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Updated Feb 01
Updated Feb 01

Meet your Posher, Justin

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Justin. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Under Armour, adidas, and The North Face. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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poshinprincess2 Hello welcome to poshmark please follow and like my closet and I will do the same @cinnamon2930
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise Hey y’all will you pretty please help welcome my son to posh!! Thank you so much!! @ginasgems4you @51twenty @treasuresbytrac @nkhob @valorieann @goldenpolkadot @molinda25 @wildboutthings @creative2 @vickyymca_girl @everybreath
Apr 21Reply
51twenty Thank you Marcie. Of course! I’m Carolyn. Hi Justin. It's nice to meet you. Welcome!🍃Yes, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. Consider also subscribing to Poshmark's blog at Sharing will be a huge part to your exposure/ success. @heavensparadise 🍃🌹
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise @51twenty Carolyn I sent thank you shares your way. Please no sharebacks.
Apr 21Reply
51twenty @heavensparadise Thank you Marcie. 😘😘🍃🌺 Happy Saturday to You!
Apr 21Reply
thevintageroze Welcome to Posh❤️❤️❤️! Justin it’s nice to meet you! I’m Nahla. I know Marcie always speaks highly of you! Absolutely love you mom! @heavensparadise ! Let me know if you need anything 💞💞💞
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise @51twenty Thank you so much!! Happy weekend to you. Wishing you lots of sales.
Apr 21Reply
51twenty @heavensparadise Thank you! You too…
Apr 21Reply
ginasjewels4you Oh wow! Hi!!! Welcome welcome welcome! What a sweet mother you have! @heavensparadise ☺️💜💕
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise @ginasgems4you Aww Gina!! Thank you I feel the same about you hun!! Your amazing. Justin is trying to sell some jewelry to help him support himself while he’s in college trying to become a Dr. He found some jewelry so i have been listing it in my closet for him and now he’s gonna try to see if he can get his closet going. Lots of love to you!!😘😘
Apr 21Reply
molinda25 @heavensparadise of course!!! 😘
Apr 21Reply
molinda25 Hi Justin 🙋🏻‍♀️ Welcome to Poshmark!!! You'll love it here! Looks like you're on the right track! You'll do amazing with your mom mentoring!! Happy Poshing!!
Apr 21Reply
ginasjewels4you Oh wow a doctor!!! That’s terrific!!!!
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise @molinda25 Hi hun!! I’m so happy to see you back on posh. My husband just started helping me share because I was not able to keep up with the shares. I’m back at home 4 days a week and at Rachels 3 days. So it’s been a real struggle to learn to balance everything. Plus Rachels finances and appts.
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise @ginasgems4you Yes I was shocked when he told me he was going back to school. He went for business management and accounting. Thankfully a-lot of those classes transferred to he new degree. He’s 27 and I am proud that he’s doing so great in school. He’s a student instructor at the college but he can only do 20 hours a week as a full time student. So we’re hoping he can help with his bills
Apr 21Reply
treasuresbytrac @heavensparadise Of course! Anything for my bestie! 💕🤗💕🤗💕
Apr 21Reply
treasuresbytrac @jngems_jewelry Justin, it’s so wonderful to meet you! Welcome to Posh! 👏🏻👏🏻
Apr 21Reply
heavensparadise @treasuresbytrac Hi hun!! I’m so blessed by your friend ship and by so many of our friends coming by to welcome and help Justin start his closet. I’ve been bragging for forever about all the wonderful friends I’ve made. Now he’s getting to see for himself
Apr 21Reply
backporchdealz @heavensparadise Of course sweet friend. Hi Justin. I’m Val and welcome to Poshmark. Please let me know if I can help you along the way. 😊
Apr 21Reply
treasuresbytrac @heavensparadise Awww, I treasure you!! So excited to see your amazing Justin Join Posh!
