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Updated Oct 08
Updated Oct 08

Meet your Posher, Judith

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Hi! I'm Judith. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kaysuniverse welcome 2 Poshmark 🤓 im Kay... thanks 4 liking an item from my closet. i mostly carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, WHBM, Ralph Lauren, and Banana Republic. im flexible on pricing and a super fast shipper so if ur interested... plz feel free 2 Make me an OFFER 😀 happy poshing!
Nov 22Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Dec 07Reply
kaysuniverse @judithperry77 thanks 4 purchasing 😀 your orders will ship 2moro
Dec 08Reply
kaysuniverse @judithperry77 i have no problem offering a discount cauz u have been a loyal buyer so let's just settle on a price im sending another offer now... if u like just accept. 👍
Dec 12Reply
lpapouloute89 I found a marking inside the neckline when I was doing a final inspection. The marking signifies the end of the fabric and used to make the dress. It is not noticeable when worn. Please let me know if you are still interested in the dress.
Dec 23Reply
lovenarf Hi Judith. Today is closet clear out day. If you would like me to mark down the Alyce gown down to a mutually agreeable price, Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you are interested in this deal. Thanks.
Feb 09Reply
kaysuniverse @judithperry77 thanks 4 the rating sweetie im glad ur happy with your purchase 🤓
Feb 26Reply
aramg20 Hi, thanks for your recent purchase! I dropped your item off at the post office on Saturday. My local post office is extremely understaffed due to covid and I see it hasn’t been scanned yet. My apologies, just wanted to let you know that it was dropped off.
Mar 09Reply
dadrbentl19 Thank you for your rating, i really do appreciate your support ❤❤
Mar 14Reply
mel9soccer Hey! So sorry but the cache dress strap was damaged so I cxl the order! Apologies!
Mar 22Reply
gottohaveit1 Judith I can ship this weekend if that is ok with you? I am sorry I have not responded but I had a family emergency and was not able to work on any transactions.
Mar 30Reply
mms75 Hi Judith! I forgot to put my settings on vacation mode...i wil ship your top on 4/ that ok? I’m so sorry! Lmk you got this, thank you!
Apr 04Reply
judithperry77 @mms75 ok.4/10 is fine
Apr 04Reply
rayree001 Hi!! Thank you for purchasing the Cache sweater! It was dropped off at the post office on Saturday but there seems to be a delay there. Hopefully it is just not posting latest tracking yet. I will keep watch of. Happy Wednesday!
Apr 07Reply
rayree001 Your shipment should arrive today!!!
Apr 08Reply
tarakuhnlein Hi Judith— thank you for purchasing my beautiful black and white dress! I am out of town until Wednesday and can drop it in the mail on Thursday. I apologize for the delay. Is that ok? — thank you! — Tara
Apr 13Reply
princesslatiaya thank you for your purchase and the awesome rating!!!
Apr 15Reply
reereescloset @judithperry77 thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship out to you tomorrow. It is a two day shipping label so provided there are no USPS shipping delays it should be there on Thursday. Have a great week and stay safe🙂
Apr 20Reply
reereescloset @judithperry77 thank you so much for taking the time to post a five star rating, I really appreciate it!🙂
Apr 22Reply
kat1715 @judithperry77 hi thanks for you offert most I can is $20 let me know ;)
Apr 24Reply
sherylroush Hi, you just placed a couple bids in my Cache jewelry, you should bundle them so you don’t have to pay shipping twice, that will save you $7.45
May 01Reply
judithperry77 @sherylroush thanks for letting me know. I can do $$57 for the bundle . Can you do reduced shipping as Poshmark allows for 50% off reduced shipping
May 01Reply
sherylroush @judithperry77 I’m sorry I can’t come down any lower, I usually price my items at the price I want to sell them for and if I discount shipping Poshmark charges me.
May 01Reply
judithperry77 @sherylroush . I know. They charge too much for shipping. It will still come up to $70 for me. Can you do $58
May 01Reply
sherylroush @judithperry77 I’m sorry, I can not
May 02Reply
sherylroush @judithperry77 I already gave you $15% off
May 02Reply
blinggrl Hi Judith! Thank you for the ❤and the offer for the Silver Bamboo Stretch Bracelet. I will accept it but I saw that you created a bundle. I tried to offer $60 for both bracelets and $5 shipping but it won't let me because of the offer on the Bracelet. Let me know what you think, if you would like the bundle or if I should accept the offer you submitted. Have a great night 🌙
May 02Reply
blinggrl I just saw your offer, would you do $55 and $5 shipping? They're both really nice bracelets🤩 let me know what you think 🤔
May 02Reply
judithperry77 @blinggrl ok. Will cancel and you can make the offer with reduced shipping. Thanks
May 02Reply
judithperry77 Ok. Offer canceled. You can make your offer. Thanks
May 02Reply
blinggrl @judithperry77 I am so sorry, I thought I could decline your offer and then counter offer for the bundle but it won't let me. Can you create the bundle again? I'm sorry 😐
May 02Reply
blinggrl I got it to work! Thank's for your patience 😊
May 02Reply
totopuff Good morning, When I saw your name on the brown Cache turtleneck I didn’t realize you were a repeat customer. I just got a notification from Poshmark that due to mail carrier delays, the turtleneck is going to arrive later than expected. I couldn’t believe it because I thought you would’ve had it a few days ago. (Cont.)
May 12Reply
totopuff Part II: I am so sorry for the inconvenience. I am so ready for Covid to be over because I keep getting my neighbors mail and not getting my mail and everything is crazy! If you visit my closet again and find something you like please message me first and I will give you a price so good your head will spin! Take care and God bless, Jen & Bella🐶
May 12Reply
judithperry77 @weg1984 thank you so much
Jul 26Reply
jilmarje Thank you for your purchase!Will ship out today😊
Nov 03Reply
violetjazz Hello & thanks for the like on my black yoga style skirt! I just edited the description & added another photo in case you’re interested. Happy Monday! 💜🎶
Aug 13Reply
violetjazz Hi again & thank you for your offer. I would take it, but can’t today bc I’m prepping for a whole day of medical tests tomorrow. I don’t accept if I can’t ship right away. Hopefully, you understand & will send the offer again late tomorrow (Tuesday night)? Thank you again…I appreciate your interest! 💜
Aug 13Reply

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