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Updated 3 days ago
Updated 3 days ago

Meet your Posher, Karina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Karina. Some of my favorite brands are All Saints, UNIF, Wildfox, Lip Service, Rag & Bone, Free People, Zara, J Brand, G-Star, Lululemon, Athletica, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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shesinspired Welcome to Poshmark enjoy 🌸💕
May 18Reply
twinxshop @shesinspired Thank you! 😁
May 18Reply
twinxshop @jmadami Thank you! 😉
May 19Reply
jebloomis I am looking for ladies like you to work with me! I NEED motivated & HARD working. Who have the drive to be successful. ENDLESS OPPORTUNITY! Send me a message if your interested! I'm loving the business & I've accomplished so much in a short amount of time. ❤❤This OPPORTUNITY may not be for you but thats OK! If you know someone that would love WINNING, you know what to do... Send them my way!! ⚜
May 20Reply
smschar Welcome to Poshmark Karina 😍
May 21Reply
twinxshop @smschar Thank you. 🙂
May 21Reply
triciatx @twinxshop I love this pic. It really pops out in my feed! 💋💋 Tricia
May 23Reply
twinxshop @triciatx 😎 Thank you. Didn't plan on it but it worked out. Glad to be popping on this cool app. 🤘🏻
May 23Reply
abstractdreams Welcome to Posh Karina!❣Thx for the shares! I've been here since 2012, if I can help ir you have ?'s, just lmk. I'm on everyday & check in often!👍🏼
May 28Reply
twinxshop @abstractdreams Hi Linda, thank you for he kind welcome. You are welcome on the share ❤️. Thank you for offering your help, will keep that in mind. Have a great day! ✌️
May 28Reply
honeylosangeles Welcome! 💐
May 30Reply
twinxshop @chanelstarrr Thank you! 😎
May 30Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
Jun 02Reply
twinxshop @donnastreasures Hi, thank you for the kind welcome. Will keep that in mind. Thanks for the shares and love. 😘
Jun 02Reply
tessakk Hi Karina, I'm Tessa. I absolutely love your closet!! 🔥
Jun 03Reply
twinxshop @tessakk Thanks love, I really appreciate it. 😘🙊😉
Jun 03Reply
michelletm81 Love your style!
Jun 06Reply
twinxshop @michelletm81 😊 Thanks babe, I really appreciate the love. 😘💋✌🏻🤘🏻
Jun 06Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jun 23Reply
twinxshop @jassieboo92 Thanks babe, I really appreciate it. 😘
Jun 23Reply
ko1016 Welcome to Poshmark! 🙂 💕 Feel free to shop around my closet if you like! I offer a discount if you bundle 2 or more items. Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing! 😃
Jun 28Reply
twinxshop @ko1016 Thank you Kristina! 😘🤘🏻
Jun 28Reply
ko1016 @twinxshop Aww you're so welcome, Karina! 💕💕
Jun 28Reply
mineandyours47 Your closet is gorgeous! I need to figure out how to get my lighting that good!
Jul 07Reply
twinxshop @mineandyours47 You're too sweet Amanda. I think your photos look good. What I use is two light boxes and place them on each side. The only key I think is to make sure the color is true to the garment. Your closet looks great girl! 😘✌🏻😉
Jul 07Reply
holztania 💖Thxs for sharing 💖
Jul 13Reply
twinxshop @holztania No problem hun. 😉
Jul 13Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for sharing.
Jul 16Reply
twinxshop @jacaranda1831 No problem hun. 😉✌🏻
Jul 16Reply
kikistore U give great pictures and precise details on all ur items, well done!
Jul 29Reply
twinxshop @kikistore Thank you Christine, your kind words made my start of the day a great one. I really appreciate it. I love your bags, great for practically anything. ✌🏻😉
Jul 29Reply
bellax5 thanks for the posh shares of love hun I appreciate it! 😘
Aug 08Reply
twinxshop @bellax5 No problem hun. Have a great day! 😘✌🏻
Aug 08Reply
globalboutique @twinxshop I am chiming in to say hello. 🙏 I am a Poshmark Suggested User. Posh has a wonderful community and amazing deals. If you have any questions or want to chat about Poshing, please don't hesitate to tag me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Best wishes, Annie
Aug 10Reply
twinxshop @annieslebonheur Hi Annie, thank you for stoping by and offering your help. So far I'm loving this community. If I ever need any assistance I will take your offer and contact you. 😉✌🏻Happy posting and congrats on your success.
