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Updated Jan 19
Updated Jan 19

Meet your Posher, Karalyn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Karalyn. I am a mother to 5, a mother in law to 3, a grandma (Mimi) to 2 and a wife to 1. I work part time at Anthropologie and after 4 years of buying I decided it was time to share my treasures. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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vivibeau Hi!!! Welcome to Poshmark!!! Have fun poshing and don't hesitate to ask me any quest should you need help. 👗👡👜👖👚👠💄👙🕶💐
May 04Reply
artisticmom @vivibeau thanks for the welcome! This will be FUN!
May 04Reply
vivibeau @artisticmom yes it will!!! Share a lot 😁
May 04Reply
imthedesertdiva Welcome to Posh Karalyn!!! You have a great start to your closet. I'm Arianna & a Posh Suggested User. I have 2 closets @imthedesertdiva & @thewildass. I am happy to help whenever you have questions arise. Happy Poshing!!! 👜👖👗👙🕶️👠👕👞👔👛👒👢💍💄📿
May 04Reply
katelynreeese hello! Welcome to poshmark 🌻 let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet 😊
May 04Reply
artisticmom @imthedesertdiva thank you! This will be fun! My closet is over-flowing with treasures!
May 04Reply
artisticmom @katelynreeese I will check you out! 😍
May 04Reply
lilizazi welcome to posh! cute closet 😍
May 05Reply
momoretro welcome to Postmark!! Great closet....
May 07Reply
artisticmom @lilizazi thanks so much for the welcome 😍
May 07Reply
karint Hi Karalyn! You have such a beautiful family and I adore your style :) @thechicbohemian @matana @winsomewardrobe @onisifora @holdrelf @modig @barbiemartha @asquared17 @tchouseofstyle @mountaingoat @stylishpaige When you have a chance take a peek at Karalyn's lovely closet, lots of Anthro beauties 😊
May 09Reply
artisticmom @karint thanks for the nice compliments! I think you may be great help in helping me figure this Posh world out! So new and still learning! Thanks for the friendship! I'm going to read your tips on your page ✔️😍
May 09Reply
tinkerrn Welcome luv 💕 I'm a MIMI too. Too young to be called grandma ! 😜
May 09Reply
tinkerrn I'm only a few months old on here but I'm a posh mentor and top rated seller and a top 10%sharer so I like to shop. At least look at the menu. I end up buying more than selling - but if I can help you in any way let me know luv 💕Amy
May 09Reply
artisticmom @tinkerrn always looking for a reliable POSH friend! Thanks for the introduction Mimi 😍
May 09Reply
tinkerrn @artisticmom nice to meet you ! 😘
May 09Reply
mountaingoat @karint thanks for introducing us! :) @artisticmom, welcome to the poshmark rabbit hole! ;)
May 09Reply
artisticmom @mountaingoat thanks...... for following and sharing..... I'm following you back. I will take a peak tomorrow! ❌⭕️
May 09Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hi Karalyn! I'm Vicky 🙋 just saying hi with some FYI! ☺️ 1️⃣ check the 'OTHER' category in my closet for info posts 👍 2️⃣ don't forget to share YOUR closet! 3️⃣ follow other PC closets👣 👭 IF you want to play the follow games, tag me on my follow game ( ex: @vicky_ymca ) 🤔 Questions? Go to... 🔹PM Support Center ➡️ Community Guidelines Love your family pic! 🤗
May 09Reply
thechicbohemian @artisticmom Hi, Karalyn! Oh my goodness -- I'd have that family photo enlarged to capacity on the biggest canvas I could fit in the room! Beautiful! And, it's lovely to virtually meet you, courtesy of @karint Karin. :) Delighted to share your closet!
