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Updated Aug 26
Updated Aug 26

Meet your Posher, Kathy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kathy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lovemaddiejane Thank you for the 5?star review come back to our closet anytime for 30 percent any item. Just tag us for the discount. ❤️
Sep 08Reply
bldunaway Hi, I am trying to print the shipping label for the pants you purchased today. However, I keep getting an error from PoshMark saying that your address needs to be updated. The error says your address is "undeliverable" or contains some sort of error. Please review your shipping address and let me know once you've reviewed it so I can retry printing the label. Thanks!
Sep 28Reply
threebeez Hi there! Nice to meet you! Hope you're loving posh!! 💕
Dec 04Reply
dez33 Hey girl thank u for purchasing from me! But u could have made it a bundle and saved urself a lot of $! U would only have to pay one shipping fee! If u want I can cancel the purchases and make one listing with all ur stuff together to purchase to save ya! Let me know 😊
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 that would be really nice I would appreciate you letting me know I will definately order more from you again thanks
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @bldunaway My address is Kathleen Gray 2437 concord ave. Louisville Ky. 40217 Hope this helps Are you talking about the hot topics lovesick jeans? I hope so cuz I really want them thanks in advance
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @bldunaway sorry I thought you were the girl I'm trying to get a pair of hot topic lovesick jeans from that I purchased Jan. 9th and still have not received from a girl named Shelltop If you know her please tell her I would really like my jeans and I have received yours and I love them I will definately buy from you again Thanks
Jan 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm getting ready to cancel them and make a listing for u! It will have ur name on the listing😊
Jan 26Reply
dez33 They r cancelled. Listing has the leggings as pic and says bundle for u! 😊
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I don't see it I'll look when I get home from work Please leave me a message on where to look It's not showing up under my purchases
Jan 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri did u see it?
Jan 26Reply
dez33 It's under all my listings for sale it won't be under ur purchases yet cause u still have to buy it since the others were cancelled. The legging r the pic and its labeled a bundle for u
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 yes I did and I gave in and ordered the lime t-shirt lol cuz it's just too cute You don't need to bundle it though that's okay thanks love your stuff
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri To Shelltop Why have you not sent my lovesick jeans yet I really want them I love hot topic stuff Please let me know when you are going to ship them
Jan 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri thanks girl! Do u like Guinness? I have 2 shirts I will include if u would like but they r men's mediums. Let me know!
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 You already know me well lol as a matter of fact I do!!! My fave brews though are Sierra Nevada and most of the Samuel Adams brewskys lol
Jan 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri k cool I will give them to u as a gift! 😊
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 awwww you're just to sweet I thank you and my beer belly thanks you. Just kidding don't have one I'm a work-out freak I'm 5' and 100 lbs of muscle lol
Jan 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girl just wondering when you will be shipping my stuff ? Hopefully soon?
Jan 30Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I dropped it off Saturday night so it should have been processed today
Jan 30Reply
shawneebri @dez33 okay I guess it takes a little while for them to be shipped cuz I just checked and it still says in process
Jan 30Reply
shawneebri To madamjen I was just wondering when you were going to ship those awesome hippie jeans I can't wait to wear them Please ship soon
Jan 30Reply
shawneebri To Shelltop please mail those jeans I ordered from you Jan. 9th I don't want the money back I really want the jeans Thanks so much
Jan 30Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girl how'd everything work out for ya? And it says the other package was delivered also now and I put something extra in there for ya! 😊. And I'm gonna be adding some new items in just a bit and throughout the next week or so!
Feb 01Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Got everything and love it all Thanks so very much for the free stuff I love em!! I will definately be ordering from you again
Feb 01Reply
juliaprtz @shawneebri looks like you love your cat. So cute.
Feb 03Reply
shawneebri @juliaprtz he's my baby boy a rescue he weighs in at 20 lbs My kids are all grown and my youngest daughter being a vetenarian really comes in handy
Feb 03Reply
juliaprtz @shawneebri your so blessed I wish my daughter was a vet. Have a blessed weekend.
Feb 04Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri if you make a bundle it will save you on the shipping so you don't have to pay it multiple times. 😊
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney can you do it for me please I don't know how
Feb 23Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri sure just give me a minute and I'll make a new listing for all of it and give you a better deal. Just cancel all the ones you just purchased.
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney do you want me to wait till you do the bundle or cancel now?
Feb 23Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri you can go ahead and cancel now. 😊
Feb 23Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri I just made a new listing for it and tagged you in it. 😊
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney okay how do I do thst? Do I just bring up each item and press cancel?
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney it's not letting me do it so could you please cancel the individual ones for me I'm so sorry but my phone is gay
Feb 23Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri sure things and I'll also be shipping your bundle out tomorrow.
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney thanks so very much I really appreciate you doing that for me
Feb 23Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri your very welcome. I would of hated you payed all the shipping on each of these that would have been over $56 in shipping.
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri Dez33 it's me again I ordered so many things from you girlfriend that I made offers so if you accept everything could you please bundle all of them to save shipping cost cuz it comes to about $200 then could you cancel the individual things just like you did before thanks girlfriend I love your stuff you like the same things I do I love peace signs skulls and dragons and anything hippie so if you have any more things like that I'll get them again thanks
Feb 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yeah girl I will do that! I will get it all together here in a bit when I get home!
Feb 23Reply
dez33 Ok I'm home and gonna get the bundle ready for ya! I'm not gonna accept ur offers for the individual listings so it doesn't charge ya for em. I'm just gonna delete all the listings u want. I decided to keep the tie die dreaded lion tee sorry!
Feb 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I accepted all the prices that u offered for each item and the total is $253 minus the dreaded lion tee I decided to keep sorry! But I'm gonna make it an even $250 for ya! And I'm gonna include a gift for ya! Getting ready to make listing for ya!
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @dez33 thanks so much girlfriend Do I need to go on you page and accept?
Feb 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri the weight of all of it is over 5lbs which is the limit per package. I can make 2 listings of the stuff if that's cool? That would cover the shipping or I can take it to post office and see how much more it's gonna cost.
Feb 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri if it's cool to do 2 listings for all of it I will do it now
Feb 23Reply
shawneebri @dez33 that's totally cool with me
Feb 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri both listings r up! Has pics of all the stuff! Thanks a lot! Included some extras for ya!
Feb 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girl remember to purchase both listings! I marked em each half the whole amt
Feb 24Reply
dez33 @shawneebri thanks girl will send em out tomorrow! I sent ya some extra goodies!
Feb 24Reply
shawneebri @dez33 just now did sorry I was feeding my face I don't get a lunch break at work so I'm starved when I get home I work at UPS World Port
Feb 24Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri thank you for the rating I hope you love everything! I've also added lots more it's to my closet and hope to ship you lots more in the future! 😊
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney I just checked your closet and yes in a few weeks I will be ordering more from you I already see about 20 items I love so hopefully some will still be there I love what I got today and can't wait to wear all of them
Feb 25Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri I'm so happy you love all your new items! I also do holds on items also.
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney I appreciate that but everyone should have a chance to buy your adorable things and I know I will always find great stuff for myself but thanks for letting me know that also I am definately into anything hippie dragons skulls peace signs and beads so if I see anything like that in your closet I will jump on it lol
Feb 25Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri ok I will be posting a Hot Topic sweater later today you most likely will love! I can tag you in it when I post it.
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney sounds great I adore hot topics I love my pants with the buckles and chains and my Kool platform patent shoes thanks for thinking of me Can't wait to see it
Feb 25Reply
rosebro8 @shawneebri Happy Poshing 😊🌹💝
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri Hey girl was wondering if you shipped yet so I can be watching for them
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girl was wondering if you shipped them yet so I can watch for them
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri @rosebro8 thanks I'll probably be ordering soon I saw a few things that caught my eye
Feb 25Reply
rosebro8 @shawneebri Ok Hon Happy Poshing 😊🌹🌹😘
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri Sarisaley hey girl just wondering if you shipped yet so I can watch for them thanks
Feb 25Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I took em and they weighed too much still! So I'm trying to figure out what I should do!?
Feb 25Reply
shawneebri @dez33 how much more was it? If not over $20 chg it to me and when they come I'll pay the x-tra would that help? Could you possibly make 3 bundles and I'll pay the x-tra? I'm so sorry to cause problems It would probably be easiest to make a 3rd bundle and I'll pay the ship chg
Feb 25Reply
dez33 @shawneebri o no girl ur fine I'm more than happy to make a bundle for ya! Just never made one that weighed this much! But ya that would work to make a third bundle cause it was bout 3 lbs more! Is there anything else u would like for my closet? And I can include it since I will have to charge ya something on the listing if not I will try and do the listing for $1 plus shipping
Feb 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 not right at this time girlfriend but I don't mind the x-tra chg That's fine I will be getting a bunch more from you in a few weeks though I promise cuz you like the same things I like so we're Kool Can't wait to get this load
Feb 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I just made the listing but the least the listing can be for is $3! So let me know if there is something else u saw that I could include for u! Will go home tonight and split stuff into 3 boxes for ya and drop off tomorrow so it will go out Monday!
Feb 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 that's fine girlie I m not worried about that but do I need to go back and purchase the 3rd bundle?
Feb 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yes please
Feb 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Done Thanks Are you shipping them tomorrow I can't wait
Feb 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm dropping em off at post office today! Should be shipped out tomorrow! I included some extra goodies that I think u will like!
Feb 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girl just wanted to let u know I did drop the boxes of last night! 😊
Feb 27Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I'm so glad but they haven't been shipped yet I guess cuz it still says in process
Feb 27Reply
shawneebri To Sarisaley have you shipped them yet just wondering cuz it still says in process
Feb 27Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney hey girlie I can't find the hot topic sweater but I'll keep looking I wanted to tell you one of the leggings got mixed up I ordered the one Lularoe leggings with the snakes but got the pair with the b I x of chocolates so I was wondering are the snake ones still available and if so I will order them Thanks if you have the sweater listed I'll order b it with the snake leggings is that kool?