Apr 21Reply
cinnamonnsugar @heavensparadise Thanks for the tag Marcie! I apologize for the delay. We had family visiting😊. Welcome to Poshmark Justin!!
Apr 22Reply
creative2 @jngems_jewelry 👏🏻👏🏻A big HELLO to you, Justin and Welcome to Poshmark. So happy to have you join us. I met your mom by chance when she first started AND I was very fortunate to meet her in person this past summer. Just Love her💕! Stop by any time you need some shares....(you already have an excellent resource in Marci)!!🤗@heavensparadise 🙏🏻😘
Apr 22Reply
molinda25 @heavensparadise hi sweetie 🙋🏻‍♀️ Glad to see you on here!! You have a lot going on. I hope all gets better soon!! Thank you for the shares! ❤️😘
Apr 22Reply
carlosenrique Hi Thank you for share my items !!! Really appreciate 💚💚💚
Apr 23Reply
carlosenrique Wow Justin, Thank , Thank a lot !!!
Apr 23Reply
carlosenrique Thank Justin, I will be buy at May3rd, my pay day . Hope that’s still available. Gracias hank for everything !!!
Apr 23Reply
carlosenrique Thank Justin !!! Appreciate 💚💚
Apr 25Reply
believeinhope Justin. Nice closet & pretty jewelry have a great day and good luck with your sales 👍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Apr 26Reply
alma4posh Hi Justin, welcome.
Apr 27Reply
bati_mamselle Hi @jngems_jewelry Love your pieces. If you ever get any aquamarine (my moms birthstone) or onyx (my dads birthstone) please lemme know 😊
Apr 27Reply
jngems_jewelry @batimamselle Hi there!! I will check with my wholesaler to see. What size does mom wear? And what size does dad wear? I’d love to help you find them there birthstones
Apr 27Reply
spottythedot Welcome to Poshmark ! Your going to love it ! 💕
Apr 27Reply
bati_mamselle @jngems_jewelry hi Justin My mom is a size 7 and my Dad size 11. Thanks😊
Apr 28Reply
sheer_fabulous Best of luck selling your lovely jewelry on PM
Apr 28Reply
missmoonxoxo @jngems_jewelry Hello 😁👋🏾 Thanks for the follow. Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you're enjoying it here so far. Poshmark is one of the nicest and most helpful communities I've been a part of. If you ever have any questions or need any help, please don't hesitate to tag me here or comment on any of my listings in my closet. I wish you tons of sales!💰💵 Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 28Reply
midoa Welcome to Poshmark Justin 😊 feel free to check out my closet & wishing u many sales 🤗🤗
Apr 29Reply
castes19 Hey Justin! Welcome to Poshmark and Congrats on starting your very own closet🍾🎊🎉🎈
Apr 30Reply
jngems_jewelry @castes19 Thank you! I have to admit this is more addicting then i though it would be! lol
May 01Reply
castes19 @jngems_jewelry You're welcome! I totally agree lol It's definitely my go-to app on my phone ☺️☺️
May 01Reply
jngems_jewelry @blingdesigns Awww thank you so much!!
May 05Reply
jngems_jewelry @batimamselle Hello! I know it had been awhile but I believe I have found a couple rings that match your parents birth stones. They have just been listed in my closet. Please let me know what you think!
May 14Reply
bati_mamselle @jngems_jewelry thank you so much for reaching out, Justin. Nothing for me this time but I will be back. 😊
May 14Reply
dellaroccoted Love your stuff We have a lot of men’s clothes shoes we make down low and sunglasses if you click the like button we negotiate and drop prices all the time. I hope you have great success on post with your beautiful jewelry and the pop should help a lot too!!
Jun 04Reply
luxeclosetfinds Where are you going to med school. Texas has some great schools.
