Meet your ॐ Posher, Kate ॐ🥑🧘🏼♀️🎶
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Be light hearted. Be nerdy as f****. Stay sexy. Remain intelligent. Be courageous.
But above all, embrace the shit out your insanity. Because beautiful girl, you can do hard things. 🌪🍣🍂🌛

28 others
like this

Hi! I'm Julia. Welcome to Posh! We're glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting!! One important need to know ... to talk to another we have to put the @ sign in front of their name. @ acts like an address. To talk to me type @iqclothessavvy. Remember your password and login daily. BUNDLE to save lots of money! LMK if you have questions! Happy to help. See BREAK ROOM and Learning Curve posts at bottom of our closet. Hope this helps you enjoy the Posh life!
Jun 15Reply

Welcome to 💕💕💕💕Posh 💕💕💕💕the funnest place to buy and sell. 🌹🌹🌹Enjoy xoxo🌎
Jun 15Reply

Welcome, Happy Poshing 🌹💕
Jun 15Reply

🌹🎉🌟Welcome!! Happy Poshing!!🌟🌹🎉🎀🌟
Jun 15Reply

@kateegan thank you so much for accepting my offer for the watch. I am afraid I forgot to mention that the watch needs a new battery.
Would you like to cancel the sale? I am soo sorry, totally unintentional
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan I think I can take it to the store and replace the battery. It is $9.99
Sep 17Reply

Oh, whoa I thought they were way more than that. Ok that sounds good. Thank you for being honest with me. I appreciate it. When do you think it will ship out?
Sep 17Reply

Hey hey :) if ur interested in this deal for phases of the moon picture... i can sell it for 200 on mer cari and i will pay the 30$ in shipping :) let me kno on here bc i check this more.
Sep 17Reply

@jennamb0978 I am serious about the painting, it’s literally exactly what I’ve been looking for, the money’s still a little out of y price range. If we could negotiate
A bit more, if you’re willing maybe we can make it work 🤞😬😃
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan 170 and free shipping🤷🏼♀️
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan ur emojis lol 😆
Sep 17Reply

@jennamb0978 wow that is very generous, what are the dimensions of the painting?
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan 63w 23h 2d
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan okz well let me kno if u want to do all that on the mer cari app. Offer is good for 24 hrs. Its bedtime for this lady😴
Sep 17Reply

@jennamb0978 I don’t know what mer cari is. It I’ll hit you up in the am
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan ill put it "on hold" for now
Sep 17Reply

Its another selling app like poshmark. Its one word put i cant type it like that on here😑
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan heres my email prob easier to communicate lol
Sep 17Reply

@kateegan are u still interested? No worries if your not
Sep 18Reply

@kateegan Thanks again for your purchase, your package will be mailed off on tmrw.
Sep 18Reply

@snclay thank you, there was no picture attached I apologize for asking but I’ve made a few purchases what was it that you are shipping out ?
Sep 18Reply

@kateegan the Boston Mat
Sep 18Reply

@jennamb0978 I am but unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to purchase it until next month, so if it’s still around please let me know!
Sep 18Reply

@snclay ahhhh yes!!! Perfect!! Thank you!
Sep 18Reply

@kateegan okz
Sep 18Reply

Hey Kate, I offer a 20% discount if you bundle 2 or more items. Which I think is realistic. So, I can’t offer more than that on a single item. I’m sorry. I will extend the 20% which would be $18. But that’s the lowest I can go.
Sep 19Reply

@pershing_resale thank you, I’m new at this I’m
Not sure how to bundle can u so that for me? I appreciate it.
Sep 19Reply

Kate, if you bundle the items then not only will you get 20% off... but you will also only pay shipping once. So, if you cancel the sale on the one pair that you just accepted and put both pair into a bundle it would be better for you.
Sep 19Reply

@kateegan I actually can not do it for you. But if you go to the listings there is a button down towards the bottom that says ‘add to bundle’.
Sep 19Reply

Thank you very much Kate... For the like to my stuff. ✈ Please feel free to make me an offer when you want 👌
May 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Fun place to shop and sell! Please message me with any questions you may have. Share listings from your closet as well as from other poshers closets regularly. Add your liked items to a bundle to save on shipping and possibly additional discounts. I offer an additional 20% discount on bundled orders.
May 31Reply