Feb 28Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri hey I've been out of town but I'm going to be posting the Hot Topic sweater tomorrow and I never had a pair of LuLaRoe snake leggings.
Feb 28Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney so sorry I went back and looked at them and you are right it isn't snakes so that's Kool I was looking at them wrong I had a stroke in my left eye last year from an allergic reaction to an expirimental drug used on my tooth surgery and I don't see real good out of it yet so sometimes things look like something else so we're Kool again sorry bout that
Feb 28Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri oh my gosh I'm so sorry but I will be posting the Hot Topic sweater along with a few more pair of leggings tomorrow. I'll tag you in the listings.
Feb 28Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney I will be checking them out after work thanks so much
Feb 28Reply
shawneebri To Sarisaley can you please ship the pants I've got a place I would like to wear them coming up thanks kiddo
Feb 28Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri ok I just got all the leggings posted.
Feb 28Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney Great I will check them out I will be ordering some more in a few days
Feb 28Reply
shawneebri To Sarisaley pleaseeeee ship my pants they're calling my name lol
Mar 01Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney haven't been able to find the hot topic sweater yet so just wondering if you had a chance to post it
Mar 04Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri I just posted it. It should be the first listing in my closet.
Mar 04Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney thanks I m going to check it out Love my stuff wearing it all can't wait to get another bundle in a couple of weeks
Mar 04Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri ok and I'm so happy you love all your things!
Mar 04Reply
dez33 @shawneebri did u like everything? I just added a pair of cheetah bell bottoms I thought u might like
Mar 05Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I absolutely love everything and I will look for the bellbottoms for sure In a couple of weeks I will probably be getting another bundle and if t h e bells are still there I will include them for sure
Mar 05Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl wanted to let u know I added some more stuff u might like! More Lularoe leggings and others! And I have someone asking bout those cheetah bell bottoms! I wanna give u first dibs on the stuff so check out my closet and let me know if u want me to hold anything for ya!
Mar 09Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Girlie I have compiled a list including the pants but can't get stuff till the 24rth of this month cuz that's when my big check will be in the bank I use my UPS checks to pay my bills groceries My new list comes to now don't pass out $300 so I may make a few offers and will definately have to bundle right?
Mar 10Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yeah we will definitely do a bundle. And that's fine that u have to wait till the 24. Go thru my closet and hit like on everything u want and I will mark it not for sale since I'm holding it for u. And when ur ready to purchase we will discuss a price and make the bundle. I will give ya a good deal!
Mar 10Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I would do that right now but I'm not sure what to hit Should I do the make offer button and then you can go from there?
Mar 10Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hit on the listing and scroll down and right above where u make comments there will be a spot that says like comment share hit the heart right by the word like
Mar 10Reply
shawneebri @dez33 all done girly my finger is wore out lol Let me know what you think
Mar 10Reply
dez33 @shawneebri unfortunately few of the items u marked r sold already! They say not for sale on listing. The cuff the hello kitty tank and the vs pink silver sweats r gone sorry!! But the rest is urs!! I mark them not for sale when they have been sold in a bundle.
Mar 10Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Oops sorry I didn't really notice that but you only marked a couple of things I picked not for sale
Mar 10Reply
dez33 @shawneebri finishing marking now 😊
Mar 10Reply
dez33 @shawneebri all marked!!
Mar 10Reply
shawneebri @dez33 thanks I will be getting them on the 24th of this month for sure so when you get it totalled let me know please thanks so much girlie By the way the bead necklace is a headband and I got lots of compliments on how cute it was I don't much wear necklaces cuz I use them for hippie headbands which I wear almost everyday I'm an original flower child from Juneau Alaska where I was born and I love anything hippie still wear elephant bells and beads
Mar 10Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri thank you for all the likes. 😊
Mar 14Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney you're welcome and I plan on getting some or all in about a week and a half
Mar 15Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri ok great sounds good and I'll also give you a bundle deal.
Mar 15Reply
shawneebri @victoriamahaney sounds like a plan but you don't have to save anything cuz I like your closet and will find more I'm sure thanks girlie
Mar 15Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl unfortunately I must have donated the cream heart skull long sleeve, the cream long sleeve top that says hard as nails, and the cream beanie! Sorry girl! If stuff doesn't sell or get many likes for awhile I will donate it! And I must have forgot to delete those listings! But I got the rest already set aside for u! And I wanted to let u know I'm actually adding a few new things as we speak so keep eye on closet! Just listed some more Leggings!
Mar 16Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey I'm gonna be listing some more stuff today and through the weekend probably so keep an eye out and let me know if u want me to hold some others for ya! There will be some stuff I think u will really like! Tie die for us hippies and at least one skull shirt I think u will love!
Mar 16Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I will definately be looking and yes I'll want the skull top and probably lots of others so be kind to my budget lol
Mar 16Reply
shawneebri @dez33 also I'll put like on the other things I want kool with you girlie?
Mar 16Reply
dez33 @shawneebri k sounds good and I will mark em not for sale! Took some pics of other stuff I will be adding just haven't had a chance yet! U got the message bout the stuff I donated
Mar 16Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I did and that's totally with me I understand and I'm sure I'll find plenty to get in their place lol
Mar 16Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm gonna mark the stuff u justed liked now! I thought u would like those star legging
Mar 16Reply
shawneebri @dez33 meant totally kool with me God I hate this phone
Mar 16Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl added 6 new shirts last night a couple tie die and skull one! Added more today
Mar 18Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie got them You better give me a good deal girlie cuz I'm buying half your closet Wednesday hehe lol.
Mar 18Reply
dez33 @shawneebri O you know I will and u always get some extra goodies! Already have some extras picked out for u that aren't listed! But unfortunately the gray hello kitty tunic was already sold! Make sure u look at bottom to see if it says not for sale girl!😁 I'm listing some vs pink stuff today and a pair of Lularoe donut leggings that r absolutely adorable!!! But they r size tween which is smaller than the others! And they will be a little costly cause they r very rare unicorn
Mar 18Reply
dez33 Everything u marked i have already saved for ya! Just listed the donut leggings! Not sure if u can wear that size but I think u said ur pretty petite if I remember correctly
Mar 18Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Yes I'm very petite almost 5' and 100lb but I like some things big like tops sweatpants I really love that VS gray and pink set but $75 is about the most I could pay for it cuz I'm also helping my daughter pay her taxes she owes so that's a bit steep bummer cuz it's adorable
Mar 18Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yeah those tween should fit u great! Aren't they adorable? So I might lower the vs pink set just for u! But I have 2 more sets I'm listing today also
Mar 18Reply
shawneebri @dez33 kool I'll be watching for them tonight and I really appreciate you would maybe lower the price a it for me
Mar 18Reply
shawneebri @dez33 didn't see the two sweatsuits yet so will look again Sunday after work cuz I work Sunday thru Thursday at UPS By the way girlie if you didn't sell that brown Harajuku lovers shirt I definately want it I see its still listed but has sold on it so wasn't sure Thanks girley
Mar 19Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I just listed one more set but I decided to wait on other cause I don't know if I wanna part wit it
Mar 19Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I can understand that totally what about the shirt I mentioned Is it still available? Cuz if it is I would like that for sure
Mar 19Reply
dez33 @shawneebri it's gone sorry
Mar 19Reply
dez33 So u want either vs set?
Mar 19Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Yes I do prefer the first one but can't really afford it and I don't want you to lose money on it cuz you have been good to me
Mar 19Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie Zim ready to order my stuff so bundle it up please and please be kind when your done I'll get them thanks girlie
Mar 22Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie please bundle up my stuff cuz I'm ready to purchase them let me know when you are ready Please be kind cuz there's a lot but be fair to yourself
Mar 23Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl sorry haven't been feeling well will get it together this weekend
Mar 24Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlfriend so sorry not trying to hurry you sure hope it passes quickly This creepy weather pattern is making everyone sick with something Take care of yourself arch you soon I'll be watching for you
Mar 24Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Oops meant catch not arch freaky phone puts in its own words swear it's haunted
Mar 24Reply
shawneebri @dez33 just wanted to let you know I will be paying with a different credit card with a different address but I need you to mail it to the one you have been using at concord dr. Louisville 40217 If you don't remember it's 2437 Thanks sweetie
Mar 24Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm gonna get it together tomorrow for ya!
Mar 25Reply
shawneebri @dez33 great Don't forget now I'm using a different card with a different address but please send it to the same address you have been using It's my daughters card and address that I put in because she wants me to use it so it won't go unused cuz she doesn't use it so that's what I'm doing lol
Mar 25Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl wanted to let ya know I didn't forget ya! I'm still at work been here all day so I will get it together on here for ya to purchase tomorrow! I already have most of it boxed together for ya!
Mar 27Reply
shawneebri @dez33 no problem I'm ready when you are
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girl working on bundle now! Total with all the prices listed in the listings for 32 items is $546! I will drop $61 off for ya! How's that sound? So it would be $485!
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri let me know what ya think!? And if u do want that vs pink set with sequins I will give it too ya for $75! So let me know and I will make some listings!
