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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Julie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Julie. This is my pup Jax! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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tannerlc60 Good Morning 😊, Thanks for sharing my closet and purchasing from my closet 🙋💙 Be Blessed!
Jun 23Reply
kvw77 What an adorable baby! I had one just like him that passed 4 years ago. 💔
Jun 24Reply
juliettelippman @kvw77 I’m so sorry - his name is Jax and he is my joy 💙🐾
Jun 24Reply
kvw77 @juliettelippman he is precious! Mine was Kiwi and his brother was Eddie, he passed 2 months after Eddie did from a broken heart he just gave up. I swore I would never go thru that again but of course I have two rescues now that I love dearly.
Jun 24Reply
juliettelippman @kvw77 you made my day - Kax is a rescue also. Nothing better. New fur babies are precious gifts to help fill the heart.
Jun 24Reply
kvw77 @juliettelippman you made mine also! I wish there were more of us to save the babies, it’s such a huge sad problem.
Jun 24Reply
someonexoxo Enjoy! Don’t forget to accept and rate 😊
Jun 25Reply
kvw77 Hi Juliette, thank you so much for the note and rating! I’m so glad u like it and I hope Jax will like the collar and it will keep him safe. One of my friends watched as a hawk took her yorkie. I can’t even imagine how horrible! The flashing red light which is the second push on the button is suppose to detour hawks and owls. Thanks again it was a pleasure meeting you! 😀
Jun 29Reply
jessiahscloset Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a huge sale on my Prada bag! Feel free to make me an offer or bundle other items in my closet to save even more! Have a blessed day! Happy Poshing! 💕💖💝
Jul 06Reply
joaneva Welcome to Poshmark. Joaneva😀💕
Jul 07Reply
neferteri Very elegant 🌹
Jul 13Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your like 💙🦋
Jul 13Reply
heatherl_bella I am receiving your ring this afternoon.I apologize for the wait
Jul 13Reply
heatherl_bella I noticed p oshmark cancelled your sale.I had to specially reorder this item,and took linger than expected to get to me.Its available to ship right away,I will even give it to u at a discounted rate for the wait.
Jul 17Reply
juliettelippman @heatherl_bella hi! What was the item?
Jul 18Reply
heatherl_bella @juliettelippman..hi,I do apoligize..its the Bvlgari ring..I know u waited this long and so did I for it to come in,and now Poshmark cancelled it,after I emailed numerous times letting them know we were in touch and they were fine with it.
Jul 18Reply
juliettelippman @heatherl_bella I still want it. Please and thank you!
Jul 19Reply
heatherl_bella @juliettelippman ok u need to repurchase the item,the order was cancelled.So,No $ was taken from your account.Then I can ship it out.
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee Hi juliette, thanks for liking my Michael Aram listings. I am a huge Michael Aram fan myself. I have listed a number of his gorgeous pieces. Would love to bundle a few for you and give you the best price possible. Please let me know if you have any questions.,I answer promptly and ship the same day ❤️😊😊😊
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee Hi Juliette , thank you for adding my Michael Aram items to your bundle . Would you like me to make an offer ? Or would you like to tell me what works for you ? I have a little wiggle room in terms of price but his pieces are all expensive. Let me know how you would like to proceed dear .❤️😊😊once again thank you .
Jul 22Reply
juliettelippman @pat2dee If you can make an offer for all 3 and an offer for 2 and not the casserole dish, I’d appreciate it ... please and thank you!
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee @juliettelippman hi there dear, the 2 pieces without the casserole are coming out to 169. I can do $125 for both pieces because you are buying 2 , I can give a better discount ❤️😊
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee @juliettelippman and for the 3 pieces I can do $320 instead of $420 that it’s coming out to .. 😊❤️
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee @juliettelippman hi Juliette , someone has put the enchanted garden oval dish in a bundle . I know that you are interested in it as a set to go with the enchanted garden trinket box. Please let me know if you are interested in the set . I’m about to make an offer to a posher who is interested in it.😊❤️waiting for your response dear
Jul 22Reply
juliettelippman @pat2dee Thank you! I’m not going to purchase - I appreciate your response
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee @juliettelippman are you interested in any of the pieces or not at this time dear ?