Jun 05Reply
kfaye2018 Thanks so much for the share 😊
Jun 14Reply
seconds2love Good Morning! Thanks for the Posh Love, just stopping by to return the love!! . . "Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to be a step closer to your dreams. Think positive!" @Seconds2Love
Jun 15Reply
jj6657 Hi Justin, you seem like a really cool guy! You have a beautiful fur baby! You should put another post like you did with your fur baby about helping you with Med school! I've meet some really awesome people on here that I've became good friends with. I'll do my best to keep sharing you as much as I can. Feel free to leave a comment or just a hi if you like. This way I can find your closet faster. Hope your having a good day! Nice to meet you! 🌹❤️🕊
Jun 16Reply
jj6657 Ohh you have a lovely closet too!🌹❤️🕊
Jun 16Reply
debifladung Thank you so much for all the shares! I appreciate you!
Jun 16Reply
cherie_lapin @jngems_jewelry 👋🏼Welcome to Poshmark!👋🏼 I know you’ll love it here. I’m an Ambassador and Mentor - so reach out if you have any questions about how this place works. I have a chat listing just for Q&A. Have a wonderful day & Happy Poshing!❤️🐰💋💋💋
Jun 17Reply
thatgemgirl Hi @jngems_jewelry! Thanks so much for the follow!
Jun 26Reply
clearconcepts 😎😀👚👗❤️👜Thanks for sharing my listings. It is through shares like your I am able to make sales. I will return the same on your closet. Remember to follow me and share again and again. I will do the same. Happy Poshing!!!😎❤️
Jun 29Reply
libbydog Welcome Sir. Best of luck with school
Jul 27Reply
gglover34 Nice to meet you!
Sep 03Reply
swissmom Beautiful choices on the jewelry. Maybe I can order something in the future, like a ruby ring, my BS, do you have any 6 3/4 szs. I like a flatter style. Not something that sticks up too much and gets caught on stuff. I must know..what breed of pup that is on your shoulder?
Oct 25Reply
jngems_jewelry @swissmom Thanks for your comments the dog is a great Dane he is now eight months and weighs 150 pounds will not turn on my shoulders anymore
Oct 25Reply
swissmom O my he probably weighs almost as much as you. I never would have guessed a GD. We had one years ago and he was a character, very intelligent. He thought he was a person and sat on the couch like a person with his back legs on the floor! Thank-you for the nice offer on the ruby ring. I like it but think I'll wait for the right one, its not quite what I want. Blessing!
Oct 25Reply
karenvesmith Ps...You have a great website! I will keep you in mind...🙂
Oct 30Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 28Reply
skbblackwidow Hi, just stopping by to say thanks for the shares! I appreciate you stopping by my closet, I returned the favor and shared your closet as well! ❤️❤️✨✨
Feb 12Reply
monascollection @jngems_jewelry Good luck with med school. Thank you for sharing. 🏥
Feb 13Reply
jngems_jewelry @monascollection thank you I will all ways share with anyone that shares with me
Feb 13Reply
anieholl @jngems_jewelry ✌️🐾 Adorable pup!🐾🐕 Awesome to see students using Posh as a way to help pay for grad school! So smart! 😄 Back when I was in grad, I taught myself HTML, and figured out the wild west of eBay... This is so much better! 😊😊😊 Best wishes for Med School! Thanks for adding me! ✌️💖😄
Feb 16Reply
dawnbeaver37 You have really nice items at a very reasonable price. ❤❤❤❤
Feb 17Reply
foresttreasures WOW! Stunning closet! I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite among all of your beautiful items, and the pictures are so nicely done! Great job! Even Blue 🐶 is beautiful! Best of luck in school (future) Doc! ❤️ Cindy from the 🌳🌳 Forest!
Feb 17Reply
jngems_jewelry @dawnbeaver37 Thank you try to keep the prices down just trying to make a little extra for college
Feb 17Reply
dawnbeaver37 @jngems_jewelry I will do what I can to send business your way. I hope you do well.
Feb 17Reply
jngems_jewelry @dawnbeaver37 Thanks I appreciate all the help I can get
Feb 17Reply
kids0110 You have a great closet!
