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Updated Jul 26
Updated Jul 26

Meet your Posher, Julia

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Hi! I'm Julia, welcome to my closet! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions and I will try to answer as best I can. :) P.s. I travel frequently which can sometimes affect shipping times, so if it hasn’t been shipped yet please be patient and I will get it out to you as soon as I return!
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malloriejones Hi Julia! I am just leaving for business travel and I will not be able to ship for two weeks. I'd love for the candles to go to you, can I write you upon return of my trip for you to resubmit your offer and I will send then?! Thank you for your understanding, sorry for the wait!
Oct 25Reply
jpass1023 Hi @malloriejones! Thanks so much for letting me know! I would really appreciate if you could, I would really like those candles!
Oct 25Reply
malloriejones Will do! Thanks for the interest in my closet and will absolutely be in touch upon return! ☺️
Oct 25Reply
kaleyheider Nice to meet you!!💕
Oct 29Reply
malloriejones Hi Julia! I'm home and can ship the Henri Bendel candles whenever you are ready 😊
Nov 15Reply
jpass1023 Hi @malloriejones! I hope your trip went well! My problem is that henri bendel was having a sale last week and I got two candles for $50, so it ends up not being such a fabulous deal to get two for $60!
Nov 18Reply
malloriejones Okay, no worries totally understand! Enjoy your weekend and happy early Thanksgiving 😊
Nov 18Reply
aperez309 Hi! My name is Amanda. I saw you purchased a Juicy couture striped blue & white top from Spring's closet a few months ago. If you decide you want to list it please let me know! I may add something's from your closet also to make a bundle. Thanks 💜
Apr 21Reply
emora22 🌻Hey!! Welcome to Poshmark! You're going to have so much fun on here!! 🌻 🌻Feel free to ask any questions you may have about to post, style, or share your items🌻 🌻Follow and share other Poshers' items too for extra exposure and support in selling🌻 🌻You can also LIKE items to bookmark them and you'll receive price drop notifications on those items too. Happy Poshing!! ♡ @emora22 🌻
May 03Reply
andik123 Hey! I noticed you added two lot my closet items to a bundle. In running a few promotions right now. But one item from my closet and get one item for 50% off. Also get a free item 10$ or less from my closet for free after a 40$ purchase. Let me know if you have any questions on how to further get those items :)
May 13Reply
alicekleiner Hello and Welcome to Poshmark! !!!  A few terms I didn't know when I first started that I hope will help you... GUC GOOD or GENTLY USED CONDITION EUC..EXCELLENT USED CONDITION Few more Hints if you want to remember a special closet like one or two items in that closet so that you can find your way back!! Also Do lots of following and sharing to build your network =)  Happy Poshing =) Alice
Aug 16Reply
clynnflores Hey! Sorry if this is super creepy but I noticed you bought a black leather ted baker mini skirt from someone on here. I've been trying to hunt down that exact skirt cause I accidentally got the same one a size too big! Let me know if you're ever interested in selling please, I'd def buy it! :)
Sep 20Reply
cp_85 Thank you for your purchase. I will ship out tomorrow😊
Nov 01Reply
preppysky 🌺🍒Hii Julia! thanks so much for the like on the SE flats. Feel free to put in an offer or ask any questions, would love to work something out with you 🌺🍒
Nov 02Reply
jpass1023 @ag2201 hi! Thanks for the tip! I hadn't thought of that lol
Nov 19Reply
jpass1023 @ag2201 did they buy it before my offer went through? :(
Nov 20Reply
jpass1023 @ag2201 oh thank you so much!!! I can't wait!!!
Nov 20Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 hi. Id like to talk to you about purchasing your tiffany wallet. I would like to purchase it right now if thats ok. Brody19 laurie
Feb 21Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 hey, I thought your offer was a little bit low, especially since the wallet is brand new and worth a lot more than that. I will counter with a price I think is more doable for me then you can think it over
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 would you prefer to do it thru 🅿️🅿️?
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 i actually didnt mean to insult you by offering so low. I just read your description and put an offer out there to get your attention. I apologize if i offended you, it was not my intention.
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 would you do 165 direct?
Feb 21Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 no no it’s okay! Like I said I’m willing to negotiate, I just couldn’t do $125 bc that’s a little low!
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 absolutely. Would you want to do it direct?
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 you tell me how you would like to do it? I just figured you would get more and get it immediately the other way. But you tell me. I'll do whatever you want
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 let me know how you would like to do this so i can pay you and what we decided on. Thank you.
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 hi. I am not able to send another offer so if you can send me an offer, i will accept and pay. Thanks
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 hi. Whatever you send me, i will accept.