Aug 10Reply
msfashionista04 @twinxshop Hi there. Just wanted to say thank you for sharing my closet! And thanks for the follow❤
Aug 11Reply
twinxshop @msfashionista04 You are very welcome Innez. Welcome to posh and trust me you will love it. Happy shopping and selling hun. 😉✌🏻
Aug 11Reply
modestyandme Thanks for following and the likes !! 😊❤️🤗
Aug 27Reply
twinxshop @modestyandme Likewise hun. Thank you! 😉✌🏻
Aug 27Reply
bobbidean85 Thanks for all the shares! I looked where you are in school. I used to live in Cali and worked in NYC. Gave my dreams up and am still passionate about fashion so working on some ideas get back into fashion merchandising. Never let go of your dreams! ❤
Aug 27Reply
twinxshop @bobbidean85 Hi Bobbi, crazy how competitive the fashion industry is and has become in the last years. Glad I attended that school before it got super expensive for what they actually teach you. It's all from experience really where you get to learn. Sorry to read that you left but happy to know that you're staring back with merchandising. It's never too late to do anything your passionate about. 😉 I feel ya, on never giving up on your dreams. Thanks for the shares hun. 😘🤘🏻
Aug 27Reply
comfyclothing Love your closet! 😘 ❤️🤗
Sep 03Reply
twinxshop @comfyclothing Thanks hun. 😘🤘🏻😉
Sep 03Reply
lovestitch13 Thanks for all the shares! You're closet is AMAZING! ❤️❤️
Sep 07Reply
twinxshop @lovestitch13 Likewise hun, I like yours too. Thanks for the posh love and shares. 😘✌🏻
Sep 07Reply
klogs777 @twinxshop thanks for your shares!!💕💕
Sep 08Reply
twinxshop @klogs777 Likewise hun. 😘🤘🏻
Sep 08Reply
discountswag Thanks for sharing!!🍭🍭🍭
Oct 03Reply
aubreyanna333 HAWWWTIIEE ALERT 🚨
Oct 17Reply
jeanjeannie1 Yes!!! Love ZIggy Stardust. Bowie is the man. Such a talent, and I so miss him. Thanks for bringing the price down!
Oct 20Reply
twinxshop @jeanjeannie1 Nice, he was one of a kind and missed. Lots of iconic artist as passing through to the other side and I don’t like that. By the way I just checked the order and it shows the full original price as it being purchased. Do you want to cancel the order and try the offer again? It seems like the payment issue ignored the offer I accepted earlier. Let me know. Thanks
Oct 20Reply
jeanjeannie1 Awe. Yes I'd still like it. What I did w another Posher w a similar situation, I just threw in some cash in an envelope and sent w the order.
Oct 20Reply
twinxshop @jeanjeannie1 Oh that makes sense, never thought about the envelope idea and will go ahead and do that. Thank you once again. Good night.
Oct 20Reply
misspretty610 I love your style, thanks for sharing my closet Poshfriend 💕🤘🏽
Oct 27Reply
twinxshop @misspretty610 Really? I really like yours girl. Thanks for being my posh friend. 💋😉🤘🏻
Oct 27Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets on Posh but I’d be grateful if you check out mine! Either way I was just stopping in the say hello and wish you a lovely day!
Nov 09Reply
twinxshop @spreadlove Hi Mel, thank you for stoping by my closet. I really appreciate it. I've stop by your closet shared a few things hun. You have great items. Have a great rest of the day!
Nov 09Reply
twinxshop @mumsattic You are welcome. 😉✌🏻
Dec 11Reply
vbenrile Hey what happened to Gstar western jacket?? Is it still available?
Jan 18Reply
twinxshop @vbenrile Hi Víctor, It sold on another platform. Sorry.