Mar 27Reply
dez33 Hey girl let me know if that sounds good or why ur thinking
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl let me know if price sounds good or what ur thinking? I couldn't lower most the leggings a lot cause I would be losing to much $ after all the fees come out
Mar 27Reply
shawneebri @dez33 sounds fine kiddo What did you put it under so I can purchase it I'll wait on the one VS set for a couple of weeks
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri haven't done it yet wanted to make sure price was good! I just added an adorable crop hello kitty top check it out real quick I think u will love it
Mar 27Reply
dez33 If u do want it I will do 10 for ya not the 15 listed
Mar 27Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Yep I want it Yell when your done If you can't finish it till tomorrow that's okay I know they're not going anywhere lol
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri it's all urs! I love that top hate to part wit it but I have so much stuff that I haven't worn or it's been worn once! I have a real big shopping problem its my stress reliever! Haha! I will be home in bout 20 mins gonna take pics of it all so u can see it all and make sure nothing is missing and make listings! There will be 3 listings like before!
Mar 27Reply
dez33 All the pics will be in one of the listings so just take a glance and the amount will be split up in the 3 listing
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl I'm getting ready to make listings but I didn't take pics! Is that ok? I already have stuff boxed up! But in one of the boxes I'm gonna include a handwritten receipt so u know for sure what all u bought and prices and such! And I included some extra goodies!
Mar 27Reply
dez33 Total with new hello kitty top is 495$ plus whatever the shipping is
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl bundles up! Make sure purchase all 3 of them! Thanks!
Mar 27Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Done girlie All paid for Can't wait!!!
Mar 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri k finishing boxing up now! Send out tomorrow! Did u see what I wrote bout the handwritten receipt is that cool!?
Mar 28Reply
shawneebri @dez33 No girlie I didn't see it where is it?
Mar 28Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I didn't take pics cause I already have a lot packed up so in one of the boxes I'm handwriting a receipt showing everything u bought and prices and such! So u know everything and so nothing gets forgot
Mar 28Reply
shawneebri @dez33 okay koolness chickadee You're awesomesauce thanks so much
Mar 28Reply
dez33 @shawneebri no problem! All. Iced to go tomorrow! 😁
Mar 28Reply
pippacoco @shawneebri Hi Kathy, thank you for all of your offers! I just wanted to let you know that I could bundle all of the items together for you instead so that you could save money and have all of the items shipped together. I did the calculations and if you were to purchase the items with your offers, the total would come to $115.95 including shipping and would be in separate packages.
Mar 29Reply
pippacoco @shawneebri If I were to make a bundle for you though, I would take off 10% which would subtract $9.50 from the total bringing it to $91.99 with shipping. Please let me know if you would like me to create a bundle of the items for you instead!
Mar 29Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl that stuff got to u fast!! Hope ur happy with it all!! And let me know if ya liked ur extra goodies!!
Mar 29Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I'm in love with all of it but I still have one box I haven't got yet so hopefully tomorrow cuz it must have all the goodies in it Girl you are awesome and I will get more from you at least once a month if not more I'm gonna be sad when you don't have any more stuff lol
Mar 29Reply
shawneebri @pippacoco I definately want everything but I ordered to much in one day so I have to wait a couple of days to order more Should be able to Friday after work so I'll check to see if you still have it all and do it then So sorry forgot about that safety part of my card It's for my protection
Mar 29Reply
pippacoco @shawneebri ok no problem! Just let me know when you want to order on Friday and I will create a bundle of the items for you!
Mar 29Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm glad u like it all!! Do u want me to hold that vs pink set for u? And I listed a pair new Lularoe leggings in animal print! They r a little pricey cause of being a rare print but I thought u would probably like em! Check em out and let me know so I can hold em for ya! And it's fine even if u aren't gonna be purchasing for a bit! I want u to have first dibs for being such a great customer and having great taste! Haha!
Mar 29Reply
dez33 Hey girl looks like u got the other package today! Let me know how ya feel bout the extra goodies! 😊
Mar 30Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl whatcha think? U happy with it all? Hope ya liked the extras I picked!
Mar 30Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I'm in love with it all Can't wait to get a battery for my watch The only thing I didn't get was the VS sweatsuits not the expensive one it's the second one you posted I must have forgot to like it but that's okay cuz I'll be bundling more stuff on the 28th of April I will get it then if it's not sold Thanks so much girly You are awesome to buy from I'll be sad when your closet is empty lol
Mar 30Reply
dez33 @shawneebri glad to hear u love it all!! Sorry I misunderstood bout the vs sets! My bad! I'm gonna mark the 2nd vs set ur talking bout not for sale to hold it for ya! I know that u won't be buying till next month but that's completely fine! U r a loyal customer and seem like a cool ass chic with definitely good taste haha! I just added a few things check em out! Whenever u look through my closet and see something u want just tell me and it will be held for u till whenever u can purchase!😊
Mar 30Reply
i_want_crazy Let me know if you'd like to make a bundle 💕
Mar 31Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl u wanting me to hold all of ur likes? And I will be adding some more purses tonight once off work and I know u will want a few of them there r a couple of hobo hippie bags
Apr 01Reply
shawneebri @dez33 if you don't mind doing that I would appreciate it I'll check on the hobo bags for sure
Apr 01Reply
shawneebri @i_want_crazy I'm going to be making a bundle of your things by the 26th of this month I hope you still have them but I'll definately be bundling then
Apr 01Reply
i_want_crazy Sounds great 👍🏻 let me know before you are ready to purchase and I'll give you an extra discount 😉❤
Apr 01Reply
dez33 @shawneebri gonna mark everything today not for sale for ya to hold
Apr 01Reply
shawneebri @dez33 thanks so much I marked the hobo hippie bag but only saw the o n e I'll watch for the other one and mark it when I see it
Apr 01Reply
kikida @shawneebri thanks for the follow!! 😊♥️
Apr 01Reply
sarah_taylor thanks for all the likes!!! if you're interested start a bundle and i'll give you 15% off your purchase!!!
Apr 01Reply
dez33 @shawneebri just listed it it has owls on it! So cut but I'm firm on the price of this!
Apr 01Reply
dez33 Meant so cute
Apr 01Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm marking all the stuff not for sale now! And just so u know the inseam is 34 inch on the patchwork lucky jeans just wanted to let u know cause I'm pretty sure u said ur short! Let me know if u still want em
Apr 01Reply
foxychica21 @shawneebri Hello 👋. I see that your interested in Dsquared jeans :-) ? If your interested I have some in my closet, just let me know ^_^. Have a great day bye!
Apr 02Reply
shawneebri @dez33 If they are still available by the 26th of this month I definately am getting them I would like to get the two hello kitty purses Wednesday if you would consider letting me have them for $27 bundled of course but if not no problem I'll just get one for wed.
Apr 02Reply
dez33 @shawneebri remember girl I'm holding everything u want!! I'm getting ready to mark the rest of the stuff u liked not for Checking!
Apr 03Reply
dez33 @shawneebri meant to say I'm marking the stuff not for sale! And I will include the patchwork jeans! And that's is fine with me for u to purchase the 2 hello kitty ones on weds for 27
Apr 03Reply
shawneebri @dez33 kool chickadee and I'm going to get a few things Friday also to help you out cuz you are so good to me if you ever have anything with dragons and wizards they're mine lol
Apr 03Reply
dez33 @shawneebri o u don't gotta get me anything girl! I marked all the stuff u liked not for sale make sure I didn't miss anything! And I already made a listing for ur purses!
Apr 03Reply
shawneebri @dez33 You're awesome girlie you got it all I'll have the purses Wednesday and am going to bundle a few things Friday but I have to see how much I have x-tra cuz I work different hours at UPS sm. sort so my pay is different each week but my big check always goes in the 4th wed. of every month so that's my splurge week lol
Apr 03Reply
moxington Is Shawneebri two names together? I only ask because I've never met another Shawnee🙃
Apr 05Reply
dez33 @shawneebri dropping purses off today! Adding some leggings now!
Apr 09Reply
dez33 @shawneebri u want me to hold just the cat pair any others?
Apr 09Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl holding the cat leggings for ya! Did check out the others yet? Added some pizza leggings that r so cute and they r a rare pair
Apr 10Reply
theprincessc Thanks for liking my closet! I accept all reasonable offers & love to discount bundles. Please let me know if you have any questions! ❤❤❤ Also, I love your kitty!
Apr 12Reply
disney_dearie Hi there! Come check out the VS Pink merch in my closet sometime! I have a pink VS bralette that may be of interest to you and am willing to negotiate on price!
Apr 14Reply
thefoulmouth hey love!! i saw you liked a few of my listings and thought id let you know that i have a bundle sale that ends tonight for 15% off all bundles so if you were looking to buy some new things now is the time!! i can ship today or tomorrow too!! :)
Apr 17Reply
thefoulmouth i could even create the bundle for ya just tell me the items you would want and i can do it for you and add the discount!! :) let me know thanks!