Feb 17Reply
jngems_jewelry @kids0110 Thank you thanks for stopping bye
Feb 17Reply
mrsloriplacer Congratulations!! It's very hard work but well worth it!! My daughter just graduated med school!! 💞
Feb 18Reply
jethrosposhmom Hi! Any tips for me to figure out my ring size?
Feb 18Reply
jngems_jewelry @jethrosposhmom You can go to a jewelry store and they can tell you your size even a pawnshop will have a ring Sizer
Feb 18Reply
barbirene2 Hello Justin ❣️ I just checked your closet out and I am in LOVE ❣️❣️ I'm new to Posh and am only a shopper right now.. But I will be sharing your closet and a few of your beautiful items. Also will be saving for a couple of yor rings. Have a Blessed Week ❣️🧚📦🎁
Feb 18Reply
jngems_jewelry @barbirene Thanks for sharing my closet if you see something you really like please make an offer all reasonable offers are normally except and some days I feel very generous thanks
Feb 18Reply
schoed2002 Hi I have a question's hard for me to find rings in my husband's size do y'all by chance get or have any rings in a size 14 or 15
Feb 19Reply
jngems_jewelry @schoed2002 As of right now no but if you tell me what kind of rings you’re looking for I will keep them in mind and try to find some in a 14 or 15
Feb 19Reply
2muchstuff3691 Glad we connected on Poshmark. Hope you’ll check out my closet and give me a follow 😘💕❤️ Maybe you’ll find some goodies in my closet
Feb 19Reply
roxbsmith 💕Thanks so much for the great offer on your beautiful ring! I DEFINITELY would like to contribute to your Med school fund 😉, but it’s not quite in my budget just yet! 💕 Love your closet and I’ve got my eye on that ring!
Feb 19Reply
linsrkelley Hi! Thank You for following me! Please visit my closet! I have items that are FREE when added to a bundle purchase! And I ship next day!🥰
Feb 21Reply
thriftlover58 Love your closet. Beautiful jewelry. Nice to meet you. I am Sharon. 😘
Feb 24Reply
litejazz75 Thanks for sharing my listing
Feb 25Reply
the_hidden_wick Hey thanks for visiting! I'm running a bundle deal right now. Everytime a bundle is purchased you can pick an item with a ♥️ in the title for free. Happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
the_hidden_wick Hey thanks for visiting! I'm running a bundle deal right now. Everytime a bundle is purchased you can pick an item with a ♥️ in the title for free. Happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
matbayb Love your closet . Justin, good luck with school. Every bit counts🤗. Happy Poshing and welcome . 💰💰💰💰💰😎😍
Feb 28Reply
damanning144 Thanks for the shares.
Mar 02Reply
jngems_jewelry @damanning144 Thank you anytime if you like any items if you bundle I Able to give better prices
Mar 02Reply
jngems_jewelry @beckyhuss78 thanks for your comments I always Try to share anyone who shares with me thanks a lot
Mar 03Reply
lucyposh777 You have a great closet! I am sharing your items💕 Feel free to check out mine and make an offer, or share too!⭐️ Lots of Love from @lucyposh777 🌷🌸🌹💕
Mar 03Reply
jngems_jewelry @555madison Thank you I always try to re-share anyone who shares me
Mar 05Reply
kerry1313 Hey sweetie..welcome to Poshmark y’all have fun at poshing..sending you lots of hugs and love and kindness 😊🤗❤️
Mar 12Reply
marvin8010 Thanks I really appreciate the Extra little gift inside
Mar 20Reply
jngems_jewelry @marvin8010 No problem I’m happy you like everything if you ever need anything else just let me know
Mar 21Reply
marvin8010 Ok I will. Definitely.
