys_closet13 Please take of yourself. I’m here if you need me ♥️💋
Jul 31Reply

@bell1971 Will do. You are so sweet and kind. I appreciate you😘 let’s keep in touch. ☺️
Jul 31Reply

@joys_closet13 ♥️♥️♥️ I’m here 😍♥️♥️💋😘
Jul 31Reply

Hi--thanks for the like on my listing. I hope you check out my closet from time to time--you'll find great new stuff listed every time. Thanks again---all the best to you! Have a great day!
Aug 05Reply

@yoloitsdolo Hello for sharing and the like! Pardon my late response, I was at church. I will surely check your shop & thanks for ur sweet message😊
Aug 05Reply

Hello Joanne 😊 I hope you are doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my eclectic ever-growing closet. I sell an array of Ladieswear, Menswear, and other unique goodies too. I offer a bundle discount, discount shipping, and I always ship the next day. If you have any questions about Poshmark, or anything in my closet, I'll be happy to help you out. ✌💛
Aug 13Reply

@ahuot oh thank you! You’re so sweet! I will surely check out your closet.
Aug 13Reply

@joys_closet13 😁✌💛
Aug 13Reply

@joys_closet13 I wanted to thank you for checking out my closet. I sincerely appreciate it.✌ I sent you a private offer, with discount shipping too, on that unique Gap A-line Skirt. If you'd like to make it yours, I can ship it out first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you have a wonderful day and week. ✌💚
Aug 14Reply

@ahuot thanks for your message. You’re so sweet! I will check it out😊
Aug 14Reply

Hey! .. 🙌 I noticed you liked a few beautiful items in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨
I offer discounts for bundles!! 😃
Aug 15Reply

@adriennef315 You have quite an extensive and uber pretty selections! I liked a few hundreds of them lol. Thanks for being welcoming and sweet.
Aug 15Reply

Hi I’m so happy you like your skirt I thought it was really beautiful and I’m so happy you were pleased I wish you the best in your journey GOD BLESS YOU and I hope he gives you the strength To keep on going you’re very beautiful lady thank you so much for your reading it means a lot to me xoxo
Aug 25Reply

@isabelxo83 hi Isabel! I just saw ur message. Ur so sweet! It’s quite a battle but am braving it. I had a complicated case but Thanks to my faith, fam, & friends. Also my Md’s. And people like you who send me kind words. Am recovering slowly but am not complaining. Am here and that’s what matters. Thanks for ur kind words.
Aug 25Reply

@keisha_lenee sorry for my laaaaaaaate reponse 🤣 thanks much! 😊👍🏻
Aug 25Reply

@keisha_lenee Oh I think I replied already. Geez my chemo brain is at it again 🙄👈🏻 lol
Aug 25Reply

@joys_closet13 hi there! I figured i have to send you an offer on that lovely pink blouse coz you liked it 3 times. 😍 Just let me know if you have any questions regarding the item. Have a great day! ✨
Sep 03Reply

@joys_closet13 oh I’m sorry my bad, it was the 2 pretty blouse from Ellen Tracy. If you like, make a bundle of those 2 and i can give you a free shipping. That is only if you’re ready to purchase. 😊 otherwise, Happy Poshing! Thanks for visiting my closet 👋🏼👍🏼
Sep 03Reply

@funkmommy hi there! Good morning! Did I? lol Somehow I was browsing my posh notifications and didn’t realize that shame on me. Sure is pretty. I am looking for a cream colored top to go wd my skirt and pants. But I’ll think it over though. Thanks for reaching out. 😊
Sep 03Reply

@funkmommy no prob girl. Will keep an eye on your stuff 😁
Sep 03Reply

@joys_closet13 Hi! thanks for your offer but price is firm.
Oct 23Reply

@glamedup hi there! It’s cool.
Oct 23Reply

Hi!! I'm selling beautiful Authentic Kate Spade Tote, Micheal Kors purses and Coach wallets!! Check out my closet and feel free to make me an offer!! Happy Posh shopping!! 😊
Oct 24Reply

@dennisediaz94 will sure do! 😃👍🏻 thanks for the invite!
Oct 24Reply

@joys_closet13 I hope you and your little dog go everywhere in this bag. I had to let someone else enjoy it my toy chichi would not get in any of the bags I bought him. I’ll be posting a lot more carriers in different colors. Thank you so much!
Oct 31Reply

Hello dear! Love your furbaby!! If there is anything I can help you with please let me know. Today is my birthday so hopefully I can celebrate it by selling an item!! Most everything is $25.00 and that’s the lowest! Hope you have a grand day!❤️👍😊
Nov 01Reply

Hello Joanne. I hope you are doing well. 😊 I wanted to let you know that I sent you an excellent deal on your likes, I even discounted shipping and sweetened the deal. If you'd like to make these beautiful unique goodies yours, I could ship them out first thing tomorrow morning. I wish you well.✌️❤️
Dec 14Reply

@ahuot hi there! Thanks for the offer. I am currently not working reasons. Why I am selling most of my stuff. But I will check ur offer. Thanks much!
Dec 14Reply

@joys_closet13 😉✌️❤️
Dec 15Reply

Hi 👋🏼 you’re cordially invited to visit my closet!! 💕
Jan 20Reply

Hi! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet, which is mainly career clothing for women - Ann Taylor, LOFT, Banana Republic, Express, The Limited, J. Crew, etc. High quality, perfect condition, and low prices! Come check it out if you’re interested! Happy poshing!
Jun 24Reply

@joys_closet13 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 27Reply

@ladykrc thanks for stopping by and I’ll definitely check your closet out.
Nov 27Reply

@joys_closet13 Your most welcome! It really my pleasure to share! And BIG THANKYOU for visiting mines and all your wonderful shares🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👑Much blessings to you and yours!💕🌈☺️Happy Holidays!🥂
Dec 12Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet and liking the blazer, please feel free to make me an offer.
Jan 15Reply

@quinnys thanks, will do.
Feb 12Reply

@joys_closet13 hi I noticed that you liked the Kate Spade earrings just wanted to let you know that I sent you an offer with a shipping discount and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
Mar 06Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
May 25Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Mar 11Reply

Hi, I think I have something you like. I just wanted to let you know I am liquidating my closet. Taking offers of 80% off any posted prices :) happy poshing :)
Jul 21Reply

@joys_closet13 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 21Reply

@adoringstyles hi there! Thanks for the shares. I did shared some of your cute stuff as well.
Apr 17Reply

@krissyany hi there! Thanks for the share. I just shared some of your super cute stuff. Thanks!
Apr 17Reply

@cutehosiery thanks much!
Apr 17Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Oct 07Reply
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