@kateegan hey ty so much for checking out our closet. i have 100+ lba & raised a few fashionista's so our closet is more 6 in one! We list wkly 3/4 x's
offer only the very best
New & Laundered
& lightly worn with care items
We ship same day
Offer Combined Shipping for more then one item! Offer 15%off bundling
Offer a private discount on top of that
For bund of 3+
Jewelry & Swim are Fixed Price
27$ are as marked FINAL MARKDOWNS Offer sent on you liked item
Always w/🎁
Jun 02Reply

It's your fellow posher Acacia! I wish your future closet sucess and that you finally discover new fashionable items you truly love! Have amazing rest of your day!
Thanks for sharing my listing! You Rock!
Jun 04Reply

I just posted the black and white Toms band on the other app.
Jun 29Reply

I'm not sure how to tag you. I'm Maggie's Girl on there.
Jun 29Reply

Thanks for sharing my item💪
Jul 15Reply

@caramelb2k sure! Thank you to you too!
Jul 15Reply

@tj808 hi! Sorry I’m just seeing this now! Thanks for the awesome well wishing! I appreciate it, have a beautiful day 🧘🏼♀️💕!
Jul 15Reply

@sailbythestars hi there did you cancel your order is something happening or changed your mind thank you
Sep 03Reply

Hi. I think there was an issue with your payment for the UGG’s hun.
Sep 23Reply

@mnsassygirl Hi, I’m so sorry, there was. I won’t be able to purchase them, thought I could squeeze it in my budget, I absolutely love them but it’s just $10 or so too tight. Truly sorry 😐
Sep 23Reply

Hi! I got a Bundle can you see what you will like to 🌺TRADE??🌺😁
Oct 15Reply

By the way that ” PHOTO IS SOOOOO CUTE”
Oct 15Reply

Hi, Kate! Love it
Oct 30Reply

@gullprint Thank you 😊
Oct 30Reply

Hey there 🙋🏻♀️! I have a great collection of Rae Dunn items for sale if you are interested 🙂. I even have some yoga-themed Rae Dunn 🙂!
Jan 26Reply

Nice to meet you 🌹
Jan 30Reply

@aladdinboutique You as well 💙, you have a gorgeous closet!
Jan 30Reply

@sailbythestars thank you love 😘
Jan 30Reply

What a beautiful baby❤️
Jan 30Reply

@anna1204 Thank you so much 💕💕💕
Jan 30Reply

thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 06Reply

thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 06Reply

@sailbythestars 💋⭐💋⭐💋⭐💋⭐Hello,thanks for the like!!!
I am actually managing the sizes
Of denimmunkies large closet we have just wrapped up the seperation due to the amount of items sister has in her closet!
We ship same day
Offer 20% all 3+ bundles only pay one shipping fee!
Rock Revival
Miss Me
Big 🌟
Silver Jean Co.
We accept all FAIR OFFERS!
Ty Stacy
Feb 07Reply

what a beautiful baby!!!!
Feb 07Reply

@denimjunkies oh thank you so much ☺️!!
Feb 08Reply

thanks for the like. welcome to my closet offer sent. if you have any questions let me know. I do negotiate and offer bundle discount on three or more items. happy poshing 💜
Mar 14Reply

Offer $650 for the Balenciaga and I will accept. I'll drop price to $680 tomorrow.
Mar 21Reply

Thank you for the visit ❤️
Mar 22Reply

your closet is also amazing.
Mar 26Reply

@sailbythestars aww you have a beautiful daughter! My daughter just had a baby girl but I can’t go see her! 😢
Mar 27Reply

@kbiehn Thank you! Congratulations!! I know this must be so hard not being able to see her. It’s just so scary in every aspect what’s going on. Ugh especially with babies involved!
Mar 27Reply

👋 Thanks for the shares as well as the information on trading!!! I’m totally interested in trades for Rae Dunn! If you see anything in my closet you are interested in, please let me know! I haven’t traded before but more than willing to check it out! 😊
Mar 29Reply

@kaj6206 Sure I’ll take a look 😊!
Mar 29Reply

@sailbythestars All the jeans are also BOGO-buy one at list and get the second pair of equal or less free!
Mar 29Reply

@namaste511 good morning !! Hope the sun is out there and you have a good day from
Vanessa with chic nation boutique
May 11Reply

@chicnation Aww what a wonderful thing to see in the morning! Thank you, may you have a beautiful day ♥️
May 11Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Jun 16Reply