Mar 21Reply
beezee09 Hello Posh Friend ! Thank you for following n wish u best of luck ! You have an amazing closet with gorgeous items . Hope you find items of interest in my closet too ! If anything please let me know will be of great help . God Bless 🙏🏻👍🏻
Mar 22Reply
toree9197 Welcome to Poshmark!!! Thanks for following me! Feel free to browse my closet 😉
Mar 22Reply
savanabrunet Hi dear!! Thank you for checking out my closet if there’s anything I can help you with let me know! Also just wanted to say good luck through med school, I understand how hard it is. Keep your head up man you got this 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Mar 27Reply
elidealz How cool, awesome closet props to you for going to mes school. Am an lvn I want to go back to school.
Apr 02Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Justin. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 04Reply
heathersworld Hello Justin.. please do not think that U did not appreciate your offers. For I truly did.. you have a Wonderful Wonderland of Jewelry within your Closet. Beautifully put together. I simply have not finished strolling thru.. and as you can see I have started a basket.🤗👍
Apr 07Reply
laherrere HI THERE!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 15Reply
makeupqueen35 Thanks for following me! 😘🌹Is there anything I can help you with? Would you be interested in taking a look at my website? Please check it out and if there is anything I can do to support you,feel free to message me!👇👇👇
May 31Reply
msneverending1 Justin Just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing my listings. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 01Reply
shoplunagrace @jngems_jewelry Hi Justin! Beautiful closet! I grew up in Waco! How long have you lived there?
Jun 02Reply
jngems_jewelry @shoplunagrace Hi There Lisa!! I’ve lived in Waco for about 12 years but now I’m in college in San Antonio. My parents still live there. Mom is Marcie your friend @heavensparadise We we’re sharing host picks from both our closets. So you could get more shares. Mom and Dad help me to try and help me while I get thru med school.
Jun 02Reply
heavensparadise @shoplunagrace Hi there Lisa!! I see you found my son Justin’s closet. Thank you for sharing his closet. We truly appreciate it. He started his closet to help him not have to struggle as much while going to college and now my husband helps him with it mostly and I do as much as I can to help. We are in San Antonio with him this weekend visiting and We were trying to get you extra shares on your host pick tonight!! 😘💋
Jun 02Reply
shoplunagrace @heavensparadise Hi Marcie! You are living in Waco also? Justin’s closet is amazing! Just like yours! I will share as much as I can!🤗
Jun 02Reply
heavensparadise @shoplunagrace Yes mam. I live in Waco still. My husband does all of Justin’s packing and shipping so we still have him as living in Waco because the post office doesn’t like him to ship from Waco if it’s not a Waco address. It’s weird but I prevents a lot of hassle. He works full time and goes to school full time so we help him as much as possible. Thank you so much for sharing his closet. I sent you thank you shares. Please no sharebacks. It’s my pleasure. 😘💋
Jun 02Reply
heavensparadise @shoplunagrace Justin and Dennis are the ones who got me listing jewelry to try and help Justin too!! Now it’s taken over my closet lol
Jun 02Reply
marigeepz Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you abundance of success🤗
Jun 16Reply
griversmhs Thanks for the shares!
Jun 19Reply
jtposhplane Thank you for the follow! Please visit my closet anytime!😊🌸🌸🌸
Jun 22Reply
vicksfinds Hi WELCOME to Poshmark!😀 Beautiful Closet!😀 Where do you get all your beautiful things?
Jun 24Reply
jhazy23 Hey :) Thanks for all of the shares! I consider all reasonable offers so feel free to drop in if you see anything you like! I'd be happy to work with you! 😎😃
Jun 30Reply
kissedbythegulf Hi there! Thank you for following my closet. If you are interested all of my baby clothing is BOGO FREE with a 10% discount. Other clothing items have a bundle discount of 2/20% '😊
Jun 30Reply
a2ztreasures Unfortunately I had to decline your offer for two different reasons one is size 10 is much too large for me and the second reason is probably the most important I won't buy anything stamp nine-to-five it's not Sterling. It took me a lot of years to be convinced that 9 to 5 is fake but I have been convinced of that so I'm sorry I won't buy anything that it's stamp nine-to-five it has to be marked Sterling
Jul 25Reply
rchang2127 Hi Justin, thank you for the offer. I like the necklace a lot. Unfortunately, I haven’t made any sales yet 😖I only have &15 to spend for now😓 I will come back when I make a sales...I want to support Blue finish his medical school😃. My kitty “Missy” will be his no. 1 patient.