Apr 17Reply
maralisa Sorry about the declined offer. I was at a charity event last night and the dress sold on Vinted while I was there. Feel free to make an offer on something else though. :)
Apr 20Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girlie added some more leggings if ya wanna check em out! And I still have all ur stuff held for ya
Apr 21Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie I did and I got the skull leggings now and I want the hippie jeans but I have to see if I have enough after bills I also have to have that grateful dead tee cuz I saw them in concert so much we are going to have to work on this I made some small offers but will have to put them under comment as they are marked not for sale
Apr 21Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I will get those skull leggings in mail today! And I will hold the rest for ya! When ya think u will be ready to purchase ur bundle? Just wondering 😊
Apr 21Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I marked all the stuff u just liked not for sale to hold! Will get skull leggings out today! And I'm getting ready right now to head out to doctor shortly so later on I will look at the stuff that u wrote offers on
Apr 21Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I added all of it up and even with the offers which I'll add today it comes to $628 and more now with what I added Wednesday I can bundle up to $400 but may have to see if you can bundle stuff for two weeks after Sure hope we can figure something out cuz I went crazy on your stuff cuz I love so much of it Let me know what you are willing to do Thanks so much girlie
Apr 21Reply
poshfizzclink @shawneebri thanks for shopping my closet!!! Come back and I will give you 20% off! I live in Louisville too! Such a small world :)
Apr 21Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie I added the rose leggings luv em!! All offers are in the comment section Thanks girlfriend I'm just trying to be careful cuz my boyfriend got fired last year and still not working so I'm paying all the bills and he's bitching at my spending bummer huh Please do what you can cuz I love it all I gave a couple of options
Apr 21Reply
thwelshbohemian @shawneebri Hey girl thanks for all the likes 😁 If you decide to shop I give a 15% discount. You can just bundle your items and offer 15% less. Have a great day ✌🌈😘
Apr 22Reply
lilrocker77 @shawneebri Hey! Was attempting to save you some shipping by sending out all of the tees in one shot and just realized I left out the red grail. Will get it out to you first thing tomorrow. So sorry for the delay
Apr 23Reply
tavoosfashion Welcome to poshmark!☺I am Shirin & I am a poshmark suggested user. I wish u much success🌷I hope u have fun posting & shopping. 👗If u have any questions or would simply like for me to share few items to my large audience and followers to see while getting started feel free to ask🐣U are also welcome to check out my closet🍹@tavoosfashion
Apr 24Reply
saggiegirl Much love💕
Apr 24Reply
shortyluv28 Hi, @shawneebri ! Thanks for visiting my closet. Let me know if you have any questions 😊💖
Apr 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girlie working on ur stuff today! U still wanting to purchase soon?
Apr 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie yes but I have a slight problem I added it all and even if you accept the offers its totalling $759 yikes my boy friend will kill me soooo I want to make a $448 bundle for now and if I can divide the $311in 4 $75 bundles to be paid each wk that I can unless you can make a great deal for me
Apr 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 if you agree I'll let you know what I want in the first bigggggg bundle
Apr 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey sweetie I wrote you the list under the rose legging comment Please see what you can do zi still want the other stuff but may have to wait a couple more weeks if you can
Apr 28Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I was actually just getting ready to go thru and look at all ur offers and figure it all out all the prices and such! But that's fine wit me to do this bundle and then ur other stuff in a couple weeks! I will look at the rose leggings and see what all u want in this bundle and then I will add up all the other stuff and figured out exactly what ya wanna do 😊
Apr 28Reply
shawneebri @dez33 thanks so much girlie Yikes it's a LOT!!!! But I love it all I can't believe how much My boyfriend hasn't worked since last year so he's like are you kidding ?and I said excuse me it's my money that I work my ASS off for but I do have to pay the bills By the way I'm looking for a cute hippie pr of short coveralls sz 2 or 4 Know of any? Bluejean of course
Apr 28Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I'm so sorry to say this but my boyfriend used my card to pay his ills since he's not working and left me very little I won't be able to get my stuff till the 24rth of May so I guess you can put them back for sale and zill hope some will still be there by then I really want the Lucky Brand Hippie jeans though if you can wait a week I'm so sorry and it won't happen again cuz I'm keeping my card with me from now on
Apr 28Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yeah that sucks I really needed the $! Yeah I'm gonna list everything for sale
Apr 28Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie I will be making a bundle for the month of May Hopefully the hippie jeans and owl purse will still be there So sorry I can't believe he did that I was so ready to get my stuff but I will be a lot from your closet cuz it's my fave one to shop so please don't be mad at me cuz it won't happen again I'm keeping my card with me st all times
May 01Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri hey girl thank for the likes if you have any questions about any of the items just let me know.
May 02Reply
dez33 @shawneebri it's ok things happen girl I'm not mad!
May 02Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I'm so glad cuz I really want everything so I'm hoping that some of it will be available on the 26th of this month but Friday I'm getting the cute hippie jeans and the cat leggings I will continue to get as much as I can of your goodies cuz I love them and you're my fave posher
May 02Reply
alwaysjewelz Hey hun thanks for all the likes :) I can give you a great deal if you like to purchase some or all your likes. Let me know. Thanks 🙏🏼
May 03Reply
rites_closet Thanks for visiting my closet, I see you've like a few pieces, for the two I could sell for 35 if you submit an offer, thanks and happy poshing
May 03Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl putting the hippie pants and cat leggings on hold for ya let me know and I will bundle for ya
May 05Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girly I'm getting them in the morning but I was going to offer $10 for kitty cat leggings and &25 for jeans cuz with ship and handle its $41.49 Is that look with you?
May 05Reply
shawneebri @dez33 oops meant kool not look sorry
May 05Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yep works for me! Do u still really want the owl bag? I was asking 40 but if u really want it I will give it to ya for 30
May 05Reply
shawneebri @dez33 yep sure do but was going to get it along with the Grateful Dead tee next Friday if okay with you and can I hit it for $25 with $30 for bag ? Will that work for you ? On the 24rth I will make a nice bundle for you Thanks so very much You're awesome
May 05Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yep that works also I will hold the tee and bag also will make listing for the legging and jeans in just a few so u can just purchase tomorrow!
May 05Reply
dez33 Listing is up for ya girl! 😘
May 05Reply
1luck @shawneebri Hi Kathy. Thanks for all the likes and shares in my closet. Feel free to do a bundle and make offers. I also give 10% on bundles. But I also except offers too. Thanks please check things out again. I also try and give a gift with purchase. I have a 5 star rating and ship less than one day. 😘❤️
May 07Reply
georginawalker @shawneebri Hi Kathy💝Thank you soooo much for all the likes and shares and for visiting my closet🙏🏻💞🙏🏻💞🙏🏻Let me know if you have any questions. Also I love your kitty😸We have a yellow tabby that looks a lot like yours!!! And he is huge too😍
May 14Reply
destinym162 Hi! I'll accept an offer of $10 on the bundle of the red dress and the little girls tights that you liked if you're interested :)
May 16Reply
destinym162 Or feel free to make an offer on the bundle of all of the items that you liked lol. I'm just trying to clear out as much stuff as I can before school ends :)
May 16Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl how ya doing? Where ya been? Have added lots of new leggings and some others!
May 18Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girl Thanks for taking my offer and if you are still letting me have the owl bag for $30 I would like to bundle the two Thanks girlie I'll get more Friday
May 19Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I just cancelled the shirt and bundled it with the purse! Ready to go girl!
May 19Reply
bocaratongirl Thank you :)
May 21Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl u still planning on doing that big bundle around the 24?? Could really use the $ and more importantly it gets all the stuff out of my place!
May 22Reply
macycstyles Hey! Just letting you know all my items are 50% off! If you are still interested in my items, make offers that are half the price and I'll accept! ;)
May 23Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie I have $220 plus $6.49 sales ready that includes a few offers I will post the offers tomorrow after work and if you accept them I will bundle it all or let you do it Thanks girlie
May 24Reply
aribojorges Thanks for the like if you see anything that catches your eye I'd give you a great discount 💙
May 25Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl I'm accepting all ur offers I'm getting it all together today
May 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 great Can I go ahead and bundle it all now or are you going to ?
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri u can if u want r I can in just a bit
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I see u did the bundle but it's more cause the prices of ur offers wasn't included! So I can cancel this and redo it or is there anything else u want and I can include it
May 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 okay girlie I bundled it all but you will have to knock off the offer discount cuz I didn't know how to do that I have it coming to &226.49 with the offers Thanks girlie
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I can't take it off now that u purchased it!
May 26Reply
dez33 I can cancel ur order and we can redo it!? Or is there something else u wanted?
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey I can't take the discount off after u purchased it! I can cancel and we redo it or I can add something else u would like!? Let me know
May 26Reply
shawneebri @dez33 So sorry I should have let you do it You can cancel and redo if it's not a problem please then I'll repurchase Thanks girlie again so sorry
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I'm gonna cancel it and just make listings like before! Unfortunately I'm gonna have to make 2 of em cause of the weight for shipping is that cool?
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri ok it's cancelled and I made 2 listings for u make sure u purchase both! Weight is too much for one box!
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri did u see the message that I had to do 2 listings!? I wish I could have only done one bit too much weight!
May 26Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey u gonna purchase the other bundle also?
May 27Reply
poshlounge Hi Kathy, I'm so embarrassed because I haven't mailed your jeans yet. I promise to mail them tomorrow morning. Full disclosure, I ordered a label printer, then when it came in I couldn't find your dang jeans! I have your jeans in hand and ready to mail tomorrow morning. please forgive me for being so late with shipping. I'll include some extras to make up for it. emoji smiley face.
May 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey let me know what's going on!?
May 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl I need u to purchase that other bundle or let me know what's up
May 28Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I tried to but apparently my account got hacked I called the bank and they put a stop on my card and are reissuing me a new one and going to try and get my money back but she said it will be between 5and 7 days to get the money back and my new card so I am going to borrow the money to get it She said to watch what I sign up for as people are getting a lot from ordering on line I will get it as soon as the money is in I promise
May 28Reply
dez33 @shawneebri sorry to hear that girl! Do u want me to go ahead and send half of it out?
May 28Reply
shawneebri Yes please ship the bundle that's paid and as soon as the bank gets me straightened out I'm getting the second bundle
May 29Reply
dez33 @shawneebri ok sounds good! Anything certain u want in this bundle?
May 29Reply
dez33 @shawneebri If I don't hear from u soon I will just pick the stuff!😁
May 30Reply
shawneebri @dez33 you can put what you want in the first bundle and I borrowed the rest from my bro but he has to mail it to me so as soon as it comes I'm paying for the other one The bank should be getting my money back soon and my new card Hope it doesn't get hacked My boyfriend had his hacked 3times
May 30Reply
dez33 @shawneebri ok sounds good! Thanks
May 30Reply
lisalania Your cat is a big boy like my James. Got to love them!
Jun 02Reply
lisalania Thanks for all your likes. If i can help you with anything let me know! Happy poshing!
Jun 02Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl r u still purchasing the other bundle?