Jul 22Reply
juliettelippman @pat2dee I want sets so no, but thank you again.
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee @juliettelippman you are so welcome . I’m hoping to tempt you into buying at least 2 of the gorgeous pieces to go as a set . What price would work for you ? I can offer you free shipping. Would that help dear ?
Jul 22Reply
pat2dee Hi Juliette,poshmark is requesting me to send you another offer on your bundle of 3 items . Would you like me to send you another offer?i can try to give you a slightly better deal ? Let me know ,or I can ignore poshmark request. 😊😊❤️
Jul 23Reply
pat2dee @juliettelippman Juliette, I have a set of palace coasters and a matching coffee creamer . It is a set. If you are interested let me know ❤️😊
Jul 23Reply
pat2dee Both from Michael Aram . Sorry forgot to add that info . Both pieces are designer pieces from Michael Aram. They are both listed .
Jul 23Reply
heatherl_bella Hi juliette,I just wanted to let u know that the ring was shipped out yesterday, it was picked up by the post office,so that is y it says pending USPS scan,I DONT know y it takes so long to scan.But,I also sent u a few extra fun stuff for u aswell.
Jul 26Reply
juliettelippman @heatherl_bella it’s clearly been a journey! lol
Jul 26Reply
heatherl_bella @juliettelippman..I requested a confirmation from the post office that they Indead did pick it up,and it wasn't some kind of theft incident..not your problem..though,I do have another that I would send u out asap,if that's the case.
Jul 27Reply
heatherl_bella And then I will deal with the details on my end..hopefully that's not it..but I have a funny feeling..bc it's never taken this long to scan.Ill be in touch tomorrow..and then just send out another right away I already printed another label tonight, so no issues just in case.
Jul 27Reply
heatherl_bella @juliettelippman..lets just hope the post office has better news..Ill be in touch tomorrow,and let u know either way it's either on its way,or it will be a 2 day delay.
Jul 27Reply
heatherl_bella I requested a new shipping label,and I will go to the post office directly first thing in the am..u should have it by monday.Im so sorry about this..Im so mad,bc I also sent u some really good extra stuff,that I really put some thought
Jul 27Reply
heatherl_bella This has taken way too long,to,it's not fair to u...once again.
Jul 27Reply
heatherl_bella Well that was the strangest training just popped up from label being made then in fort Lauderdale out for delivery, u will have it today..i guess nobody stole it after all!!what a relief.
Jul 28Reply
heatherl_bella I was just about to go send out the backup too
Jul 28Reply
heatherl_bella Thankfully your package popped up..i just got an email it was delivered to your reception area of your building.
Jul 28Reply
heatherl_bella Hi juliette, I'm glad this journey as u said is finally done was a pleasure working and speaking with u.If u r a fan of Bulgari,I will have a few new things coming in this month,just not sure when.
Jul 29Reply
heatherl_bella Can u also,do me a favor,and just click on the accept package p oshmark can now finally release payment yo my account.Thanks.and I will let u know when the other stuff comes in and take a look,if u like it,I'll discount u for being a basically 3rd time
Jul 29Reply
heatherl_bella I hope there is no issue with your package, please let me know..any questions,concerns of any kind...if there should be any.
Jul 29Reply
juliettelippman @heatherl_bella Thank you! It’s great, and I loved the extras!
Jul 30Reply
heatherl_bella @juliettelippman..Oh..good..Im SO glad,I have so much stuff,that I wanted to be able to pick some things that u would be able to use no matter what your colors are,and I figured you really can't go wrong with Avon..the brand is a mid quality brand..I really did take my time with it,if u could tell lol.