What a fabulous closet! Thank you for sharing too! 💝
Jul 08Reply

@gordomom Thanks so much 💜💜💜!
Jul 08Reply

Thank you for all the shares!! 💕💕💕💕
Jul 08Reply

Hi there! I just saw your comment on another listing and was wondering if you were still looking for a MacBook? I have one that I'm considering selling as I just bought a new one and no longer need my old one. If you're interested, let me know and I will send you more info! 😊
Jul 23Reply

@lizardshops Well yes Id love to know more!
Jul 23Reply

@namaste511 - Great! Specs-wise, it's an "older" MacBook Air that I bought brand new in January of 2013 from the Apple Store in Fashion Valley (San Diego). I bought the smallest/lightest model (11-inch screen) they carried because I wanted it to be very portable. I've really only ever used it for web surfing and word processing, but I recently wiped the memory and upgraded the OS to Catalina (which is the newest OS). There's no damage that I'm aware of and it's running great now that it's wiped!
Jul 23Reply

@lizardshops Any pics?
Jul 23Reply

@namaste511 - Sure! I haven't listed it yet because I was just poking around to see if there was any interest before I bothered making a listing. I've also never sold anything other than clothes and makeup on Posh, and I don't think laptops are "allowed," but I suppose we can see if the listing gets flagged?
Jul 23Reply

@lizardshops Also if you would be interested we can trade it if you found something of mine you’d like. That may be easiest and probably what I’d need to do right now just due to the craziness happening right now!
Jul 23Reply

@namaste511 - Totally understand, but not really looking to trade. I will probably list it on e*b*a*y and some other local buy/sell sites as well since Posh takes such a big cut. Let me know if you think you might want to purchase rather than trade and I'll make a listing for you to check out some pics! 😊
Jul 23Reply

Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots, bridal stuff and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 07Reply

@abel6583 Lovely closet 🍂🍁!! I’ll keep sharing!
Oct 07Reply

Thank you for the shares & wishing you many sales this week 💗
Oct 08Reply

Hey there! I hope you're enjoying poshmark! CHeck out my closet for boy and girl items as well as men and women!
Oct 21Reply

hello hun, thank you so much for the like on my LV pochette metis! I was just letting all of my "likers" know that I am offering it at 2039 on another plat form. If you're interested, you can add to your bundle and we can talk there, if not no worries at all! I just wanted to let you know. I hope you have a wonderful night!🤗🤗
Nov 12Reply

Thank you so much for checking out my closet, please do let me know if you want me to paint anything for you, I can paint within the price range you want, I see you liked my Alice painting, I can paint that or any similar thing that you want.... please do let me know 😊❤️
Happy new year 🥳
Jan 01Reply

Hi Kate, just a heads up. I hope to mail your Ash sneakers tomorrow. I usually mail in one day, but we got 30 inches of snow here! 😩 the snow plow guy should be here tomorrow so I can get out of my driveway. So sorry for the delay, 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Feb 02Reply

@hauteresale No worries!! We’re getting buried here too 🧟♀️! Thanks for letting me know.
Feb 02Reply

Hi Kate! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids/tweens clothing. Some popular brands I have are Janie and Jack, Hanna Andersson, and Zara. Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day!😊
Feb 26Reply

@mmadisond Were you looking to trade? I could make a bundle if you’d like to swap for something in my closet or if you’re looking for something that may not be listed 🙂
Feb 26Reply

@namaste511 Unfortunately I don’t do trades, but thanks for the offer:).
Feb 27Reply

Hi, I’m always looking for new Poshmark friends shop 🛒 & sell 🛍with. Stop by my closet. 🌸I’m posting new merchandise for Spring every day 🌸
Mar 06Reply

Hi Kate, I sent you a message on Facebook regarding Michele watches (this is Lisa of AbsoluteEstates) so we can discuss a plan. I am so unfamiliar with how poshmark works, lol 😆. Just figured we could communicate more easily there.
Mar 26Reply

@watchfancy Would you like to text me? I don’t like discussing this kind of stuff on poshmark forum. 239 318 0077
Mar 26Reply

@watchfancy I’d be glad to walk you through it if you’ve never done a trade before 🙂
Mar 26Reply

@namaste511 sent you a message :)
Mar 26Reply

@namaste511 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 07Reply

@namaste511 judging by your bio, I bet your amazing! I ❤️ your bags in your closet!
Sep 22Reply
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