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Updated Oct 31
Updated Oct 31

Meet your Posher, Kamla

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Hi! I'm Kamla. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Nov 06Reply
ejeveryday Hi Kamia Welcome! 🎈🎈 nice to meet you 🌻🌻
Nov 24Reply
cnadelen @cnadelen Good morning, Ms. K. I hope that you are doing well. Regardless of the 7 day limit sellers are permitted to ship out, most ship 2-3, and I try to ship same day! I'm trying to be one of the best sellers (so far stats indicate I am). Some family matters occurred. So, I wanted to give you my apologies on how long it has taken to ship your shirt out.
Feb 01Reply
cnadelen I scheduled a pick-up for the USPS delivery man to come pick it up this MORNING. Furthermore, I included the SAME COLOR, COLLAR, EXPRESS shirt! It's different, but I'm hoping that you like it since, you purchased the Express Blue, Collar Button Down Blouse (same size, too!) I use to wear BOTH items I'm sending you at the law firm I worked at. P.S. SIMPLY THROW A CARDIGAN OVER THE FREE SHIRT. I ALSO INCLUDED A FREE GIFT FROM MY NEW BUSINESS, LALA MOTIFS.
Feb 01Reply
wijangco Hi! Did you receive the Blazer?
Feb 07Reply
kaleyheider Nice to meet you!!💕
Feb 12Reply
peacehopelove A belated welcome to Poshmark!! Hi, thanks for liking my item! 3 ways to save: BOGO $10 or more, & FREE SHIP $50 or more. Many items $10 or less. See closet for details. Bundle discounts apply as well! If you have any questions please ask. Thanks for stopping by! XO Amy SUGGESTED USER, FAST SHIPPER!
Mar 10Reply
toowendy Hi, your package have arrived on Wednesday.. please rate me over at Ⓜ️ercari once you have received and and happy with your purchase thanks 😊
Apr 16Reply
msleslied1 @toowendy keep an eye out for me to model my top and let me know if there r any others!
Apr 25Reply
toowendy @msleslied1 hi, was the last message for me or for @fluff1416?? 😅
Apr 25Reply
msleslied1 @toowendy yep..wrong person...sorry
Apr 25Reply
msleslied1 Will model tomorrow, no prob
Apr 25Reply
msleslied1 I modeled a selfie best i could. I have short arms, so took more to get top and bottom. Leslie @msleslied1
Apr 26Reply
msleslied1 Waiting to hear from you on the black and white sheer voile shirt w tie front blouse?? Leslie @msleslied1 Thank you so much..hope its going to work for you...I'm pretty open
Apr 30Reply
allycat79 @fluff1416 Hi, if you still want the shirt, can you resubmit your last offer, please. I'll ship out today. Thanks!
May 10Reply
curatedluxury @fluff1416 thanks for checking out my closet! Everything is 50% off today only!
May 18Reply
2eternity Hey girl, just wondering if you saw my message about the box being at the post office?
Jun 28Reply
fluff1416 @2eternity yea I saw your message. I'll try to stop by the po some time tomorrow.
Jun 28Reply
tdannunz Both of the shirts are fitted the large is just a tad bit shorter
Jul 24Reply
tdannunz Hello, I offer a 10% discount when you buy 2 or more items so 10% off is $23.40 so I counter offered at $23. Thanks!
Jul 26Reply
jaquij2004 I see you received the blazer , hope you enjoy !! Let me know if your still interested in the other blazer !! Please accept when you get a chance
Oct 12Reply
jaquij2004 Can you accept please !
Oct 13Reply
blingnthings Hi Kamla! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous evening ✨ 💝 Carol
Nov 18Reply
jenarose2003 @fluff1416 hi, just had your package scanned at post office, it’s on its way!
Mar 27Reply
alilforever 💚🌈Happy Sharing Saturday🤣💚Welcome to Poshmark💖🤩 As a Posh Ambassador I luv welcoming new Poshers, posting, following, sharing equals lots of joy & smiles. I love Poshing. And 💋 to all new Poshmark Poshers😃‼️So if you have any questions let me know.😃👗👠Stay Phenomenal & Have An Awesome Day Everyday 😉🛍💋
Mar 31Reply
sarakay10 Hi Kamla :) please accept my leggings. I see they delivered on Sunday.
Jun 20Reply
soulfinds Hi Kamla! Take a look at my closet! Lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, Lacoste, Under Armour & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 😃
Jun 25Reply
fluff1416 @karisefe thanks but the one you're selling is too big for my tiny wrists. Thank you.
Sep 04Reply
kybellecloset Hi! Thanks for purchasing the ZARA Cap Shirt. I just noticed I have a Deep Deep Purple one just like it in my closet. It is not listed on posh but if you like I can post and I’ll sell it for same price. Just let me know!!! Thanks again. It’s shipped!😀👍
Dec 04Reply
fluff1416 @kybellecloset I'd appreciate that
Dec 04Reply
fluff1416 @m_thomas123 which sweater?
Dec 20Reply
coriannek Thanks for the purchase!! 😃 I’ll have them shipped out to you tomorrow! 😎
Jan 02Reply
jt1294 Hi! Saw u liked some similar items as what is in my closet! Moving soon and hoping to sell things ASAP, make an offer for a great deal! Xo!
Jan 05Reply
kristimoulay Hey, sorry I didn’t see the offer until it was too late. If you reoffer the 15 I’d gladly accept
Jan 07Reply
poshwithci Hi! I'd love for you to check out my closet! 💕
Feb 14Reply