Jan 18Reply
piperidine xoxo you're awesome!! Love your closet
Jan 29Reply
twinxshop @piperidine Thanks hun, likewise. Your fur baby is adorable. 😉 Just checked out your artwork from your link and it’s rad, very talented. 😘🤘🏻
Jan 29Reply
piperidine @twinxshop Thank you!! I'm so glad you found my artwork - that means a lot to me! xoxo
Jan 29Reply
annasposhalley @twinxshop LOL, no worries at all, i have done it myself, lol🤗 Thanks so much for the laugh i totally needed it today ~ Hugs Anna
Jan 29Reply
emilysjoys Fab closet girlie!
Feb 03Reply
twinxshop @emilysjoys Thanks hun, likewise. 😘🤘🏻😉
Feb 03Reply
dollupshop Hi, I'm closing down my store today, and I'm having a huge sale: 3 items for $5. This applies to the whole store. If you see anything you like, submit your bundle offer through the offer button. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Feb 06Reply
rkayskloset Thank you for the shares. Much appreciated. 💕💕
Feb 19Reply
twinxshop @rkayskloset Likewise hun. Thank you! Have a great week. 😉✌🏻
Feb 19Reply
itsthyme09 Thanks for the shares 💕Love your closet!
Feb 26Reply
twinxshop @itsthyme09 Thanks, likewise. 😉✌🏻
Feb 26Reply
twinxshop @gotcha412 Hi Margaret, thanks for the posh likes and love! I really appreciate it. Have a great day. 😉✌🏻
Feb 28Reply
sweetheartsong Hey there! Can you offer the discounted shipping at that price and I'll accept!
Mar 10Reply
twinxshop @sweetheartsong Hey hun, it does't let me offer you directly again for some reason. Send me the offer again for $8 and I will accept it. Thanks
Mar 10Reply
sweetheartsong @twinxshop ok thank you!! 💕
Mar 10Reply
twinxshop @sweetheartsong No problem, Thanks for the posh shares and love. ❤️
Mar 10Reply
sweetheartsong Of course!!! You as well! 😊😙
Mar 10Reply
jewelsie @twinxshop hi I hope it works it’s all I have with shipping hun 🙈🙈🙈🙈💖
Mar 21Reply
twinxshop @jewelsie Sorry hun, unfortunately it’s too low for a nwt item. I hope you understand.
Mar 21Reply
jewelsie @twinxshop ok thanks. Or can you send me a private offer for the last offer you sent out I was unable to accept at that time. I will Bundle now. Lmk please. I would like to have the $4.99 shipping and your offer you sent 🙈🙏🏻💖
Mar 21Reply
jewelsie @twinxshop thank you!!!! 💖
Mar 21Reply
twinxshop @jewelsie No, thank you! ♥️ Will ship it out later on today. Happy poshing! 😉😘
Mar 21Reply
blckpicktfnce Thanks for checking out my closet! Make a bundle w all the items you L❤VE in my closet & I'll send you an offer w HUGE SAVINGS that will make you L❤VE your bundled items even more! Any questions? Just ask. #BlackPicketFence 👑
Mar 23Reply
cats_threads Hey Karina, thanks for all the shares! I really love your closet! 🖤💀
Apr 20Reply
twinxshop @cats_threads Oh No problem hun, I like your closet to and don’t mind sharing when I can. Stay metal! 😉🤟🏻✌🏻
Apr 20Reply
talladt83 Thanks so much for all the shares! You're so sweet. Have a fantastic night!
May 02Reply
rebirthandstyle @twinxshop Hi there I love love your style and your closet. I'm plus size so I didn't see a ton for me but I was so happy to share all your awesome pieces...have a great day!
