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Updated Oct 08
Updated Oct 08

Meet your Posher, Karen

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Hi! I'm Karen. Some of my favorite brands are UGG and Boho Gypsy Sisters. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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emeraldheart42 These tops will go with so much.......lots of colors! :)
Nov 18Reply
emeraldheart42 I'd accept $40. They're like new .
Nov 18Reply
emeraldheart42 The one with gray ....the reds go to burgundy.....deep brownish ....rust hints.
Nov 18Reply
emeraldheart42 I'd accept $40 on the bundle
Nov 21Reply
kajafarms I'm sorry. I missed your message. And I've spend so much money on myself since finding this app!!! I need to focus on others right now. I'm trying to assemble sizes etc so that may be i can find items for them....scarves, gloves..
Nov 22Reply
armysister86 @kajafarms if you like to send a offer on the boots again I tried to send the same won’t let me
Nov 25Reply
poshspice58 Kajafarms, how about both pair Levi’s for $15?
Dec 14Reply
tempetim333 Thsnk You For Purchase Packed Will Ship Tomm Morning
Jan 04Reply
spookyheartsg Thx u for ur offer, I can ship tomorrow Saturday if we csn come to agreement happy holiday !!🎉🎉🎉💰🎍🌟
Jan 06Reply
franmills Absolutely adore your Chow .... I use to raise them and I had one identical to your baby in the picture ... they are a WONDERFUL BREED just VERY TERRITORIAL ... fantastic watch dog and great with kids .... I had to comment on your picture and Happy New Year to you 🎉🎉💕💕
Jan 10Reply
spookyheartsg Please contact me there's a problem a girl got ur shoes if u have a big square box can just return to sender please I'm gonna get shoes from her see if she csn print label and send to u omg I'm so sorry u ended up w her lunch box
Jan 11Reply
spookyheartsg Please open up a case say u got the incorrect item and they will send u label to send them back do not open it up as not as described please mention u recieved the wrong item I don't know how this happen in had 12 packages to drop off that day I made within 48 hours I haven't had thst many since March and I guess I got confused
Jan 11Reply
kajafarms @franmills he's my baby!!! Where ever I go, he has to go. He'd rather sit in the vehicle all day than stay home by himself! He's sweet - territorial, but not aggressive. He goes to Lowes, Home Depot.. no prob. He doesn't want to be patted though!! Just scampers away.
Jan 12Reply
kajafarms @spookyheartsg yes, I opened it yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't see your message sooner. Can I just send it back to you? I told my husband I didn't think I had ordered it, but maybe it was a backorder from Christmas??? The name was so familiar though. When I got home last night (after a very very things going backwards day), it finally dawned on me - the name. Those were my Budda tennies!!!
Jan 12Reply
spookyheartsg @kajafarms the girl who got them has sent them back to me, all u need to do is tell posh U GOT WRONG ITEM explain to them there's a mix up they will send u a label please !! Ur shoes are coming back and the girl really wants her lunchnbox
Jan 12Reply
spookyheartsg @kajafarms all u need to do is tell them MARK U RECIEVED THE WRONG ORDER please do that they will give u a label no charge back to me please thr gjrl really wants them and ur shoes are on its way by next week every body will have their itrms open a case w posh make sure u SELECT WRONG ITEM thst you just want UR item so we can grt thr label please
Jan 12Reply
spookyheartsg So yes I need the lunch box back all u need to do is open up the case and just put I sent you the wrong order , she's already did it for ur shoes and they are on their way back to me so I can send them to u. Open up a case they will approve it u have less than 30 hours before they pay me for ur shoes please open the case so o can get u both the right items I don't know what I did I had 12 sales go out that day
Jan 12Reply
spookyheartsg I'm afraid we r going to run out of time on posh and ur not going to be able to grt the label on time to send it back to me we r now on the 3rd day. If u can please RTS return to sender tape it back up and throw it back, shiooing it back that way is going be pricey u could just ship it in a regular box or pack well in a poly bag it's very light and ot will come back I really need the item back for another buyer for she has returned ur shoes to me I'll have Tuesday
Jan 13Reply
spookyheartsg I also noticed u added 5 other items into a bundle ig u want the shoes n the baby bangles add to bundle thry all came from my store , if I go n accept shoes n accept the bangles that's $13 ur throwing away ship I see there's lava bracelet n other items add all my items j must add to bundle I'm going to decline clear ur offers right now so u can save money n bundle correctly u csn pay 1 ship add all items n I'll send u generous offer I ship today tomorrow