Jul 26Reply
heartfinds Hi Justin Thanks for the fun Swag Bag from the DFW N Sip! Enjoying browsing your closet -full of some fab finds!⭐️
Jul 28Reply
redtailhawk63 Thank you!. I use a private postal service, just for that reason. Their first remark about the service is, "Call the Postmaster General" (like that would change anything) Change? Yes, it is worse every year. I'm grateful to have the help of UPS, and Fed Ex. They do make it through, but still says pkg arrival is 2-3 days ahead of when I receive said package. Not complaining, just the fact.
Aug 02Reply
countrygrlfrmnc What a beautiful closet!!! Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Aug 04Reply
kaysuniverse hello Justin 🙋 im Kay... as a new posher i often reachout 2 others with similar brands in their closet 2 introduce myself and share items. i prefer 2 do this instead of just clicking the "follow" button. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet and follow me also. 👍 i carry many brands such as: bebe, Calvin Klein, New York & Co, WHBM, Banana Republic, and so much more. stop by 2 like, share, or offer 😀 happy poshing!
Aug 22Reply
warmnillasuga56 Do u happen to no if u have any of the rosarys with pink or purple in them, preferably in pink
Sep 08Reply
jngems_jewelry @warmnillasuga56 No as of right now I only have one rosary left I am going to be ordering some more though
Sep 08Reply
warmnillasuga56 Awesome keep ur eyes peeled for that pink one for me, I wood greatly appreciate it!!🤞
Sep 08Reply
mstori143 Hope all is going well in med school. Happy sales on PM.
Sep 13Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow and happy poshing! 🤙
Sep 22Reply
poshpit_by_jenn Omgoodness! Blue is such an adorable little munchkin! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 good luck with school 👍🏼💪🏼👍🏼
Oct 10Reply
wifeof1man Welcome⚓️Thank you for stopping by and have a terrific night!!
Oct 10Reply
gettinggorgeous Welcome Justin!!!! We are a great community filled of knowledge and resources. Feel free to reach out with any and all Q’s 🙂. Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 14Reply
jngems_jewelry @kitcat123934 I have multiples of this necklace thanks
Oct 15Reply
megan274 Thank you for following me! 😀I am new to selling on Poshmark and excited to see what it offers. If you would like, take a look at my closet. 👚👗👠👢I am open to bundles and deals. 🎉
Oct 28Reply
samanthaf9017 Hey, Justin! Thanks for the follow, I’ll be adding some men’s pieces soon! Keep a look out, or feel free to create a bundle from my closet for any other reason! I’ll be glad to help save. Thanks! 😃
Oct 31Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Justin & Blue, thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋 We hope you have many sales and find tons of bargains!📈 Happy Posh'ing!🌹 Have a blessed day & peace be with you! 🙏☮️❤️
Nov 17Reply
heidiscathouse Hi. Just wanted to mention that I'm adding you to my High Priority Share list because you fully disclose when gems are lab-created/synthetic/man-made and obviously know what you've got. If you know other jewelry sellers who do the same have them tag me and I'll add them too. (No reciprocation required, I just like to promote other sellers' jewelry!)
Nov 24Reply
innerbeautyposh Greetings! 🌺🌺🌺 My name is Michelle & I wish you much fun and success on your “Poshing” journey!!! I am ALWAYS HAPPY to answer any question, any time! 🌟 If you would like to learn more about me, please feel free to take a peek at my my Meet the Posher listing! 😊 CHEERS! 🍾🥂 Michelle, @innerbeauty1968
Dec 09Reply
6kidskerns Hi, welcome to Poshing! I wish you all the best in all your endeavors , ie, medical school, poshing. I one day hope to visit Waco as I'm sure you are quite aware of Chip & JoAnna Gaines's influence on Waco. Again, all the best!
