Meet your Posher, Julia
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Hi! I'm Julia. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Free People, and Tory Burch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

13 others
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Welcome to Poshmark 👐🏾💗☺✨✨
I hope you love the app! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask :)
Jan 24Reply

um wow no i wasnt being rude i was legit confused cuz you have 4 different pics with different things in each pic so i was confused as to which thing you were trying to sell but wow ok have fun being a bitch when someone has a genuine question maybe you should stop jumping to conclusions @tattooedred25
Mar 04Reply

Happy poshing beautiful lady! Bundle and save.God bless!
Mar 10Reply

Hi thank you for liking feel free to make an offer on the tank <3 :) or anything else you might want!!
Mar 10Reply

Welcome to Posh! I hope you'll have an awesome time here 🎉🎉 and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Just put @ in front of the person's closet name to ensure they get your message... I'm a Suggested User and I'd be happy to help if I can. 💕💕 Have fun! 👍
Mar 10Reply

Thanks for all the likes, let me know what items you're interested in bundling and I could give you a good discount :-)
Mar 20Reply

im so sorry but the glitter sold earlier today and i wasnt near wifi to delete the glitter posting, but my highlighters are still available!
Mar 20Reply

oh alright, do you have anything else you might want to sell that i could bundle with the highlighters???? @sarah987654321
Mar 20Reply

@julrams for 5 i could bundle a highlighter and a matching sheer(er) lipstick, both in hearts...
Mar 20Reply

@julrams ill be placing up more gorgeous gorgeous eye/lip/face glitter by bobbi brown called wedding veil..but it will be at a much higher price point then 5 dollars
Mar 20Reply

what does the lip color look like? @sarah987654321
Mar 20Reply

@julrams lilac with slight blue reflects...every one that has bought the highlighter ( same mixture as the lips) have love loved it. its just not quite a lipstick so its hard to describe..i only have 3 of the lips left.
Mar 20Reply

do you have an image of a swatch of it? and also how big is it?? @sarah987654321
Mar 20Reply

@julrams if you view the photo on the highlighter posting, you will see the hearts ner a yellow burts bees lip balm...that gives you a size estimate...the photo of my hand is the swatch of the exact balm
Mar 20Reply

@julrams i can do a swatch of the lip tomorrow, if you would like:)
Mar 20Reply

alright thanks a bunch :) @sarah987654321
Mar 20Reply

@julrams you welcome:)
Mar 20Reply

Thanks for the likes ! I accept reasonable bundle offers
Mar 20Reply

Hi Julia, I'm Tracy 🙋🏼 Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to answer any you may have. Have a great evening 😃👍💐
Mar 20Reply

@julrams would you like me to make you a bundle?
Mar 20Reply

for which items?? @angeltears418
Mar 20Reply

@julrams whichever ones you like love just let me know now the matte lippies I know there somewhere just can't find them right now but everything else I have right now I will give you a great price for the things you want. I will make a new listing for you just let me know which items you want and we will negotiate price sound good?
Mar 20Reply

yeah sounds good @angeltears418
Mar 20Reply

@julrams also, i have more makeup and glitter, but all much higher price points then 5, if your budget expands let me know. otherwise, the remaining highlighters and the remaining 2 lips are ready for you if you are interested:)
Mar 20Reply

@julrams I also make highlighters and acn send u a sample with your package...Lmk which items if you'd like to bundle and price for ravebundle+2 under ten+ gap sweats + HIGHLIGHTER!!
Mar 20Reply

oh awesome, what type of highlighters do you have? @angeltears418
Mar 20Reply

@julrams I made a custom one would you like to see a Swatch?
Mar 20Reply

yes please! @angeltears418
Mar 20Reply

@julrams swatch posted.. I'm getting ready to take a shower and get ready to go get labels for shipping have to be there before 9 so if you want your stuff mailed out by tomorrow then I need to know what you want to bundle love and I will also send you a highlighter
Mar 20Reply

@julrams Hi! Thanks for your like! Just a FYI, I offer a 10% bundle discount and include a free gift on purchases $15+. No pressure but let me know if you have any questions! ☺️💕
Mar 21Reply

hi Julia lovely to meet you ! :)
Mar 21Reply

I'll only make 14.00 off of 4 items @ 18.00 and u still get to pick a free item for 6.00 or less.
Mar 21Reply

alright so if i did $18 i could choose an under $6 item??? @ingridbutler
Mar 21Reply

and wait you said 14.00 off of 4 item but i only bundled 3 items, sorry im a little confused @ingridbutler
Mar 21Reply

so are you saying i can bundle 4 items for $18 and i can choose an item under $6 as a free gift?? @ingridbutler
Mar 21Reply