Jun 17Reply
twinxshop @rebirthandstyle Thanks hun, I really appreciate you stopping by my closet and showing some love, back at you! Happy poshing! 😘✌🏻😉
Jun 17Reply
sylvi808 @twinxshop thanks for the share! Love your closet
Jul 21Reply
twinxshop @sylvi808 You are welcome Sylvia. 😉 Have a great weekend! Happy poshing. 🖤✌🏻
Jul 21Reply
rainspirit6 Your closet is just scary awesome I can't even imagine what your closet at home looks like you have very good taste
Aug 12Reply
twinxshop @rainspirit6 Thank you very much, you are too sweet. By the way I love your fur baby. 😻 Adorable. Thanks for the posh love once again. 🖤❤️✌🏻
Aug 12Reply
rainspirit6 And thank you for all the shares now when you look in the mirror I know you got to see something that is favorable right I'm just messing with you I'm a lot older and I can appreciate Beauty and comment on it today without people thinking I am doing something other than giving a compliment
Aug 12Reply
poshlivesmatter Beautiful closet
Sep 09Reply
rufflesanlace Love your closet!!!
Sep 12Reply
shannonweeks4 Hi!! I am new at Poshmark I just started a couple days ago and I already love it!! Do you have any tips for selling or getting followers?? I love you closet I can’t wait to shop 💕
Sep 21Reply
twinxshop @shannonweeks4 Hi Shannon, welcome to posh hun! 🖤❤️ Glad you are liking the app so far. The key to sell is pretty much to list items to your closet daily if you can. Share your whole closet about twice a day during parties or throughout the day. Share other people items and follow some of their closets. Send offers to your likers. I think that sums it up. Thanks for liking my closet! Best of luck and have fun. 😉😘✌🏻
Sep 21Reply
kellysfavorites Thanks for the shares Karina! 🙂. Kelly
Oct 02Reply
twinxshop @kellysfavorites you are very welcome hun. 😉
Oct 02Reply
pjtoy I just submitted an offer for the Rag & Bone RX15 black jeans. I would like to rescind my offer. I just noticed the length has been altered and will be too short. Thank you
Dec 03Reply
twinxshop @pjtoy No problem
Dec 03Reply
baileydailies Thanks for all the shares! 🙏❤️
Oct 18Reply
twinxshop @baileydailies Likewise, best of luck on sales! Happy Poshing! 👍😉
Oct 18Reply
ladykrc @twinxshop Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Oct 25Reply
evies_oddities @twinxshop thanks for the share and follow!! if there's any ISO things you are having a hard time finding, let me know!! I find cool, random stuff all the time!! 😎😉 Happy Poshing!!🥰🛍️🏷️
Nov 16Reply
emilylabel I noticed you liked my baby clothes. They are all in very nice condition. Make me an offer! I’ll throw in other items that were not photographed that she has recently grown out of.
Dec 10Reply
gr8day2posh You have a great closet!!
Dec 29Reply
twinxshop @gr8day2posh Thank you! You too! 😉👍
Dec 29Reply
rosekozlowski thank you for the follow please go checkout my closet i’ll give you amazing offers and deals just if you like an item please bundle it and i’ll give you an offer and if you don’t like it counter or decline no hard feelings just do it now !!!!! limited time offer on my bundle deals!!
Mar 17Reply
stellasstevens ❣️love your closet❣️I’d where almost everything! I’ll definitely be in touch! ❤️ Stone
Mar 30Reply
twinxshop @stellasstevens Thanks! Likewise on your closet. I'm open to offers if interested.
Mar 30Reply
rachelbtu21 hi! love your closet and shared your items with my followers :) ive been struggling to sell and would love if you could share some of my closet! best of luck in your sales xo
Aug 04Reply
447design Hi girly!!!! Hope all is well. Glad to see u here. Take care and hope to see you soon. XOXOXOXO
Aug 20Reply
twinxshop @447design Hey Jenny, nice hearing from you! Hope you and your family is doing well! Hope to see you and everybody else soon too. 😘❤️
Aug 20Reply
julissazelaya Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift! 🎁🍸 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Nov 13Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
May 02Reply
littlepeachxo 🤍 Hi there, I’m accepting all offers due to overstocked inventory. I have lots of clothes, accessories, jewelry, collectibles: such as sanrio & disney and a large variety of items. A bit of everything. 🤍
Aug 22Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy New Year’s 🥳!! My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until January 3rd 2025. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Jan 02Reply

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Last Active: hours ago

Los Angeles, CA
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