Jul 30Reply
heatherl_bella Ok,so I'm going to try and have the company send my better pics of the stuff I'm getting bc The last time I used a pic that I didn't take myself I had an issue with Poshmark and my account was down for 9 days.And that happend 3 or 4 times already.Have a GREAT day
Jul 30Reply
heatherl_bella However it's a lot easier to pre order for expense reasons so tomorrow I will see what I can do..enjoy the day!!
Jul 30Reply
heatherl_bella Sorry for all the long msgs,1 last thing, thank u for the great rating!!
Jul 30Reply
rockedthat Hi, the spanx swimsuit is marked final price as it’s at my lowest. Thanks for your interest
Jul 30Reply
janelledianne This is janelledianne, you purchased the black tunic from me...I have been on vacation and wanted to apologize for the late shipping. It was mailed today, so you should get it soon! Hope you enjoy your purchase and thanks so much!!!
Jul 31Reply
poshmarkse11er Aye i have the same polo hat that you liked, do you want it for 15?
Aug 02Reply
juliettejust Hope your having fun poshing!!!💓💓💓 I have some cute clothes, and shoes!! You can make me an offer or bundle for a discount!!!🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍
Aug 04Reply
heatherl_bella Hi Jullitte,I told u that u would be one of the first to know when I got some new stuff in.Well any day I'm expecting a shipment,of a variety of differnt types of Bvlgari items.
Aug 20Reply
michern Hi Juliette! I'm so sorry I've been traveling and missed your Prada offer.....are you still interested by chance? Many apologies for not haveing seen your message earlier😔
Aug 30Reply
degas3011 If you click on BUNDLE with your "likes" ~ mix & match anything in my closet ~ I will send you discount on every item PLUS you only pay 1 shipping fee ... Now that's a great deal!! ;-)
Sep 02Reply
Sep 02Reply
lnchoban I’d be happy to accept your original offer on the Prada suede pumps! Let me know if you need any additional information :)
Sep 11Reply
bibala @cute puppy !
Sep 13Reply
bibala @thanks for checking my closet ! 🌹😊
Sep 13Reply
gossipgirl212 good morning and thank you for your interest in a kjl bundle ( 2 items) i will send an offer (my lowest) for the 2- basically the price for 1 item so its like getting 2 for 1. if you are still interested, i can probably ship later today (i usually ship same/next day but expect to be traveling later today-wednesday) or thursday morning. thank you and have a great day <3
Sep 15Reply
samjam82 Hello Julie. Thank you for visiting my closet. I wish you awesome poshing experiences. 👠👒🛍👜
Sep 16Reply
julyindahouse Hi there! I am so sorry i just couldn’t find the clutch anywhere at our house so had to cancel the order. :(( We recently moved and looks like one of my Posh boxes got lost :( If I ever find it again i can reach out to you if you are stills interested. I apologize for the inconvenience:( Im so so sorry 😭😭😭
Sep 18Reply
juliettelippman @julyindahouse too bad - but no worries!!!
Sep 18Reply
samanthaxo90 just found out Henri Bendel is shutting down the NY fifth Ave where they shipped orders from online
Sep 19Reply
samanthaxo90 @juliettelippman something went wrong with your order
Sep 22Reply
samanthaxo90 It will be shipped Monday I’m in the hospital right now
Sep 22Reply
samanthaxo90 @juliettelippman thank you I hope you enjoy it it’s so cute but I have so much
Sep 22Reply
samanthaxo90 I’ll be shipping your package tomorrow
Sep 23Reply
feery1 Love that sweet doggie face !
Sep 23Reply
gossipgirl212 good afternoon and thank you for your purchase. it was shipped this morning and hopefully you will receive it within the next couple of days. have a great day!! <3
Sep 24Reply
ariberlen Hi Julie! I’m happy to accept your counter but I’m on vacation right and can ship it Monday, Oct. 1 if that’s ok with you. Please let me know!
Sep 25Reply
juliettelippman @ariberlen absolutely!!! Thank you!