@julrams the shoes and purse are 2 items in one listing
Mar 21Reply

oh alright, mk i think i can do that, thanks :) @ingridbutler
Mar 21Reply

thanks for all the closet love, Julia - So glad you came by. feel free to bundle all your favorites and make an offer...look forward to hearing from you :)
Mar 21Reply

Hi Sweetie 🤗Welcome To Poshmark and Thank You For Sharing the Love 💕 Have a Great Evening 🏡
Mar 23Reply

Hi! Welcome to Posh! Thanks so much for Liking an item in my closet! Don't forget if you Bundle 3 or more items from my closet you get 15% off , and all your items are shipped for the same shipping cost so it's like your getting free shipping for 2 items. Let me know if I can help you in anyway and I hope you have much success here on Posh!
Mar 23Reply

Hi, I noticed you bundled a few of my items. Your total $40.85 , but I can $36minus the bundle discount it would come up to $34.20 for the 3 items and the 2 free add Ons. Let me know if you're interested =]
Mar 23Reply

So confusing. Hahaha. I typed so fast. Lol
Mar 23Reply

Hello Julia! Cool name btw! (I'm Julia:)) feel free to make me a bundle offer if you're inserted in my closet! XOXO
Mar 23Reply

Let me know if you have any questions on the bundle you made earlier. Prices are always negotiable :)
Mar 23Reply

Thanks for all the ♡s! Just letting you know that if you had your eyes on anything bundles in my closet are 25% off right now!🤗
Mar 24Reply

Hi Julia. Welcome to Poshmark. I'm Tammy. Thank you for checking out my closet and I appreciate the likes 🤗🤗 Have a great night!! If there is anything I can do for, just ask.
Mar 25Reply

@julrams. Hi Julia. I see you started a bundle. 🤗🤗 My discount is 15% off on 3+ bundles. Plus any order purchased of $30 or more after discount receives a free piece of jewelry (look for the free jewelry throughout my closet)
Mar 25Reply

Thanks for checking out my page! 😘 let me know if you have any questions at all.
Mar 27Reply

@julrams hey beautiful!! I saw u added the polka dot cashmere sweater to a bundle..Lmk what else u want to add so I can give you a special price!!!
Mar 28Reply

we can throw in some items for free if youd like your bundle, girl! ;)
Mar 31Reply

hey i need to go somewhere rn for a few hours but when i get back we can talk, thanks again :) @sistersolstice
Mar 31Reply

sounds good! :)
Mar 31Reply

Hi Julia, Thanks for sharing as well as the interest(like) in my closet. Happy poshing!
Apr 01Reply

Hey! Were you interested in making a bundle offer today? <3
Apr 01Reply

Congrats on getting your closet started beautiful ✨✨ please follow me and let me know if you need help with anything at all 🌹💕
Apr 09Reply

Hi hun!! Welcome to poshmark ✨come visit any time😚
Apr 10Reply

Hey there Sunshine! Warm Welcome to Posh! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime! Lots of cute items! Have a Blessed Day 💞
Apr 17Reply

@julrams hi I just wanted to let you know I'm having a huge sale plus an extra 20% off all Bundles. Let me know if you have any questions. All purchases will be shipped out tomorrow morning 💕🙂🛍💰📬
May 15Reply

Hey, feel free to check out my closet! I have a jean jacket similar to one you liked.
May 30Reply

Heya hun! I see you've liked a tank top from my closet! I am completely clearing out my closet so I can rebrand and am accepting almost any offer as well as offering many of my items for free!! If you're still interested, be sure to act fast because these items will go fast!
Jul 04Reply

! It's fun here! Enjoy and thanks for the follow!
Jul 22Reply

Hello my name is Kelly. I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. 🦄🦄🦄💜
Aug 09Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Stop by and check out my closet when you can :)
Sep 27Reply

🌸Hi👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 need more cute clothes for resell??? I sell wholesale mystery box. Please check out my closet to help start or add more clothes to your poshmark closet. I had some great return buyers who buys monthly from me...let’s start making money$$$. Let me know I can start your pre order box,case or pallets. Thanks for poshing and have a great day!🌸📦🎀
Oct 23Reply

Hi there 👋🏻 ! I just listed a NWT lace dress I think you might like- check out the rest of my closet too! 🤗
Jul 12Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Jul 13Reply

Welcome hon:)
Mar 06Reply

Happy poshing! 😊
Oct 24Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 04Reply

Thanks for the like. I lowered the price to $12 for you if you are interested. 😀
Sep 06Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. I LOVE offers & bundles get 10% off! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 22Reply
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