Jan 18Reply
spookyheartsg So excited for u my lunch box arrived yesterday I have not been able to check on it or get it yet, But I'm excited fir u ur shoes n bracelet will arrive in morning, the bangles was my newest style of bangles. They r popular n I sell u a set instead if 1, can't wsit
Jan 21Reply
kajafarms Which money😬😬😬😬
Jan 22Reply
spookyheartsg @kajafarms ur items arriving tomorrow friend shoes and bracelets for ur neice be on look out please
Jan 22Reply
spookyheartsg Just wanted check in u how r undo u enjoy ur shoes ?? Did u gift the bangles to ur neice ? She kike ?
Jan 27Reply
kajafarms @spookyheartsg I love love love the she's!! My girlfriend is here from Austin, she's jealous! The Bangles maybe just a tad too big. My great niece is only a month old...she will grow into them..if my niece doesn't sell them. With 3 kinds, she stays broke.
Jan 27Reply
spookyheartsg Hello the u yes she's to tiny 6 months perfect walking crawling that's #1 sale them bracelets they r newest style inhad they were suppose to sell as 1 pcs only but that's how they came in never saw a asian baby w 1 pcs the pair is better for me thank u for buying and wow ur neice haves 3 babies aww if she sell them $20 at least sell them very hard find
Jan 27Reply
spookyheartsg Maybe ur neice can try posh
Jan 27Reply
prairielane Your dog is so cute I love chows!
Feb 01Reply
spookyheartsg Did u end up getting my lunch box back they said they could read sometjing n had ot sent back to u could u forward that over to me ? Use same label they had sent u n grt it to me this was over 2 weeks ago I been out of town and u never contacted me only posh system said it was recieved I never gotten it
Feb 16Reply
znayda76 I am sorry I missed the notification for the dress, did not have notifications set. I will respond with same counter if still interested.
Feb 19Reply
goldengood Thanks for the like 💕 If you are ever interested, you can make an offer or add to bundle (its like adding to your cart), and I will make you an offer. Have a great day!
Oct 10Reply
goodenboyss Hello Karen, I just wanted to know what color on the men Uggs boot did you pick out. I will wrap it for my daughter so when she gets home all she got to do is mall it tomorrow morning before we leave to the airport.
Oct 12Reply
goodenboyss On my end for your order it's not telling me what color Uggs you selected Grey or Brown. Just let me know so I can ship it to you first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you
Oct 12Reply
goodenboyss I was waiting to hear back from you. For the free Nike t shirt', can't wait to late. Now I'm on my way to the post office and the airport. Shipping off now.
Oct 13Reply
kajafarms I appreciate your offer!! I guess I should have been paying more attention as I'm just NOW seeing your generous offer. I appreciate the thought. Maybe next pair. ...:) I bought him a pair of these last year and after I FINALLY got him to try them on, he wore them down! All his buddies were like ”what is that on your feet????”. But he wore them out anyway. Now he understands why I have so many pairs!!!!
Oct 14Reply
noirecain Hello, thank you for the like on the Men’s Levi’s Jeans. Please let me know if you have any questions. 🤗❤️💕🤩
Jul 01Reply
sorelo hi i don't have the boots on size 9.5 i have 9.0 or 10.0 availiable
Nov 02Reply
sorelo hi i don't have the boots on size 9.5 i have 9.0 or 10.0 availiable
Nov 02Reply
isla_bonita Hi! I saw that you like kate spade! I am selling three kate spade bags that you just might like. I take offers too! Also, I have a 3/$10 and 3/$15 promos going on. I hope you'll take a look at my closet. Thank you, and have a nice day!
Dec 18Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Oct 17Reply
back2basics000 Thank you for your purchase! I will ship it tomorrow morning, and by the evening you should receive the email with the tracking info. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Nov 02Reply
littlepet Hi there, ☺️thanks so much for your offer on Birkenstock silver Please feel free to counter your last offer I’ll accept And I’ll be able to ship out by today
Nov 09Reply
back2basics000 Thank you for your stellar rating! It was a pleasure to have you as a customer!
Nov 11Reply
shopaholic100 @kajafarms Hello! 🙋🏼‍♀️ MY CLOSET CLOSES in 10 DAYS! I’m Moving and I started a few different sales in my closet, including a BUY 1 GET 1... and a 4 for $25...AND JUST ADDED HUGE MYSTERY BOXES for an amazing deal! 🎁 😃 I also offer HUGE Bundle Discounts! 💸 🛍 I have some beautiful TIFFANY, 💎 LOUIS VUITTON DAMIER MM, 👜 , VALENTINO, 👝 TORY BURCH, MILLY Dresses 👗 Christian Louboutin Shoes 👠, BEACH BUNNY Swimsuits 👙, PET ITEMS, and much more! LOTS OF HOME items And a few MENS items!
Dec 06Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 09Reply

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