Sep 26Reply
juliettelippman @feery1 me too!!! 😊
Sep 26Reply
gossipgirl212 Thank you for the 5 ⭐️ rating!! Have a great weekend!!❤️
Sep 29Reply
ariberlen Hi Julie! I've mailed your package - hope you enjoy those beauties!
Oct 01Reply
michern Hello! I noticed your interest and offer for my Prada heels. Many apologies for not doing it sooner as am in the process of relocation. Are you still interested? I also have Tod's not listed....
Oct 14Reply
thriftythrils Hey, I'm offering 20% a single item and 30% off bundles of 3 or more for returning customers. Just comment on any item you want and I'll send you an offer of 20% off. Thank you for shopping my closet!
Nov 09Reply
bdylan56 Hi, and thanks for purchasing the Misook dress today, I’m so glad it’s found a home! I’m a very fast shipper but post office is closed on Monday so it won’t go out until Tuesday.
Nov 11Reply
bdylan56 Hi, and thanks for the 5 ⭐️ rating on the Misook dress, so glad you’re pleased. If you’ve a moment, could you add a brief comment to your rating about condition or accuracy of description or even packaging? As you know, prospective buyers don’t see star ratings unless there’s a comment. Thanks so much, and happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 21Reply
ally_marc @juliettelippman dear Julie thank you so much for your likes. Please let me know if you have any questions. New markdowns for this week. Enjoy your evening 😍
Dec 12Reply
mylesofstyles Just dropping a note to wish you and yours a Happy Holidays and wish you peace and prosperity in the new year. Your purchase from me, on my first year with Poshmark, helped change the course of my future. Thank you!
Dec 24Reply
juliettelippman @mylesofstyles Thank you! I loved my purchase 😊
Dec 25Reply
pat2dee @hi hi there dear, was wondering if you were still interested in my Michael Aram botanical frame listing . Really hoping you are . It is a gorgeous piece 😊❤️
Feb 02Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Julie ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Feb 16Reply
tawnykitaen I’m so happy for you! You’re gonna love them!!💕💕
Mar 08Reply
nurse_laura31 I’m sorry it’s took me longer than expected to ship this. My printer is down. It should be fixed tomorrow and I should be able to ship Wednesday. Again I apologize for the inconvenience.
Mar 12Reply
suggsstore Good morning! I am currently away visiting family in NY. I brought all of my inventory but must have missed these shoes somehow. I am so sorry. If you want to cancel this order I completely understand. But if you’re willing to wait I will be back in NC next week & I can ship then. Again I am so so sorry!
Apr 26Reply
suggsstore @juliettelippman thank you sooooo much!
Apr 26Reply
tianciliu I saw you liked a Michael Aram frame; I just posted a new one in my closet that you should check out! 😊
Apr 27Reply
knakitam Many thanks in advance!
Apr 28Reply
suggsstore Thanks so much for the rating! Enjoy!
May 16Reply
31bronzie Hello Julie. Jax is a Cutie. I changed my mine on my Offer. I will accept $75 if you offer again. Thank you for Poshing in my closet.
May 30Reply
laurielynn34 @juliettelippman hey there! I’m offering a special discount for new customers buy two get one free! Check out my closet when you have time! ❤️Laurie Just decline the original offer and add to your bundle.
Jun 03Reply
caico12 Hi, you made an offer on one of my Ralph Lauren dresses, can you tell me which color you are interested in?
Jun 12Reply
juliettelippman @caico12 hi!!! The red one please and thank you!
Jun 13Reply
caico12 Hi sorry to bother you again, this dress is more a cranberry/ pink tone color. I just want to make sure you knew. It looks red on the picture but is not a true red color. I am okay if you want to cancel order before I ship it? If you don’t like that color I have other colors available. See post.
Jun 13Reply
caico12 It is not the shade of the one posted between the olive green and Teal color.
Jun 13Reply
juliettelippman @caico12 it’s perfect. Thank you!