May 09Reply
artisticmom @thechicbohemian you are awesome! Thanks for the follow and the shares! I will be officially one week old tomorrow on Poshmark! 🎉 looks like you are an expert! Any tips or tricks or just friendly advice is so appreciated! Thanks for the love and the shout out on my family pic! I wish you could see my daughters dog! You would be obsessed 😍 his name is Rufus and he is a newfy poo that is the size of a small pony!! 😳
May 09Reply
thechicbohemian @artisticmom Please ask for a photo of your daughter's Newfy-Poo and post away!!! You're absolutely right -- I'd go crazy with joy to see! And though my posh stats indicate I evidently logged in to Poshmark in Nov. 2013 for a NY minute, I actually have been on Posh for exactly one year... and whoa, what I've learned! I'll be happy to impart some tips during the wee hours, when work's through.
May 09Reply
thechicbohemian @artisticmom Have a wonderful day! And Happy First-Week!
May 09Reply
karint You are so welcome 😊 I don't believe I have any tips on my page but I'm sure you've already heard the best way to get your items seen is to share them and also to share the items of others (most ladies on here return the favor). One thing I wish someone had told me any I never see anyone mention as a tip is to apply for the suggested user program as soon as you can (con't)
May 09Reply
karint If I remember correctly all you need to qualify is a good selling record and it certainly looks like you have that already- especially since you've only been at it a week! You just have to email Poshmark and request to be considered for it. It takes about 3 months for it to go through but it's well worth it. You'll typically gain about a 1,000 or more new followers a week which gives your closet more visibility and therefore more sales.
May 09Reply
karint Also if you are interested in hosting a party then you do the same thing- email Poshmark and request to be a host. The waiting time is the same (3 months or so) and its a lot of fun. As a bonus your closet will receive a lot more attention leading up to the party- more followers and shares because people will be vying for your attention to pick something from their closet for the party.
May 09Reply
karint If you have any questions about the information I've just gave you I'm always happy to answer! Wish you the best of luck ❤️
May 09Reply
artisticmom @karint WOW thanks for all this info. 🙈 seriously so nice to take the time for a newborn like me 😍 also I get the impression night time activity is higher than during the day. Is that a good observation that I'm seeing?!!
May 09Reply
karint Yes! I've noticed that as well, it seems to peak around the time of the evening party (I believe it starts at 8pm your time). The action picks up about an hour before and lasts another hour or so afterward. It's a great time to share your own closet!
May 09Reply
artisticmom @karint last question promise (maybe) 😂 when you say share my closet I push share and it asks me if I want to go to Instagram Facebook Twitter etc. how do I share with other poshers? Do I have to share each item separately?
May 09Reply
karint I've found it easier to share by using the edit button instead- just hit edit and then hit list, it will go right to the top of your followers feed :) I'm truly happy to help, so keep asking away!
May 09Reply
karint Just noticed the last part of your question- yes, unfortunately you do have to share each item separately. It gets a little tedious but there is a payoff 😊
May 09Reply
pepperrican Love your "meet the posher!" And what an amazing family... you can tell what a proud mom and Mimi you are 😍
May 10Reply
artisticmom @pepperrican thank you SO much. These comments and shares mean a ton to a newbie like me 😍 new friend ✔️
May 10Reply
pepperrican @artisticmom 🤗 of course, new friend here for sure! Glad you're getting such a warm welcome from these other poshers as well, I signed up and then started my closet years later so I was never really quite "greeted" and I think that makes a difference - they are giving you great advice and you already know you have an awesome close, you're off to such a wonderful start!
May 10Reply
artisticmom @pepperrican just bought your high waisted swim bottoms. I should have bought them earlier for the drop in ship but I got distracted 😳
May 10Reply
pepperrican @artisticmom thank you for your purchase! Bummed you missed out on the lower shipping 🙁 if you like any of my tops listed for $7 let me know and I will happily throw it in there for you! I will wrap and ship in the morning. We will be 1/2 swim twins, I have this piece too and love it! Can't wait to actually wear it swimming as I've only worn it around the house so far 😉
May 10Reply
artisticmom @pepperrican are you sure? 👏🏻 Can you explain how that works when I get those drop price alerts and lower ship for one hour only?! Do you control that drop ship price? If so how do you do that? I will grab your loose fit tribal if you are ready to part with it 😍
May 10Reply
pepperrican @artisticmom of course! I will change it to "not for sale" and add it to your box in the morning! The discounted shipping is triggered by Posh in some magical computer. It is *supposed* to happen when something is marked down 10% from its highest "historical" price (hard to tell what that means) and is over $10. The other day I dropped something listed a few days prior from $18 to $15 and it didn't work, though, so it is somewhat unpredictable.