Jan 22Reply
avislogan_27 Hi Justin nice to meet you , I just started yesterday on Poshmark I have a question do I need to download on Pinterest Tweeter etc & Facebook account I tried downloading to my Facebook account to began getting Sales I was just wondering
Feb 10Reply
avislogan_27 Welcome to Poshmark you & your Son !! Welcome
Feb 10Reply
jngems_jewelry @avislogan_27 Hi there!! Nice to meet you too. In my opinion you don’t need to link your Poshmark account to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram because I don’t. However my mom and other friends closets would say to definitely link to the above ones because they do and have success. It is harder when new to get visibility so it would most likely benefit you due to the increase in Poshmark sellers. I hope that helps!!
Feb 10Reply
svbandm Thanks For sharing Happyyyyy poshings 💗💗💗💗
Feb 23Reply
neptual Met people you love today! Super awesome 😎
Mar 01Reply
deisel14 Love the pup!! Thank you for finding me!!! Sending some shares your way !!!
Mar 04Reply
cmill455 Thanks so much for the shares!!!
Mar 04Reply
whitt_ana Happy poshing and thank you so much for sharing my closet! Love back is appreciated 😍.
Apr 27Reply
jtribiny94 thank you so much sweet heart😊..gob bless you 💕have a wonderful weekend..
May 15Reply
hayesh374 Are u interested in what I’m selling I could negotiate
May 16Reply
jordanhead27 Hey Justin. Thanks for sharing and liking my post
Jun 03Reply
jordanhead27 Justin let me know if u r interested? I’ll make deals
Jun 03Reply
luxuryon_a_dime Hi Justin, I just want to say you and your dog are adorable! Good luck with school 😎
Jun 19Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jul 19Reply
adf5150 Hello what’s the width of the one offered to me? Thx in advance
Jul 25Reply
jngems_jewelry @adf5150 You get to pick the size they’re all 9 mm
Jul 25Reply
mustangq Thank you so much for the offers tonight. If I accept 2 of them would it be one price for shipping?
Aug 17Reply
jngems_jewelry @mustangq Yes if you bundle them together they would only be one shipping cost
Aug 17Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 😁 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 19Reply
jngems_jewelry @blingurnewfashw I just wanted to let you know that I contacted Poshmark support to see if they can find out why it just seems to be stuck in limbo somewhere. USPS has been having a lot of issues lately. Please let me know when/if you receive it. I will let you know as soon as I get a response from them.
Sep 20Reply
blingurnewfashw @jngems_jewelry thank you for contacting Poshmark. I’m not really sure what this is regarding though. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have not purchased any items from your closet. You may have tagged the wrong person.
Sep 20Reply
jngems_jewelry @blingurnewfashw I’m sorry I tagged the wrong persons closet.
Sep 20Reply
caninowbe hello there! my name is Catherine and I love buying clothes for my family.. I have new baby clothes and some new woman plus clothes.. I also have some other clothes.and a water globe.. you have a wonderful day and I thank you.💓
Sep 29Reply
sleeh Thanks so much Justin for sending me the cross necklace to replace the one that was missing a stone! I really appreciate it so much! 😊🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂✝️!!!
Oct 05Reply
jngems_jewelry @sleeh No problem at all glad you received it
Oct 05Reply
americasbest Oh my goodness I’ve never gotten better service. Next day shipping within 12 hours is top tier. Thank you so much!
Oct 23Reply
barretobrian22 I recently purchased your sterling silver chain and I payed for it then you offered me a deal but do I have to pay again?
Nov 27Reply
jngems_jewelry @barretobrian22 know if you already paid for one anytime I deal is offered it send it to everyone again
Nov 27Reply
barretobrian22 @jngems_jewelry ohh alright so I’m still getting the chain right?
