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Updated Aug 12
Updated Aug 12

Meet your Posher, Joyce

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Joyce. Some of my favorite brands are CHANEL, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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aracelids Hello. I just wanted to say, Welcome to Poshmark!!! 🎉 If you have absolutely any questions, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to assist in any way I can. Happy Poshing!!! 💕💕💕
Aug 12Reply
zorpmeow @aracelids hey thanks. I've been waiting for my kate space glasses for shipment notification. it's been over 10 days. Hope you are safe and well. how do I contact seller?
Aug 23Reply
shawntaemarie_ Hi Joyce, thank you for the offers. I can bundle those items for you, so there would only be one shipping charge. Please click the heart on three items and I will send you over the bundle price. 😀
Aug 25Reply
zorpmeow @shawntaemarie_ ok. I'll see if I can figure it out. on new at this. lol😁
Aug 25Reply
zorpmeow @shawntaemarie_ ok I put a ❤ on those 3 awesome items. kindly send me a bundle price. thanks. unemployed right now so take it easy on me. hope u are safe and well!
Aug 25Reply
zorpmeow thank you!! I think . I purchased all 3 items. ?? thank you so much.
Aug 25Reply
shawntaemarie_ @zorpmeow thank you for your purchase. I will be shipping your bundle out tomorrow . Have a great week❤️
Aug 25Reply
shawntaemarie_ @zorpmeow Hi! I’m so glad you received your package. I just got your note about the jacket being a little small. I’m sorry about that. Unfortunately that was the only jacket of that type that I had in my closet. You can reposh the jacket and use my pictures and descriptions if you like. Let me know if you need any help.
Sep 02Reply
zorpmeow @shawntaemarie_ thanks I just need to start exercising and stop eating. lol. then jacket will fit. take care. I love the items!!
Sep 02Reply
shawntaemarie_ @zorpmeow ❤️ Thank you! You as well.
Sep 03Reply
cracklin_rosie Hi Joyce. I am the one with the white bathing suit shorts that you made an offer on. I am sorry, I was out of town on a family thing . If you are still interested, please make another offer.
Sep 06Reply
cracklin_rosie Hey Joyce. I have the white bathing suit shorts, the Jacket and vans sweatshirt you liked. If you throw all 3 into a bundle then I can give you a bundle discount. Shorts are $25, Jacket I offered at $13 & same with vans sweatshirt = $51. I will sell you all 3 of these for $45 & I will throw in that hobo bag for free. Let me know if you are interested so I can make you a bundle where you will go to buy it.
Sep 08Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser sold!!thanks 🎶🎶😳what next?
Sep 08Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow I will create a post that has your name on it. I will do it right now. Then you just go to that post and pay there. I will pack it up tonight and it will go out tomorrow.
Sep 08Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow I sent you a bundle with the offer of $45. So you just purchase it then they will send me the shipping label & depending on where you are located, you will have it in 2-3 days . 💕
Sep 08Reply
cracklin_rosie Hey Joyce! I just wanted to apologize for the delay in shipping your bundle. We were evacuated from our home due to the fires. I will be able to get it out to you by Wednesday. Again, I am so sorry!
Sep 15Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser that's awful! sorry to hear that for you. No worries. hope you are safe. do you go to Fema hotel? we had to evacuate for a hurricane and stayed in a hotel.
Sep 15Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow All ready to go out! If my mailman hasn’t picked up yet then it will go out this evening otherwise it will go out tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding!
Sep 15Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser thanks. you take care now. Let me know if you. need any help or answers to evacuation I had to do it with hurricane Irma here in Florida
Sep 16Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow thank you! About over CA but not sure where I would want to go. So expensive here & the fires are becoming a normal part of Fall & it is scary! At a crossroads. My daughter is getting married & moving to England with her military man and my husband passed away 2 years ago so when she leaves, I can go anywhere. Isn’t it rough where you are with hurricanes?