Jun 07Reply
dez33 @shawneebri I need to know if I don't here back today I'm delisting all of the stuff!
Jun 07Reply
shawneebri @dez33 I really want the bundle but I'm still waiting on my new card Please give me to Friday if possible but if you can't I'll just make a new bundle as soon as my new card arrives and hopefully they will replace all my money So sorry
Jun 07Reply
shawneebri @dez33 yay my money will be available tomorrow so yes I will get that bundle Hope you still have it ready Thanks for your patience with me I'm going to get one other thing to make up for it
Jun 08Reply
dez33 @shawneebri yep I still have the rest of it ready for ya! What else u wanna add? I will go ahead and add it to the bundle listing price and to the box so it's all ready for shipping!
Jun 08Reply
shawneebri @dez33 The workout leggings for $25 and the free people flare jeans for $25 thank you
Jun 08Reply
dez33 @shawneebri alright girlie they r added to ur bundle listing and I'm adding to the box of stuff as we speak! I took $10 off cause I can't find those sunglasses U wanted they r MIA!! The total is $150 now. So bundle is ready to purchase!
Jun 09Reply
shawneebri @dez33 Okie dokie will be purchasing tomorrow Thanks girlie
Jun 09Reply
wbspenguins Hi Kathy! Thanks so much for the like on some items in my closet. Always open to offers and have discounts on bundles and percentage usually goes up with multiple items! 😀😀 thanks for visiting my closet, hope you have a great night 😀
Jun 09Reply
shelpen Come by and see me!! 🌞🌞
Jun 10Reply
shelpen Hi I'm Sondra. I had been on hold with the airline for 30 minutes to no avail when I sent you that short message a minute ago. I would love for you to visit my closet. I have purchased over 500 pieces of beautiful beautiful items from posh sellers to resell on my website. Fabulous discount deals. Hope to see you there.
Jun 10Reply
callielives Welcome to Poshmark 🍾🥂 Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽😘❤️ Feel free to make offers. Or just take 20% off on bundles of 4. I'm always willing to give $7 Off for free shipping on single items over $35 or negotiating in some way to help my clients out. 😉
Jun 13Reply
ses54 @shawneebri Hi Kathy! Thank you for your purchase of the Ed Hardy jeans! I think you will love these! They are so cute! I have a lot more of Ed Hardy items I'm going to be listing soon, purse, Jewel embellished hoodie, shirt etc so if you would like me to tag you when I list them just let me know & I'm shipping your jeans tomorrow.
Jun 16Reply
ses54 @shawneebri Sometimes it takes a while for tracking to be updated, especially on the weekend but you will get a notification when it does. Have a good eve & btw we live pretty close! I'm from Cape Girardeau, Mo! 👍 Ttys 💕. 💫Sherry💫
Jun 16Reply
ses54 @shawneebri Oh I forgot to tell you I love your big fur-ball! 😻😸
Jun 16Reply
ses54 @shawneebri Your EH jeans have been shipped & tracking should be available shortly.? Thank you again
Jun 17Reply
ses54 @shawneebri Hey there! I'm tagging you in a shirt that you might like. It's on clearance also. Glitter skull 💀 shirt! 👍💀
Jun 21Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl when could u purchase the leggings? I have them posted elsewhere also just so ya know if ya wanna snatch em up!
Jun 22Reply
shawneebri @dez33 next Friday for sure if you still have them available
Jun 22Reply
grinandwearit Thank You soooooo much for all the shares and likes! How very nice of you! ❤️🤗💝
Jun 27Reply
grinandwearit Oh My Goodness! Thank You for all the shares! 💝👍😁🤗
Jun 27Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl I added some more leggings! And a few others!
Jul 03Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl I just added a bunch more leggings!! And my sale of the paint splatter fell through so they r relisted
Jul 05Reply
shawneebri @dez33 hey girlie Oll mark like but right now I'm low on funds so don't hold any thing yet cuz it will be a couple of weeks before I can get anything so I'll have them listed in my likes section and if they are still there when I have some spare cash I'll get them Thanks girlie
Jul 06Reply
stanleycl1 Good morning Kathy. I noticed you liked multiple items that I have listed. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 😂
Jul 11Reply
stanleycl1 That was supposed to be a 😃 not 😂. My fingers don't work sometimes. 😉
Jul 11Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl have added lots of new stuff I know u would love!
Jul 19Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl when u think ur gonna make a purchase
Jul 20Reply
ses54 Hi Kathy! I recently listed another pair of Ed Hardy jeans & shirt so I'm letting you know per your request. 👍😊
Jul 20Reply
krickette27 @shawneebri thank you so much for your purchase... since you bought several items, I will send you the "property of my dog" tee for free, or if you would like, you may choose another item!! Thanks So much for shopping my closet and I will ship your items out tomorrow!!
Jul 27Reply
des9019 Omg!! What a gorgeous kittie you have there!! 😻😻
Jul 31Reply
stanleycl1 I accept all reasonable offers. 😍
Aug 08Reply
leila1982 Welcome to Poshmark please let me know if you have any questions always happy to help. ☺️
Aug 10Reply
dez33 Hey girl just added some leggings and some other things I think u would like!!!
Aug 16Reply
dez33 @shawneebri Hey girl did u wanna purchase anything soon!?
Aug 17Reply
shawneebri @dez33 yes sweetie I'm going to purchase a few things next Friday not sure which ones yet cuz have to see how much x-tra I will have
Aug 17Reply
luscious224u Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes! If you're interested in purchasing any of the items please bundle and I will send you a private offer. I also offer 5-15% off when 3 or more items are bundled.
Sep 05Reply
tme2557 @shawneebri hi Kathy! I sent you a private discount on the denim skirt you had liked in my closet. If you want me to bundle the skirt and jeans let me know. But don't accept the offer until I list both items a bundle to save shipping costs. ❤️
Sep 29Reply
theaspyncompany 🎉Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet! All orders always receive discount and a free gift!❤️
Sep 30Reply
theaspyncompany Thank you for your purchase! It will be shipped out on Monday❤️
Oct 01Reply
tough2sweet Hi!! Welcome to Posh!!💝💝💝
Oct 02Reply
namaste29 🤗❤️Thanks for the likes and shares!🤗❤️
Oct 02Reply
dez33 @shawneebri hey girl added some more leggings u will probably like! One is skulls!
Oct 03Reply
olivenbeauty Thanks for checking out my closet @shawneebri! Always accepting offers 😘😍❤️🌟👋🏻 happy fall!! 😘😘
Oct 17Reply
mynameismar Hi Kathy! I see that you liked a few things in my closet! I would love to make you an offer on a bundle!
Oct 19Reply
tauna66 Hi👋,welcome to Poshmark. Here are a few helpful tips to help sell your items faster. Remember to share and follow as many closets as possible. So we can share your items too. If you don't share you will limit yourself to only your followers. When I share your items all of my followers will see your items as well. ⚠️BEWARE!! FAKE POSHERS (SCAMMERS) requesting you to correspond with them by email, text or appmercarl. Always direct potential buyers to your offer tab. Your posh mentor Tauna
Oct 24Reply
desirableduds Love your kitty!! Orange and big are the best cats! I’ve had many!!
Oct 29Reply
candimaxwell Thank you for all the likes and that sure is an awesome looking cat!!!!
Nov 12Reply
13thfashions Nice to meet you Kathy 😊 Happy Poshing 🛍✨
Nov 12Reply
lulabean21 Hi, I'm Deanna! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 🤗 Please feel free to come visit and let me know if you have any questions at all! Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 15Reply
julina1516 Hey love 💜 thanks for your interest in my closet 🙂 i would be happy to answer any questions you have . I’m offering Buy 2 items get the 3rd half off , bundle discounts & accepting all reasonable offers . Happy Poshing 🎉
Nov 18Reply
skullee @shawneebri hi...thx for stopping by my closet & your interest...would you like to make an offer on the black leather ugg boots....I have a kitty too...she is white with 3 little black spots on her back with a little black mask around her eyes & nose....I never had a kitty before & she is a real yours like that too...
Nov 19Reply
threeferns Thanks for the likes, Kathy! Feel free to make an offer or bundle anything😸🌿
Dec 15Reply
wildtimefashion Hi - welcome to posh! I hope you’re having a great time and checking out all the fabulous closets! Please feel free to visit me anytime. I have a large selection - everything a woman wants! I am adding new items on a regular basis! If I can be of any assistance let me know and as always enjoy!
Dec 23Reply
brendapbradford If interested now is a great time to make a bundle. My prices are amazing in a bundle! You will be so glad you did! Closet clean out is now!
Dec 31Reply
mar112233 Hey Kathy! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of Free People, White House Black Market, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, J Crew, and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful and blessed 2018! 🎉🎊🎉 Meg
Jan 12Reply
rhen29 hi love welcome to postmark feel free to check out my closet happy poshing 😗💖💝💟
Jan 13Reply
spetrina Happy Poshing! You should check out my page, I have some stuff you might like 🌺
Jan 29Reply
crazysupercute Thank you!! 🌹☺so much for all of the likes. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I hope you have an awesome day!!💓✨💕
Jan 29Reply
thwelshbohemian Hi Kathy, thanks for stopping by. If you bundle the items you like, I'm happy to give you a great deal 🤗 I need to make space for new product ❤️🌈✌️
Feb 02Reply
jasmine_hart Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment, including lululemon, House of Harlow, free people, j crew, Nasty Gal, Victoria's Secret, kate Spade and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Feb 09Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry, either Vintage or New Unique One Of a Kind Handmade, please stop by and visit. If you are shopping or selling the best of luck to you......and Remember No Outfit is Complete Without Jewelry 💋
Feb 25Reply
aqua_lunax Hi hi I saw you liked some of my items! Feel free to make me an offer.💕 📦I WILL BE MOVING IN A FEW DAYS AND EVERYTHING MUST GO ASAP 📦💝I accept reasonable offers and if you bundle I will send you a 🍓PRIVATE OFFER🍓I post sales on my poshmark page all the time so keep an eye out for the BUY ONE GET ONE HALF OFF SALE💸 Thank you so much for stopping by! Happy poshing!!❤️
Apr 15Reply
victoriamahaney @shawneebri hey girl! I just thought I would let you know that I'm cleaning out all the Lularoe in my closet and thought of you. You've purchased a few bundles from me and I can give you an amazing deal. 😊
Apr 19Reply
rbsinger Hello Kathy! Thank you for visiting my closet. Let me know if you have any questions.