Jun 13Reply
caico12 @juliettelippman ok I will ship it tomorrow. Thank you!
Jun 13Reply
dukeknitter @juliettelippman Awwwe, I’m a 🐶💙Maltese & a 🐶💖Morkie Mom, Lord Alexander & Bailey. Nice to meet your Jax🐶💙 I’ll have to post pics and tag you!
Jun 16Reply
juliettelippman @dukeknitter I’m a little nuts about him! lol
Jun 16Reply
juliettelippman @flipcart that’s funny! What is your lowest price?
Jun 23Reply
isafrias_ @juliettelippman Hi Juliette! Thx for the like on the gorgeous Ann Taylor blouse 🌷please feel free to visit my closet in case you’re interested in something else to bundle and save more - I have several listings in the brands you love 😊🌸💵
Jul 08Reply
isafrias_ @juliettelippman hi Juliette! Thx so much for your bundle 🌷would you like the offer now on all 3 items? Just let me know thx! 😊🌸
Jul 08Reply
kt_kat_boutik Hi!! Thank you so much for your interest in my closet. I accept most offers and welcome any questions you may have. Your new to PoshMark so welcome! I hope you have an amazing experience here, it is a wonderful community. Let me know if you need anything at all. ✨🥂
Jul 19Reply
2017hw Hi friend!! I see that you liked one of my items in my closet and I was wondering if you are interested and if you are I can help you by answering any questions or getting measurements if you need to. Thank you!!
Oct 14Reply
jjknvr2late Hi Julie, I have two of the Luca Zardozi pillow covers if you are interested? They are gorgeous! I can ship out today. Thank you
Nov 11Reply
theedgyside18 Hi! Thank you for your like of my Tiffany bag. I’m trying to send you an offer, but Poshmark is not allowing it to go through for some strange reason. My offer was for $175. If you are interested,make the offer to me and I will accept it. Cute dog!
Feb 22Reply
vtgcovergirl 😎😎😎
Apr 19Reply
jillyg26 Jax is so cute. What kind of dog? Mine has the same face!
Aug 08Reply
juliettelippman @jillyg26 Thank you! I agree 😊 He is a Maltese.
Aug 08Reply
stacy11101 Hi. You made an offer on my coverup. Unfortunately it’s in my Florida home and I’m in NJ at this time. Most of my other items are in NJ.
Aug 09Reply
msgd hey there thanks for stopping by my closet ❤️
Sep 10Reply
rooster1984 Hello!! If you're interested I am having a sale that if you bundle 3 or more items you get them half price! Some purses and tools not included. I also love offers! Have a blessed day 🙂
Nov 10Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Happy New Year! 🥂
Dec 30Reply
elaine1949 Hi! Thank you for your purchase, I will get it out to you tomorrow for you to enjoy. Do check back soon will be listing more great items and brands.😊
Feb 10Reply
yahiva01 Hi i will like to invite you to my auction on my IG page @lstunzah & @lstunzahcloset tomorrow on Feb 21st @5pm on IG live. check out my last 2 auctions. You don't want to miss this one. Tag a friend
Feb 20Reply
Sep 25Reply
adricloset662 Hello Welcome to Poshmark! Happy poshing..
Mar 30Reply
more4u123 Thanks for visiting my closet. Your liked those great black slacks. Bundles of 2 or more earn a nice discount. Maybe there’s something else you’d also like? Just bundle them and I’ll send you that special price or buy now for just the pants. Questions? Please let me know. Thank you.
Jun 25Reply
suziscouture Hello Julie😊Happy Sunday! Just sent u a great offer on Fushia colored Boston Proper tweed jacket w gold accents ⭐️Can send ASAP! I’m a 5star rated posh ambassador/ top 10% seller. Please follow my boutique for all your favorites. Hope this offer works for u. Thanks!
Oct 27Reply

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Last Active: Mar 20

Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Last Active: Mar 20

Fort Lauderdale, FL
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