Nov 27Reply
jngems_jewelry @barretobrian22 Yes it was mailed out this morning
Nov 27Reply
barretobrian22 @jngems_jewelry thank you for your time, I’m sorry I’m still new to all this🤦🏻‍♂️😂 have a good rest of your day sir💯
Nov 27Reply
jngems_jewelry @barretobrian22 Hey no problem if I can help let me know
Nov 27Reply
tammy958 hi there..I am looking for an engagement ring for my boyfriend..he is a size 12..i need something that he wont mess up working and affordable..can you help me out?? do you have any thing like that
Dec 16Reply
jngems_jewelry @tammy958 The only 12 I have left is that black titanium ring that you’ve already like
Dec 16Reply
sammistarr04 Thank you SO much for the shares - really appreciate it! Will be sure to return the favor! ✨✨
Jan 03Reply
truckermitts hey my order hasn't shipped??
Mar 15Reply
jngems_jewelry @truckermitts It was dropped off at the post office about three hours ago so it should ship out tomorrow morning
Mar 15Reply
truckermitts @jngems_jewelry ok thanks much appreciated
Mar 15Reply
aldermanmarcela thanks for sharing Justin I truly appreciate ☺️ have a great night
Jul 29Reply
luxlove98 thank you for sharing part of my closet with everyone.
Aug 03Reply
spauldingsports Can you send me that offer next week? I’m waiting for my posh money to be available after people receive the products I sold them.
Sep 03Reply
jngems_jewelry @spauldingsports I would love to just like the items that you want and I’ll send you a offer on that day thanks
Sep 03Reply
poon1956 Hello I bought a set of sterling silver snake chains . I can't find your jewerly page. Thanks Linda
Sep 27Reply
shewolfstyle I already purchased that pair from you hun
Oct 18Reply
wtexaspearl hi Justin, I was looking at your silver chain and reading the comments and I didn't want to post this message there because it's for you only. Jewelry cannot be stamped 925 unless the entire necklace is 92.5% sterling silver. A silver plated necklace will be stamped SEP, if any stamp at all, but it will not have 925 on it anywhere. So you can feel confident taking off the 'plated' in your description if it has a 925 stamp.
Feb 02Reply
cricketdee Hello my name is Cricket I live your closet. I’m your Mama’s friend.
Feb 07Reply
danad000 Thanks for the shares! ❤️
Feb 10Reply
angelaemmerton Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️
Feb 11Reply
andreamcclanaha Hi! I'm Andrea! You shared from my closet recently and I am finally returning some shares for you! I had surgery, so I am in quiet catch-up mode with my closet set for vacation while I recover! Thanks again! Happy Poshing!
Mar 10Reply
shiabbas Hi I would gladly accept your offer immediately but I have to deposit and transfer funds and I’m in the hospital right now unfortunately when I get out of here can I request this offer again please I’m desperate my daughters first year of softball and trying to save as much as possible please lmk…
Mar 18Reply
jngems_jewelry @shiabbas When you’re ready just offer me a price of 32 and I’ll except it
Mar 18Reply
shiabbas Someone just offered the same ones in black and white for $20 and my sister was able to send me c💰sh 🅰️pp quickly but thank you so very much definitely keeping your closest in mind for when I’m out of here!
Mar 18Reply
bremyguest CONGRATS on your win! 🎉 If there’s anything in my closet you like, let me know and I’ll take 10% off and free shipping just for YOU! Happy poshing!🛍💕
Mar 23Reply
detailedlooks 🎉Congrats on your WIN!🎉🤗...
Mar 23Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Mar 24Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following and sharing my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Mar 27Reply
1sumrgrl Hi, Justin! Thanks for the follow and the shares! I appreciate your support ❣️ and am returning the favor 🤗
Jul 10Reply
phil0210 I was wanting another crucifix necklace like the one I purchased last week and I want to get at the same price
Oct 01Reply

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