May 03Reply
rbsinger I see you liked several items. Let me know if you would like to bundle. Thanks
May 04Reply
tiffannidawn Goodmorning 😀Welcome 🙂Thanx for all of the likes. I’m really trying to downsize so if you bundle I will give you a great price
May 06Reply
magpiemill Hi Kathy! I saw you liked some of my listings! Feel free to bundle 3 or more for 20% off or ask any questions you may have! ❤️
May 10Reply
jules1717 ❤❤❤ the big orange cat!!! I had a giant sized orange tabby for 17 years, his name was Alex ☺
May 19Reply
rissylayne Welcome, good luck poshing!
Oct 23Reply
juliannerose13 I’ve noticed you’ve like some of my listings, put them into a bundle & we can negotiate a price. All items in my closet need to go!!
Nov 14Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving in two weeks and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, Michael Kors, Hanky Panky, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 26Reply
bydonnywu Cuteee! Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋
Dec 11Reply
emacmannis Hi! I would be over the moon if you took a second to check out my brand new closet! I have brands like VS Pink, Hollister, Lilly Pulitzer, Aerie, American Eagle, A&F, and more! I hope I have something that will catch your eye!😍🛍 I’m also having a bit of a sale on items like swim and shorts since it’s a shipping day for me!
Jul 10Reply
misscrabbypants Hi there, thank you for your purchase, I hope you like it. I added a couple jewelry pieces in the purchase to match. The peace sign necklace I bought specifically for that romper and never wore. Just took tag off. The bracelet, I think I wore one time an hour if that. Have a great day & thanks again 🦀😊
Jul 29Reply
ifthethriftfitz Hey there! I have a pair of Sperry Angelfish boat shoes that I think you might enjoy! Feel free to look around my closet as well; I love offers/giving discounts on bundles! Happy shopping💞
Aug 28Reply
ilovepink71991 Hi Babe! I invite you to come check out my closet -- I hope to posh with you soon .. have a great day XOXO Love KImmY
Feb 10Reply
anikatomlinson_ Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Loft, and Hollister! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Feb 21Reply
naturallybecca Hello there shopper! I hope you’re having the best time on this app. If you’re looking to make a purchase in the future, look no further! I am offering HUGE discounts off jewelry and brands including aerie, GAP, and many more! Deals include... ♡ 25% off bundles of 6+ items ♡ Items available FREE with a purchase ♡ All offers $4 and up accepted or reasonably countered I am a Poshmark Ambassador, so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your time on here more worthwhile ♡
Apr 26Reply
lattebill hi beautiful w the best Cat ever! cute! tysm 4 shopping my closet! super appreciated! your vtg 70's mod mini will ship out tom. 🌻🏝🦋♥️🌺😊💦happy Poshing & enjoy your evening! Tami💃
Jun 13Reply
lattebill hi again, just realized you had more offers from you, arggg, so sorry, if you bundle all you would like i will except all your kind offers & do a nice bundle. tysm 4 working w me on this. you picked some great items! chat soon. tysm again. Tami😊
Jun 13Reply
shawneebri @lattebill could you go ahead and bundle my offers for me cuz I’m not real good about doing it after I make offers Thank you for accepting my offers In a couple of weeks I will get another load from you Again thank you
Jun 13Reply
lattebill @shawneebri hi my dear! i put all the prices down to your offer or less even on a few too. i am unable to put them together but its all marked sold prices lowered & if you will put then in a bundle now real quick i will take off an additional 15% instantly. i will also try to pull off a free ship. tysm for all you patience but it will be worth it. just dont want anyone else to get em xo tysm❤💋
Jun 13Reply
lattebill Happy Saturday beautiful! your awesome bundle! i think you might have a bundle already! xoxo Tami thank you so much! 🌺♥️🦋🏝💃💋❤🌻🥳
Jun 13Reply
lattebill @shawneebri hi my dear, i am not sure if you are still interested in the bundle of dresses. please let me know and i will make you up a new bundle to buy! tysm Tami😊🌺🦋🥰❤🌼🏝
Jun 14Reply
lattebill hi doll..perfect. tysm, just hoping you are going to purchase them now?i just dont hold for longer than 24hrs. thanks for understanding 😊 i will have them in the mail in the morn! i will send you the bundle you of dresses & they have the prices we agreed on in the pix, put in a bundle few minutes! chat soon. 💃🌺Tami also i will include the Singapore vtg mug.
Jun 15Reply
shawneebri @lattebill yes but where is the bundle at to purchase cuz it’s not under my purchases?
Jun 15Reply
lattebill 💋just sent♥️
Jun 15Reply
lattebill Happy Day Kathy! Your bundle is in your cart ready to go! tysm Tami BTW your bundle has the 6 items I excepted your offers for. 1 vtg mug free
Jun 15Reply
lattebill happy eve beautiful! thank you so much for shopping my closet! means so much.🥳 I am going to start pkging up the pretty dresses now & they will go out 1st thing in the morn! i am also enjoying the vtg Singapore mug as my gift to you! rest well & thank you again! Tami👗👗🎯🥿🥿🎯👘👙🌼🦋😊🌺🍻❤❤
Jun 16Reply
trulycorie Thank you for so many likes in my closet. please feel free to add the ones you like to a bundle and I'll send you and offer of a reduced price. Thanks again for looking in my closet. Have a great night. @trulycorie
Jun 17Reply
anusha617 Hi Kathy! Saw you liked a bunch of my items 😁😁. Please, add what you are interested to your bundle and I will send you an offer 😉
Jun 22Reply
alwayschique Thanks for visiting my page and for all the likes. I just wanted to let you know that I am currently offering Buy 2 Get 1 free. Enjoy the rest of your night. Carolyn
Jun 24Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Kathy on liking shorts listing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Open offers as be great send your house to love 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jun 29Reply
sarahwillis1 hi! if you have time I would love for you to check out my closet! I hope you have a great day🙂
Jul 09Reply
flowerchic244 Thank you for your purchase and for liking so many things in my closet. Feel free to create a bundle and I will give you a discount! Have a great night!
Aug 04Reply
maryznak Hello) How are you? I would like to invite you to visit my wardrobe) May be you will find there something interesting) Thank you! Hope to hear you soon 😉
Aug 16Reply
mariposamc Hi!! I’m selling lots of ADORABLE & RARE Brandy Melville pieces that I think will totally fit your style! I’d love it if you could check out my closet & hopefully you’ll find something you love 💖💖 I’m open to any offers! Have an amazing day 🦋✨
Aug 19Reply
wicked17writer ⬜ Hi! 🤗 If you have time you should check out my closet! 👀 I have a feeling I have some stuff you might be interested in! 💛💗💛 Happy poshing! 🛍
Aug 21Reply
snowmanwv thanks so much for liking many items in my closet!! I have bundled you a great price for the liked item. Let me you have any question. Have a great day and happy Poshing!!!💜💙💜
Sep 20Reply
urbenvibe Thank you for all the likes! I could do a 15% discount for 3 or more of the items you selected.
Nov 13Reply
monajean59 hi Kathy, thank you for the like ♥️ on my Day Trip top. I am always open to any reasonable offers, also if you bundle 2 or more items I will send you an awesome offer 😁
Dec 04Reply
jdwardrobe Thanks for checking out my closet and for the ❤! I ship same or next business day. Happy Poshing!
Dec 09Reply
nicolemmaier Good morning I saw you liked many items in my closet feel free to bundle and I will discount or make an offer on items you love!
Dec 25Reply
sophiecourtt would love if you checked out my closet 🦋💖 I have some cute things in your size!
Jan 03Reply
adoreyourstyle Omg, what a cute ginger kitty 🥰
Jan 11Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 17Reply
craevert I love your cat! I have a cat he is my baby!
Jan 18Reply
melissacf1983 Pants will be in the mail first thing in the am I've been outta town and just will be getting back tonight so I will make sure they go out in the am
Jan 20Reply
melissacf1983 and thanks so much for buying as well as looking at my items
Jan 20Reply
maengoes Hey love~! ❤️ I have some items that you might be interested in so feel free to check my closet & maybe even shop as well. 🤗 Happy sales &/or shopping~! 🌻❤️🥰
Jan 20Reply
melissacf1983 again ma'am I apologize I am in Tampa Florida I live in Jacksonville Florida I'm here in Tampa on a family emergency thought I was going to be able to leave wasn't able to I'm leaving today 100% sure I will have your pants in the mail if not tonight tomorrow again I truly apologize
Jan 21Reply
radiantjess Hi! Thanks for liking so many of my items. If you’d ever like to bundle items for a discount just let me know! 😊
Jan 22Reply
melissacf1983 omg mama I just realized I sent you the wrong pants so I'm sending you the ones you wanted keep the others as well
Jan 22Reply
Jan 28Reply
shawnna_h @shawneebri Thank you for following my closet they post new items daily usually twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening please feel free to come and make an offer put a bundle together for an extra discount here’s a coupon good for seven days you can get two items for 20% off three items for 30% off or five items for 50% off Hope you have a wonderful day and I get to see you soon XOXO
Jan 30Reply
carierandesi Can you message me again I missed your offer for Desigual jeans. I will accept it.