May 10Reply
pepperrican @artisticmom They make an announcement called Closet Clear Out certain weekends and I guess it is more guaranteed to work then. You will be notified in your news feed when that happens.
May 10Reply
artisticmom @pepperrican you have been very helpful! 👍🏻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
May 10Reply
pepperrican @artisticmom I'm so glad! 💞
May 10Reply
juliacapone11 Lovely family 💕 and great closet!
May 15Reply
artisticmom @juliacapone11 thanks for the nice compliment! I'm brand new and just learning how to build my closet. 👛✔️🎀⭐️
May 15Reply
fairfoxfindings Love your closet!
Jun 19Reply
iuliiahayek Welcome to my closet hun ❤️ if u like something just make an offer with your price and I will accept ! Have a wonderful day ✌️🌹😀
Jun 22Reply
saintgirl1 It's Julia paul Saint girl! I am away in California. I return tomorrow night late. I will ship your pretty Zara slides Thursday!!! Thank you for understanding. ❤️
Jul 11Reply
artisticmom @saintgirl1 no worries. Thanks for the update!
Jul 11Reply
curatedclosetpm Love your closet! So many pretty things😍
Jul 15Reply
artisticmom @jcmoorenc thanks so much! Thanks for the follow and peak! Welcome to POSH! 😍
Jul 15Reply
kjoyhm @artisticmom Beautiful closet! 😊
Jul 16Reply
artisticmom @kjoyhm thank you so much for the compliment! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 18Reply
kjoyhm @artisticmom You're very welcome 😊
Jul 18Reply
rachelinw Boy, do I love your closet!! ❤️
Jul 18Reply
artisticmom @rachelinw thanks SO much! It's always fun to find new treasures on PM. I'm following you also! 😍
Jul 18Reply
daniella1819 Hi there,I just bought your lucky brand sandals can you please ship it asap?thank you!!!!! 😁😊
Jul 19Reply
artisticmom @daniella1819 of course. I will ship right now.
Jul 19Reply
artisticmom @daniella1819 horrible news. This has never happened. These were my daughters shoes and when I went to ship I couldn't find them and she told me she thrifted them and forgot to tell me. I'm so sorry. Is there anything else I can ship you in my closet under $30?! Let me know and again I'm so sorry.
Jul 19Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! 😃
Jul 19Reply
daniella1819 No problem :)
Jul 20Reply
hellodarrrling Still one of the most beautiful closets I've seen!! And such a gorgeous family you have!! Have a great sales weekend!!🌸🌷🌸🌷☺️
Aug 26Reply
artisticmom @loveeevintage thanks for the nice compliment! Love stopping by your closet as well! People like you make me keep posting and poshing! You are stunning! ❤️😍❤️
Aug 26Reply
hellodarrrling @artisticmom Awww, I'm glad you still Posh! Lol I just started a little over a month ago! I love love meeting new people such as yourself! Thank you for the compliment! Have a great weekend! Much love!💖☺️
Aug 26Reply
aschanick @artisticmom Beautiful family ❤️
Oct 05Reply
devilwearsheels Thank you the great rating. I hope enjoy your purchase.
Oct 06Reply
these3threads Aweee! Your family is so beautiful! I’d love to have a big family like that one day. Sooo sweet! 💛😘 I love your page. I’m so glad I found you! 🙂☺️
Oct 31Reply
so1012 Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a great 3/$15 sale that includes lots of clothes and press on nails! Listings are added every few days 😊
Oct 22Reply

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Last Active: Oct 18 2024

Salt Lake City, UT
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Last Active: Oct 18 2024

Salt Lake City, UT
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