dallasdenae7 I can ship those shorts this morning if you decide you want them :)
Feb 28Reply
kendramurphy18 Thanks for the interest in the Nike pull over! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet and create a bundle for a private offer
Apr 02Reply
coffeeandcardis Hi there! You purchase a Nike pullover last week. I realized my husband never dropped it in the mailbox 🤦🏻‍♀️ (I was out of town all week for work). I’ll take care of it myself today. Let me know if there is anything in my closet that you are interested in and I’ll send it to you for free to compensate for the delayed shipment
Apr 12Reply
fluff1416 @coffeeandcardis thank you. No worries.
Apr 12Reply
meganlai Are you interested in the sweatshirt?
Apr 15Reply
fluff1416 @coffeeandcardis hi. Has it been mailed out?
Apr 17Reply
coffeeandcardis @fluff1416 Hi- yes I dropped it off at the post office First thing Saturday morning. I would have thought you would have gotten it by now, especially since we are so close (I’m in PA). Let me see if I can track it....
Apr 18Reply
coffeeandcardis Here is the tracking number, but there is no info associated with it: 9405510899359722588100 I’ll keep checking it and call usps in the morning. Even if it was going to be returned for some reason I would think I would have gotten it back by now. Ugh- I am so sorry about all of this :(
Apr 18Reply
cassandradianna Good morning, I dropped off your sports bra last night in the Mail Bin, The pick-up is scheduled for 4:30 pm so im assuming that is when you'll see the scan. Hope you like it. Have a good day!
May 02Reply
crazysha63 Hi sweetie welcome to poshmark , please feel free to my closet , Happy Poshing ♥️🥳🛍🦋🌸
May 05Reply
violetandfig Hi Kamla! Thank you so much for your purchase! I know you will love the Nike Power Legend Training Tights! They will ship tomorrow. Have a great rest of the day!
May 23Reply
kaili_e Hey thank for checking out my closet! I hope you find what you need/want through poshmark! It truly is a wonderful little site! I have enjoyed every encounter on here! Just to let you know. I’m really open to offers of any kind. I am also known for accepting pretty reasonable offers! Let me know what your interested in! Thanks and happy poshing
Jul 15Reply
chels_closet1 Hi! I would love for you to check out my closer! Fast shipping, bundle discounts, and offers welcome! 🛍
Aug 29Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jan 08Reply
pwkunz Hi, TY for your interest in the Ugg ear muffs. Just confirming you changed your mind?
Jan 22Reply
brendiss619 Hi ! I see you have received your wallet a couple days ago could you please accept so I could receive my funds thank you ! Enjoy
Feb 12Reply
andyshizzle128 Thanks for checking out my closet♥️ I have that Nike top in 5 different colors and print. Would love to bundle for you ♥️♥️
Sep 30Reply
kcala320 Shipping out today!
Dec 30Reply
ladykrc @fluff1416 Hello fellow Posher!! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕I would like to invite you to visit my closet store🌈OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jan 03Reply
loriejm Hi Kamla⭐️ I don’t know what the weather is like in NJ so I wrapped it thoroughly so the backpack is not damaged. Thanks so much for your purchase! I’ll mail it out today ❤️❤️
Jan 22Reply
fluff1416 @loriejm Thank you. I really appreciate that!
Jan 22Reply
kaybyrdstyle The post office has had your package for five days! I see they are just now shipping it. Sorry that you've had to wait, hopefully not for too much longer tho!! Enjoy the dress!
Feb 06Reply
ogposhqueen @fluff1416 Hello nice to meet you😊 I have a 4 for $25 deal in my closet but I've bumped it up to 6 for $25🌟 So just add 6 items with the title, "4 for $25" to your bundle and send me a $25 offer🎉
Feb 21Reply
honeylovesvtg Hi, just wanted to let you know that your Fashion Nova dress is on track to be delivered by tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then very soon after that. Have a great evening!! ❤️
Mar 02Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Jan 26Reply
kenzie4800 Hi I seen you liked my Nike swim top if you like I’ll do $13 for it
Jun 28Reply
alainamarie12 Hi thanks for the like! Feel free to send me an offer and let me know if you have any questions
Sep 23Reply
bflores0104 Hi there! Thank you for your purchase! I’m currently on Vacation in NYC until mid next week so I am unable to ship until then please let me know if this is okay with you.
Jan 18Reply
fluff1416 @bflores0104 This is fine. Thank you!
Jan 22Reply
bflores0104 @fluff1416 just wanted to let you know I shipped out on Friday night :) thank you for your patience!
Jan 28Reply
sherman2250 Welcome to Poshmark
Dec 01Reply
valerieconey96 Hello, please check out my closet. I think I have some beautiful items you will love. 😊
Jan 23Reply
gracegboutique 💖 🦋🍭🌷 A Special Offer Has Just Been Sent To You On That Great Item That You Liked ! 🤗🛍️ Grace G Boutique @gracegboutique 🦋🍭🌷 💖 🌷🌸💐💝🌷🌸💐💝💐🌸🌷
Jan 30Reply

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