Feb 06Reply
pinkdaizy Hi Kathy! Thanks for all the love in my closet :) Feel free to add things to your bundle for great deals :)
Feb 17Reply
maggiesuz @shawneebri Thanks for all the likes!! Feel free to create a bundle for a private offer. Also open to offers from buyers as well. Thanks again and have a great Saturday!!
Feb 20Reply
907jen Hi there, I saw that you liked quite a few of my items. I normally offer a 10% discount on bundles, but am moving by 3/31/2021, so I am much more flexible on negotiation and making things work. Please feel free to ask me whatever questions you may have. Hopefully I can send a solid item, or items, your way!
Feb 24Reply
poshchillyc hi, so the shoes wont fit in one box and poshmark says we should break up the bundle
Feb 25Reply
meisch1234 Hi Kathy I sent you a offer on the top. If you want to bundle more just decline my offer I just sent. And i will bundle all that you like & I always send extra gifts too! Thank you so much 💓 💗 for your likes in my closet. Let me know if you want me to hold any items for you ok honey
Feb 27Reply
meisch1234 You can let me know when & what you want to bundle!
Feb 27Reply
poshingitup Hi Kathy, I can’t find the backpack! I’m so sorry I may have to cancel the sale. Do you still want the tote? Please advise!
Mar 06Reply
lillyluvr222 Hi Kathy, thank you so much for all the likes!! Please let me know if you’d like me to help you bundle any of them to save on postage. I’m happy to help in any way I can, just let me know what you want! 🛍💕
Mar 07Reply
thevintagehangr Hi Kathy! Thanks for all these likes. Let me know if you have any questions. 😸🌻
Mar 12Reply
ashtyn_2584 Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. Feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing! Also- if you have any questions or comments on anything, feel free to reach out, and I’ll do the best I can to help out. 😊
Mar 18Reply
zima2000 Hi, dear, I see you like bunch of items in my closet, put them in the bundle, I will give you good discount :)
Mar 23Reply
ash_nicole_born Hey girly! check out my closet 😁💕 I have brands like Hollister, Vera Bradley,PINK Victoria's Secret, Puma, Express, Adidas, American Eagle, Nike and Coach! ❤
Mar 23Reply
romiesomie Hey there! thanks for shopping! I sent you an offer and gave you buy one get one free on 2 sets. I think one bra was 20, I made it 15 ;)
Apr 03Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Apr 08Reply
doriehg Hi there, Kathy!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet. If you like anything, I’ll be happy to work on the price with you! 😊
Apr 10Reply
beautystylist13 Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Apr 11Reply
alyson_boutique Hi! Thanks for shopping my closet. You can bundle the three items you liked for a 10% discount and reduced shipping. I sent you offers individually for each item in case you didn’t want all three. Happy Poshing! 💕
Apr 14Reply
pokolodi Thanks for the likes and for visiting my closet. If you are interested in creating a bundle, I would love to put together a special discount for you. Happy poshing!
Apr 16Reply
trendsavvy Hi, Thanks for liking and following. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Apr 17Reply
mmyers14428 Hi there! I have lots of VS PINK and Nike in my closet, would love for you to check it out :)
Apr 19Reply
lgcowgirlup Good morning, I see you visited my closet. Thank you💕. There are so many things you liked. If you bundle a few, I will offer you an excellent deal. Stay safe and healthy 🌸
Apr 21Reply
zahra_2020 Thank you for all the likes in my closet 💙💚💛
Apr 21Reply
annacon Hi Kathy 👋 thank you for checking out my closet. feel free to create a bundle of your likes and I'd love to send you an offer 😊 🌻🌺
Apr 23Reply
kathiewilliamso Hi there! I just wanted to invite you to my closet where I sell handcrafted earrings that I make.
Apr 24Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐈🐈‍⬛ (Your pics)
Apr 24Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 26Reply
rach1964 Thank you for your purchase! 🌸😀💜 I will ship that out tomorrow! 💜
Apr 30Reply
desifancydress Hi Kathy, thank you for your visit to my closet and all the likes❤️❤️❤️on my listings. Feel free to add them to the bundle if you would Like to buy and enjoy these this season and to get great discount on price and shipping😊
Apr 30Reply
xanadutn I noticed you'd liked several of the DVDs in my closet. if you'd like to make a bundle I can make you a sweet deal
May 02Reply
mrscharlie95 Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet. I noticed you liked a number of items. If you are interested in creating a bundle, I would love to put together a special discount for you. 😊 Happy poshing!
May 09Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the follow and all the likes😊If you are interested in items you can make a bundle and I can send you an offer with lower shipping.
May 10Reply
lifebyheaven Hi, Kathy. Thank You ❣️ dear for visiting my closet and all your likes 🥀 So if you would buy anything just let me know and I'll give you offer 😍 😘
May 18Reply
lamblittle1 hi Kathy! I love your kitty! I'm having a Memorial day clearance sale from now til 5/31. Choose any 3 items for $30 with a ✓ in the title in any category. Bundle must be 5 lbs and under, if not I'll let u know. Thank you for visiting my closet.
May 24Reply
saintsandaints Hi i can offer a extra 10% off Gwen Stefani shoes
May 27Reply
solianim Hi ! Thanks for checking out my closet and Thanks for all the likes. Let me know if I can help you with anything. Don't forget to bundle and save $$$
Jun 17Reply
kaylagottshall Hey, i don’t know how I missed your offer.
Jul 13Reply
kaylagottshall I’m sorry, idk why I thought you made me an offer on that pink bralette
Jul 13Reply
sourcedforyou Hello! I hope you’re finding everything you want and need shopping here on Poshmark!
Jul 17Reply
michell_black1 Hi and Welcome to Posh Its a great place to buy & sell. Follow me & Feel free to browse my closet. ❤️Bundle and ill send you an offer😁
Jul 18Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful! Welcome to Poshmark! Please check out my closet. I have gorgeous dresses and unique hijabs from the Middle East 🌍
Jul 19Reply
shoppingaddikt Hello Darling🌹👋🏼 My name is Apryl Diane, Posh Ambassador, very nice to meet you!😄 I love to Shop & Sell Used clothing On Poshmark. Feel free to browse my closet, you can bundle 3+ items for $4.99 shipping discount, On me🤩 I have Woman's, Men, & Children's clothing, Silver Jewelry & Beauty Boxes. 🔥$5 -$8 sale items throughout my whole closet. I also Handmake, Unique Bleach Tie-Dye tshirts😋
Aug 06Reply
sharesomesmiles Please do not hesitate to make an offer on my listing you liked! Not able to work currently due to some personal things so every dollar counts, but no worries if not! I can ship straight away ☺️💛
Aug 25Reply
bkgrenier Hi Kathy, My name is Barbara and I invite you to check out my closet 🛍️ I give private discounts on bundles of 2 or more items 💞 The larger the bundle the bigger the discount is 🤗 Offers are always welcome for me to consider on most listings over $5.00. I hope you will stop by next time you are on Poshmark ❣️
Aug 26Reply
jeandabean624 Hi! I noticed you liked an item listed in my closet and I just wanted to drop by and let you know I am running a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE sale! (Any item of equal or lesser value). Please stop by my closet when you have a chance! I add new items daily! ✨💫🌟
Aug 28Reply
oreceholbert welcome to poshmark 💜
Aug 29Reply
100coco Good evening, what a cute cat you’re holding in your arms. He looks so relaxed and your dogs just playing with the rope. I’m a dog lover have a French bulldog actually I love all animals.😊
Sep 01Reply
100coco Kathy, I’m sorry that your black cat play. How are you today? Would you like me to add those items together into a bundle for you and you can save more money? Let me know if you’d like to do, I’m here to help you.
Sep 01Reply
mary_puleo Hello!! I'm following cuz of the cats!!
Sep 10Reply
intent26 Hi Kathy. It is so nice of you to visiting my closet. I noticed hat you like some clothes. I am very happy to negotiate the price with you. The one which you like is a very good quality product. It is really nice and worm also very comfortable. Thank you for visiting my closet and hope you will buying soon. 😀😀😀❤️❤️❤️😀😀😀
Sep 16Reply
intent26 By the way cat is beautiful…..,…My cat was 18 when I say goodbye to him. I still miss him very much and and my dog too. The dog was 15 years old and 3 months. German Pointer Short Hair 😀😀😀❤️❤️❤️😀😀
Sep 16Reply
cubythesea Hello! I couldn’t help but notice that you liked a lot of things in my closet! Would you like to put together a bundle?
Sep 17Reply
liliamw56 I see you like allot of my stuff. Thank you. Please don’t hesitate to ask for an offer. Let me know if I can help in anyway.
Oct 08Reply
thrift_cafe Hey ! I saw you liked 2 of my listings . I’m will to do $100 for the 2 if you bundle them, and if you add more give an even bigger discount 💕💕 lmk what you think! Thanks
Oct 17Reply
madmom43 @shawneebri , thank you so much for all your shares. I greatly appreciate it. Let me know if I can bundle anything for you😉
Oct 23Reply
madmom43 @shawneebri , if your still interested in the bundle I will do 147.00 please make that offer again:😉
Oct 28Reply
chloeeeec Lmk if you want to bundle the items you liked!! I can give you a really good deal :)
Oct 31Reply
chloeeeec Hey! I saw you like a couple of my items thank you! I'm doing a buy one get one half off promo right now so just lmk if you want to bundle stuff and i can give you a stellar deal :)
Nov 05Reply
lovelace77 @shawneebri make an offer for any bundle
Nov 06Reply
ambermusser hi! I saw you liked quite a few listing from my closet if you make a bundle send me an offer! 🥰
Nov 11Reply
shopper411411 Welcome  to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.  Happy Poshing!@Shopper411411
Nov 13Reply
cyndisbackyard Kathy, thank you so SO much for your patronism and for believing in me, you are truly a Godsend to me during this most arduous time
Nov 19Reply
cyndisbackyard Hi Kathy! I just wanted you to know that your pkg is in route! Have a wonderful weekend!