Sep 17Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdress...hi Jen. glad to hear the happy News for your daughter sorry to hear the sad news about your husband my husband passed away 2 years ago. Its been a rough couple of years key West is very expensive too. don't really need a car which saves a lot. . take care and good wishes to your daughter for love in England. 💛🌷🌴
Sep 17Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser also the hurricane season is nerve racking. I've been thru Irma in 2017. with my daughter and you have to be prepared. There is a lot of help thru just need to be able to find it FEMA was a big help and United Way.
Sep 17Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow your husband passed away 2 years ago too?
Sep 18Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser yes. he had a bad flu and stopped breathing. he was on life support for 5 days. he died on Valentine's day February 2019.
Sep 18Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser I thought about moving to California. lol. maybe we could switch houses like on that movie " the Holiday". Did you see that movie? with Cameron Diaz and Jack Black and I can't think of the other actresses name. 😳
Sep 18Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow ok, that just made me cry! How old was he? Are you? Mine hadn’t been feeling good for a while & when we finally convinced him to go in, he had stage 4 cancer everywhere. Died 5 weeks later July 13, 2018. I don’t know what you believe in, but I think this has been no accident.
Sep 18Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow yes! I love that movie!
Sep 18Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser don't cry baby. although your story is sad. my husband made a grand old exit. I still think he is here somehow taking care of us. I think about him a lot. I try to stay positive. ..I'm! my daughter is 19. I'm gonna try and get into music May be get into a band. gotta get motivated. do you play any instuments? 🎶🎶🎻
Sep 18Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow I have had a hard time since his death. The first year I was in a massive depression but then I figured he wouldn’t want this for me. My daughter will be 19 in February. I get to turn the big 5-0 in December, sounds like you need to come to Cali if you want to get into music! I have an extra room! Thanks for sharing your story!
Sep 18Reply
cracklin_rosie I love music! Many kinds. Been told my taste is weird bcuz I love many types. I guess I am weird! I’d like to think I am open minded! Ha
Sep 18Reply
cracklin_rosie @zorpmeow When you get your order, don’t forget to go in the website to accept it. It was nice chatting with you last night. What instrument do you play?
Sep 18Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser hi.thanks!! order came today. but I wasn't home so ...I have to pic I it up at P.O.. on Monday. I play everything Cept drums and horns but I probably could learn. love music!! 🎶 hope your ok. are you back in California?.. are you going to England for the Wedding? how cool!!
Sep 19Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser hey the shorts fit perfect. I was bummed about the Vans thing. but I like the highlighter and the earnings. the jacket not so much😳 can I trade jacket for something else? hope you are well!! . love the hobo bag!! thanks💛🌷
Sep 22Reply
zorpmeow @jennzdresser hey. hope your are ok. this Highlighter is awesome!! just what I was looking for. don't worry bout the Van sweatshirt. I love the jewelry. I just read your note. sorry bout the fire. love your stickers . thanks for everything!! take care. be safe. !!
Sep 22Reply
spreadlove Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️🙏✌️🙏✌️☀️
Dec 21Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 16Reply
pq_clothing …Don’t offer me 5 dollars for a shirt that’s I’ll only make 2 dollars profit on. Either F U CK off and buy it new or better yet stop being stingy and wasting my time.
Jan 21Reply
zorpmeow my apologies for the low offer for the playboy t-shirt 🐇⚘️
Jan 21Reply
evejaimey Awww 🥰 Thank you so much for a sweeeeet love note !! You made my day!! 🤭🤭🩷 I hope you enjoy and visit my closet again ☺️ Have a wonderful day!!! -Eve😙💕
Jan 26Reply
prettylilady89 Hi, you need to update your payment information in order to get the shoes, I’ve accepted the order. @zorpmeow thank you.
May 07Reply

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Last Active: 18 hours ago

Key West, FL
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Last Active: 18 hours ago

Key West, FL
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