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 are you still good with me purchasing the wallet? Sorry I'm being such a pain, i have to go to work shortly and wanted to try to do this before i go. Thanks.
Feb 21Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 Hi. Would you take 175?
Feb 21Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 hey! Would you do $180?
Feb 22Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 can you send the offer, it wont let me send an offer. Thanks
Feb 22Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 1 sec, i have to update my CC
Feb 22Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 no problem :)
Feb 22Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 thank you so much. Youre a sweetheart. I just bought the boots and handbag and of course i needed to complete it with the wallet.😊 Better get thanks again
Feb 22Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 I’m glad you were able to get it! It’s completely new so it’s as if you just got a new one! I’m going to try and ship it out tomorrow but I’m leaving on a trip so I might only get it out after. But I’ll try for tomorrow!
Feb 22Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 thank you so much and have a great trip!! Where are you going?
Feb 22Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 Thanks so much! Im going to Switzerland for a few days!
Feb 22Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 omg, thats fantastic!!! Lucky you. What state do you live in?
Feb 22Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 haha thanks! My husband is a pilot so I’m always running around! And I currently live in Arlington,VA but I’m moving back to my hometown in Orlando, FL in a few months
Feb 22Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 good for you. Enjoy your life, it sounds wonderful!!
Feb 22Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 hi! I just wanted to update you, I wasn’t able to ship your wallet out because of the frenzy of the trip but it’s all wrapped up I just have to print the label and drop it off! I return on the 28th so it’ll be my first priority when I come back! Thanks for your patience!
Feb 24Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 no problem.enjoy your trip. You make a cute couple. Your hubbys cute😍. (No worries, im a grandmother) who does he fly for?
Feb 24Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 hey I just got back! I will drop it off at the post today! My husband flies for American Airlines, the east coast domestic routes!
Mar 01Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 thanks. I take american all the time. Boston to Atlanta or Charlotte to birmingham
Mar 01Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 yeah! I asked him, he said he flies to Birmingham all the time. One day he might be your pilot! Haha
Mar 01Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 I'm going the 20th but I think its booked on delta. When i do go on american, i will let you know. That will be cool if I can say, "I know the pilots wife". Lol hope you had a great trip!!
Mar 01Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 thanks so much for your sweet comment! I hope you enjoy the wallet! Check out the iPad/document case I just listed!
Mar 17Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 oh, you're a love. I have a Samsung note..? It won't fit I dont think. Going to bama tues but I think I'm flying delta..🤔
Mar 17Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 he has the day off on Tuesday but lmk when you’re flying American and I’ll find out for you! It’ll be so funny if he’s the pilot!
Mar 17Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 i will. My next time flying is April 10th but were flying into Atlanta and driving to Birmingham. I was telling my husband and he said, only you Laurie only you. I always have something this happening to me. Idk why but it's pretty cool.
Mar 17Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 i want to check out your other tiffany. I have 2 daughters..
Mar 17Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 ok. I love the other tiffany. Can you just show me another pic of it opened up? I think I'm going to buy it. Don't know what ill do with it but I'm on a tiffany spree
Mar 17Reply
jpass1023 @brody19 hahahaha well it is pretty cool! I hope one day your paths cross! And yeah I’ll post more when I get home!
Mar 18Reply
brody19 @jpass1023 ok thx. Just tag me.😘
Mar 18Reply
maddiesmaddeals Thank you for your interest in my gold top! Willing to negotiate so let me know! :)
Jul 16Reply
jojohu Hi Julia! Just wanted to let you know I accepted your offer, however, it did not go through as it said you need to update your payment method!
Nov 28Reply
jpass1023 @jojohu hi! Yes I’m sorry! I will do that! Thanks so much!
Nov 28Reply
jojohu Yay!! I'm so glad you love the jacket and thank you for the 5 star rating! You rock!
Dec 04Reply
dianakkeyes Hi there. You made an offer on a Ted Baker sweater for $20 over a week ago. I was dealing with a family thing. When I finally got back to poshmark it was too late to accept your offer. I tried to send you a counter offer for $16. It won't let me do that. If you are still interested please send me another offer. I saw that someone created a bundle with it in there but I haven't sent her an offer yet. I wanted to give you first dibs on it. No pressure at all!
Jan 30Reply
chinalynn @jpass1023 Congrats! Your closet is awesome! I am reaching and guessing based on the TB items in your closet. 😀, but Please let me know if you ever decide to sell the emerald tb velvet blazer you may have just purchased. I have been looking for one for a long time and I would be happy to buy it from you. 😊.
Feb 08Reply
ely_el Love your closet!! Cute pictures by the way and Happy Poshing!