Nov 19Reply
5lovesunny Thank you so much for all the shares and likes. I really appreciate it. Let me know if you’re interested in anything, I would love to give you an awesome deal.
Nov 21Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2500 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 23Reply
channeling @shawneebri hey sweetie how are you welcome to Posh I am a Poshmark ambassador/top seller/suggested seller/5⭐️ rated/And I am a mentor if you ever have any questions regarding anything please message me in a bundle
Nov 27Reply
channeling @shawneebri I also am inviting you to come and take a look at my closet I add new items daily I have a variety of items in a variety of different designers and brands I have three specials going on all my pink/Victoria’s Secret items or buy one get one 50% off there is also a $10 coupon that you can use if you purchase $50 or more in a bundle then I also have the🦋Special anything with this emoji mix and match three items for only $25 somethings may not have that emoji so just ask me if you’re
Nov 27Reply
channeling @shawneebri sorry so many messages it only hold so many characters but as I was saying if you find something you like it does not have that emoji just communicate with me communication is the key to any resolution and I like to communicate so come over and visit my closet make yourself a bundle and communicate with me we’ll work out a deal do you have a wonderful weekend‼️❤️❤️🥰🥰🦋🦋
Nov 27Reply
dudeimhere101 Hello dear just wanted to say thank u for ur purchase and to let u know im doing a Holiday Xmas Sale on all Affliction and American Fighter if ur interested :-)
Nov 29Reply
bettieraege hi can you please accept order.
Nov 29Reply
dudeimhere101 Hello package was delivered just wanted to make sure u got it :-) hope u enjoy just a friendly reminder to accept the package :-) thank u so much enjoy
Nov 30Reply
blackxrabbit Hi Kathy! I accepted your offer on the MK bag, but I saw that you also sent an offer on the Guess boots. Would you like me to cancel and bundle them so you’ll save on shipping? 😊
Dec 01Reply
poshilicious_ Hi you like several items in my closet and I’m doing a special bundle 3 items for 20% if interested! Let me know if I can do something for you! 🌈
Dec 03Reply
ainsleith Limited time!! Bundle 3 items from my closet $10 or less for $20!
Dec 09Reply
sophscloset23 Hey 💕❤️ I saw you were interested in Victoria’s Secret underwear I have some Brand new with tags I’m selling for really really cheap if you want to check them out if your interested 💕 Thankyou! Happy poshing! 💕
Dec 10Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🧤It’s nice to meet you 🧤 🛍Hope you find everything you are looking for on Posh🛍 💎There are many FAB closets here💎. I’d love 💕 if you would stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫🌟Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀🌟💫
Dec 17Reply
trendsavvy Hi, Thanks for liking and following. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Dec 27Reply
karina0407 make me an offer for a bundle.
Dec 30Reply
thebossbubbles Thanks for your purchase of the Spyder Jacket. I will get it packed up tomorrow and sent out on Monday! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Jan 15Reply
lonetreeshop Hi! I see you’ve visited my closet - Please feel free to bundle your likes and make me an offer! Have a great night 😊
Jan 17Reply
erica_bby2 Hi,feel free to check out my closet i have stuff for everyone ranging from stuffed animals to clothes for all sizes.
Jan 30Reply
dudeimhere101 Most of the time I’m very reasonable with offers but because these outfits are so hard to find now ah days my price is firm I just dropped it from $65 2-3 days ago but definitely worth the money
Feb 08Reply
aclosetcleanout Hello, if you’re interested in anything from my closet send me offers or you can do bundles and I’ll lower the prices for you🥰🥰
Mar 09Reply
dudeimhere101 Hello just dropping by to let u know im having a close out sale trying to get rid of everything before i move if u want to look through and make any offers :-) giving good deals right now
Mar 18Reply
dahliaholm Hi!! Incase you’re interested, I’m selling a bunch of my gymshark shorts that I never wore for almost half the price I got them for!! :)
Apr 17Reply
lilia__j Hi Kathy, so sorry I can’t go lower than list price. They’re brand new in the box and already very heavily discounted.
Apr 23Reply
wristonlinda Hey I would love to accept your offer, I am on vacation and I would not be unable to ship until after Monday. I forgot to put my closet on vacation. Just let me know, if you still want it then.Thank you for visiting my closet.
Apr 28Reply
catinanational Sorry I was just going to package the item and realize it’s already been sold I contact Poshmark so I can me or Poshmarkcan cancel it and refund you
Apr 28Reply
catinanational Sorry about the inconvenience thank you so much
Apr 28Reply
wristonlinda I am back from vacation if you are still interested I can accept your offer. Thank you for visiting my closet.
May 03Reply
wrforrest Nice to meet you Kathy.. Tis a whooper size kitty you have!
May 15Reply
hollywouldwear Thank you for the share!❣️🙏🏼😻😻😻😻By the way ,your cat 🐈 is adorable! I love kitties❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
May 31Reply
hollywouldwear Hi Kathy,I se t you a bundle with a great price! Did you see it ?The top is in Fl . So I would mail everything together in a few days when we drive back down!
May 31Reply
hollywouldwear Feel free to make a bundle and an offer that suits your budget😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
May 31Reply
jodyert thanks for taking the time to check out my closet and like the . Tripp NYC Dang Goodman Jeans with tie dye circles offers are appreciated. have a fabulous day
Jun 08Reply
klock4444 Hi this is Kim. Make a bundle for a really good deal!
Jun 18Reply
shellystutz Your blue shorts are in the mail to you today! Hope you like them! Check out my closet & make an offer - trying to clear stuff out!😊
Jun 25Reply
icymercado @shawneebri Hi Kathleen, I have shipped the indigo rein jeans. Thank you for your purchase!
Jun 25Reply
avasez_ Thank you for your purchase and 5 star review! It is very much appreciated and I hope you enjoy your purchase :)))
Jun 30Reply
dibrenn18 🎉 Welcome to Poshmark Kathy! 🎉 I hope you’re enjoying this fabulous platform! My name is Dianne a Posh Ambassador II and Mentor, if you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Please stop by my closet anytime, all listings are NWT or NWOT (never worn) in brand new condition. From my personal wardrobe and members of my family. 100’s more to list including; Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Fendi items. Have a blessed Sunday! 💐
Jul 10Reply
a_mariev1890 Hey there ! Come check out my closet! I am moving and everything must goooo!! No offer is too low !!! Happy poshing !!& xoxo
Jul 21Reply
figliaemama 😃Hello, thank you for the likes! Feel free to bundle any items you’re particularly interested in as we try our best to offer optimal pricing. But if you’re just looking, happy poshing! 🌈🌟
Jul 29Reply
babyangel922 Hii!! I am having a great BOGO(buy one gets 50%) sale going on!! I have many jeans, shirts, & sweaters etc.! I give up to 20% discounts on single items, 15% or more on bundles, & sometimes freebies like stickers with orders !! Hopefully u visit my closet sometime ! happy poshing⚡️
Aug 13Reply
babyangel922 Hi, I seen you like 4 of my items! Did you like them all because I can make a bundle just for you !
Aug 13Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi Kathy! 😃 I would love to invite you to check out my closet as I have some brands and styles that I think you may like 👗👢 (J. CREW, LOFT, and more!) Feel free to send out offers or ‘like’ your favorites and I will send you a great deal! 💥💥💥Make sure to check back as I list new items weekly. Happy Poshing! 🌸🌸🌸~ Patti
Aug 21Reply
zymac Hi. Thanks for visiting my closet.
Sep 23Reply
mskitty759 Hi Kathy 🤗 Hope your having a Posh Tastic day. You Liked A Cute Guess Sweater & I would like to mail it to you. I sent you an offer with 10% discount & shipping. I also wanted to mention if you pay my full asking price you can pick a Free item from my store that states its $5 in the description it states that its Free. Please let me know if you have any questions Happy 🙂 to answer
Nov 08Reply
tiene444 Thanks for all the likes. Let me know if you are interested in anything and I can create a bundle.💕
Nov 17Reply
violets_closet_ Hi thx for your intetest in the Harajuku perfumes. if your interested bundle them and you will save on shipping and ill give you a discount.
Jan 29Reply
jessbobby69 Thank You for liking items in my closet. Please feel free to make a bundle and offer.
Feb 04Reply
jessbobby69 Thank you for liking items in my closet. Please feel free to bundle and make an offer.
Feb 04Reply
rach1964 Hi Kathy I am reaching out because you bought some workout pants from me MNBEE black and red ones and I am going to list another pair soon of mediums. They are first ones pictured that side ties. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible and let me know what you would like to pay for them. I accept all reasonable offers. 😊
Feb 04Reply
armendi Hi! If you like to bundle your likes, I will send you a free shipping. Thank you!
Feb 08Reply
radjacketsareus Hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝 I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠, fairy grunge🧚‍♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 trippy hippie 🍄 boho ✌️ and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like OOAK festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & fandom themed embellished jackets!🤌 check me out doll
Mar 15Reply
chereq Hi I just noticed you liked a few of my things are you looking to purchase them? You can bundle them and I will make you an offer.. Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 21Reply
merylsm Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to check out my closet and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Happy. Poshing! ⭐️❤️
May 21Reply
susanjacobs465 Hi 👋! Did you really mean to like all those items? If so great! But it would be heavy enough it might require 2 orders. Please let me know if your serious and I will start figuring a price! 😊 !
May 22Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 05Reply

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Last Active: Feb 14

Louisville, KY
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Last Active: Feb 14

Louisville, KY
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