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Updated Aug 06
Updated Aug 06

Meet your Posher, Julia

Meet the Posher



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heidisue608 likes this
crazyme23 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark. You will love it here, great shopping experience & meeting nice people. Happy Poshing ...
Aug 06Reply
lanaid Hi! This is regarding the Lululemon Run Times shorts you commented on—if you submit an offer through the app for $38, I’ll accept. 😊
Aug 06Reply
sassysoles Hello, I understand you're new, but please do not tag a bunch of people under my page for them to come look at your closet. Just tag them under this listing or make another listing on your page to bring them in. But you always do all your work on your page and not someone else's. Poshmark considers that harassment and some people are really not nice about it. Not trying to be rude just wanted to let you know. Good luck on sales! 😊
Aug 13Reply
jberends ~Thanks~
Aug 13Reply
jberends ~Thanks~ @crazyme23, @quickhitch1, @lanaid!!! That means a lot that you guys are supporting me and giving me help! I don’t really now how to make advertisements for my page. I don’t want to peeve anymore of my friends of by posting under their pages!!! Lol! Thanks friends for the support and it would means the world to me if you could help me get going!!!!!
Aug 13Reply
jberends Thank you @sassysoles, sorry for taking that the wrong way, I didn’t know you didn’t want me to ask people the visit my closet on your site!!!! Guess idk poss adequate yet!!! Lol! Thanks for helping me out, you have a great closet and seem very nice! Please keep listing and giving me tips!!!!
Aug 13Reply
sassysoles @jberends I completely understand. When I first started someone was completely rude to me when I did something similar. I just learned to post on my own page that way no one else would get offended. Didn't want you to have to have the same experience I did. If you go on Google or on photo apps just make a screenshot or design your own welcome/make an offer sign and post that just like any other listing. List it for $0 and not for sale and that should work perfect for you.
Aug 13Reply
sassysoles @jberends My other recommendation would just be to share, share, share. Your items and others so that they will help get your items exposed to their followers as well.
Aug 13Reply
jberends @sassysoles THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Aug 13Reply
sassysoles @jberends No problem. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll try my best to help any way I can.
Aug 13Reply
jberends @sassysoles I do have a question, do you know how to move your favorite items to the top of your page!!! Thank you!!
Aug 13Reply
sassysoles @jberends If you mean the items in your closet that you want at the top, you just share/update in order starting from what you want to be at the bottom to what you want at the top of your page. Once you get the items organized like you want you'll have to share them from bottom to top to keep them that way. Hope that answered what you're asking?
Aug 13Reply
jberends @sassysoles yes, thank you!☺️
Aug 13Reply
jberends @sassysoles any other tips that will make my items go faster
Aug 13Reply
sassysoles @jberends Share often, take good bright and clear covershots, using something lighter for your background helps to show the items a little more clear. Maybe use a plant/flower or a piece of decor from around the house to be decorative, or model items. I try to change it up. Don't push buyers because I've found it turns a lot of people away. Usually they'll ask questions/bundle, etc, when they feel like it. I just wait a little after they like something and maybe send an offer to likers.
Aug 14Reply
sassysoles @jberends Don't hide imperfections, be honest. After selling, make sure to wrap your items nicely. I started with just tissue paper, but now I've added ribbon, thank you cards, free gifts etc. Look on fb yardsale sites and stuff to find free packing paper from people moving to secure items. Order free priority boxes and tape from usps so you can have any size/shape you need.
Aug 14Reply
sassysoles @jberends Everything from pictures to shipping their items will determine repeat customers, as of course inventory. Sorry so long, but hope it helps!
Aug 14Reply
sassysoles @jberends almost forgot, share to parties. Posh notifies you daily of upcoming parties and you can look to see what items( if any) that you can share. Posh also has Posh etiquette section which will tell you a lot of do's and don'ts. I read all that plus some other stuff in the frequently asked questions section when I started to help me out.
Aug 14Reply
jberends @sassysoles thank you this has helped me a lot!!!! How do you get your stuff sold so fast? I’m doin everything your saying but no offers?🤔
Aug 14Reply
sassysoles @jberends It started a little slow for me to. You just have to keep sharing your stuff and sharing other poshers items as well. A lot of buyers are also sellers, so the more you share their items the more likely they'll share yours back and also possibly find something they may like or want to buy while they're sharing your items for their followers to see.
Aug 14Reply
sassysoles @jberends Also, the more listings for sale the better. I promise it's only because you just started. It will start to pick up over time. Like any sales, they'll go up and down sometimes. I recommend not declining offers even if they're way lower than what you like. Counteroffer if you want a higher price than they offer. Let them be the one to decline. I think it messes with the algorithms
Aug 14Reply
sassysoles @jberends Another thing I noticed when you going to share your stuff. If you look at my listings I have the make and name of items in the "what are you selling" section. Everything else is in description. For example your capris, I would probably list the Under Armour Dri Fit Capris... or whatever they're called. Because people search for more specific things and it won't pull up right. Leave words "like new" etc in your description only
Aug 14Reply

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