Apr 14Reply
ainmills Thanks for the like on the Ted Baker dress coat! Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing 🥳
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 If u put the crystal trinket in a bundle i will pay the shipping
Jul 20Reply
jpass1023 @hawaiicori thank you so much!! 💚💚💚
Jul 26Reply
wonderfullyco Hello Julia! Thank you for checking out my closet 🏷I love yours btw! I just offered free shipping on the Camila Coelho dress. Let me know if you have any questions ❤
Nov 15Reply
bfashion1 @jpass1023 Hi Julia, when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in different sizes.  My sale this week: Make a bundle of 1 items take 30% off if it's 2 or more take an additional 50% off the total price. Thanks in advance for looking in my closet.  Happy Poshing 🤗💕
Dec 03Reply
eliram613 Hello and thank you for liking my Mackage coat, I just wanted to let you know that this item will be returned to the distributor and unavailable after December 21st. I am not pressuring you at all I just wanted to let you know in case you were interested. Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.
Dec 10Reply
marciarogers Thanks for liking the brass candlesticks. I accept offers and discount bundles. Marcia
Jul 27Reply
aysha_h @jpass1023 Hi there! I’m selling a super similar Brandy Melville tube top to the one you liked but for less! Happy to accept an offer too :)
Jul 29Reply
lovelyere Hello! Feel free to look through my closet and make offers :) Saint Laurent Espardilles, Tory burch heels, very nice Givenchy bag, Brighton bags, Gucci watches, shoes, etc. Happy poshing!
Aug 19Reply
jpass1023 @lovelyere Hi! I will thanks!
Aug 19Reply
lovelyere @jpass1023 thank you! I am also open to offers. Have a great day🌺
Aug 19Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Oct 07Reply
jpass1023 @schracl hi girl thanks!
Oct 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Oct 08Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 17Reply
terri064 Thank you for the Like. I just sent you a discounted bundle offer with Free shipping. If you purchase today your order will ship. Thank you 😊
Dec 25Reply
terri064 Thank you for the Like. I just sent you a private bundle offer with discounted shipping. If you purchase today your order will ship tomorrow. Thank you 😊
Jan 15Reply
bestwestie I have dropped the price a bit on the glasses you liked in my closet! If you’d like to purchase, bundle them and we’ll get things started! Thanks, and have a great day!!
Feb 11Reply
danyeleinthavly Great closet! 💕
Mar 08Reply
jpass1023 @danyeleinthavly thank you!! 💕
Mar 09Reply
emile_lasagna Hi! I hope you enjoy your purchase! Please accept when you get a chance, thanks!
Mar 24Reply
honeytag Hi there 🙂 You look like you have a great eye for style 🕶 ...Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome, fashionable finds I think you're gonna love ❤
May 10Reply
kakosi Hi! Please take a look at my Tiffany items. Thanks.
Jun 08Reply
jpass1023 @kakosi hi! Do you have anything else you’re listing?
Jun 08Reply
kakosi Yes! I have a few Tiffany items. I hope you like something.
Jun 08Reply
chloescloset152 Hi! I noticed you also like Reformation- I have several pieces listed (and Free People & Lululemon) - would love for you to stop by! 🌈🎉
Aug 22Reply
jpass1023 @lydlo152 hi thank you! I’ll check it out!
Aug 22Reply
lovelyere hi @jpass1023 ! thanks for the like on the beautiful Robert Clergerie shoes I have up. I've sent you an offer 💖
Oct 21Reply
leilanext Hi! I sell authentic, all new with tags, and VERY affordable Maje and Sandro Clothes. Please check my closet if interested! TIA
Feb 12Reply
jpass1023 @leilanext hi! I’m always on the look out at your closet! How often do you get new stuff?
Feb 12Reply
jpass1023 @leilanext hi! I’m always on the look out at your closet! How often do you get new stuff?
Feb 12Reply
leilanext @jpass1023 hi !! Thank you for checking my closet. I post new items almost everyday. Is there any specific thing you focus on when looking( blouses, shoes, pants, dressses, etc) ? Also, what are the sizes you are looking for? Season too if possible:)
Feb 12Reply
cutehosiery @jpass1023 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 06Reply
jennwardrobe Hi Julia! Hope you’re having a nice weekend. Friendly reminder if you’d like the Alice & Olivia dress still, I’m open to your offer of $80 but would you kindly resubmit the offer? as I can’t send on my end without sending to all… Thanks again for your interest! Xx
Feb 12Reply
misserin7 Hello! Nice to meet you :) If you’re still interested in a Celine Trio bag in excellent condition, please check out mine! Just listed last night. Thank you!
Mar 27Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Orlando, FL
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Orlando, FL
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